F4F | Zach Drew and the Drug Induced Demonic Trip to Outer Space

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the word of God. Now, if you've ever been told that your
Christian testimony is so vital and the devil hates it, especially if your testimony involves going to outer space during a bad drug trip where you were deceived by demons, yeah,
I'm not making that up. This ought to be a dumpster fire now that I'm thinking about it. Go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
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If this is what you think is the importance of a Christian testimony and that somehow the devil is trying to knock these things down, yeah, you haven't been taught the truth and you've been taught something out of context.
Case in point, we're going to be heading over to the YouTube channel of Zach Drew. Now, many of the
YouTube audience, you probably are not familiar with this fellow, but Zach Drew is somebody that we've covered on my podcast extensively.
He used to work for The Jim Baker Show, and he considers himself a former co -host of The Jim Baker Show.
He's the guy who put together the YouTube program called Revelation in the
News, and Zach Drew likes to think of himself as an end times expert, and he's not an expert in anything that relates to sound biblical exegesis at all.
Well, as it turns out, Jim Baker sent him on his way and replaced him with family members.
Yeah, a little nepotism never hurt nobody in a TV show, and Zach Drew has reemerged as a
YouTube personality, kind of keeping things going on that front, and the best way
I can describe him is that he is horribly, terribly deceived and does not understand what
Scripture is about at all. And so we're heading over to his YouTube channel as he's going to bare his soul regarding his drug use when he was a teenager and a bad trip that he had, and he thinks that this is a vital part of something that the devil is trying to keep the world from hearing when in reality he's misunderstood
Revelation 12 .11. We'll explain that along the way. So let me whirl this up, and heading over to YouTube, here is the intro to this program by Zach Drew, My Untold Journey to the
Demonic Realm, and it ought to continue in outer space! Yeah, I wish
I was making that up. Here's Zach Drew. It is time
I share the untold side of my testimony, where I left reality and spoke to a demonic entity in what
I perceived at the time I was 17 to be outer space.
You know, with an intro like that, I would like to reach out to Zach Drew's friends.
You need to get Zach Drew some mental health treatment.
This doesn't sound at all sane, what he's saying. And this demonic entity was deceiving me about eternity, heaven, and the true things of God.
And my story isn't as rare as many would think. Notice the self -importance here.
Millions in America have had experiences like this, and they're still sitting completely deceived with what they were shown because of gateway drugs.
It will ultimately give you a glimpse on really the core of me. I really don't need to know the core of you.
The core of you is pretty much the same as the core of me, born dead in trespasses and having a horrible, no good, dead, sinful nature that doesn't desire to do the things of God, doesn't love
God. Yet we all have that down inside of us. And as Christians, we are also regenerated by the
Holy Spirit through the word of Christ. And we have a new man within us, and the old man and the new man kind of war with each other.
This is normal for Christians. But when it comes to the things of Christ, I really don't need to know much more beyond what
I just said, which can be shown from Scripture, regarding the core of you. Each and every one of us, we're the problem, not the solution.
We're the problem that Jesus's death on the cross solves, if you would.
I think about this story almost on a weekly basis. Why? Where the
Lord has brought me from. It's going to show you a different side of me.
I don't need to see any other sides of you. Probably explain why I talk about the things that I talk about on this show, and why
I feel the Lord has called me to certain areas of ministry. Like I said, he's deceived.
Here we go. All right, now I'm going to fast forward, because the intro to his program now follows, and we'll jump ahead to where he decides to actually engage in some teaching and lay the foundation for his testimony.
Listen, Revelation 12, 11. I'm nervous about...
Andrew's over here by the side of the camera. I'm nervous about this show, and I'll explain to you why I'm nervous as we go on.
But Revelation 12, 11 says this, Now we're going to notice something here, okay?
Three rules for sound biblical exegesis. They are context, context, and context.
And so here, Zach Drew is parachuting into Revelation, which is not an easy book to understand.
It is filled with word picture symbols that need to be defined, and explained, and understood.
And Revelation 12, there's a lot going on in Revelation chapter 12. So he just jumps to Revelation 12, 11.
And the reason he's doing that is because he's looking for the word testimony, and he has a false understanding of what's going on in Revelation 12, 11.
We'll clean this up in a minute. But let's let him spin this out. All right, let's take a look at Revelation chapter 12.
All right, we'll start in verse 7, because this is where the next word picture, you know, kind of graphic, frightening picture picks up in the book of Revelation in the flow of how it reads.
And if you want to get more of the context, you can back up into verse 1. But for our sake today, we'll focus here, starting at verse 7.
Now, war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon.
The dragon is going to be the devil. And the dragon and his angels, they fought back. But he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.
And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world.
He was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying,
Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his
Christ, his anointed one here, Christos, in this context, have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our
God. And so you'll note that this is a picture of victory. It is a word picture depicting defeat of the devil, the accuser of the saints.
And you got a note here that the reason why the devil is able to accuse saints is because saints have for real committed for real sins.
And there is guilt and shame associated with that. And the devil is all about the accusation.
But what is it that overcomes the accusatory work of the devil who rightly points out those saints of yours,
Jesus, they are sinners. They have committed great and egregious sins against you.
And so here's what it says in verse 11. And they have conquered him. They have conquered the dragon by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they love not their lives, even unto death.
Now, I'm going to show you something here in the Greek, and I have to actually make this a little bit bigger. So they have conquered by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their, and here's the
Greek word, martyrios. Now, martyria sounds a lot like that word, you know, martyr.
That's where we get the word martyr from. Somebody who gives the ultimate witness is a martyr.
So they have conquered him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their martyrios, their testimony, their witness, for they love not their lives, even unto death.
So you'll note then that this testimony that is being referred to, you can make a very, very compelling case from the
Greek in the context here that this is talking about the fact that they conquered by the blood of the lamb, which, by the way, silences the accusations of the dragon because it is the blood of Christ which was shed for us, which gives us pardon and grace and the forgiveness of our sins.
And the word of their testimony, the word of their martyria, so they give a witness to Christ and his forgiving, saving work, even unto death.
That's the point of it. Now, I don't normally on these segments pull out a commentary, but here's a commentary, the
Book of Revelation commentary published by Concordia Publishing House and was written by Louis Brighton, and here's his commentary on this section of the
Book of Revelation, and here's what it says, The saints of God, the followers of Christ, were not destroyed or condemned by God based upon the accusations of the devil.
Though tormented by his accusations because of their guilt over their sins they indeed committed, they never gave in to despair, for their faith was that their sins were washed away in the blood of the lamb.
Now it becomes evident for all to see that the guilt of sin no longer clings to believers in Christ, and God's people had trusted that they were innocent despite the accusations of the old evil foe.
They knew that truth because of the word of promise to them.
The blood of the lamb was the actual cause of their acquittal, and the word of their witness was the result that testified to their victory in Christ.
They gave witness to the truth of God's forgiveness because of the blood of the lamb.
They held to that witness even in the face of threats, suffering, and death.
Their faith was their victory because they held firmly to the victorious Christ, and for that victory in faith they were not afraid to die.
Thus they were a living demonstration of Jesus' words.
The one who loves his life loses it, but the one who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
So you get the idea. That's what's going on in this passage. Let me kind of stack this properly now.
And Zach Drew here thinks that Revelation 12 11 is telling us how powerful the experience of his telling his testimony, even this really weird drug -induced outer space experience, is supposed to have as far as forwarding the kingdom, and that's not what's going on in Revelation 12 11.
But let's keep going here. Your testimony is so powerful.
What the Lord has saved you from, never forget it. What the Lord, how you came to know the
Lord. That's not what's being referred to here in Revelation 12 11. The Lord is so powerful.
Never leave that. That is your testimony, and I've never shared a certain part of mine like I am today on TV.
You're not on TV. You're on YouTube. There is a difference. Simply because I thought it was too radical.
It was so radical. It is so radical, so demonic, so deceiving.
I mean, I felt like I was swimming with evil in these moments. And you probably were.
So such an out -of -this -world experience. I was always too scared to talk about it because I thought people would judge me too harshly.
You see, whenever I was very first saved, I actually told this story to several people around me.
But there came a point in my life where I felt I had too prestigious. That's not the right word.
More of a, I would say, recognized position. Yeah, the
Jim Baker show. Yeah, you were complicit in moving thousands and thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of awful -tasting food buckets.
I mean, I was the co -host of an internationally syndicated program that was seen by hundreds of thousands of people, probably millions of people, and it was a place where every single word was judged and scrutinized by so many people.
I mean, and that's not talking about this particular ministry. That's anybody who's ever on TV, whoever even has a large
YouTube following. There's always trolls. Yeah, so when somebody offers a biblical correction to your false teaching and the false teaching of Jim Baker, yeah, they are immediately demoted to internet trolldom.
Yeah, isn't it funny how that works? There's always trolls, and I've literally just had to come to a place where my mind says,
Zach, you're always going to have trolls. You need to share it. You need to share it. You see, I didn't want to say anything so radical then because I thought that it would discredit my own credibility or the credibility...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure being the co -host of The Jim Baker Show, at least that's what you think you were, that would discredit your ministry pretty much with anybody who knows their
Bible. ...the credibility of even those around me. You see, who you saw on The Jim Baker Show or True News, who you saw with Zach Drew, that is me.
That's totally me. Yeah, I believe it. We're hearing a lot about you.
We're hearing nothing about Jesus. That is me on camera, and that is me off camera, truly.
I mean, my peers are like, man, Zach, you take these crazy animated stories. You're not on TV. I'm like, bro, this is how
I tell stories my whole life. Like, this is just me. Like, this is... I love research. I love finding out how things work, how they operate, and telling people.
But there's so much to me that people don't know. And why do we need to know?
And I was always scared to tell this part of my testimony, but now I believe that that was all a lie.
There's only one person that didn't want me telling this side of my testimony, and it is the adversary of our souls.
It is the enemy. It is Satan. I'm 100 % convinced that the devil is very happy that you're telling this testimony, because you're not pointing anybody to Jesus.
You're pointing everybody to you. That is who does not want you to tell people their full testimony.
Who cares if you look weird? I've given that to the birds. I am serving the Lord. I believe this testimony...
How are you serving the Lord? Jesus said to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching all that He has commanded. This is nowhere commanded as far as Christian doctrine or teaching, and this is off into just some weird abyss of narcissistic bizarreness.
This testimony will lead many people that are deceived to Jesus, that have had similar experiences to mine, that have been totally lied to in these crazy other dimensions, these other realms, and they can't pull themselves out of it.
See, here's the thing. People have these experiences, and they deem that as truth because it's literally the most real thing they've ever experienced, but yet it's all a deception because there is only one truth, and that is
Jesus. That is Jesus. It's Jesus. It's Jesus. Yeah, and what did
Jesus do for us again? Because when I read the text in Revelation, it talked a lot about how the blood of the
Lamb forgives, silences the accuser, stuff like that.
I believe it was the enemy feeding me those lies. He knew by me telling the whole thing that it would ultimately expose him.
This experience was so very real, yet it was so deceiving.
It was all lies. I think by me sharing this story, it will also explain to many people, once again, why
I talk about things like DMT and the trips that literally millions of people are experiencing every year in America alone.
I mean, Andrew and I quoted a study a couple of weeks ago that literally millions of millennials are taking
DMT every year in America alone, and they're having similar experiences to the one that I'm about to share.
These experiences are completely changing the worldview. There are many things that you could call it, but this new worldview after these experiences that they have is incredibly new age.
It's very Eastern religion. It's about love. It's about energy. It's about reincarnation, astrology.
It's about vibrations in yourself. Right, and if you know your Bible, then you know full well that witchcraft and the concept of drug abuse kind of go hand in hand.
Yeah, it's part of just a basic understanding of the biblical Greek text. Vibrations in the things around you, the
Christ consciousness. We can all be right and have our own truths.
We all have. All we really have is our experiences. So your truth doesn't necessarily have to be my truth. My truth is my experiences.
Yeah, that's called moral relativism, and Christian apologists have been addressing moral relativism for millennia.
And it's all a lie. I agree. It's all a lie from Satan, the one who wants to take your soul, take your spirit to hell forever and all of eternity.
And I'm here to expose that. All right, well, get on with it then. Start exposing, would you?
Praying my testimony today will lead many to Jesus. That's only going to happen if you preach
Christ and Him crucified for their sins, which would require you to also preach
God's law, which shows them their sinfulness and their need for a Savior. I get the feeling we're going to basically hear outer space stories, not repentance and the forgiveness of sins.
Here it goes. All right. My trip to the demonic and how it led me to the
Lord. So I had just turned 17. I was raised in a
Christian home. I really didn't have a relationship with the Lord. I was smoking a lot of weed, and whenever I could,
I would pop pills whenever I would be able to find them. It was a week after my birthday.
I had just turned 17 years old, and I had always had money growing up, like me personally.
I was always a wheeler and dealer. I was always, whether mowing lawns, or I would actually even knock on people's doors.
And the reason why we're hearing all of this is because he does not understand Revelation 12 .11,
and he thinks that the word testimony there, martyria, has something to do with him now sharing this experience from when he was 17.
I had an idea of what old electronics were worth, and I would just knock on people's doors and just say, hey, do you have any old electronics you'd like to sell me?
And I'd buy old electronics in bulk, and I'd go and sell it on eBay. I would do random things to go to garage sales and buy things, then sell them on eBay.
This was in the dot -com everything. I mean, I'm probably 10, 11, 12 years old. I was able to buy a $1 ,000 fish and curry when
I was like 11, and a gas -powered scooter when all my buddies were on bicycles because I was a little wheeler and dealer.
And so I always had money. Zach, do you have anything significant to say about Jesus from a biblical text, from the eyewitnesses who heard him preach and teach and perform miracles, be crucified, rise again from the grave?
Do you have anything that you can share with us from there? I was able to buy my first car whenever I was 16.
And so even birthday money, it's like I would save it for what I wanted.
I might not have a lot of things, but the things I have are really nice, and that's how I've kind of always been. And so it was one week after my 17th birthday, and I had money to do whatever
I basically wanted, and that's relative. But I told my cousin.
My cousin was with me. There was two people with me that night, and I told my cousin. By the way, just rule of thumb, brevity is the soul of wit.
Keep that in mind. I said, basically, I said, just go out and get the best thing you can find, the best weed you can possibly get.
So I had made myself a little reverse gravity bong to get myself super high, right?
And so it would have been a Saturday or a Friday night or a
Saturday. And I'm smoking lots of weed, and I'm smoking,
I'm smoking, I'm smoking. I was almost kind of a game. I was being silly about how much I was smoking it. And still to this day,
I do not know. And I'm just kind of like a disclaimer. I don't know how I left reality because I had smoked.
You have no clue how you left reality there. I'm going to go with the weed had something, maybe just a smidge to do with it.
How is this helping bring people to repentant faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins?
Weed several other times. But I do know just from my studies that people don't know this, is that weed is actually, it's a psychoactive drug.
It is in the psychedelic family. Well, there's the answer to your dilemma.
Then you just answered your own question. I'm not sure how I left reality. That would be the way.
And smoked in mass quantities, you actually can have some psychedelic experiences. Now, to the level of psychedelic experience
I had that night, I don't know. I still don't know if it was laced with something. It very well could have been laced with something like DMT.
But I do know that the other person with me was also hallucinating. So anyway, there's clue number two, that the weed may have had something to do with it.
So it's nighttime. I'm down in my backyard. There was a big pond and I'm filling up the reverse gravity bomb with a bunch of water.
I'm lighting the weed and I'm just getting absolutely blazed up. My goal that night as a 17 -year -old kid, just turned 17, 16 the week before, was to get higher than I've ever had been in my entire life.
I've always been more of an extremist. I'm trying to not just get high, not just get a buzz, but get absolutely blazed that night and blazed
I became. And so it was all fun and games. It was awesome. You know, we're laughing and having a good time.
Like, that's what deception is. It's, you know, it reels you in because initially sin is fun, but sin ultimately leads to death.
And so I remember - That's correct. I remember even after I'm smoking weed, I'm just completely blazed out of my mind.
And I'm walking back up the hill from the pond. We lived at a house with a walkout basement. And there was, you know, a pond at the very, at the base of everything.
And me and my cousin, these two people were walking up with me, and one individual literally started to become incredibly fearful.
And we're trying to figure out what in the world is going on, me and my cousin Michael. And he had envisioned himself that he was actually trapped in like a cage.
There was a fence around him. And you know, me and Mikey - So he became a mime. But rather than it being glass, it was an invisible cage.
So rather than going like this, he went like that, right? My cousin, we're laughing.
We thought it was funny, but he's freaking out. And so we, you know, in our own imagination, we open up the gate for him.
And he comes out and he's okay. He's, you know, and we're like, okay, like what's going on?
All we did was smoke weed, but things are starting to get trippy. And so we go inside and I sit down on a recliner.
We're all in the basement and we're all on the, you know, the couches and everything. And it's a tremendous time.
It was very funny. It was fun. Like I was having a good time at this moment.
And something happened to me and I realized, I don't know what's going on because this isn't a normal experience.
But I started to hallucinate cartoon penguins dancing.
And I'm laughing hysterically, you know, I'm like wheezing. So you hallucinated dancing cartoon penguins.
Yeah, I'm feeling closer to Jesus already. And I'm having, you know, it was a very funny, very funny thing.
And I'm telling, you know, my friends, oh my gosh, there's penguins dancing, you know, in front of me, like, oh my gosh.
It was hilarious. And then it's like everything just radically started to change.
Okay, here comes the darkness now. And it became very dark.
And it was like within like just a matter of minutes, my two friends that were with me there that night, they had basically just passed out.
I mean, they're just literally within a matter of a few minutes. They're asleep and they are completely asleep.
And all of a sudden, this is whenever it starts to get really dark. And there's certain things
I still can't, I was talking to Andrew yesterday about this story, there's certain things I still can't quite make sense of.
Yeah, like I'm having a hard time making sense of why you think that this is somehow going to advance the kingdom of Christ, and that the devil is trying to keep you from telling this story.
One of those things being the very next thing that happened, I started hearing this voice.
And this voice simply said, your word for heaven is
Yarden, and heaven isn't real. I'm like, what?
All of a sudden, it just like unlock something within me. You know, I don't have Jesus living.
I mean, like, this is BC, this is before Christ in Zach. And it was so trippy because he said, your word for heaven is
Yarden. And it was very, very terrifying. Was Zul there in the
Keymaster? Because in my mind, it was like he went, it went to a place where I had forgotten.
As a little itty bitty guy, you know, I don't really know, maybe three, four years old,
I knew about heaven. And for some weird random reason, the word that was associated with heaven in my mind as a little infant was
Yarden. I don't know. I don't know why. Kids are funny. We're funny when we're kids. And so my little word for heaven was
Yarden. Okay, so your drug trip, Pharmakeia, has put you in touch with the demonic, which is exactly to be expected, which is one of the reasons why
Scripture forbids these things. These hallucinogenic mind -altering drugs put you into an ecstatic state that makes you pretty much super -de -duper susceptible to the demonic.
That's what's happening here. And so he said, your word for heaven was
Yarden. And it literally was...and then he said this, and Yarden isn't real. Heaven isn't real.
And it was so terrifying because that was the way this thing solidified his credibility with me, because he told me something that only
I would know. No one else... Demons can do that, you know.
...never knew why this whole Yarden thing, okay?
Now, I just want to give a brief timeout. A couple of years ago, I looked up this, and I don't know if it means anything at all.
I don't have any idea. Then why are you sharing this? I think that whenever we're in heaven, that we're going to talk
Hebrew. We're going to speak Hebrew. That was...I really...I think that. I do believe that. Okay.
You know, there's conjecture. How old will we be? Will we be 33 years old? Because that was the age that Jesus died for us on the cross.
I don't know. We will have glorified bodies, and we very well could be speaking Hebrew. I'm 17 years old.
I don't know anything about Hebrew, Greek. I don't know anything about really the Bible at all. Yarden is a
Hebrew word. It's not in any other...it's not any other language.
And I just think...I don't know what it means. Maybe you can tell me what it means. I don't know. If it's a
Hebrew word, look it up. Why don't you tell us? No. But Yarden is a
Hebrew word, and it's the Yarden River. Yarden is the word in Hebrew for the
Jordan River, the Yarden. And I don't know what that means, how that correlates, because they had to cross over the
Jordan River to the Promised Land. The Promised Land today is Jesus. Maybe it's heaven. It was also known as the
Promised Land at the time, the Garden of God, or heaven. I don't know. But I think that there's something there that maybe even our infant stages of mind, before we can even talk and communicate, maybe we are more connected to Jesus than we know him.
Before that, maybe that age... Total, utter speculation based upon this drug -induced encounter with a demonic.
What does this have to do with biblical Christianity? ...of accountability. I don't know. There's a lot of different theories with that.
But all I know is that my word for heaven, whenever I was literally basically an infant, or not quite,
I'm a little older than that. Just for giggles,
Jordan. Let's see if we can look this up. Okay.
Yarden. It's just a simple word. It can mean the
Jordan River. It is also the Hebrew word for descend. It can be a descender.
Just thought we'd look that up. Just since he's talking nonsense, we continue. Was Yarden, which is a
Hebrew word. So it terrified me though, because he told me something that only
I would know, and he says it's not real, and that everything that you know about heaven and what you think about God and Jesus, it's not real.
But what was so real in that moment, you need to understand, was this experience. It was more real at that moment than anything
I had ever experienced in my entire life. And I became absolutely terrified in that moment.
Sheer terror. You're in the presence of a demon. You should be. So much so that I went and I went over to my other friend, and, everything okay,
Andrew? We just had to stop recording major technical difficulties.
I'm going to continue now, but I just want to say that this world is so much more spiritual than we understand, that it really is a fight for our souls.
It is the fight between good and evil that's taking place around us at all times. And I'm telling you right now that the enemy has no power.
He has no control. And I don't need your drug -induced experience with a demonic during your rebel years as a 17 -year -old smoking weed and intentionally trying to get blazed in order to tell me that the devil is real and that he's been defeated.
Scripture already tells me this. Now, I let him spin this out for a long time, but the reality of the situation is that a lot of people think that somehow, whether or not you have a great testimony, a harrowing testimony like this supposed testimony, it's vital.
It's a vital part of witnessing and things like that. No, actually, it's not. It really isn't.
You see, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ, which is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news that Christ has bled and died for our sins.
And it's stories like this which end up causing Christians who basically do not have a story even remotely approaching this.
They were pretty much garden variety nerds or something like that, and somebody preached the gospel to them, and all of a sudden,
God the Holy Spirit gives them faith in Jesus Christ, and up to that point, the worst thing that they had ever done was steal a number two pencil from their sister when they were in third grade.
And they think, oh, I don't have a good testimony. You don't need a good testimony.
The testimony that we're supposed to proclaim is Christ, the one who bled and died for our sins, who rose from the grave victorious on the third day, and the eyewitnesses bear witness to that fact, and we are to call people to repent of their sins, to be forgiven by the shed blood of Christ, and to bear fruit in keeping with repentance.
But Zach Drew here just is spinning his wheels because he's trying to find some major spiritual significance and kind of tease out the threads and follow the breadcrumbs and all this kind of stuff, and the reality is that he is so far away from what he should be doing as a
Christian as far as proclaiming Christ that it's not even funny. It's actually quite sad.
And so he, they had technical difficulties. He'll even interpret that as proof that the devil was trying to keep him from sharing this story.
No, really, Zach, the devil wants you to keep spinning your wheels and telling these stories like this because the more you think that this is super important that the devil's trying to keep you from telling the story, the farther and farther away from actually substantively proclaiming
Christ and what he has done for us, you become. It's so far down the road.
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