Questioning Latter Day Saints Article of Faith on Jesus' Atonement

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This is the third episode in our mini-series on questioning the LDS Articles of Faith. Pastor Wade gives a powerful explanation and refutation by Questioning Latter Day Saints Article of Faith on Jesus' Atonement. We pray that this series will be a blessing to you.


LDS article of faith number three says we believe that through the atonement of Jesus Christ all mankind may be saved
By obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel Which is completely contradictory to what the
Bible says The Bible says in Romans chapter 3 that by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified in its sight
It says in Ephesians 2 8 through 9 that for by grace you've been saved through faith for is the gift of God Not a result of work so that no man may boast it is not our work
We are justified by by works indeed But we are justified by the works of one who was impeccable one who was perfect the one