F4F | Was Jesus Killed by White Supremacists?


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told by kind of a SJW liberal type that it was the white patriarchy, you know, white supremacist men who put
Jesus to death, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below and don't forget to ring the bell.
You've been taught something that ain't in scripture and it's all part of the false narrative that is put forward about the evils of society by postmodern
SJW types. And in that narrative, the bad guy, the evil guy is the white man, the white patriarchy.
Patriarchy. Yeah, this is a form of racism, by the way, it really is. And it's kind of strange, it really is strange.
But the false narrative, when it gets applied to the Bible, ends up twisting and mangling it terribly so that what ends up happening is that God's word gets twisted and is forced to fit into the false narrative of the postmodern
SJW types. Case in point, we're going to be listening to a promo video for a greater purpose church and brewery.
Yeah, they also fund Planned Parenthood and yeah, no, yeah, no kidding.
And then we'll also be listening to the promo video for Mission Gathering Christian Church in San Diego and Brandon Robertson, the lead pastor there, as he just literally spews all these meaningless and biblically vacuous, they're not biblically accurate at all, pomo postmodern
SJW buzz phrases. And this is an example of when somebody has bought into an ideology and that ideology then conflicts with Scripture and Scripture ends up getting mangled to fit the ideology.
That's no way of believing the truth. And so let's whirl this up and let's watch this promo video for Greater Purpose Church and Brewery, which also, by the way, raises funds for Planned Parenthood.
Yeah, go figure. Here we go. So this church serves beer during services and is opening a brewery.
Seems a little weird. Okay. And profits will be donated to organizations like Planned Parenthood.
What about the commandment that says thou shalt not murder? Just saying.
What would it look like to be a church that looked like the movement that Jesus started and not like church that we know in America today?
Right. What would it look like to have a church that looked like the movement that Jesus started? You know, they'd support
Planned Parenthood abortion, you know, the murdering of unborn children and serve beer during their worship services and be a brewery.
Yeah, that's that's what it would look like. I mean, if that's what it would look like, how come Jesus never did any of that stuff?
Just, you know, just saying. Out of that consistent questioning came this model for a brewery church that generates funds for local charities.
So he's the lead pastor of Greater Purpose Church. Now, by the way, progressive, if you're not sure exactly how that gets used, oftentimes it becomes synonymous with liberalism.
But progressive theology has an actual concept to it, and that is that theology moves forward.
It changes, it morphs, it progresses. So rather than believing the faith once delivered to the saints, no, you see, what
Christians believed, you know, 2 ,000 years ago has no bearing on what we're supposed to believe now because, you know, we're progressives.
It's progressed, you see, to the point where we no longer abide by thou shalt not murder.
No, we support and fund abortion and stuff like that, you see, because it progresses.
We are open and affirming LGBTQ, we are feminists, and I believe Jesus was too.
So you believe Jesus was LGBTQ affirming feminist? Really?
Could you show me that in the eyewitness accounts of the life of Christ? I would like to see that.
I mean, and so and you're going to know he's going to say that they're also environmentalists, elitists, and environmentalists, which
I believe that's the original mandate of caring for the earth is actually what we were supposed to do.
Adam and Eve were gardeners and, well, thieving gardeners, and that's kind of the problem.
So I'm all for stewarding the earth. I'm not opposed to that. The children of God to take care of the planet that we all know and enjoy.
We are anti -war, which I believe Jesus was too. We are all for racial justice, which
Jesus was a Palestinian Jewish rabbi. He was a person of color that was killed by white supremacy.
So we're usually. Could you could you actually validate that claim that Jesus was killed by white supremacy?
You know, I just now. So he said that Jesus was a person of color, you know.
And so, you know, I just feel like I should do a little bit of biblical work here.
And clearly I didn't set this up ahead of time to look like it should fit in this window properly.
So let's get that sorted out. And, you know, I'm just thinking, you know, Jesus, a person of color.
Okay, yeah, I'm going to go with that. I mean, he is definitely
Jewish. There's no way around it. Jesus is Jewish. But I'm going to go to John chapter 18 and see if we can take a look at what's going on here.
When Jesus had spoken these words, he went out with his disciples across the Brook Kidron, where there was a garden which he and his disciples entered.
So Jesus is on the Mount of Olives across the Kidron Valley from the Temple Mount. Now, Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place for Jesus, often met him there with his disciples.
So Judas, by the way, yeah, he's a person of color, too. Yeah, he's the same ethnicity as Jesus.
So Judas, having procured a band of soldiers and some officers from the chief priests and the
Pharisees, you're going to note the chief priests, they're Levites, which means they are also descendants of Abraham, just like Jesus is.
And the Pharisees, these guys hated the Romans. I mean, for real, like despised and loathed these fellows.
And so you'll note Judas, chief priests, Pharisees, all people of color, they're the ones who arrested
Jesus. So when Jesus, knowing all that would happen to him, came forward and said to them, whom do you seek?
They answered, Jesus of Nazareth. And Jesus said to them, I am.
Yeah, the Greek actually just says I am. And Judas, who betrayed him, was standing with them. And when
Jesus said this, he said I am, he drew back and fell to the ground. So he asked him again, whom do you seek?
And they said, well, Jesus of Nazareth. And Jesus answered, I told you that I am. So if you seek me, let these men go.
This was to fulfill the word that had spoken, that of those whom you gave me, I've lost not one. And then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it, struck the high priest, servant cut off his right ear.
The servant's name was Malchus. So Jesus said to Peter, put your sword into your sheath. I shall not, shall
I not drink the cup that the father has given me? Notice here, Jesus didn't say, hey, put that sword away.
We're pacifists. You'll note that because Peter had a sword, you know, it was there with him and Jesus didn't rebuke him for having it.
You know, just saying, it's kind of weird if Jesus were a pacifist.
Why was Peter carrying a sword without Jesus rebuking him? Anyway, so the band of soldiers are captain, the officers of the
Jews. You again note, these are Jesus's fellow countrymen, fellow people of color that arrested
Jesus and they bound him. They first led him to Annas, who was the father -in -law of Caiaphas, who was the high priest that year.
It was Caiaphas who had advised the Jews that it would be expedient that one man should die for the people. And, you know, so we, you know,
Simon Peter follows at the, you know, at a distance, 18 verse 19, the high priest then questioned
Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. And Jesus answered him, I've spoken openly to the world.
I have always taught in synagogue and in the temple where all the Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret.
So why do you ask me? Ask those who've heard me and what I've said. And so you get the idea here.
So it was the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the high priests, all people of color who put
Jesus on trial. Now let's take a look at the, we'll just assume for a second that Pilate, Pontius Pilate, that he represents the evil white patriarchy.
And, and so, I mean, I mean, being an evil, rabid white supremacist, white patriarchy, dude,
I could, I'm sure he couldn't wait to get his claws into, into that person of color,
Jesus, you know? So here's what it says. So Pilate took Jesus and flogged him and the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns, put it on the head of Ray.
They came to him and said, Hail King of the Jews. Um, so Pilate went out again and said to them, see,
I'm bringing him out to you so you may know that I find no guilt in him. Yeah.
Pilate was literally trying to let Jesus go. So Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns, purple robe.
Pilate asked them, behold the man. And when the chief priests and officers saw him, they cried out, crucify him, crucify him.
Pilate said to them, take him yourselves and crucify him for I find no guilt in him.
Notice for an evil white supremacist, patriarchy kind of guy, you know, here he has an opportunity to,
I mean, just destroy a person of color and, um, he's trying to figure out how to get, let
Jesus go. And it's his own countrymen who are saying, yeah, no, you got to crucify that guy.
So the Jews answered him. We, uh, we have a law, according to that law, he ought to die because he's made himself the son of God.
And when Pilate heard the statement, he was even more afraid. He entered the headquarters again and said to Jesus, where are you from?
But Jesus gave him no answer. So Pilate said to him, you will not speak to me. Do you not know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?
Jesus answered him, you would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given to you from above. Therefore, he who delivered me over to you has the greater sin.
Now Jesus, he's, Jesus is laying the blame on the Pharisees and the chief priests, more so than on Pilate.
So from that, from then on Pilate sought to release Jesus. I'm just saying, you know, you know, for, you know, somebody who, you know, this greater purpose church in Monterey is describing as a white supremacist.
He sure doesn't sound like a member of the KKK to me. So yeah. And so what's the problem here?
The problem is that, uh, this church greater purpose church has bought into the false narrative of, you know, the evil patriarchy and those evil white men who are, who are suppressing the world.
Yes, it's them. They're the wicked evil ones. And so they've imposed that ideology on the biblical texts.
And now they're saying just straight up absurdities. You kind of get the idea, but let me back this up a little bit here, you know, so that we can, so we can kind of work this out.
Here we go. Justice, which Jesus was a Palestinian Jewish rabbi. He was a person of color that was killed by white supremacy.
So we're usually making every effort to be on the front lines for racial justice. So that's what sets us apart from many
American churches. I'm going to argue that's what sets you apart from like the, the, the, the true church.
You don't sound like you understand the gospel at all, who Jesus was and who really put him to death. So they've taken over an old local bookstore, plans on converting into a brewery and restaurant.
How cutting edge. All right. Just to, uh, yeah, I think you kind of get the point here. Yeah. That's an example of ideology twisting and mangling
God's word. And, you know, and so God's word is forced to conform to a false ideology.
Now the next fellow we're going to be watching and listening to here is, uh, what's his name?
Brandon Robertson. And he is the pastor of Mission Gathering Christian Church Center in San Diego.
And watch this, another example. And what he's going to basically do is just spew all these
SJW buzz phrases and, and which shows that he is not interested in biblical truth and what
God's word says and what it means. He's interested in something totally different. This is a different religion than actual biblical
Christianity. Here we go. Hey there, my name is Pastor Brandon Robertson, and I serve as the lead pastor of Mission Gathering Christian Church, a progressive, inclusive
Christian church located right in the heart of North Park, San Diego. Mission Gathering is a community dedicated to following Jesus and living out his radically inclusive gospel in our city and beyond.
Radically inclusive gospel. Now, a little bit of a note here.
The biblical gospel is for every human being, men and women of all nations, tribes, languages, but that gospel calls us to repent of our sins and that gospel teaches us that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures and that he, you know, and that he died and rose again on the third day in accordance with the scriptures.
All of this for our sins and for our salvation. So the call of the gospel is for us to repent of our wickedness and believe in trust in Christ to forgive us.
And what he's describing is a repentance -less gospel, a repentance -less
Christianity that pretty much just affirms you in your sin.
You know, in our day and age, Christians have become known for who and what we're against rather than what we're for.
We've often emphasized believing the right things over following the commands of Jesus in our day -to -day life. Yeah, um, rather than following the commands of Jesus, you are aware that Jesus being the son of God, that all of the moral commandments that are found in the
Old Testament are restated in the new and, you know, and therefore that's the reason why the apostles tell us things like homosexuality is a sin and, and calls us to repent of these things.
And adultery is a sin, you know, you know, stealing and murdering and thieving, those are all sins too.
And so you're, you're talking about obeying the commands of Jesus. I'm curious what you think those are.
At Mission Gathering, we really believe it's that simple. We are a community of healing and learning and growing where we encourage one another to follow
Jesus and to create the more beautiful world our hearts know as possible. Create the more beautiful world our hearts know as possible.
You see, this is the gospel of making a difference rather than making disciples. And it's clear, whatever he's doing with God's word, ain't a faithful handling of it at all.
Or straight conservative or liberal doubt or believe no matter who you are, how you vote or who you love, if you're interested in living into the more abundant, who you are or who you love, love the one you're with, man.
That's not a biblical concept. So, you know, this guy is basically created a church crafted in the image of American SJW postmodern liberalism and the whole subculture that is affiliated with that.
And so he's imposing that culture and that ideology on scripture.
Yeah, that's clearly, plainly what's going on here. If that God desires for you, then you'll fit right in here.
We gather for worship every Sunday at 10 a .m. right here in the heart of North Park.
And I hope you'll come and join us. See you Sunday. Yeah, no, you really won't.
Yeah. So two salient examples of basically telling people what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear and imposing human philosophy and reason on scriptures and in so doing that philosophy and ideology ends up literally making
God's word void and morphing it into a message that's totally different than the faith once for all delivered to the saints.
And that's the problem with it. This is not faithful biblical Christianity at all. This is just the
Christianity. Well, that's the veneer, the name that slapped on it of the church of what happened, what happened and what we believe in right now, which is going to change, by the way, next week it'll be something different and maybe next hour, next two minutes will change and stuff like that.
So rather than having an anchor in the solid word of God, these guys are being blown hither and yon by every strange wind of false doctrine and philosophy and ideology rather than faithfully believing, you know, the same message, same gospel that was taught by Jesus and the apostles.
So I think you get the idea. If you found this helpful, please feel free to share it. All the information on how to share it is down below.
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