One More Time on the Decree and Time, then, the Wild World of Ammon Hillman


Road Trip #2 as I move toward Mobile and Saturday's important debate. Responded to yet another misunderstanding of the decree and time at the beginning of the program from Twitter, then dove into a wild video from some guy who is starting to get attention named Ammon Hillman. [Please note: I had some sound problems, but rolled the video back and picked it up; my apologies]. In this clip he makes wild (and false) claims about the Septuagint, early Hebrew, etc. and etc. I have found other material from this guy that is simply beyond blasphemous, and beyond absurd. I may provide further refutation of his many factual errors, but to be honest, some of his stuff is just beneath contempt. We will see!


Greetings, welcome to the dividing line. My name is James White. Why isn't that working? I don't know Well, that's all right.
We'll leave it that way. Hopefully everything else is working and we are on the air. I am in I'll just say the
Houston area, which is a really big area So that no one's gonna be pulling up behind the
RV after the program if I say I'm in the Houston area there's lots of RV parks in the
Houston area and And Drove through San Antonio this morning. Oh my goodness. Let me tell you something real quickly
There are a few things more nerve -wracking Than Driving when
I'm hooked up on 57 feet long 13 and a half feet tall some about the size of a semi -tractor trailer a little bit smaller not much and There is a 15 mile
Section of construction coming out of San Antonio coming east and I'm gonna tell you
When you do those two lanes They're narrowed down. They're not on good.
They're they're rough and You have cement Barriers on each side that are right at the lane.
I mean you've you've got almost no space on either side and Semi -trucks are coming through there
And they're speeding You're supposed to doing like 55. They're doing 65. They go blowing by you.
They're blowing you around and You've you've got almost no room It's not enjoyable and there were some super rough sections.
I came in here and there's a window behind me, which is covered at the moment, obviously and the windows in here have these things you can turn to open them and I found one of the knobs
Laying on some stuff here on the couch. It had been bounced off by how much
Shaking was going on in that construction zone. It was Getting me prepared for Louisiana, I guess
It wasn't Texas normally does a little better job than that, but they're not doing a real good job right now out of San Antonio Let's put that way.
It's pretty ugly. So anyways, we got here in one piece I just finished doing two hours with Chris Arnson on iron sharpens iron and So you might want to catch that if you're if you're interested and right here at the beginning.
I'm going to Some interesting Providence has taken place
Last evening Jeff Durbin sent a link and Said check this out.
I'm getting Some people are sending me links to this guy and I've never seen him before You know, what do you think about it a guy named
Ammon Hillman? Called a Greek Bible expert.
We'll look at that and It's a the title of the one we're gonna look at Dead Sea Scrolls debunked
Evidence the Bible is a fairy tale now Look, you can go on YouTube and find
Everything there There's there's no Nobody has to pass any tests.
No one has to present any credentials any meaningful work you can put anything you want on the internet how stupid or silly it is does not make a difference and So you can find all sorts of this kind of Silliness on on YouTube.
I Started listening to this thing. Well, we're gonna play we're gonna play it.
We're gonna respond to it and Right the same time. I already had it queued up to use
I Get a message request in Facebook. I normally don't see a lot of those. I saw this one and The name caught me.
It was said could you respond to? This guy
Ammon Hillman and what he says about why Jesus was arrested and So I sent back a question mark and then
I just put the guy's name in and Jesus the rest Same thing popped up that that person then sent to me
Wow that's all I can say is Wow, you might want to stick around there's gonna be some interesting
Interesting stuff here as we look at that. But before we do that Before we look at the drug crazed
Insanity that is out there on the on the internet. I wanted to again
Twitter comes along and provides something worthwhile to look at and I Saw that a conversation was taking place and that turds and fan was involved with it and turds and fans going back and forth with some people and I Encountered this tweet
It wasn't written to me. It was written to I think turds and fan. You're not listening to what I'm saying James White believes in Calvinism, which says that God desires and Causes everything to happen the way it does and nobody has free will to do otherwise given that starting point
It makes no sense for him to critique evil So I assume that there was something that came before this
Yes, okay, yeah, I had already responded to him yes, I had originally talked about Prop 4 in Florida and prop 139,
Arizona, which are these Satanic Baby murder measures to put into the
Constitutions of these states the ability to murder children up to the point of birth if you think they're gonna stop there
Silly person and I had said in the original post that I posted actually last night
This is the long -term impact of the God -hating essence of secularism and the indoctrination of the young into the culture of death and Just like turning the
White House into a gay pride flag It is a massive extension of the middle finger toward heaven with the collective scream.
We hate you. We hate your ways We love our sin and you go ahead and do your worst. We don't care That was my thing this fellow
Pell chin and His own description is a young Christian country boy philosopher and historian truth matters family matters
Christ is King on Israel hi Okay There's some there's an
Israeli flag and the Star of David and a few things like that I'm actually not enough followers that I would normally engage with But I decided to engage with it anyways he says
I agree with you, of course, but I do find it funny and odd that you complain about this as a Calvinist and I had responded 11 hours ago, which only tells me every thoroughly false understanding of Calvinism Now I could have gone on and on and on because I don't know how many hours we spent on this program
We did a series on theodicy once that was I think it was eight hours
Going super in -depth in response to a young man that was asking questions about evil and God and the creed of God and the will of man and I don't have a library in the background here, but we could pull out
Jonathan Edwards and do all that kind of stuff And so he respond
I don't think so. I've been watching your content for a while It seems pretty clear that you believe God is intentionally to create everything that happens
And so you complaining about the things God wants to happen according your view makes no sense And Again other people had jumped in and I was traveling today, so I didn't see any of this type of stuff but then
I said, you know when he wrote the James White believes the Calvinism thing I said
I shall the 10 ,000 time correct this constant canard at the beginning of the dividing line in about 54 minutes from now
I said something tells me you'll be repeating the same things. You've been saying over and over with no apparent meaningful distinction well,
I already said well if if biblical parameters are insufficient then
In defining what a meaningful distinction is. Well, then fine I believe what
I believe because scripture teaches me to believe what I believe and I believe all the scripture believe in sola scriptura and tota scriptura and I refuse to take a philosophical position and Filter what scripture says through it.
Yes scripture says that God has decreed whatsoever comes to pass God says
I do whatever I please in heaven the earth and it specifically says amongst men I I Frustrate the plans the people's but I established my own plans.
I mean, it's it's just you know Someone there, you know, it's it's just over and over and we've gone through this as I said 10 ,000 times before Where God makes this very very plain and people don't like it and they rebel against it and they go
Well, I can't believe that because that would mean this that I mean that rather than submitting to God's Word But then well, then you don't have any why should you be complaining about it?
Why should you be complaining about prop 139 because it's evil. Well, but God decreed it That's where you're demonstrating.
You don't have a clue What the Bible actually says you're you do not have a biblical worldview.
You may have a philosophical worldview You may have all sorts of additions. I don't know but as I've said over and over again one thing you're missing
One important thing that you're missing is that God became man God became flesh and The very
God that decreed all things Works all things after the counsel of his will the beginning in the end the
Alpha Omega the first and the last That God became flesh and as man did he decry evil
What was his first preaching Repent oh, wait a minute. That's decrying evil.
Yeah Yeah Did he recognize the evil amongst men?
Yes. Did he identify it as evil? Yes. He tell us to avoid that evil Yes, he tell evil people to repent.
Yes. So in other words, I'm doing everything Jesus did, huh? Yeah, I am cuz see
I believe all of Scripture not just parts of Scripture And so the
God -man who himself is involved in that decree in eternity past When he enters into human flesh
Prophetically speaks the truth and Calls people to repentance calls
Herod a fox. Hmm. That sounds like a condemnation of Herod. Oh why would he do that because God's bigger than your teeny tiny little philosophy and If you're tiny little mind
Can't understand how God is big enough to form the very fabric of time and places people in that fabric of time and make them to have the same desires as He has for goodness and justice and part of it.
I think what part of problem here is this guy's doesn't seem to understand that God's Desire for goodness and justice is not the same thing as God's quote -unquote desire for evil because that's not even a biblical phrase
God uses it God Creates raw Isaiah tells us that's different than what he desires.
So so it's probably not even allowing that type of Most folks again provisionals people like that flatten it all down.
I don't care the richness of what biblical revelation is I'm just gonna flatten it all out So it fits into my teeny tiny little brain and my teeny tiny little philosophy philosophical structures, and I don't do that So, there you go
You can either believe all God says or believe all that man wants you to believe and that's about all there is to it so, uh
And again, we've covered that 27 ,000 times before keeps getting larger each time
I say so I want to I Don't want to be
Until this morning. I never heard of Dr. Ammon Hillman never heard of and So I Watched the one we're gonna look at and then
I can said this afternoon Got this Facebook message Pulled up this other thing haven't even listened to all of that by listen to enough of it to almost get sick
It is perverted It is absurd on a level that is Beyond imagination
I say that as someone with far more experience With coin a
Greek than this man has I I was teaching coin a Greek when he was in diapers and This stuff is
Absurd. I mean it is out In this other one and we may look at it
They even had to bleep stuff out of this other one so I'll see and I I can't get to it till after this weekend
I've got a very very busy weekend coming up with the debate on Saturday speaking all day
Sunday and so and again don't have live -streaming information to give you yet, but and then
I've got to shoot back across the country to Fort Worth and Be at the fight last feast thing.
So I'm not sure when I'm gonna get to it, but It was just so painfully obvious to me.
I think this guy's on drugs. I mean he talks about well fact Let me just read you. Here's what it says from this video.
This is in the description of this video that we're gonna look at dr. Ammon Hillman earned his MS in bacteriology and PhD in classics
From the University of Wisconsin Madison Oh Madison, Wisconsin What's Madison, Wisconsin known for?
Atheism, it's a deep blue spot on the map
Where he specialized in ancient Greek not quite a in ancient
Greek and Roman medicine and pharmacy bacteriology and then classics ancient
Greek Roman medicine and pharmacy his first book the chemical muse
Was plot was published with st. Martin's Press immediately after his dissertation committee
Forced him to delete all references to recreational drugs from his thesis
Dr. Hillman was recently investigated by the Vatican for demon possession and portal opening
While teaching as a professor of classical languages, I thought
I had an interesting bio Not even close Okay, so his dissertation had all sorts of references to recreational drugs, okay
Yeah So this is Taken from YouTube It's called fair use guys.
Just in case you're wondering we're going to be criticizing. What is being said here and I I Haven't checked
I will try to put the little itty bitty Thing up here when
I switch over I don't know if it'll work or not, but I'll try but um, let's um
Let's dive into it because this is this is gonna be This is gonna be interesting.
So let's uh, let's see how this works These texts come on That you're there we go that you're reading and that you're translating are these the original original original sources of religion of Christianity and and Catholicism and baptism and all this stuff.
Is this like the originals? Yeah, this is the language that held that all of those texts
So the New Testament's all written in ancient Greek, right? The what you call the
Old Testament and I'm gonna shock people with this one What you call the Old Testament which people say is written in Hebrew Right, which is not a language that I am work with I had to take a little bit of modern
Hebrew when I was there just because it was part of the you know education and But the text that you think is written in Hebrew is not it's a
Greek text That's written in the third century. It's a Hellenistic text called
That you call the Torah or the Old Testament That is not an original
Hebrew text now How can I say that what we have is the Septuagint that I'm talking about.
It's the Greek Old Testament Do you understand Greek Old Testament?
Mm -hmm. Okay It's the oldest form that we've got okay, okay the whole big deal about the
Dead Sea Scrolls was they said, huh We finally have some Hebrew because none of it survives right
Hebrew is only an eighth Is only an 8 ,000 word ancient
Hebrew 8 ,000 word Okay, you are muted.
Yeah too many buttons to push got to find a way around this Sorry about that. Um, I've got to push this button and that button the map that button and that is just Sorry, I don't know where it was and then the phone rang
Because I can't see signal at the same time, too. Um Throws me off it really really does
But I don't know Maybe I'm just not up to speed enough to do this kind of stuff too many too many things all at once That's possible.
Uh Let me go back Maybe we'll just cut out that part
I guess And I'll see if I can Pick things up here and make some sense out of it
And remember to turn see the problem is I have to turn my microphone off Because it feeds back from that but that's the only way
I can hear what he's saying So I can't comment on what he's saying if I can't hear what he's saying and so there's where The problem is.
Um, and that's why i've got to mute that this this And so I apologize so i'll i'll pick up from here
And hopefully we can make some sense out of it on the on the other end. So I apologize for that and Just because it was part of the you know education and um, but The text that you think is written in hebrew is not it's a greek text that's written in the third century
It's a hellenistic text called Um that you call the torah or the old testament
That is not an original hebrew text now How can I say that what we have is the septuagint that i'm talking about.
It's the greek old testament Do you understand greek old testament?
Okay muted that's on. Okay. Um I don't think the guy who's doing the interviewing has any idea what he's talking about And watching other stuff.
He doesn't have any idea what he's talking about But the problem is we're going to discover is okay. He just said he doesn't know hebrew.
He's not studied hebrew and his studies of classical greek not koine greek and the problem is what he understands the septuagint is
Minimal let's put that way that's what's going to cause some of the problems here Okay, it's the oldest form that we've got.
Okay Okay, the whole big deal about the dead sea scrolls was they said, huh
We finally have some hebrew because none of it survives right hebrew is only an eighth.
Um is only an eight thousand word Ancient hebrew eight thousand word, uh unique word count language.
Okay, which puts it in the realm of something you could expend by the end of your breakfast eight thousand words
Okay Okay the problem with saying that in that way is
When we're talking about ancient hebrew, we only have What was written
And obviously any book any series of books Whatever is going to have
Uh far less words than the entire language does and ancient languages
You don't have as much to describe you don't you don't have technical terminology for astrophysics or Medicine and and and stuff like that so Yes hebrew vocabulary because it is ancient
Is less voluminous Than for example what you have in koine greek or even classical greek or things like that Uh, because it goes so far back.
It goes so far into um history and uh
Really we're talking about some of the earliest written documents that we have People think that well, you know from the beginning we've got all the written all the way back.
No No, that's what's that's what's amazing when they find inscriptions. They found that inscription.
What about two years ago? uh With a portion from the deuteronomy 28 29 curses and blessings mount evil and they found that in proto -hebrew and an inscription
That's some of the oldest human writing ever discovered uh, so a lot of A lot of the reason that people get away with things like this guy
Is that modern people have that we will project? Our experience into antiquity
Um, and we can't do that. You've got to realize very very very very different um situation at that point in time
That's not a lot. Okay, and the dead sea scrolls were all in hebrew The dead sea scrolls were fragments in hebrew and fragments in greek and everybody assumed.
Oh um Yes, there are fragments
But there are entire scrolls The isaiah scroll is complete that's not That wouldn't be described as fragmentary and the more recent x -ray discovery
We've talked about before where you had a fossilized scroll, which you could not enroll it would just turn into dust but someone really smart
Went why don't we x -ray it because the ink will reflect differently than the parchment?
And then they digitally unrolled the scroll using x -ray it's just So cool, that's so fantastic and it was a full scroll of leviticus uh with the masoretic text
So the hebrew masoretic text of leviticus existed as did isaiah um
Contemporaneously With the translation of the greek septuagint
So the hebrew is before the septuagint and anyone who studied septuagint textual issues
Knows that it gives evidence Of the translators having access to different manuscript traditions within the uh hebrew
Masoretic tradition what became the hebrew masoretic tradition? There are variants there. There were other traditions prior to the establishment of the masoretic
And you can see that from looking at the variance in the in the greek septuagint. So the greek septuagint is in fact the translation of the hebrew that existed 300 years before christ
Approximately he's going to dispute that but he doesn't Actually know what he's talking about This is the original in hebrew, right?
Because now we're following church history you and I live in a time in the stream the time stream
We live at a time when we think That there was an original hebrew text of the old testament
But there wasn't it doesn't exist Right and to show people the greek know what's the proof?
What's okay, um It doesn't exist well
We don't have the original Quote -unquote septuagint. Here's here's one of the problems. There is no original septuagint
The septuagint was translated over time Um the
The mythology of the origination of it the 70 or 72 scholars
Uh Go into their caves they translate they come out All their translations agree word for word.
Therefore. It's been done by divine inspiration Christians believe that for hundreds of years the the septuagint was the the bible of the early church
That's not how it happened it's Very clear that the pentateuch five books of moses were done
In early on and were done very very well very very well And there it's pretty much based upon the same uh tradition as the masoretic text hebrew masoretic text that we have in the dead sea scrolls and then
You know 900 years later And some of the great uh, hebrew codices that were the earliest hebrew text we had for a long time until the dead sea scrolls but Other portions of the old testament are
Close to being equally good, but then there are portions that are not good at all um
Clearly it was not all done by the same people at the same time It was done over time
There are a lot of variations in the septuagint trends in the septuagint, uh transmission lines
Which if you have the gertugine septuagint, uh, even ralphs will have you know, at least some variations noted um, but There is now a fairly full critical
Textual apparatus for the septuagint as well uh but There is no one single septuagint,
I mean it sort of becomes codified by the christians Down the road um
But it clearly developed over You know in the second third second centuries before christ um
But it's it is a translation of the hebrew. So this idea we don't have a hebrew rich.
Well, of course You don't have a hebrew original We don't have any The only original quote -unquote original writings we have have they're that old it has to be chiseled in a rock
Okay, you're not gonna you're not gonna have papyrus That's gonna last that many thousands of years.
It's just It's not gonna happen. It did these this is biological material
And as i've always said when I give my new testament presentation, which i'll be doing Uh this coming sunday, in fact in mobile
Um when I show the the papyri I go now if any of you are Tempted to go man.
Those aren't all that great shape. I'm going to look at you and say what are you going to look like? in 1800 years Uh, and that's true
You know biological stuff Isn't designed to last that long, you know, unless it's frozen in a glacier or something like that Not too many glaciers in the mediterranean
Not at all. In fact and very few in Egypt or any place else like that too.
So, um, so there you go The proof the proof is when you read
The septuagint that is the greek old testament. It is does not read as a translation
It reads as an original it uses greek idiom Okay, so now we've got some guy who can't read hebrew
Reads classical greek, but we're supposed to believe him when he says oh, it doesn't read like a translation
It reads like an original. No I've translated lots of septuagint. It reads as a translation
So who you're going to believe? um all of christian scholarship
Up to the guy who's really into drugs as we will find out or You know, there's your choice and man it seems today
We live we live in a day where hands been withdrawn and everybody's like Wow, I think that makes sense.
That's it Oh, okay. Um, if you say something Like a fingerprint on the language and it's got great.
How can you tell it great fingerprints? Hmm. How do you just how do you discern the difference whether it be?
An original or a translation. Oh, you can tell it's easy to tell because colloquialisms don't translate
Okay, um, it's easy to tell no Uh, look at all the discussions of Well, we had the discussion with, uh, the one brother who
Has decided that I guess the entire new testament was actually originally written in hebrew and then translated to greek and Scholarship does discuss these things in the sense that Um the only version of matthew
That there's any historical evidence of was written in greek so the question is
How does that relate to aramaic? How does that relate to hebrew depending on which one you would think would be?
Being spoken and all the rest that kind of stuff Um, why do you have in especially that's in john too, but especially in the synoptic gospels uh, you know the
Transliteration of terms we want to you know, we want to continue to use the right place names and or he said to her
Talitha kumi which interpreted means but the duck well, so you're
You're dealing with a situation in the ancient world where in israel at that time
You had different languages being spoken you had hebrew in the synagogue aramaic you have arguments about Exactly how that worked and what the balance was things like that.
You had greek because Alexander the great had taken over pretty much the entire world
And then you had some latin Even though even the roman soldiers were still speaking greek and so if you're a fisherman
You you might go well, he's gonna be illiterate but you better know what that roman soldier's saying to you You might need to have some idea and if you're doing you know stuff in economics and trading and And trade and all that you you might know more about those other languages than people might expect that, you know um but this guy's just Throwing up dust.
Uh, he's just giving us well, it's it's easy to sell. No, it's that's that's not true Um my reading of the greek septuagint
Shows me that and again, it'll depend on where you are in the septuagint that the translator or translators
And they wouldn't all be the same ones um, we're dealing with Different traditions of hebrew manuscripts and they're doing the best they can to render
Uh the hebrew into a Some of them especially in the psalter some of the weirdest translations
Say to me and to many others that the translators
I don't know how much to go into here if you're if you're familiar with philo's attempts to communicate jewish beliefs in a
Greek philosophical world then you would know that There are elements of the hebrew old testament revelation
That Are somewhat embarrassing to uh the greek world
And so a lot of times i'll be i'll look at the greek septuagint and i'll go It seems like they're trying to clean it up a little bit
Maybe there's a little bit of embarrassment at the bluntness Of what the hebrew said um, so again
He can't do that. He can't read hebrew Uh And the greek that he's reading is different than koine anyways, and so he can't see that kind of stuff
And I was looking at that other video that you may look at later I wasn't i'm not even certain again.
I guess he's got a lot of stuff out there. I'd never heard before nobody'd asked me about um The lexical sources that he was using
Were not modern and were not up to date um, so we'll see if if that follows through too, but anyway
All right, and so it's like tagging it. So how do you you're testing this language to see if it's
To see what its age is. Okay, so you tag it with certain certain things and one of them is colloquialisms
Right. The other one is technical vocabulary You cannot translate from a higher technical degree
To an uh, excuse me. You can't translate from a median technical degree to a high technical degree
Okay, you can go down the slope. You can take something that's not technical Right Um and make it more technical, right?
You can force that You can't drift upstream, right? Right, right So the if the original the original is going to have the highest degree of technicality.
Yes So okay, um
In a general sense You know if you if you've got a non -technical language and you're translating into technical languages, okay fine but making application here um for example
If you know anything about hebrew, you know Call and nifal and pl and puwal and hithpiel and hofal and he feel that various verbal forms um in the hebrew language if you've ever looked up terms and one of the really frustrating things is when you will
You look up a term and It can have two possible meanings um and It's he feel form will be completely different than its call form
And this is what one of the reasons you get some really interesting differences in old testament translations I can tell you some fun stories about that, but we'll skip it for now
Um the Most of The better elements of the septuagint translation
They're trying to take that into consideration as much as they can Though they might have struggled a little bit, you know, at least we
Our current hebrew lexicons and you know brown driver briggs is old now, but uh
Kohler Baumgartner stuff like that. We've got a lot of there's been a lot of stuff discovered over the past 70 years that has greatly increased
The lexical database from which to draw especially Uh Given the fact that languages like hebrew in israel, uh
You have other Nations speaking semitic languages and it's a small part of the world
So they're constantly bumping into each other. And so there are loan words Um, it's interesting, you know arabic comes along much later but it's a semitic language and When I studied arabic,
I basically just limped along using my hebrew grammar and fit the the arabic terms in because There was a lot of correlation.
There was a lot of connection uh, even at times in vocabulary uh, so hebrew would borrow terms from ugaritic and akkadian and stuff like that and um, you could especially when dealing with flora and fauna
Uh, sometimes, you know, the king james translators say there are some things we just don't even know what it's referring to well, we know now because we now have ancient documents or inscriptions and things like that in those other languages in In ugaritic or something like that.
Oh look that that's it's the same term. That's must be what it's referring to So there's been a lot of advancement.
Um in that area, uh as well, um, but The point is the septuagint does give evidence of struggling with those issues as a translation
Uh, and you know, he doesn't seem to know anything about that or you know, I don't know
The dead sea scrolls were not the highest degree of technical of tech of technical No writing they were lower.
They were lower than the than the greek, uh, what was the word the The The book you're talking about they're hebrew back translations because of the time
The dead sea scrolls they're hebrew back translation So they took the greek of what specifically took the greek and they said how do we translate this into greek?
Okay, that's why you lose all the technical terms I I think he misspoke there.
I think what he meant to say. How do you translate this into? Hebrew because his claim is that the greek is first Uh, and what this means of course is that the entire old testament from his perspective
Uh was written 200 years for christ. There's no prophecy. There's no isaiah
Um everything we're finding that is more ancient than that a hebrew fiction He doesn't seem to understand any of that doesn't seem to know anything about the evil inscription that recently found.
Uh, Uh davidic inscriptions like he doesn't seem to know about any of that stuff and he's just ignoring it because None of that can exist
If if what you're literally telling us is that The septuagint is the original form
Of the tanakh and the hebrew is came out because that's what you say. It's back translation back came afterwards
Then you can't have anything pre -existing 250
Anything you're pre -existing 250 and we do Not a lot Which you wouldn't you wouldn't expect to have a lot again antiquity, but we do um
And so yeah, not only that this means that all the stuff where Where we find civilizations that Have been completely lost we've we uh cities that You know, oh that never existed and then they then they find it
Um all this kind of stuff Where the old testament has been shown over and over and over again to be a historical text
All that's just fiction. It's it's it's gone. You just have to ignore all of it um, which again, he's gonna start getting into The drug stuff here and when you're on drugs, you can't ignore all of it.
It's just You don't have to worry about any of it. It's it's it's real cool that way They didn't have them in their language
And you and what i'm asking is what what God that's crazy
This is the first podcast. I can I I can remember where the lightning has been this crazy this loud So the dead sea scrolls came from where what were the sources of the dead sea scrolls?
So those caves and qumran Right, they've dated these things to probably i've heard as early as first bc, but all the way up to second domini
So somewhere in that range somebody is taking the greek text that we know is already established because people are quoting it
Right. We know for example, they had the book of enoch in greek because people are quoting it in greek
So that's how you could that's how you can like track your library. Where's your library at the time? Right.
That's how you track it. By the way, have you read the book of enoch? Yeah I read the giza fragments of it.
I can see that much What do you think about all these people talking about onunaki aliens flying around and building pyramids back in the day
Okay, so this is where it starts getting really weird and I think when
I listen to this um there is Uh an off -color word coming up, but i'm not exactly sure where it is
And so I apologize if I don't get to it if I don't stop it in time But This is where all all of a sudden
See this this other guy. He doesn't this I guess it's danny jones. He He doesn't care about what this guy's saying.
It certainly doesn't have any way of evaluating it Uh or ask any serious serious questions because he doesn't know anything about it.
Okay so He wants to go off into space aliens and all the rest of this stuff and What's weird is this guy's willing to he's gonna say it's stupid but He is going to start pushing things toward his stuff
Which is the role of chemistry? uh Pharmakeia term that he would know very well, uh from which we get pharmacy uh sorcery magic drugs
Yes, that was that's always been a part of human experience And so that's where they're going to try to go that direction but in the process the whole idea is
The whole bible is Worthless. It has no value. It has it's it's it's historically a joke.
It's Has no meaning that's Basically what it ends up saying I think it's silly you do
Damn it You know how many podcasts we've done with people who claim that they're experts on the anunnaki
Yeah, it's a seems to be a big A big area, but they were drug users, bro.
What can you what can you expect? That's what they taught in the giza in the giza Text it says they taught the women
The art of drugs, so these weren't aliens they were just drug users Drug addicts they were giants, bro.
They were giants. Yeah Yeah, like real giants gigantas. That's it. Are you crunching?
Oh, you can hear that. Oh my god. No, I liked it. I liked it. It's uh, this is the the asmr podcast
I literally hit the button. I I I saw it coming And my mouse moved
Sorry Apologize. I'm not the one that said it. Um but yeah, this is
The background's pretty interesting. I'm some reason feeling really tempted to freeze frame that guy with his arms up and translate his arm, it would be
Interesting just as translating mine would be interesting. But anyway, we we press on sorry about that. I I literally you know how what
I tried to hit the the trackball too fast and it my whole hand moved and it just missed so I almost got it.
I'm sort of happy. I almost got it They taught them the drug craft that's what the text says
And you don't understand man. They've got medusa at the time you say wait, wait, go back to giants.
Yeah What are you talking about giants? That's the greek word gigantas Giants meaning physically they were huge people.
No, okay Right. No They had a superior knowledge of the drugs and they had a group of women who were called the medusa
And the medusa could hit you with a drug on an arrow and paralyze you
And they would take you and do things to you And that's how a group of these women function.
That's how they hunted they hunted men. You can imagine the society Women that hunted men.
Yeah, you have to kill three men in order to get married Yeah, and they don't really marry you they just farm men and when when is this what time period it was this
This is bronze age late bronze age bronze age It's like 1200 the peak at 1200 say bc 1200
This is when the great queen medea is around Yeah, and so back.
Okay. Okay. Well, this is great. I'm loving this book back to my original question. How Fundamentally, how did did your understanding and learning all of this ancient greek?
Change your understanding of how religion is preached today and the story of the bible It's a fairy tale it's a fairy tale what they
Teach now and do now is not even a hair's breadth of semblance to what they did originally
Who is they? Who is they They did originally who?
What context? Are we talking genesis? Are we are we talking? Kings, are we talking new testament?
Fairy tale, you mean there were none of the history see This seems to be the kind of stuff that sells on youtube
But it's indefensible If you're going to make the kind of statement you've got to be able to back it up With something more than I can say gigantos.
Oh Big deal So can all the rest of us that graduated from second or third year greek or whatever else?
Um It It reminds me a lot of the uh
Um Oh, it just it was right there and it just flew out of my mind the movie that came uh zeitgeist zeitgeist movie
You know, it's just filled with pure fiction
But because it's talking about stuff that no one studies anymore You know stuff that people used to learn back in the 1800s
If anybody bothers with it now, uh, then they can get away with it and people go. Oh, that's wow.
You're wise You're oh and this this guy's sitting here. This guy's clueless. He has no idea what he's talking about And he has no way of knowing whether what this guy is saying has any validity whatsoever
But it's really cool, you know, but it's all just fairy tales all just fairy tales You gotta understand
This whole thing is to get to that point to communicate that And that's why we take the time to listen to stuff because Can I make an application
Looks like we can close the time but make an application here for you um We're talking in our nation about what to do in regards to Marriage men and women
And what do you and I do as christians? Um You and I as christians quote the bible
We uh, we go jesus said from the beginning God made them male and female
Said immanuel. He was father and mother And what's the most effective way
To argue against that jesus didn't say that He had no way of knowing jesus said that so it's bart earn ermion
Skepticism well There is a gotta admit There is a world of difference between bart ermon and this guy
World of difference wow um but It's skepticism.
That's how you that's how you silence folks. That's how you quiet them And he goes on starts talking about all sorts of wild crazy drug stuff.
Um I'm not gonna continue all that. Like I said, I Thinking about possibly responding to that other one because it's much more specific the other the other video.
Well, there's lots of them, I guess I'm, not sure how much I can handle Watching all this kind of stuff but the other one is
Where in that one he actually offers? And I got to be careful because they had to bleep a bunch of stuff out of it
And I mean if they have to bleep it out you get the idea and I I may just I have a feeling what
I will have to do is I will have to summarize the argument Skip over the some of the specifics but They read mark um 1451
From I believe they read it from the niv maybe it was the nasb um
But it's that strange little statement in mark chapter 14 uh when the disciples
Mark 14 50 and they all left him and fled and a young man was following him wearing nothing
But a linen sheet over his naked body and they seized him, but he pulled free of the linen sheep and escaped naked so this is probably
A young man probably in one of the homes where the disciples were staying He sneaks out at night because he understands things are going on.
Oh, he's got a sheet on and when the disciples flee He's trying to get away.
Someone grabs him and they grab hold of the the linen Sheet and he runs off naked and in all probability
This was someone known in the early church who You know mark's providing us with a another eyewitness that everybody would know who it was a type of situation well
When you're into drugs um, you find all sorts of other ways of dealing with stuff here and Like I said,
I haven't gotten to the conclusion of the one. I have a feeling I know where it's going and it's gonna It may be too It may be too disgusting to even discuss on the program.
I'm not sure we'll see um But at least in that situation He gives his own translation of mark 1451 and it is absurd
It is laughable Absolutely laughable
I mean his use of lexical sources Wouldn't pass first -year greek anywhere
But In my experience people who are shot out who've been using drugs their entire life
The first thing that goes is categorical thought The ability to think in logical categories and not make unwarranted connections
Drug addicts will make a lot of unwarranted connections And i'll just be honest with you watching him on this that's somebody who's very familiar with drugs
The Body movements language Sometimes even a little bit of slur of a speech um
Yeah What a mess but sadly people like Ah, I like that And you know what?
There's nothing you can do about someone liking that There's nothing you can do about it
This is where once again, you know, we we say all the time That we are dependent upon the holy spirit of god in our witnessing and everything else.
Do you really believe that? because there are times when Um You try to speak the truth
And if someone will not hear the truth, sometimes the reason they won't hear it Is because their mind's messed up It's not because somebody else messed up.
They've done it voluntarily themselves and there is really um That's totally up to the holy spirit of god to be able to make anything happen there.
So anyways wild stuff, huh? um Yeah, there's a whole lot more of it out there
There really is and what's its ultimate goal skepticism skepticism skepticism. Can't know truth.
Can't know truth. Can't know truth And what did jesus say? I am i'm coming as a woman testify the truth
I am the way the truth and the life so what is Unbelieving skepticism but a fundamental denial of who jesus claimed to be
It is a denial that there is an empty tomb in jerusalem It all comes down to that If there's an empty tomb in jerusalem
Marxism is foolish secularism is foolish. The vast majority of human philosophy is an empty shell
If there's an empty tomb in jerusalem So you got to make people skeptical. You can't know truth. Can't know truth.
That's um that's basically um What it's all about and so there you go.
So i'll take a i'll take a look at the other one. I'm just not It's not sure.
Um We'll see we'll see We will see All right
That'll do it for the program today. I apologize for messing things up last night, but I got
I probably did 10 or 12 times Got it, right um We think that maybe if I use a if I take my hearing aids out put the headset and maybe that will test it eventually