Overview of the Book of Exodus
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- The overview of the week for this Sunday is the second book of Moses, the book of Exodus, which was written around 1450
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- BC. The word Exodus means a going out or a mass departure of people out of a specific area.
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- And of course, the book of Exodus tells of the story of the children of Israel departing from the land of Egypt.
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- The book of Genesis ends with the Israelites living in Egypt under the protection of Joseph, who had risen to the position of prime minister under Pharaoh.
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- But of course, Joseph, the son of Jacob, the son of Israel, he died, and the book of Exodus picks up about 400 years later, where a new
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- Pharaoh had risen to power who did not know Joseph. Certainly, he did not honor any prior arrangements.
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- So because the children of Israel had multiplied, Pharaoh now sees them as a threat, and he decides to enslave them.
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- In their affliction, they cry out to God, and God responds by raising up a deliverer.
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- That man, of course, was Moses. In Exodus, we read that well -known account where Moses encounters
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- God at the burning bush, where God reveals to Moses his name, the
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- Lord, or Jehovah, or Yahweh. It's rendered in the English Bible as capital
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- L, capital O, capital R, capital D, the Lord. God speaking through Moses and his brother
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- Aaron, remember, he tells Pharaoh, let my people go.
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- And because Pharaoh refuses, the Lord rains down plagues upon Egypt, the final plague being the death of the firstborn, which is where the
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- Passover is instituted. Upon that, Pharaoh relents, and to make a long story short,
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- Israel is then delivered through the Red Sea. Moses then receives the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.
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- The instructions are given for the building of the tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, the priesthood, and the priestly garments, etc.
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- All of that is part of the Old Covenant, the Old Testament, the agreement between God and his people, the children of Israel.
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- The Lord says in Exodus 19, verse 5, to the children of Israel, he says,
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- Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to me above all people.
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- Of course, Israel would break this agreement, but the good news is that this covenant, the
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- Old Covenant, was never meant to be the end all, be all. Rather, in the
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- New Testament, we learn in Galatians 3 .24 that the Old Covenant law was like a teacher meant to lead people to Christ, that they and we might be justified by faith and not the works of the law.