Prepping for Outreach at LDS General Conference
James White is preparing for an outreach to his 30th consecutive LDS General Conference. He explain that God is glorified in the presentation of the gospel, whatever the response to it is. Recent trend for Mormons proselytizing: doctrinal distinctives are taking a back seat to the PR effort to be “family friendly”.
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- Yes, many of them get trashed, but not all and it's always tremendously encouraging to see one of two things a a person taking the track and maybe sticking inside a
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- Book of Mormon that frequently happens up in Salt Lake City as a person's walking into The general conference which by the way program note is where we'll be next week
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- But next week we'll try to do this program live from Salt Lake City so that we can
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- Share with you from the very gates talk with some of the folks that are out there passing out tracks and witnessing to people and Try to take your phone calls
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- That's not gonna be easy, but we're gonna do our best to try to make it to make it all work out next week as we're
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- Lord willing at the General conference the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City if I can make it up there
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- Transportation wise that'll be my 30th consecutive General conference there in in Salt Lake City, but those tracks get put into pockets get put into purses get put into Books, whatever and they get read at another time
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- They get read at a time when there's not a confrontation going on when there aren't people standing around Who will try to encourage you not to read it they get read at a time when a person's maybe at home alone
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- When a person that person has had questions on their forget so just a few years ago
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- We were contacted right after we had been passing out tracks at the general conference the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City by a young lady about 17 years old as I recall and Her friends had been putting tremendous pressure upon her to join the
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- Mormon Church She grew up in in a somewhat Christian Church a sort of nominally
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- Christian Church. She had received some Biblical teaching and she knew there was something wrong here but she couldn't put her fingers on it and she really didn't have any resources available to her that would explain to her where the problems really were and So as she and her friend friends had brought her to the general conference and it's very impressive to go up there and to to see
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- Temple Square and to see the thousands of people gathered and to attend conference with 10 ,000 people in the
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- Mormon Tabernacle and the Mormon Tabernacle choirs Singing and is very impressive But as they're walking toward the
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- South Gate her friends saw us standing outside the gate passing out tracks and her friends immediately began talking about how terrible we were and how hateful we were and how nasty we were and These terrible anti Mormons.
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- Well, all that did was made her interested in what world we had to say And so she managed to sneak away just long enough from her friends to pick up some of our literature she couldn't talk to us she she had to sort of swing by and grab some tracks and hide them real quickly and Then rejoin her friends and then leave well those tracks gave her the information that she had been looking for She knew it was there somewhere she knew there was a problem someplace and she found out what the problem was when she read our tracks and she contacted us and thanked us and Informed her of her story.
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- We don't know how many times that happens Many people say well, well, how many people repent when you're out there sharing with the
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- Mormons? How many people walk up to you and say I just prayed the sinner's prayer something like that. Well, very few very few
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- Yes, we do know of Mormons who have left the LDS Church, but not because of a single tract but that tract was instrumental in getting them to start thinking in getting them to start considering these issues and getting them to start doing
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- Some research and the result of that over time and leaving Mormonism is an issue that takes quite some time
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- The result that over time was the day did come to know the Lord and they left the LDS Church, but far more than that Are the number of people that we have helped to see through?
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- The charade see through the smoke and mirrors through the the public relations getups
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- To see what the Mormon Church is really all about in its doctrine its theology and that of course is
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- The message of any church is its doctrine is its theology Yeah, I know that makes us somewhat backwards to be so focused upon that.
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- There are many Christian churches today that De -emphasize the concept of doctrine and theology, but what you teach defines who you are
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- What you teach about who Jesus Christ is who God is what what the gospel is that defines who you are?
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- Well, why else do we have a purpose for existing as a church? and so in that very situation
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- We have been able to help many people to be warned to realize what
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- Mormonism is all about We've had many people come to us say, you know Up until the point where where you talked to me and the point where where you gave me this information
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- I just sort of thought Mormonism was just sort of another religion It was just you know, the difference between being a
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- Methodist and Lutheran, you know, just different denominational type stuff I I didn't know that they they taught that God was once a man who lived on other planets
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- I didn't know they taught that men could become gods and and that Jesus Christ is is the first begotten offspring of God the
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- Father and we're all begotten offspring of God the Father in a physical or A spiritual pre -existence. I didn't know any of that and Of course the
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- Mormon Church is more than happy to get you into the Mormon Church to get you into The LDS Church gets you into that baptistry and get you get you baptized on the minimal amount of information
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- It takes to get you to agree to do so I'll never forget when I first wrote letters to a
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- Mormon elder. It was not even published yet. It was in that manuscript stage where it's it's all written and It's being proofread and and of course people are ripping apart your grammar and things like that If it needs to be ripped apart, we all need editors and I'm very thankful for mine and The book wasn't out yet, but someone from a large
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- Baptist Church called me and said, you know We just lost someone to the
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- Mormon Church a member of our Bible study just informed us that they joined the Mormon Church and We'd like to bring this person by and have him talk to you
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- And I said sure that'd be no problem at all And so this person came by and and so I started the conversation by saying so what what convinced you?
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- Though you were once a monotheist you believe there is one God what what convinced you to become a polytheist and believe in many gods and This person looked at me and said what are you talking about?
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- I I don't believe in more than one God. Oh Well, what what convinced you to believe that Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer?
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- What what I? Don't believe that And so I went down the line and all down the lines first.
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- What what are you talking about? I've never heard it like that before in my life. I don't believe in you that Mormonism doesn't teach that And so I gave this person the manuscript of letters to a
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- Mormon elder it had notes scribbled in the margins and it wasn't overly pretty but it was the material anyways and About two weeks later.
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- They came back and said I cannot believe What I got myself into This person said, you know
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- You'd you'd document something and you'd give the the reference in these books and and I had been given these books
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- Mormons had been giving me books like a teachings the Prophet Joseph Smith and Mormon doctrine and and doctrines the salvation and and These were all sitting on my shelf brand -new books, but I I hadn't read them
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- You know, I sort of looked through them and just looked like books on God and the Bible and stuff like that and I I hadn't read them yet And so I looked these things up and lo and behold, that's exactly what it says
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- And I've I've told them I excuse me remove my name. I made a mistake But you see what happens with a lot of folks is they don't run into someone who can explain
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- Where the differences are and so what happens is over time? they develop friendships they develop a connection to the organization and Very slowly and for some people it almost never happens
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- But very slowly for most people these concepts these doctrines are introduced slowly over time
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- And at first there might be some resistance But as long as you don't show too much of the doctrine too much of what the differences are
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- You can slowly bring that person in to where they begin to accept things that initially they never would have accepted at all
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- Mormonism has learned public relations Mormonism has learned the key to getting people to accept doctrines that Initially, they would reject vociferously
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- They've learned this in the missionary lessons If you took the missionary lessons 20 years ago and compared the missionary lessons today
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- You would be shocked at the vast difference Between what was presented to you then what's presented to you now?
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- The missionary lessons are far less doctrinally oriented in teaching oriented than they ever were before And Mormonism has learned to really quiet down its criticism of the doctrine of Christian churches the first thing you hear today in the
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- Mormon presentation is not Joseph Smith's first vision Where he sees two gods
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- God the Father and Jesus Christ in separate and distinct physical bodies and that these two gods say that all
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- Christian churches are corrupt and their professors are an abomination is in his sight. You don't hear that first thing
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- Instead you hear a nice innocuous Nonspecific rather ambiguous discussion of families being forever and being together forever and yada yada
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- Yeah with pretty pictures and so on and so forth. And of course if that's enough to get you to join, that's good
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- That's enough. Let's go with it from there It's a shame, but that's the way that it works
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- And so people are brought into the church without having much knowledge what the church teaches. Well when we're out in Mesa this following week
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- Tuesday through Saturday nights And we're in when we are in Salt Lake on Saturday and you may be going how can you be in both places?
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- Well, we need volunteers to be in both places when we're out there doing this work and we pass out literature to non
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- Mormons At the very least those who have any interest in truth at all those who have any interest in being careful about what they join being careful about what they agree to are
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- Going to have to ask certain questions of the Mormon missionaries They probably would rather not answer because they read our literature
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- Now that doesn't necessarily mean they're gonna get an honest answer They may still join because they won't contact us and say okay.
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- The Mormons said this. What do you say? And only rarely do we get those opportunities we do get them
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- But rarely do we get those opportunities where we get to sit down with the missionaries and the prospective convert and lay everything on the table
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- You would think if Mormonism was really true That they would invite that kind of encounter in fact doctrine coven section 71 part of the
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- LDS scriptures tells Mormons to call upon their enemies in public and private and that if they are faithful that the errors of their enemies will be
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- Exposed and the early Mormons did that the early Mormons were not like modern -day Mormons The early
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- Mormons would arrange debates with with ministers and pastors and they would publicly proclaim their teachings in an in an open fashion
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- I Could only wish to have been around at a time like that to have been able to engage in that type of thing
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- But they won't do that much anymore That's not the public relations direction that the church has chosen to take so at the very least
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- We're making the Mormon missionaries answer questions They'd rather not answer and of course they then have to run the risk
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- That those people are going to come back to us and say this is what they've said and then we can document from their own literature what their own leaders have said and of course if that's happening while that while we're out there then that give -and -take is
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- Certainly an opportunity for God's truth to be proclaimed and people to understand what the issues really are
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- So pray for us this week pray for us that we will speak God's truth in a in a proper fashion
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- And that he will be honored and glorified in what we're doing Lots more to talk about on the dividing line today, but we need to take a break and we'll be right back
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- Right after these messages Welcome back to dividing line.
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- My name is James white. I'm the director of Alpha Omega ministries I'm an elder at the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church, and I also teach for the
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- Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in fact Let me just mention in passing one of the most common requests that we get at Alpha Omega and in the various things that I do is
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- The question when are you gonna be teaching Greek again? When can I take a
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- New Testament Greek class? And I just want to let you know that I am scheduled to be teaching
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- Beginning Greek on Thursday evenings starting around the end of August for the
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- Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary's, Arizona campus And so if that isn't a subject you've wanted to tackle it is a seminary class.
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- So it's graduate level master's level But I know that you can Take the class on an audit basis.
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- For example, if you wished to you could take it for credit you can do either direction and That'll be beginning at the end of August going into December.
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- So it'll be the fall semester Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary give them a ring talk to them and let them know of your interest so you can get the necessary forms filled out and We'd be more than happy to see you this coming fall in the
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- Greek class there It's a Golden Gate Seminary If that's something that you'd be interested in doing and let me just put in a plug here
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- People have asked me in in all of my Bible college and seminary training What was the single most important class that I took in?
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- Regards to helping me with apologetics with defending the faith and I say well there were two the single most
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- Important one was New Testament Greek Being able to look at the New Testament documents in their original language
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- That's probably the single most useful class that I took But the second was church history
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- Knowing church history knowing how we came to believe we believe today and what the the
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- Events in church history were the Council of Nicaea and the Reformation whatever it might be church history and coin a
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- Greek Those were the two classes that have helped me the most in doing apologetics
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- So some people say well, come on here. You're inviting people to learn Greek. Yes, I am
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- Well, isn't that a little intellectually arrogant? No, it's not It isn't III don't accept the dumbing down of the
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- Christian faith the dumbing down of the Christian Church Think about the the time we invest in things.
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- It'll have absolutely positively no eternal value at all Don't we have time to invest in things that do have an eternal value
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- Don't we have time to invest in learning how to read? The New Testament in its original language
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- Which the greatest commentary on the New Testament is the New Testament in Greek. There is no question about that and So I don't in any way shape or form apologize for challenging people
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- Look if you're an engineer if you're a computer person if you're a professional
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- You've shown your ability to master difficult subjects and it's not easy to cover beginning
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- Greek in 15 weeks, which is how we do it It's fast -paced. It's gonna take work but you know most of us in our secular employment put that kind of work in all the time and There's absolutely nothing in Scripture and nothing in the faith that says we shouldn't put just as hard work
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- In fact even harder work into our Christian faith Wouldn't you like to be non -dependent upon reading a commentary someplace and just simply
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- Assuming that the commentator is being perfectly honest with the text when he says the Greek means such -and -so
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- Wouldn't you like to be able to check out the commentators? Let me tell you some folks Scholars who write commentaries scholars who write books on theology.
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- They're not perfect In fact, they have their own traditions. They have their own pet doctrines their own pet positions and those things sneak in and The only way to check them out is to be able to look at the original languages yourself
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- When they make those types of claims So consider it this fall Maybe you might need to not commit yourself to some other things just so you have some extra time to do it but think about this fall taking
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- Koine Greek through the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary's, Arizona campus here and I'll be the instructor there and we always have an interesting time.
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- And yes Apologetics does enter into the class often I will share instances where that language has come up and have been very very important to me in my work
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- And of course, I suppose if I'm telling you to give them a ring, it'd be good if I gave you their number. It's 240 3284 area code 602 240 3284 regular business hours
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- Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary's, Arizona campus and since we're talking about it
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- Going every which direction today since we're talking about it. I was just invited to teach a well
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- It's technically called Christian philosophy, but it in essence is a
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- Christian apologetics class on The main campus at Golden Gate Seminary and that main campus is in Miller Mill Valley, California Now Mill Valley is a beautiful area.
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- It's just south of San Francisco Golden Gate's main seminary campus in Mill Valley sits on a hill and when you're in certain of the classroom buildings, you can look out the windows and Literally look across the bay at downtown,
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- San Francisco. It is gorgeous beautiful beautiful place and You may say why are you mentioning teaching a class in San Francisco?
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- How in the world would any of us go to that? Well, it is a four -day intensive class and when they say intensive they mean
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- Intensive 8 a .m. To 5 p .m Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday It is the weekend after the
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- July 4th weekend during the summer It is a two -hour class Graduate level we'll be doing apologetics which would include the issue of worldview presuppositional versus evidential apologetics
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- We would also be discussing Mormonism Jehovah's Witnesses the role of the
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- Trinity in these issues as well as Taking some time to listen to some key issues on the subject of authority regarding Roman Catholicism all in four days
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- Eight hours a day. Well, it's not actually eight hours a day. Obviously, you're good. Well Actually, that would be eight hours a day because you take an hour hour break and you know glucose intravenous
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- Feeding in the afternoon would probably be a good idea to stay awake and to stay with it but If you're interested
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- That's only a four -day class with a weekend in between that may be a way of maybe you need to get some some graduate
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- Credits for whatever profession you're in and they allow you to take whatever you want. Think about it this this summer
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- July I believe it's July 8th and 9th and then 12th and 13th if I'm recalling correctly off the top of my head
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- They would have that information here at the Golden Gate campus locally at 240 3 2 8 4 that may be something that you might be interested in Participating in so back to what we're doing this
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- Particular week after a rather large detour there. We're going out and we're sharing with the
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- LDS people and you know It's not actually a detour Because one of the one of the things that we try to do when we share with the
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- LDS people out in Mesa When we explain the Christian faith to them is to do so in a positive manner
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- And I don't mean that in in the way that our society currently interprets that positive Well, if you could do it positively can't say anyone's wrong
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- You can't say that anything is false or untrue You just have to you know be very vanilla and plain and everything's wonderful and cool and so on so that's not what
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- I mean when when Jesus Refuted the Sadducees in Matthew chapter 22 about a false teaching he did not start off by saying well
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- That's one way of looking at it. He didn't do that. He said you are wrong
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- You do not understand the scriptures nor the power of God those the first words out of his mouth.
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- That's not politically correct I know that But that's the way the Lord Jesus did it and I don't think that type of Secular positivism is is the way we should approach things when
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- I say we try to positively share with people What I mean is we're not just out there saying well Mormonism is wrong about this and Mormonism is wrong about that and Joseph Smith is a proper false prophet here, and here's 48 false prophecies of Joseph Smith and yada yada yada yada
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- Yeah We have to deal with some of those things One of the tracks we were passing out is called men is not God and it is a track that Demonstrates that Joseph Smith was utterly clueless as to what in the world he was talking about when he quote -unquote
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- Translated the book of Abraham but Most of the conversations that we have are not focused upon specific errors in Mormonism in its history or false prophecies of Joseph Smith in fact the majority of the
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- Conversations that we have with Mormons are focused upon what we believe
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- What the scriptures teach? Most of the time we are we are centered directly in the text of scripture
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- We're talking about what the Old Testament says we're talking about what the New Testament says we're looking at scriptural passages
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- We are discussing things and we're presenting the gospel because we have to assume these folks have never heard the gospel
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- Oh, they use the term all the time They talk about the gospel all the time but they've never heard the true gospel and So I've said many many times.
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- You've probably heard me say it if you've listened to this program at all I Would rather have five people with me in Mesa five people with me in Salt Lake who know what they believe and Can explain it to others
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- Then 50 people who can rip and shred Mormonism, but have nothing positive to give in its place.
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- I Think we're very consistent at that point. I Think if you look at letters to a Mormon elder, I think if you look at is the
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- Mormon my brother The two books I've written on Mormonism We're not just simply ripping and shredding on a false system.
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- We present the truth in its place when you say Joseph Smith wasn't a true prophet and he gave you a false gospel if you can't then turn around and give a consistent and full and Meaningful presentation of what the real gospel is.
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- What are you doing out there? and Some of these folks have very in -depth questions to ask concerning what we believe about the gospel
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- Concerning whether we are being consistent in saying they're wrong and we're right and So it isn't there isn't an inconsistency between my talking about taking a
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- Greek class or taking a Christian apologetics class because a Lot of folks that are out there with me.
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- They've taken Greek from me before Many of them are able to address issues in regards to the original language maybe to maybe to explain to a
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- Mormon why there isn't any contradiction between acts 9 7 and acts 22 9 even though in the King James Version of Bible looks like there is
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- That's one of the favorite alleged contradictions that Mormons like to throw in your face is well acts 9 7 acts 22 9 in one place
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- Paul says that he the men traveled with him heard a voice at a place says they didn't and so here's a contradiction
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- Well the answer to that lies in being able to explain
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- What Luke actually wrote in the original language He didn't contradict himself the King James translation isn't over overly clear the
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- King James translation doesn't grab the nuance of the various terms That are used there But the contradiction is in our minds and our misunderstanding.
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- It's not in what Luke wrote But you have to be able to address issues of where the Bible came from Mormons frequently say well,
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- I believe the Bible is the Word of God as far as it is translated correctly That's what the eighth article of faith in the Mormon Church says Well, how many people know anything about how the
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- Bible is translated? How many people know anything about how the Bible is transmitted to us we pass out a tract called, but it is translated correctly we'll be passing that one out this year and It deals with that very issue of how the
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- Bible is transmitted to us the form in which it was transmitted How we why do we have a new
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- American standard NIV so on so forth and if you've been listening over the past couple weeks You've already picked up on a lot of that stuff, but that's an issue that you have to address many times with Mormons And so it is very consistent for our ministry which emphasizes giving consistent biblical responses to false doctrine to false teachings to on the other hand challenge people to Improve their knowledge of the
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- Bible by taking Greek by taking L 1311. I believe is the number the Christian philosophy there on the main campus and Expanding our studies.
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- There's everything consistent In doing that and it'll also help us to avoid getting involved in Presenting less than solid material to the
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- LDS people as well because it will help us to be discerning in the way in which we approach Those questions they'll have a few more things to discuss with you, but we need to take a break
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- We'll be right back right after this You Welcome back to the dividing line.
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- My name is James White and today we've been talking about the upcoming missions work that we will be doing in the city of Mesa, Arizona at the
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- Easter pageant beginning Tuesday evening and then this weekend as well as sort of a
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- Split shift here where some people will be at the Easter pageant Saturday and then some of the rest of us will be at the general conference of the
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- LDS Church in Salt Lake City a very Strenuous week of missions work.
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- We would certainly covet your prayers your support at this time We don't to discuss support issues very much on the air but I will tell you this it does take funds to print and To distribute tracks and do things like that And so keep us in in your thoughts along those lines as well as we're involved in doing missions work with the
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- LDS people now, you may be a Mormon listening today and you may say I just Cannot understand with all the the people out there who are unchurched just plain old pagan folks
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- Why you Christians you born -again Christians you conservative Bible believing
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- Christians? Sometimes known as Bible thumpers or Bible bashers. Sometimes Mormons will use terms like that to describe us
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- Why you folks just can't let bygones be bygones. Why you can't let people believe what they'll believe and Just accept the fact that we are
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- Christians like everybody else and just let us believe we want to believe. Well certainly in our
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- Grand United States here. We can believe we want to believe at least for the time being Though we're losing those freedoms rather quickly
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- But no one is when we go out to the Easter pageant trying to tell anyone you don't have the right to believe what you want
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- To believe if you want to be wrong, you can be wrong. That is everyone's birthright here in the
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- United States If you want to believe whatever it is as strange or untrue as it may be
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- But you see I have the right as American citizen to say well you're in error Here's why you're in error.
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- Here are facts about your history You need to know here are facts about what the Bible says that you need to know and I can't force you to change your
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- Mind, no one can I can't argue you out of Mormonism and I wouldn't try
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- That is something that only the Holy Spirit of God can do but I am called to bear testimony to the truth and Let's try to keep a few things in perspective and a few things in mind
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- First of all, it's Mormonism that came along in the 1800s and said that all Christian churches were an abomination and corrupt
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- That their doctrines were incorrect and that God had to reestablish his church It's Mormonism that came along and said that there are many plain and precious truths that have been removed from the
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- Bible It's Mormonism that came along and said that there are saved two churches the Church of the Lamb the
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- Church of the devil the Church The Lamb is the LDS Church It's Mormonism that came along and says that you have to have priesthood authority from God to act in his place and that Priesthood exists only within the
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- LDS Church because according to Mormonism again the Aaronic priesthood was established reestablished upon the earth by John the
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- Baptist and the Melchizedek priesthood by Peter James and John and given only to the leaders of the
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- LDS Church So it's Mormonism that has made these statements. It's Mormonism that has come along and said the doctrine the
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- Trinity is wrong It's Joseph Smith who said that the doctrine the Trinity presents a three -headed God.
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- That is a monster It is not the Christians who made those statements it's the
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- Mormons and therefore when I go out and share with the LDS people I am first and foremost giving a defense of the truth and No matter what the response of Mormons is
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- God is glorified when his truth is proclaimed When it's proclaimed with a desire to glorify him, it's proclaimed accurately
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- It's proclaimed not in arrogance, but in truth God is glorified and People say why do you know?
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- I don't see a whole bunch of people just falling down accepting whatever you have to say. You don't have to That's not what we're involved in.
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- That's not important to us I'd love to see all the Mormons come to know Christ, but I know that that's probably not going to happen
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- Instead my concern is to glorify God to speak his truth and to leave the results in his hands when
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- I talk to LDS people I See myself in them if it were not for the grace of God.
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- I could believe any type of theological heresy even the type of heresy that destroys the soul
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- I Could believe I suppose that God was once man lived on another planet
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- I know plenty of intelligent Mormon people who really do Accept these teachings of Joseph Smith teachings utterly unknown in the history of the
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- Christian Church but come came up with by Joseph Smith in the 18 late 1830s and and their intelligent engineers and nuclear physicists and people like that and they believe it
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- Because you see it's not an issue of the intellect It's not just an issue of what you know
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- It's an issue of the heart. It's an issue of the spirit It's an issue of the Spirit of God either allowing a person who doesn't love the truth to accept a lie a deception or That same
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- Spirit of God opening the heart and the mind Opening the hearts of those who have been given a false gospel and a false
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- God only the Spirit of God can do that Only the Spirit of God can open that heart
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- I may be able to present all sorts of arguments against Mormonism and Over the years
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- I've certainly learned what what directions to go and how to handle situations and conversations and so on so forth
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- I've got a lot of experience in talking to Mormons But all the experience in the world all the facts in the world all the data in the world all the memorized things that I can present to a
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- Mormon is Not gonna change their mind Very often.
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- I have people who call them say oh, could you come over and talk to my neighbor friend? He's a Mormon. I'm sure if you just talked to him.
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- He'd see the light and I go. No, that's I I'm afraid you've you've got the wrong idea here
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- It's not a matter of just simply presenting facts to folks. There is a spiritual element of blindness and I've had people comment on the fact that they've gone out and and Passed out literature with us and they've listened to the witnessing encounters and Have never had anything impressed upon them more strongly than in those situations
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- What it means to be spiritually dead and spiritually blind There are certain individuals that come out there almost every year.
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- There's one man I don't believe he lives here in area anymore But he used to even call into our radio program and he'd come out there just the pageant just to bother us just simply to try to break up as many conversations as possible and If anything was said by everyone who ever tried to deal with him and talk with him
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- It was there is the greatest example of spiritual blindness I've ever seen That doesn't make us arrogance because we were not for the grace of God might be in the exact same position
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- No room for that kind of pride and arrogance But there is room for the bold proclamation of the truth of God and you know, we can be bold We can be bold because we trust
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- God is sovereign to save his people We can be bold and we don't have to pull any punches
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- We don't have to not talk about the sovereignty of God for fear of offending the Mormons We don't have to not talk about man being dead in sin for fear of the
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- Mormons We don't have to do that Because we recognize it's
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- God who saves in the first place and He's powerful to do so the flip side of that is
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- There is no power in heaven and earth They can stop God From saving anyone that he has foreordained.
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- He is going to bring to himself Through this missionary work no power in heaven and earth.
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- Nothing the Mormons can do about it God will save his people. That's all there is to it and we can rejoice in that So we'll pray for us this week as we're out in Mesa Hey, if you're out there you drive by you see us honk at us wave
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- Something don't throw food money would be nice. Don't throw food. Just say hi to us and Encourage us if you're coming by walking by stop by and say hey,
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- I heard you on the radio Saturday. I appreciate what you're doing Praying for you. That would be the greatest thing for us
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- We'd really really appreciate that but keep us in your prayers first and foremost and next week Lord Wellin live from Salt Lake City.
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- We'll talk to you then The Dividing line is a presentation of Alpha and Omega ministries.
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- You can contact us at 602 973 0 3 1 8 or you can write us at P o box 3 7 1 0 6
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- Phoenix, Arizona 8 5 0 6 9 we are easy to find on the World Wide Web at www .aomin
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- .org That's www .aomin .org
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- You can also find a complete listing of James White's books tapes debates and tracks on our website