Luke 14:25-35, What’s It Take?


Luke 14:25-35 What’s It Take?


Welcome, I had a procedure done this past week on Monday called an orthoscopy to see what was wrong with my left knee
In fact, this is the first day of this since that surgery that I've been going along without a crutches, but it turns out that Most of the cartilage in my left knee has just been totally worn away so this is made by running and I've noticed my running has been even actually my you some of my preaching because I Always wonder why after preaching my knees so stiff
But it's made about running a difficult and bad for the bones so it takes healthy cartilage
To to be a good runner of all the things it takes to be a governor There's a lot of criteria. One of those is you got to have good cartilage in your knees
So this is probably the end of my regular running you after all you just gotta have what it takes now
Everything we do requires something from us physically mentally intellectually knowing certain facts
Maybe emotionally being able to work well with people and your job whatever well, you know, what's it take?
Let's take to be a good mailman. You got to be able to gotta be able to read Yeah, you got to really you got to be in reasonably good health because it's pretty physically active job
Yeah, you got to be organized, you know, just go to deliver here deliver there. You got to go in order
You got to be self -disciplined because they're not a boss standing over your shoulder every second making you do every what you're supposed to do
What's it take to be a good? Teacher Justin's here. We're not like what's it take to be a good teacher. I've got to be able to communicate
Got a bit of relate Well, so that in a way depends on the age level of who you're teaching
You know someone may be a may have what it takes to be a very good elementary school teacher But maybe not what it takes to be a good high school teacher.
Have you got to be authoritative without domineering? You got to be caring but able to maintain discipline.
You've got to also got to know your subjects You got to know what you're talking about. What's it take to be a good student?
Got some students here. You got to be self -motivated It helps to have a high IQ, but I think if you're disciplined and organized enough
Someone could someone could make up for just being of average intelligence and still be a very good student
What's it take to keep a restaurant in business? That's a tricky one You know that 60 % of restaurants fail in the first year and 80 % fail in the in the first five years
But we have at least four we've got at least four Restaurants represented here and they've been you know going for a while now.
They haven't gone out of business. What's it take? What's the secret? I think a big part of this their secret is that they work hard They work long hours
Almost every usually every day of the week long hours and with often Only this time right here in church being time taken off from the business
Regularly during during the week, you know, they don't hire employees if they can do the work themselves apparently
That's what it takes What's it take to be a Christian? Many and today and say it takes almost nothing
There's this common idea going around. It didn't take believe almost hardly takes anything You say you believe in a bare minimum of facts and really that's all it takes they say
Now if you really want to be devout if you want it, you know, you you're really gonna be committed
Well, you can opt for that. It's kind of an option out there It's like flying a plane
You can you can go first class if you're willing to pay the price or you can go to you know Be the cheap seats in the coach some people have that idea about being
Christian if you want to be devout and you deny yourself things and give your money and go to church and Help with outreaches and you want to read the
Bible and pray and you can that's all well and good Many have a kind of a two -tiered view of Christians two -tiered system with the disciples
They're the first class. They're the kind of the higher rank sort of the special forces You know, they're kind of the the
Navy SEALs of Christians Disciples with the rest of us, you know
Hardly anyone hardly anything is really required of us except we agree agreeing to a minimum of a few doctrines
This view has been with us for almost for over a thousand years It used to be that the monks and the nuns they were considered the really devout who went to the extra effort of really being serious
But it didn't take much at all. If you just wanted to be all you wanted to do was be a regular
Christian I'll you know, basically just be baptized as a baby and Don't be a heretic
That's about it. Now. You might have to go to purgatory for a few thousand years, but you know, that's that's the price you pay
Today maybe it's today though Maybe our view instead of the monks and the nuns our view is often is maybe it's the missionaries
Or they're really devout and the first class or maybe someone who has quote surrendered to the call
I just hate that term surrendered to the call to preach You know So it gives the idea like they were under siege by this horrible enemy that they had to capitulate to Finally made them to preach.
Those are the really spiritual while the rest of us Not much is really required, you know, but the
Bible really knows nothing of that two -tiered system the Lord Jesus did not say go ye therefore and make converts
Christians and if you can get a few of them to be disciples, that's great, too No, there's no special class of believers who are the
Saints while the rest of us are just the pew fillers in the New Testament The Saints were all the believers
Believers were Saints who were Christians who were Disciples all of those are interchangeable and all had surrendered to whatever call the
Lord had for them so then What's it take? to be a disciple a believer a
Christian Well, Jesus tells us right here. I didn't read the passage. Did I? Let's read the passage.
Jesus tells us right here in Luke chapter 14 Jesus tells us in Luke chapter 14 starting verse 25.
We've been to verse 35 Hear the word of the Lord now great crowds
Accompanied him and he turned and said to them If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters
Yes, even his own life. He cannot be my disciple Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple
For which of you desiring to build a tower does not first sit down and count the cost whether he has enough to Enough to complete it
Otherwise when he has finished when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish all who see it begin to mock him
Saying this man began to build it was not able to finish or what King going out to encounter another king in war
Will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with 10 ,000 to meet him who comes against him with 20 ,000 and if not while the other is yet a great way off He sent a delegation and asked for terms of peace
So therefore any one of you who does not renounce all that he has Cannot be my disciple
Salt is good. But if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored?
It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile it is thrown away He was ears to hear let him hear
May the Lord add his blessings to the reading of his Holy Word And so we see here
What Jesus tells us how what's it take to be Christian a disciple see that in three parts first the cost second the counting and finally the compromised
First was first of the cost now some will object Grace, they say is free true
But it's free to get But once you get it It will cost you everything
Now many of our day you don't get that difference They'll claim that there is no cost that nothing must be sacrificed.
Nothing must be changed This is really the same False quote grace that the
Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer Called cheap grace in his great book the cost of discipleship
The cheap grace infected the church in Germany prior to the Nazis taking over there. How did the church there?
succumb to Nazism Because they had been solely false Cheap grace
Bonhoeffer said quote cheap grace means the justification of sin Without the justification of the sinner grace alone does everything they say and so everything can remain as it was before well then let the
Christian Live like the rest of the world Let him model himself in the world standards in every sphere of life and not presumptuously aspire to live a different life
Under grace from his old life under sin We were sold the same cheap grace here too in the
South Alice can you explain how people who call themselves Christians seeing Sometimes a man emotionally about amazing grace.
We're able to live just like the world around them No, hardly no different the same racism same sexual immorality the same greed for stuff
Every big anybody we've been told can be part of this religion because it doesn't take much from you
Takes anything from you, but here the Lord Jesus says that it takes a cost Here at verse 25 the great crowds notice that begins with that great crowds follow
Jesus from the end of chapter 9 in Luke Jesus has set his face
From Luke chapter 9 verse 51. He says he set his face determined to go to Jerusalem Knowing what was waiting for him there.
In fact, he was going for that very purpose Now the crowds think success and power wealth glory
Their kind of earthly glory is waiting for for him and they want to ride his coattails to get all that stuff to That's why the crowds were so big.
This is success. That's what they're after They want what they thought he would bring
That's why the smiling prosperity teachers today are are so popular
Yeah, you you know to be what's it take to be a prosperity a good popular preacher today Well, you've got to have a nice smile.
I try to try to work that nice hair I got that down and able to be able to talk Entertainingly about how
God has a fat and calf for you or maybe a Rolls Royce or a beach house or a six -figure salary or perfect health
Especially cartilage in your knee for you now That's why Joel Osteen draws 52 ,000 attendees per week
That's about the whole population of the city of Danville every week great crowds
What's it take to be a popular in the religion business? Here Jesus is popular. He's a success now.
Surely we know it surely was a great communicator He did miracles that helped but what else does it take?
It takes a message that people want to hear How to have your best life now with no cost so Jesus turns to these great crowds
Who think that's what they're gonna get from him and he turns to the great crowd and tells them about the cost
There is a cost people who care more about the popularity of the success the wealth they can get from the great crowds
Care more about that than they do about what it takes to follow Christ They won't tell those great crowds about the cost
Joyce Meyers has a ten million dollar corporate jet a $107 ,000 silver gray
Mercedes sedan sounds nice a two million dollar home and other houses worth another two million dollars
Now I wonder if you'd ever hear of the cost of discipleship
From her she get all that stuff by telling people About the cost of discipleship you think?
Well, she has a study Bible. She puts out so does Joel Osteen. He has another study Bible of his own What do you think their study
Bibles? Say about this passage here. We just read Where Jesus tells the crowds about the cost?
You think it says? Doesn't say anything they just skip over it in silence
Joel Osteen has a big sidebar though about the very next passage about how God has a fattened calf just for you
Prodigal son story The cost of discipleship Nothing, let's move on.
So here Jesus turns to the great crowds and He tells them he says if anyone
Anyone remember that comes to me notice that this is it just for the elite It's not just for the special forces not just for the higher tier of super spiritual saints.
This is anyone and They're coming to Jesus It's just you know, it's not
Some special kind of coming to Jesus it means coming to Jesus you want to come to him anyone wants to come to him
This is the cost Anyone who comes to Jesus and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters
That's a wife and children. I hope so and brothers and sisters. Yes, and even his own life He cannot be my disciple
What's the cost The cost is that you hate what to other people are the nearest and the dearest How can that how can that be?
That that can't possibly be we think right now. It's probably going through most of our heads that can't possibly mean what it says
So here we face a temptation This is so radical This is so extreme
That we're tempted to interpret it away into Into meaninglessness to say that well
He really means you don't idolize those relationships, but you love God and how do you love
God? well, you love it by you love God by loving your mother and father and children and Wife and our husband and brothers and sisters and so on and of course to do that You got to love them as yourself, which means you got to love yourself
Right, you gotta love yourself to love them Which what we're supposed to do and and you love yourself by you know
Giving yourself a two million dollar home and a ten million dollar jet and a hundred and seven thousand dollars silver gray Mercedes and so on and on so basically
Never mind Carry on as you were We can do the same thing as Osteen and Myers do to this passage
Skip it Now surely does it mean hey, does he Now if I hate you mean just got a just a visceral dislike
Like the way you might hate that other basketball team. We won't name any names here or hey
Cockroaches, I didn't hate cockroaches. Let's stamp them out We never see one or hate us a style of music that just drives you up the wall turn off that whatever or Hate sagging pants, you know, let's hate that style
If you mean we're supposed to just hate our nearest and dearest like that Well, of course not he teaches us to love our neighbors and certainly that includes parents and spouse and children
But it but it doesn't mean nothing either Be careful of people who interpret the
Bible especially when it comes to passages like this that are difficult you think Interpreted and it comes out after they interpreted it.
It basically means nothing carry on He chose the word hate on purpose
He may not have minute meant us to take it literally that we're all right now and you know treat those you came to church with Rudely try to get away from them as soon as possible.
I can't stand him But he did mean something He meant that by comparison your commitment to and love for the
Lord will make your love for your parents or your spouse or your children It'll make it look like hate
That you will love them less than the Lord Indeed that you will so love the
Lord and be so committed to him That your relationships with your parents or your spouse or your children they are consumed by that love for the
Lord You love them as a way to love the Lord. You love them because you love the
Lord It's not that the Lord gets 51 percent of your love and then the rest you kind of divide up, you know
Maybe 40 % goes to your spouse and maybe the rest to your children or parents or whatever Now the
Lord gets all of your love consumed within all of your commitment 100 % and so now your relationships with your spouse your parents your children is a way to love and serve
Jesus it's not a rival that you have to wonder if I love in him or her too much.
I Gotta tune it down a little bit. Is it getting am I getting where I'm loving him 51 % now
No, it's a way to show your love for Jesus practically. How does the Lord want me to love this person this?
Husband or wife of mine Many think it's the other way around They think that God exists, you know, this church this religion is here to help them enhance their relationships
God's out there to help me Have a better relationship with these people that's why churches that are focused on drawing great crowds instead of Pushing them away like Jesus was here, but the churches are focused on drawing in more often major on series
Series after series and things like how to have a better marriage how to raise better kids how to have a happy family
That's just I don't think there's anything wrong with studying or reading or thinking about those kind of things It's just that's their focus.
Why is that their focus? Well people want a religion that serves these relationships, but here
Jesus says that the cost are sacrificing Those relationships that's the cost
And he uses attention -grabbing terms I hate so you don't think this is just the usual kind of meaningless religious double talk that you can just kind of turn off and ignore
You know, it's not the kind of thing you just suggest it would be nice if you gave more
Maybe if you can But you're free to give a little tip to the Lord and splurge on yourself like some popular
Preachers do on houses and cards and vacations It's not that kind of dope wishy -washy
Talk that we're just so immersed in today That's that's the cheap grace that Bonhoeffer was scolding and then asked nothing real from us
And so we indulge ourselves and we put relationships first no differently than the world around us
No, he grabs our attention with that word hate because he wants us to get the point if you're to be his disciple he must be
Your all -in -all notice a word that comes here. You might not have expected
Because there's other passages like a Matthew Jesus of similar things, but it's not in that past those passages it is here in Luke You know leaving our father and mother
We can understand that You know We don't have to go to what we have to go away to college or may have to move away because of a career or Because of marriage, okay
Understand that leaving our brothers and sisters Then it might even be a relief for some of us
Right. I want to see if either David or Joe said amen on that. No, we neither did Our Lauren or Santa or Noah?
They didn't but speaking to speaking to the men here. Jesus said they have to hate.
Did you notice that? hate your own wives That's almost unbelievable today,
I Mean this passage is unbelievable Today, they were called on to put the
Lord ahead of our wife or husband I've heard preachers that they're probing their their hearers
Doing a good job of it I thought for all the things that they might love more than the
Lord and they'll go through almost everything in life imaginable Their success their income their house their pets their boats their cars, you know, whatever you can think of You know,
I'll leave out this one thing. I've never that far so I can remember Heard this touched on I don't
I don't know if I've heard any preacher ever challenged us to that We must not love our spouse more more than the
Lord. I think it's almost considered. It's bad manners to say that We're supposed to be promoting that relationship not
Downplaying it you can scold people for indulging on expensive vacations or too big of houses or Skipping church so they can take their poodle to the dog groomers because that was the sorry preacher
But that was the only time open on Sunday morning, you know, yeah, this is a priority But it's like you mustn't touch
You must not touch the relationship
Remember this passage comes immediately after his parable before That passage about the kingdom of God is being a banquet
Many were invited. Remember that parable the many invited the banquet now once they said yes to the invitation they were supposed to come
But when the announcement was made that when the announcement was right, it was ready They were supposed to come but instead they made excuses when
I bought a field And I'll feel is for farming for putting food on the table for us.
It's like having a career Okay, we get it. We're not supposed to put the put the career ahead of the
Lord We're not we're not it's not a good excuse Well, we got to keep the business open on Sunday morning to make a little more money
Because you know, sorry we can't come to the worship We can't come here the Word of God because I got to make more a little few more dollars on Sunday morning
We understand. Okay. No Got it The next one had had bought five yoke of oxen.
Remember that he's got stuff Equipment like tractors, maybe cars or maybe iPhones even airplanes if you're a successful prosperity preacher
But but we get it that it takes Being able to sacrifice the stuff to give generously not being so greedy for the newest gadget the newest luxury the newest vehicle that That we got out we hoard our money and we don't give okay
Got it We got a part with the stuff Then the third one says that he's married a wife and most of us today, but thank you.
You're right. You can be excused But the master of the house symbolizing God is angry at them all
They were all lame excuses He does not accept marriage as an excuse to skip the invitation to the kingdom of God.
He doesn't Now today many people think it's just incredible that we criticize someone usually some young person, you know
They could they've been sold by the movies and the songs That the relationship is the meaning of life and maybe and they got the hormones going to That usually some young person for dropping his or her church commitments to go dating on Sunday morning after all
That's what you're doing If you go to the you drop you don't go to the church you're committed to and go with your honey to his or her church
You're going on a date, but instead of it being a movie. It's a church service now I mean in our culture think that's just crazy to find anything wrong with that but understand what it takes to be a
Christian it takes a commitment a love in a Delighting in God that sees his kingdom as a banquet.
That's more attractive than marriage. It puts the Lord above the relationship
That makes the relationship a way to serve God That's what it takes and going on a date on Sunday morning at the first sign that this might be the one
Doesn't suggest you paid that price But you might say but all these are good things
It's a good relationship. I have a good girlfriend boyfriend, whatever Why should we sacrifice good things?
Well, John Piper put it well The greatest enemy of hunger for God is not poison, but apple pie
It's not the banquet of the wicked that dulls our appetite for heaven, but endless nibbling at the table of the world
It's not the x -rated video, but the primetime dribble of triviality We drink in every night for all the ill that Satan can do when
God describes what keeps us from the banquet table of his love it's a piece of land a yoke of oxen and a wife
The greatest adversary of love to God is not his enemies but his gifts
Not Only the relationship of sacrifice Notice he says yes
That was can you believe it? Here's the cost You must hate even yes, believe it or not your own life and Again, don't interpret it with this a way into meaninglessness.
You must hate your own life. That's what it takes That's the cost if anyone is able is not able to pay it
Jesus then says he cannot Notice that at verse 26 cannot.
Oh, he is unable to he lacks the ability. He does not have what it takes
To be his disciple so in verse 27, whoever does not bear his own cross
And now think how shocking this was to the people in his day when Jesus said that this large crowd The mostly
Jewish people are probably entirely Jewish people he's saying this to you have to bear your own cross Whoever does not do it.
They're thinking they're following him to glory into power to them the cross, you know to them
It wasn't a piece of jewelry It wasn't a metaphor About you know, I have to bear my own cross.
I don't have cartilage in my knee. He was far severe than that They had seen men
It probably most of them had probably seen men hauling crosses to their deaths being lashed by Roman soldiers as they go
It was a brutal obscene form of execution is so loathsome
It was reserved for only for non Roman citizens for people that the Roman government first wanted to humiliate
Then torture then used to terrorize all the other people around and then and only then finally to kill them
That's what the cross meant to them So whoever does not embrace that shame the torture of being denied what you crave
What you what you think you have to have the comforts of this world cannot again cannot
Be my disciple anyone who isn't able to be humiliated before others and Mocked called a hater and a bigot or whatever and and even still die like like Jim Elliot cannot be
Jesus a disciple Jim Elliot was a missionary just in his 20s. I believe his wife
Elizabeth Elliot died just a few months ago and So it's conceivable that if he had not been martyred when he was he that he could still be alive today
But he was he was killed Speared to death in by natives in South America 60 years ago this past Monday He said he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose
Anyone who isn't like him Cannot be Jesus's disciple. That's what it takes.
That's the cost Now he says Count them count the cost
You know count that it might mean breaking off a relationship that doesn't help you follow Jesus It might mean being lonely from time to time
It might mean you can't afford that fancy vacation because you gave so much money You might mean you you you go without something that you would have liked to have had count the cost and then ask yourself, honestly
Whether you're willing to pay it That's what Jesus is saying to this great crowd
You're building a tower or a house any structure first you need
You need an accurate estimate of how much it will cost, you know, don't just think it's kind of silly
Thank you. I want to build this and you just start out You know and then only later do you find out how much is involved with it if that happens, you know
Everyone will see a half -completed building and mock you. Oh, there's that guy thought he could build a barn
Look at that got a few pillars to get stack up on the ground. That's it But Jesus here is telling the great crowds be honest with yourself
About whether you have what it takes You want to go with me to Jerusalem? people to die
Be honest with yourself sit down count the cost Alan here makes his living by counting the cost
He has to be accurate and honest about how much a project might cost now Suppose I suppose you could get away with Telling some client that you can build their building for half of what everyone else out there is estimating
They are your competition just to get the customer to like you Does he sign the contract for you and like the way the prosperity preachers do skip over the skip over this passage?
I guess you could Alan Attract great crowds of customers for a short while by telling them that they hardly have to pay anything
Well, we equality to show we'll build your building for heart for pennies You can get away with that right up until your business goes bankrupt and then
You can't we can't do anything for them because there are costs The price for not honestly reckoning whether you can meet them is
It's high It's either being mocked People see you started but couldn't finish or it's like an army that went out to battle against the superior enemy.
You did devastation The cost is high Not counting the cost so you need to first Jesus says sit down You're following me people sit down Think it over says that verse sit down in verse 28 and 31
Like a king going out to battle deliberate carefully If you have what it takes
Remember his face is set to go to Jerusalem to be crucified there then he turns around to these great crowds
And what's he say to them? He didn't say wow, this is great, you know, we got a it's be like having a packed gym here
We don't have to have a curtain anymore. We just got it all the way back to the back door This is great. Come back next week and bring a friend
No, he says you need to count the cost This is exactly the opposite of what so much evangelism does today today we
Count the numbers we count how many heads in the crowd How how high the attendance is those are the things we count how much money comes in we often lower the cost
Telling people that they don't really have to give up much. They don't have to really they're not gonna have to give up their sins They're their live -in boyfriend or girlfriend.
They can still pursue wealth above all. That's fine We skip over passages like this and in our study
Bibles and then if they agree to pay little cost We rush them through a prayer and now often a
Spontaneous baptism spontaneous baptisms are now a fashion even in Baptist churches people come forward on a
Sunday morning not told they have to pay any cost and Are then maybe baptized right then and there on that very morning or maybe?
Maybe they got to warm up the baptistry Sunday night The thinking is that that's the way to grow crowds
You kind of pay little baby steps get them to say a few they believe in a few doctrines and You know, they'll come for the show
There were the thinking is we're just called to make Christians who are somehow aren't disciples Anyway, but notice here if you want to come to him in any way whatsoever come to him
You must hate all your other relationships and first sit down sit down Rush through don't rush to it.
Think carefully About whether you have what it takes Deliberate and then well for us then let's remember that Jesus said we are to baptize
Who we baptize he told us to remember in Matthew 28 baptized go therefore and make disciples and baptize
Disciples baptize them who are the disciples baptized disciples and to be a disciple What's it take what he tells us right that right here or must hate every other rival to Jesus and examine oneself
Whether he or she can do that Then he or she can be baptized that's why we don't do spontaneous baptisms can some six year old kid
Say manipulated into a repeat -after -me prayer by a Sunday school teacher Does he or she a little kid have what it takes to decide to a little kid little
Joey? Are you gonna hate your father and mother? Give all to Jesus renounce everything you have
Does he or she have what it takes to have Jesus is her all in all? carefully deliberate count the cost
And come to a decision that yes, I'll deny myself and take up my cross and hate my life
You think a little kid? Has what it takes to do that If not
Then how can we baptize them? When he turns to this great crowd and he tells them
You need to hate everything compared to your commitment to me and you better think it over Before rushing into something that you can't finish
So therefore in verse 33 here's really the conclusion of it all
The cost that you have to sit down and count. What's the cost? Any one of you?
To this great crowd. He's speaking any one of you Today and be comfortable people nicely dressed sitting in comfy chairs
Sorry, our chairs are really aren't that comfy? comfy chairs at our satellite campuses you who are there and our
You know other campus Loving our music that's especially chosen to appeal to your taste
Everything in the church, especially designed to make you feel comfortable To give you the feeling that there's no price that you'll have to pay
That's not what he says he says any one of you who does not renounce all that he has
You think being asked to give 10 % is an old legalistic duty that now that we're free of and so now we're free of it
We can just splurge on ourself. I'll give me that 2 ,107 thousand and silver gray
Mercedes No You must renounce and the
Greek word there means to separate from to withdraw from to forsake You must renounce
Everything and the Greek word there means get this write it down everything you have
There were acquired giving in the New Testament doesn't go down from 10 % It was in the
Old Testament it goes up to 100 % You renounce every single cent every second of your time every piece of your property every relationship
You have you you say this is my this is not mine Lord.
This is yours Do with it as you will for everything
If you can't do that You don't have what it takes to be his disciple
Well, finally quickly What's it take to be a disciple a Christian? They're the same thing after all
It takes cost Which is everything takes counting them sitting down and seeing if you have what it takes to sacrifice everything and finally, it takes not being compromised
Salt is good. But if it's lost its taste, in other words, if it's lost the the sodium chloride the
Chemistry term that makes it a real salt if it's just filler Then it then it's no good good for nothing
Now in that day what they called salt because this may sound strange to us a salt is lots of saltiness How can that be on that day what they called salt had a lot of filler other stuff just thrown in to make it go
Further, I guess mixed in maybe sand. I don't know but that wasn't real salt And so if the real salt if the sodium chloride
Had been used up and washed away and all that was left was this filler Well, it's good for nothing
It's so worthless, you know, it ruins your soil. You don't want to throw it out in your in your dirt It's not even fit for the manure pile.
Now something is really worthless if it messes up manure, okay Now what's the point here?
Jesus is being followed by a large crowd. Remember He's now a success in the religion business
Numbers of success, right The common way to handle a situation like this for most people
Still today is to ask. How can I make more out of it? Maybe you have good intentions How can
I use all this my influence with these large number of people to be the salt of the earth? Maybe that's your intention or maybe maybe greedy intentions.
How can I monetize it? Get them to read my books and subscribe to my podcast and get grow my followers
Of course either way you don't want to lose any of them Do you you want to grow what you have?
You grow them you have more influence. You're more of a salt of the earth You lose them.
You can't influence them. So you can't influence the world through them. So what do you do? You soften your message
You don't want to you soften the things that might drive them away There are some sins
That the culture says you can't criticize that drinking you can just rail on that that that demon rum you can just Go on and on about that.
But if there's some other sins the culture says no, no, no No, you we're not gonna bear hearing about that You know
Only bigots and quote haters call that a sin So you don't mention them?
You don't challenge what the world says you can't challenge like the way the Southern Church for over a century
Didn't challenge racism You know what they didn't want to lose their people Pastor thought
I don't want to get fired So I'm gonna leave that alone in other words you compromise and The reasoning was the reason they were thinking that I should compromise was
I got to keep my influence with this great crowd I got a crowd here If I just not say this one or two things
They'll listen to me about all the other stuff And now I'll be an influence. I'll be the salt of the earth
Through them this promise this hope you can still Influence them.
So be the salt of the earth But the but the truth is that by compromising by surrendering on the exact points that the world said you better not challenge
Racism in the past maybe homosexuality today or just sexual immorality generally
Maybe the greed of some professed Christians figure that they're big givers Maybe they don't tithe but you know, if they're making a million dollars, they're still only giving 1 %
That's a lot of money. Maybe the greed of these professed Christians that makes them pursue money instead of the kingdom of God Maybe maybe not touch that.
It's not too strongly. Maybe the individualism says that I don't I don't need to be accountable to anyone Whatever it may be
We're just gonna leave those Those sins alone. You might drive them away. Don't touch those hot potatoes by compromising
You're not the salt of the earth anymore You're good for nothing Because you're you're just you're just saying the things that are bad that the world already agrees is bad
You're not changing them You're a church That even ruins manure
Listen to this he says at the end if you have ears to hear listen It's discipleship
That is the salt Christians and churches without discipleship without believers who have what it takes for Jesus to be there all in all
So they don't live for relationships like like the world does who have renounced every penny they have without that We're worthless
If we individually or as a church we lack discipleship
Then we don't have what it takes to be a good influence We're compromised
We're like salt It's just filler There's no more sodium chloride left.
We're as worthless as if we weren't Christians at all Surrendering to wherever the
Lord wherever the world puts the most pressure on us What's it take
It takes everything you have and it takes all of you Now maybe now you admit after some deliberation
I Don't have what it takes Well, that's a good first step
You're counting the cost But if you see now that you don't have what it takes the next question and your deliberation is
Why? Why don't you have it You say well, I just don't have that gritty determination to give up everything.
I'm just not willing to let go then if that's so Do you not see what
Jesus did When he took up his cross notice that in verse 27, he tells us to take up our own crosses
Otherwise, there's a cross designed just for us We don't have to take up Jesus's cross he had his only he could take up that The one on which the
Prince of Glory died Look at his cross Deliberate on that as you're deliberating consider it if you see it
Where sorrow and love flow mingle down? See that Deliberate on that then
Your richest gain You'll count but loss and poor contempt on all your pride
Look at his cross Then you'll understand Were the whole realm of nature mine that were a present far too small
Love so amazing so divine Demands my soul my life my all
Survey his wondrous cross and then then