F4F | Andrew Wommack Says God Wants You Well

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Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith here on YouTube if you think that Andrew Womack is a solid
Bible teacher you've heard him in the past or watched him on television or you know anybody that thinks that Andrew Womack is just the bee's knees go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring the bell yeah he's a false teacher and he's one of the more unassuming false teachers out there but he's actually very extremely highly dangerous he's a word -of -faith heretic and he's a fellow that teaches that everybody can you know it will be healed you know it is if that's a real promise that we have this sign of the resurrection which we don't but we're gonna head over to his his website and we're gonna listen to a part of a message and the message itself is titled
God wants you well we're gonna note that he's shilling here he's selling books and stuff like resources that basically will teach you apparently that you can somehow activate and you know get into you know you tap into the the will of God for you know you to always be healed and always be well which is not an actual promise in Scripture given to Christians that's not that's not there at all and instead we'll note then that he's gonna engage in a very interesting
Bible twisting technique and that demonstrates actually definitively proves that he doesn't know the biblical text in the original languages and and so he inadvertently reveals that it's theology is actually what he thinks is reasonable and how it should work not based upon what the text themselves literally say and and actually mean so let me whirl this up we're heading over to Andrew Womack's website here we go let's get to it welcome to our
Thursday's broadcast of the gospel truth today I'm continuing to talk about how
God wants you well and you just kind of have to ask the question if God wants me well then if somebody's sick how did that happen it's got powerless to to make somebody well if he wants them well
I mean is God up in heaven wringing his hands going I really want to help you I really do
I really want you to be well but there's these things you got to do and stuff yeah this is this is a weird theology in and of itself just right off the bat and I've been dealing with this now for this is near the end of my fifth week we've got these six volumes of DVDs with probably 28 or 30 testimonies of people who've been miraculously healed and I've been playing though a little bit of a note is
God definitely can heal today and sometimes it is
God's will for him to heal no doubt about it and so you can pray and you can ask
God to heal you and if he so chooses he might just do exactly that but Scripture doesn't teach that it is always
God's will to heal and if you just kind of apply like basic logic here in and here's what
I mean since since the Apostles walked the earth what has been the death rate for every human being including
Christians on planet earth answer 100 % everybody dies and so and you'll note that oftentimes that as as we are getting closer to the grave the the sheer sign that you are getting closer to the grave is that you experience a chronic disease known as aging yeah that's where your body stops working the way it did and you know that Andrew Womack for all of his talk that God wants
God wants you well he looks like an old fellow I mean his hair is all gray and he doesn't look like that if you played a pickup game of basketball with 20 year olds that he'd be able to smoke them you know like not even close and so you know
Andrew Womack for all this talk about God wants you well this is a guy who when you compare his before and after photos before when he was 20 and now when he's what he looks like he's in his 70s you know this is a fellow who's clearly getting old and so one of the things we say here at fighting for the faith is never trust a faith healer who wears glasses uh -huh yep and don't trust a faith healer a guy who says
God wants you well who is aging mm -hmm if God wants you well then you're gonna stay perpetually 20 or 18 you kind of get the idea so I mean just applying like basic duh to this this problem you can see that Andrew Womack is not not telling us the truth and again you know if God wants us all well and Christians to always be well then why why aren't we all already well plus we have this book on God wants you well
I've got it on CD DVD I've got us I'd like to see him like teach this message to Johnny Erickson Tata you know who spent literally her entire adult life as a quadriplegic in a wheelchair study guide and we've got this
USB that has over a dozen of my teachings that go along with healing on the authority of the believer spirit soul and body how to receive
God's best and on and on and on it goes and we've just got a wealth of information I've said this many times but I really want to encourage you that I believe if you were to get this entire healing package yeah you got to get the package though see you can't you can't just read your
Bible on your own and learn this why not
I mean I own a Bible I own several Bibles and and you know the the internet has like free
Bibles online go to Bible gateway comm you can look at all kinds of translations and paraphrase of the
Bible for free why can't somebody just read the Bible and come to these conclusions regarding the doctrines that Andrew Womack is teaching hmm and if you were to study it and let this soak in on the inside of you it's gonna be very very hard for you to stay sick if you get all of this and you know on our program yes yeah you know
I got to tell you as a pastor there are people that I care for who they're shut -ins you know and I visit them regularly to pray with them to bring the word to them to bring the
Lord's Supper to them and you know they're clearly heading towards the grave in fact one one gal that I'm ministering to has a very very serious illness and was just diagnosed a couple of years ago and I'll be blunt is that it
I would be shocked if she makes it into the into the year 2019 that's how severe this illness is and yet when
I visit her I point her to the promises of Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and the hope that we have in the resurrection because ultimately all of our prayers as Christians Lord heal me are answered with a yes but not in this lifetime they're answered in yes on the day when
Jesus returns in glory to judge the living and the dead and the dead in Christ rise and so we are hope is in the resurrection but isn't it fascinating what you know that you know if this was really a biblical teaching how come
Christianity hasn't taught this for its entire 2 ,000 year history until the Word of Faith televangelist showed up in the
United States and and if why do I need to buy Andrew Womack's package in order for this to for me to be taught this okay we played the testimony of Julianne Hartman who spent over $300 ,000 on medication and was not getting better was getting worse but then she got these materials free and she began to just saturate also there you go
I mean she she had she was spent $300 ,000 and she just purchased Andrew Womack's thing and then blammo
I mean you can't you can't deny a testimony hmm herself in the
Word of God and it produced total healing in today she is completely pain -free and she
I forget the exact length of time praise Andrew Womack yeah
I think that was appropriate but I could over a decade it was a long period of time she had just nearly been housebound sidelined she used to be very active and yet she got healed just through the
Word of God I didn't lay hands on her I'm not saying that you can't get healed by having somebody else lay hands on you but I think that that's restrictive in a way
I'm not always gonna be there with you but the word well I'm not gonna always be there with you do you think you're
Jesus Christ I mean Christ himself literally said that I you will not always have me with you but oh man
I mean how we how is the church to make it without Andrew Womack and notice he's it trying to sound humble but oh man always be there with you
God will always be with you and it says in Psalms 107 20 that he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from all their destructions in the eighth check yeah that's out of context and it doesn't that does not mean that God always wills to heal people for the book of Matthew Jesus said it was the greatest faith he had ever seen this centurion who said speak the word only and my servant shall be healed now no in Matthew 8 he's putting again quoting this out of context did the
Roman centurion speak the word and then his servant was healed nope it was
Christ Jesus Christ Son of God in human flesh and you'll note then that seriously
I just best way to put it is is that when it comes to signs wonders and miracles yeah nobody even comes in a close second to Jesus now
Moses is up there but with the the miracles and signs and wonders that Christ did all prove that he is who he claimed to be none other than God the
Son in human flesh and so when you get to where you can just receive healing through the word that's all that you need and so we're talking about well why isn't everybody healed then if it's
God's will so yeah why not why isn't everybody healed if it's God's will I mean that's my question and watch his answer cuz where he goes with this is again revealing fascinating in a bad way there's an instance in the 17th chapter of Matthew where Jesus disciples could not cast the devil out of a boy who was having problems with things like epileptic seizures mm -hmm and so Jesus rebuked them showing that it was his will they should have been able to do this likewise
Jesus he rebuked them that should they should have been able to do this okay on size to be able to minister here we're gonna we're gonna take a look at the text in question from Matthew 17 and then we're gonna add in a cross -reference because remember
Scripture interprets Scripture that helps us out a little bit so if you want to open up to Matthew 17 as well as Mark chapter 9 we'll take a look there to see what how
Mark's gospel handles this account and today we should not accept the powerlessness that we see in the average church and in the average
Christian today yeah see those of you who believe that it's not always
God's will to heal yeah you're just go to a church that yeah that's into powerlessness uh -huh that's just a completely well false straw man and so after in verse 18 this is
Matthew 17 18 Jesus rebuked the devil and he departed out of him and the child was cured from that very hour so Jesus did what his disciples were unable to do not because he hadn't empowered them but because they just failed in this area and so it says in verse 19 then came the disciples to Jesus apart and said why could not we cast him out now remember and I know he's reading from the
King James here he'll explain why in a minute Matthew chapter 10 he had already given the disciples power and authority over all sickness and over all disease and then he told them to go heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead they came back and they said
Lord even the devils are subject to us in your name so they had already cast demons out of people they had already seen people heal now it's important that you put that together because these weren't people who had never done this before they had used the name of Jesus they had cast out demons they had seen people heal but this time they did the same thing that had worked in previous times and this time it didn't work now that is important again
I say that people who don't believe in healing they don't have this perplexity they just say well you know this is now wait a second here you know unless you're some kind of a liberal who doesn't who doesn't believe that miracles are possible at all then you as a
Christian believe that God can heal but that it's not always his will to do so so again
I clearly God you know he Andrew Womack hasn't activated his faith to keep himself from aging he's looking pretty old there now we'll do a little bit of work in the biblical text real quick here and I'm gonna duplicate this tab because I want to get into Matthew chapter 10 see if I can find this real quick here yeah the commissioning here
Jesus Matthew 10 5 Jesus sent out instructions okay so here we go
Jesus called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and every affliction the names of the twelve apostles are these you'll note here
Matthew 10 makes it clear that the authority to work in these signs and wonders that they were working in was not given to Christianity to Christians they were given specifically to the twelve to the
Apostles in fact this then becomes what is known as the signs of the
Apostles and let me show you this in in second Corinthians 2
Corinthians 12 I believe Corinthians 12 12 yeah here it is the
Apostle Paul writing against the so called super Apostles he says he says
I have been a fool second Corinthians 12 11 I've been a fool you forced me to it for I ought to have been commended by you for I was not at all inferior to these super Apostles even though I am nothing and so the signs of a true
Apostle were performed among you without most patience with signs and wonders and mighty works so the
Apostle Paul you know you think of the passage in the book of Acts with the Apostle Paul literally could like send a napkin to somebody and they could be healed and you think of Peter that even a shadow would fall on somebody and they would be healed so these signs you know this ability to operate in these sign you know sign gifts was not given to Christianity as a whole it was given specifically to the
Apostles and that's exactly what Matthew 10 says that Jesus gave the twelve this authority he did not give this authority to the church at large and so then when you think by the time you know
Paul writes his letter to Timothy and says you know you because of your frequent stomach ailments drink a little bit of wine okay you know a medicinal use of wine and you'll note then the assumption is is that well you know healing you know wasn't an assumed thing that should be happening in fact let me show you the text because I think it's probably a good idea that you that you see it and so let me let me go to the epistles in particular and oh yeah first Timothy chapter 5 is what we're looking for and by the way
I get a lot of questions about you know on YouTube about what software I am using for this for show the
Bible and the name of it is accordance a CC or da and CE you can find it at accordance
Bible calm and so first Timothy chapter 5 and specifically verse 23 and you'll note here that you know
Paul the Apostle Paul who literally could operate in signs and wonders and heal people and in the back end of the the book of Acts I mean he heals you know someone on Malta dysentery
I mean this is a guy who clearly had me the signs of the Apostles and so he says this to to young pastor
Timothy who was a pastor of one of the congregations in the city of Ephesus he says no longer drink only water but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments note here that Paul didn't chastise didn't chastise
Timothy and say why are you sick you need to activate your faith and receive your healing because God always wills for you to be healed doesn't do that at all so just I wanted to do a little bit of work there so you can kind of see where this you know what the
Bible does teach in this regard but we come back to Andrew Womack way it is God doesn't heal this is part of being human and you have to suffer but people who believe in healing in a way they have the opportunity to be more perplexed than people who don't believe in healing because the people who don't believe in him now notice he's not making a biblical argument here now we're just getting you know the musings of Andrew Womack's own mind they're shooting it nothing and hitting it every time whatever happens it must have been
God's will that's a chickens way to live forgive me for being blunt but what are you chicken it what is this the the back to the future argument you know you know hey
McFly you know it's this this is nonsense this is not an argument and you're shooting at nothing you hit it every time you can't miss when you're shooting at nothing but if you are aiming at a target what happens if you miss why did you miss you have questions like this so they said why couldn't we cast him out and look at this in verse 20 it says
Jesus said unto them because of your unbelief now he's quoting the
King James and we'll take a look at the Greek behind this in a minute and watch what he does here because this shows he's not a trained exegete he's not a theologian in the in the truest sense he's actually kind of a hack but let's watch what he does here now this is really important and I don't mean to attack any other translation
I am NOT one of these King James only got now I use the King James because I believe it's awesome it's what
I grew up on it has depth to it that you don't get with some of the modern translations they just take the surface meaning and put it in there in you and you can't plumb the depth you can't read the same scripture over a thousand times and get something new every time because it's just the surface level of what's being said
I love the King James I am by the way I have a degree in biblical languages yeah that's my pre seminary degree so yeah
I'm trained in in biblical Greek and biblical Hebrew not a King James only guy
I am NOT against all other translations but I just have to mention this that if you're reading the
NIV the NIV says it's because of your little faith and that is not what this is talking about matter yeah notice how emphatic this is not what this is talking about but it actually is let me show you real quick here so we are in Matthew 17 now over on this tab let me go ahead and get mark 9 up and rolling so it's ready for us and we'll take a look here at again
Matthew 17 and we're gonna take a look at the text itself so Jesus and Peter James and John had just gone up the
Mount of Transfiguration and this is the place where Jesus was transfigured you know before them and then
Moses and Elijah show up and so here's what it says so when they came to the crowd a man came up to him and kneeling before him said
Lord have mercy on my son for he has seizures and suffers terribly often he falls into the fire and often into the water and I brought him to your disciples and they could not heal him and Jesus answered
Oh faithless and twisted generation how long am I to be with you how long am
I to bear with you bring him here to me so Jesus rebuked the demon it came out of him and the boy was healed instantly and the disciples came to Jesus privately and said why could we not cast it out and now
I'm reading by the way the ESV and we'll show you the Greek behind this in just a second so he said to them because of your little faith for truly
I say to you if you have the faith like a grain of mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move for and nothing will be impossible for you now a little bit of a note here so Jesus says because of your little faith now
Andrew Womack is taking issue with that and saying it can't be that it must be their unbelief and he's comparing the
King James to the NIV the ESV uses the same translation but here's the thing the
Greek here actually says little faith that's literally what this word means so let me show you the word the the word here is oligop oligop piste on that's the that's how it appears here and it comes it's actually in its lexical form is oligop piste ah and it literally means smallness of faith yeah piste on faith oligop oligop oh is smallness the little littleness of faith and I'll show it to you in the lexicon here
I like a piste ah here's the one in red and literally littleness or poverty of faith that's what it means and so you'll note then the
Greek text itself doesn't say because of unbelief it says because of oligop piste ah because of the smallness of your faith and then he says for truly
I say to you if you have faith like a grain of a mustard seed you'll say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you so by him just saying well
I prefer the King James in this particular case and I know that it has nothing to do with smallness of faith and based on what is he saying that what sounds reasonable to him not actual exegesis or an ability to work in the original languages now
I wanted to show you the the cross reference here in the Gospel of Mark and we're gonna note that there's a that the fuller expanded version when you take to the two
Gospels and kind of put them together you can kind of see the bigger picture because Matthew has a particular emphasis
Mark has a particular emphasis and you take the details of both and you get the fuller picture what happened so in so Mark chapter 9 verse 14 when they came to the disciples they saw a great crowd around them scribes arguing with them and immediately all the crowds when they saw him they were greatly amazed and ran up and greeted him and so he asked what are you arguing about and someone from the crowd answered him teacher
I brought my son to you for he has a spirit that makes him mute and whenever it seizes him it throws him down and he foams and grinds his teeth and it becomes ridges so I asked your disciples to cast it out and they were not able and so Jesus says
Oh faithless generation how long am I to be with you how am I to bear with you bring him to me so they brought the boy to him and when the spirit saw him immediately convulsed the boy and he fell to the ground and he rolled about foaming at the mouth and Jesus asked his father well how long has this been happening to him and he said well from childhood it's often cast him into the fire into water to destroy him but if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us and Jesus said well if you can well all things are possible for the one who believes so immediately the father cried out and said
I believe help my unbelief and when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together he rebuked the unclean spirit saying to it you mutant deaf spirit
I command you to come out of him and never enter him again and after crying out and convulsing him terribly it came out and the boy was like a corpse so that most of them said well he's dead but Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose and when he had entered the house his disciples asked him privately why could we not cast it out and he said to them this kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer mm -hmm and some some manuscripts literally say prayer and fasting so now kind of put it all together because of your little faith and in this particular case their their smallness of faith should have driven them to their knees in prayer because this particular kind of demon only comes out by prayer yeah so yeah kind of fascinating putting putting all together here so Andrew Womack though we'll go back to his argument be his him denying this can't be smallness of faith it can't be littleness of faith yeah that's exactly what the
Greek text says in fact if you were to go on in the rest of this verse in verse 20 it says
Jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for verily I say unto you if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you should say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it should remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you the rest of this verse goes on to make the point that if your faith is as small as a grain of mustard seed that's enough to see a mountain cast into the sea the whole point that he's making is you don't need big faith if your faith is just this tiny it's enough to accomplish whatever it is that you need so yeah but see the thing is is that the text itself literally says oligopistion because of the smallness of your faith so clearly their faith wasn't as big as the grain of a mustard seed uh -huh so his argument is invalid because he's not referencing the original languages he doesn't know his
Bible he's just preferring one over the other and he's basically saying well this can't possibly be because this doesn't compute with my reason yeah your reason is not the you know the determinant as far as what is true none and not true in God's Word and so what
Andrew Womack has done here not intentionally but they actually quite definitively though demonstrated that he's not really one who's properly studied and done what is necessary to be a public teacher of God's Word he's literally tripped up here and showed that he is not somebody who understands how the biblical languages work and he's just preferring one over the other because one thing fits his false theology and the other runs against his false theology and so his false theology is in based upon his reason is now in the driver's seat determining what is true in Scripture as opposed to what is untrue in Scripture and it's rather than his mind being conformed to what
God's Word actually says he's in error because he doesn't know the
Word of God and he doesn't know how to reference the original languages and he's just definitively proven he makes his decisions based upon what he believes not what the
Word says and that's one of the hallmarks of a false teacher when their theology runs against what
God's Word says and they will make arguments based upon their reason yeah you're dealing with somebody who's twisting
Scripture there now I know that was probably subtle and kind of you know dealing with a little bit of minutiae but is it actually quite telling if you've been trained to know what to look for that's why
I shared it with you so if you found this helpful please feel free to share this video with other people and as always fighting for the faith is you know we are viewer and listener supported now it by the way we do a whole two -hour program on a weekly basis daily basis every week you know every weekday over at fighting for the faith comm so if you if you are liking this type of teaching you know we do full sermon reviews and other things as well go to fighting for the faith comm and you can subscribe to our podcast we're like I said we are a viewer supported listener supported outreach and all the information on how you can support us is down below in the description and so until next time may