John 3:13-15 (Look at Him!)


Though humanity remains in a state of utter inability to save themselves, Christ offers the cure. He is the Lord who condescended to our level. He is the one who bore our curse. And, He is the one who provides us the cure. Check out this weeks sermon on John 3:13-15.


Maybe seated I didn't write this down, but I was just reminded of a story
Just as we were singing and if you're wondering why I was reminded of it I have absolutely no idea.
It didn't connect at all to the song. It didn't connect anything we were talking about but It's a story of when
I was in Iraq. I Was there I was an 18 year old and It was the 4th of July we were right outside of this town called
Samara and there was lots of mortar and artillery attacks that were happening and I was on night shift duty that night and I decided that because it was the 4th of July and because our infantry guys were shooting flares up into the sky
That that I would take it I would take it easy and I would take off my equipment and I would enjoy the show kind of like a firework show out in the middle of the desert of Iraq and The flares were not meant to be entertaining.
They were meant because we were doing a raid on a town But I thought it was pretty coincidental so I took all my gear off and just so happens my sergeant comes around the corner and Finds me and puts me on heavy duty work for two weeks
During the hottest part of the day at 140 degrees in in Balad Iraq.
I was pulling roving guard duty I was sweating like crazy my shirts would would actually dry hard so that they would crack because how much salt
I had expirated and I'll tell you the best drink of water that I've ever tasted in my life was after guard duty was over and I pulled it out of the the fridge and it was so cold and it was so delicious
And it wouldn't have tasted that good had I not went through the hell that I'd went through eight hours before now
To me, that's what we're getting at in John 3 13 through 15 We've seen
Jesus go to war against false worship and against false Faith But we're coming up to the surface for air and we're gonna see in this passage today one of the most beautiful Pictures of the gospel that can found anywhere in the
Bible. So let's pray and Let's revel in what Christ has done.
We're gonna go into the Depths for a little bit, but when we resurface we're gonna see the glory of Christ.
So let's pray Lord Jesus, thank you so much for all that you've done
Thank you for this passage and Lord. I pray that as we Examine the depths of our own depravity and as we dive deeply into our sin
That Lord I pray that just as that bottle of water was the best bottle of water. I have ever personally tasted that Lord this example of Jesus This picture of Christ would be one of the sweetest things that we've seen
Because it's against the backdrop of everything that we bring to the table Which is our sin and our ugliness and our failure and yet even in that Christ Has redeemed us
So Lord, I pray that we would get a picture of you today Lord, I pray that we would worship you today and Lord.
I pray that when we leave here That we would leave with a song in our heart for what you have accomplished in Jesus name.
Amen Now again the portrait of Jesus that we've been trying to look at is the warrior
Christ It's not the meek and mild Jesus that we often hear about in Sunday school. This is the warrior
Christ He's the one who came into the city of Jerusalem in AD 28 and he flipped over tables and he chased people out with a whip
You don't hear that often about our Christ He prophesied the destruction of the temple in 42 years after he made that declaration
It was left in ash and rubble and it was taken from the Jews Because they were using it to pad their pockets to abuse the people and to reject
God for their own self -made religion And let me just say it this way
I was thinking about this this week I hope Jesus would do the same thing to us now
Hopefully we have our own building that he would take away and he doesn't burn down this building. I'm just kidding But if we get a building and we one day start using it to abuse people if we get a building and we one day start using it to gain wealth and status and success like many churches do if we get a building and we start trying to abuse people with false doctrine and Keep them under a heavy weight of religion if we do that if we miss
God because of our religion My prayer is that God would shut us down I'm not praying for God's patience and mercy when it comes to the
Shepherd's Church. We're not special. He is special It's not our mission. It's his mission You see we live in a part of the country that I don't have to remind you is dying spiritually
Every time that we turn on the news, I know this is a theme lately, but this is the world we live in The mission of God is too important for us to float around somewhere in the middle
It used to be true that we could live in a country and in America where we could have a faith that didn't cost us Anything but by the grace of God, I believe those days are over.
I Believe that the wheat and chaff are gonna be separated I believe that those who truly believe in Christ are gonna have to stand up and proclaim allegiance to Jesus and those who don't are gonna have to go the way of the world and Don't use this language to alarm you by any means
I believe this is consistent with the heart of Christ I'd rather you be hot or cold because you're lukewarm.
I'll spew out of my mouth Jesus was the lion -hearted fire -eyed whip brandishing royal
Lord who would not allow his house to be perverted and become a den of thieves and As Christians, this is not just the job of ministers.
It's not just the job of deacons and elders All of us have zeal because the Holy Spirit lives in us for the house of God and for true worship
Because Christ is our Lord Christ loved those things. We should love those things, too We say we also see
Jesus going to war against false faith We saw two weeks ago that he would not entrust himself to false belief and that anyone who approached him had to approach him rightly
And we see the reason for that Jesus knows the heart of man Jesus knows that our hearts are desperately corrupted with sin and that no one not even the very best of us would ever seek
God For for the sake of God for love for God. We would always do it out of self -serving
Self -seeking motivations and Jesus does not entrust himself to that.
That's John 2 23 Sure, the crowds may have believed in his signs. They may have enjoyed his wonders
They may have been moved to raise their hands and clap at his messages and cheer at his signs, but they did not love him
They didn't treasure him They couldn't do that And that's the point that we learned a couple weeks ago unaided
By the sovereign grace of God They would have stayed and remained in their sins because no human being in her own power and her own strength will ever truly love
Christ We may be impressed with him, but we'll never adore him We may cheer for him, but we'll never cherish him
No one approaches God rightly in their sin and their flesh because the wickedness of sin perverts our ability to actually love
It cancels our ability to have true and perfect affection for anything other than ourselves
Sin is a gangrenous cancer of the soul and it so deeply blinds the hearts of men that it's an impenetrable darkness
I was talking to Haley this week about the Mariana Trench I don't know if you've ever heard of this place, but it's the deepest part of the ocean
It's so deep that not a single ray of light Can find it
Until James Cameron and his little Swimming machine that he made went down.
I don't know what it's called when he went down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench That was the first time some of those creatures that existed down that deep had ever seen a ray of light
Most of them had eyes, but they didn't work Because when you live in darkness, you will be blind.
It's not until the light touches your eyes that you can see That's what Christ does Christ is the light that touches our dead eyes and makes the makes them see
Without God our default mode is self and Jesus does not entrust himself to that You will either love
God on his terms or you will not love him at all That's why
I think Jesus tells Nicodemus about the new birth, right? It's a simple metaphor.
We don't cause our physical birth. Therefore we didn't cause our spiritual birth Jesus is pointing to the fact that we need direct and decisive intervention from God in order to be saved it's kind of like a
Patient who's flatlining on a table. They don't reach out and grab the paddle to shock themselves back into life.
They can't Unless the great physician grabs the paddle and shocks us back into life.
We would remain dead in our sins Today I want us to go a step further
See from Jesus's interaction so far in this dark Season of John 2 through John 3 where we don't see a lot of light
We've learned that we cannot save ourselves and we've also learned that we need God help God's help in order to save us
But what we don't understand yet is how is Jesus going to save us? What is
Jesus going to do in order to rescue his people? That's what we're gonna learn today. And that's where we're heading
We're gonna learn not only that we cannot save ourselves and that we need God's help We're gonna see explicitly what
Jesus was willing to do in order to rescue and redeem his people So with that,
I want us to read the passage for today. I Want us to explore what it teaches us.
It's gonna teach us four truths and Then by the end of it, I hope that we are filled with the most ardent praise for Christ So this is what
John 3 13 through 15 says and by the way, let me just say this this section of Scripture Has been vastly overshadowed because of John 3 16
John 3 16 is one of the greatest verses. It's amazing But these verses are really beautiful.
I hope we'll see them Jesus says the Nicodemus no one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven the
Son of Man as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the
Son of Man being lifted up So that whoever believes in him will have eternal life
Now again, we're gonna cover four things in this passage and Those four things are again.
We're gonna reiterate the fact that we cannot save ourselves We need God's help and then we're also gonna see that Christ is the one who descended to take on our curse so that he could be our cure
We're gonna begin with the most obvious point Jesus says No one has ascended to heaven
Now that means no one We don't have to be a Greek scholar to know that no one means no one
What he's saying is that there's no heavenly Wonka Vader that a few special people can have access to There's no spiritual
Iron Man suit that some of us can fly up and go to heaven It means that if you're a space and time bound creature, then you cannot ascend to heaven
That you're stuck Why that's our first point because man is cursed
Man is under a curse and man cannot ascend to God To pick up the language from the
Bible in Genesis 3 we are cursed Sin has caused a separation between us and God and not only between us and God but between heaven and earth
Heaven and earth used to be an overlapping reality where God could move in and out of space in time
Effortlessly, it's it's as if God is walking with him in the garden Then he's no more and then he's all of a sudden with them
Heaven and earth were overlapping dimensions. But because of sin heaven and earth were torn apart and This is not just a vertical gap
Because if heaven were always up for us, then that would be strange given what we know about the heliocentricity of the world
It would mean that it at some points in the day Heaven is up for us and down for the people in China.
That doesn't make any sense. Heaven is not a vertical gap It's not a matter of distance.
It's a matter of dimension It's totally
Inaccessible for us who are lost in our sin. We can't will ourself there So when
Jesus says no one has ascended to heaven. He doesn't mean that no one hasn't gone high enough
He means that no one is worthy enough Because we're born in our sin
We are born conceived in sin Now that might be a controversial point unless you're a parent
That we are born children of sin If you ever dealt with a baby projectile vomit screaming tempers red -faced anger kicking you in the face
You're Just trying to love them and here they are they're absolutely melting down because you in Your sin did not differentiate between a hungry cry and a burping cry and you're supposed to know that Having an infant is like caring for an emotional time bomb
They swing their arms they hit you they use their razor -sharp paper -thin claws talons to rip your face off They're not innocent
They're dangerous body bachem once said
That God made infants so small that they would not kill you and he made them so cute so that you would not kill them
You don't have to teach an infant sin From the moment they're conceived in the womb.
They're haters of God. Just like us. They're rebels of righteousness and they're inherently narcissistic
There's not a single moment. You've ever held an infant where they're caring about what you think or where they care about whether you're tired or whether you've lost sleep or whether Whether any whether whether anything that they are not worried about you.
They're only inherently worried about their selves You better meet their needs or you're going to suffer.
It's almost like a hostage negotiation If you don't meet their demand someone in the house is probably gonna die
It's that kind of flamboyant infantile aggression, it's easy to excuse in a baby, but we would never excuse that in an adult
Because it's sin Our children as cute and cuddly they are are born in sin They don't have to be taught it's in their nature and I only bring that up Because from the moment we are born into the moment that we die
We are conceived in this thing called sin that we cannot escape from we can learn coping mechanisms
We can learn how to be more patient. We can learn how to be more Considerate of other people we can learn how not to have meltdowns on the floor.
Hopefully we don't do that as adults at our jobs We can learn techniques, but we cannot escape from sin
We're born in it now I Bring this up because many people today will look you straight in the eye and they will tell you with all
Confidence that they believe that they're going to go to heaven and if you dare ask him dear brother sister
Why do you believe this? Why do you think that you're gonna cross the? Chasm between us and heaven.
How do you believe that you are going to ascend the unassailable? How do you believe that you were gonna do what Jesus said?
You just could not do And many people look you smugly in the eye and they will say it's because I'm a good person not perfect But I've done enough and I believe that at the end of my life
God is gonna look at me and he's gonna let me in because I've been better than most that's foolishness
Does God not have a standard of righteousness Does God not have standard of holiness that he would be unjust if he went against?
In that I don't know if you've ever heard the story of Icarus Who? Ascended he it was a
Greek mythological story He put on these wings and he and he he put the feathers on his arms through wax and as he got closer and closer
To the Sun it melted and he went crashing down to the earth and that's where we get the Greek word hubris or pride
That's what that is If we believe that we could ascend the heights of heaven with our good works when we come into contact with the real
Sun We will come crashing down in our human inability and we will not
Make it No one ascends that's what Jesus says no one is that good
Even the demons in hell believe that they're not bought into that delusion In another passage
Jesus says to the rich young ruler no one is good But God alone, so when you and I say that we are good.
We have just said that we are God If Jesus is right and no one is good
But God alone, then we are not good. Our friends are not good. Our neighbors are not good. There is no one good but God It would be like a lunatic sneaking sneaking into a throne room and announcing himself as king just because he says it doesn't make it
True and he will be thrown out of the kingdom onto his face because of that act of defiance against the great king
In the same way, we cannot pretend that we are something that only God is We can't fraudulently sit on his throne thinking that he will not defend his name
What do we deserve Since we are not good people Well, the plain and simple fact of Scripture is that God owes us nothing
But the just and holy punishment that we deserve in the beginning when God made Adam and Eve and he said do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and if you
Do on that day you will surely die The fact that they did not drop dead in that moment is not that God does not have a standard
It was not that God doesn't care about his holiness. It was because God in that moment was being incredibly gracious The fact that you and I live and move and breathe and The wrath of God does not overwhelm us and the justice of God does not crush us is not
Because God doesn't care and it's not because we and me and God are homies and bros and that he just he just loves me
Just the way that I am. No It's because God is gracious Infinitely gracious more gracious than we could ever possibly deserve and if for a moment he would to pull his grace back we would fail
That's the first aspect of salvation We cannot ascend to God We can't there's a human inability.
There's a curse that is at play that we cannot overcome So therefore we have to stop believing in ourselves, which is an unpopular message
In today's society millions and millions of dollars are made and self -help nonsense many churches have given themselves over to this sort of jargon that if you just believe in yourself and you believe that You're special just the way that you are then you'll find fulfillment in life.
That is not true We find fulfillment in life By first understanding that we cannot ascend we are not good and we must look outside of ourselves to find these things
Biblical salvation does not begin by coming to terms with how good you are It begins by coming to terms with how lost you are
That's the first point. The second point is That Jesus does not leave us hopeless in that Let's read what
Jesus says. He says no one is ascended into heaven But he has descended
No one is ascended into heaven, but he who descended from heaven the Son of man that's the second point that we must know is that Christ has condescended first point we are cursed, but Christ has condescended
Christ has come down Jesus is saying since none of you could ever come up to me.
I'm gonna come down to you I'm gonna leave heaven and I'm gonna come and I'm gonna dwell with you And this is
Monumentally important when it comes to the discussion of true biblical salvation because salvation is not about a bunch of different Ideologies trying to bumble and fumble their way up the mountain and somehow all of them are gonna find
God That's not true all of us are down at the bottom of the mountain with broken legs on life support and we cannot breathe and God and his grace
Descended the mountain and came down to us It's not about finding our way up to him it's about the fact that he came down All of the other world religions in the world get this wrong
They nuance it differently But they say basically if you do this and if you do that and if you do a little bit of this
Then you'll find your way to life. It's a lie Only the only life we could ever find is if God comes down to us
Now when I use the word condescend Derek saying this word earlier, it's a beautiful word. Do you know what it means?
Because when we say that we're not saying that Jesus is being condescending Like we see in culture where you watch where you watch news shows and everybody's talking over each other and using ad hominem attacks and they're they're blasting each other and they're and they're pumping themselves up in this sort of Heightened place where they can look down and talk to the person who they're speaking to that's not what
Jesus is doing He's not unrighteously trying to claim a higher position for himself There is no higher position that Jesus could claim for himself because Jesus has the highest position
He is the name that is above every other name so that at his name every knee will bow and every
Every tongue will confess that he's the Christ. So when Jesus condescends, we're saying that he humbled himself in order to come down We're saying that when he came down in order to dwell with us
He could not come down in his perfect full form because we could not have handled it
He came down to us in a humble form. He took on the form of a slave just so that we could get to know him
He limited himself even though he is limitless the all -powerful
Lord my helpless in a manger the same man
Who made Mary's womb is the one who submitted himself to it? The same man who made his parents are the one he's the one who submitted himself to their authority
I Mean as a kid think about how much temptation that would be
I Made you I don't listen to you, but yet he didn't do that He humbled himself
We're not just saying that he simply descended from heaven and all of his glory There's a moment at the Mount of Transfiguration where Jesus pulls back the curtain and his disciples can't handle it
There's a moment in Isaiah where Isaiah sees the glory of God and he says that it's about to rip his body apart
There's a moment at Mount Sinai Where God shows up on the mountain and the people cannot handle it
If Jesus came down in his full glorious form No one could have ever known him.
So not only does he descend he condescends He comes down in a way that we can know him Which I consider to be the greatest act of humility
That's ever been recorded God in his unimaginable grace desired for his sinful people to know them and he sent his one and only son
Jesus Christ to make that happen These two points are
The first aspects of what a biblical salvation actually is We cannot ascend to God.
So God in his grace descended and condescended to us But how does
Jesus save us? That's the question What does Jesus do in order to save his people and It's here that verse 14 is where Christ begins the explanation he points to Nicodemus and he says this as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness
Even so the Son of Man must be lifted up. Now. This seems like an odd shift Jesus is talking about no one who can ascend to heaven
Except Jesus who is descended and now he's trying to point Nicodemus to this Passage in numbers 21 and he's saying this is what salvation is
If you understand this scene in numbers 21, then you'll understand what salvation is. So for us
I Think we have to understand what's going on in numbers 21 before we can really see the beauty of what
Jesus is actually pointing to now the background
Numbers 21 the scene that Jesus is alluding to people of Israel Again are getting ready to enter to the promised land like we said earlier
They have been constantly turning away from God over the last century and God had constantly as a good father punished them and Brought them back
He has responded to the rebellion at various times with various punishments Now if you read through the book of Numbers and you get beyond the census data where most people's
Bible reading plan fails Then you'll realize that Israel is a very stiff -necked people.
They're very ungrateful people. They're very hard -hearted people Who the
Lord graciously puts up with for the sake of his promises and not for the sake of their goodness He continually rescues them from their selves, even though they do not deserve it.
So when we get to numbers 21 We see an incredible display of the future coming of Christ that I just I think is glorious So turn with me to numbers 21 as we look at What Moses is doing and how this ties into what
Jesus is doing? The people spoke against Moses Why have you brought us up out of the land of Egypt to die in the wilderness?
This is normal Israelite grumbling For there's no food and water and we loathe this miserable food and Then it says the
Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and They bit the people
So that the people of Israel died So the people came to Moses and they said we have sinned
Because we have spoken against the Lord and you intercede with the Lord so that we may reprove
That we may remove the serpents from us and Moses interceded for the people and Again, God is gracious The Lord said to Moses make a fiery serpent and set it on a standard.
That just means a pole It's like make a picket sign with a snake in the middle of it. That's what he's saying and And it shall come about that everyone who is bitten when he looks at it he shall live and Moses made a bronze serpent set it on a standard and it came about that if the serpent bit any man when he looked to The bronze serpent he lived now.
This is undoubtedly a strange passage The people of Israel Just had an invasion of an army of snakes that came into their camp they're getting bit and they're dying and the solution is to make a snake and Put it on a pole and put it in the middle of the camp and say if you get bit look at it
Strange on the surface Underneath it though. There's some pretty fascinating features that I want us to explore
Again the Israelites are complaining about God They're rebelling against him and they're punished by a snake.
What's that remind you of? I Don't think it's too hard to make the connection with Genesis 3 where the people
Adam and Eve the forefather and foremother of the Israelite people were grumbling against their
God and They come under a curse by a snake It's the same pattern
Satan coming in the garden as a serpent tempting and leading humanity into sin and suffering is the archetype
For what is going on in numbers 21? It's the exact same pattern Satan comes and brings temptation temptation brings sin and suffering and Curse, it's the same pattern every single time
So I'm not surprised that they are being attacked by an army of serpents and they're experiencing curse
They're being physically bitten by poisonous snakes and they're dying because of that but there's an even greater spiritual attack underneath the surface
Where the great enemy is causing them to grumble Where he's causing them to complain against their
God and to reject him and through their rejection. They're going to experience suffering That's always the pattern
When we suffer because of sin it is always because we have given in to a lie from the enemy
It's the same for us today Now hopefully when you get home, you're not going to be invaded by an army of vipers.
I Really do pray that for you But we are attacked in the same sorts of ways when we give in to the enemy's lies
When we reject God's Word and when we grumble and complain against him And when we suffer the lingering effects of the curse, we understand why we've given back into the sinful pattern
But I think this also is more indicative of lost people as well because here you have a group of Israelites who are alienated from God They're wandering around in their own blindness.
They're being attacked with no hope of a solution no hope of a cure and If they remained alienated from God, and if God doesn't show up in his grace, they will die
That is the plight of every single person who does not know Jesus Christ If they remain in their sin if they remain wondering in their error
And if they die in that they will die and there is no cure for the poison that they have been inflicted with in their sin
I believe the reason that Jesus Demonstrated this first and foremost is because it's so nicely demonstrates the connection between Satan sin and suffering and also so nicely
Demonstrates the plight of the people who give in to that temptation They need a cure, but they're waiting on God those people could not save themselves from the snakebite
They had to wait on the Word of the Lord to tell them how to be saved But now what
I found even more fascinating is Not only that they were being attacked by the serpent.
That's easy. We see that all over the Bible What I find fascinating is that the cure is by putting a serpent on a pole
That's fascinating God tells them to make a bronze serpent put it on a pole Elevate it over the people put it in the middle of the camp
And if they're bitten by the snake if they look to the serpent and they will find healing In this passage we see both the serpent bringing sin and misery and yet this serpent that's elevated providing the cure
What is going on here What I understand this passage we need to understand two other
Old Testament passages And I'll tell you you hold on just for a second I'm not the preacher who's gonna overlook this stuff if we need to go in five
Old Testament passages ten Old Testament passages to Understand a New Testament passages. We're gonna go there I don't want to lose you
But I want you to understand why is an elevated serpent on a pole Hope for these people and how does that connect to Christ?
And if we don't go here, we won't know that So follow me Genesis 3 15. That's the first verse you need to understand
God says to the serpent Right after he's tempted Adam and Eve. I will put enmity between you and the woman.
That's the vision and Between your seed and her seed and he that's a seed of the woman.
That's an ancestor of Eve He's gonna come and he's gonna bruise the serpent's head and the serpent is going to crush his heel
What this is and we don't have time to go into it. This is a prophecy of the future
Messiah This is the very first prophecy in the Old Testament of the Messiah That a child of Eve and not a child of Adam meaning he will be born of a virgin is
Going to come and he's going to crush the serpent who led humanity into error
This Christ this Jesus is going to come and he is going to crush the serpent
But in so doing he will be pierced Now and we'll get into more about why that is so important in just a moment
But I want to now share with you the second biblical passage That you really need to understand if you're gonna understand what is going on in Numbers 21 and that second passage comes from Deuteronomy 21 verses 22 and 23
Here's what it says If a man has committed a sin worthy of death and he is put to death for that and you hang him on a tree
His corpse shall not hang all night on the tree But you shall surely bury him on the same day
For he who is hanged is accursed of God So that you do not defile your land which the
Lord your God gives you as an inheritance. So not only do we see that the coming of the
Christ is going to crush the serpent and That the serpent is this sign of wickedness and evil and we need to understand that if we're gonna understand numbers 21 the serpent hanging there but also
It is an awful judgment from God to be hung on a tree
To be bound to a tree to be affixed to a tree It is a symbol and it is a sign from Deuteronomy 21 that it is that God's curse has fallen upon you and this theme goes all throughout the
Bible where men and women are cursed at a tree or Because of a tree or being affixed to a tree
And I'll just give you a few examples of that just so that you see the point of it Adam and Eve are cursed at the foot of a tree and Because of their curse they bring a curse on everyone
The chief baker in Exodus 40 if you remember the story that there's two Individuals who go before Pharaoh there's a baker and there's a wine bearer and the baker
Falls under the curse of Pharaoh and he is impaled on a tree.
It's a symbol of curse in numbers 25 there's this wicked
King who is slayed by a woman and The way that she kills him is by driving a tent peg into the temple of his forehead
Demonstrating that he was under the curse of God in Samuel David's son is trying to stage this coup d 'etat where he's gonna try to take his father's kingdom away from him
And he's riding along gallantly throwing all caution to the wind his hair gets caught in a tree branch
He is hung by his hair from a tree. And if you know the story later he dies at the hand of one of David's greatest war generals because The symbolism is that he was under God's curse.
He was hanging from a tree in Esther the book of Esther the wicked
Haman who is trying to Who is trying to mastermind the destruction of the Jewish people at the end of it
His fate is that he is hung on a tree. He is impaled on this 40 foot tall pole
Why because he was under the judgment of God What we see and there's more examples that I could give you than that But that is enough to establish the point what we see is that being affixed to and impaled by or hung to a tree
Is a sign that God's curse has fallen on you
So when we see this simple serpent a single snake hanging on a wooden pole
You and I are supposed to understand both Genesis 3 15 and numbers
I mean in Deuteronomy 21 that this symbol of the curse the serpent is
Now hanging on another symbol of the curse the pole and What we're supposed to understand by that is
That a transaction is occurring here The same serpent that brought a curse upon humanity is now undergoing the curse the one who brought punishment onto Humanity is now being lifted up as the symbol
That punishment is going to fall on it. The one who brought the curse is now cursed
That God is going to deal with the enemy the greatest enemy of all of human beings
Satan The serpent now, let's get back to Jesus for a second Let's get back to John chapter 3
Jesus has been talking to Nicodemus and Nicodemus as we remember is a representative of the people a people who have been
Assaulted by the serpent of people who grumble and complain and reject their God because they have went into the temptations of the serpent
This is the people who are stuck in their sins. They're poisoned by their sins They're incapable of saving themselves because of their sins
They're just like the people of Israel in the old Days of numbers 21 who are being bitten by their sins who are being poisoned by their sins and who can not save themselves and Jesus here is
Providing the most vivid example of how He's gonna save his people
It's not gonna be from human effort or human ingenuity. It's it's going to be the greatest
Transaction that has ever happened in human history. This Jesus has come Why So that he
Could take the curse That you and I deserve So that he could bring us the cure that you and I do not
Even though we are incapable of saving ourselves Jesus Condescended down into the midst of the human camp
Right in the middle of it where we were being attacked by the serpent on all sides Like the serpent in the book of Numbers Jesus is going to be lifted up in the middle of the camp
He is going to be the thing that the curse of God Falls upon and he's going to be the thing that is going to remove the curse from us
Do you see what's happening here? Jesus is gonna take our curse
By being hung upon a tree So That he could become our cure
So that we could be made whole Jesus said as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so the
Son of Man must be lifted up Why must he be lifted up because if he's not lifted up and if the curse of God doesn't fall on him
Then the curse of God is gonna fall on you and I Because you and I are sinful Someone's got to pay for our sins because God is just so if Jesus doesn't hang on the cross if Jesus isn't lifted up like the
Serpent in the wilderness if God's curse doesn't fall on him then it's gonna fall on us We're gonna have to pay for our sins
But that is the point of the gospel is that Jesus came in order to take our curse
Jesus is saying That the way that he's gonna defeat Satan It's by being put on a cross the sign that he had fallen under the curse and the judgment of God Like the bronze serpent that was hung on the wooden pole in the middle of the camp
Jesus is going to be hung in the middle of the city of Jerusalem and he is going to be the symbol of both
Satan's ultimate defeat and The curse of God can be is gonna fall on him instead of on his people
He would become cursed by God Jesus is going to become cursed stricken smitten and afflicted
He is gonna drink the cup of God's wrath that you and I deserve to drink and all of the anger of God that you and I deserve to face in our rebellion and in our sin and in our failures
Jesus is gonna face that and not just for one of us Think about your life and all of the sins that you've perpetrated against God Think about all of the times that you've rebelled against your king
Think about all of the times that your sins would be would be heaped onto Jesus and then think about every single
Christian that is living on planet earth today and the heaping stinking Festering pile of sins that is going to be dumped onto the sinless
Lord and then think about last generation and then think about two generations ago and think about the
Generations of people all the way back to the cross and this massive
Uncalculable mound of festering sin that is going to be poured out on God. I mean on Christ And think about the anger and the wrath of God that would be unleashed upon the one and only
Son of God And you can get a picture of What Christ has done?
He became our curse So that he could provide us the cure he became our curse
So that he could provide the cure Christ Jesus was hung on A wooden pole and went under the curse of God So that you and I could be made well and Isaiah says this beautifully 700 years before Jesus.
I find this so beautiful We read earlier Deuteronomy 18 that the
Messiah was going to be prophesied and that we would have to obey him Perfectly and Yet even in Isaiah 700 years before Christ we find out that a
Plan was already in them works Because we were not gonna obey him perfectly.
We are not going to obey God perfectly. We are gonna have a mound of sins
That either we are gonna pay for or Christ is gonna pay for and listen to the words of Isaiah He says who has believed our message
Who could possibly believe a message like this God in the flesh has come to live on earth
And he has come to take your place on the cross who could possibly believe that and To whom is the arm of the
Lord been revealed? For he Jesus grew up before us like a tender shoot and like a root on a parched ground
And he had no stately form or majesty about him that we should look upon him no appearance that we should be attracted to him he was despised and he was forsaken of men a man of sorrows and Acquainted with grief and like one from whom men hide their faces for he was despised and we did not esteem him surely
Our griefs he himself bore Like the people of Israel who were being bitten by physical snakes and they look up to the hanging serpent on a pole
That was going to bear their griefs Christ the Elevated Crucified Lord is going to bear our suffering on a pole
Says in verse 5, but he was pierced for our transgressions and He was crushed for our sins and The punishment that brought you and I peace
Was poured out on him on the cross
Jesus became a curse So that you and I could experience the blessing and that leads to our final point if you are not a
Christian and You're listening to this on podcast or you're listening to this live. I Want you to know that you can be healed by Jesus I want you to know that your sins that you feel guilt and shame for Do not need to stand between you and God.
God is a holy God. God is a righteous God God is a ferociously wrathful
God and he will not allow you to get off for your sins, but what he can offer you is
He can offer you Christ If you're gonna try to pay for your sins on your own if you're gonna try to be good
Then the Lord will look at you and say no one is good. But me you are not good Now you are going to go to hell for your sins but if you want
This good news for you If you want your sins to be paid for if you want to be saved if you want to be rescued
Don't try to do it on your own. Don't try to save yourself. Don't believe that you are good. You are not Do what the people of Israel were told to do because that's what
Jesus is telling us to do look to the Christ The people of Israel got bit by a physical snake and they're told look at the serpent stare at the serpent turn your faces toward the serpent and This is what you and I are called to do as Christians.
Stop looking at yourself Stop looking at your circumstances. Stop looking at your life your opinions your ideas.
None of that matters. Look to Jesus Turn your face to the cross Look at him and you'll be healed look at Jesus and you'll experience salvation
Look to the Christ make your life about Christ orient everything about Christ Make his opinions your opinions love him and cherish him make him your treasure
Look to the cross of Jesus Christ, and you will be healed and you will be made whole and you will be saved and It's not a temporary healing like in the
Old Testament. It's a permanent healing. It's a perfect healing. It's a perpetual healing
All you need to do is look at Christ Turn to him look to him worship him praise him make him your life instead of you
The point is simple
Jesus became the curse that you deserve to face So that you could have the blessing you could never deserve to keep he did the unthinkable
He came down and he saved his people because they could not save themselves And he did that by taking your and my curse upon him
We were guilty We were standing before the judge and the innocent party the offended party the one to which we had actually sinned against Stepped in front of us and said judge.
I will bear their sins and all you have to do is look to him and Your sins will be poured out on him and his righteousness will be poured out on You we gain because he suffered our loss
We are healed Because he took our diseases We're made whole because he was broken
We're set free because he was nailed to a cross and bound All you have to do is look to Jesus Look to Jesus get your eyes off of you and get them on to Christ If you are a
Christian here today, I Don't want this to ever grow old
It's easy if we've heard the gospel a few times for us to start yawning at what Christ has done, please
If that's where you're at right now Beg the Holy Spirit to make this new to make this rich to make this beautiful please don't yawn and please don't be bored and Please don't think that you've graduated beyond the gospel because you haven't what
Jesus Christ has done for you is new every day his mercies renew every morning and This is the day
Where maybe you've been? Slothful in your worship. Maybe you've been lazy in your
Bible reading and maybe you maybe you need to repent Maybe you need to stand at the foot of the cross and stare up at the crucified
Savior who underwent the curse for your sins and maybe it's time to repent and Say dear
Jesus. I am so sorry I'm so sorry that I have yawned at you.
I'm so sorry that I've been bored with you I'm so sorry that I've prioritized my work over you. I'm so sorry that I've made everything in my life more important than you
Jesus I'm gonna repent now and I'm gonna turn to you and I'm gonna stare at you and I'm gonna find you beautiful I'm gonna search the pages of Scripture so that I can know you
I'm gonna spend time with other believers being encouraged so that I can better worship you
For both the non -christian and the Christian healing is found by looking to Jesus And for the rest of the service,
I pray we would do that. Let us pray Lord Jesus The truth of this passage is that we can find healing and not by working harder trying harder or by listening to some guru or by doing charity work or social justice work or by having the right political position or Or by being a mother or father or by anything that we often try to make into idols
That we can find our healing that we can find our hope that we can find our peace that we can find our comfort that We can find rest for our broken and weary souls and we can find joy in the midst of the valley
By just simply turning our face towards you The one who took our curse so that we could have the cure
Lord Jesus for the rest of the service I pray that our faces would be turned towards you and worship That we would sing and declare the truth of your word in Lord Jesus, I pray that in your strong powerful name