F4F | Big Errors in Apostolic & Prophetic Ministry


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Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith here on YouTube if you attend a church where they believe that there are present -day
Apostles you need to hit the subscribe button and ring the bell you've been deceived there are no
Apostles today and so today on our episode to kind of highlight what's going on here we're heading down to Israel and to a ministry that calls itself revive
Israel which is deeply embedded within what's called the New Apostolic Reformation now it's not as the so -called
New Apostolic Reformation it literally is a legitimate thing and we're gonna listen as Cody Archer interviews
Asher and Tratter as well as Ron Carter I think yeah that's
Ron Cantor Ron Cantor as they discuss the big error in apostolic and prophetic ministry that apparently they think they need to correct but the big error that needs to be correct regarding apostolic and prophetic ministry today is the belief that we have living
Apostles today we'll talk about the biblical texts that address this and for those of you who listen to the podcast of fighting for the faith that this will seem a little bit redundant as far as the biblical texts are concerned but absolutely necessary in establishing what scriptures does teach regarding Apostles and prophets that they literally are the foundation of the church that the church is built on we are there are no ongoing
Apostles and prophets today they've done their work and are continuing to do their work through the written
Word of God but let's listen in as as Cody here described or you know interviews these fellows regarding the big error that apparently exists regarding apostolic and prophetic ministry today here we go we're going to talk about a bit of a touchy sensitive subject today we're going to talk about apostolic and prophetic ministry and I know that for every one of you watching today that might hit you in a different way but we're gonna dig a little bit deeper and potentially go into some type of series over the coming months trying to see what is the scriptures really say about this subject and now a little bit of a note here in the
Patricia King video that we recently published you know went over the fact that historically within the
NAR 10 years ago they were talking about the future restoration of Apostles and now a lot of time has passed and now people in the
NAR saying oh well the Bible teaches in Ephesians 4 that we've always had
Apostles that's not what Ephesians 4 teaches and the and people in the
NAR who are claiming that they're just mere five folders that they believe in ongoing apostolic ministry 10 years ago everybody in the
NAR was talking about the restoration of Apostles we've documented this in several different videos
Patricia King's video that we published just this week is also on you know one of those places where we document this but a little bit of a note here that will go into Ephesians chapter 2 and note what what is written
Ephesians 2 18 through him we have both access in one spirit to the
Father so you are no longer strangers and aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God built on the watch this foundation of Apostles and Prophets Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone the foundation that's right the
Apostles and Prophets are the foundation on which the church is built which means literally you don't relay a foundation you don't put a new foundation up every floor no the foundation is the thing that everything is built on now in the historic creeds the ecumenical creeds like the
Nicene Creed Apostles Creed it confesses that that we believe in one holy
Catholic now that the Catholic is a small c universal and apostolic church an apostolic church literally is a church that teaches this the apostolic doctrine the same doctrines the same gospel same
Christ as the Apostles taught so in Ephesians 2 it literally says that the church is built on the foundation of the
Apostles and Prophets and so by the time you get to Ephesians chapter 4 when it talks about how that God gave
Apostles and Prophets and evangelists and shepherds and teachers to equip the Saints for the work of ministry for the building up the body of Christ it's important to us for us to recognize this that Elijah is you know
Isaiah Malachi the the prophets of old are still doing their work through the written
Word of God so are Matthew and John and Peter they are still equipping people today through the written
Word of God and so you'll note then one of the things that's missing in Scripture is any kind of a list for the qualifications for ongoing prophets you know when you look at like the pastoral epistles it tells you what the qualifications are for a pastor and you know husband of one wife above reproach able to give instruction and sound doctrine rebuke those who contradict it that's from Titus chapter 1 and you can take a look at first Timothy chapter 3 for a similar list but you'll note that there is no list for who's qualified to be an apostle nor is there at least an ongoing list of who's qualified there is an initial list you have to be an eyewitness of the resurrection and been part of the you know the team you know that you know
Jesus's disciple team from the time he was baptized things like that you can find that in Acts 1 the
Apostle Paul would be an exception to the rule he is an eyewitness to the resurrection of Christ and Christ particularly called him to be an apostle but you know this idea that there are ongoing
Apostles today ten years ago people in the NAR were talking about the restoration of Apostles and now they've changed their narrative and they're claiming that oh well you know
Ephesians 411 is teaching that we have to have them ongoing now yeah
John is still teaching us today Paul is still teaching us today so is
Peter so is Matthew it's weird you know so the so he gave us
Apostles and prophets and evangelists and shepherds to equip the Saints you and I are still being equipped by the prophets and by the
Apostles through the written Word of God so they are the foundation of the church the you know what the church is built on that foundation so anybody who's talking about you know saying well
I'm a five folder you know I believe in ongoing Apostles well ten years ago nobody was talking about that everyone was talking about the restoration of them and that's historically factually verifiable and provable but here we are in Israel and we're seeing these guys recognizing that this is a a delicate topic and in there's been abuses that apparently have arisen shock of shock shocks there from people who claim the title of Apostle and prophet and so watch what they think is the solution to this problem where there's areas of improvement what's wrong what's right what's the right attitude to even approach this subject so let's jump in today guys
Ash I want to start with you what what is the right heart approach even to this topic of apostolic and prophetic ministry what's the right heart approach you need to repent is what you need to do that's your right heart approach because there are no
Apostles today there's a key word and the key word is humility the main problem that I see with people in apostolic and prophetic type ministry and Apostles and prophets and prophecy and all the anointing is that it it creates pride and pride gives a a wrong atmosphere it gives a wrong spirit to what's going on and when
I look at to all the problems that hmm don't you think if this was truly from the Holy Spirit that pride would be the last thing that would burble up from within people who've been risks you know in the modern day restoration of Apostles we have it's mostly because of this that a lack of humility so what we really wanted to to sort of purify the prophetic or to bring a tycoon a a change a repairing of the apostolic is to start with this thing of being of being humble and looking at it is okay it's it's it's a ministry it's a it's a it's a function that you fulfill it's nothing it's nothing done and you and you start with Hebrews 3 1 which says you know
I just have to ask the question if there are modern -day Apostles where in the Bible do we learn what function modern -day
Apostles would fulfill there is no list of their duties ongoing nor there are a list of qualifications for people to be placed into that office ongoing how can it be a function in the church if there's no list of you know actual duties of that office that they're to be fulfilling on an ongoing basis sure is the chief apostle of our faith and let's just remember this this is not about any of us nobody is great in the kingdom it's only
Yeshua the rest of us were have been sinner sound so humble but this is still a humble brag and doesn't take into consideration the very correct understanding that Apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church not part of the superstructure itself and that there have not been
Apostles and prophets on the earth for literally almost 2 ,000 years that were saved by his blood and if he by his grace happens to give us something to do then that's okay that's by his grace so the whole thing is to start
I like also something that says that when about prophecy for instance is that right now we prophesy in part which mean nobody's got it all up and so that whole sort of posture of and God told me and that that's all wrong you're on the wrong foot to start with because you're only seeing it in part so notice that Asher and Tratter here is literally arguing for fallible prophets you could say well this is this is how this is what
I'm saying it's what I'm perceiving it's what the Holy Spirit's saying to me or this is the strategy so the main thing you know
I've heard Michael Brown say those almost exact words hmm is to start
I think is to get on the right foot the left foot is if you think you're something special but the correct foot the right foot is let's all start with a place of humility that's the big thing a humble approach to I mean it sounds so pious but it's not pious at all it's the whole premise is totally faulty a fivefold ministry of course not just apostles and prophets but also evangelists pastors and teachers anything that we're doing for the
Lord you it's it's you have to have the ground level of humility which gets us on the right foot yeah that's good now
I know over those last year especially this subject has come under a lot of attack actually you personally have come under a lot of heavy intense attack and people saying things about you you as well
Ron Ron what would you say is like what are the why is this topic so controversial or such a hot -button thing for people like because there have not been
Apostles on the planet since the death of the Apostle John there are no Apostles in the time of the the
Church Fathers there's no Apostles in the time of the Reformation in the Middle Ages and it's only in the last 10 years that people in the
NAR have claimed that God has restored them and then change the narrative to say oh no no we've always had them they just didn't know that they were change their story
Asher really hit it it's the lack of humility that is associated with the titles
Apostle Prophet I get Facebook friend requests from the
Apostle such and such the prophets such and such and there's so much pride connected to these titles and and I now watch his solution here he is literally going to basically say yes you are
Apostles but just don't use that title we hate that I reject that we don't want the title we want the function we want the gift yeah
I've heard Michael Brown use these exact words as well mm -hmm this is by the way if a difference that makes no difference is no difference at all if I think
I'm an Apostle and I am now going to you know basically operate in the authority of an
Apostle even if I use a different name I'm still acting like an
Apostle or if I don't use the title I'm still acting like an Apostle and this kind of begs the question if God's the one who's restored these
Apostles and you you believe that the fivefold ministry is going to continue on you were gonna have Apostles and prophets until Jesus returns why would you encourage them to use to use a different name or to not use the title of the office that they claim that they're operating in and what's really interesting is that Yeshua's greatest challenge as a leadership trainer he was the greatest leadership trainer in the world and he had 12 guys and he lost one of them but just a few days before he's gonna be crucified the mother of James and John comes to Yeshua kind of takes him aside a little bit and says hey listen in your kingdom could would you mind if you
I mean they're from Galilee you've grown up you've known these guys a long time John and James let them sit on your right and left hand then the other
Apostles here but think what no that not they weren't offended by her pride or the proud requests they were like that belongs to me so then you get closer to the crucifixion and if I'm Yeshua I'm getting really frustrated at this point now he is the
God man so he he knew those were the right guys but as we get closer to the resurrection we see John 13 he they they and I I'm seeing something that I never saw before I always thought
Cody that Yeshua washed their feet as they entered in the upper room or the the house that led to the upper room the the tradition would be that there would be a servant there to wash your feet they'd be dirty you're wearing sandals it's dusty and that's where Yeshua told the servant hey you take a break
I'm gonna do this it actually says if you look at verse 2 and verse 4 that he got up from the table during the meal now that tells me that they already had their feet clean and yet Yeshua is saying that these guys still don't understand that in my kingdom to be great is now note that by telling the story that he's telling he literally is telling everybody out there who claims to be an apostle yeah yeah yeah you're on the same length you're on the same you know strata as John and James and Peter you're you're you're one of the same types of guys as they are but you're gonna need to learn some humility like they had to learn some humility so note here the assumptions of what he's saying and how this he's telling the story is he's literally telling modern -day apostles and prophets oh yeah you are on the same same level that would be a big a apostle by the way not a small a you're on the same level as James and Peter and John and the boys to be the least if you want to be an apostle that means you're the you're the greatest servant of them all not a guy with a business card that says apostles such and such so he washes her feet they're stunned they don't understand it why are you doing this and he explains
I am your teacher I'm the Lord and I'm doing this as an example to you because I need you to get this
I need you to understand that you're about to lead this massive movement that's gonna change the world and you're still fighting over who's gonna have a bigger title and no actually they were fighting about not titles positions themselves if we put
Luke 22 and John 13 together it appears they start the Passover meal he does this great act of humility and then he sits down again and he institutes communion the
Lord's Supper he takes the matzah and the wine he breaks the bread said this is my body this is my blood shed for you to be there what a privilege right can you imagine looking back now and these these would -be
Apostles had no clue what they like you were saying early it says they didn't understand what was going on he is instituting the
Lord's Supper and and it says two verses later a dispute among them broke out over who was the greatest now if I'm Yeshua I am just I'm walking out
I'm done I'm gonna take three yeah so I mean yeah you you really are an
Apostle just like Peter and James and John you just need to learn humility like the same way they had to learn it yeah no actually the problem here is that there are no
Apostles on earth today none the the
Apostles that Jesus sent are still doing their work in equipping us and they equip us to the written
Word of God the whole assumption that these fellows are operating from literally is deceptive they and they are the creators of false
Apostles false prophets and false anointed ones I hate to say it but I'll be blunt that institutions like revive
Israel they are the ones creating the false Messiah's of the last time just saying if you found this helpful please feel free to share this video with your friends and others on social media all the information on the share is below also subscribe if you're not already subscribed to our channel and ring the bell so that you can be notified when we post new videos and all the information on how you can support pirate
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