New Podcast Focused on The Gospel Coalition - What's This All About?

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well, let's jump right into it today. If you're on gab .com, then yesterday you got an announcement early.
If you're not on gab .com, you got it today. I am working on a podcast for 2022. It's a brand new podcast, and it's called
The Rise and Fall of the Gospel Coalition. I'm gonna explain a little bit more about what I mean and what that's gonna be about in just a minute.
But before I do, I just wanted to clear something up because I'm looking for some help. And this is actually unrelated to the new podcast.
It's a completely separate issue. I've got more plans for 2022. But what
I did the other day on YouTube is I asked for help looking, I'm looking for names. I'm trying to make a list of everyone that's connected to Big Eva in a certain amount of, you know, doesn't have to be like their best friends with Big Eva, but has connections with Big Eva and is standing up even a little bit to the zeitgeist, all the great reset stuff, all the powers that be, all the woke stuff and things like that.
And when I made the comment and I asked for help, I mentioned a few names that I was thinking of.
I was thinking of Kevin DeYoung, I was thinking of Jonathan Lehman, and I was thinking of Owen Strawn. And a lot of people took high offense to that, saying that I was putting
Owen Strawn in the same category as Jonathan Lehman. I am not, I am definitely not. There's only two things
I'm looking for. I'm looking for someone who has connections to Big Eva or at least had connections to Big Eva.
I think Owen's been excommunicated to a certain degree. And who's standing up in any degree to the great reset stuff.
So that includes people that are standing up just a little bit, and it includes people that are standing up a lot.
I don't wanna miss anybody. So don't take offense. If you like Owen, I like Owen. I've talked to Owen offline as well.
I like Owen Strawn very much. And I understand he's standing up to the woke stuff a lot these days, and he has been for a couple years.
Now, he wasn't always doing that. A lot of people are misunderstanding Owen. He didn't always do that.
In fact, he was quite timid on some of the woke stuff, at least early on. However, he's changed his mind.
Good for him. And I appreciate that. But that's the thing. I'm not looking for people who are compromised only.
If they're compromised, as long as they're pushing back a little bit, I wanna know about them. And if they're pushing back a lot and they're connected to Big Eva in some way,
I wanna know about them. Like some people said, John MacArthur counts. And I think John MacArthur does count. And of course
I do know about John MacArthur, but he does count because he's had connections to Big Eva big time. There's no question about that.
So I would definitely count John MacArthur in that regard, except that obviously he's also been excommunicated to a certain degree from Big Eva.
So yeah, don't take offense. I'm not looking for people that are only pushing back a little bit. I just want to include those as well.
That's what I meant in the comment. So I'm just looking for as many names as possible, as many possible allies that we could possibly have pushing back but connected to Big Eva.
Those are the only two requirements. It doesn't matter how much they're pushing back. Let me just emphasize that. It could be a lot or a little bit.
I wanna know about them. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Now, the rise and fall of Gospel Coalition.
Now, this might be a very weird title for a podcast for some of you, because Gospel Coalition in some ways is at the height of their influence.
I pulled this up from their annual report of 2022, or I'm sorry, 2020.
It's not even 2022 yet. 2020, their annual report. Take a look at this impact statement that they're making here.
Their website has had 99 million page views. That is a lot of page views.
They've got 11 million downloads of their podcasts. They've got 52,
I'm sorry, 4 .5 million views of their videos. That's actually not that much when you think about it, and you'll see why in a minute.
Now, my channel probably gets a million views a year at this point. So about a quarter, a little under a quarter of what they do, but you'll see why that's not that much in a minute.
They've got a Read the Bible app that has 300 ,000 users. They've got 15 international sites with different languages and stuff like that.
Look at the use growth here. They're importing their stuff to Africa, to China, to Portugal.
Like this is a major enterprise, Gospel Coalition. Their income in 2020,
I mean, look at this, charitable gifts, two and a half million dollars of charitable gifts, $100 ,000 in conferences.
Usually it's much more than that, but I guess they canceled the conference. Usually it's over a million dollars. Half a million dollars in book sales and advertising, and then $200 ,000 in content rights and royalties.
This is a tremendously large enterprise. If you look at their staff, I mean, this is a multi -person company.
I mean, take a look at this. They've got all kinds of different directors. I mean, there's tons of people here.
I mean, the leadership, they've got 10 people in leadership. And then look at just their operations staff as well.
I mean, a lot of women and men participate in making this thing run. They've got a media team.
They've got four people on their media team and an editorial board that is just humongous.
And this is not to mention people that probably give their work for free and stuff like that, all the different authors, this is a major enterprise.
And so it's like, AD, how could you be talking about the fall of the Gospel Coalition? Now, I'll tell you what, the idea for this video came because I saw an article on the
Gospel Coalition about the top news stories for Christianity in 2020. And like number one or number two was the podcast,
The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. And I just made a quick joke about that. Like, you know, this is so typical.
Like they said it was like a revolutionary media thing. Like, this is amazing.
And it's like, yeah, sure, that's revolutionary. You looked at a church that failed and a guy that you, you know, is very much unliked at this point.
And you were saying how bad Mark Driscoll was after it's safe to do so. After it's safe to do so, everybody hates
Mark Driscoll. Now you're gonna talk about how bad he was when back in the day, you were talking about how great he was.
And a lot of people saw the problems with Mark Driscoll before you did, but somehow that's revolutionary, being able to look at your past mistakes and say, yeah, that's bad, you know, pig pile when everyone else is pig piling.
It's just, Gospel Coalition is typical. I mean, they only take the safe position. That's literally what they do.
As long as the world is saying it, then they'll say it. If the world's not saying it, they might say it, but they'd be very timid.
They'll apologize for it and all of that. It's just typical Big Eva stuff. But I thought that was so pathetic.
It's like, sure, yeah, you'll say someone's bad when it's safe to do so. And that's somehow revolutionary and counter -cultural.
And that's what everybody does. Everybody waits until the coast is clear before they step out on the battlefield. That's something that's easy to do.
That's not revolutionary. What's hard to do and what takes a little bit of guts and a little bit of courage is to be forward -looking.
And my position is that the Gospel Coalition has already fallen, despite the massive nature of this enterprise.
The amount of influence they have right now is still humongous. They are still in the process of falling right now.
I'm looking forward and I'm making predictions because here's the thing, there's more than one way to fall.
So yes, they have a lot of views, a lot of users and a lot of money, but I think that their influence right now is starting to erode and they're essentially having to capitulate more and more and more to maintain the amount of influence that they do have.
I said this yesterday in a video about people like Kristen Dumez and Jamar Tisby, they get more radical as time goes on.
I've seen a lot of people notice this, especially about Jamar Tisby, where they'll say, yeah, you know, I supported him when he came out with Color of Compromise, but he's gone too crazy.
And it's like, well, he was just as crazy back then, but what happened is he has to ratchet up how radical he is in order to stay relevant because the world will chew you up and spit you out if you don't continue to go down their path.
They're at total war with Christ. They're at total war with Christ. And so if you're not constantly moving further and further left, further and further against Christ and against his church, then you're gonna be spit out.
You're gonna be out of the movement. You're gonna be part of who they're trying to destroy. And so if you wanna stay relevant, once you've capitulated, you gotta get worse and worse and worse.
And that's what Gospel Coalition will do because they're gonna have to figure out a way to maintain this user base, to maintain the podcast listens and the views and stuff like that.
They're gonna have to find a way to do it. And the only way to do it is to capitulate more and more and more because they've already capitulated everything.
They've already made the fundamental, I don't even, the word's escaping me.
They've already made the capitulation that's gonna control their destiny unless God is very gracious to them and makes them repent in a massive way.
And I'm talking a massive way. This website is done. They might make a lot of money, but they're totally done.
Their Christian influence is on the downswing and eventually it'll be nothing because they'll be so radical that they won't even be recognizable as Christian.
They're still somewhat recognizable as Christian because they still do have some good content on their website.
I would never recommend anyone go to Gospel Coalition because the content is not trustworthy, which is so interesting because if you look on this main page, this is what it says about the
Gospel Coalition. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely.
That's the first thing that it says here. And I have to say that that's done, that's over.
Christians don't trust you anymore, at least Christians that are aware of what's going on in the culture at large.
The only Christians you're appealing to are those that are also at war with the truth. It's just that simple.
And so my podcast will be forward -looking. Yes, we will look at things that happened in the past.
I mean, 2022, so much happened with Gospel Coalition and Big Eva connected people.
And it's just God is so obviously exposing the idolatry, exposing the rot at the core of evangelical leaders in our country.
It's been so clear in so many ways. And so we're gonna look backwards and we're gonna break down savagely.
There's no question about, this is gonna be brutal. For those of you who are in Big Eva or have friends who are in Big Eva, this is gonna be a brutal awakening.
There's no question about it. And we're not gonna shirk away from it. However, this is also intended to be helpful because there's a time to break down, but there's also a time to build up.
And I want to encourage those of you who are on the fence or maybe you're connected to Big Eva and you don't know really what to do, how to escape this and how to turn the ship around or how to leave.
I wanna encourage you on the problems of Big Eva, the issues, the fundamental issues of Big Eva that are just, they're irreconcilable with the truth of Jesus Christ.
How to recognize those and how to do better and guard against it again in the future.
There are a lot of behaviors in individuals in Big Eva, but also just as a whole, there's a lot of behaviors and unwritten rules and different just modes of operation that these organizations, these huge conglomerates engage in that is just absolutely poisonous to the life of the church.
And we're gonna expose all of that and we're gonna start to build up a better way forward. And it's gonna be completely based on scripture.
It's gonna be completely based on the requirements that God gives to his church, but also the individual believers in the church and on how to engage in controversy, how to engage in argumentation and things of that nature.
And so this is gonna be a very brutal podcast. However, it's gonna be also very hopeful, encouraging and I think it's gonna do a lot of good for a lot of people.
Anyway, I'm really excited about this podcast, The Rise and Fall of the Gospel Coalition. We're gonna have guests, there's gonna be interviews, there's gonna be stories, so get your popcorn ready.
And I think you'll really enjoy it. I hope you find this helpful. Please share this, the trailer with people that you think might be interested, share it on your social media.
And by the way, if I was Big Eva, I'd be scared. I'd be scared. I'd be looking over your shoulder all over the place because we're everywhere and you need to understand that.
There's people that you know, that you think are never gonna tell about the freaking creepy stuff that you guys engage in.
All of the group think and all of the secret plotting and all of the gossip that you constantly engage in.
You think that nobody's gonna find out about it, but we found out about it. It's just that simple. It's just that simple.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. I mean, where did those charges come from?
Do you know? No, they're unnamed. That's part of the problem. So, unnamed sources are presenting these things, which should make everybody take a pause.
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