A message to Alistair Begg defenders

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Here is a recent example of an Alistair Begg defender who commented on one of my videos: Mellissa writes "Don’t be a philistine you are supposed to show love!" I think she meant to say Pharisee! LOL #smh Think about this - the Pharisees were the enemies of Jesus, so apparently if you think Christians shouldn't go to "transgender weddings" that makes you like the Pharisees? Really??? I thought tru


Hello, just a quick video here. I just had a few things I'd like to say about the
Alistair Begg situation. Not about that because I've said everything that I need to say but I would like to make a few comments about Alistair Begg defenders.
So there's all these people on the internet defending Alistair Begg and here's the thing.
Here's the thing that bugs me. They just keep posting comments scripture references about Jesus eating with sinners.
That's not the problem, okay? We're not arguing that Alistair Begg or this grandmother shouldn't reach out to or eat with sinners.
Nobody is saying that. But if what you're implying, which I think it is, if you're implying that Jesus ate with sinners therefore you should go to transgender weddings,
I mean, that's taking the scripture out of context because this has nothing to do with trans or gay weddings.
So that passage doesn't apply. Stop quoting it, okay? And if your accusation is we would be criticizing
Jesus too because he... See, that's the problem. Here's the biggest issue with the people defending
Alistair Begg. They're like, stop attacking Alistair Begg. Nobody's attacking
Alistair Begg. Everybody says the same thing. He's been faithful.
They have so much respect for him. That's why it's so shocking what he said. So people have...
I haven't heard a single personal insult or anyone attacking Alistair Begg. We just disagree with him.
I mean, he's not God. He's not Jesus. We're allowed to disagree. He put out his statements publicly. We can respond publicly.
That's the way it works. But people are like, you're attacking... all these people attacking Alistair Begg. Actually, if anyone attacked anyone,
Alistair Begg attacked us by calling us Pharisees. That's really what he did in his sermon defending his position.
He accused all of his critics of just being a bunch of Pharisees. And then his defenders online, that's what they're doing.
They're accusing people like me, you know, the majority of us who see that Alistair Begg's advice was wrong.
It was bad advice. Begg and his supporters, they're all calling us
Pharisees. The Pharisees killed Jesus. The Pharisees were the enemies of God. Jesus said that they were children of the devil.
That's like the worst thing you can call somebody. So, if you want to talk about division or people attacking people or accusations, that's all coming from Alistair Begg himself and his supporters.
All we're doing, all I ever did was disagree with him, and I'm explaining why from the
Bible. It's totally legitimate. And this whole mess, yeah, it's caused a lot of problems.
But at the same time, I think it's shewered up a lot of people in realizing we need to be separate from this, not just the lifestyle and knowing that it's wrong.
It's just any activity surrounding it. I mean, what's next? You're going to give advice?
Drag queen story hour? You know, drag shows? Well, just, you know, we need to show love.
So, go to the drag show. Bring your kids to drag queen story hour because,
I mean, you want to be loved. Now, I'm not saying Alistair Begg would give that advice. I don't think he would.
I mean, I don't know what the difference would be, but I don't think he would. So, I'm not going to make that accusation.
But, I mean, logically, as soon as you start caving in today, it's the grandmother and the grandchild and the wedding.
Five years from now, ten years from now, this is how you need to think. What is this going to lead to? Compromise the world is never going to stop.
They're just going to keep pushing the boundaries. And as soon as Christians give an inch, they'll take a mile.
And that's the way it works. So, that's why we need to kind of sure things up. We need to speak clearly.
This is wrong. No excuses. Absolutely not. And these things can end up having a real positive influence on the body of Christ because all throughout history, you know, heresies, and I'm not saying this is heresy.
Again, no one's called Alistair Begg a heretic or a false teacher or anything like that. I've been treating him on a personal level with the utmost respect.
But when there has been heresies in the past and challenges and difficult questions, that has forced the church to deal with it.
And in the end, by God's grace, it only makes the church stronger. So, I hope that's what happens here.
But yes, I just wanted to make a few comments in the quick video here in response to people defending
Alistair Begg online. So, hope this was helpful. Till next time, may the Lord be with you. Have a great day.