Don't Apologize

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Neither in word, nor deed.


All right. Welcome back to the channel. God bless you. I hope your week is going really well.
That's what I have to say to start. You know, I was thinking today about a conversation I had with someone
I'm very close with. And in this conversation, he's gonna remain nameless because I don't want anyone to think that I'm trying to get one over on him kind of thing.
He's totally based right now. I mean, he's just one of the sharpest guys that I know. But in this conversation, we were arguing about something and I was right and he was wrong.
He did not admit this at the time, which is usually what happens, you know, when you're arguing with someone, even if you're, you know, winning the argument, they're never gonna admit it at the time.
But then later, you know, they come around and you kind of know, oh yeah, you know, I know what happened there, that kind of thing.
In any case, we were arguing about how to raise children. You know, we were both fairly new fathers.
And, you know, one of the things that he had said was that, you know, he understands that God has covenant blessings for his people and your children and your children's children and stuff like that.
But he really kind of viewed them not arbitrary per se, because that's not a good word to use with God.
But from our perspective, it's sort of arbitrary. Like you never know if they're gonna be believers or not.
And so when you train your kids, you know, you kind of, you almost wanna teach the controversy, right?
You almost wanna teach the controversy. And of course, you know, you kind of, you know, push them in the right direction, but really it's a spiritual matter, right?
You know, and that kind of thing. And I remember looking at him like he was insane. And I said, no, I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that.
I said, I'm gonna teach my sons about the Lord the same way
I would teach my sons that the sky is blue, because it is, it's just the truth.
And so the Lord is there. The Lord is good. You know, Jesus Christ, he was crucified on the cross, died for the sins of his people, resurrected on the third day in victory, is ascended to the right hand of the
Father. I'm gonna teach him those things the exact same way if that I would teach that the sky is blue, because it's just, and when
I say the exact same way, I mean with the same amount of authority. There's no controversy there. You look at the sky, the sky is actually blue.
You can just see it. So why would I teach the controversy if some wacko comes out and says, no, no, no.
You see, the sky is actually not blue. It's actually, I don't know, magenta or something like that.
I guess sometimes the sky can be magenta. It depends on the day, time of day kind of thing. Anyway, but you get my point though.
Like I'm not gonna teach the controversy. I'm gonna teach you what's what. That's my job. My job as a father is to teach my sons what's what, the way it actually is, you know, not the way some wacko atheists think it might be.
You know what I mean? And so of course I'm gonna teach them about atheism, but from a perspective of these guys are fools because the scripture says so.
So this is what the fool believes. There is no God. And here's what the truth is. That's what
I said. And you know, he was kind of scandalized by that and we argued about it, blah, blah, blah.
But anyway, but I'm right about that. I mean, that's your duty. Your duty as a father is not to teach the controversy or every generation figures out, you know, the truth for themselves kind of thing.
That's insane. No, no, you teach them what is what. That's your job as a father is to teach them the way they should go.
And a big part of that is teaching them the nature of the universe, the nature of what
God has created. That's what I mean by universe, just the creation. And so there you go.
I think here's the problem. Like I didn't articulate this at the time. So this is something that I thought about afterwards.
But like when you're teaching the controversy the way that this guy was saying you should, right? You're almost like, but you're pushing them in the right direction.
You know, this is what the evidence seems to indicate, you know, things like that. I think you're actually, what you end up doing is you're apologizing for the truth.
And people have, even kids, I mean, I think maybe especially kids have a very innate BS detector.
And they can tell that really, you're not all that confident in what you believe. And I think that that was what this person was displaying to me.
It was a lack of confidence. It was a lack of faith. Because it's very clear if you believe, if you accept the scriptures as the words of God, so much of it is so just crystal clear.
There are some passages in the Bible that are hard in and of themselves.
And then there are some passages in the Bible that are hard when you have other kind of pagan presuppositions.
But for the most part, the scripture is crystal clear and very easy to understand.
God spoke in a way that is to be understood. And I think what you need to do is have the chutzpah for lack of a better word.
I'm not Jewish, but chutzpah. The gall, the audacity, the tenacity, the zeal to just believe it and not apologize for it.
And you can apologize for the scripture in a lot of low key ways that you're not like actually technically apologizing for it, but you are.
Here's an example of what I mean. This guy, Danny Slavich, this guy is a real, how do
I put this? I don't know how to put it. This guy's no bueno, right?
He's no bueno. And in here he is, he's talking about the Southern Baptist Convention, which yesterday
I said was likely to be a circus show. And it definitely was, it was a circus. The SBC convention is a circus.
Anyway, this lady, this old lady, this liberal got up and she preached a little mini sermon about how she wants to serve the
Lord and she shouldn't be disfellowshipped just because she's a female pastor and things like, she's totally conservative though, that kind of thing.
And she was trying to convince everybody to not disfellowship them for being completely liberal and having women pastors and stuff like that.
And here, Danny Slavich, Danny Slavich is wrong about a lot of stuff, but here he's right.
He actually voted the right way. And I don't want to necessarily take that away from him.
My hat's off to him. You did the right thing ultimately, but he did it like a real, like he apologized for doing it.
He apologized for voting that the truth is the truth.
He apologized for voting that the nature of reality is reality, that God's world, the world he created is actually real.
Like he apologized for it and he didn't actually apologize for it, but he apologized for it by saying this.
He said, I disagree with our sister from Fern Creek Baptist Church, but I honor her desire to serve the
Lord for making her heartfelt appeal today. I ultimately voted with some heaviness in my chest to uphold the decision to remove the church from friendly cooperation.
I also voted to uphold the decision to remove Saddleback from friendly cooperation. They have moved away from our common confessional agreement pretty drastically and defiantly.
So here he is, he's done the right thing, but there's no zeal. There's no chutzpah.
There's no, you can't just disregard God's word. Like what is he talking about, her desire to serve the
Lord? Would he ever in any context other than this one, talk about the deep desire and how he supports the desire to serve the
Lord by disobeying him directly and deliberately and obviously and proudly.
I'm gonna disobey him, but I'm doing it to serve God. Obviously in any other context besides this one, he would never say such a stupid thing.
It's stupid to say this. And this is a way to apologize for the truth. Look, I know
God said this, but it really hurts my heart and I've got a heaviness when I voted for it.
It's like, this is not gonna cut it, guys.
A guy like Danny Slavich, this is not gonna cut it. The SBC is doomed.
As long as guys like Danny Slavich have somewhat of a powerful voice.
And the thing is, there's a legion of Danny Slavich's out there that they see a woman making an emotional plea and they can't just say no.
They can't just say no. A lot of them don't even say no. Like they see a woman making an emotional plea and they're like, oh, the poor dear, we've gotta do something, you know, like something like that.
And they vote with her out of emotions because a lot of these guys are very effeminate too. But the thing is, if they do say no, they apologize for saying no.
As if this is a hard decision. As if, well, on the one hand, we've got a emotional woman. On the other hand, we have the words of the
Lord of the creation. My Lord, the Christ, the one that I'm allegedly submitted to.
I don't know, man, I've got this heaviness. Like, I don't have a heaviness about that. Why would you have a heaviness about that?
This is what God has said. And you may not like it, but this is my master. And I don't serve you at all.
I don't have any feelings about that. If you don't wanna obey the Lord, that's your deal. And look, you don't have to say no and be a jerk about it, right?
You don't have to be a jerk about it. You don't have to be a big tough guy about it. Just a no will suffice.
Absolutely not. You could have all the emotions in the world. You could even cry if you want to.
And you can have all the support of all these people that allege that you've helped them because of your position and things like that.
And, oh yeah, I'm not really wearing the rainbow thing. Of course she is wearing. Like, she's not conservative in any way, obviously.
You can just say no. And I've done videos about this. It's just like, you can just say no. You don't have to explain it.
Just say no. It's just not going to happen. Don't be like Danny Slavich.
This guy's apologizing for doing what is obviously the right thing to do.
Don't apologize for that. There needs to be some zeal.
When you're fighting for the Lord, you're fighting to affirm the truth in God's church.
There's gotta be some joy there. Some mirth, some gravitas.
It can't just be, I've got this heaviness. I honor you, sister.
For what? She's directly, deliberately, defiantly, openly, proudly, opposing the word of the
Lord, the very nature of creation. This is something, see, the female pastor thing, it's not just about defying the word of God because it is about that, but it's not just about that.
That would be enough. It's not just about that. It's about defying the nature of reality itself.
God has built, if we didn't have a word from God about this, we would already know it based on how he has created the world, how things really are, how things really exist, the nature of reality itself.
This woman is here defying that, proudly, openly, making her appeal for more to define, not only doing the wrong thing, but encouraging others to do the wrong thing.
And Danny's like, I don't know. I've just got this feeling in the pit of my little tummy. It's like, are you freaking insane?
This is the exact opposite of everything I want my sons to be.
I don't want them having a heavy feeling in their heart when they're doing something that is obviously the right thing to do.
And this is the thing, guys, you've got to practice this. You've got to practice saying no to women and to effeminate men because they're all over the place and they're very concerned.
I saw Daniel Darling. Here's Daniel Darling. He says, he's very concerned, very, very, very worried, very troubled.
He says, if you're more energized by motions and resolutions than sending to the nations, you might've lost your first love.
And basically this is just a way to say, I'm very concerned with the fact that people are, you know, advocating for biblical truth at our convention.
We've got a world to save. We've got a great commission to accomplish as if the truth and discipling people the right way is not part of the great commission.
This is just a way to sort of virtue signal, you know, concern, but here's the thing, like guys like this, effeminate schlubs like this, you need to develop a love, a joy, an energy in making them concerned and troubled and very worried and you, oh, what about love?
What about the gospel? Like hysterical like that. You need to develop a love for doing that.
And you don't have to do it the way I do it, but the more that guys like this,
Daniel Darling and the women that are in charge of the SPC, the more they're concerned, the better it is.
That's just the bottom line because these people will leverage their concern and their pearl clutching and their emotions as much as you let them.
And you just have to look at, you have to be able to look at a crying woman who's crying to do something wrong.
And don't you affirm me as a woman and stuff like that. And you have to look at her and just be like, no, this is not gonna happen.
And again, you don't have to be a tough guy about it. You don't have to be rough and tumble about it.
You don't have to be a jerk, but you just have to say no. And if you are the kind of guy that does feel like a little in the pit of your stomach, a heaviness, a weight,
I wanna affirm them, just keep it to yourself. Just keep it to yourself because we don't need to hear about your temptations to do the wrong thing.
Like how pathetic is it? How pathetic is it that Slavic not only was tempted to do the wrong thing, because that's where that little feeling in your stomach comes from.
And of course, I honor her desire to serve the Lord. Like he's revealing he's been tempted to do the wrong thing.
Not only did you have that, but then you proudly went up there to virtue signal about this desire that you had to fight back to let the woman get her way just because she was emotional and made an emotional appeal about how she wants to serve the
Lord by sinning. Keep that to yourself. Fight that with every being.
Don't normalize that because that's not normal. That's you waging war against your besetting sin.
Now that's a good thing, of course, that's a good thing. But then to go out and virtue signal as if it's a good thing to be tempted by some lady who wears rainbow things on her vestments and the word of God.
Like that's not something to be proud of. That's not something to show everybody about, oh, I'm just so, it hurts, it hurts to do it.
It doesn't hurt to do it. It's good to work for the Lord. Like you should be zealous about that.
Now, again, Danny Slavich did the right thing here. So I'm gonna commend him for that. But this is not how we're supposed to be working for the
Lord. We're supposed to be working with zeal, joy, mirth. It's good to be on the Lord's side.
It's good to be on the side of truth and we should act like it. We should act like it. In any case, hope that was encouraging.
I hope you found it helpful. God bless you.
Also, I saw this one. This is a really stupid one too. This guy goes, parents don't catechize your children.
It's a terrible way to pass on biblical truth. You are training your children to come to the Bible with answers already in hand instead of seeking the answers in the
Bible. You are teaching proof texting and not sound Bible study. It is just, you know, false dichotomy, but it's really, but again, it's a way to sort of like low key apologize for what the
Bible says. We know what the Bible says. It's not some mystery that every generation has to figure out for themselves.
No, no, we have the answer system of this and we should teach our children as if we have the answers because we do have the answers.
We have the word of God and we can teach our children what's what. In fact, that's your job. Don't apologize for God making it very clear what he's like, making it very clear what he desires for people, making it very clear what we're supposed to do in response to him.
These things are clear and don't, don't teach your kids as if they're not clear. They are clear.
That's a way to apologize for the word of God. Don't apologize for the word of God. Don't apologize in word. More importantly, don't apologize in deed because people notice when people have a