The Doom of False Teachers: Part 1



The Doom of False Teachers: Part 2

So please turn with me this morning as we continue our study the second epistle 2nd
Peter 2nd Peter chapter 2
This would be part 1 Speaking about the doom of false teachers the doom of false teachers.
You don't hear a lot of messages on this It's a judgment message
But I'll be honest we need to hear this it did my heart good when I was studying this Judgment has a two -sided sword
And one side of it it pains us to see such judgment come
But on the other side we rejoice don't we because God's righteousness
Is served God's justice and he has to punish sin because as I mentioned he's holy holy holy
He's a holy God, right? And he will not negotiate his holiness with no one
And when it comes to false teachers that pervert the gospel as brother Keith mentioned earlier the purity of the gospel
Has been tampered with and then you have false teachers deliberately Blaspheming God's name taking
God's holy name in vain perverting the gospel God must judge
And was as we've seen in this there is destructive doctrines
Doom of false teachers. We're gonna look at this depravity of false teachers deceptions of false teachers
So let me read verse beginning of verse 4 to 11 verse 4 to 11 and 2nd
Peter chapter 2 Hear the word of the Living God But there were also
I'm starting verse 1. Let me go to verse 1 false prophets among the people Even as there will be false teachers among you who was secretly bringing destructive heresies to even denied the
Lord who bought them and bring on themselves swift destruction and Many will follow their destructive ways because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed by covetousness
They would sport exploit you with deceptive words for a long time.
Their judgment has not been idle Now introduces judgment right here and their destruction
Does not slumber and pay close attention from verse 4 to 11 or what he has to say
For if God did not spare the angels who sinned But cast him down to hell and Delivered them into the chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment
And did not spare the ancient world but saved Noah one of eight people a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah Into ashes condemned them into destruction making them in an example
To those who afterward would live ungodly and delivered righteous lot
Who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked? For that righteous man dwelling among them tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds
Then the Lord knows How to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment
Especially those who walk according to the flesh In the lust of the in the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority.
They are presumptuous Self -willed they are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries
Whereas angels who are greater in power and might do not bring a reviling accusation Against them before the
Lord. Let's stop there and let's pray Now let's ask the Lord This morning as we seek his face
And he will he will in a mighty way speak to us through his word
Let's pray father in heaven Holy is your name?
yes, Lord your Holy mercy reaches unto the heavens and your truth unto the clouds and we pray as David Cried out and sung be exalted.
Oh God above the heavens and let your glory be above all the earth Lord we praise you this morning.
We praise you and we pray that your holy name be honored and glorified this day
In this land. Oh God, we need a revival of the majesty and the fear of God Revive your people once again.
Oh God through your word By your spirit
Nothing man does but your power and your glory and Only your word can sanctify us by the truth
Because your word is truth Sanctify us through and through this morning Lord purge us and cleanse us
And May we leave here today or sanctified and more into the image and the likeness of your dear son
And whom you're well pleased in Father we'll be careful to give you all the praise and glory for this and we ask this in Jesus name.
Amen as we've seen chapter 2 of 2nd
Peter And verses 1 through 3 as I read You had the destructive doctrines of false teachers they are destructive very destructive to the souls
Jesus said beware of false teachers They don't come to you saying hey, I'm a false teacher right
No, they wave a Bible They quote the scriptures Jesus said they come to you in sheep's clothing clothes like a sheep
They come Within the church like the Trojan horse that enters in As we looked at first Peter the whole
Book of first Peter dealt with persecution from the outside And that seems to be pretty severe doesn't but honestly it is more severe much more severe
When false teachers like the Trojan horse comes within to deceive and pervert the truth
It's very serious So in verses 4 through 11, we see the doom of false teachers.
We'll go ahead in this direction I get this outline right out of the Bible verses 12 through 17
We see the depravity of false teachers and then in verses 18 through 22. We see the deceptions of the false teachers
Chapter 2 is No doubt the very heart of this epistle Peter writes this epistle to the believers in Asia minor as he did first Peter But he gives us ample warning
Of the destructive teaching and the doom the depravity the deceptions of these false teachers He breaks it down here and well,
I'm not gonna get far today. That's why I'm broken it up in part one We're gonna just look at the three examples
He gives in verse 4 5 & 6 and we'll Lord willing see where we get go to the rest of the
To verse 11 next Lord's Day, but I want us to look at these three examples They're powerful examples and the text today in verses 4 through 11 the
Holy Spirit of God gives to us the destiny the doom and the damnation of Where these false teachers are heading to?
Scriptures is very clear on this folks It may seem harsh and hard But after this message
I can assure you You would see why and of course by the Spirit of God you see why
Because we know we if you have a correct and a proper view of God That God is high and holy.
There's none like unto him Scripture says that God will not be mocked
He will not be mocked and especially when it comes to false teachers that mock his name he would judge
Because God is God Now the Apostle Peter warned the church about what is so true even in our day as well
Maybe even more than ever Because we've never seen Globally so many false teachers arise and Jesus said that's one of the signs of his second coming read
Matthew 25 Great detail here but the very first sign Not talking about all the other signs people look said
I like the hurricanes and the winds and wars and rumors of wars and so forth There are a lot of sign But the first sign take heed that no man deceive you and then he says many false
Prophets will arise in my name saying here's Christ's love. Don't go there. Don't listen to him
Jesus says so Jesus gave He said much about false prophets and teachers
But these false teachers are spreading lies or liars Because they follow their father the father of lies misleading people misleading
God's people Satan Being very successful in his strategies never changed his strategy
He's been very successful in doing his mission and sending forth his ministers Appear in his angels of light ministers of light preaching another
Jesus another gospel as Paul says There's not another but they pervert it and say there is another
Apostle Paul warned the elders in chapter 20 The book of Acts in verse 29 and 30.
Let me read it again He exhorts the elders there he calls them to himself
He says that after my departure savage wolves once again the same language Jesus used
Savage wolves will come in among you in among you Not sparing the flock
Also from among yourselves men will rise up speaking perverse Meaning misleading things to draw away the disciples after themselves
You see they will as Peter says in verse 1 they will secretly bring in destructive heresies
Destructive teachings Even denying the Lord who bought them and bring on themselves swift destruction
It goes on the details. We looked at many will follow their destructive ways many that's sad
Look at today. Do you see this? We see it. Does it grieve us?
Yeah, it grieves us Does it grieve God? Far more does it make
God angry Folks we don't know but when his character has been blasphemed and his name is being misused and the name and in his name and then all for pleasure and covetousness and the way of truth is blasphemed and By covetousness that false teachers motive actually is the love of money and loving themselves and Not loving
God. They love pleasure and they do this in the name of Jesus God help us
Judgment is not only here But God will eventually judge
Through and through he says they will exploit you with deceptive words
And Peter then by the Holy Spirit gives to us this awesome truth a long time
For a long time their judgment has not been idle and their destruction does not slumber
Listen to that. That's a revelation of truth that basically judgment to come he now opens up and gives the ultimate doom of false teachers and the text in which we're looking at and This is actually one flow of sentence, it's one large sentence by the
Spirit of God and we see the doom the destiny and the damnation of these false teachers in the text and What we're going to focus on today is the three illustrations and believe me there are three powerful illustrations of certain doom
But two of these he lays great stress upon the fact that and this is encourages us
That it should apply to us that in the midst of judgment there's hope for the few and Who's that few when he speaks about Noah?
one of eight people a preacher of righteousness When the great flood was coming think about Entire world was flooded and destroyed by water
God cleansed it because of such wickedness and we're going to look at that for the reasons why in a minute and They're a preacher of righteousness one preacher stood up Against the whole generation for a hundred years and warned that generation and his family got his family in the ark in it wonderful a hundred and twenty years a preacher of righteousness and Then he speaks about lot lot was there in a wicked twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah a
Perversion an immorality gross immorality to homosexuality. We're seeing this today folks
But there's hope Lot was brought out literally the angels that went there the two angels literally had to take the man out
He was so oppressed with the wickedness and you know the story Jesus told a powerful sermon in three words
Remember lots wife. She turned back because her heart was still loving then what she was going to leave
She didn't she couldn't leave it and she turned back and she was turned to a pillar of salt Jesus said remember lots wife
So the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of the temptation and to keep the unrighteous under punishment unto the day of judgment
Wow No, let's look at these examples the first one he gives that of fallen angels
That's the first example. It gives now This could go into a lot of detail. This could be a whole sermon.
I'm gonna try to Go through this as fast as I can But as properly as I can because I must give you the right interpretation
But there are different interpretations to this and I'm not saying that I have the right interpretation.
I'm going to say that You do your study and homework on this because there's been a lot of different interpretations from Genesis chapter 6 on this
The nature of the sin is not mentioned. Okay But It is elsewhere suggested as having been caused by pride
Now, how do we know that the angels are full of pride? Well, if you noticed right there in the text For if God did not spare the angels who sinned
Cast them down They were lifted up They were cast down pride
The awful sin of pride, but how do we know this you know, like I said the text says it will cast down to hell
Delivered them into the chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment a better translation as It starts off.
There is not for it, but it is better translated for sense for sentence Because there is no doubt about the history of the judgment which
Peter speaks of here More likely this is a reference to the sons of God Now what we talk about the sons of God?
Here in that term in Genesis chapter 6 verse 2 we cannot be certain but there is a strong reason by the way to believe that these are the sons of God in The sense that it reads the sons of God saw the daughters of men in Genesis 6 to That they were beautiful and they took wives for themselves and all whom they chose
Angelic beings here intermingled with a human race
Now that's what I see there you can might see something else Like I said, the angels are called the sons of God in Job 1 6
Job 2 1 And so we definitely know these angelic beings
Peter's speaking of this And there's a order there's a there's an order of judgment here
The sons of God left their angelic position basically assigned to them And what did they do?
They exchanged their dwelling in heaven For one on earth, that's basically what happened
They intermixed they intermarried with human wines Out from that Scripture speaks of the
Nephilim. I hope I spoke that right. Basically it was spoken of as Giants It was an ungodly breed a race of Giants wicked
Giants fallen Mighty ones is spoken of on the earth in those days scripture says
And also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, that means they definitely had sexual relations of Daughters of men and they bore children to them and scripture says those were mighty men
Who are of old of old were of old of renown? Now If you look in Genesis 6 3, let me go
Turn with me there. I hope you're there and you're looking at this over and looking at your Bible study notes
There may be in other interpretations to this but it seems like it's very clear what happened here
And even though we don't know a lot about this There is definitely the wickedness and judgment of man here and there's a whole generation of such wickedness
That is intermingled because these angelic beings That did this
God was so extremely displeased and angry and with these
Abnormal sexual unions that were taking place in Genesis 6 5 Notice what the
Lord says then the Lord saw That the wickedness of man was great in the earth
So it is spread and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was evil continually
Listen to that the Holy God saw such wickedness
That the intent of the thoughts of his heart was evil constantly continually
Verse 6 tells us a lot the Lord was sorry The old
King James says the Lord repented I had someone once tell me said boy God made a mistake I said, oh, no. Oh, no.
No, I said you need to repent what you just said out of your mouth God don't make mistakes
There's no sin with God. I Said this is this is Adam's sin but this is even a deeper level of angelic beings intermingling and wickedness coming out from this and That that and then he says this and that he had made man on the earth
He was so grieved and he was grieved in his heart This is God grieved him
And here we see how this sin this terrible terrible sin grieved the heart of God Sin beginning in the thought life every intent of his thoughts was in his heart was only evil continually
We see a lot of this today, don't we? The heart is desperately wicked
And who can know it? It's full of rebellion and we don't know the wickedness of our own hearts
But this Definitely spread like cancer and it was all over the earth
But in verse 7 God said the Lord said I will destroy man And I have created from the face of the earth
And again, like I said, there's an order of judgment here there's an order of judgment
Aren't you glad that there was one man during that time that pleased the Lord that was
Noah If you look at verse 11 chapter 6 the earth was so corrupt was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence
So God looked upon the earth Indeed, it was corrupt and for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth all flesh
Back to verse 9. This is the genealogy of Noah Noah was a just man perfect in in his generations
Noah walked with God Verse 8 going back now
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord He was among the few folks and that's always the case
Jesus said few there be that's going to find the way We need to take that serious.
Don't we only few is gonna find it many is going to go in the path of destruction many
But that's that's always the way it's been So the order of judgment here is that God as Peter said
He mentions that God did not spare the angels who sinned but cast him down to hell and delivered them
Into the chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment keep that mind. They're not judged yet.
They're reserved God could have destroyed them, but he did there's a purpose for this judgment.
They're reserved God the Holy God was so outraged by this gross gross apostasy of angels from the established order
Their doom was to be thrown down to hell and reserved They're committed to the pits of utter gloom until the final judgment morning you know,
I really believe that these examples are here right before our eyes to sober us of Judgment that God does not trifle with sin
He must punish it. We don't hear enough of this folks People said pastor.
Give me the love of God. Give me the good news. Hey folks honest. We can't really Know the love of God and the mercy of God until we know the fact the good news until we know the bad news
What do we say from? Some say from wrath
God will say from God himself God saves us from himself through Jesus Listen to this
Jude 6 by the way, Jude if you read this Jude parallels Peter It's almost word for word.
The only the only thing Jude does not bring out and Peter does
Peter brings out the the example of Noah Jude doesn't bring that out and he brings out the example of Lot and There's a reason why
Peter does that he has a different audience folks, but Jude it's the same
Holy Spirit, isn't it? And it's almost exact word for word listen to Jude 6 Jude says and the angels who did not keep their proper domain
But left their own abode Has read has reserved and he says the same word reserved and everlasting change under darkness
For the judgment of the great day almost identical same words Same thought of the
Apostle Peter of the apostasy of fallen angels Is described as we saw in Genesis 6 1 through 3
Possessing men who then cohabited and and intermingled and intermarried with the daughters of men
So Peter is given examples of judgment to the false teacher. That's what he's doing. He's going to these examples
Now the second example, the first example is the fallen angels and The sin that they committed even though we don't know much about it as a small window there, but we do have some revelation verse 5
It says the world before the flood which is we're disobedient to God verse 5 says and did not spare notice
What he says he sees the same language Did not spare the ancient world
But saved Noah one eight one of eight people a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly, so Again, why is
Peter given these examples because there's a historical there's a biblical evidence of God's holy direct intervention in punishing sin it seems that And unfortunately
Not only a nation that we're living in today and nations don't even recall this and learn from the historical biblical account
But the church has forgotten and it's right here before us That God will bring judgment and justice
He has to Because he's holy he did not spare the ancient world
Noah was saved the biblical account there, you know, he Relates to the example of the fallen angels now in verse 5.
He relates to the wicked ungodly people The entire race of ungodly people who perished in the flood
He did not spare the ancient world John MacArthur says this on that Specific verse in verse 5.
He says this quote the second illustration the second illustration
Serving as a precedent for God's future judgment on false teachers is the judgment on the wicked ancient world through the worldwide flood
Genesis 6 through 8 and he says this the human race was reduced to eight people by that judgment and In quote as we already looked at 1st
Peter 3 20 and we as we looked at the introduction of 2nd Peter if you remember we looked at the critics that tried to say that the
Apostle Peter was not the writer of 2nd Peter, but notice this what 1st
Peter 3 20 Ties in and reference to the text of I just read he says this who formerly were disobedient were once divine long
The divine long -suffering waited in the days of Noah While the
Ark was being prepared in which a few that is eight souls were being saved through water same
Holy Spirit same Apostle Oh Beloved only
Noah and his family were found found favor in the eyes of the Lord Aren't you glad and they sought and found refuge in that Ark and by the way as you will know that Ark is a type of Jesus Christ from the judgment to come
Salt found refuge in that Ark and he rode that Ark in safety
Above the great storm that filled the whole entire earth And God's wrath
Peter reminds us that Noah was at Eight one of that one of eight people just a few once again, just that few
A preacher of righteousness His life spoke of the few that God calls to love him and called him to build that Ark think of it 120 years that people were mocking and blaspheming
God and you could just picture it if you don't mind allow me to Kind of elaborate here and his sons helping him build
Three sons helping and his wives or wives were doing preparing. I'm sure meals and getting ready for this
Great preparation knowing that judgment was coming and God told Noah a judgment is coming. It's going to pour forth rain
God's going to destroy the entire earth and you could think of his sons and and Noah was hammering down and you can hear those hammer blows to build the
Ark for I think of 120 years while people were laughing and mocking
God Said you crazy man. You think it's going to rain that much you build an ark that big
Laughing and mocking God, but Then the great once the great flood came and you can see the clouds
Started thundered in lightning and the flood came and the rain came the mocking stopped
And once God by the way, if you read the scriptures God closed that door God himself closed that door
Had to be a massive door the size of the Ark you can read the account he talks about the gives the links of the
Heights and the width and everything of it and what I like about if you look in Genesis 7 11
God God silences those that will mock him. He will silence the mockers, but it's on his time table
It's his time table how we know that Genesis 7 11. Listen this in the 600th year of Noah's life and the second month
The 17th day of the month and on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up and the windows of heaven were
Opened in verse 12 and the rain was on the earth 40 days and 40 nights. You know what that tells us
God has calendar day He's got a day and when Jesus Christ comes back and power and glory
We don't know what day it is But I'm telling you what just as it says in Genesis 7 11 and it said here's 600 year
I know his life in the second month on the 17th day of the month on that day all the fountains that was
God's calendar day and God said that's the day of judgment and When Jesus Christ comes back, it's gonna be on God's calendar.
Aren't you glad you could count it's gonna happen But it's God's time table God has a calendar.
Aren't you glad? And on that exact time and day we don't know when but God does and he will judge the world in righteousness
Now Peter gives to us the third example Look at verse 6 Turning to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes
Listen to that turned in them into ashes a lot of people feel
Some theologians has looked into this and they thought is our volcano that might have done it Folks I really believe fire came right down from heaven.
It came from God Cuz God we read brother villain read it this morning from Deuteronomy.
God is a consuming fire. That was not The writer of Hebrews. He didn't think that up as the same
Holy Spirit. He's spoken that he's actually quoting from Deuteronomy God's a consuming fire and this is what happened
Sodom and Gomorrah God burned him up Consumed him to ashes fire and brimstone actually, you could go to the place where they say that this happened and There's sulfur it's proof this sulfur there there's a destruction making them an example afterward who would live ungodly and Then you got today
America by the droves people accepting homosexuality and actually the proper term is sodomy
They're sodomites That's the biblical view. They're not gay gay means happy They're not queer queer means odd They're sodomites.
That means perverted into gross Immorality Romans 1 we're gonna go there in a minute.
God did not spare the angels who sinned He cast him down to hell delivered him to chains of darkness
Reserved them to judgment verse 5. God did not spare the ancient world Verse 6
God turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes It's another example from God that he will punish all sin folks all
Wickedness all are the ungodly for a future divine judgment on the wicked
Any wonder why the wicked liberal theologians Are doing their very best to disprove everything from Genesis Trying to disprove the account in Genesis, you know, why?
Look at what's found in Genesis It's all over the pages of Scripture the origins of in the beginning
God It speaks of the origins of creation It's that speaks of God created all things and how the earth came into being but it speaks about judgment
That judgment is against sin Because God is a holy
God. God's a just God and he would judge all sin Folks that's what the cross is all about.
It is the signal warning to the world There God spared not his son and laid the sin on him
And God gives full proof of future judgment of all the wicked and false teachers I tell you that's why he's bringing that out
It's going to happen This third example folks is a is a powerful one because first it speaks against pride.
I think there's a scripture I don't know exactly where in Ezekiel That it speaks about the pride of Sodom and Gomorrah the second against the disobedience
It speaks of disobedience But the third here is really against the moral impurity
God will not tolerate Such impurity the Apostle Peter pictures a certain punishment of false teachers, but he also paints their character and You see the pride you receive the rebellion.
We see the sensuality we see the perversion So let me ask the question.
Why did God turn the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes? Condemned them to destruction making them an example of those who afterwards would live ungodly
Well, let's go to chapter 19 of Genesis. Let's read some of it now.
I don't have time to get into And I'll read as much as I possibly can
But we need to see this account but if you look in chapter 18 of Genesis from verse 16 to 33 we see
Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Folks I'm telling the only reason why a lot the righteous like God delivered him out because But Abraham his his his uncle
Abraham Had a covenant with God God does not break covenant and you see
Abraham Look at a little bit of this. He bargains with God he's trying to plead with God and And He and in his pleading he
Begins with a number He said look at verse 23
Abraham came near and said Would you also destroy the righteous with the wicked you think about having a conversation with God?
I Suppose we were 50 righteous within the city Would you also destroy the place and not spare it for the 50 righteous that were in it?
Abraham's basically saying look there's got to be some righteous people in there You're gonna burn burn up the righteous
And far be it from you to do such a thing as this and he understood
God and his holiness And then he said but he's pleading for mercy here and he said to slay the righteous with the wicked
So that the righteous should be as the wicked far be it from you And then he says this in a wonderful quiet.
I love this text shall not the judge of all the earth do right? Oh He can hang on to that one folks
Shall not the judge of all the earth do right? God will judge fairly always always never injustice with God Even those in hell everybody in hell would get justice.
No one gets injustice There's a lot of people struggle with that.
But that's really that these these these heretics today. That's talking about annihilation
That believes that there's no punishment in hellfire. They have a problem with the justice of God It's not not that they know down deep there is the eternal hell they just want to deny it
But the problem is they cannot see God just God's just in every way in verse 26
So the Lord said if I find and Sodom and 50 righteous within the city, then I would spare all the place for their sakes
And the plea goes on he get the the number goes down At 45 and then it goes to 40 and then it goes to 30 and eventually it goes down What to 10?
10 First 32 and he said let not the Lord be angry with me.
He said I will speak but only once more he's God keeps going down on the number.
He's gracious folks, and he said I Will not destroy it for the sake of 10 and you know the story
God didn't find 10 there that were righteous So the Lord went his way
As soon as he had finished speaking with Abraham what an incredible story that Abraham speaks with God in person
Abraham returned to his place and then in chapter 19, it goes right into the sodomies depravity
Two angels now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening There was a you know, the story says it was three men that met
Abraham two of those were the angels Two of these was the angels one was
God It's incredible in it and in human form
It's almost like God had a cloak himself in human form It burned up Abraham But two angels came to Sodom in the evening and lot was sitting in the gate of the
Sodom and when lot saw them He rose to meet them and bowed himself with his face toward the ground
And he said it's almost like he knew These are angels. He knew they were from the
Lord. Oh His uncle Abraham was pleading and praying for him Here now my
Lord's plea Please turn into your servants house and spend the night and wash your feet
He's giving us some hospitality and then may you rise early and go on your way and they said no We would spend the night
Excuse me in the open square, but he insisted strongly
So they turned into him to him and entered his house And then he made them a feast and baked unleavened bread and they ate now listen to this story here
He's giving him to come come to spend the night with him Now before they lay down the men of the city oh
You know as this Sodom and Gomorrah is so corrupt. Listen to here They saw these men these angels come in the form of men
Being a Sodom and both Oh young old and young and all the people from every quarter surrounded the house
It's like a mob of men just men and All the ages corrupted they wanted to have sexual contact with these fresh
Angelic men they didn't know they it was angels, but They just saw that they were men and they called to light and said to him
Where are the men who came to you tonight? They wanted to bring them out to us that we may know them carnally
Physically worldly Immorally So lot went out to them through the doorway and shut the door behind him and he said please brethren do not do so wickedly
See now. I have two daughters who have not known a man. This is quite a verse here
Please let me bring them out to you and you may do to them as you wish only do nothing to these men since these
This is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof they look they had no interest in his daughters
They were so corrupt. They wanted these men Lot was doing everything he could in that sense.
That's a hard text but Could I do that with my daughter's apps?
I felt like I could not but he knew that these were angelic beings and Judgment was coming
And More on that later verse 10, but the men reached out listen as their hands
I'm sorry, let me back up in verse 9. They said stand back And then they said this one came in to stay here and he keeps acting as a judge
Now we will deal worse with you than with them So they pressed hard like a mob of them against the man lot and came near to break down the door the mobs
Poured in And but the men reached out their hands and pulled lot into the house with them and struck the door
Listen to this and they struck the men with who were at the doorway Though angels did this of the house with blindness
Both small and great all these wicked perverted young men older men.
They were blind They became weary trying to find the door. They still wanted to press their way in Now is that bondage?
to sensuality It was so distorted with that then the men said the lot
Have you anyone else here? Son -in -law your sons your daughters and whoever you have in the city take them out of this place.
He's angels. They knew What was about to happen? They were there sent there to get lot and get
If they could find ten righteous it was not ten righteous Quite a story folks where we will destroy this place
Because they outcry listen this because the outcry against them has grown great before the face of the
Lord and the Lord has sent us to destroy it God these angelic beings had that much power
They were going to bring it So lot went out and spoke to his sons -in -law's his son -in -law and had married his daughters and said
Get up get out of this place for the Lord would destroy this city But to his sons -in -law, he seemed to be joking
No joke Listen to this and when the morning dawned the angels urged lot to hurry
Saying arise take your wife and your two daughters who are here Least you'd be consumed in the punishment of the city and listen to this and while he lingered oh my
He lingered The man took hold of his hands his wife's hand the hands of his two daughters and the
Lord being merciful to him and they brought him out and set him outside the city a Little headed to take them out
Verse 17 so it came to pass when they had escaped them outside and he said escape for your life
Do not look behind or stay anywhere in the plane escape to the mountains least you'd be destroyed
Then lot said to them, please know my Lord's Indeed now your servant has found favor in your sight and you have increased in your mercy and you and You have shown me by saving my life and I cannot escape to the mountains at least some evil would take me and die
He was fearful and he says and see now this city is near enough to flee
There's a little one is a little one. Please. Let me escape. There is not a little one and my soul shall live
First 22 Hurry escape there for I have cannot do anything until you arrive there.
Therefore the name of the city was called Zor Sun had risen upon the earth and when lot entered
Zor verse 24 tells us what happened Then the
Lord reigned Brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah for the Lord out of the heavens.
That's what the scripture says. Was it a volcano? So he overthrew those cities all the plain and the habitats of the cities and it grew on the ground
But his wife looked back Behind him and she became a pillar of salt
And you can see this in your mind's eye Abraham went early in the morning in the place where he had stood before the
Lord Then he looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the plain and he saw
Behold the smoke of the land which went up like a smoke of a furnace It came to pass when
God destroyed the cities of the plain and God remembered Abraham that's the reason why a lot was spared folks and sent lot out of the midst of the overthrow and When he overthrew the cities in which lot had dwelt.
I'll tell you that's that that there's the account right there a lot there But you see the corruption
Folks we're under judgment. I got to move toward Bringing this to a close
How do we know we're under judgment? Have you read Romans? 127
I'm sorry 126 and 27 recently Even their women exchanged a natural use for what is against nature
Likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the women burned burned in their lusts for one another men with men
Committing what is shameful receiving in themselves the penalty of the error, which was due
Folks those three signs that a nation's under God's judgment here there I give credits to Pastor John McCarthy He's got a whole sermon on this and I encourage you to listen when
God abandons a nation That this this is in short number one These these are the reasons why were we under judgment number one sexual revolution.
There's a sexual revolution in Romans 124 therefore God gave them over and The lust of their hearts to impurity so that their bodies would be dishonored among themselves
Number two homosexual revolution. This is where we are today
Homosexual revolution Romans 126 27 the woman the women exchanged a natural function for that which is unnatural in the same way
Also, the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another
The third sign that we're under judgment is minds that does not function Don't we see this today a mind that does not function function
Romans 128 and just as they did not see fit to Acknowledge God any longer
God gave them over to a depraved mind. That means reprobate mind a mind void of judgment
To do those things which are not proper at the base mind You know what that word debase means in the
Greek. It basically is a word that means not passing the test It does not pass the test where does that come from that basically comes from Jeremiah 6 28 through 30
I want to read that It means it's a mind that is useless a mind that is worthless of metals worthless metals discarded because they contained too much impurity
God tested man's mind and found them worthless and useless because the sin had so corrupted it
And Useless minds that cannot function.
Have you ever seen in your life? so many minds in our day
That are debate debates like this that shows you we're under judgment folks
Jeremiah 6 listen this 28. Let God's Word speak Jeremiah 6 28 through 30.
They are all stubborn Rebels walking as slanders. They are bronze and iron.
They are corruptors. They are built up Bellows blow fiercely they lead is consumed by the fire the smelter refines in vain
For the wicked are not drawn all people will call them rejected silver because the
Lord has rejected them That's that's judgment. Listen to Jude 7
As Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them in a similar manner to these leaving given themselves over to sexual immorality
And gone after strange flesh set forth as an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire
So many preachers and so many peoples and yeah that try to do everything they can there's not no punishment and hellfire
There's no hellfire. I'm telling you folks. It's all the way through scriptures. There is a hellfire There is a punishment
God will punish sin All against the wicked undergo outside of Christ anyone that's outside of Jesus Christ Especially the false teacher will suffer the eternal vengeance of fire second
Thessalonians 1 7 through 10 and to give you listen away starts us out to give you who are
Troubled rest with us in the Lord Jesus When he is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire
Taking vengeance of those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our
Lord Jesus Christ These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the
Lord and from the glory of his power when he comes in that great and that day to be
Glorified in his Saints and to be admired among all those who believe because our testimony among you was believed
There you have it Well, let me let me narrow this down God's gonna have to judge the wickedness of men
Psalm 5 go with me to Psalm 5. I Want you to see this
Look at 4 through 6 For you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness
Nor shall evil dwell with you the boastful shall not stand in your sight You hate all workers of iniquity.
You shall destroy those who speak falsehood The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man
Very clear in it three negative phrase descriptions following three directly stated affirmations
Reveals God's perfect standard of justice folks God judges sin
Psalm 7 look at Psalm chapter 7 Look at verse 8 through 13.
This is undeniable 7 8 through 13 the
Lord Shall judge the people's judge me. Oh Lord knows he turns the judgment on himself
Oh Lord according to my righteousness and according to my integrity within me Oh, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end but establish the just for the righteous
God test the hearts and minds My defense is of God who saves the upright in heart.
God is a just judge a God and God is angry with the wicked every day.
I like what MacArthur says try that on the church sign sometime If he does not turn back no knows he was sharpened his sword he bends his bow and makes it ready
And he also prepares for himself instruments of death and he makes his arrows into fiery shafts
I Read Spurgeon on this and he said something powerful Listen to what Spurgeon says on this
He says the evil generation has labored to take away from God the sword of justice
They have endured endeavor to prove themselves that God will clear the guilty and will by no means punish the nickel iniquity
Transgressions and sin, but 200 years ago That's from Spurgeon's time when he's writing this the predominant strain of the pulpit was one of terror
It thundered forth and dreadful wrath. It was from the lips of Baxter Richard Baxter the
Puritan He speaks of John Bunyan And he said you heard most terrible the most terrible sermons full to the brim with warnings of judgment to come
Perhaps some of the Puritan fathers may have gone too far and given too great Prominence to the terrors of the
Lord in the ministry But he says is the age in which we live and he's speaking of hundreds of years ago, you know when he lived
Think about today. He says the age in which we live has sought to forget those terrors all together
And if we dare tell man that God will punish them for the sins it is charged that we want to bully them into religion and If we faithfully and honestly tell our hearers that sin must bring after its certain destruction
It is said that we are attempting to frighten them into goodness We do not care what men mockingly impute to us we feel at our duty when people sin to tell them that they will be punished and As long as the world will not give up its sin we feel we must not cease our warnings
Amen church But the cry of this age he says is that God is merciful
That God is love. You know, it's virgin says yes Who said he was not?
But remember it is equally true that God is just Severely and inflexibly just and if he were not
God he would not be just and He could not be merciful if he were not just for punishment of the wicked
Spurgeon says is demanded by the highest mercy to rest to the rest of mankind in quote
And some may say well God's punishment to the wicked to the false teachers is just too harsh.
It's too severe And I was listening to R .C. Sproul's Powerful two -minute clip once again yesterday
Before God took him home to be with The Lord and R .C.
said this two -minute clip listen to it to yourself on YouTube He says this on a panel someone asked the questions why was if God is slow to anger and Patient why was his judgment so severe?
And Sproul turns that why was it so severe? God's punishment for Adam was so severe
And this is the exact word Sproul said this creature from the dirt defied the everlasting
Holy God after that God had said that the day that you eat of it you will surely die and of instead of dying thanatos
That day he lived another day and was clothed in his nakedness by pure grace and At the consequences of the curse applied for someone sometime
But the worst curse would come upon the one who seduced him who
Whose head would be crushed by the seed of the woman? And the punishment was so too severe
You can hear R .C. say that and all of a sudden he burst out.
What's wrong with you people? Classic statement in it and then then it was kind of like laughter
And he says no, I'm serious Laughter stops. He said this this is what's wrong with the
Christian Church today We don't know who God is and we don't know who we are and then he says this and I think this is really
Hits it over the fence The question is the question is Why wasn't it?
infinitely more severe That's the question and then he goes on if we have any understanding of our sin and In the understanding who
God is That's the question That's the question, isn't it?
God did not spare the angels who sinned God did not spare the ancient world
He burned up Sodom and Gomorrah and ashes and then in Romans 8 32 he who did not spare his own son
But delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him give us Also freely give us all things
Again, the cross Spurgeon crosses the danger signal to you It warns you and me that if God spared not his only son, he will not spare you
It is the lighthouse set on the rocks of sin To warn you that swift and sure destruction awaits you if you do if you continue to rebel against the
Lord And that's why Jesus said repent Or you likewise perish folks.
That is the greatest love That we could tell this dying sinful world repent
While there's breath in your body because there's one there's two inevitable truths we're going to die
Everybody's going to die and we're going to stand before God in judgment
But which side are we going to be on? God's merciful side or God's wrathful side and the only way that we could be on the merciful side is through our
Lord Jesus Christ and by his precious blood Let's pray
Father we thank you Lord you spared not your own son. You did not spare the angels.
You did not spare the ancient world You burned up Sodom and Gomorrah because you're a holy and just And God one day you're gonna burn this world up like an oven.
Oh We see the cross it is that danger signal Sit on the hill and Lord You poured out your wrath you poured out your fire judgment on your son
You paid it all Lord we're deserving of hell We don't deserve the grace that you've given us, but Lord we thank you for it
Lord may we be in Jesus. That's the only way we're going to survive That eternal judgment day
But we thank you Lord. There's no condemnation to those are in Jesus Christ Lord it makes me think of the song and when
I think that God his son not sparing sent him to die. I Scarcely can take it in that on the cross
Lord my burden Gladly bearing he bled and died and to take away my sin
Lord you sent Jesus to die and take our place the
Lamb of God to substitute The only way though the way the truth the life not the best way the way oh
Hallelujah what a Savior we have today Invitation comes for to come to Jesus May we come to Jesus and our soul can sing out what a great
Savior And how great you are We bless your most holy name and we praise you
For the salvation that you have made through Jesus Christ. We give you praise and glory.