Overview of the Book of Acts
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- So the overview of the week for this Sunday is the book of Acts or the Acts of the
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- Apostles. That's the full name. Luke is the author and this is basically part two since it picks up where the gospel of Luke leaves off.
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- The theme of Acts has been described as the history of the early church or first century missions.
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- It was written around 60 AD and this is the fifth book of the New Testament. Some have suggested that it be called the
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- Acts of the Holy Spirit since it tells the story of the Christian Church now empowered by the
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- Holy Ghost after the day of Pentecost and how the Christian message because of the
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- Spirit's work started to spread throughout the Roman Empire. Now the thing to know about the book of Acts is that it is a transitional book.
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- There is the transition from Old Covenant to New Covenant and there is the transition from Israel to now the church which is made up of mostly
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- Gentiles and the book addresses this question of how the Jewish Messiah could have a church that's mostly made up of non -Jews and of course the answer to that is that the majority of the
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- Jewish people and certainly their leaders rejected Jesus as their Messiah.
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- In the book of Acts it's mainly the Jewish authorities and the mob that's persecuting the
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- Apostles and because of that and because Peter and the rest of the Apostles remained in Jerusalem the
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- Lord then called Saul of Tarsus also known as Paul to be his disciple to the
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- Gentiles. Peter is the main figure in chapters 1 through 12 but Paul is the main figure after that chapters 13 through 28.
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- Luke is basically acting as a historian of the early church and Acts serves as a bridge from the
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- Gospels to the Epistles. So in conclusion the key verse of the book of Acts I would say is found in chapter 1 verse 8 where Jesus says to the disciples but you shall receive power when the
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- Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all
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- Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.