Is THIS Seriously the Best You Got? - Jemar Advises You To Treat Brothers Like Heretics

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If this is the best the social justice crowd has, then the retreat has already begun. Jemar Tisby gives us a great gift in his latest article...he gives us the high ground.


It's over Anakin. I have the high ground you underestimate my power
Don't try it Seriously guys, this is the best you got
Went out on one day, okay. Yes, you're fine, right, whatever you say Okay, then see you around Big head you got a big head too big for your body
I spoke to Alan, you know, I told him I didn't want to see him anymore called me big head
It's almost a compliment Well, all right,
I am back from Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada and back on YouTube anyway, so I So the social justice statement came out this week and there's been a little bit of controversy about it and So here's the this is it.
This is the article. I think this is an article by Jamar Tisby Jamar is Famous for being the guy who said he was scared to worship with white people after Trump's election
And Here he is in religious news service with an article about the social justice statement
And I think that this is Jamar actually signaling the beginning of the retreat now
I don't think that he would ever admit this and I don't think that that the social justice movement is over by any stretch of The imagination so do not lose your vigilance here.
But this is this is Let's just read it together. This is an insane idea that he has here and I think it's it's a gift actually because he very clearly and Definitively gives us the high ground in this debate.
So here's the here it is battle lines form over social justice Is it gospel or is it heresy? Okay First of all,
I don't know if he picked this picture. I doubt it. I bet you the religious news service pick this picture I remember when
I used to write for the for the church blog I only wrote a few articles, but I'm definitely blacklisted now But I remember that I didn't
I never chose the picture so I don't know if he did but Yeah I don't think I'm going out on too much of a limb here to say that this is not a picture of any kind of biblical
Fidelity whatsoever just judging from the just judging from the rainbow vestments that these people are wearing now.
I could be wrong I'm not saying I don't know these people by face like, you know some of these guys I have no idea who they are some of them
I do recognize but Yeah, I'm not sure this is the this is Like the model
Christianity that you're seeing right here. Anyway All right. Here's let's just read this article
He says an old question has recently found new energy among Christians.
What does the gospel have to do with justice? particularly social justice Justice has been a frequent topic these days in the face of a stream of cell phone videos capturing instances of police brutality
Also, by the way, just to come out of the article There's been lots of good cell phone videos that have shown that have shown that there wasn't police brutality when there was claimed police brutality
But that's not really a social justice issue. Is it? Conflict over the presence and future of Confederate monuments and racially charged responses to the nation's changing demographics.
Now, this is interesting because The the Confederate monuments and and changing demographics.
I mean, are these are these issues of biblical fidelity? I think some of them might be but but my goodness could be confederate monuments.
What about any monuments, right? anyway Christians both of people's as people of faith and citizens of this country have pondered what to do in this current social climate they've called for Christians to join or start movements for change as an explicit expression of Discipleship and obedience to the prayer that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven
See that's actually not really the point though because as I've mentioned many times If you're gonna do
God's will you have to look at God's law You have to apply the general equity of God's civil law to find justice but the problem is nobody's having that conversation and actually that's one of the things that a lot of people did not like about the
Statement that I did like about the statement because you don't have to be a theonomist to sign it You don't have to believe in in what the
Westminster Confession says about the about the general equity or the London Baptist Confession says But the general equity you don't to believe that to sign it
But it absolutely says that there is only one standard for justice and that is the law of God So if you're gonna do
God's will you have to be talking about the law of God? But unfortunately this side of the movement does never talks about that and according to this article.
They probably never will anyway He says they have called for the church to make amends for the racial divisions of the past and presence and present.
Okay Sure, and I've talked about that as well We should do it where the
Bible applies it and when and how it applies it But what exactly are you asking for us to make amends for?
We'll never ever know because you'll never ever answer questions as this article makes it very clear He says others take a different view where some see calls for biblical justice.
They see heresy He Used the
H word, oh no now I do know that some people do call social justice
Christians heretics I I do not and I don't think many people who signed the statement do
But you know, hey, whatever This week a group of Christians published a statement of social justice a response to what they call questionable sociological.
That's true Psychological that's also true and political theories that is present that are permeating our culture and making inroads into the
Christian Church the statement comes just a short block just after a short blog series posted by well -known Christian preacher and teacher
John MacArthur warnings of the dangers of social justice MacArthur called social justice a distraction from the gospel and it definitely is now justice isn't a distraction from the gospel because God is a
God of righteousness the gospel wouldn't even be a thing if God wasn't concerned with righteousness Of course
God is concerned with justice But as it's been for a long time as as Jamar Tisby says this is not a new idea
This kind of nonsense has been going on for a while social justice is very different It actually has nothing to do with the
Bible at all. And I think that was very clear in the statement And I've been very clear about that.
So it's not about justice It's about social justice, which is a made -up kind of justice. And so MacArthur is exactly right about that But Jamar says oh, this is a quote from MacArthur Evangelicalism is newfound.
I should get some scary music when I'm reading the MacArthur quote because that's what it is. It's super scary Evangelicalism's newfound obsession with the notion of social justice is a significant shift and I'm convinced
It's a shift that is moving many people including some key Evangelical leaders off message and into a trajectory that many other movements and denominations have taken before always with spiritually
Disastrous results He's right about that as well This is not new and this has happened before and other movements and denominations and it is had
Spiritually disastrous results as this one will there's no question about that as this article demonstrates
So this is the this is exactly the kind of thing that MacArthur is warning about but we'll get to that in a moment
MacArthur's one of the initial signatories of the statement on social justice and the gospel which echoes his blog posts
While Christians from many traditions races and ethnicities have displayed a concern for social justice
It is a topic that is particularly concerns black and brown folks We have endured a long history of race -based discrimination
That did not simply disappear after the March on Washington The passage of the Civil Rights Act or the election of the nation's first black president
Yes Because we all know that after the Civil Rights Act and the March on Washington and the election of Barack Obama that we're still
Fundamentally a white supremacist nation that is obvious Yeah Yeah, something tells me this lady's probably not very orthodox,
I'm not saying that for sure I'm just going out on a limb looking at their vestments here with these colorful rainbow vestments noticing that she's a female reverend
Probably not orthodox, but hey, I don't think Jamar probably picked that picture Although I'm sure he supports this kind of stuff. I've seen him to support that kind of stuff in the past Anyway, but the but the point is though that this is one of those non -argument arguments because If you notice a lot of times people will make these statements, but they won't actually say what they're arguing for But this is supposed to leave you with an impression this this sentence here supposed to leave you with the impression that the statement on social justice is racist because It's against something that black and brown folks really care about and the reality is that not all black and brown folks are in the social
Justice movement and that's a great thing But this these kinds of non -argument arguments are just so there's their low blows
I mean, this is the low road all day long This whole article is Jamar taking the low road and actually giving advice for others to continue to take that low road
And so we'll get to that in a minute Here we go He says statements that dismiss social justice send a message that the ongoing
Marginalization many minorities still experience and struggle against is of no concern to their fellow
Christians And that's that's actually ridiculous Jamar and I think you know that I think you know
This is rhetoric and that's exactly what I just said. You were trying to do here you're trying to make this sort of a racist issue and The reality is that the statement itself
Absolutely condemns the marginalization that many minorities experience or struggle against it condemns all of that stuff
But here you are saying that it actually says that that it's not no big deal. That's what the state mattresses.
It's no big deal That's a lie and you'll have to answer to God for that He says there's no concern to their fellow
Christians or to God or to the Bible despite ample scriptural evidence That just demonstrates
God's concern for the poor and the powerless and the anger towards those who create oppressive conditions and then he was a few verses there and the the the situation here with Amos and all of these other verses we talked about a lot of these verses before and Justice is always defined in terms of God's law not these other kinds of sociological
Psychological things that you know, we mentioned in the statement and so so yes
These passages are great, but they're not talking about social justice the way you're talking about it They're talking about biblical justice the way that God's law talks about it
It's a very different thing because God's concern for the poor is not just a blanket concern for the poor in general
Because I could quote to you I don't have them off the top of my head But I could quote to you many verses where if God is explicit that the the unrighteous poor do not get
God's favor Do you see what I'm saying? It's not just it's not just I'm just concerned for all the oppressed No, he he he answers and he saves those who call upon his name.
That's who he's that's who he's concerned with He's concerned with the righteous poor the godly poor the the people his people that are poor
Not just anyone who's poor and that's one of the main problems because the social justice movement
People have been saying this for decades that that God is concerned. He's on the side of the poor he's on the side of this kind of stuff and it make it so it seemed like the the oppression that The cause of the poor the cause of the oppressed is the fact that they're poor and that's not true
Being poor is not a cause in other words That's not what God's saying that we should be on the cause of or stand up for the rights of no
What it's saying is you don't pervert godly justice, which is the same whether you're poor or rich It's the same standard
God's God's law is the standard and so You know, these verses are great, but they all support my view not yours
He did you see what I'm saying? They all support the view that God's law is what matters not The fact that somebody has less money or less income or less wealth or all of these things that that's not an injustice in itself
There might be injustices that led to that That's not an injustice in itself. And the reality is that that's what the social justice movement is all about It's divides the world into two categories oppressor and oppressed and that's not a godly way to do it
And you know the oppressors the rich people the oppressor the poor people blah blah blah anyone can be oppressed and Anyone can be righteous or unrighteous
Including poor including rich including white including black but the social justice movement turns it into a thing where it's just really it's just really
Black and white and whiteness is bad and blackness is good kind of thing. Anyway, so here we go
Although much about this statement needs discussion. I will highlight one section in particular It reads we affirm that some cultures operate on assumptions that are inherently better than those other
Cultures because of the biblical truth that informed those worldviews that have produced these distinct assumptions
The best word to describe that that's basically that's actually let me just say this That's one of the most obvious statements in the history of the world
I would say that some cultures Operate on assumptions that are inherently better than other cultures because of the biblical truth that informs them because here's the thing
The the culture of Saudi Arabia is founded on the Quran, right? I mean, that's that's the intention of the country that culture is inherently worse
Than any culture that is founded on the Bible now I have Muslim friends and so they might be shocked to hear me say that but they shouldn't be because obviously
I believe in the scriptures I don't believe in the Quran and so any culture that's founded on the principles and the foundations and the assumptions of the
Quran is going to be Inherently worse than a country that's founded on the principles and the foundations of the scripture now
There's no country that does that perfectly. There's no question about that I'm not saying the United States does that perfectly or any country does that perfectly?
But some countries do it better than others and that's what the statement says. So anyway, here's uh Here's what
Jamar says about that very obviously true biblical statement He says the best word to describe that assertion above is
Dun -dun -dun Ethnocentric Jamar is
Jamar's a PhD. So with respect I will give him the respect that all the respect that his degree
Earned him but Jamar has no clue to talking about if you notice this statement here doesn't say anything about ethnicities it talks about cultures and cultures are obviously can be multi -ethnic and Cultures are multi -ethnic in the sense that this statement is talking about because what this is saying is talking about different cultures
That have biblical truths that inform those worldviews Now there's not one and only one ethnicity that that uses biblical truths to inform their worldview.
That's not how it works That's not that's not this. That's not the situation, right? I Don't think that Jamar thinks that Because that would be saying something akin to that Christianity is the white man's religion, you know
I mean the white man's worldview and that's not the case because there are white people that have cultures that That are supposed to be founded on biblical truths
There are Middle Eastern cultures or ethnicities that are founded on biblical truths. There are black
African countries whose cultures in some to some degree or another are founded on biblical truths and that's the reality so This is to say that this is an ethnocentric statement is reading into the word something that's not said
This has nothing to do with ethnicity. It's talking about cultures that operate according to biblical truths and biblical assumptions
And so I don't know what the heck he's talking about But but that's but but this is this is the thing this racial lens has taken over Jamar's thinking on all of this
This is a completely read. This is a completely ridiculous way to interpret this Yes, it is very clear some cultures are better than others it's just the fact some cultures are better than others
That's it. I mean, I don't know what else to say about that. I'm sure he can refute every point in the social justice Statement as well as he refutes this one
Oh But Jamar doesn't have a clue what he's talking about because he doesn't even know who gets to decide Which cultures and which assumptions are closer to the biblical truth for most of American history white
Christians have claimed that privilege That's privilege is now being challenged. No. Yeah. Yeah, so who gets to decide well the scriptures do and that's why we need to talk about this and debate this but Jamar ain't willing to do that But he's going to we'll see that we'll talk about that in a minute
I'm tempted to refute the recent statement on the gospel and justice social code. That's his quick point by point
I bet you are Jamar. I bet you are Okay, I'll wait for I'll hold my breath for that article to come out showing how it falls short of the biblical call for But I think our time would be better sent on other pursuits.
There's too much work to be done work That will be delayed by endless debates. So here's where the retreat begins Jamar is retreating
He will not respond to this and he will not ever be held to any kind of scrutiny any kind of cross -examination
And that's the reality. So Jamar's PhD. I'm sure it's very valuable for him I'm sure he's done a lot of good work for it and all of that But he will not allow himself and all of his
PhD credentials to be even held to any basic scrutiny and he won't even Refute the statement, which is so easy to do by the way.
Oh, yeah, he can easily do it, but I'm just not gonna do it For real this reminded me of that scene from when we were kids, you know
We used to always say it's like that something we couldn't do would be like, oh I could do that I just don't wanna like this reminded me of that Napoleon dynamite scene.
Wish you wouldn't look at me like that Napoleon I wish you'd get out of my life and shut up I'm gonna tell you something right now while you're out there playing patty cake with your friend
Pedro your uncle Rico Making 120 bucks I can make that much money in five seconds.
Here's my advice. This is where it gets good This is the good stuff. This is Jamar's advice Many of the people who authored and signed the statement have large ministries and platforms avoid them
So this is what I kind of took issue with on Twitter last night this The people who authored this this he's saying the people who authored, you know
The ten names that are the initial signers of that statement you should avoid them now
And at the time when I saw this the brother reached out to me He said hey, he's quoting the Bible there and I kind of thought he might be too.
He doesn't actually quote it So I'm not gonna say he definitely is but I thought there was two verses. He could have been referring to one was
Romans 16 This is the end of the book and he says I appeal to you brothers Watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you've been taught avoid them
For such persons not serve the Lord Christ with their own appetites and by smooth talk and flattering they deceive hearts of the naive
And so I thought he could have been talking about this because it says avoid them but I kind of said well he probably isn't because this is saying that to avoid heretics because This is a section about about people who aren't believers, right?
They're not following the Lord. They don't serve God They serve themselves and so I think you know to be charitable to Jamar.
I don't think he's talking about this I don't think he thinks these people are heretics The other one is the same kind of thing is second
Timothy 3 Understand this in the last days there will come a time of difficulty people will be lovers of self lovers of money proud arrogant abusive
Disobedient to the parents and grateful and holy heartless unappeasable slanderous without self -control brutal not loving
God treacherous reckless swollen with conceit lovers of pleasure The rather than lovers of God having the appearance of godless, but denying its power avoid such people and again
That's very clearly talking about heretics people who are not followers of Christ So I didn't think that even though it sounds like it because he uses the same exact words
I don't think he was quoting this but then somebody reached out to me and said that he is that he's done this before And so if that's the case if he's actually saying that the people who refuted this article are our heretics
That's even this is an even worse problem That's literally the Galatian heresy, but but he
I don't think he's actually saying that so I mean don't here Here's here's here's why I say that that will continue this article
He says find other authors and preachers you can learn from And of course he wants you to read
Martin Luther King jr. Who cares about that? If the supporters of statements that dismiss social justice is a distraction from the gospel headline a major conference
State your concerns to the organization organizers if nothing changes then don't go This is this is such cultic thinking to be honest
I mean, I've I've been very critical of the gospel coalition I will continue to be very critical of the gospel coalition because I think that they're extremely dangerous organization
However, I do think that they have some valuable things to say still and people criticize me for that all the time
They say I'm trying to like straddle the fence here or I'm not being enough of a man to just say what I really feel and the reality is
I really do feel that like even a guy like Matt Chandler who I've already said like look, you know, I don't
I think he's dangerous I think I think he's a dangerous man for the church. I think he's hurting the church
But if somebody said hey, I wonder thinking about reading this book, you know the explicit gospel. I'd say go for it's probably really good
And all that but the cultic mindset can't have that they need to D platform This is actually another if he's not quoting the okay.
So there's a couple different options here He's quoting the Bible here and he's marking out those people as heretics people that you shouldn't listen to you
I don't think that's what he's doing What I actually think he's doing is he's taking yet another play from the secular playbook of D platforming
He wants you to state your concerns to the organizers of a conference so that they'll D platform him That's what he wants to do.
This is a cult that kind of thing to do secular people do this all the time There's constant wars about people that are coming to visit to talk to talk at a university.
You got a D platform Then we can't hear that stuff That's what this is. This is a strategy to D platform and rather than engage.
You don't trust him are he could engage if he Wanted to and he could easily decimate the arguments, but he's not going to we'd rather just D platform
That's that's the real way to get the truth out. And that's not that that's not the case at all. I'm glad to to expose my audience
My small audience to the other side because there's nothing to fear from people who are lying people don't have the truth
There's nothing to fear from people like that anyway if they do an interview on a podcast to find another episode to listen to if they write more blogs to state their case share
The other ones instead. This is a just textbook D platforming. That's what this is statements like these are a distraction
They siphon off energy and attention that could be used to create new organizations and initiatives to help bring about justice and equality
Instead of writing a rebuttal of a statement on social justice Why not write a proposal for a new scholarship to help underrepresented groups go to college and to stay out of debt?
Why not donate money to support ministries run by and geared towards racial and ethnic minorities? Why not research a cause and find out how you can get involved just give him some cash, dude
Why not instead you look why not instead of listening to? Devotee Bacchum, why not instead of listening to dr.
James white? Why not instead of hearing out John MacArthur? What he has to say because he's been such a faithful man of God Why what instead of doing that just give us some cash dude, like give black people some cash.
Why not? Gold Refusing to give more attention to the people who oppose social justice is not a statement on their standing with God See, this is why
I don't think he was actually referring to Romans 16 I don't think he was referring to Romans 16 or 2nd
Timothy 3 because he says it's not saying that they're not believers but the thing is though that You could say with your mouth that they're believers
But if you treat them like unbelievers if you treat them the way Romans 16 says to treat heretics
Then what do you really believe see that's the thing here? I've talked about my own personal experience where a brother's gonna is treating me like a
Gentile Automatically because of the social justice stuff and if you asked him hey is
Adam an unbeliever He probably wouldn't say that I'm an unbeliever, but he's treating me like one So the reality is what do you really believe what you say or what you do?
So I don't think that Jamar would say that these people are unbelievers But he's certainly treating them like them and encouraging you to treat them like unbelievers.
That is horrible advice Jamar will have to answer to God for that and you will too so I don't think you should take this advice
I don't think you should take this advice God's God's standard is not deep platforming other believers.
That's not what he says to do now if they're heretics Yeah, absolutely. You don't have a heretic speak at your church, right?
You don't go to a heretic conference Huh interesting the standards are absolutely completely imbalanced you can go to a heretic conference as long as it's a black guy
It's got Jamar man, this guy has given us a gift here He's exposed himself to the whole world here and it's exposed what really matters to him and that's fine
Anyway, this does not mean that they're not sincerely attempting to follow Christ It does not mean they have not said helpful things on other topics in the past It simply means that in this case, they've made statements so troublesome that we must object register objections in visible ways
We must you do what the world does and deep platform them This is a fantastic if this is this this article is an absolute
Just clinic on how to take that low road Jamar. Thank you You have taken the low road and I will gladly not join you there
He says this Christians should never give up hope that people can change it going back and forth especially online about social justice
With those who see it as a dangerous intrusion of the church often does not alter anyone's opinion and may lead to more frustration
Yeah, because that's the standard right? like if if somebody sins against you or if somebody
If somebody's teaching heresy in the church or whatever or bad teaching the standard is you have nothing more to do with him
You just just just ignore them. You know what I mean? Just don't don't even don't even argue That's what
Paul did like when somebody came to him with another argument. He didn't even don't even platform that person He could easily refute it, but he chose not to In The end
I think more people will be persuaded to change their minds about social justice by looking at the fruit of the people who Engage in it rather than by arguing on social media about the validity of doing so.
Yeah, that would be nice. Maybe you should start Maybe you should start doing that because if you look at the men in the in the initial statement
They most of them at least I know have very multi -ethnic churches already, but you don't hear about it
You know why because it's basic Christianity and they're not they're not like they don't pray like the Pharisees saying hey
Look at the great work. I'm doing once you give me some cash You know what? I mean? My church is multi -ethnic, but you know what?
I don't do I don't say Wow, look at how great my methods are and look at my great preaching of multi -ethnicity and all this stuff
Why don't I get can you give me some cash for my church? Because look how multi -ethnic I am This is this is just insanity absolutely this article.
This is great In the end, okay half a century at the Civil Rights Movement It's 1950s and 60s
It's easy for people to claim that they would have been among the protesters and marchers who risked their lives For the cause of justice. Well, the struggle of civil rights never ended
Now is your chance to get involved for the love of God and love of neighbor? yeah, that's true, but you can't just say that yes,
I have to actually show what love of God and love of neighbor is because Everyone in this debate agrees with that.
Everyone says we should love God and love neighbor Everyone agrees that God is a God of justice and righteousness and he has a standard for us
The question is that what is that standard our charge is that your standard the one that you're using is not biblical and you have never ever
Made the case that this kind of like wealth inequalities and income inequalities are a biblical example of injustice
That's these verses that you don't even flesh out in any way. They don't make that case
They don't read them all man and That's the thing. That's why we do need to debate and have a discussion now.
This this article is signaling Jamar Tisby's Retreat from that he will not debate and that's fine.
That's totally fine Everyone has the right to do whatever the heck they want Some people have decided to discuss these things with me and or others and that's great
I mean as much as I disagree with the BD and a bully he absolutely recognizes the importance of having this discussion and bearing with people and Patience and things like that Jamar.
He's not he's done bearing with people. He was done back when Trump got elected He did he was scared to worship with white people
And Now he says you shouldn't even listen to people and in fact should actively try to de -platform people that don't agree with him on Social justice and that is a shame
Jamar has retreated I don't think that I think the real zealots will listen to Jamar's advice the real zealots will
Disengage completely. They won't go to conferences with speakers that have Impure social justice views they'll do that.
But I think that the people that are kind of my audience anyway people that are kind of in the middle here that they know that justice sounds good and they want to be
On the side of the oppressed because the scripture says that and they want to know what exactly that means and they're confused
I don't think they'll listen to Jamar because they they recognize that for what it is disengaging that cultic mindset
They recognize that for what it is. And so I I Thank you
I thank Jamar for this gift because I think that my audience of people who do agree with social justice
But are maybe a bit confused as to what the scripture says justice is I think that they'll be more likely to listen now
That the one side has decided to disengage Anyway, that's what I wanted to say
Now the other thing is I've had this plan for a while and I'm gonna announce it today. I've been planning on Doing an interview with Jamar That's right.
Jamar. He has not agreed to do an interview with me, but he's gonna do one it's kind of like like Like Clint Eastwood interviewed
Obama that one time at the RNC or William Lane Craig did a debate with with who was it?
Oh my goodness One of the one of the ace atheist lunatics Richard Dawkins and Richard Dawkins didn't want to show up So he just interviewed an empty chair.
That's how I'm gonna interview Jamar. So that's coming I was gonna wait until I had a thousand subscribers to do that But now that it's now that it's clear that Jamar has no interest in debating anyone or talking to anyone or answering any questions
Now that that's very clear. We're gonna move forward with that So, I don't know when that's gonna come out But look forward to that interview with good old ad
Robles interviewing Jamar Tisby on my channel An empty chair really but it'll be
Jamar's perspective Anyway, I hope this is helpful again Jamar. Thank you for your honesty in this article
I really do mean that because this is very helpful And it shows that all of those calls for conversation and listening and leaning in they were completely
Fake it was just rhetoric for you to look good because when it comes down to it, you really don't want to oh, by the way my wife was telling me that one thing that I should keep in mind is that he's really only talking about the major the major speakers and the authors of the
Of the statement so he only wants you to deplatform and ignore and treat like pagans like the leaders like dr.
White dr. Mr. At Pastor Ascol Josh boys things like that So he's not really saying that people with smaller platforms like me or like everyday
Christians at people in the pews You should treat like pagans And that's true. He doesn't say that But if you can treat people who are visible with influence like a pagan
Because of their view on social justice and ignore them and try to deplatform them and try to ruin their lives essentially If you can try to do that What's this what would be the moral reason why you can't do it with a guy like me a small platform guy?
You know what? I mean, or just an everyday person in the pews, right? Why not just avoid all these people if this is if this perspective is so poisonous
What would be the argument to not do that to everybody? Well, I don't think Jamar really cares because this is the guy remember who's scared to worship with white people
I don't know if he's still scared, but he was before and The reality is that that is extremely divisive evil, it's an evil statement and That's the gonna be the fruit of this article it's gonna have people that feel justified
Avoiding anybody that doesn't agree with everything on their social justice agenda And that's a real shame.
That's a real shame and Jamar's gonna have to answer to that to God for that one and That's a
I wouldn't want to answer that to God for that. Anyway, I hope this is helpful. God bless You know,
I told him I didn't want to see him anymore called me big head big head it's almost a compliment