FBC Daily Devotional – July 30, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


Well a good Friday morning to you made it through another week Almost and trust.
It has been a good one for you today We're reading in Luke chapter 17 and just want to bring out two thoughts from this passage both of both of which
I think are pretty important one of them is on the heels of the account of these ten lepers that are cleansed and I asked
I read that account and I asked myself the question Am I one out of ten or am
I one of the nine am I one of the nine who?
just becomes very complacent about what the Lord has done for me and is doing for me and just go day after day after day and Express very little.
Thanks. Oh, yeah sit down at the table before eating do the perfunctory
Thanks, thanks for the food kind of a thing I hope it isn't perfunctory, but you know, it can be right it can be but beyond that Beyond that there's so much more that God does for me and put food on my table.
Am I one of the nine who just keeps going on my merry way and Doesn't even pause to stop and say thanks or my one out of the ten one of the ten who
Who does? Come back bow before the Lord and give thanks to him for his grace his kindness his mercy his compassion
One of the things I do to try to help me with this and I sure wish I could say I'm a model at Gratitude because that's not the case
But one of the things I try to do every day is in my devotions Before Actual prayer time, you know what?
I'm praying for things. I try to write down three or four things that I'm grateful for things from the previous day, so first thing in the morning, you know,
I have my time with the Lord and But you know before I actually pray and ask him for things ask him to get involved in things intervene in things
I actually try to write down three or four things that I'm thankful for and Do that.
I wish I were better at it. But nevertheless, I I don't want to be one of the nine
I'd rather be one out of ten The other thing I wanted to point out in the next section here in our reading
Jesus is talking about his return and there's a there's a verse here that Jesus statement
Jesus makes that Is often misunderstood I believe and I wanted just to clarify it
So he says this he says as it was in the days of Noah So it will also be in the days of the
Son of Man Now it's very easy to interpret that from the standpoint of the evil of the days of Noah that You know wickedness was so great in the land every imagination man's heart was evil continually and that kind of thing and that's when
God brought the flood and It would be easy to interpret this statement in light of that pervasive evil of Noah's day
But that's really not what Jesus is talking about And and so what we end up doing is we're saying that if we interpret this source that way we say well
You know, look at look at the look at how widespread evil is in our day. It is so bad
It's getting worse and worse and worse and I'm not gonna argue that So the
I mean if these got to be the days of Noah, I mean, you know This is like it was in the days of Noah just pervasive wickedness.
Well, I Won't argue that there is pervasive wickedness. I would I would agree with that But this isn't the only time in the last 2 ,000 years since Jesus Ascended into heaven where wickedness was pervasive.
I mean think of the Think of the wickedness of Of the Roman Empire think of the pervasive wickedness in the world before the spread of Christianity think of the pervasive wickedness in what we would call the
Dark Ages the Middle Ages and so on and and not only in Christendom but around the world so the point is that Every imagination of the thoughts of man's heart is only evil continually as in the days of Noah and ever since Wickedness pervades the globe
Now really what Jesus is zeroing in on here is not how wicked the time war time was but how sudden
The coming the judgment was Say he said he goes on to say they ate they drank they married wives
They were given in marriage until the day Noah entered the ark. There was nothing wrong with any of that stuff. I mean
People do that all the time eat drink. Did you have breakfast today? Yeah, I mean
I had coffee and and Some some I've had plenty of water to drink today. I'm gonna have lunch and supper
Lord. Well, you know, so people eat and drink get married got a marriage wedding coming up here in a few months people get married and you know
Fathers give away their daughters in marriage. I mean, this is there's nothing evil about any of that But the point is they were going through these routine functions of life
There's routine affairs of life and then boom all of a sudden the judgment came and then he goes on to say
Likewise as it was in the days of lot. Well again, we could oh, yeah That was the time
Sodom and Gomorrah pervasive wickedness and so on and so forth, but that's not what he's emphasizing Yes, because of the wickedness judgment needed to come
But the thing he's emphasizing is the suddenness and the unexpected character of that of that judgment
He says likewise they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built
Normal functioning routine activities of life right
But then on the day lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all it was sudden and Unexpected and that's the point see that's the point
Jesus is making that this even so he says it will be in the day when the
Son of Man is revealed It'll be sudden and unexpected It'll be sudden and unexpected
That's what the point is. So I just wanted to clarify that and and help us understand what
Jesus is really saying there Jesus is coming again. It may be today It may be today even so come
Lord Jesus and Father we do pray that the coming of our Savior would be soon and we long for his appearing we long for that Day when he comes to take us to himself
Even so come Lord Jesus we pray in Jesus name. Amen All right.
Have a good rest of your Friday and a wonderful weekend. Hope we see you together on The Lord's Day in God's house either personally or by live stream.