The Marxist History of Critical Race Theory with Justin Peters



Join Pastor Justin as we examine the history of Marxism, Neo-Marxism, and the ideologies behind this godless and dangerous movement. Critical Race Theory is the ideology that is behind every conversation today. Recently, Whoopi claimed that the Holocaust was not about race. Celebrity elites are making videos admitting their white guilt, schools are teaching CRT, and school boards call on the FBI to treat parents as terrorists. Politicians make oppressive policies to force equality of outcome. church leaders state that white people are racists and call for intersectionality training. It hasn’t ended there; CRT and Intersectionality have become the weapons many church leaders are using to introduce Marxism into the church. So what are we to do about this issue? Can you defend a biblical view of race, ethnicity, justice, fairness, and equality? Even though we all hear these concepts daily, do you know the history and ideology behind CRT? As the Bible says, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.” (Colossians 2:8, NASB95)


This is Apologetics Live, to answer your questions from Striving for Eternity Ministries, Andrew Rappaport.
And we are live. I wanna welcome everybody to Striving for Eternity, Apologetics Live. Just welcome into the show.
We've got a really good show, I think, tonight for you. Tonight, we're gonna be discussing social justice and Marxism and critical race theory and social theory, and we're gonna look at what's going on today.
We're gonna really have a great discussion. Unfortunately, it's just myself and Josiah and maybe a few others gonna come in.
I hate to do it to you, but we had this little thing called the Shepherds Conference over at John MacArthur's church, over at Grace Community Church, and then
Andrew said, oh, I wanna go to it, so he went to that. And then everybody else under the sun went to that.
I don't know why it is that everybody likes going to that. It seems to me like it's just all that long trip and everything else.
And no, I'm actually just kidding. I would love to be at it, but I can't be there. You know,
I would love to be at it. Just wanna give a shout out, say hello, Melissa. Melissa Lex, she said, hey.
Julia, she says, hey, says hello and good evening. And then of course we have Melissa from a bond servant.
She says, hello all. And I just wanna say, hey, welcome everybody. I hope you guys sit back and are ready to hear a lot of great information.
Our mission tonight is to educate, to disciple. I want you to,
I'm not sure how many of these we're gonna do. It might be two or three. This comes from a discussion from one of my professors.
He taught us on this critical social theory and the history of it.
And we had to do a lot of reports and a lot of studies. We had to listen to a lot of insane, crazy people.
And the problem is, these insane, crazy people, they are coming into the society full bore.
They're not slowing down. They're not gonna let up. Les from India, I said India.
Les from Indiana, that's a little different than India. Les, hey, how you doing brother? I just want you guys to know that we need to be discipled.
We need to know what the history of the Marxist theory, the social theory that is going on in our churches.
Vati Balakum, he wrote a great book on it. We have Christianity and Wokeness.
We have just a lot of really great books. I'm gonna read Thomas Sowell, The Economics and Politics of Race here in just a few minutes.
I'm gonna read that to you. I wanna give a shout out to Dr. Gaiman and just the wonderful work that he did.
I'm gonna tell you what I really am excited about tonight cause I want you to hear from the horse's mouth the things that are going on and I want you to know why these things are going on.
I wanna bring in a brother, Josiah. Hey brother, how you doing?
Better than I deserve. Absolutely. The chicken whisperer.
I'm pulling him in right now. Hey brother, how you doing? Hey. Everybody, the cluck commander, the chicken whisperer, the
I'm not an atheist. No way. He got a shirt that says the chicken whisperer on. Man, that's great.
That's great. There you go. We gotta see the chickens though, man. They're in the coop.
They're in the coop. All right, everybody, they're in the coop. How's it going, man? Good. Okay. Well, hey,
I don't know if anybody knows it or not. Just on a serious note for a minute, brother
Andrew, his mother did pass away. And so we wanna remember and pray for him and safety and travel.
He was able to share the gospel. So we just pray that God brought fruit with that and that God is glorified through the entire process.
Pray for safety and for everybody that's at the Shepherds Conference. And we just ask that the
Lord would protect all those at the conference. For tonight, we are going to have, what do you think
Josiah? Is it, you think it's gonna be a good show tonight? I think so. The material you showed me.
Yeah. So I think we're gonna have a really good show. And so I wanna get us started.
Let me pull this up. John, do you wanna stay in with us? You wanna? No, that's okay.
I just wanted to pop in. Okay, brother. Thank you so much. And if you have anything you wanna add, jump in anytime you need to.
All right, brother. Will do. Love John. He's a great brother.
So listen up, I did this study. I did this study for the entire fall semester on biblical
Christianity and popular culture. It was hosted, taught by Dr. Peter Gaiman.
And he's at the Bible Sojourner Podcast. And I wanna encourage you to go there, to download the podcast on Apple Podcasts and to listen to him.
He is an incredible mind, a young man compared to me.
He's a younger man. He's about Josiah's age. So the young kids running around here all the time.
But he's also a godly man, a man of God. He actually went to the master's college.
He is a Hebrew Greek scholar. He is a teacher, Old Testament teacher.
He knows his stuff and he's teaching me Hebrew. And he's killing me with Hebrew. He just, he doesn't let up.
He's just here, learn this and learn this. And it's constant. But in his podcast and online, he's got a free online
PDF. I'm sorry, not PDF, but the PowerPoint presentation. And he gave me permission to just to ravage it and to use his
PowerPoint. And so that's what I did. I downloaded it and I added a bunch of information to it and I'm using his
PowerPoint. And so I wanted to give credit to him for all his hard work and just for what he has brought to the table to teach.
And having done that, I wanna start right here at the beginning, which is a good place to start with a figure that everybody knows.
Everybody's heard of this guy. His name is Dr. Martin Luther King. Now, some people, you can talk about all of his flaws and his foibles.
Was he a Christian? Wasn't he a Christian? What did he believe? All these things. And he's at the height of the civil rights movement.
And in the height of that movement, when he has got a platform and a voice to affect our society and to bring about some good societal changes, he actually came up in one of his speeches.
He says, I have a dream that one day on the Red Hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
So what is he not saying? He's not saying that the former slave owners owe reparations, that they're evil and wicked and they're vile and they should die.
That they are the monsters of iniquity. They are the ones. No, no. He's saying, I have a dream that we come to unity, ethnic unity.
Right? So there's some peace. He says, I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
That's a pretty noble statement. Rather than looking at somebody, judging them based on what their skin color is, identifying them and saying, you're this because your skin color.
He says, I want that to stop. I have a dream and a hope that one day that will stop.
Whatever your view of Martin Luther King was, he had that right. And that view has been thrown out today for the new social critical theory, the new justice mantra.
I want you to see something. A friend of ours in Kofi, he,
I can't remember how to pronounce his last name. Is it Bonnaroo? I believe it is.
I'm gonna mess it up if I say his last name. Kofi, thank you. He posted this on Facebook and he lives in Oregon.
He says, from the Oregon Health Unity Task Force, declare racism a public health crisis.
HB 452 has passed the House, both the House and the Senate, and now it moves on to the governor's desk.
Now I want you to think about what's being said. A minute ago, Martin Luther King Jr. says,
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
And we are now seeing the fruits of the destruction of that mantra.
We're now seeing the fruits of people that would say, no, no, no, no. We need to identify every single concept and form of racism everywhere at all times.
This is thought crimes. This is thought racism. This is hate speech. This is intersectionality.
This is microaggressions. This is, you know, micro violence.
If you do or don't do something, it's going to be scrutinized.
If you do or don't say something, it's going to be scrutinized by those that would say that racism is a public health crisis.
What do you think about that, Josiah? Yeah, I'm wondering if they're going to imprison
Whoopi Goldberg for saying that all white people are racist. The Holocaust wasn't about race.
Well, and you're missing a point. The point is, is only you as a white man are the ultimate racist.
You see, this is an oppressor oppression dynamic. In order for you to declare the thoughts of people, the words and actions of people to be racist, you have to identify it based on your narrative.
And your narrative has to be one, a racist must be one that has the ability to oppress you.
We used to say things like what, sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Now, words are violence. Now, words are oppressive. And here in America, words are a public health crisis.
I want you to listen to this. This should resonate well with all of you. You should listen closely.
All white people are racist. So I put this up because I really want any white person in the room to know upfront that this is what we're dealing with, that it's not gonna be this coddling of white tears and what that looks like.
We're not gonna discuss, oh, maybe some of us will work it out. No, you're always gonna be racist, actually.
So even when you're on your path to trying to figure out how to be a better human being, because I believe that white people are born into not being human.
Like that actually, instead of people of color and black folks being dehumanized, that actually everyone is dehumanized on breadth within white supremacy, that y 'all are born into a life to not be human.
And that's what y 'all are taught to do, to be demons. So in this particular way, white people are all racist.
Did you hear that? Did everybody catch that? All white people are racist, even if you are working in the social construct, the social narrative of anti -racism, working to fight against racism.
It doesn't matter what you're doing. And I wanna explain to you why. The reason is, is because you're a demon.
You were raised to be demons. You live in a society of demons. You are a vile, wicked demon.
And you are part of the system of oppression because you are a racist as a white person.
That is what she is declaring, Ashley Shackelford.
Josiah, what do you think about that? Something else I'd like to point out is that she said that white people are born into not being humans.
Yeah. Whenever you dehumanize a person, that gives you right to do with them whatever you want.
The Nazis, they said that Jews were not people. So they put them into concentration camps and they also put them in death camps and slaughtered them and put them in furnaces.
And what do we do with the unborn today? We declare them not to be people. And guess what?
We tear them apart in their mother's wombs. We suck them out piece by piece.
We destroy them with salt. I hate to be graphic, but that's the, whenever you dehumanize a person, you're essentially saying it's okay to end their life.
Yeah. Well, and you think about it, what's being said here? One society, one group of society can deem the entirety of the other groups to be racist.
You know, last I checked, that was racism. Yeah. However, they have a foil for that.
Racism on the other side is not racism because they don't have the power to oppress you.
We're gonna see that in a few minutes. But I wanna see, and we're gonna continue to ask this question.
Where did this come from? Where did this ideology come from? Where did this mindset come from? See, this is taught.
A little baby is not born hating another person of skin color.
You have to teach people to see skin color as an oppressive or an oppressor, as a demon, as a not human.
You have to teach people this mantra and this mindset. And as we're going to slowly divulge and bring out, the ideas of race inequality or racism, it's not
Christian. It's vehemently anti -Christ. The heart of this issue is
Satanism. The heart of this issue is anti -God, anti -Christ theology.
And it is a theology. And we're gonna see that later. But I want you to listen to where she no doubt got this type of mantra from, from a few sources that we've been, that I pulled together for everybody.
I just want y 'all to know that up front. I want y 'all to know that up front and then listen. And ironically,
Americans who self -identify as not racist, whether they're conservatives, moderates, liberals, radicals, progressives, they don't realize,
I think many of us don't realize that we are connecting ourselves to a history of slave traders who self -identified as not racist, although they didn't use that term.
We're connecting ourselves to enslavers who said, yes, when we say black people should be enslaved, when we say slavery is a positive good, when we say slavery is a necessary evil, when we say that black people are the cursed descendants of Ham, those are not racist ideas.
That's God's law. That's science's law. That's nature. That's logic.
We don't realize we're connecting to Jim Crow segregationists who said, I'm not racist, it's separate but equal down here.
You can't tell? No, we can't. You can't tell? No, we can't. You can't tell? It's separate but equal.
We're following the law. We're not racist. We're connecting to eugenicists who were really the first group of Americans to be classified as racist, who also turned around and said, this is science.
This isn't racism. This is science. We have empirical data to demonstrate that black people are.
I wanna pause right there for a minute. Thank you. Some of the things that were on the screen that I posted on the screen here.
If you notice, he blamed God. This was God's fault. This was science. This was logic.
This was nature. This is reason. And then he says, this is eugenics. And what
I wanna point out is he starts off by saying this is God's fault. Number one, in the church, because of the scripture, racism is
God's fault. Well, the narrative of the Bible says that, God taught and supported and did all this about racism.
And he did this about slavery. And then he goes on to say, well, it's not just that.
It's the society. It's the education system. It's the legal system. It's the theory system.
It's science itself. Logic, language, all of those things are racist.
So he's bringing out this, and then he goes and he says, well, it's eugenics.
Now, where does eugenics come from? It comes from the teaching of Darwinism and the origin of the species.
I wanna read this. It's on the screen so everybody can see it. It says, the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races and the struggle for life.
See, Darwin was an anti -God hating, vile, wicked man.
He hated God with a passion. And he wanted a new concept. He wanted a new way, number one, to get rid of God and to come up with a new origin of species.
Well, he chose evolution. He went for the mongoloids and he went for the coccozoids and all these other different apes that over millions of years evolved into, well, he said, less than a million years, evolved into this ape -like creature which evolved into man.
And you hear now, oh, we don't believe in the monkeys to man, monkeys to man, that's not what we believe. We believe in the ape -like creature.
It was an ape. And what he said was not just one ape, but multitudes of apes that evolved into higher thinking apes.
Like we would have evolved from one group and the black person in Africa from another group and then an
Asian from another group. And the closer to the white race, if you will, of this monkey, this ape, the more intelligent, the stronger, the more ready it is to survive or thus survival of the fittest.
The natural selection, these concepts. And by the way, this is where Nazi Germany comes into play because Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler, they bought it hook, line, and sinker.
And they said, oh, by the way, we are the favored race. We are the
Aryan, the best race. We are the greatest race. And to prove it, they implemented social theory out of Darwinian theory.
And what they did, the reason that they were going to destroy the lesser -thans of those
Jewish lesser -thans is because they believed in Darwinism and the social struggle for race superiority.
They believed these things. And so what they did is they separated from the
Jewish people and the homosexuals and the blacks and the Catholics. They separated all different types of groups, handicapped and all this other stuff from the pure Aryan race.
And then they set about to destroy them. What you may not know is that at the end of World War II, at the end of World War II, you had
Adolf Hitler started killing his own people because he said our social experiment of evolution has proven that we are not the elite favored race.
He actually started killing his own people because of it. So that's what
Kendi is arguing about. And so, go ahead. Is there anything else you wanna add to that?
Well, when he said the Bible teaches him, it's actually not accurate.
If we're going to be honest and go to authorial intent, then we're gonna go to the passage where it talks about him and why his son
Canaan was cursed. That's in Genesis 9. And basically, long story short,
Noah got drunk. His son Ham saw him naked.
Some people say that his look might've been like a look of lust.
And so that would have been really, really bad in ancient culture. In any case, he tried to humiliate his father by telling his brothers about it.
And they showed him respect, Shem and Japheth, and covered
Noah so that he could have his modesty.
And when Noah woke from his wine in Genesis 9 .24, he says he knew what his youngest son had done to him.
And he said, cursed be Canaan, servant of servants, shall I be to his brothers.
He also said, blessed be the God of Shem, let Canaan be his servant. And God enlarged
Japheth and let him dwell in the tents of Shem. Let Canaan be his servant.
And a lot of people recognize that as a prophecy that the descendant of Shem is the descendant that is going to be the descendant of promise, the heir of promise, the seed.
And he's gonna one day rule over Canaan. And what happened?
Israelites were in Egypt in bondage and slavery. They were Hamites and God judged them.
They got out of Egypt and God let them take over the land of Canaan.
And they got to dwell there. And so we could have a Messiah. So it's not talking about...
Oh, go ahead, go ahead. Finish your thought there. It's not talking about race. It's talking about the promise that we will have a savior.
Go ahead. Now, think about this. The narrative that Ibram X. Kendi, that's his name, is given in this speech.
He's written probably 25 books by now. He's written all kinds of socialist, critical, racist books on anti -racism and everything else.
And in this discussion on how to be anti -racist, he has this discussion. And if you'll listen to what he's saying, it's
God's fault, it's the church's fault, it's society's fault. And then he goes and says, oh, by the way, the society that has taught
Darwinian evolution, the leftist racism, Jim Crow.
Jim Crow, where did Jim Crow come from? Jim Crow is your
Southern Democrat who believed in the ideas of...
Not all, but a lot of them believed in the ideas. Many of them believed in the ideas of slavery and they held onto that.
They wanted states' rights. They wanted each state to be able to argue about what state would allow for slavery and things like that.
All the way up to Jim Crow segregation, Democrat, leftist, socialist theory, socialist policy based off of Darwin, not off of Christ, not off of God, not off the word of God.
And then here, Ibram Kendi and the others come along. These other people come along and they are teaching the struggle against the oppressor class because they are the oppressed class.
And if you'll listen to the narrative, he's blaming America for adopting leftist, socialist
Marxism while he's using leftist, socialist Marxism to perpetuate his cause.
What he's doing is he's pushing aside the conservative, the
Christian, the moral, those that would say, no, we don't believe in racism.
No, we don't adhere to racism. No, we don't believe in slavery. No, we don't believe in all these vile things.
We believe, according to the scripture, that God has created us in his image, all men in his image, that each one of us are created by God in his image.
And here, Ibram Kendi and these other guys come along and what they're doing is they're pushing the narrative because the problem is the church is largely being silent and or largely supporting their narrative.
And I'm gonna show you that here in just a little bit. I want you to, you'll be listening to that. Let's finish out what Kendi says.
Are intellectually inferior by nature. Just look at their test scores. And today we have white nationalists.
We have white supremacists who self -identify as not racist. We have white supremacists who, before they go into a
Walmart in El Paso, Texas, write a manifesto. All white people are racist.
Oops, sorry about that. They don't realize, I think many of us don't realize that we are connecting ourselves.
Who said, yes, when we say black people should be enslaved, when we say that's logic, we're not racist.
We have empirical data to demonstrate that black people who self -identify as not racist.
We have white supremacists who, before they go into a
Walmart in El Paso, Texas. Now here, I wanna point this out. This is specifically selected individuals who commit a moral evil.
This is basically called the equal ultimacy fallacy. You take a group and then you superimpose the evils of one person or several persons.
And you say, see, you're claiming not to be a racist just like they're claiming not to be a racist.
You're a racist by definition. Now listen to what he says. Write a manifesto claiming that Latinx.
He adds in this Latinx because it can't be Latino. He has to group in Latino people, a culture into his group of oppressed people, calling them
Latinx. All people that are in the group that are part of the society that this individual who committed this moral evil, all people that are in that group are now guilty because of the skin color relation that they have to this person.
Now, did you know the guy? Did I know the guy? Did I have anything to do with him? Nope, it doesn't matter. Your skin color makes you guilty.
Immigrants are invading Texas. And then also - Go ahead. Oh, isn't that what they accuse us of doing with Muslims?
We'll see that a Muslim jihadist will go into a gay bar, shoot up 50 or so people in the gay bar and we say, this is what
Islam teaches. And therefore he did that. And they accuse us of saying that all Muslims are horrible and atrocious people because of what this one guy did.
They accuse us of that fallacy. You know, what
I'll point out too is that that incident is what's been used as a catalyst to bring in homosexuality, transgenderism and all this other stuff into the churches in that community.
And around America. That one incident. And I'll show that to you probably the next time we get together.
I don't think we'll have time to look at that tonight. But let's go ahead and go a little further in here. I'm not racist.
This is what he says. We have this long history of racists classifying themselves as not racist.
Racist who cannot imagine. Now, since there is no God, all moral evil comes from the oppressive societal policies, laws and structures and the oppressive white culture which supports the further oppression.
Why do I say white culture? Because white culture, according to Ibram Kendi, Delgado and so many others, according,
Jay Martisby even promotes it. All of these people say that white culture is the and has always been the evil, oppressive, dominant culture.
And they always oppress those that are brown, Latino, that are black, that they hate them and they oppress them out of racial bias and hate.
Now listen to what he goes on and says. That they had been reinforcing notions that there's something wrong with a particular racial group.
Even if you didn't know it. Can imagine that the policies and policy makers you are reinforcing.
Are creating and reproducing racial inequity. Fundamentally, racism, its heartbeat has always been denied.
And the sound of that heartbeat has always been heard. A racist, the proof that you are in fact a racist is if you claim that you're not.
Listen to what he says. He must be a racist. Oh, he's got a way around it.
You know that, he's got a way around it. But listen to this. The proof that you are in fact racists is if you claim that you are not.
Always been, I'm not racist. To be more specific, the sound of that heartbeat has always been not racist.
And so in writing, how to be an anti -racist, if I had one singular goal, if I could somehow shape the world.
He wants to reshape the world. And the only way that you can exonerate yourself like he has, like so many others have is to become an anti -racist.
To become an anti -racist means to identify all of the Christian culture in society and everything that's based upon that racist
Christian culture and destroy it. You have to identify every bit of it, everything that's in, and now think, what did he start at?
He started at reason, logic, God, thinking. He started with the fundamentals of God, logic, knowledge, thinking, intellect, language, all social skills, everything that you've ever learned, you learned because you were a part of a
Judeo -Christian culture and a society that had laws based upon that.
And that is proof that you're a racist. And the only way that you can exonerate yourself is to join him, join them, the leftist
Marxist in the destruction of that Judeo -Christian culture, no matter where it's at.
That's why you're seeing it in Germany. That's why you're seeing it in France and England and everywhere else.
And it's going at a faster pace there. That's why you saw it in Venezuela and they wiped out an entire nation.
And now that's the poorest country around and people are just eating dog food and eating cats, eating trash.
But the socialist elite, they have it all. You see what they want to do is destroy the culture, destroy the society, destroy the government and bring in a new form of government because an individual is weak.
A group is strong enough to force the change and bring in a new government because this new government will be altruistic.
This new government will be the good government. And this new government will have the means of power. They'll have the means of production and they will distribute everything fairly.
It's almost like they're God. Yeah, it's a counterfeit gospel, really.
A counterfeit gospel. And if you think about it, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. They take,
Vody Volcom talks about this in his book, Fault Lines, and he says, they take the
Christian idea of repentance, but they have no atonement, they have no hope.
All you have is perpetual penance until you die and you still have no hope after that.
Ibram Kendi in this lecture actually says, it's not good enough that you walked in the civil rights movement, that you worked in that.
It's not good enough that you did all of these things if you ever stop, you go back to being a racist.
You go back to being the enemy. You can never stop being anti -racist. And he says, and it may change.
You might have youth and no money. And so we can use you to force the change.
And he keeps saying, force the change. He's not talking about a peaceful narrative. He's talking about physical violence to destroy, physically destroy and overtake the society.
He wants to encourage and radicalize people to do this. And he says at the end, it's not good enough that you marched.
It's not good enough that you went with Martin Luther King. It's not good enough that you walked with the race riots.
It's not good enough that you stood up against Jim Crow. You have to financially support everything that they're doing.
That's why BLM is screaming that everybody has to give them their money and their reparations. That's why everybody's screaming for reparations.
Because you are a racist and you must be an anti -racist by doing what?
By speaking against the hegemony, the power. And the hegemony means the culture of power that's in any structure, the structural culture and the power of any society and the dominant culture.
Every culture has a dominant culture. Africa has a dominant culture. India has a dominant culture.
Every culture has a dominant culture. But to this group of Marxists, they've whittled out skin color.
And they've said, you see, you're oppressed because you're not the dominant culture.
Now we must get everybody to agree with it and destroy it based on the Marxist critical theory.
And by critical, by the way, it doesn't just mean critiquing. I wanna make sure everybody understands this.
Critical does not just mean critiquing. It means viewing to destruction.
Okay, it means viewing everything in the lens of Marxist socialism, oppressor, oppressed class, so that you can finally destroy it.
You identify it and you destroy it. KT says they have a false gospel, which is no gospel at all.
And she's exactly right. KT, I really appreciate you putting that out there. And that's the absolute truth.
Let's go ahead and finish up and listen to what Mr. Kendi has to say. What I would hope that would come out of this book is very simply, we would eradicate the term not racist from the
American vocabulary. And then it would force people to recognize that they're either what?
Racist or anti -racist. Did you hear that, Josiah? You have two choices.
You either submit and admit that you're a racist. Now think about this.
You're out in Iowa, middle of the street in Iowa. There's a population of maybe 100 people in your community, maybe 50.
I've been down those roads. I know where they're at. You are the enemy.
This is not just talking about Main Street, New York. This is talking about the little lady out in Iowa who's struggling to get by.
She's a racist. So they don't wanna give Iowa a try then. Nebraska, you name it.
It doesn't matter where it is. You are the racist and you must admit to it and do the work of being anti -racist.
And that's what he's thinking about. Look what it says here. Part of being that is to end white silence, to say that black lives matters,
I was gonna pull this up and I'm gonna go ahead and try to get this real quick. You know, if you think about it, it's kinda like the
Christian message. You only really have two choices. You can either choose to continue in your sin and be a sinner, or you can repent and trust in Jesus and have eternal life.
Listen to what it says here. They're stealing from the Bible again. Listen to what this says. I pulled this up cause
I want everybody to see it real quick. This came from our discussion on BLM a year and a half ago,
I believe it was. We build a safe space that affirms black women and is free of sexism, misogyny and the environment which is in which men are centered.
We practice empathy and engage comrades and that's their language. They say that they are trained
Marxist and they use the language of socialism and communism with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts, the comrades.
We make a space family friendly that enables parents to fully participate with their children.
We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work double shifts. By the way, that's not conservativism.
That is social leftist democratic theory that caused that to happen.
Let's go down here. Number 10. We disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family.
They want to end families. Let's see, a structure requirement by supporting each other as an extended family and villages that collectively care for one another, especially for children to the degree that mothers and parents and children are comfortable.
Notice the absence of fathers. They want to destroy the church by replacing it with their own religion, replacing the need for God and humanity, replacing the need for the church, the faith, the family, and the nuclear society.
Go on number 11. We foster a queer affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather the belief in the world are heteronormative.
Let's see. Is there any more that I have on here? Oh, we culture an intergenerational and communal network free of ageism.
We believe that all people regardless of age show up with the capacity to learn and lead.
We embody the practice and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagement with one another.
It's with one another that they practice the peace. Notice that that's not what they're talking about.
No justice, no peace. End racism. Black lives matters. Make racist afraid again.
Does that sound like peacefulness to you? Not really. It might sound peaceful as opposed to,
I don't know, somebody banging on my door with a gun. Well, I mean, if you're scared to death, you're gonna be silent and you're gonna do whatever that they command you to do.
And you notice what he says, that this is going to force white people or anybody else.
He said at the beginning, it doesn't matter what group you are.
If you're not supporting his ideology, his Marxist socialist ideology, you are a racist.
So if you're the Uncle Toms that are talked about all the time because you're a conservative,
Thomas Sowell, they say, Thomas Sowell's an Uncle Tom. If you haven't read Thomas Sowell, you should probably look at all of his stuff.
He started out as a socialist. He said what got him to stop being a socialist was facts. Listen to what
Ibram Kendi ends up saying here. It would force Americans, if we eliminated the term race neutral from the
American vocabulary, to recognize that all policies are either racist or anti -racist.
Did you catch that? You must be forced to recognize that if you,
Josiah, if you are a part of this society, you are supporting laws that are either anti -racist or racist.
So there's no such thing as a speeding law that's not a racist law. There's no such thing as environmental laws that deal with pollution that are not racist.
There are no such thing as laws that deal with the chlorine levels in water that are not racist.
Every single policy, every law is either racist or anti -racist.
That's a broad sweeping statement. Yeah, yeah, I couldn't have made a more broad statement than that.
Think about it. It has a lot of proof, it has to. There's a lot of, he has to prove with that.
He has to go to every single law, there's trillions and trillions of laws. Lawmakers don't even know how many laws there are in America.
There are people who study their whole lives on categories of laws, and he has to say they're all racist.
Yeah, and this is not just economic racism that they're talking about. This is not just inequality of outcome.
This is every single thing that you do. KT, you just keep on nailing it right out of the park.
Every single thing that you do is seen through the lens of color, specifically the lens of intersectionality.
We're gonna talk about that in a few minutes, but it's through the lens of intersectionality, okay? And that's why it's very important that you understand this.
Justin Peter calls the social justice train, and that's, I kind of grabbed a picture of Ashley, what's her name?
Ashley, her little billboard sign here says, all white people are racist.
Remember in her rant, she started out with that, and she talks about diversity, intersectionality, minorities, inequality and loans, people of color, safe spaces, white privilege, capitalism.
She goes on to talk about racism, Christianity. She goes on, there's several more that she puts down through there, but that's all evidences of your racism.
And there's more. I think there was like a list that somebody put out that the last time
I saw was like 70 some odd different points. And here's the thing that you have to understand. Justin Peter says that social justice is the train.
Critical theory, critical race theory, social theory, Marxism, cultural Marxism, intersectionality, all of those things, every single one of them is a car that's added to the train.
And once you allow social justice into your church or into the society, all the rest of the cars are coming with it.
They don't stop. He says, these cars, they all come in.
And that's what I've called it, the intersectionality umbrella. I don't know if anybody else has used the term or not, but I just call it the intersectionality umbrella.
And one of the loudest and most famous proponents of racism in America today is a lady by the name of Robin D 'Angelo.
She has a platform that is just like Kendi, it's unimaginably huge. She goes to churches, she goes to conferences, she goes to all these forums, she goes to businesses, and she tells people to be less white.
She tells people that your white privilege, you need to check it at the door. You need to be silent. You are a victimizer because of your skin color.
And she has such a platform that even today,
I don't know when it was done, but NBC, I believe it was, they actually gave her a pretty good spot for her to explain to the world.
And I mean, they have a good reach, far more than we have, but they explained to the world why it is that you are a racist.
Now, listen to what she says. Looking for,
I don't see her. To be white in so many ways. Let me try that again.
Is to be raised, to be functionally illiterate on the topic of race. I am white, and part of being white is that I was not raised to see myself in racial terms.
I mean, I understood that somebody had race, but not really me. To be white is to see oneself outside of race, to see oneself as a unique, special individual exempt from the forces of socialization.
Yeah, according to Ashley, she's right.
Because we're not people, so we can't be racist if we're not even human.
Something we discussed earlier, I'd like to ask her this, is I have a brother -in -law who has a white mother and a biologically black father.
He's a great brother in Christ, but does that mean that he is half racist? As I told you,
I've studied this enough to know, I know their answer. Their answer is you're a racist for asking the question, number one.
And number two, you're a racist because you, proximity does not absolve you or anyone else.
Even if you were half black or half
Hispanic or half whatever, and I'll give you an example. I am by definition, according to Robin DiAngelo and every other thinker on the block,
TED Talk and everybody else, I am a racist. Even though my family comes from generations of slaves in Scotland.
They were oppressed, they were mistreated, they were harmed, they were victimized, they were sold into slavery.
They were brought to Africa and then brought down to the
Florida Keys and down in that area, they were sold multiple times all over the place, have family members all over the world because they were spread everywhere.
It doesn't matter, I'm white. Because I have white skin color, because I have reddish hair and especially in the sunlight when it comes out.
And because I have that pale skin, that pale Scottish skin, I'm a racist because I am part of the white group that they've put me in.
Here's the problem, when you allow people to put you in these groups, you take away humanity.
Josiah talked about it earlier. When you start claiming that she's gonna start her narrative out here,
I don't see race, I don't see skin color. Let me tell you something, when all you see is that, you are redefining terms and making yourself the oppressor, calling yourself a victim and you're oppressing others based on their skin color.
That is the definition of racism. Let's see what she has to say. I don't see skin color is what her first thing is.
I'll never forget a moment of standing beside a black man leading a workshop on race. And a white woman said to him,
I don't see color. He said, well, then how are you going to see racism? Because I am black, I do think you know that.
And I have a different experience than you do. And you're not gonna be able to understand that and you're not gonna be able to support the parts of that experience that are really painful and problematic if you refuse to acknowledge my reality.
I don't see color is really a way of saying, I refuse to acknowledge your reality.
KT pops up and she says, victimhood is often used as a covering to excuse a person's own sin.
And you know, that's so true. That's so true, if I wanted to, I could just blame all of the bad things that ever happened to me based on the fact that I was brought over to the freest country in America.
I was, my family, you know, paid their way out of slavery.
They got out of slavery. There used to be the idea that it was better dead than red in America.
I don't know, you probably never have heard that statement, but it used to be called better dead than red. Yeah, and by the way, that was because it would be better to be dead than be
Scottish. Okay, you weren't allowed to hold jobs. You weren't allowed to be even seen as a human being.
And by the way, those that were sold as slaves in Scotland were sold for five pounds,
I believe it was, or five shillings, I can't remember exact number, significantly less than anybody else because the
King just wanted Scotland clear of the Scots. He wanted them gone.
He hated them, okay? And by the way, he was white too. So let's go ahead.
I have a black friend. She goes on with the next narrative. I have a black friend. What's important about that narrative is it reveals what the person thinks racism is.
So if the person is using proximity, fondness across race as evidence of a lack of racism, in order for that to be good evidence, a racist must not be able to do that.
So that rests on an understanding that a racist cannot tolerate proximity to people of color. And I'm hoping that we can see that's pretty absurd because trust me, even a vowed racist can tolerate being around people of color.
Did you hear that? In her narrative, no matter what you do, no matter who you're around, no matter what your family is, no matter who you have in your life, even if you've never shown the slightest hint, you know your conscience, you know your soul.
Do you have a racial bias against people? If you do, it's a sin. Did you know that?
If you hate somebody based on their skin color, the Bible condemns it. Jesus Christ fought,
Paul the apostle, all the apostles, they fought and presented the gospel and presented the gospel to people who were hated by Jewish people.
They wanted the other cultures to know the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And the Jewish people, the Jewish elite, let's say that, the Jewish culture elite hated everyone else.
In Rome, it was said that the Jewish people hated the world because the cultural elite of the false teachers brought in these false narratives, but Jesus Christ and Christianity didn't teach that.
They taught that you were, Paul the apostle, berated Peter because of that very thing, because he was playing favorites against Gentile people when he was around a bunch of Judaizers.
What she's saying is that you cannot do anything virtuous and righteous, and you cannot have a heart for other cultures because of your skin color.
You are vile and wicked, but she's made a way out for herself and Ibram Kendi identified it as being anti -racist.
And that's what she is. She is an anti -racist. She absolves herself because she does the work of anti -racism.
I was gonna say that why should we listen to her if she's a racist?
Let's go ahead and listen to her. Totally agree. And often are. You cannot talk about any other issue without talking about how race informs that issue.
And when someone says it's about class, that tends to function as a way to get race off the table.
Um, cumulonimbus clouds. Those are racist. You see what she's doing.
She's just throwing out terms and everybody's just eating it up.
It's like, no matter what she says, no matter what this group is saying, they're just eating it up.
And here's the problem, brothers and sisters, listen. This is in your school. This is in your kids' schools.
This is in every single college. This is in the vast majority of public and private schools.
This is in the vast majority of, no, this is in every college, okay?
I'm gonna dare say it's in every college. Josiah, is it, am I wrong? When I went to St.
Louis Christian College from 2010 to 2014, the professors weren't teaching this, but it was definitely indoctrinated in the students' minds.
Everybody was saying, you know, we need to do social justice. We need to make sure that part of the gospel is to make minorities, you know, equal status with people who are not oppressed.
And I even had a guy in my dorm. He said that, you're all racist because you're white.
I can't be racist because I'm black. I said, that's a racist statement. I was back when race, when the word racism wasn't changed in the dictionary and you could actually look it up as judging somebody by their race.
Sorry about that, I hit the wrong button. Okay, I'm not important. I'm white. I want you to think about what she's getting at.
D 'Angelo is, she's wanting to link her neo -Marxism, her philosophical worldview with critical race theory.
She's linking it with intersectionality, ethnic Gnosticism. She is actually teaching that she knows something based upon her, not just her skin, not her skin color, but based upon her intellectual knowledge.
So she's going from ethnic Gnosticism, what black people know or any race knows based on their skin color, to intellectual
Gnosticism, what she has been taught within the group of Marxist critical theory.
She's saying she knows, and I'll show you this in just a minute, where she knows more than you do based on those narratives.
She's using this worldview to deconstruct the unity of American society.
She's not the only one, guys. What I'm saying to you is she is a predominant voice, but she's not the only voice.
This is in Hollywood. This is in every movie that you've seen. When the
Eternals came out, it was all over the place in the Eternals. When you see it in Marvel and all these different shows, when you see it in television, it's everywhere.
Intersectionality is in every aspect of the thought of a society because they've shoved it in there, and everything is victimhood from the oppressor class, and the masses are all part of the struggle against the oppressor class.
She's saying white is the definition of evil. The other lady said that you were a demon, you were a monster, you're not even human, and she's building upon that to talk about the fact that this country has always been and only will be racist, white supremacist, colonializers, patriarchal, all these things, because their narrative, the
Marxist narrative is we have to get rid of all Judeo -Christian society concepts and thoughts.
So what she's doing is she's discussing a presupposed assumption of social inequities, social inequalities and biases that can only be overcome by every individual admitting to their complicity in the system of oppression and vowing to collectively dismantle all perceived, perceived, perceived oppression in an eternal struggle.
And here's the point, Josiah said this to me earlier. He said, if this is true, when Marxism gets their way, what's gonna happen?
They're gonna have to turn on Marxism. Why? Because when they bring in the new government, they have to, then when it becomes the oppressor, when it becomes the elite, when it becomes the power, then they have to destroy it.
It never ends. Now she's claiming to speak from an insider's perspective that white society is inherently racist.
The key foundational argument in her discussion, as we're gonna see in a minute, is white fragility.
It's the systematic expression of oppression and immorality, of subjective morality, of racism, ethnic gnosticism.
And she has redefined biblical concepts of original sin, holiness, depravity, oppression, justice, equality, and even salvation.
And if you don't mind, I wanna read something to you from Thomas Sowell. The Economics of Politics of Race and International Perspective.
I wanna recommend that you get this book. On the very first page, page 15, chapter one, he talks about the role of race.
Just so you have a perspective from a genius, a person that knows more than you and I know put together, combined, and then multiplied 10 times.
Race has affected all kinds of human relationships for thousands of years in all parts of the world.
Strife between Africans and East Indians has erupted into varying levels of violence from Uganda to Ghana to Trinidad.
The overseas Chinese have been victims of mob violence with the brutal expulsions in countries from Southeast Asia to Mexico.
Racial strife between blacks and whites in the United States is part of a worldwide pattern.
These antagonisms have not been limited to groups that fall into different divisions of the human species into Caucasoids and Negroids and Mongoloid races.
The level of group hostility and group violence within each of these divisions has at least equaled that among people who differed more visibly in skin color, hair texture, or other physical features.
The most ghastly examples of racial fanaticism in history was the Nazi extermination of millions of defenseless men, women, and children who were so similar to themselves in appearance that insignias, tattoos, and documents had to be used to tell the victims from their murderers.
The apartheid in South Africa today is based on sharp differences of race and culture, but in a larger context of human history, degrees of biological and cultural differences have had little relationship to the degree of strife, repression, and violence.
Contemporary black and white Americans, for example, have lower levels of antagonism than exist in all black and all white nations, such as Burundi and even
Northern Ireland, Scotland. The atrocities committed, got stuck there for a second, against the
Chinese minorities in Southern Asia, including the Boat People, whose trauma shocked the world, indicate that Asia, too, has not escaped the tragedies associated with racism or the anomaly that much of it occurs among people who are biologically very similar.
The history of Africa has likewise been full of depredations and subjugations and massive enslavement among people who were all black, but those interracial, ethnic, and tribal differences were as deadly as the effects of similar differences among Europeans.
See, here's the point. A man that knows his history and has studied, that knows what racism is, can go around and he can look and he can say, look, these are ethnic groups fighting one another, and it can be seen throughout history that this is not in large part because of skin color.
This is because, KT said earlier, it's a heart problem. It is a sin problem.
It has to do with your heart. I like what KT just said.
She says, the gospel of scripture brings unity to people, all ethnicities, we all come from one couple.
Amen. There's no such thing as different human races. We're all one race, one blood.
A song that my wife and I sing to our daughters is,
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Shades of brown from dark to light, all are precious in his sight.
Jesus loves the children of the world. Amen. Amen.
You know, the idea here that we have to really - Give it to her. We're gonna talk about her.
We're gonna listen to her again for a minute. You wanna take a nap? Yeah, no kidding.
Let's take a nap. I'll go grab my pillow and we'll just take a nap.
That is a perfect time, cause she's putting me to sleep. So guys, Striving for Eternity is supported in large part by the ministry efforts, the efforts of godly
Christians like you that are trying to support us. But we also have MyPillow from mypillow .com.
They do their part in supporting Christian ministries and they've been supporting
Striving for Eternity Apologetics Live for a good while. And we'd like to ask you to go to 1 -800 -873 -0176 and tell them about promo code
SFE, the Striving for Eternity. You can go to strivingforeternity .com and they have the same promo code there.
And if you will, you can get a pillow. Josiah's got the pillow. I think they even have the footie slippers and they've got all kinds of neat stuff.
Josiah's got a collection. I don't think he has a bigger collection as Andrew, but they've got like, what, comforters.
They have sheets and all of these things. Giza dream sheets, I see that on the air.
And I just wanna encourage you guys to please go out there and support them and they'll be supporting us.
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We would greatly appreciate that. And we would ask you to please tell your friends, tell your family, your loved ones, tell your enemies, tell people you like, tell people you don't like.
Please just tell everybody to please come over here and give us your love, your support, listen to us, share our content.
We're trying to do this for you. We're trying to do this to help equip the saints so that they can stand up to this type of stuff.
I wanna point out something that Josiah, you said a minute ago, a little bit ago, and it was very important to this discussion.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood. We wrestle against the principalities and the power of darkness and high places.
It's a spiritual battle, okay? So when we see Robin DiAngelo, when we see people like this,
Ibram Kendi, when we see all of these narratives going on, we don't hate them. They're not our enemies.
This is the field that God called us to go out there and share the gospel with. These are the people that we need to be with and need to love and pray for and care for because what they're seeing in society,
I have no doubt that there are a lot of racists in this society. I have no doubt.
Now, is it systemic? No, I don't think so. Is it like they're saying?
No. Is it part of one of the agendas of one of our political groups?
Absolutely. Is racism the heartbeat of one of our political groups?
Absolutely. Is hate for God? Absolutely. Is anti -Christ? Absolutely. Is this agenda being shoved down our throats to provide a way for them to further their political cause?
100%. And having said every bit of that, they all need the gospel.
So we need to be able to know how to defend the body of Christ and the gospel against these things, to be able to stand for the truth and proclaim the truth because the
Bible doesn't give us this narrative. The Bible doesn't tell you that because you're white, you're the enemy or because you're black, you should be enslaved.
The Bible doesn't tell you because of your skin color, you're worthless. The Bible tells you that we are all equal under God.
We are born under Adam and we are all sinners in the need of Christ. And so that's where we need to be at.
I want you to listen and listen well to what
Robin DiAngelo is preaching and I mean preaching. And she's doing this in churches and in venues all over the place.
That should tell you something wrong already. There shouldn't be any women preachers. No, she's definitely a preacher.
She's able to go into classrooms, school rooms, on the television.
And by the way, if you guys knew what she was paid, $25 ,000 per visit, per lecture,
Ibram can do the same thing, $25 ,000, $28 ,000 per lecture. If you know what these people were paid per lecture, you would be blown away.
It's amazing that BLM and all these guys can claim about financial oppression and how they want to just come together and collectively work together to make things equal.
And yet they take the money and they put it in their own pockets. People of color have been saying what
I'm gonna say tonight for hundreds of years at this point. And unfortunately, one of the dynamics of implicit bias is if you are white, whether you're aware of it or not, you're a little more likely to be a little more open to hear it from me.
And so if I can use this position in this way to break with white solidarity, I'm going to use it.
And that invokes the master's tools dilemma, as I think that Darlene referred to.
How do you challenge? So we gotta stop for a minute. What's the master's tools dilemma?
Well, it's a discussion that was made popular by Audre Lorde. She was a black lesbian feminist.
She was a Marxist, a socialist. And by her definition, she defined the oppressive ideas of white
Judeo -Christian values, the society and the culture that was built from it. And she says that the master's tools are in every thought construct, everything of that society.
Now, here's what you gotta understand. When you deal with logic, science, God, Christianity, reason, laws, policies, everything, the reason you think what you think is because you are a slave to the master's tools.
And here's what they say. The oppressor class has so indoctrinated the white hegemic society that you, whether you're black or white, whether you're whatever color you are, you have been duped into thinking along the lines and using the master's tools.
So everything you think is because the master taught you. And people like Ibram Kendi and Robin DiAngelo and so many others, their job is just altruistic.
They're to get you to wake up and to realize that you're racist. That you're part of the master's tools, that you're a victim who victimizes.
It's kind of like listening to the screw tape letters on audio book. That's good.
That's, yes. If you guys have never listened to that, you've got to. Yeah, absolutely. That's really good.
Yep. The master's house, when you only have the tools of that house. You're in the master's house.
And so everything you think. I wanna be really clear that I am aware that as I stand on this stage with credibility and authority granted to my voice on racism, no less, like virtually every other teacher or professor or role model or authority figure,
I am reinforcing the centrality point. Every single person in that group is white. And trust me,
I've gone home many a night and talked in turn over that. And she's gonna use her position to destroy the white society in America, which she calls racist.
To not use this position in this way for me is to really be white. And I'd like to be a little less white, right?
What does she mean by being white? What do you think she means, Josiah? I guess she means she wants to be less white as Judeo -Christian values is all
I can think of what she means by it. Just like, okay.
Okay. I mean, this is gonna blow your mind. Ready? People of color have been saying what I'm gonna say tonight for hundreds of years.
If you're white, whether you're aware of it or not, you're a little more likely to be a little more open to hear it from me.
And so if I can use this position in this way to break with white solidarity, I'm going to use it.
And that invokes the master's tools dilemma. Master's house when you only have the tools of that house, when you're in the house.
So I wanna be really clear that I am aware that as I stand on this stage with credibility and authority granted to my voice on racism no less, like virtually every other teacher or professor or role model or authority figure,
I am reinforcing the centrality of whiteness. I wanna name that. And trust me,
I've gone home many a night and tossed and turned over that. Where I always land is that it is a both end, right?
To not use this position in this way for me is to really be white.
And I'd like to be a little less white, right? And a little less white, by the way, does not mean a little more
Italian American. It means a little less oppressive, quite frankly, a little less oblivious and arrogant and ignorant and certain.
Did you catch that? You, if you're white, I accidentally clicked on the wrong thing.
If you're white, you are oppressive, oblivious, arrogant, you are certain.
Both end, right? She's certain about that. To not use this position in this way for me is to really be white.
And I'd like to be a little less white. She doesn't like being white. And a little less white, by the way, does not mean a little more
Italian American. She doesn't wanna be her heritage. It means a little less oppressive, quite frankly, a little less oblivious and arrogant and ignorant and certain and a little more humble and curious.
What you need to be is humble, curious and vulnerable. So I'm gonna say -
Is she certain about that? Well, yeah, she's an authoritative voice and she learned it from the other authoritative voices that were in the group.
She's holding the other authoritative voices are being white because they're certain.
There you go. I'm sure you have an opinion on the topic. And I don't know virtually anyone in this room. She's gonna appeal to ethnic and intellectual narcissism.
And yet I am confident to say the following. I'm gonna back it up, what she's saying. If you are white, I'm sure you have been certain and a little more humble and curious and vulnerable.
So I'm gonna say perhaps my first controversial thing. No, she was already controversial. If you are white, I'm sure you have an opinion on the topic.
And I don't know virtually anyone in this room. And yet I am confident to say the following.
If you are white and - Let's see. Sorry, I hit the wrong button.
Listen to what she says. And you have not devoted years -
If you're white. Of sustained study, struggle and focus on this topic. Your opinions are necessarily limited, superficial and uninformed.
Did you hear what she just said? And if you're white and you haven't studied like she studied at Berkeley and at all the other elite colleges, then your opinions are necessarily ignorant.
They're necessarily uninformed. I thought one of the wheelhouses was not having a formal education.
There you go. But her intellect and the intellect of the other groups is what has brought in their status to be able to speak about this with authority.
David Neff, he came up with a question here. Question for both of you.
CRT has been around since the seventies. Why is this suddenly a huge problem?
It's a huge problem because it's come into the church and it's been in society in the past three to four years, it has just bloomed and blossomed.
And as we'll see in a little bit, they trimmed the fat off of all of the areas that were unaffected and streamlined it and made it a racist machine.
But it hasn't been around since the seventies. It's actually been around since about the thirties and forties and even before that.
And - It's just gotten louder. It's just gotten much, much louder. And so we're gonna continue on.
Patient referrals and punishments, testing. So what she does here, she talks about all the ways that bias against white people, against black people is evidences from kidnapping, 300 years of enslavement, torture, rape, brutality, medical experimentation, black codes, sharecropping, bans on testifying against whites, mandatory segregation, bans on jury lynching, mobs, imprisonment for unpaid work, bans on intellectual, interracial marriage, red lining, forced sterilization, employment discrimination.
And she says, this is when we get up to the seventies. And then she says, educational discrimination, bias, subprime mortgages, white flight, mass incarceration.
And as you'll see in a little bit, there is no other reason for any of this. It all has to be based upon white supremacy, white racism.
Tracking, school funding, biased media, voter suppression, cultural mockery, historical omissions, unaddressed trauma, to name a few.
It's a system. It's the system we're in and none of us could be and none of us were exempt from its forces.
This entire system is not interrupted. It's not you, the individual. The system is not interrupted because I smile at black people when
I pass them by. The system is not interrupted because I smile at black friendliness.
This could be and none of us were exempt from its forces. And this system is not interrupted by friendliness.
You can't be friendly. You have to be destructive, you have to be violent. Like antifoil burning down cities.
And African -Americans are not and have never been in the position to do this to the entire white collective and the white collective has always been and continues to be in the position to do this to African -Americans.
There is no such thing as reverse racism. Did you hear that? Okay. That rose up as you thought about them.
And what she was just talking about. And yet when you put all this together. Is that oppressor equals white and oppressed always is black.
Black people cannot be racist ever. Sounds like something a celebrity said recently that got her a two week vacation.
So I wanna be really clear about something. As a result of being raised in this society, I have a racist worldview.
I have racist biases. I have racist patterns that have developed as a result of that.
I've seen them. I have investments in the system of racism. Many scholars have today said that this lady is the absolute most racist person that they've ever dealt with.
Because everything, as she said it, every single aspect is about racism.
There's nothing that's not about racism. You know, why are we talking about this?
Because this is what is being brought in on the social justice train. That wonderful man.
What's his name again? What is his name? Just, I think it's Justin something.
Yeah, Justin Peters. Actually post -Tenebrous Lux asked the question, where's
Justin? Here I am. And there he is. I think he's at the
Shepherds Conference, Sidney. Yeah, he's at the Shepherds Conference. He's probably doing a breakout or he's doing something like that.
But he has actually done multiple discussions on YouTube about the social justice train.
And he says that the engine of social justice is bringing along all of the cars of intersectionality.
And what I wanna do now is I just wanna just kind of break out what I'm, I don't have any other way to describe it other than the intersectionality rainbow.
And what it does is it ranks oppression as it intersects with every acceptably identifiable group.
Okay, and it has to be accepted. It has to be accepted by the body of Marxist socialists that are part of the language.
They are the ones that are defining the terms. What is racist? Well, it's whatever we want it to be when we're in the group.
What is oppression? Well, we can redefine it.
Now, if you think about it, what's being called privileged today, it's okay to oppress that group.
What's being called oppressed today, it's okay to be a part of that group and to identify with that group because you're oppressed in all of these different groups.
Now, in the intersectionality rainbow or umbrella, whatever you wanna call it, if you are in the oppressed group, you cannot be an oppressor of the greater group.
But if you are, but you can be an oppressor of an inferior part of the minority group.
And the most oppressed group would combine all the outer rings of oppression into one super oppressed group, which would be the black, brown, and then based upon different groups.
Now, in this intersectionality umbrella, on the outer edge, if you think about just a multicolored umbrella and how it has these little triangles all the way around it, you have citizenship, gender, sexuality, ability, skin color, age, seniority, experience, language, indigenous and formal education.
And those are all of the triangles that make up this umbrella.
And in the very center, you have privilege and that is reserved and it can only be housed by white males.
Okay, whiteness is not good enough. It's not good enough for white males. And now on the outer edge, the most oppressed say for sexuality is the lesbian, gay, queer, pan, bisexual, asexual, transgender, even now today, the pedophile, the affirming, the intersex, all of these, those are the most oppressed group within the sexuality spectrum.
The ones that are doing the oppressing are anybody that's heterosexual.
If you don't agree, I don't care what color you are, if you don't agree with all of those groups, you're the oppressor.
The ability or able -bodied people, if you have to live with a disability of any form, whatever you identify as a disability, you're oppressed.
If you have certain health issues, then you're oppressed. If you're able -bodied, by the way, that includes if you're overweight, if you, you know, the fat shaming, the fat, what do they call it?
I can't remember what they call that group, but it's based on - Well, being less sized people.
Yeah, well, but in the oppressed group, a ethnic group or a gender group today is overweight people.
And they're fat shamed and all this other stuff. Now, we should never make fun of somebody because they're overweight.
I'm sorry, you shouldn't do it. And we live in a culture where, you know, body shape issues are just rampant.
I've seen videos where they have these people that are these models and they digitally enhance them to make them look, that try to make them look, you know, different than they do because they're not good enough.
Bond Servant for Jesus says, fat plus, like me, nicely said, plus size.
Yeah, and I'm one of the fat guys too. So, and I understand, you know, and think about this though, because we're overweight, we get our own oppression group.
Skin color, if you're a person of color, now think about how this goes against the book of Genesis.
If you're a person of color, then you are part of the oppressed group.
And the darker skinned you are, the more oppressed you are. The lighter skinned you are, the less oppressed.
Up to the white person, and you can't be oppressing anybody. Age, elderly, youth, middle age.
If you're an elderly person, you're the oppressed group. If you're a youth, you're probably middle of the road. Middle age, you're always an oppressor, okay?
Seniority, you go into a job and you start a job and you look at the owner of the business. Well, he's the oppressor because he's the executive, okay?
And that's exactly what you saw, what you're seeing today in our politics system, where they're saying, you got a guy,
O 'Biden up there and he's saying, well, you need to pay him more. You need to come off the money because all you're doing is you're oppressing.
Well, no, no, you actually started a business, worked the business, worked your way up the ladder and you became a leader in the group and you earn reward for that.
But that's not what this is seen as. I feel like I'm oppressed by the gas prices. I'm a very oppressed by gas prices.
Because Biden shut off the Keystone Pipeline. There you go. You know, this is probably gonna get pulled off YouTube because I said that.
Yeah, well, it probably all is anyway. So you think about it, you have your experience levels, you have language.
If you speak any language other than English, you're oppressed, okay? Indigenous, if you are indigenous, you're oppressed.
If you're not indigenous, you're not oppressed. If you have no formal education, you're oppressed.
If you have a degree or certification, you're an oppressor. Now listen to this on citizenship.
It goes, let's start from the very center. You are privileged if you're a citizen of these
United States or whatever. You're privileged if you're a permanent resident. You're less privileged if you're in a precarious status, like you have a work visa or whatever else.
And then there's no status. What's missing? The illegal alien.
They didn't wanna say that. They didn't wanna put that in there. So they said no status. Well, they're busing in millions and millions of illegal aliens and giving them every right under the sun.
Another one is your gender, trans, intersex, non -binary. And then up above that is your cis -gendered women and cis -gendered men, which are the black and white.
And then your cis -gendered heterosexual white males, which are the very center. Now here's the point.
I know that was a lot, but here's the point. If you're on the outer loop, you are oppressed.
If you identify in multiple categories of the outer loop, you are more oppressed or your oppression level intersects, okay?
The closer you get to the center, the less oppressed you are and the more of an oppressor you are of those below you.
It's always a power dynamic. It's always seen to destroy unity, bonds of peace, the body of Christ, the
Imago Dei. It's always seen to destroy the culture and the society.
And what drives me crazy about this is we live in a country that has a statue that sits out in New York that says to bring in everybody that wants to be a part of the society.
Now it specifically says, bring me your poor and your tired. Bring those people in that are sick and tired of the oppressive, wicked, vile cultures that are around the world and come to a culture that gives you the promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
That gives you, we don't care about your skin color. We don't care about all these other things.
What we care about is you wanna come in and make a better life for yourself and your family. And thereby, you don't have to, but thereby you will naturally make a better life for the people around you.
This says we covet, we hate, we are envious, we are jealous.
This says that we view people disparagingly. We lie about people.
We bear false witness. We look at our neighbor with hatred and with suspicion.
And our country was founded upon Judeo -Christian values that does not hold to that. Now, where does this come from?
Where's this ideology come from? You've heard us say it, what, a dozen times now? It's a
Marxist socialist ideology. And what comes out of that is what
Josiah was talking about a little bit earlier. Listen to what he says. Oh, well, bondservant, she put this out here.
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
For those that want to, and I know the leftists and the socialists hate to hear this, that want to come in without any promise of a hand up, that want to come into a society without any promise of, oh, well, everybody, you deserve reparations.
You deserve all of this. We will give you a place that if you will work hard more often than not, you are going to succeed.
We'll give you a right, a constitutional right that no matter what color you are, what age you are, what gender you are, if you will stand up and work hard, more often than not, you will succeed.
I've had multiple businesses that have failed and multiple that have succeeded over and over and over again.
And I can tell you this, it's hard work. Sometimes they fail, but they do succeed. But I want you to listen to what one of the outcomes of this is.
This is from The Guardian. Thank you so much, because YouTube and others are trying to scrub this off.
The reason Whoopi Goldberg said that the Holocaust was not about race is that she has been indoctrinated into racism.
She's been indoctrinated into Marxism and to this narrative that white people only hate white, only hate and oppress non -whites.
And therefore Hitler could not been doing mass murder and as defined by racism.
And I told everybody at the beginning when this happened that so many people would run out there and support her because CRT's linguistic narrative is always changing.
Racism means whatever CRT proponents want it to mean. And I want you to, if you go out, you can see it all over the place that people are vehemently supporting
Whoopi Goldberg and get her back on the air. She has the right to say that she wasn't wrong and all these different things, even in Fox News and people are saying, she needs to have the right to say that.
She needs to be able to be on the air because she has the right to lie and spread false narratives. Listen to what she says.
It's not about race. Because it's about man's inhumanity to man.
Whoopi Goldberg has apologized for receiving backlash for saying the Holocaust isn't about race.
The actor's comments came during discussion about Tennessee School Board as they banned the
Pulitzer Prize winning Holocaust graphic novel, Mouse, because it had naked women in there and a bunch of other bad stuff.
The Holocaust isn't about race. No. No, it's not about race.
But it's about white supremacy. Well, but it's not about race. But these are two white groups of people.
How do we have to blame them as white people? But you're missing the point. You're missing the point. The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley.
Let's talk about it for what it is. It's how people treat each other. Why did she say that,
Josiah? I'm pretty sure she's been indoctrinated by the people we're listening to.
But I would actually almost agree with her because according to the
Bible, there's no such thing as race. I totally agree. We're one race, one blood.
We're all human beings and we all are made in the image of God. Yeah. I want you to think about this though.
The reason she said that was because in the 19th century, the narrative, only white people can be the oppressor and they oppress minority races.
They don't oppress themselves because they are racist haters and evil demons, as the lady said at the beginning, and they've been trained to hate and to be demons and to be monsters and not be human.
She's saying what she's saying because she's been indoctrinated to believe that white people cannot be racist against other white people because the only thing that can be racist is a white person against this one specific group and anyone within that intersectionality umbrella.
So remember, they're at the center. And since all white people are at the center, they can't be racist or they can't be not racist.
By the way, they can't oppress each other in racism. What she said was, this is not about racism.
And then let me back up just a little bit. It is, it's how people treat each other.
This is just about how people treat each other. That's all it is. It's just about how people are treating each other.
It's not about racism. I agree with you that according to scripture, there is only one race, but in Darwinist socialism, everything is about the survival of the fittest according to the races that come out of evolution.
I agree with you that we debunk that, we repudiate it. We disagree with it completely.
But what she is arguing for is Marxism. She's arguing for Darwin.
She's arguing for an anti -God viewpoint that says you cannot be an oppressor against another white person as a white person, because only white people oppress black people.
Yeah, that's a nice little lie from Satan she has there. It's amazing that she's never looked at history because Rome gathered everybody under slavery, made everybody slaves.
I mean, there's all kinds of slaves of every skin color in Rome. I want you to see something.
This came from Dr. Gaiman. He's an RA. Somebody sent this from an RA at a college.
This is what's being taught at your colleges. Hello, RAs. I hope training is going well for you all.
There's so much that's been happening, and truly we are getting through it because we all are working together. As this lady has said, we were hired for a reason.
Thank you all for being here and supporting your residents even before their arrival.
They're being indoctrinated to believe this. Tomorrow, we will begin the morning by presenting a presentation from Brandon Culvert on bias incident support services.
He's going to talk about microaggressions and microinvalidations in the workplace that harm and the harm they cause.
Remember Sticks and Stones? That's out. If you do anything or say anything that someone perceives as an aggression, as a racist thing, even to the point where you get a job, you get a job and somebody else didn't, you need to say, wait a minute, this person should get that job because I don't deserve it,
I'm white. I want to keep reading this. This session will lead us into two separate breakout sessions for the
RAs who identify as black indigenous persons of color. Intersectionality umbrella, remember?
And the ones who identify as white. You received your invitation to both sessions, but you are expected to attend only the ones that correspond to your identity.
In those sessions, the intention is to be conversational and free -flowing as opposed to structured presentations.
Please know that these sessions will not be recorded and the facilitators will be there to hold space for the participants to speak openly and honestly and ask questions.
You can say whatever you want. This is a safe space for you. He says, I've attached a document for those attending the white accountability group.
You need to learn that you're an oppressor because you're white and you need to learn your place and how to give way because you're an oppressor as a white person.
If you don't think that, hold on, go ahead. I like what Bond Servant for Jesus asked.
She says, so what if you're all mixed up? I found out from Ancestry Service that I am part
Scottish, Irish, Mexican, 3 % African, 1 % Jewish and you can't just identify as white.
And you know, the problem with it is, according to this
Marxist theory, Ibram Kendi and all of these people that are teaching this, the only way, it doesn't matter what your skin color is, the only way for you not to be a racist, you may be down on the pyramid there, but the only way for you not to be a racist is to be an anti -racist.
It's so insidious. You have to hate everyone else in order for you to be accepted by this group.
I want you to listen to this from Mail Online. The city of Seattle has held segregated training sessions for white staff aimed at undoing their whiteness and told them not to take undeserved promotions to be better allies for racial justice.
The city of Seattle held a segregated training session for white staffers last month.
This was published in July of 2020. Last month, remember that Seattle destroyed itself, in which they instructed workers to undo their whiteness.
You see, the whole point is this, you need to be ashamed because of your skin color, not because of your sin, because you have skin color and you should be ashamed.
Titled, Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness, the trainings...
Is it any wonder why Seattle destroyed itself and burnt down the city and did the free state of Chaz and all of that that went on?
Is it any wonder? Not really. Not when they're promoting this kind of garbage, saying don't defend yourselves, don't take things that you worked hard for.
Of course, as a believer in Jesus, I don't think any of us deserve anything.
Amen. I mean, we're all sinners who have fallen short of the glory of God. We've all lied, stolen, used
God's name in vain, blasphemed. And every single one of us deserve
God's wrath and to go to hell. But Jesus stepped in to pay the fine for us so that if we repent and trust in him, we'll have eternal life.
The Fox News in 2020, they posted that NYU student group demanded the black only students give them housing on their campuses.
I actually watched a video where there was a young black lady that got in the middle of a student union, like a common area and demanded that all the white people get up and leave because this needed to be a black safe space.
All over, all over, people are screaming for safe spaces to where they can segregate from the oppressor, the white oppressors.
But if you'll go back, if you'll go back into 1954, segregation was even found to be unconstitutional.
Jim Crow segregation was all the thing going on and people were fighting against segregation and now they're fighting for it.
I keep asking the question, guys, what's going on? What's the cause of this?
What's going on when we see that the relationship between white and black people in America in the 2000s was about 70 % to the good all the way over to 2013, about 70, 75, 72%.
And from there, 2014, it dropped to 2015, dropped to 45 and 50%, 2016, 49 and 50.
It's went down, you know, 2000s, 2020s, you have the 30 to 40 % from white adults to black adults.
And you say, what is going on? Why is this country so divided? It's so divided that people want to get rid of math.
Math courses in Virginia were taught to be racist. We have people today that are saying that transgender swimmers are the norm.
You guys remember the, what is her name? His. His name, what is his name?
Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I can't remember the guy's name. I don't know.
You said he looked like me. The guy, no, the guy swimming, the guy that swims. So what happened out of it is the
Department of Justice in Arkansas and West Virginia, they found out that the laws that were supposed to be banning these men from cross -dressing and becoming women and saying they're transgender and being in women's sports, they said they were unconstitutional.
And now we see, oh, well, we have to give women their transgender or men their transgender rights because now they identify as a woman.
I'm gonna challenge any lady that's in the audience to please come online here, to please come in the show and tell me what it means genetically, intellectually, cognitively to be a man.
And let me then tell you what it means to be a woman. I can't do it. I identify as a woman.
Okay, what is a woman? Ben Shapiro asked the question and these groups, these groups of transgender people would not answer the question.
But one of the guys that was a former Navy SEAL going through all kinds of trauma tried to threaten to kill him because he dared to say that this is dysphoria.
This, the gentleman on the right hand side, his name's Laurel Hubbard. And he decided, since he can't win as a man, he decided to come out and say, well,
I'm a woman now. And he now has won like everything for New Zealand as a weightlifter.
And that was in 2012. So this has been going on for a long time. And what we have to do as Christians is we have to say, these aren't, this isn't right or righteous.
This is something that we need to know to stand against and we need to see it what the Bible says it is.
This guy, McCannon, I don't know his name, but he goes by Rachel. He's called
Mr. McCannon. Mr. McCannon. In 2019, won the second, defending his title for his bicycling.
He's won gold again, because he ran against these other ladies and just beat them all out.
Well, the result is, is you have people that are refusing to play, refuse to be a part of it because these men are coming in, they're dominating.
They're coming in to overtake women's sports. And we ask, why are the feminists?
Why are the women out here? And why is the media largely silent and supporting of this type of mentality?
What's going on? Why are these men being allowed to just rush over the achievements of women?
I think the answer is that the Marxists wanna destroy every single thing and every single thing that holding society together so they can implement their own
Marxist communist regime. Yeah. I think we got a problem or symptom that we need to identify.
I'm gonna look at three things and then I wanna close with a video from Ray Comfort if we can.
We see an increasing display of lawlessness, lawless behavior in the culture. And this problem is not in itself the problem, but it's a symptom of other problems.
We see that the church has largely followed the cultural mindset on many of the issues without even knowing what's going on.
In order to understand what's going on, we have to understand. I'm actually gonna talk about Todd Friel instead of Ray.
We have to understand that in the church, in the culture, we are in a war of worldviews.
You either have a biblical worldview or you have an anti -God, anti -Christ worldview.
There isn't an atheistic worldview.
There is either a biblical worldview or Satan's worldview. And that's what you have going on here.
And we don't wrestle against flesh and blood. We wrestle against the principalities and power of the air.
And what's going on, I think Todd Friel just hits it on the head. I want you to listen to this.
Salvation Army wants white donors to offer sincere apology for their racism.
Critical race theory world, and I am an oppressor. This is Wretched Radio, the critical race theory worldview.
It seems to be the most popular trendy worldview that is making its way through every level of our society.
You and I are seeing it everywhere, including inside of Christian organizations.
I hold in my never before nicotine stained fingers a new slew of recent stories, and they should have all had the same headline.
This is the result of critical race theory. Don't know if you remember this, but four years ago, something like that, when critical race theory was first beginning to show itself in its full form, and by the way, not just in its full form, but in better shape than it ever was because the worldview started out kind of flabby and it wasn't working.
It wasn't gaining as much traction as CRT theorists wanted. So what did they do?
They refined it. They exercised it. They trimmed off the fat, and now it is a lean, mean, horrible worldview machine, and it has made its way even into the church.
I grant you the Salvation Army has put out a denial statement, and yet it appears that almost everybody is confirming
Salvation Army wants white donors to offer sincere apology for their racism.
That's from the, is that Gateway Pundit? Yep, that was Gateway Pundit, but I think it was
Ben Shapiro's organization that first broke the story. The Salvation Army's Alexandria -based leadership has created an international social justice commission, which has developed and released a resource to educate its white donors, volunteers, and employees.
It's called Let's Talk About Racism. That, by the way, is one of the weapons of critical race theory, stories, conversation.
You've got to hear the story because the anecdote, no reason to believe it's not true, supports critical race theory.
There's no other explanation for why that happened. It had to be because somebody was an oppressor oppressing the person.
And so when you hear enough of those stories, you start to be persuaded.
Maybe that is the way our society is structured, that we've got an oppressor and an oppressed people group.
Salvation Army apparently thinks so too. It asserts, gulp,
Christianity is institutionally racist, calling for white
Christians to repent and offer a sincere apology to Blacks for being antagonistic to Black people or the culture, values, and interests of the
Black community. That's CRT. Simple as that. That is CRT. What does the
Bible say where ethnicities come from? The Bible tells us,
Josiah, go ahead. I think you had a Bible verse actually pulled up about that. I did.
Last I checked, it was from one man, actually.
Acts 17, we'll start with verse 24.
The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands as though as he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.
He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined the allotted periods and boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek
God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. You know, despite this idea of racism,
I have no doubt that people that hate God and don't love God and know not the things of God have racial tendencies.
They hate people based on skin color. The Bible doesn't allow for that. The Bible tells us in the book of Revelation at the end, that he is going to save out of every people and nation and tribe and tongue.
He is going to save through the gospel of Jesus Christ, the one who came into this world, born of a virgin, born under the law, the
Jewish man, Jesus, the God man who came into this world.
He took on the shame of the cross. He took upon our guilt, but not because I'm white.
He took my guilt of my sin against God. He took your guilt,
Mr. Asian guy, Mr. Korean guy, Mr. Indian guy and girl.
He took upon your guilt. Second Corinthians 521, for our sake,
God made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in Christ Jesus, we could be declared the righteousness of God.
The Bible tells us in first Corinthians 6, nine through 11, do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
It doesn't say the black or the white or whatever skin color, but it does say those that are revilers, those that are haters, those that are wicked and vile.
It says that the homosexual and the transgender and those that are effeminate, it says those that hate
God, those that live their lives in sexual immorality, it doesn't matter if you're gay or not.
It doesn't matter if you're straight or not. It doesn't matter. If you look with lust, Jesus says you're an adulterer at heart.
If you have a sexually perverted mind and a sexually perverted lifestyle, and you live in sin, you will not inherit the kingdom of God.
And that Jesus came to die for those men, those women. These groups of people that you're trying to say are races or ethnicities, and God sees ethnicity in the scripture.
And despite what the post -millennial and all millennial says, whatnot, in heaven, they're going to be Jew, and there's going to be
Gentiles still together worshiping almighty God. He doesn't hate people based on their race.
He hates sin and he hates sinners. And he wants sinners to be right with him so that they could have the love of God poured out upon them, okay?
This world has no solution for sin, just eternal penance.
This world has no solution for righteousness, but Jesus Christ does, and he is that solution.
Now, we're not going to get farther than this today, but I want you to see this. We have people like the
Chick -fil -A guy that's running around, and that he went to something with Louie Giglio and talking about him being a white oppressor and that he had privilege.
And so he went over and scrubbed the feet of Lecrae, and Lecrae's running around telling everybody that you're white, you're an oppressor.
Well, if I'm not mistaken, the only reason Lecrae had an audience was all of those reformed white kids and white families got their churches and their pastors to get hip and start bringing in these great rap artists who
Lecrae was one of them. And he got stuck in the mantra of racism. And he says, when was, you know,
Trump was out there saying, let's make America great again. He says, when was America great? America was great on the day that the white guy over here on one side says,
I will fight for the people's right to be free from slavery.
And the day that people died and fought for the freedom from slavery, no country has ever done that.
America was great when all of these white oppressors didn't have to, but they voted in laws and every one of them
Republicans, 100 % of the Democrats said no. They voted in laws to grant freedom, to grant rights, voting rights, and all of these things, not only to women, but to men, black men, black women as well.
That's when America was great, okay? But all of that doesn't matter.
We see people in the church and in society outing themselves as privileged and calling on white people to claim their racism.
I reject it with every fiber of my being. I hate racism because it is a violation of the
Imago Dei. You were made in the image of Almighty God. You were made for a purpose and I don't care what skin color you are.
You are wonderful, you are beautiful. You are gloriously made in the sight of Almighty God and He wants you to be in a right relationship with Him.
I don't care what skin color you are. God doesn't care what skin color you are.
He's not going to judge you based on that. He's going to judge you based on your sin color.
And you better be washed white as snow. You need to be washed white as snow.
Believe me, beloved, atheism won't save you. Godless Marxism won't save you.
Roman Catholicism won't save you. Mormonism won't save you. Ecumenism won't save you. Hinduism won't save you.
There is nothing outside of Jesus Christ for there is no other name given unto men whereby you must be saved by the name of Jesus Christ.
Today is the day of salvation. Don't listen to all these people that are trying to get you to join the crowd.
Do not be conformed to this world. Be conformed to Jesus Christ.
Guys, we're going to try to pick this up next week and we're going to try to get a little deeper into this. If you've enjoyed what we're doing, we would ask you to please let people know, tell people.
I mean, Facebook apparently has blocked us quite a bit from being able to get the message out and be able to get out.
And we're asking everybody that's listening to this to please share this with all this content on YouTube and everywhere you can, please share this.
We're not sure how much longer we're going to be allowed to be on Facebook because they're doing a lot of stuff that's just not even funny.
So we would ask you to please share this and tell everybody next week, hey, we're going to continue on going with this.
If you guys want to hear the content and to learn from this, this is what we're here to do. We're going to continue to bring this hopefully good quality content to you.
And we pray that you've got a lot of information and tools to know what's going on and how to stand against it.
So we want to ask you - I'd like to ask one question. Yeah, go ahead. What are three things we can do to combat
CRT? Number one, pray.
Pray for everybody involved with it. Number two, share the gospel. I want to -
You asked the question, so I'm telling you, I'm struggling with this because probably one of -
I want to stop and get going with other things, but I want to show you something since you did ask the question that is just, in my mind, is incredible.
Let's see if everybody can see this or not. I don't even know if you can see it or not. I can see it.
Let's see if you can hear it. Just because of the color of our skin, people don't seem to like us. Did you hear that?
Yeah. Okay, here we go. This is Ray Comfort. You want to know what we can do? Share the gospel. I love you guys.
Do you know Mexicans hate blacks? Mexicans hate whites. Whites hate Mexicans. Blacks hate Mexicans.
Blacks hate whites. Blacks hate blacks. It's what's happening in Chicago. Do you think the problem could be -
Ooh. What's your thoughts on the afterlife?
Well, I think there is afterlife. It gotta be somewhere better than we are right now, like heaven, you know, somewhere really nice.
And what about you, Jemma? I agree with her. I think there is an afterlife. Why do you think there's an afterlife?
The people that have passed away in my life have somehow tried to, you know, reach out to me in different ways.
When my uncle passed away some years ago, he would do this infamous knock whenever he used to come to our house, and I heard it recently.
Did? Yeah. Is that creepy? It was, but at the same time, reassurance.
So he made it somewhere better. Anything else other than the knock? My auntie, when she passed away, the weirdest thing happened, never happened before at our house.
A hornet's nest showed up out of nowhere, and it spelled out the letter of her, your name, the first letter of her name, which is a
D. What's wrong with our nation at the moment? What's wrong with the? America. Racism.
It's a mess. It's complete utter mess. Just because of the color of our skin, people don't seem to like us.
I love you guys. Well, you're one of the few. Do you think it's deeper than skin?
It probably is. There's probably more to it, but for whatever reason, some people see the skin color and they just get uncomfortable.
Do you know Mexicans hate blacks? Mexicans hate whites. Whites hate Mexicans. Blacks hate Mexicans. Blacks hate whites.
Blacks hate blacks. So what's happening in Chicago? Do you think the problem could be sin and not skin?
Ooh, it could be. Never thought of it that way. Yeah, it's deeper than skin deep. You know, you look at the world and the world's a mess.
And there's one thing we have in common is that the world's given itself to things that are an abomination to God like fornication, adultery, blasphemy, homosexuality, abortion.
All these things are offensive in God's sight. And so we're like a nation that's gone its own way and we're reaping the consequences of doing our own thing.
Do you think I'm right? Yeah. So, do you think God is happy with you or angry at you?
I think he's pretty happy with me. You know, he spared my life a couple of times. A couple of times.
There was one time where I got into a bad accident with a diesel truck. I'm surprised I survived.
And I just thank God every day. What happened? Well, I was doing a lift job. I just brought this brand new car, only had the car for five days.
I was parked waiting on my passenger. I look and she's jumping back and I'm trying to figure out why. And this diesel truck just smacks my car, smashes it to the ground.
I'm surprised. You know, if my arm would have been hanging out, I would have lost my arm. I could have just died. You know how fast it hit me.
So God's preserved you? Oh yes, I think so. Maybe he's preserved you for such a time as this. I'm going to ask you some questions about the afterlife.
And I'm going to put you on the spot. Do you think you're a good person? Yes, I think so. And what do you think? I don't see how, man.
I'm going to try and prove otherwise. I'm going to put you on the stand and be a prosecutor. All I want from you is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you
God. Can you be honest with me? Yes, I can. How many lies have you told in your life? A lot.
Too many to count. And what about you? Same. Have you ever driven along the street and you've got these meters that tell you how fast you're going?
And they say you're going 65 and that's a 30 mile an hour area. Why do they have those? Those are to prevent you from speeding.
To show you, hey, you're going too fast and you need to slow down. Yeah, they give you a standard to measure yourself by. So I'm doing that with you.
I'm taking you through the ten commandments to see if you're a good person. So have you lied too? Yep. Have you stolen something in your life?
Yep. And what about you? Yes, I have. What do you call someone who steals? A thief. So what are you?
A thief. A lying thief. Now do you still think you're a good person? You still think you're a good person?
Yes, I do. Have you ever used God's name in vain? When I didn't know better, yes.
Would you use your mother's name as a cuss word? No. Of course you wouldn't.
Why not? Because it's my mother and I love her. You respect her and you love her, but you don't respect
God and love him because you took his name and used his holy name in the place of a filth word to express disgust.
Have you broken that third commandment? Yes, I have. And Jesus said, if you look with lust, you commit adultery in the heart.
Have you ever looked with lust? Yep. And what about you? I want to encourage everybody to just go to that, go to YouTube and watch this.
But the reason I did this was because it started out with, oh, this is about racism, racism, racism.
And he said, no, it's a sin problem, okay? It's a sin problem. Brothers and sisters, if you want to combat, you know, three things you can do to combat racism, share the gospel, pray for the people, show them you love them by proclaiming that gospel and showing that it's a sin problem, and lead people like this.
The scripture tells us that you're to love your neighbor as yourself. Racism says you're to hate your neighbor, to covet, to steal, to take from other people their property.
I mean, think about it. Justin Peters says, coveting is against the commandments, is it not?
Is stealing against the commandments? Both of those imply, both of those state that you're stealing property from another person.
Property is not against God's word. Possessions aren't against God's word. Stealing, coveting, and being, lying about people, bearing false witness, adultery, sex outside of marriage, lust.
Those are the things that we need to point to. You don't have a race problem, you have a sin problem.
You have a hate problem. You don't love your neighbor as yourself. You need to point those things out.
And that's what I want to encourage you to do. Watch Ray Comfort, listen to Todd Friel.
Guys, we have the message, you know, bond servant. You say here that you put
Ray's videos on your podcast and I listened to your podcast. You know, I listened to them.
You know, so I know you do that. You put a lot of really good stuff on there, John MacArthur and things like that. And I just,
I want to give a shout out. You know, guys, she does a great job, you know, putting stuff out there so that we could hear it.
You know, she's from Bellflower, California and she's visited Living Waters, you know. Oh, you're welcome so much.
You know, she says, thanks for listening. Absolutely. Truth Be Told Radio. If you got a link,
I'll throw it up there. But think, you know, we have the opportunity to share the gospel and not submit to the world standard, but to say, guys, listen,
I love you. I know every white person or every black person you ever dealt with, every
Asian person, every this, their, whatever color, I don't, it doesn't matter, whatever. Every single one of them may have sold you a bill of goods and told you about Satan and told you about Marxism and told you about how wicked and awful this world is, but I want to tell you about Christ.
Let me show you how much I love you. Because I love you enough to share with you what can give you peace with God and men.
Jesus came to this world to give us peace with God and with each other. Titus three says that we were haters of God and we hated each other.
We were haters. We hated one another, but Christ gave us peace.
That's what we can do. Amen. Proclaim that gospel. All right, guys, we've got to get out of here.
We've got to jump off. Andrew's going to beat me up if I go too much longer. So anyway, all right, guys, we will be back next week and we're going to continue right where we left off here.
We're going to continue going on and we're going to talk about what is it that's the foundation behind this?
Where did it come from? What's the ideology? We're going to talk about Marxism.
We're going to get some deep dive into it. Before I hang up, I do want to ask you to go to Dr.
Gaiman's podcast on Apple Podcast. I want to ask you to go there and I would encourage you to listen to that dear brother.
He's the Bible sojourner. And let me go ahead and tell you,
Just Thinking podcast, episode 108 on critical race theory. You want some more great information,
Virgil and David, those guys just knock it out of the park.
So there you go. Anything else you got, brother? When the ox gores my neighbor, you want to talk about hermeneutics and learning and understanding?
That's my brother. Yeah, so. Hey guys. This is a first book
I wrote called When the Ox Gores My Neighbor. It teaches you how to interpret the Bible for yourself.
Teaches you how to interpret the Bible in context, check your preconceived ideas at the door.
It gives you great arguments to show that the Bible is true. So you don't have to be constantly going through the text and like, oh, is this even really in the original documents?
And it also, the final chapter teaches you how to springboard from any passage into a gospel message.
It's available at strivingforeternity .org at the store. And I think we're going to be talking about that March 4th, aren't we?
I believe that's when you guys are going to be, you and Anthony and Sylvester are going to be on there dealing with that. So I believe so.
So, all right. Well, hey guys, you have a wonderful evening and strive to make each day an eternal day for the glory of God.