DUMPSTER FIRE: Destiny Pants Delusion and More

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In this installment of Dumpster Fire we examine the strong delusions surrounding destiny pants, Chuck Pierce, and the 7-11 Prophecies. Report Theresa Dedmon to the Federal Trade Commission: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/media-resources/truth-advertising Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://www.http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/


Welcome to Dumpster Fire for the third week in January 2018. If you've ever been told that you can have an encounter with God by purchasing and wearing prophetic clothing, go ahead and hit the subscribe button.
If that's never happened to you, go ahead and hit the subscribe button anyway because after today's
Dumpster Fire, you're going to be having your head spinning.
So we're going to change it up a little bit with this edition. We're going to be looking at a few different things today and to kind of frame it,
I don't even know how to talk about it except for in terms of the Bible and let's do it this way.
Let me go ahead and get my screen up and let's take a look at the scriptures real quick.
We're going to look at 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 9 through 11 and it says this,
The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved.
Therefore God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false.
I get the feeling that this is going to be the first installment of Dumpster Fire strong delusion type episodes and we're going to start off by heading over to the
Sid Roth television program. They did a live webcast back on January 11th and the name of the episode, you can see this here on screen, was the 2018
Prophetic Outlook with Chuck Pierce, Hank Kunneman and Rich Vera. Let me make that just a little bit bigger and we're going to start by listening to the setup for the program itself.
We're going to listen to the setup and then we're going to listen to the prophet
Chuck Pierce. Man, this guy's a train wreck. And see if the setup matches the content.
You're going to note strong delusion in place. We're also going to check out Destiny Pants and 7 -Eleven
Prophecies. I have a headache already.
Strong delusion indeed. So let's listen in to Sid Roth as he sets this episode up for us.
The 2018 Prophetic Outlook. Here we go. By the way, his lips and the audio don't sync up immediately.
They fix it midstream, but that's not me. It's them. Well, it's naturally supernatural.
Well, it's the start of a year and I want to talk to three of recognized prophets of wonderful reputation as far as accuracy.
What they... Okay, three prophets of wonderful reputation as far as accuracy. Yeah. ...see
for 2018. By God, surprise me. Chuck Pierce, I caught up with him in Korea a few days ago and he said,
Sid, and I had a visitation from an angel, you know, types of experiences like that.
And I said, well, Chuck, what is this angel's name? And he said, the Angel of War.
Ooh, it's the Angel of War. Yeah. You believe that nonsense?
President of the United States. I would want to see what these three proven senior prophets have to say about 2018.
How about you? All right. Yeah. So if you're the president of the United States, you know, you'd want to, you know, check in with these proven senior prophets so that you can know what's coming.
You know, I remember when I was a kid, you know, at the beginning of every new year, we didn't get prophetic updates, churches didn't engage in that kind of nonsense.
The only people giving predictions for the upcoming year were the psychics. And so like the
National Enquirer and, you know, all of the different tabloid media would have, you know, what the psychics are saying are coming for the upcoming year.
It's weird that they've been supplanted by people like Sid Roth and Chuck Pierce.
But now remember the setup. Sid Roth said of Chuck Pierce, he is an accurate prophet.
He's a senior prophet. He's a respected prophet. So see if you can make heads or tails of this.
Now, back to our 2018 Prophetic Outlook TV special. Woohoo!
I can feel myself getting the inside track now. I'm going to know what's coming in 2018.
I can hardly wait. Now, I have all three of the prophets that are here today are personal friends.
But I really appreciate the gift that Chuck Pierce has brought to the body.
One of the things you... What a gift. I mean, this guy, he brings a wonderful gift to us. have revealed to us is the understanding from ancient
Israel of understanding how to have access to God, how to worship
God. So ancient Israel understood special things regarding how to have access to God.
Okay. Even the year that we're in now, 2018.
All right. Now, my challenge to you at this moment, before your head explodes, see if you can diagram this out and make any sense of it.
Whose numbers have meaning in Hebrew and in English? Unpack it for us.
Now, Sid, the real issue came when the Lord visited me when I was 18.
What issue would that be again, Chuck? And when he visited me, he visited me and revealed himself as the
God of Israel. It was in 1972. And from then on...
So he's giving us his prophetic credentials here, you know, so you know that this guy's totally hearing from God.
He unveiled his word from being who he is to me. Now, with that,
I've always looked from a Hebraic perspective. And what he did, my family had gotten messed up in their provision.
And I think I shared that the last time I was here. And the inheritance that I had, now
I was over it as the firstborn. And the Lord spoke to me and said, I can restore what you've lost.
But what he said, you're going to have to understand firstfruits. He spoke to me out of Proverbs 3.
So my whole life... What is this man saying?
I don't understand a word of it. ...has been going back to understand the firstborn, to understand the first power of firstfruits, the celebration the
Lord has for us every month. To go from blessing to blessing to blessing to blessing overtakes you.
Now, I think that's what I heard Hank say. We are coming... Who's Hank?
Oh, Hank Kuhneman. I thought he was talking about God talking to him. Okay, so he's building off of Hank Kuhneman's appearance.
Into a place this year where it will be a now moment for us.
Is it like every moment you're in a now moment? Like watch this. This moment is now.
How about this moment is now. This moment is now. How about now? Now, now, now, now, now.
Yeah. And see, I had lots of now moments right there because the only moment I can have at the moment is now.
And then, you know, talking about the now moments that just previously happened, those are all then moments.
Yeah, this doesn't make no sense. Now moment where you'll hit a moment in your life and all of a sudden a blessing overtakes you.
And that... So, now, all of a sudden you'll hit a now moment and then, you know, the blessing thing will overtake you.
Is it chasing me or am I running away from it? ...comes because we have returned to God's order.
That's what this year is about. Eights are always linked with new beginning and first.
They're linked with the prototype. Seven, you're completing. Eight, you're beginning.
So eight's linked with a prototype. A prototype of what?
This year is like a new beginning for all of us. Now, it's 2018 on our calendar here.
And what is it on the Jewish calendar? In the Jewish calendar, it's five, seven, seven, eight. So you can see...
Yeah, this just clears, you know, everything right up there. A little different from a Jewish perspective, from a covenant perspective, because 70 is different than 10.
I knew that. I learned that when I was in grade school. It's 10 and 70, not the same.
They're not equal. Whatever year you're in, whatever calendar you're in, you're in the eight year.
That means you're in this new beginning.
Eight is also linked with gate. But in Hebrew, see 10 means testimony.
In Hebrew, it means you're coming out of captivity. And the audience, whoa, whoa, my mind is blown,
I'll never be the same. I feel myself growing closer to Jesus. Is linked with I and God watching you.
Yeah, yeah. The Lord is watching you come out of captivity into the testimony for your future this year.
I speak that over America. What are you speaking exactly?
I speak that over the nations. I say this year we're coming out of captivity and we're coming into a new prototype to move forward into the kingdom of God plan that he has this year.
I don't know. Let's go back to our opening verse, if we would.
The coming of the lawless one, 2 Thessalonians says, is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved.
Therefore, God sends on them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false.
I mean, that's such a strong delusion. It's not only is it false. I mean, it doesn't even make any sense.
I'm I don't even know what to compare that to. Have you ever seen the YouTube videos where they, you know, they take a product and they ask the question, will it blend?
I feel like this is an example of that. The Sid Roth, will it blend? And he's taking your brain and sticking it into a blender and hitting the frappy button to see if your brain will blend, too, because clearly, clearly,
Chuck Pierce's brain has been blended. OK.
Now, still kind of under the strong delusion idea, I would like to introduce you to Teresa Dedman.
Teresa Dedman. Now, if you're not familiar with this woman, let me read her, well, resume dossier bio from her own website.
We're over at TD Designs. Yeah. The store for Teresa Dedman. And here's what it says.
Through the years, I have seen people physically, emotionally and spiritually heal as they simply looked at a painting.
Never seen that happen. And apparently we have some kind of special super spiritual artwork talking being discussed here.
And she says, I have used art as a means of walking people through the effects of trauma as well as discovering their true
God given identity and destiny. Yeah. Now, I need to warn you, if you have not seen this, what is about to happen to you very shortly could cause spiritual trauma.
I want you to know that I believe that this artwork could traumatize you. But you've been warned. But we continue.
So she says, I invite you to receive a spiritual impartation of the imprint of heaven as you place one of the art pieces in a prominent area of your home or office, or as you sip a cup of coffee or tea.
Additionally, why not spread a little of the hope of heaven as you use your iPhone throughout the day, your tote bag or wearing the leggings or T shirts?
Now, if you want to know more about her, by the way, art, she says, was always a natural part of my life.
I grew up with a paintbrush in my hand using oils, pastels and watercolors. My mother, an accomplished artist, taught me how to develop my techniques as well as modeling a passion for the process of communicating through my art.
After receiving a BA in psychology, I developed a passion for transforming people through various creative expressions of art, along with music, dance and drama.
I found that creativity was a powerful key in helping people experience the power of God's love and compassion.
And I have been the creative arts director at Bethel Church and the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California. So keep this in mind,
Teresa Dedman, she is the creative arts director at Bethel and the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. She is associated with Bill Johnson and the NAR. So, that being said, let's take a look at their catalog, but specifically their clothing.
Their clothing, these are called Destiny Pants. Yep, those are
Destiny Pants right there. And listen to the product claim. My fashion designs embody the prophetic art they are created from.
Wearing my art enhances your awareness of God's presence and helps you become a walking encounter of heaven's message to those around you.
I've never seen a product claim quite like that, that wearing a particular piece of clothing would somehow enhance my awareness of God and make me a walking encounter of heaven's message.
Not sure what the cash value is of this, but I can tell you this, each of the Destiny Pants, these leggings, they are $49 .95.
Yeah, $50 a piece for these things. And I would like you to see some of the designs, if we could, so that you can understand.
So this particular design is known as Dancing Waters, Dancing Waters Prophetic Art Leggings.
Listen to this, prophetic meaning, heaven's reflection mirrors the beauty of dancing colors where light and shadows play upon the colors of the sky and water.
Let this image take you into another place where the eternal touches earth.
Yeah, no, I'm definitely not feeling it. And take a look at the customer testimonial here.
Customer testimonial for the Dancing Waters Prophetic Art Leggings, otherwise known as Destiny Pants.
Lynn writes, I absolutely love these leggings. They are a very high quality fabric with vibrant, beautiful colors.
They are easy to care for and appropriate for any season. I love wearing them with my tall black boots and a cardigan.
And I know the design releases visions of heaven. And I love that wearing fashion releases the love of God.
Thank you. You know, what have I been thinking? I mean, for all these years, I have only been wearing, you know, like stuff, you know, like T -shirts from, you know,
Kohl's and, you know, stuff like that. I never once have thought about, you know, hey, am
I impacting the kingdom by making sure that the clothing I'm wearing is releasing divine encounters and stuff like that.
Other designs in the lineup then include the Veins of Glory Prophetic Art Leggings.
The prophetic meaning is Jesus' blood has won the victory. Stand in agreement with what he paid for and let his glory manifest in your life.
Okay. How about these ones? The Heavenly Mysteries Prophetic Art Leggings.
And you're going to note here, the designs don't leave much for the imagination as far as like contouring and hugging the human body.
But prophetic meaning every miraculous, every dream imaginable waits to be released for those who are willing to see.
Let heaven's glory and mystery be unlocked within through the Heavenly Mysteries Prophetic Art Leggings.
The Love Crashes In Prophetic Art Leggings. By the way, I wouldn't let my wife be caught dead in public wearing any of these things.
But the prophetic meaning is like waves crashing upon the shore, so great is your love upon my heart.
I cannot count your thoughts. They are greater than the sands on the shore. You come in the midst of storms, darkest night.
I don't even know what this means. Words, words, words. All I'm hearing is like Charlie Brown's teacher going, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.
But it sounds really important because, you know, they are, after all, prophetic art leggings.
Next one, The Angels Surround You Leggings. Prophetic meaning ministering agents sent on your behalf to guard and protect you through life's path.
Close your eyes and listen to the breeze of heaven as angel feathers fall.
Okay, isn't she lovely? Prophetic art leggings. Why is anyone believing this?
By the way, I did a little research prior to this episode, and the
Federal Trade Commission actually has rules regarding claims, product claims, and things like that.
And this is fraud. They are making claims for these leggings that cannot be scientifically backed up.
And this is actually illegal, what they're doing. We'll go ahead and put a link to the
Consumer Complaint Division of the Federal Trade Commission. If you would like to submit a consumer complaint regarding the false and non -verified claims regarding the prophetic leggings, you know, the destiny pants put out by Teresa Dedman of Bethel Church, Redding, California, I'm sure the
Federal Trade Commission would love to hear from those of you who are feeling like you are being schnookered and bamboozled regarding these unsubstantiated spiritual claims regarding destiny pants and things of that nature.
Again, let me remind you what our text theme for today's installment of the
Dumpster Fire. The coming of the lawless one, talking about the end times, is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved.
Therefore God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false. I would argue at this point that what we heard from Chuck Pierce and anybody believing that destiny pants from Teresa Dedman are going to release divine encounters and nonsense like that, that they are under a strong, and I mean this, the strongest delusion possible.
But I'm talking about strong delusion. If you pay attention to the YouTube prophets and prophetesses, we're going to listen to Blue Heaven as Blue Heaven explains to us the 7 -11 signs that are appearing all up in here.
Let's listen in as Blue Heaven explains to us the 7 -11 floods, fires, quakes, and comets.
Get ready, folks. I mean, God is all over this. You can tell just by listening to Blue Heaven. Here we go.
Hey everyone, I came across a few strange things today on top of being completely downloaded with so much information that I'm going to have to do a video later today.
She got a download, folks. She got a download from heaven. God's all downloading stuff and thingies.
For now, I noticed a lot of very odd headlines.
Yeah. One, 7 -11 is on the news right now. No way.
A convenience store robbery. No way. This is really odd.
And you know, a lot of brothers and sisters and watchmen on YouTube, 7 -11 is very significant.
It's Genesis 7, verse 11, talks about when the floodgates opened
Noah's flood. Yeah, Genesis 7 -11 is a historical narrative regarding how the flood occurred.
You do know that the chapter headings and verses, those aren't actually part of the original autographs.
Yeah, we kind of imposed them on the text. They're not inspired. Signifying or symbolic of the coming flood and destruction on earth in the rapture.
No, I'm pretty sure Genesis 7 -11 is a historical narrative of a past event.
So I find it interesting this is in the news right now. Oh yeah, I mean, because Genesis 7 -11,
I mean, whoa, 7 -11 showing up in the news. That never happens. As well as the fact that, this is kind of strange, look at this, it says...
That would be the Narnia soundtrack in the background of this video. Look at this.
Okay, I'm looking. It's in Utah, Salt Lake City, we're the salt of the earth.
You know, when I read news stories, I don't do this. So anytime a news story comes out of Salt Lake City, oh yeah, you know, the prophetic significance, we're the salt of the earth.
She's clearly baked her brain on the glory somewhere. 7 -11, where is it at?
2666. No way. West 78th. And here, you can't see it too well, but it's in right here, it says
West Jordan. No. Okay? Which takes me straight back to Joshua, when he said in three days you're going to cross over to Jordan.
Well, this three days theme has been coming up all morning, which
I'm going to put in the video later today. Right. Yeah. Oh, man. I mean, the fact that you've been seeing the 7 -11 story all over the media, man, proof that Genesis 7 -11, the thingy is, is, you know,
I don't know what it means, but you know, I mean, there's 666, Jordan, you know, and salt, oh,
God's hands all over this. I don't know what he's saying.
I'm totally confused, but wow, yeah, this is just amazing. And here it is again.
And here, this is very strange, too. Look at this. They have until January 9th, which is a
Tuesday, to get post -exposure treatment for this disease that is...
So there were people who were exposed to hepatitis at a 7 -11 in Salt Lake City on Jordan Street, 2666 -something.
Yeah. Yeah. It's a news story. Contagious at 7 -11.
Yeah. Seven. This was published January 7th.
They have three days, 7th, 8th, and 9th. Yeah. And there's just one more connection.
One more. In three days. You have three days to get ready, you know. Yeah. So I find this very, very strange.
Why is this significant at all? By the way, she followed this video up.
You're not going to believe this. I just got to back this up. Listen to her video right after this one.
Hey, everyone. You're not going to believe what just happened. No, I probably won't.
Okay. My husband and I were walking the dog. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. We come back to the corner of the street we live on.
Okay. I look up. I've been here 10 years. Yeah. I have never looked up and seen this, ever.
Never. For 10 whole years, this is totally like not even registered in your brain. Got it.
The first sign says 700. Yeah. Block.
Block. And the other sign says 1100 block.
No way. 700, 1100. Ah, 711.
It means something. God's communicating. I don't know what he's saying. I am blown away right now.
Oh yeah. My life will never be the same. The Lord is doing something.
I Assure you God is busy doing all kinds of stuff This is nothing to do with what he's doing
After the video I made today and All the confirmations of 7 -eleven with many people yeah
What is going on? Oh, I I know I'm What is going on I mean
I I'm pretty sure Jesus is gonna show up tomorrow, you know because 7 -eleven yeah
Never ever notice this and why tonight why tonight? Why?
Why now it can't be a coinkydink. It's gotta be By the way, this is what we call the reading of omens.
Yeah, but the Bible actually forbids this suddenly look up. Yeah so I had to give you that and Again, love y 'all.
Thank you all so much for all your comments and Blessings teach in every one of you she has 4 ,000 subscribers
YouTube Is This video of her mind being blown by the fact 71100 right on the corner when she was walking the dog man.
What is God doing? Let us review our texts for today.
Shall we? second Thessalonians 2 9 the coming of the lawless nut one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders and With all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved
Therefore God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe What is false?
Chuck Pierce Prophet that's a delusion destiny pants that will give you encounters with God when you put the stretchy leggings on your wife
That's a delusion 7 -eleven It's a delusion So and you got
I'm gonna note that all of these are a distraction if you want to know what God's up to Well, he's given us a task as a church to go and make disciples of all nation baptizing and teaching all that Christ has commanded
That's found in Matthew chapter 28. It's known as the Great Commission And so the discipling task is you know continues but you're gonna note
Chuck Pierce ain't discipling people in anything that Jesus taught He's not even making any lucid sense with these bizarre sentences that he concocts
I mean, that's all about the paradigm thingy that's being released by the stuff You know, whatever and the destiny pans
Teresa Deadman, she ain't discipling people in what God's Word says at all or anything the
Christ taught and The 7 -eleven blue heaven lady pray for her
She needs psychiatric care this is one of those times when you know you can clearly tell this person should be taken off of YouTube and Sent into a professional facility for their good and for the good of the people listening to them who think that they're actually sane when they're not so Yeah, there you go.
That's this week's installment of Dumpster fire if you'd like to send your feedback just leave a comment below make sure to subscribe
To our channel so that you can be notified when we update it And of course if you'd like to support the work of pirate productions and pirate
Christian media You can do so by visiting our website click on the join our crew link below or patreon the link there as well and It just a reminder if you've never listened to the fighting for the faith podcast
That's a five days a week podcast where we cover topics just like this But with a lot more depth teaching you discernment so you get the idea