Psalm 90, and Then a Few Comments on the SBC


Spent most of the program on the 90th Psalm, looking at it from the aspects of both the Hebrew and the Greek Septuagint, and its important message for us today. Then a few comments in response to Ken Wilson, and then a few comments on the cancellation of the SBC summer meeting, and hence the extension of the current president, etc. Visit the store at

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Greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line on a Thursday afternoon, third program of the week, keeping you company during the,
I think, soon -to -be -over crisis. In light of a certain article that came out today,
I'll just be brief, I can't say much about this. I'm honest, I'll just be honest with you. You may be saying, why haven't you talked more about this, real simple.
You can't reason with people who are panicked, and there are a bunch of my brothers and sisters who are panicked.
You try to reason, and all you get is emotion back, and there's nothing you can do about that.
I, of all people, really struggle dealing with people who are primarily emotionally driven, and so I just have decided that it's best to try to stay out of that.
I've said some things on social media, get attacked immediately. Just point out to you that an article came out today that is extremely important because one of the primary authors of the primary document that caused governmental panic across the entire globe, the one out of England, one of the primary authors of that has come out and said, whoops,
I was wrong. Evidently, the virus was here earlier than we thought it was, and that changes all the numbers, and I had people,
I had people tweeting this to me over the past couple of weeks because it was saying between half a million and 2 .2
million deaths. He's gone from the low end at half a million to 20 ,000, and if you want to know if you're a panic person, you go, that's 20 ,000 too many because you're allowing your emotions to cloud your thinking.
As I said, globally, every second, almost two people die, 2 .8
million per year in the United States alone, and the reasons for their deaths, the causes are many, and it is well known that this particular virus opens up the options for other viruses, other things to take place and cause mortality.
The point is, there is, it's orders of magnitude drop in the numbers from the guy who was one of the primary authors of the primary document that caused the governmental panic around the world.
This should be, I haven't looked, I haven't turned the TV on for a while, this should be the lead story everywhere,
I can guarantee you it's not, and if you want to know why, start looking at the list of people who made millions and billions of dollars off of our great grandchildren yesterday in the halls of Congress.
When I think of how many hours throughout their entire lives my as -yet -to -be -born great grandchildren will have to work to pay off what was done yesterday,
I weep. But I also recognize that there are people who will have other people murdered for $10 ,000.
How many people will you get rid of for $10 billion? Good question.
Anyway, as I said, can't talk about things like that. Can't. Shouldn't have done that.
Because my experience, I just said to somebody on Twitter, there is no human emotion that drives reason from the stage faster than panic.
And that's what we just saw take place, have been seeing it, and anyone who has tried to dare say anything to try to calm it down, you're unloving, you're hateful, you want to kill my grandmother and my aunt who has this side of the other thing, and there's just no reasoning.
There's no reasoning going on, you can't do anything. You want to get in trouble, too? I don't know if you want to do this.
I really wasn't going to do this. No, no, let me go on. Let me go on, seriously. Okay, very well. Very well.
I shouldn't have done what I did. Shouldn't have done what I did. Shouldn't have mentioned it. But I did.
I apologize. The day will come, I hope and pray, within the next six months, we might be able to discuss this in a meaningful fashion.
It'll be post -damage. Damage has been done, but it still needs to be talked about.
But maybe, maybe down the road, when the emotions on one side, it's only on one side, subside.
The 90th Psalm, I want to look at the 90th Psalm today, if you would be willing to, however you use that,
I mean, if you've got your Bible nearby, or phone, computer, whatever it might be,
I want to take some time to look at the 90th Psalm today. There are a couple other things to look at, and then we might have time to open up the phones later in the program.
But 90th Psalm, I have beat my head against the table, trying to figure out how to change the highlight color in this program.
And I can't. So every time, I mean, I can do stuff like this, and that's readable. But as soon as I go, as soon as I try to outline it like that, so it stays, then it disappears.
And so, I'll keep looking, but I can't find anything.
I saw Accordance respond to a guy this morning. Oh, I know. I know. If I contacted Accordance, I just didn't want to bother them.
They've always been - But they're all sitting at home at their computers now anyway, so they got nothing to do, right? Yeah, but if they're not listening here, then why should
I bother? Just put it on Twitter. They watch Twitter, apparently. Yeah, anyway. By the way, before I dive into this, the big -
The one thing that has taken the place of the NCAA Tournament in all of our experiences -
Thank you. The Adherent Apologetics brackets are down to the
Sweet 16, and I'm up against William Lane Craig. And so, if you are in Twitter, look it up,
A, Apologetics, Adherent Apologetics, and vote. I need your vote to get into the eight.
If I get into the eight, I'll probably be up against Michael Brown. And if Mike and I are up against each other on Sunday and Monday, then
I'm certainly willing, if we can, to work something out on Monday, doing a special program to where I can join
Michael on Line of Fire, and he can join me, and we can have some fun with this. He had his graphics people putting cool stuff up when he was taking on Mike Winger.
And he's going to get through, because Sean McDowell has decided to throw all his support behind Michael so he can come after me.
And I'm like, hey, I was voting for Sean McDowell in the previous rounds. I mean, come on, that's not fair, but, you know, politics are politics, and so we'll see what happens.
But I've got to get past William Lane Craig first. I've got a commanding lead at the moment. But that's partly, let's just be honest, that's partly because certain people who've been involved in the brackets either don't do
Twitter or will not condescend to having fun on Twitter. And so I didn't have too much trouble in the last round.
And especially if you want to see a me versus Jeff Durbin battle, the only way that can possibly happen is in the finale.
But I have to get past William Lane Craig, Michael Brown, and then somebody else to get into the finals.
And Jeff has to get by a bunch of folks, too. So there you go. I have to comment on this.
I really think... Yeah, we won't get into a whole lot of trouble for this. I really think, I mean, when
I grew up, these kind of brackets were double elimination. Well, there is a consolation round.
And so there should be a double elimination. There's a consolation thing, but you can't win it from the consolation side.
Well, that's the thing in double elimination. If you win twice, you can win the whole thing, you know.
But hey, that's just... Nope, that's not how it works. So you either make it or you don't. So that's how it goes.
That's how it goes. That's on Twitter. Adherent Apologetics. Look it up and give us your support. Again, if you want to see something on Monday involving
Michael and I, then that's what we got to do. So we can have some fun with it. We can have some fun with it.
All right. The 90th Psalm. What a text.
Please notice this is, as you see in the prologue in the
Greek Septuagint, the prayer of Moses, the man of God. And so here you have
Moses. Now I hate to have to do this, to have to mention this, but if you're a new
Christian, if you're a Christian who has not done a lot of background reading and things like that, you need to be warned that if you go to your local
Christian bookstore, I'm not sure many of those even exist anymore, you go online, you buy stuff from Amazon, whatever, commentaries.
If you were to buy a commentary on the Psalter written in the past 150 years, you are probably going to run into, right at the start, the idea that Moses had nothing to do with this.
That this is some unknown author ascribing this to Moses.
And this is based upon the idea that, especially the
Old Testament Revelation is a cobbled together book of extremely contradictory materials written maybe as far back as 600 years before Christ, maybe a lot much closer than that, that almost nothing in the
Old Testament is what it says it was in actuality. And people are stunned by that when they first read it, if they've not heard it, not been warned about it, and not recognize that it's coming from a particular worldview.
If you approach the Bible as if it is a production of the minds of men, rather than, and please note this, rather than, as Peter described it, men speaking from God as they're carried along by the
Holy Spirit. It is men speaking. They're speaking in a particular context, speaking a particular language. There's no question about that, but they're speaking from God as they're being carried along by the
Holy Spirit. And naturalistic interpretation and commentary cannot allow that supernatural element.
That's not allowed at the table. And so, since you can't provide some kind of historical documentation that there was a written record of a prayer of Moses that lasted for over 2 ,000 years before being codified in the writing of the 90th
Psalm, and of course, you couldn't prove that for anything on that level, given the antiquity of the
Old Testament text, then you have to adopt another perspective of it, and that is, it has nothing to do with Moses.
Once again, the person whose viewpoint on this I value the most is a person by the name of Jesus, because he rose from the dead, and because of that,
I take his perspective on things, and he never expressed the kind of hesitancy, naturalism, humanism, that much of modern scholarship does when looking at the text of Scripture.
And so, just be aware of that. If you, you know, what happens is sometimes you'll work through a text of Scripture and somebody goes, man,
I want to do some more work in that, and then they go off and run into this kind of stuff, and it ruins everything for them.
So this is considered to be a prayer of Moses, the man of God, and it certainly would reflect what someone as wise as Moses and who suffered as much as Moses did, the type of conclusions that they would come to.
Interestingly enough, it does not start off with using the name
Yahweh. When it says Lord, please notice that even in English, it's small o, small r, small d.
It's Adonai, and that's different than Yahweh. So Lord, you have been our dwelling place from generation to generation.
Now, we say in all generations in English, you can see the, in Hebrew, and that's,
I don't know if anybody can see that. People really don't need to see me that much. So in Hebrew, you have dor, repeated twice, vador, wador, and in the
Septuagint, geneakai, genea. So this is a very standardized
Hebrew form from generation, generation, in other words, all generations,
Lord, you have been our dwelling place. So he is the one who, for the people of God, is their place of dwelling throughout all time, generation to generation.
And then having said that, before the mountains, and then this term is from the root, yalad, which is the standard term to be born, to give birth.
And you can see in the Septuagint, geneathenai, to be born, standard term of the birth of anyone.
So here you have a personification of the creation.
And so before the mountains were born, or you gave birth to the earth and the world, so edetz is the standard term for earth.
But tevel is like, well, over here in the Septuagint, oikumenei, that's where we get economy, the indwelt world, so the earth and the world.
So before the mountains were born, or you gave birth to the earth and the world, these are obviously, this is not the idea that Yahweh has a womb.
This is a poetic description of creation itself.
And it is, there may be some apologetic context to this because of the fact that in many of the ancient religions, the gods themselves came from creation, from some disturbance in creation or something like that.
And so God has made the source here. But the point is that before creation itself, before anything, the most basic elements of the universe around us came into existence, me olam, from everlasting, ad olam, to everlasting, you are
El, you are God. So from everlasting to everlasting, you are
God. There are some people who would say that Hebrew cannot express the idea of eternity, but it can and it does right here.
The whole point is, in these words, is that from everlasting to everlasting, you are
God, not you will become God, or you are God. It is a direct statement of the reality of God's existence.
And it is interesting, apah tu aionos, heos tu aionos. So the
Greek Septuagint tends to be very literal to the Hebrew in certain parts of the
Tanakh, not in all. But from the age unto the age, you are, it doesn't say you are
God. But that's the antecedent, you are
God. Statement of the eternality of God in contrast to the created nature of the creation itself.
But you turn man unto dust, back, it's literally, it's to turn back, it's to, the
Hebrew is to return. So you return man back to dust.
So it's a reminder of man's created nature.
Now, notice something in the Septuagint though, very, very interesting in the Septuagint. You return man ais tapinosin.
You may have, if you've heard me speak on the Carmen Christi, you've seen that, that's a
Greek term before, tapinosafrune means humility of mind, to humiliation.
So here you have a interpretive translation of dust in the sense of, if you're, so instead of the idea that man is made out of dust and so you return man to dust, the
Septuagint is interpreting this as humiliation that is lying in the dust.
You return man to the dust. So there you see what you might call a dynamic equivalency translation on the part of the
Septuagint at this particular point. And you say, return sons of man.
And so as you have in most Hebrew poetry, you have a form of parallelism where the thought in the first phrase is repeated and strengthened in the second, happens a lot in the
Greek Septuagint. Well, in the Old Testament, sorry. For a thousand years in your eyes, in your sight is as a day when it passes, it goes beyond when it passes or as a watch in the night.
So the night was divided up into several watches. That might feel like a long time for you, but there were several of them in the night.
So obviously it's not an extremely lengthy period of time. The point is that God is eternal while as mankind is turned back into the dust and as mankind is commanded by God, return for God a thousand years in your sight is like yesterday when it passes by or as a watch in the night.
And it is interesting that in our experience of time, our experience of the present is significantly slower than our experience of the past.
In other words, when you think of yesterday in comparison to today, you automatically start forgetting much of what happened in the day before.
And so your experience, your remembrance of how long it was is compressed. The point here is
God is eternal. Mankind is not. We pass very, very quickly.
In light of that then, it gets pretty personal here. You have swept them away like a, well, let's go back here.
You have swept them away like a flood. They fall asleep and the morning they're like grass or sprouts anew.
So notice how much shorter that is in Hebrew. We use all sorts of helping words.
We have like and a, and you can express pronouns by pronominal suffixes and all the rest of that type of stuff.
So in some ways, some of these ancient languages take up less space than their
English counterparts do. But the point is that mankind is swept away.
He cannot, when a flood comes, you ever seen videos where you have the raging flood coming and some silly, well, we have to do this all the time here in Arizona.
We have these flash floods during the monsoon and people are dumb enough thinking their vehicles are impervious or way too much of trying to drive through washes.
And not only is water pick the vehicle up, but the rushing water is an incredibly powerful thing and it just drags people away.
You cannot stand against it. And so you have swept them away like a flood.
They fall asleep and the morning they're like grass or sprouts anew. And so it's the temporary nature of man is being emphasized here.
The brevity of human life and experience is being laid out for us.
In the morning it flourishes and sprouts up, but toward evening it fades and withers away.
So that's actually a really good example of Hebrew poetry here. Six words providing a contrast.
In the morning, flourishes, sprouts anew, new life coming up.
Now we're not quite as used to this here in the desert, but those of you who live in places that have like water, you've seen stuff like this.
And we do get it sometimes when we've had some storms, we'll have these desert flowers that will bloom and then, but then if it gets really hot during the day, their history.
So in the morning it flourishes and sprouts anew, toward evening it fades and withers away. We hardly even notice these things.
These things hardly even catch our attention. The point being the brevity, the transitory nature of human life.
So for we have been in your anger consumed and by your wrath we have been dismayed.
And so here's the term anger or gay in the
Greek Septuagint. And so we have been consumed, we have been like placed into the desert in your wrath would be some of what the
Septuagint would say, and in your anger, your thumos, we have been placed into trouble, is how the
Septuagint renders this. And so there is a recognition I saw, in fact, maybe
I can bring this up if I put it in Dropbox, but, oh yeah, it was
Jonathan Merritt who was waxing exceptionally emotional, as he tends to do, and was basically saying that if you read the
Bible in an absurdly literal fashion and actually believe that God's wrath is being expressed in our day, then he'd like whatever the atheists are ordering.
He's not going to believe that there's anything to be learned from a pandemic.
You can't learn anything from floods or tsunamis or volcanoes, hurricanes, all that evidently is outside of God's control and he's teaching us nothing.
We have nothing that we can learn. And of course, you then look at scripture and you read something like this and you go, but the biblical writers plainly saw
God behind all of this. They saw him behind plagues, that he used plagues to chastise the people of Israel.
And someone like a Jonathan Merritt, someone who is into the left spectrum of things, you need to understand, they don't believe any of that ever happened.
If you go to Union Theological Seminary, if you go to places like that, you need to understand everything in the
Bible, with almost no exceptions, is pure fiction to them. They're just stories.
And if you don't like the story, then you certainly don't have to believe it happened. And you can come up with whatever moral of the story you want, just to make you comfortable, because there's no objective element to revelation.
And so when Jesus makes reference to things that happened in the days of Moses, Jesus was just a man of his day.
You know, he was just a first century Jew. And so he would have been limited in his understanding.
And in fact, I've heard them in lectures saying this, that when you look at the
Jesus of the New Testament, yes, he believes that all this stuff happened in the Old Testament, but that just demonstrates that he was limited to his day in his understanding.
This is what is taught in a large portion of theological education today, and ends up in the pew.
And that's why those denominations that are infected with this disease are dying very, very quickly, and won't be around for many more decades.
And so they'll just do what they are doing, infect the SBC while you're at it.
Boy, is that a mess. Okay. We have been consumed by your anger and by your wrath.
We have been dismayed. We have been terrified by your wrath.
This is the people of God speaking. It's people of Israel speaking. And they recognize the wrath of God in what has come upon them.
That God's wrath is a reality, and that it is just, and it is proper.
And it is necessary to understand that if you try to edit the
God of Scripture, you just end up with a warped picture of what you wish you yourself were.
That's all you end up with. That's all you can end up with. There is, it's a given in Paul's theology.
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. It's not will be revealed.
It is being revealed. But there are few areas of biblical theology less believed by modern
Christians than the wrath of God. Why do you think we have such a sticky, sentimental, powerless view of the cross?
It's because we don't have a God who has wrath. You may remember,
I've told a story about the English theologian. I think it was C .H. Dodd, if I recall correctly, who supported the translation of the
Greek term holosmos and holosterion as expiation rather than propitiation because expiation does not contain within it the idea of wrath, propitiation does.
And he just hated the idea of God having wrath. And this is very, very, very much how mankind is.
It's not the God of the Bible, but that's where they are. So, you have placed our iniquities, our anomias, our rebellions against the law, anomias, you can see namas in there, our lawlessness before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence, before your face, literally, in the
Greek Septuagint. So, in other words, this is just simply a statement. God has remembered our transgressions.
And he promised in Deuteronomy 28, 29, blessings and cursings. So, when he brings judgment to bear, he's being righteous.
He gave warning beforehand. For all of our days have declined in your wrath, in your fury.
We have finished our years with a sigh.
With a sigh, that's in both the Septuagint and the Hebrew have the same understanding, not with rejoicing, but with the sigh of sadness of those who have been, who has seen their days cut short.
Very similar terminology, which you'd see in the book of Lamentations, repeated over and over again after the destruction of Jerusalem, if you want to see how this works.
As for the days of our life, they contain 70 years.
And if due to strength, 80 years. Funny how it's right around that same place today.
Now, believe me, there have been many times between then and now, when this was a dream, when this was a dream.
It's interesting, I've never looked at it, I've never seen anybody even mention it. But, I wonder what medieval interpreters did with a text like this.
I wonder if there's anybody. This would be really interesting to know. And maybe there is somebody out there in this audience who does know.
Is, did anybody back then, say during the medieval period, when life expectancies were shorter, look at this and say, this is demonstration of how close we're getting to the coming of Christ?
Or read something into it that they then invested with some kind of meaning?
I don't know, I think about things like that, maybe you do, I've just never seen it. I don't know. But, the point is, yeah, 70, 80 years, and yet, despite that, now we have a little bit of the language of the preacher,
Ecclesiastes. Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow.
And then it is gone, then it is quickly gone, and it just flits away, flies away.
Now, there's some interesting, the Septuagint here,
I'm not going to go into a lot of it, sort of seems to go its, a little bit of its own way.
So, instruction and discipline. Well, okay, well, no, no, they went a different way, which makes me wonder if there's a different tradition underlying that particular part of, you notice, by the way,
I forgot to mention this, this is the 89th Psalm in the Psalter, in the Septuagint. Septuagint has very different numbering system.
Well, not very different, but it can be tough to find stuff in the Septuagint, because they, it did number things differently.
But the point again is, their pride is but labor and sorrow, for soon it is gone, we fly away. The brevity of even the 70 and 80 years in comparison to God.
If a thousand years is like yesterday, then 78 years is nothing, in comparison to God.
So, the question is asked, who understands or knows, yada, gnosko, key theological terms and other contexts, who knows the power of your wrath, the power of your wrath, your anger and your fury, according to the fear that is due, according to the fabas the fear of you and your and your rage or anger so you've got power you've got wrath fear anger all wrapped up here in 89 11 who knows the power of your wrath and from the fear of you the anger of you is is literally what you have in the
Greek Septuagint the Hebrew would indicate and your fury according to the fear that is due to you that it is appropriate for creatures to show proper not just respect
I know this is real common today but fear of God you're talking about your creator the one who holds you in his hands against whom you sin daily and yet we take that for granted in many ways and do not show him the fear these don't do so in light of that Manol to teach us our days so that we might know so to number
I'm says number our days that we might know so yeah da being here in the sense of of teaching and the
Greek of course is from which we the same form for which we get arithmetic maths as they say in in in England so to number to number to to have a proper appreciation and this is
I think this is one thing you know you've heard the old saying youth is wasted on the on the young until you have decades under your belt you truly struggle to have a perspective upon which to see eternity and nobody in this life ever has a fully sufficient basis to see eternity and to make decisions that are wise from an eternal perspective and and I know as I've studied church history when you do encounter those bright lights who at a young age have such a wisdom and maturity it's always joined with a recognition of how short their life is going to be it's always trying to live and if you want to see immaturity if you want us if you want to see people who are truly ignorant of God's presence around them look at young people who are just wasting their lives risking their lives go watch young people on spring break doing stupid things sinning openly rebelling against God no thought whatsoever of the fact that they could be taken out of this world in any second no thought about tomorrow no view of eternity at all just animals they act and view themselves like animals of course that's what they've been taught in their
University too but I can't think of a better verse to memorize to have memorized then
Psalm 90 verse 12 teach us to number our days that we may present to you a heart of wisdom we may present to you or bring in or gain a heart of wisdom literally the the
Greek Septuagint says to bind to bind the heart in wisdom it's literally and the ones binding the heart in wisdom which is interesting but the
I the the the Hebrew word is a very basic almost every you know words like to have to get to go these are basic words in a language that very frequently have a very what's called wide semantic domain there's lots of meanings that can be read into them they're they're not specific they have to made specific through the use of other terms context things like that so the numeric standard is being a little bit interpretational by saying that we may present to you a heart of wisdom
I like that understanding but it is somewhat interpretational the the point is that we need
God to teach us to recognize the brevity of our life teach us to number our days because if we don't we'll never truly be wise and here to possess a heart of it's literally the heart in wisdom to to bind the heart in wisdom because the the heart is going to be is is what's the beautiful hymn bind my wandering heart to thee come thou found the the heart is constantly being pulled by this to that desire and that desire we want to have believers want to have a heart of wisdom a wise heart that is bound to that wisdom that doesn't just experience it once a while but is bound to it so that does not wander so does not blown about by every wind and every experience we have in life that type of of heart is not going to be constantly going after the next new thing that comes along there's gonna be a steadfastness a steadiness a yes consistency to a heart that is a heart of wisdom a heart of wisdom the rest of the psalm and I didn't expect to go this long is a is a prayer for restoration and I can tell you right now
I did not look this up I did not look at and I never have but I can tell you exactly what you'll find in most critical commentaries this point and tell you exactly
I've not looked it up I'm just predicting and I'm 99 % certain
I'll be right there will be many who will say that verses 13 following are a later edition why because the preceding portion of the psalm seems to be rather consistent in of itself and then the last part is a prayer for deliverance and blessing which
I think a lot of people would say see couldn't let it be such a downer so it had to be later on it was like you know that one that one there before we put it in there let's spice it up a little bit and make it better so I can just guarantee you that's probably what's there and there's one other hint as to why that would be theorized like I said
I've not looked it up but do return Oh Yahweh Yahweh has not appeared in the preceding portion of the psalm and so in light of what's called the
JEDP theory Yahwist Eloist Deuteronomist priestly theory the the graph
Wellhausen hypothesis this would be since Yahweh didn't appear in the preceding part appears here that means it's added on right
I mean that's what you're that's what you're taught in seminary I was listening in seminary even when
I didn't agree I was listening I wanted to understand what was being said here's the problem this is the first place that Yahweh appears in the psalm and I think that it first appears here because this is
God's covenant people asking for his covenant blessings based upon their repentance up to now you have general statements that are true of humanity as a whole now you have the covenant people of God saying how long will it be and be sorry for your servants your your your abode so satisfy us in the morning with your loving kindness now we're talking about chesed there is there is your turn right there that is notice the
Greek septuagint is Elias mercy there are numerous Greek terms are used and you have to use numerous
Greek terms because chesed is such a wide -ranging beautiful word anybody who tells you that the
God of the Old Testament is not a loving and merciful God does not understand the term chesed this don't understand it we translated covenant faithfulness is normally translated most of our
English translations as loving kindness that's not the best translation but we're sort of used to it but even loving kindness is actually two words that are very similar to one another slapped together to try to cover a wide range the wide range that chesed actually communicates to us and that goes with the use of the name
Yahweh Oh Yahweh return satisfy us in mourning with your chesed that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days make us glad according to the days you have afflicted us and the years we have seen evil let your work appear to your servants and your majesty to their children the favor of the
Lord our God be upon us and confirm for us the work of our hands yes confirm the work of our hands this is the people of God the covenant people of God praying to Yahweh and relying upon his chesed and so I think it is belongs right where it is once you recognize the shift in the focus but I can guarantee you
I could find somebody just in my commentaries I have here in the program that would take it the direction that they that I mentioned in saying that this is somehow a a later edition teach us to number our days we may present to you a heart of wisdom got plenty of time we doing that right now but these are words that are true to every generation and these are words that are true for Christians during the plague
Justinian's plague the bubonic plague this was true for Christians and periods of great prosperity and in times of great want during times of war and times of peace how much just ask yourself how much do you want to present to God a heart of wisdom if you're constantly suppressing the reality of your own mortality the brevity of your life that wisdom will always be hobbled it will never be a wisdom that transcends this life so how much do you want it there
I mean there are a lot of people that will do incredible things that they really want I feel really really badly really do for the
Olympians who have been training and training and training for the Olympics I have a feeling the time for the
Olympics is going to come and everything is just going to be there's not going to be no concerns about any diseases at all but still not going to happen it's been put off once you pull the trigger it's done that's that's my feeling we'll see if I'm right but I feel sorry for them because I mean the training that those people go through for the
Olympics many of them are just heartbroken right now just absolutely heartbroken so let me ask a simple question before I go on another topic how many of us as believers are ever heartbroken by how unwise we are before God all the time constantly having to ask him forgive me for having been so foolish yet once again how much do we want it are we willing to be disciplined to obtain it is the question
Psalm 90 prayer of Moses I'm I'm glad we still have these these words of wisdom
I'm sorry oh it's an interesting question
I'll read it for you I've heard chesed described as a conceptual counterpart to agape as a revelation of God's love agape revealing that there's nothing we can do to earn the love of God chesed revealing that there is nothing we can do to lose the love of God comments
I just wonder why I never see these things on on Twitter bugs me to no end is that addressed to me yes it is it'll probably show up in about two minutes in your feed right that's the way yeah because I just I just hit refresh and there is absolutely nothing there there's there's nothing there and that just really bugs me yes that Twitter is so unreliable along those lines
I don't get it so I can't I can't read it so I can't really respond to it but what
I heard you saying goes way beyond any lexical definition of chesed and for something to be that specific and complex would require a specific context far more than you'd ever get from a simple usage of the term so be very very careful there are people who will especially on Old Testament terms expand them way way way way out there chesed is a beautiful term and could it be placed in the context like that yeah but the word itself just by itself doesn't carry all of that stuff in it that that's well beyond what you would ever find in any meaningful lexical source and you would have to have a context to get it to that level of specificity and so yeah no maybe if Twitter decides to actually show that to me at some point in time that would be that would be useful but I've scrolled through all this stuff here and and my mentions
I just don't get it I I just don't do not understand it makes me wonder if if this shadow banning stuff isn't quite true because I I'm I've just refreshed everything and there is absolutely nothing addressed to me that says anything like that so unless it's from somebody
I've muted which is possible there was there was actually somebody I forgot to unmute there was somebody oh yeah that was doing an interview and their program was automatically sending out tweet after tweet after tweet after tweet every time someone would donate to them on YouTube and so I finally had to mute them because it's like there's clogging up my entire feed with stuff that I had zero interest in and I've got to remember to try to go back in and unmute that it were but someone that I did see this one so dr.
Oakley 1689 comment that during the Middle Ages most peasants never traveled further than seven miles in our home would be stupendous for containment now that's actually not just peasants that's everybody artists scholars everybody didn't travel more than seven miles in our home it's amazing okay let's go ahead this okay
Ken Wilson sends a note to Layton flowers it says
I'm happy to offer to formally debate white in person with a moderator over my actual
Oxford doctrinal doctrinal thesis doctrinal or doctoral dr.
Wilson which one is it because this ain't there's lots of doctrine here but it's not doctrinal you didn't bother to argue the doctrine you just asserted the doctrine
I think you met doctoral that's what a doctoral thesis is right actually normally a doctoral dissertation but anyway when kovat 19 is over you're welcome to post this online or state it for white this is a formal challenge to a formal debate before a live audience in a neutral setting so notice what it says my actual
Oxford doctrinal thesis I'm gonna take that to mean not this yeah
I understand that it's clear so what what does that mean this is dr. Wilson are you are you saying in front of everyone that you produced and sell a book that's garbage misrepresentational inaccurate untruthful and should not be purchased by anyone is that what you're saying are you saying if you read this you're getting the bad stuff but you should read that and then pay $94 for my dissertation from Morbek I don't understand that let me show you let me give an example here okay the guy who justifies okay did he did he did he just few pages longer than your dissertation and it's actually longer than that because there's more on the page knowing how dissertations are formatted okay little book justification by faith only 56 pages they both say the same thing this isn't garbage it doesn't misrepresent this it doesn't have a different message than this they both have the same message and if you're good at this part you should be good at this part too see so I don't get this
I don't get this at all so dr. Wilson if you want to debate this then send me your book
I'm going to demonstrate that this book is historiographically absurd it's that bad okay
I was thinking about doing it today but I thought man with everything that's going on with churches being threatened with pastors being thrown in jail and all the wild and wacky stuff we did it on Monday on Tuesday we went into the weeds a bit and I just thought it would be better to wait till next week and so right now
I will try to make the commitment to on Tuesday spend time documenting from the early church fathers from the original languages the early church fathers when that's needed it's always needed where this book makes vacuous inappropriate arguments and all the extra citations wouldn't be changing any of that the argument it's the argument that's wrong okay then at least we'd have something that we could discuss outside of my simple statement that this book makes unwarranted and absurd connections assuming taking language and anachronistically reading it back into the ancient world ignoring the contextual problems that produces
I'll demonstrate that okay so if the the idea here dr.
Wilson is that this book is a horrific misrepresentation of your dissertation then two things pull this and apologize and send me your book you're the one challenging me
I'm simply saying Ken Wilson has published a book that is horrifically bad in its argumentation and its materials if you're saying yeah it is but my dissertation is awesome okay if you say so if you say so I can't even begin to understand it you know what might my the dissertation is not going to say anything different than this the argumentation is not gonna be a different there's gonna be a whole lot more
Latin in it that that's my prediction but prove me wrong but I'm look if if someone bought this and and then then said wow
I'd like to have more information then they can go ahead and invest in the more expensive thing but if they bought this and found to be absolutely full of horrific argumentation
I'm not gonna expect them to go out and spend the money on that so if if you're challenging me send the book
I just you know I took the time I bought this in paperback and Kindle so send the book send the book
Southern Bapst Convention I just found out this morning did you hear about this
I saw this morning that why I'd heard yesterday a day before yesterday that the annual meeting was canceled you know where they all get together and they vote on stuff and they've decided not to do that this year again because of COVID -19 which
I think has been here since December but anyway they've decided not to do it you know what that means they are scrapping their
Constitution and giving J .D. Greer another year and resolution 9 another year
I didn't save it well I did save it maybe maybe
I do have it in in Dropbox I mean let's see if it pops up here yeah it didn't maybe oh wait a minute no that's not it either oh well
I wonder where that saved it no anyhow Dwight McKissick on on Twitter commented on that there it is tweets and replies of course this may be yeah he's talking all about how wonderful Russell Moore is here
I didn't have a chance to look at the article he's got out but he's doing the pro -life movement thing but basically he he was okay
I'm so glad David Ooth did not allow the EC and Mike Stone to bully him he gave
God a chance to speak of man the matter God has spoken I hadn't planned to attend SPC 20 because the empty promises and resolutions to include empower minorities but never fall through he's talking about the the stuff with resolution 9 watching the convention debate resolution 9 and the unprecedented abhorrent act against pastor
David Ooth and the dear sister scheduled to do the poetic speech would have been observing the
SPC returned to their original sins God spared the SPC and America of this pending atrocity
Wow so then he quotes somebody saying God gave
JD a third term as SPC president is a history -making day in our SPC family
I'm excited about this cancellation for God's will to be done call me our egos and let dr.
Moore and our three african -american professors to serve God peacefully so who is happy about this yeah there you go that's the resolution that's the resolution 9 stuff the intersectionality stuff and now they have another year to get it ever more deeply burrowed in to the very fabric of the of the
SPC ah goodness gracious but everyone has you know because of the mindset today everyone's gone cool with us we're good yeah that's that's how it needs to be rather than coming up with a way to you know count churches or have churches vote or do things like that no there wasn't anything like that so you have the
SPC just saying we're just gonna hold off a year and we're just gonna continuing resolution might be the way to that's how the government does money yeah a continuing resolution without a quorum yeah yeah so I would like to add in here that I'm pretty sure every state in the union allows a nonprofit organization to meet with its board of directors that's what this is okay and as long as the speaking parties can be heard by all and can hear their presence present actually being on premises is not required this could have been done digitally this could have been performed digitally would have been a monumental task there's no question about it could have been done if somebody wanted to try to do it yeah yeah it's just somebody wanted to try to do that so much yeah that's that's so we've got what was his name
Misa thinking Misa like to nominate the Emperor senator Palpatine to be the
Emperor forever okay
I will just have to admit right now that was the worst Jar Jar Binks impersonation I have ever heard in my life
I mean that obviously no one from Prescott Arizona should ever be allowed to even try a
Jar Jar Binks impersonation because Jar Jar sounded so much better than that that it's
Wow Wow and I was actually watching that movie just last night not the whole thing but certain scenes of it lightsaber scenes actually but so I saw
Jar Jar and so I had something to compare it to and that was so anyway but you know that all aside why not just make it a resolution in perpetuity make him king forever that's that's what
Southern Baptists are all about these days right we'll see we'll see so much for the quote -unquote
Democrat process oh I'm sorry Democratic process that they're all about right yeah yeah well one last thing here
I shouldn't talk about it like I said but I am what we saw over the past five days with the bailout situation the printing of funny money because we don't we don't have that money money doesn't grow on trees you can't create money we now have an entire culture things you can just just create money and it just all of a sudden has worth it doesn't there are long -term no one wants to think long -term they didn't when they shut down the economy they didn't when they decided to try to fix the economy and so but watching what certain people did the have you seen the list the laundry list we used to call it pork this was this was this was more like pork rind
I mean millions literally billions hundreds of billions of dollars just being thrown around like I don't know what
I can't I cannot even I mean if you see the old 1940s
Daddy Warbucks cartoons of the rich guy with the big stogie just throwing $100 bills around like they're like they're confetti that's what just happened in the halls of Congress and I just I'm sorry
I just have to go I just how many years literally years of my great -grandchildren's lives they don't exist yet I've got grandkids but the oldest is 10 so how many years of my great -grandchildren's lives would have to be spent laboring to repay this criminal action
I I can't imagine and I can't find enough fellow citizens who could care less they just don't care it's like well whatever it's just money just because it represents supposed to represent the labor
God ordained labor that the government then steals from you to give to do what to buy power to buy power that's that's what they're doing and I'm just left sitting going how'd that happen ah at the beginning of January could anyone have convinced any of us that this could have possibly happened this fast
I don't know folks I do not know all I know is yeah number our days heart of wisdom see part of numbering your days is having long -range thinking thinking about the future thinking about ramifications thinking about the decisions you make today what's that gonna mean 10 years from now and 20 years from now that's that's long -term thinking that's long -term thinking anyway what
I was just gonna say the that laundry list when
I saw it was the big red flag I've gone back and forth on what's going on here but that laundry list showed me what's really going on oh yeah or at the very least to give as much credit as I possibly can give how many people in Washington genuinely didn't take this seriously not as seriously as they want us to take oh no they took it seriously here is a serious opportunity for buying our positions the next 50 years yeah you have to think of one simple concept all it took was for one congressman or one senator to walk through those doors when the vote was being called by voice vote which nobody's there one guy walks in and says point of order there is not a quorum present boom the whole thing comes to a stop because they have to call all these cowards oh
I'm sorry did I say politics congressmen and dignitaries back from their hiding holes yeah to come back and do their jobs with some bravery and courage that did not happen in either house and the blackmail extortion whatever you want to call it is now in motion
I know I know I know what can
I say I don't know it I was having a lot more fun we're just swinging scripture so anyway that's not how
I want to wrap up I was just I was just thinking however about the reality of the fact that we just don't think of the future it's one thing to sit here and talk about well you know our grandchildren you know until you have them and they have a face and they have a personality and they have a voice that's just a concept it doesn't actually end up meaning anything but I've got names and faces and someone just spent their inheritance plus their kids inheritances and gave it to a bunch of leftist wacko nutcases and that's glad there's gonna be a day of justice
I'm glad there is going to be a day of justice when all every because because you know what
I'm not sure in my life whether we'll really know what happened in this situation I don't know that we'll ever have enough facts to know everything truthfully but a day is coming when all the hearts will be laid bare all the intentions all the purposes and one of the reasons
I think people are willing to do the things you're willing today to do today is because that's no longer being proclaimed there is a day of judgment the judge of all the earth will do right and he will lay it all bare and you will see that what he did was right and we will see that his judgment was right and if you don't believe that you don't have a
Christian worldview and what takes its place is can only be based upon power can only be based upon power brute power over others something to think about well like I said if I make it past William Lane Craig I've been told that the next round will be
Monday Sunday Monday so but I'm not sure when that would finish up on Monday or if it finish up on Tuesday anyway let's hope with your help that we on Monday will be trying to work something out with Michael Brown if he doesn't make it oh well that doesn't work if I don't make it if neither one of us make it but if both of us make it to the round of eight then that's that's when we'll have some fun here on the program and of course to between now and then so anyways thanks for watching the program today