WWUTT 2213 Jesus Curses a Fig Tree (Mark 11:12-25)

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Reading Mark 11:12-25 where Jesus comes back to Jerusalem and on the way curses a fig tree for not bearing fruit, not only a warning to Jerusalem but for us today as well. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


As Jesus is coming into Jerusalem, He passes by a fig tree, which He expects to have figs on it, but there's no fruit, and so He curses it.
And this is not just a metaphor for Jerusalem, we need to take the warning as well when we understand the text.
This is When We Understand the Text, a daily study of God's word, that we may be filled with the knowledge of His will.
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Here's your teacher, Pastor Gabe. Thank you, Becky. In our study of the Gospel of Mark, we are in chapter 11, and here coming to the account of Jesus cursing the fig tree.
I'm going to start reading here in verse 12, we'll go through verse 25 out of the Legacy Standard Bible, hear the word of the
Lord. And on the next day, when they had left Bethany, he became hungry.
And seeing at a distance a fig tree that had leaves, he went to see if perhaps he would find anything on it.
And when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. And he answered and said to it,
May no one ever eat fruit from you again. And his disciples were listening.
Then they came to Jerusalem, and he entered the temple, and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who were selling doves.
And he was not permitting anyone to carry merchandise through the temple. And he began to teach and say to them,
Is it not written, My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations, but you have made it a robber's den.
And the chief priests and the scribes heard this and began seeking how to destroy him, for they were afraid of him, for the whole crowd was astonished at his teaching.
And when evening came, they were going out of the city. And as they were passing by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots.
And being reminded, Peter said to him, Rabbi, look, the fig tree which you cursed has withered.
And Jesus answered and said to them, Have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain,
Be taken up and cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him.
For this reason I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you.
And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your
Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions.
Now, we have already read about Jesus cursing the fig tree when we were in Matthew chapter 21.
And I mentioned yesterday that in the triumphal entry, Matthew and Mark write a slightly different account, but both coming to the same conclusion.
Matthew, of course, is writing to a primarily Jewish audience, Mark to more of a Gentile audience.
In the cursing of the fig tree, Matthew presents it as Jesus going into Jerusalem, then cursing the fig tree, and then coming back to Jerusalem.
Mark presents it as Jesus cursing the fig tree, then going to Jerusalem, and then coming back to the fig tree.
But in both occasions, it's still to recognize and understand that Jerusalem, or the
Jews, who should have been producing fruit, were not producing fruit. And so Jesus cursed them that they would never produce fruit again.
And all of this building toward that Christ would be with his church, and he would reconcile both
Jews and Gentiles to himself by faith in him. It would not be through an ethnic people anymore, the ethnic descendants of Abraham, but a spiritual people, those of faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ. But this account here of Jesus cursing the fig tree, that's not just for Jews.
It's something that we must recognize also and examine ourselves against, which
I'll come to when we get to the end of the exposition. So let's come back to verse 12.
On the next day, when they had left Bethany, he became hungry and saw in the distance a fig tree.
Now, remember, this is right after the triumphal entry. Matthew presents it a slightly different way.
It almost looks like in Matthew's account that Jesus comes into Jerusalem in the triumphal entry and goes into the temple and drives out the money changers.
And all of that happens on the same day. But again, Matthew has something specific that he wants to convey in that.
Mark is sure to lay out the timeline, because Mark's going to put a greater emphasis on the fig tree narrative.
So Jesus comes to the fig tree. It had leaves on it, and he went to see if perhaps he would find anything on it.
And when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves for it was not the season for figs. Now, this is one of those things that skeptics constantly come back to.
Jesus is supposed to be the son of God, and he didn't realize that it wasn't the season for figs. So why is he going up to the fig tree and expecting figs?
But this is not that difficult to understand. It's a very easy explanation for this. If the fig tree has leaves on it, then it should have figs.
This just happened to be an early bloomer, though it wasn't the season for figs. But Jesus coming up to it doesn't find fruit on it, though one would expect to find figs on the tree if the leaves were in bloom.
So because there were no figs, Jesus curses the tree, and it becomes rotten to the root, as we will see.
Now, the fig tree is a stand in for Jerusalem. And you might also envision this scene as though Jesus is looking at the fig tree, but Jerusalem is right behind it.
So as Jesus is looking at this tree and cursing it, who is he really directing the curse at?
He's directing it at Jerusalem. We see throughout the scriptures a reference to Jerusalem as being like a vineyard or a fig tree or even
God's planting of some kind. We just started a study in Hosea on Thursday, and even though we're not anywhere near chapter nine, it's there in chapter nine that you see
God refer to Israel as a fig tree. Hosea 910, I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness.
I saw your fathers as the earliest fruit on the fig tree in its first season.
Wow, that sounds really familiar, doesn't it? Here you have an early blooming fig tree and yet not producing fruit, just as the
Lord says of Israel, like a fig tree in Hosea 9. Going on in verse 10, but they came to Baal Peor and devoted themselves to shame, and they became as detestable as that which they loved.
They were not producing fruit. Even though they were like a vineyard, like a fig tree, they didn't produce fruit, but went after that which was rotten.
So the Lord curses them. And here we see Jesus doing that very thing. And perhaps when
Peter speaks up in verse 21, it's astonishing to him and the rest of the disciples, because they're starting to make the connection.
They know the Old Testament references. Joel is another place, like right after Hosea, you have
Joel. And in chapter one, Israel is compared to being a fig tree. So these things are coming into the minds of the disciples, and they're starting to see, wow, there's some significance to this.
Jesus cursing a fig tree. Why would he curse the tree? And then these things start coming back to their minds.
They certainly would have come back to the minds of the disciples afterward when Jesus ascended into heaven and the
Holy Spirit came to them. And as Jesus had promised, the Holy Spirit would remind them of the things that Jesus had taught and even teach them new things.
So here in the disciples' hearing, he curses this tree and says in verse 14, may no one ever eat fruit from you again.
And his disciples were listening, it says. And then Jesus goes into Jerusalem.
He comes back to Jerusalem. He had just been there the day before the triumphal entry.
After that, he does go into the temple. As we read in verse 11,
Jesus entered Jerusalem and came into the temple. And after looking around at everything, he left for Bethany with the 12 since it was already late.
So the cleansing of the temple doesn't happen until the next day. Jesus comes back into the temple right after cursing a fig tree.
He rebukes the buyers and the sellers in the temple. They came into Jerusalem and he entered the temple and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves.
They were selling sacrifices to the people. When the people instead were supposed to come with their own sacrifices, but that the money changers, the merchants, they're selling sacrifices to the people and probably selling them at a marked up price on top of that.
And he was not permitting anyone to carry merchandise through the temple. We know from other accounts that the way that they were set up here was preventing the
Gentiles from even coming in and worshiping. And that's what prompts Jesus to say in verse 17. He began to teach and say to them, is it not written?
My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations. But the Gentiles aren't able to come in because of the placement of the merchants and the money changers.
But you have made it a robber's den, indicating that they were selling these things to the people at a marked up price.
Now we have two references to the Old Testament here in verse 17. My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations.
That's Isaiah 56, 7. But you have made it a robber's den. That's Jeremiah 7, 11.
So Jesus even is showing fulfillment from the Old Testament, but also that the
Pharisees were repeating the same errors that were committed by their ancestors hundreds of years ago.
They had not learned from their mistakes. They don't look into the scriptures and see what their forefathers had done so that they would not do the same.
And here Jesus is rebuking them. And this all being tied with the curse that he issues to the fig tree.
Just as when Jesus had ridden into Jerusalem on a donkey's colt, and the people were shouting,
Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. It's like they had leaves.
It's like they were a fig tree with leaves. It looked like they should have been bearing fruit.
It had the appearance of there being fruit. But when you look closer, you found out that there was no fruit there at all.
And then on this next day, Jesus curses a fig tree, which is in leaf. It looks like it's in season, even though it's not the season for figs.
But when he gets closer, upon closer examination, there's no fruit. And so Jesus curses the tree.
He comes into the temple. And upon closer examination, the people are not producing fruit.
But they are doing the same that the Lord rebuked Israel for in the Old Testament.
And so Jesus rebukes them. And the chief priests and the scribes, when they hear this, they began seeking how to destroy him.
They're not even cut to the heart by Jesus' words. They're not convicted. Instead, they hate
God all the more. And they try to find a way to put Jesus to death. They hate the righteous because they are so filled with unrighteousness.
They are already rotten from the root. For the whole crowd was astonished at his teaching.
We've seen that throughout Matthew and Mark, how astonished the people are. And by the way, this also indicates to us that when we get to the day of Jesus' trial, when
Jesus is brought before Pontius Pilate and the people are shouting, crucify him. This is not everybody who was shouting,
Hosanna, blessed is he who comes to the name of the Lord at the beginning of the week. There may have been some who went from shouting
Hosanna to crucify him. That may be the case, but it doesn't mean that it was the same crowd. And suddenly, just in a matter of fickleness, they're turning around and wanting to put
Jesus to death. Anyway, we'll talk about that a little bit later on. But everything here in Mark 11 is showing that the people were not genuine, even when they were shouting
Hosanna to the coming of Jesus. The expectation that they had, as we considered yesterday, was that, well, this was going to be an earthly kingdom that Jesus was going to create.
We're on his side as long as he's going to give us all the good things on earth that we expect our king to give us.
But they were not really for the Lord. And then Jesus is going to teach his disciples about how they are to be his missionaries in the world when they come back to the fig tree and see it withered.
So anyway, verse 19. When evening came, they were going out of the city, and as they were passing by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots.
And being reminded, Peter said to him, Rabbi, look, the fig tree which you cursed has withered. And Jesus answered and said to them,
Have faith in God. And then it's kind of interesting that it seems like Jesus gives a lesson on prayer.
What does this have to do with cursing the fig tree and then driving the merchants and the sellers out of the temple?
Why does this shift into a prayer lesson? Well, even though the disciples don't yet understand what
Jesus is doing here, they are going to be the caretakers of a new vineyard, of a new plantation, so to speak, the people of God that will be called his church.
They are first of all going to go out and sow seed. Remember the parable of the sower that we had read earlier or the parable of the soils.
So they're going to go out with the message of the kingdom. And by sowing that seed, many are going to grow up.
And they're going to remember that parable that Jesus taught and understand there's going to be a lot of people that will end up coming to Christ, but some will turn out to not be genuine.
Remember the seed falling among the rocks and the seed falling among the thorns, but some will fall on good soil and produce a great harvest.
But this is the mission that Jesus will have his disciples go and do.
And the lesson of the fig tree is not just about what happened with Israel and what is happening to Israel, but it's even going to be a lesson about the people of God down through time.
My friends, if you don't produce fruit, you will be cursed. If you say that you love
God, if you say that you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then it will be seen in your life.
Remember with regards to Israel, the prophet Isaiah said, this people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
So there were people that were always saying, yes, I am of God. I am of Abraham.
I worship Yahweh. And they probably even go through the motions of doing sacrifices in the temple and keeping the laws just like the
Pharisees did. But in their hearts, they are actually far from God. They are relying upon their own righteousness instead of putting their trust in God.
And we must be careful that we're not doing the same thing, rolling through the motions of religion, but not actually having a heart that is for the
Lord. And if we are truly in Christ, then as Jesus said in Matthew 7, you will know them by their fruit.
A bad tree cannot produce good fruit and a good tree cannot produce bad fruit.
So therefore we are known by our fruit in our lives, in our obedience, in the way that we live.
We will demonstrate the righteousness of Christ that we've been clothed in for all who believe in Jesus.
So again, not just a lesson about Israel. This can be a lesson for us all.
And we must be careful. If it looks like that we should be bearing fruit, but upon closer examination, it's not there, then we may find ourself cursed instead of blessed.
And so Jesus says to his disciples, have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be taken up and cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen.
It will be granted him. Now, this isn't talking about mind over matter, that if you really believe you can actually lift a mountain and toss it into the sea, then it will be done like Yoda lifting the
X wing out of the swamp. You know, that's not what's going on here. This was a common
Jewish idiom for any obstacle in your life. It would be like a mountain. But Jesus saying that if you believe that it can be lifted up and cast into the sea, it will be done for you.
This is more like what Paul teaches in Romans chapter eight, when he says that we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Nothing in this world conquers us. Rather, we conquer that thing. And even when we go through a hardship or a trial, it teaches us to draw nearer to Christ.
And we are made more in his image. We are all the more sanctified when we take our situations and circumstances and commit them unto the
Lord. All of this in this lesson of prayer that Jesus is giving here. Verse 24, for this reason,
I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them.
In other words, God has given all things to us. This is not a name it and claim it thing.
This is not whatever riches or wealth or prestige or fame or whatever you want.
As long as you believe it, if you can picture it in your mind, then God will give it to you again. This is not mind over matter.
It's the understanding that God has given all things to us. Nothing masters us.
We are masters over everything. We reign over everything because we reign with Christ.
So don't let sin reign over you is really what Jesus is saying here.
So that whatever you ask, knowing that you've already received all things in Christ, you have already received forgiveness, fellowship with God.
You've been made fellow heirs of his eternal kingdom. Know that you have this when you come to God and you petition him in prayer.
Remember that James 1 says that if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God and he will give generously to all without reproach, but let him ask without doubting.
For the one who doubts is like one who is being tossed to and fro by the wind. And he should not expect to receive anything from God because he is a doubter.
So we need to know that God loves us and he wants to give us good things that we have already received the favor of God before we ask him if we are in Christ Jesus.
Verse 25, and whenever you stand praying, forgive if you have anything against anyone so that your father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions.
And again, this doesn't mean if you forgive others, then God will forgive you as though we earn God's forgiveness by our works.
But if we indeed have God's forgiveness, then we're going to manifest it in our lives. That's going to be the fruitfulness that we will show.
We have God's grace, we will show grace to others because a good tree bears good fruit.
When we lived in Kansas, we had a tree out in front of our house that was an apple tree and we never could get it to bear good fruit.
My wife and I were kind of excited about the prospect of having a fruit tree in our own yard. And over a couple of summers, we really made a commitment to try to get that thing to produce good fruit.
We thought the reason why those apples were always bad and so sour was because, well, we just didn't take care of it.
So maybe if we took care of it, then we might actually yield something good from it.
So we spent two seasons giving it the best soil, trimming off the bad branches.
We practically petted the thing and sang to it. I mean, how much work we put into that tree, hoping that a season would come in which it would produce good apples.
Well, one night we were hosting a Bible study at our house and our friend Augusto was walking up the driveway and he decided to stop and pluck one of these apples off the tree.
The apple actually looked pretty good. We were doing a good job and it was producing a decent looking apple.
And so as it was coming into season, Augusto plucked an apple and he took a bite. And when
I greeted him at the door, he set that apple in my hand and he said, that tree is no good. This apple is gross.
And it turned out no matter how well we did with that tree, that it was rotten from the root.
It was already bad from the root. So there was nothing that we could do to bring good apples out of that tree.
It was a bad tree. And my friends, that's going to be the same way with each and every one of us.
If the root is bad, if we're not truly rooted in Christ, then we're never going to produce good fruit.
But if we are rooted in Christ, then what comes from a person will be good fruit.
And maybe you're able to fake it enough that people see that you are bearing good fruit, but truly examine yourself.
What are you seeing? What does God see? And if we truly know
Christ, then good fruit will result. And may we continue to persevere in it until Jesus comes.
Remember the warning is given to us in scripture. The ax is laid at the root of the tree. And when he returns, all who are not bearing good fruit will be cut down and cast into the fire.
Have faith in God and the fruit of the spirit will be evident in your life.
Heavenly father, we thank you for what we've read. And I pray that it would be convicting to our hearts that we would not go after unrighteousness, sin, entertaining the passions of our flesh, going after the titillating things that the world has to offer us.
But we desire holiness and desire to cut off any bad thing that might produce in us bad fruit.
Whatever might cause us to be rooted in something rotten, God help us to get it out of our lives.
May we be convicted of that and desire the good fruit that we should be producing in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for your patience with us. And may we be humble before you, ready to acknowledge those areas in our lives that need to be pruned.
And no matter how painful that might be, we're ready to let it go for the sake of Christ. It's in Jesus name that we pray.
Amen. Gabe will be going through a
New Testament study. Then on Thursday, we look at an Old Testament book. On Friday, we take questions from the listeners and viewers.