Book of Psalms - Psa. 8, Vs. 1-9 (11/27/2022)

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Bro. Dave Huber II


All right, good morning We're gonna start we are in Psalm chapter 8
We've just kind of been going through the Psalms for those of you who have not been able to join us recently Glad to have you
We are in Psalm chapter 8. We've gone from 1 to 2 to 3, 4. We're just going right through them
It may take my entire lifetime to get through all the Psalms because there's so many of them Don't know if we'll get through all of it
I say that pretty much every week, but I think we might this is kind of a shorter Psalm In light of the season we're in we just celebrated
Thanksgiving I think this is a super appropriate Psalm because this one kind of has a feeling of thanks to it
It is You know, we've been we've been looking at David's prayer life and how he deals with Trouble and how he works through that trouble and how the
Lord lifts him up out of that trouble and How he goes from a low place to a high place and we've seen the different The different mental states he's been in Today we get kind of a happy song this one's just like an awe -inspiring one and we look at The very beginning of it.
It says to the chief musician upon Giddeth a psalm of David Would Giddeth we don't really know what that is
But here's what we do know about Giddeth It's used in two other places
It's used in Psalm 81. It's also used in Psalm 84 and These are both happy Psalms There's speculation about what the
Giddeth would be some people think it's a musical instrument from Gath Some people say it may have been a song of Obed, how do you say this?
Obed -edom? Obed -edom? Obed -edom of Gittite? Or Obed -edom the
Gittite is how he's called And I'll just remind you of who this guy is
Basically when the Ark was being transported back to the land of David and they stick it on wheels
Remember, they weren't supposed to do that. They put it on a cart and They're supposed to be carrying it.
So they're getting kind of lazy about how they carry the Ark and at one point the
Ark jostles and one of the men Puts his name his name is
Uzzah Puts his name on there. He puts his hand on the Ark to kind of steady it and that angers the
Lord and he kills Uzzah And he's dead. That's it. Like can you imagine?
Oops like that's how it goes like completely dead and This kind of gets
David all riled up. Like how can the Ark reside with me? This is terrible So he ends up leaving the
Ark with Obed -edom. I can't really say this guy's name.
It's so weird. It's like Obed -edom. You've been studying the Edomites, right? It's a combination of the two
But anyway, it stays at his house for three months it stays there and Like his life gets awesome.
Apparently things go really well with him while the Ark is residing in his house and word gets sent to David that things are going great for Obed -edom the
Gittite And and so then David goes, okay, let's bring the
Ark. Let's go ahead and send for it So it was a very happy time for this guy because the
Ark is in his house and things are flourishing so some people think that this
This Gittite thing might be a song of him But it's generally accepted that it is an instrument
That was used one of those ancient instruments. We've seen a few of these Especially since it says it's to be played upon a
Gittite. It kind of implies that it would be a musical instrument and It's most likely an instrument that was used at the time of vintage Which closed the civil year of the
Jews? And it was considered to be like something where you're looking forward to God's kingdom coming
And so it's also considered a very happy thing, right? So even though we don't really know what
Gittite is and we don't know where where it came from We can pretty much assume this means it's happy and this is a happy psalm
So we'll start in that frame of mind today, right? Instead of thinking of all David's kind of feeling heavy like we've done in some of the other psalms
This one is kind of a happier one and think about what we've seen We've seen him overcome quite a bit in the first few psalms.
And so now this is almost like a time of praise So that's where we are in Psalm chapter 8 verse 1 the second part of that verse says
How excellent is thy name or it starts with Oh Lord our God or Oh Lord our
Lord How excellent is thy name in all the earth who has set thy glory above the heavens?
now It starts with the word Oh and it's almost like it's
Whoa, you know, it's how do you get this word out? Like how can you even say it when you say something?
And you can't even find the words to say it. Sometimes you might start with oh
You know like this is a an awe -inspiring Thought that's being
Portrayed here. Oh Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth?
Take a lonely hike through the woods Listen to the birds the bugs the babbling brooks you like my alliteration there
All of these speak of the Lord The animals are scared away by your footprints
They might hear you coming and they might all run away but before you came they were quite peaceful and restful
But God was there the whole time so you can go out in the loneliest woods and there he is
Why I'm the highest mountain which by the way is Everest Its altitude is at twenty nine thousand thirty two feet
That's pretty high Rise above those clouds get to the summit look out into the distance.
God is there he's just as there on the summit as He is on the horizon that you can see as far out as you can look walk in the crevice of the canyons in Arizona with all their twists and their turns their narrow pathways and their dark caves
God's there to Plunge into the depths of the sea and travel to the deepest of the deep where even the tip of Everest Couldn't reach the surface
It's over 35 ,000 feet deep at the deepest part
That's below the beach in the darkest blackest coldest basins undisturbed by human exploration
There's God You could even look in places you cannot go grab a microscope and see the realm of the microorganisms explore the cellular structures of the world and know that God's name is stamped on all of it.
I Recently read something pretty amazing About our human
DNA which stands for dioxin ribonucleic acid I remembered that from high school.
That's about the best I can do for biology the rest. I have to read But in your
DNA there are four components it's made up of these four Different Nucleic acids
And I had the names of them somewhere. I think they're in my Thought they were in my notes.
Yeah, they are adenine thiamine cytosine and guanine
It's a lot of Eames in your DNA. So there's four different of these and they are bound together by a
Nuclide acid. Alright, so each each one is bound together by nuclide acids
The first one adenine is bound together at every ten nucleotides The second one thiamine is bound together at every five nucleotides
Cytosine is bound together at every six and Guanine is bound together at every five
What's the significance of that? Well, that's just the way the Lord made it, right? But what's interesting is that if you take the
Hebrew alphabet and you take the number value of the letters in the alphabet
The tenth would be Y the fifth would be H The sixth would be
V and the fifth, of course would be H So with these four they're bound together at ten five six five
That's why HVH which is how you spell the name of God. Is that cool?
So the very glue that holds your DNA together has God's name stamped on it
That'll give you goosebumps Go to the great
Sahara Desert where life seems absent and The omnipresent God of life is there travel to the vast cornfields of Illinois Haiti knows this they are quite quiet Right stand in the middle of the natural sound absorbing crops and scream for help
You may not be heard by man, but you can still bend the ear of the Almighty God How excellent is his name in all the earth
Travel to space to escape your earthly home go beyond the grasp of gravity or the boundaries of breathable air
Only to find yourself yet in the presence of our Lord Consider the vastness of the universe.
Let's talk about that for a second it extends 46 billion light -years from us in every direction
Every direction you go 46 billion light -years and in case you don't know what a light -year is who knows what a light -year is.
I Bet zag does mr. Engineer there. I want to share Yeah, the time that it takes light to travel for one whole look at the distance
It can go for one whole year, right? So like if you take light and you shoot it out and let it travel at the speed of light for an entire year the
Distance it would go would be considered a light year. So we use light years to measure distance really really really long distances because light travels at a speed of a hundred and eighty six thousand two hundred and eighty two miles every second
That's Really far that means it could go around the earth seven and a half times in a single second
Because the earth is about twenty five thousand miles in circumference So think about how how far that is a hundred and eighty six thousand two hundred and eighty two
Miles every second and a light year is how far that travels in a whole year
I've done a little math That goes approximately five point eight seven little more than that Trillion miles in One year.
All right. That's how far light will travel 5 .87 trillion miles and the universe is 46 billion
Light -years in every direction. That's really big now.
Imagine if you traveled 5 .87 trillion miles and you did this
For 46 billion times You would reach what is known as the end of our observable universe
What does that imply? There's something beyond the observable universe, you know what that is the non observable universe
That's what it is and so Because it's 46 billion light -years in every direction
That means if you went all the way that way and all the way that way
You're at 92 billion light -years from tip to tip
In every direction do we have anything to describe this non observable universe that is beyond it.
I Think we might But yes, there's the movie reference to infinity and beyond right buzz light -year
Look at the next verse or rather The second the second half of this verse how excellent is thy name in all the earth who has set thy glory above the heavens
The word for heavens means visible universe So there's your observable universe
It's the visible part above means outside or beyond So if you want a word or or something to describe what is beyond 92 billion light -years of universe
God's glory at least It's beyond that It extends that far because this observable universe with as big as it is can't contain his glory
It has it Within it it's seen you can see parts of it, but he has said his glory even beyond that So if you want something to describe it
There's a start at least Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings
Has thou ordained strength because of thine enemies That thou mightest still the enemy and the
Avenger now I want to I want to actually read some
Spurgeon at this point because he just you know, you try to you try to go and and get something from Commentators and go.
Okay. I'm gonna share this or i'm gonna i'm gonna rephrase that or i'm gonna i'm gonna use this over here
But so often with him it's like well, I can't do anything better than that. So let's just read what he put. Okay, so Listen to this
And In relation to verse two did not the children cry hosanna in the temple
When proud pharisees were silent and contemptuous It did not the savior quote these very words as a justification of their infantile cries
Early church history records many amazing instances of the testimony of children for the truth of god
But perhaps more modern instances will be the most interesting Fox and fox book of martyrs tells us
That when mr. Lawrence was burnt in cold colchester He was carried to the fire in a chair
Because through the cruelty of the papist he could not stand upright Several young children came about the fire and cried as well as they could speak lord
Strengthen thy servant and keep thy promise kids Coming to the aid of this martyr
God answered their prayer for mr. Lawrence died as firmly and calmly as anyone could wish to breathe his last
When one of the poppish chaplains told mr. Wishart the great scottish martyr
That he had a devil in him a child that stood By cried out a devil cannot speak such words as yonder man speaketh
Ha Isn't that amazing like a kid just standing up to the religious authorities and speaking truth
One more instance is still nearer to our time in a postscript one of his letters in which he details his persecution
When first preaching in moorfields whitfield says I cannot help adding
That several little boys and girls who were fond of sitting around me on the pulpit while I preached and handed to me people's notes
Though they were often pelted with eggs dirt and thrown at me
Never once gave way but on the contrary every time I was struck
Turned up their little weeping eyes and seemed to wish they could receive the blows for me
God make them in every God make them in their growing years great and living martyrs for him who out of the mouths of babes and sucklings perfects praise
He who delights in the songs of angels is pleased to honor himself in the eyes of his enemies by the praises of little children
What a contrast between the glory above the heavens and the mouths of babes and sucklings
Yet by both the name of god is made excellent Isn't that cool? God's glory is everywhere.
And yet he also chose to stick it in the little kids Pretty awesome
When I consider thy heavens The work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained
What is man that thou art mindful of him And the son of man that thou visitest him
Think of how big god really is And now Consider for a moment how small
We actually are in a system of different planets and a star
Uh that make up our solar system we are just itty -bitty right we're tiny uh
Think of this there are different solar systems So we're itty -bitty on our solar system
But there are multiple solar systems That together make up a galaxy in a collection
Of billions of galaxies That's massive billions of galaxies
And we're on but one And on a planet not even the biggest in that one
And we're itty -bitty on this planet The galaxy in which our solar system exists is known as the milky way
In our galaxy alone, there are about 100 to 500 billion solar systems
That's in our galaxy in the whole universe
About 2 million million galaxies are observable Then the number of unobservable galaxies or the total number of galaxies
Is exceptional. That's the only word we can use for it You can't even get to the number This gives us an idea of just how large our universe is
And it's expanding every second larger and larger and larger and yet we are itty -bitty tiny
Now let's take a look at just how tiny the size of an average human Is 176 .5
centimeters I forgot to convert that into feet. I'll let y 'all do that Or 1 .76
meters While the diameter of the solar system alone Is 287 .46
Times 10 to the 11th power Something it's just massive in fact
I don't even know how it's actually not 10. It's times 1011 m meters
So 287 .46 times 1011 meters that's how big
Just our solar system is and we are 176 .5 centimeters, which is one one hundredth of a meter
Crazy Crazy Therefore the solar system is a hundred and i've got i've got notes on this but my computer went and put up in a whole bunch of extra things, so i'm having to Slowly read through it.
I'll apologize for that our solar system Is about a hundred and sixty three point thirty three times one
Thousand eleven times greater than a human Then The universe must be infinite times greater than a human
That's that's the conclusion according to scientists. They didn't even try to do the number
They just said it's infinitely times greater than a human If you take all of human life and you add it all together
We make up point zero zero one percent of all the life that's just on our earth
So we are Itty bitty. I don't think we can even describe ourselves as itty bitty.
It's not small enough Microscopic isn't even small enough So consider that that god took man
Who's just dust And consider what god did with man
So here in in verse three when I consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained
That's the that is what david has in his mind as he's about to try and think through What god does with man?
All this massiveness And i'm just itty bitty He says what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him
For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with the glory with glory and honor
Who's this talking about? It definitely is talking about jesus
But in the broader scope, it's actually talking about man It is without a doubt a reference to jesus
Um, but I want you to think about The way it's written it's written.
What is man? Why is it written that way? So if you see a If you see dust, how much value does it have?
Value have does dust have much value? Not really, right none
Wars have been fought over land from which the dust settles But as that dust blows up and away in the wind it is no longer valued
But instead it's seen as just the opposite it's valueless If you see a desert in a movie
It looks dry and it looks hot That's worthless enough as it is. Would you agree?
But then they have the wind blow and there's this little bit of dust that comes up and blows in the in the
Desert and that just makes it work look even worse Like ah, like there's a desert.
It's hot. It's dead It's but then there's Sand blowing in the air and it's oh now it's miserable.
It's not just hot and dead. It's miserable So dust is just beyond worthless
We sweep away dust We throw it out of our houses. It's unwanted. It's unsightly.
It's unimportant And it's unclean and that Is what god chose to form man out of?
Think about that. He's like, what can I use?
Dust let's go with that not oak Big and strong, you know not water
Adaptable can move through anything right like bruce lee said when he poured into a pot it becomes the pot
Poured into a teacup it becomes the teacup. No god's not gonna use he's not gonna form us out of the water
Yes, our bodies are 75 80 percent of water. But what did he form us out of? dust and we know
That as part of the curse come on in. Yeah, we're one of those churches
Lock the doors Well, that's true dust can have dominion
Oh that door locked on you, didn't it? You didn't know we were one of those cultish groups, right? We we get you in we lock the door.
You can't leave until church is over Make a profession of faith then you can leave kidding
Okay, so yeah dust it's just it's unvaluable it's it's it's Worthless, it's meaningless.
That's what god decided that he was going to make us out of but then unlike any of his other creation
He scooped up that valueless mess and he began to form us He did not merely speak us into existence with his words the powerful logos
With which he set those billions of stars in heaven or gave the planets their shape No He got way more intimate with us
The scripture tells us that he formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed life
The very breath of the creator Imparted more than the spark of life into man
He gave him a soul Setting him apart from all other creation
See what the world wants to do Is remind us Of the dusty part of us
They want to make us Just dust again The world wants to say well you're just like the animals you're just they'll they'll categorize you as a mammal you're just Evolved from a monkey or a fish a frog.
I think I would have been a frog I have I like to jump I have a lot of problems with my voice sometimes
So I must have been a frog If it were up to to man, that's what I would have been.
That's what I would have evolved from but by doing that they deny the very
Life that god breathed into you the soul that he gave you You're vastly different You were fearfully and wonderfully made scripture tells us that he knit you in your mother's womb
He didn't do that with anybody else or anything else right only people only man
Why You know it's for his glory It's for it's for him for his pleasure
And so He set us apart from everything in genesis chapter 1 verse 27
We see god creating man And when the scripture says something it's important.
Would you agree? What about when it says it twice? Typically more important Yes, twice as important but when it says something three times there's something truly special about it
It's it's it it's almost like a completeness god uses three
To describe even the fullness of the godhead right the father the son and the holy ghost
And he made us in his image and he gave us a body soul and spirit right and then
When he created us look at how he describes it in genesis 1 27. So god created man.
There's one he created man in his own image in the image of god created he him
Male and female created he them it said created three times
Which I like to think means god was at his most and complete creativity
At his most creative he was completely creative when he created you He was pretty creative when he spoke everything else in existence, there's no denying that You have billions of life forms on this earth you have
So many different varieties if you just think about the flavors of food
The amount of variety in just the flavor of food is just astonishing. You can never run out of flavors
There's always new flavor combinations right That's amazing and that came from god and yet He was more creative When he made us out of dirt
Like it took some creativity to do that, right? And then We messed it all up, didn't we?
We mucked it up good Because he gave us dominion because not only did he put man on this earth and used
Like the highest level of creativity to do it He then gave man dominion over the fish of the sea and the foul of the air and everything that creepeth on the land like he gave us dominion gave us a place of honor and glory and to the point of Parading the animals in front of adam now think of this has anyone ever done anything artsy
Like tried to paint or draw or anything? Right. Did you spend some time on it?
Was it kind of hard? Took it took a lot of effort And when you were done, it was your piece of art, wasn't it?
and You get to name it. Don't you? Yeah And like i've always been that way like I did this i'm gonna give it a name, you know
But then I found out Once you have kids You almost kind of want them to do it, you know, like I made this
I made it for you What are you gonna call it, you know? And then you get joy out of seeing what your kids would do with it
What do you think it is? I'm not gonna tell you you tell me And that's what god did with man because he thought we were so special he was like Let's see what adam names all these things that i'm making
Isn't that cool? And so adam gets to name all the animals God parades all of them in front of him
Really really cool. That's the kind of dominion. That's the kind of position we had past tense
Because that relationship was severed broken when man sinned
Messed it all up And so this verse That it says what is man that thou art mindful of him.
It kind of pictures just how special man is to god Because out of all the billions and trillions of things in the universe known and unknown
He chose us to give the attention to That's where his attention is
And the scripture makes us know that he his thoughts are continually towards us
They're always about us It's like he just can't stop thinking about us You ever been in love?
Right When you know how that feeling that you have where you just can't stop thinking about the person that you love
Like that's how god is with us His thoughts are consumed with us the almighty god
Weird Because we were just dust And he gave that dust value
And put it at a really high place. That's what the first part of verse Four is showing us but then it brings in this other concept when it says and the son of man
That thou visitest him Who's the son of man? That's jesus
Because then it goes on to describe jesus for thou hast made him A little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honor see this amazing super creation that god made and man rose up against god
And became enemies with the lord And god who was so in love with this creation decided
All right I'm gonna make my kid go And save this creation
And i've done a lot of artsy things in my life. I like to do art. I love to sketch That's my thing.
I like to do things on the computer. I do like graphic design and stuff I will never let my kids die for my creation
It's just never gonna happen so For god to love his creation that much
Is beyond my comprehension And so Jesus also known as the second adam
Not formed by god like we were but begotten of god
Was sent to restore that relationship with us God's very child not just his handiwork
Like we are No, this was his offspring the light of the world and the apple of his eye
What a much greater estate he has than we had And yet he gave up his position in heaven
To come to earth a spiritual sacrifice He lived a perfect life for 30 some odd years a mental sacrifice
And then he died on a cross Physically for our sins physical sacrifice.
He sacrificed mine Body and spirit all of it just all of it for us
That was the estate that jesus had god's kid And he came and gave up Everything for us
He was made a little lower than the angels. See the angels are eternal man
In a sense is eternal as well see It's because we have we have the saints we have us right we have those who who god has redeemed
When he does that we are now made in a sense eternally where we get to be
Living with him forever. So while man and jesus is the man pictured here was made lower than the angels
That's only momentary because then jesus ascends back to the throne
And is now higher than the angels and here's the coolest part To them gave he power to become the sons of god
To those who would believe on his name. So what does that mean for the dust the handiwork those who?
God formed who raised up against him to become an enemy instead of destroying his creation
He not only saved us he is now giving us an even higher estate than we had in the past Higher than adam's first estate think about that There's no
Way, you can make that make logical sense to man It has to be a step of faith just like it has to be a step of faith for you to want to be evolved from a monkey
Right like that you can either have faith that you are
Great enough to Somehow evolve from a monkey and rise up against god who created the monkey in the first place right
Okay, it came from a big bang God who made the big bang in the first place like none of that makes sense
You can think that it's all about you, but when you really stop and consider just how tiny you really are
How ridiculous is it that we have pride? How ridiculous is it that we have anything that we think we should be prideful about?
The only reason why we would have anything to think we should be prideful about is that we can look and see something beneath us
But why is it beneath us because god put it there He gave us dominion over it
So anything that we can say gives us value comes from the lord
Which is funny because we came from the lord the concept of value comes from the lord
The concept of anything comes from the lord the concept of concepts comes from the lord
You can't get to the start of the lord And god crowned us with glory and honor and now the psalmist here will go on to Describe what that looks like thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands
Just like the first adam was supposed to have And jesus restored that Thou hast put all things under his feet.
That's how we know it's talking about jesus All sheep because now in case there's anything that you forgot it's going to be everything but all sheep and oxen
Yay, and all the beasts of the field That would be great and small the fowl of the air
The fish of the sea and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea What is that?
I mean like like it's like anything else you can think of that could possibly be Thrown into the sea or pushed through the sea
All of it's under his feet. So he has complete dominion over all things everywhere at all times
Never seen or even imagined Yeah So it's everything you can think of and everything you can't
He has dominion over all of it and as co -heirs with christ, so do we
Think about that Because of the finished work of jesus. We have a greater dominion than we've ever had and so appropriately
The psalm ends the way it began Oh lord our lord How excellent is thy name in all the earth
Because it's the name of god that activates it all That enables it all that gives us meaning it gives us purpose.
It gives us power. It gives us position It all comes from god and it's all for god and it's all
For god and it's all for god So that We can learn more about him when we use our microscopes to look deep into Microbiology We will eventually get to see god's name stamped on dna
When we look far out as far as our telescopes will let us see And get to the edge
We realize that edge is only there For about a second and then it expands out farther
And we'll never reach it And god's glory extends beyond it because he set his glory above the heavens
And so when we look at all the creation around us and we even look at all the creation inside us
It should be a humbling thought Because all the value that we have and we do truly have tremendous value that far surpasses 92 billion light years in both directions
That's our value. It surpasses that all with inside you We should remind ourselves that that value originates
And extends And is only because of god's glory
And god's name How excellent is thy name in all the earth? Isn't that cool? So that's psalm chapter 8
And does anybody want to add anything? We got a couple of minutes Thank you
I'll applaud the king james version as well Because that's where it all came from All right.
Well Let us pray Heavenly father lord, we just thank you for the vastness of you we thank you for Uh the the glory that you have set above the heavens
And that you direct all of your glory and all of your attention And all of your thoughts
Towards something that would otherwise be completely meaningless and dust but because You've directed your thoughts towards us
We now have greater value than anything else That can even be imagined. We thank you for that.
We thank you for your son who you Who you sent to pay the price to redeem that value?
We thank you that We have a lot to be thankful for this thanksgiving season
We just ask that you remind us of that at all times Because it's when we become unthankful that we begin down a pretty dark road of sin
So help us to always be mindful And thankful We love you and send your name.