Frequently Asked Questions About My Channel!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So there are many people who don't like my channel, shocking,
I know, and I've noticed that they all pretty much have the same few objections that they bring to the table over and over and over again.
So rather than keep dealing with the same complaints all the time, I've decided to make one video addressing them all.
So in this video, I'm going to give you the main purpose of my channel, and I'm going to answer the common objections to my channel.
And I'll be doing both of these things using scripture as my guide, and hopefully using a little common sense too. So to begin, what is the goal of this channel, and is it biblical?
Well, put simply, my goal on this channel is to protect the church from false teaching and false teachers, and to help people realize how important it is to have sound doctrine.
Why do I feel that this mission is biblical though? Well, there are several passages that make me reach that conclusion, but let's start with Romans 16, 17, which says,
I appeal to you, brothers, to mark or watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught.
Avoid them. Paul calls the entire church of Rome to mark out those who teach false doctrine and to avoid those people.
So that's what we do about false teachers, but part of my channel is also calling out some bad ideas that are preached even by my fellow brothers in Christ.
These are people who I believe we should not avoid altogether, as the text says, because they're not false teachers.
In a case like this, is it biblical for me to post a video refuting a bad idea that my fellow brother in Christ is presenting?
I believe it is biblical, based on Titus 1 .9, which says, He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught so that he might be able to give instruction and sound doctrine and also refute those who contradict it.
Now, I believe that Titus 1 .9 here specifically is talking about men who are already in or who aspire to ministry, not necessarily every church member, but I fit into that category myself.
In short, this verse doesn't say we're talking about false teachers, but that we're talking about fellow believers who need correction.
Additionally, Romans 12 .2 says, Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Christians are supposed to question things and discern what is good and acceptable and perfect. And by extension, we are also supposed to know what is bad and unacceptable and imperfect.
Hebrews 5 .14 echoes this, saying, Those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.
Discernment has become unpopular these days, but it's something that we are commanded to have, and it's even something we're commanded to constantly practice.
More than this, Acts 17 .11 talks about the Berean Christians, and it says this, Now, these
Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica. They received the Word with all eagerness, examining the
Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. The Bereans looked at the Scriptures carefully every day to see if they aligned with Paul's teaching, and rather than being called hypercritical
Pharisees, they were called noble. Many people believe that calling out false teaching is done very rarely in Scripture, but that's because most people are unaware that basically every single
New Testament book calls out false teaching to one extent or another. The reason you may think otherwise is that you have been trained by many modern churches to ignore parts of Scripture that are seen as unloving or uncomfortable.
Rather than react in this way, guys, we should adjust ourselves to accommodate Scripture rather than adjust
Scripture to accommodate ourselves. So now that I've given you my vision for the channel moving forward biblically, that I want to protect the church from false teachers and false teachings and increase sound doctrine, let me deal with some popular objections.
I want to make sure that I'm being fair to my critics, so I've written down 18 of the most popular problems people have with my channel, and we're going to deal with them right now in this video biblically.
Number one, Jesus and Paul didn't make a habit of calling out false teachers, so neither should you, Colin. Well, this is just absolutely untrue.
Paul calls out false teachers and wayward Christians by name at least five times just in the book of 2 Timothy alone.
One example of this would be 2 Timothy 1 .15 when Paul says, quote, You are aware that all who are in Asia turned away from me, among whom are
Phagellus and Hermogenes. And Jesus calls out the Pharisees dozens of times over the course of His ministry, and everybody knew who they were.
Matthew 23 .33 is a great example of that when it says, quote, You serpents! You brood of vipers!
How are you to escape being sentenced to hell? Both Jesus and Paul, and several other apostles for that matter, made a habit of calling out people by name when it was necessary and loving to do so.
That brings me to point number two, which is, you're not being loving. This objection is very common, and the problem with it is that it assumes that it is unloving to call out false teachers.
And if it is unloving to call out false teachers, then Jesus Himself was being unloving when
He called out the Pharisees, as I just mentioned. So that objection just isn't going to work. Number three, you're being a
Pharisee. Again, if it makes me a Pharisee to call out false teaching, then Jesus Himself must have been a
Pharisee when He called out the Pharisees. It's a silly argument, and it makes no sense. Unfortunately, most of the time these days when someone else is called a
Pharisee, it usually means you're being really passionate about your Christian values. Most of our definition of what
Pharisees even are have been developed for us by our own emotions rather than Scripture. I would highly recommend that you do more research on what
Pharisees actually believed in Scripture before you call other people Pharisees. Number four, you think that everyone's a false teacher,
Colin, and there's nobody who we can listen to today. This is absolutely untrue. There are many, many preachers whom
I support and who I listen to regularly, and all of these men have some things that I slightly disagree with theologically.
I mean, who doesn't? Some examples of these people would be Paul Washer, Doug Wilson, John MacArthur, Justin Peters, James White, Steve Lawson, Vodie Bauckham, and many more.
Just because I call out all the people that you like doesn't mean I'm calling out all preachers in general.
That's a very narcissistic and self -centered way of viewing things. If you happen to like all the people who
I speak against on this channel biblically, then maybe that's something you should change about yourself rather than asking me to change my biblical objections against those people.
Number five, you only talk about what you're against, Colin. You never talk about what you're for. You should just focus on putting out good sermons rather than critiquing bad sermons.
This is just not true. It's not an either -or situation. It's a both -and situation. In just about every video,
I call out false teaching, but I always offer ways for us to change and make our views more biblical.
And after all, if you're going to be for truth, then you have to be against falsehood. You can't truly be for anything unless you're willing to be against something else.
Number six, your whole channel is just gossiping about other Christians. Now this complaint usually arises because people don't actually know what gossiping is.
If it's gossiping to publicly contradict false teaching, then Paul and Jesus are also guilty of gossiping when they call out false teaching.
So this objection just falls flat. Number seven, if you disagree with these people, you should contact them individually,
Colin. You don't want to not make a video about it publicly and put it on your public YouTube platform. It's okay to correct them, just not publicly.
This complaint, more often than not, comes from an improper reading of Matthew 18, which says, quote, if your brother sins against you, go to him and tell him his fault between you and him alone.
This verse doesn't apply to false teaching. It's talking about when your brother sins, quote, against you.
Not only is this objection unbiblical in the way people apply it, but it's also illogical. For example, if the majority of the church was beginning to wander off into the false teaching of a particular teacher, and no one was allowed to contradict that teacher publicly, then we would just have to sit back and allow the entire church to be misled.
Obviously, having to meet in private with every person you disagree with theologically is a ridiculous and unattainable standard.
Number eight, you're accusing the brethren, and Satan is supposed to be the accuser of the brethren, so you must be on Satan's team,
Colin, and your ministry is unbiblical again. We have a misinterpretation here. Revelation 12 .10
does talk about Satan being the accuser of the brethren, brethren, of course, here being church members, but that does not mean that everyone who accuses a fellow
Christian of anything is acting satanically. If all accusations are satanic, then why would 2
Corinthians 1 .31 say, quote, every charge must be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses?
In other words, if every charge against a fellow Christian is wrong, then why is Paul telling them exactly how they ought to bring charges against fellow
Christians? Number nine, the Bible says don't judge other people, Colin, and your whole channel is just judging.
This is a misapplication of Matthew 7 .1, which says, judge not that you would not be judged.
This verse is not talking about never being able to judge someone. After all, if it were saying that, then quoting the verse itself would be a sin because the verse is judging those who judge others.
The passage is talking about hypocritical judging, inconsistent judging, not the judging of people in general, and that's why
John 7 .24 says to judge with right judgment. Number 10, you're taking scriptures out of context,
Colin, and cherry picking passages that prove your point. You can't simply say that. You can't simply say that I'm taking scripture out of context because you don't like how
I applied the passage. You have to actually show me, using the text, why my application is wrong or how
I'm ignoring some other text of scripture, and hopefully offer me a different, more accurate, more valid interpretation of the text.
I get this comment all the time, and it's almost never accompanied by virtually any biblical evidence whatsoever.
Number 11, you only need to call out people as false teachers if they preach false things about the gospel, but you,
Colin, call out people for non -gospel issues all the time. This view comes from Galatians 1 .5,
as far as I can tell, because it says, quote, but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel different than the one we preach to you, let him be accursed.
Now I agree that we should call out false teachers who preach a different gospel. However, that is not the only time we are allowed to call out false teaching.
For instance, Paul calls out those who approve of sins like homosexuality, for instance, in Romans 1 .32.
Homosexuality isn't technically a gospel issue, but believing that homosexuality is not a sin, or believing that it should be encouraged, makes you a false teacher nonetheless.
Number 12, what about Christian liberty? Aren't you taking away all Christian liberty when you say that people need to agree with your perspective,
Colin? You are absolutely right. Christians have a lot of freedom. After all, Galatians 1 .5
says, for freedom, Christ has set us free. That's all true. However, no Christian has the liberty or the freedom to encourage or promote false teaching.
We're simply talking about two different things here. There is no Biblical evidence that would indicate that Christian liberty means that you don't have to follow the
Word of God anymore. And Ephesians 4 .25 says, quote, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor.
We do not have the freedom to join up with clear false teaching, rather, we are commanded in Scripture to tell the truth.
Number 13, what if you are offending the people who preach this false doctrine by making videos about them?
I would certainly say that I'm not actively looking to offend anybody, I'm not a provocateur after all, but Proverbs 27 .6
says this, quote, faithful are the wounds of a friend, profuse are the kisses of an enemy. In other words, it is better for me to be loving yet contradict someone's false teaching, even if it hurts their feelings in the moment, rather than pretend to agree with them and encourage them to believe something that's false and damaging.
Number 14, you are being hypercritical and not being charitable. I would argue that the
Bereans were hypercritical too, maybe even more critical than I was. I mean, Acts 17 literally says that they compared all of Paul's teaching to Scriptures every single day.
But instead of being called uncharitable, they were called noble. Number 15, you can call out the bad ideas that these false teachers have, and you can even hint at who they are, but you shouldn't call them out by name.
Again, Paul calls out people by name all the time. I gave the example of 2 Timothy earlier to demonstrate that.
So there's just no consistent way to argue that calling people out by name is something the Apostles would never have engaged in.
Number 16, you're ruining the Church's unity. Now this is a very common objection, and the problem is that it doesn't take into account that Christians should not unify around falsehood.
For instance, if some dude who calls himself a pastor said that stealing isn't a sin, and I came out with a video saying that he's wrong and the
Bible calls stealing a sin in Exodus which it does, am I damaging the Church's unity by doing that?
No, because I'm trying to help the Church unify around the truth of God's Word, rather than unify around this random guy's false teaching.
And in any case, if calling out false teaching is damaging to the Church's unity, then you'd have to say the same thing about Paul and the many other
Apostles who consistently call out false teaching themselves. Number 17, as Christians we should be tolerant of some level of false teaching in the
Church. No, that's not a value that is described in the Scriptures, that's you applying modern leftist ethics and imposing them on Christians.
But besides that, there is a passage of Scripture which directly refutes this view. In Revelation 2 .20,
Jesus Himself makes a statement to the Church in Thyatira which says, "...but I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman
Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing My servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols."
These Church members are chastised by Jesus Himself just for tolerating a false teacher.
We don't even know if all of them agreed with her, all we know is that they tolerated her. The implication then is that the
Church should have been actively fighting against this false teacher and that would have glorified Christ far more than their sinful passivity.
We are commanded not to tolerate false teaching. Number 18, Colin is just doing this stuff for money because he sells merchandise and asks people to donate to his ministry at the end of every video.
Go read 1 Corinthians 9 where Paul says that people have the right to get paid for their ministry. The Bible also has no prohibitions against someone selling t -shirts, hoodies, or mugs in exchange for money or some sort of service.
It's honestly difficult to even deal with this kind of objection because it's based only in emotion and not in Scripture whatsoever.
So in any case, I hope you've enjoyed this video. I never want to be the type of guy who is unable to receive or respond to correction, the
Bible has a lot to say about a fool hating reproof. In fact, there are many objections and critiques that I have received in the comment section that have led me to change my approach or even delete a section of a video that was inaccurate.
However, these specific objections are not particularly convincing to me as many of them originate from either subjective emotions or improper interpretations of Scripture.
I hope you guys understand my mission on this channel a little bit more accurately now and please pray that the Lord would convict me of any falsehood or sin that I participate in on this channel so that I can repent of it.
Thanks so much for watching. If you enjoyed that video, don't forget to like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
If you didn't like that video for any reason, then I'd invite you to watch my Frequently Asked Questions video, link in description, wherein
I deal with common objections and define the purpose and the goal of my channel using Scripture. This channel is funded by generous donations from my amazing patrons.
If you'd like to help us put out more videos fighting for biblical truth, hit the link in the description or go to patreon .com
slash colinamiller. You can donate to my ministry there and earn tons of rewards, just like these.
And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.