Approaching God - Exodus 19

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May 1, 2022 Morning Service Faith Bible Church - Sacramento, CA Message - "Approaching God" - Exodus 19


Okay, well, good morning. Good morning, everyone Welcome to Faith Bible Church. Glad to see everybody's here some visitors all the way from Hawaii.
So welcome again Family church family goes all all the way all around the globe and To tell that all you got to do is need to do is get online and boy.
It's it's pretty pretty amazing So, I'm just glad you're here today and we're blessed in so many ways the
Announcements we're not too heavy on in that announcements. We've got our prayer meeting every Sunday at 6 in the evening.
So please join us for that I want to thank pastor for his This morning was on the canonicity of scriptures.
What a wonderful study that is and If you'd like his notes and you weren't here, it's really relevant to What we stand on not that we need to have all the intellectual aspects of the scriptures
But it really grounds of what we study and what we what we believe in It just it's a consistent thread of truth all the way through it
So if you'd like those notes, I'm sure see Victor and he'll get your email and write it down But it's a great study and thank you pastor for that for that study
There's men's breakfast next Saturday at nine o 'clock in the morning, so men take note of that and that's always a great time of gathering together and filling our stomachs because men like to do that and At least
I do And there's no men's Bible study that afternoon On it's not on the on the bulletin yet, but we're gonna have an all -church fellowship on May 22nd
That's after the Sunday service. It'll be over at the Huffman household. So Lunch will be served.
All you need to do is bring yourselves children are welcome. Everybody's welcome. So please come join us so So now it'll be right after the morning service.
So as soon as we wrap up here and then we'll head in that direction Okay, and I think that's all for announcements
As we prepare our hearts, I'd like to just read a few verses from Psalm 103 It reads bless the
Lord. Oh my soul and all that is within me. Bless his holy name Bless the
Lord. Oh my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquities
Who heals all your diseases who redeemed your life from destruction Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies who satisfies your mouth within with good good things?
So that your youth is renewed like the Eagles and then in 19 He says the Lord has established his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules overall so praise the
Lord for his word and that he is ruler over all things and So, please join me in prayer
Lord God, we thank you father that you have gathered us here today Lord that you have made us in your image
Lord that we might worship you Abundantly in an in a magnificent magnificent manner father
God we ask that you would lead us that the Holy Spirit would guide us as We hear your truths that we as we sing and hear the truths that are spoken of and repeated in the in the hymns that we
Sing father in the scripture that is read And the teaching that is given father that you are would be the preeminent you are the
Lord over all and that we would be good hearers and listeners of That father we pray that you would help us to to discern
What we hear and then apply that to our lives father We pray for for the folks that are not present today.
Many are sick or ill at home father. We pray for strength and Comfort for them and we know that they would like to be here father, but Lord, you have them in a place and time as according to your will so father
We just thank you for your grace and love and your mercy father for it is it is infinite
So God bless our time today and this morning. We look forward to taking communion as well begin to prayer prepare our hearts in anticipation for that father that we might have a whole heart before a holy
God and That we would set aside and confess those things that are that are grievous of you to you father
So that we might commune Without any hindrance or any encumbrance father.
So God bless this morning and this service. We pray in Jesus name. Amen Good morning, and he has said
I will never leave thee nor forsake thee and We serve the Lord Jesus and how great he is and let's stand and sing how great thou art my
Oh Thank you for singing please be seated at this time
Good morning I'm gonna be reading from John chapter 1 verses 9 through 14 as John chapter 1 verses 9 through 14
I'll be reading out of the New King James Version That was the true light which gives light to every man coming into the world
He was in the world and the world was made through him and the world did not know him
He came to his own and his own did not receive him But as many as received him to them he gave the right to become children of God To those who believe in his name
Who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God and The word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory
The glory is of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth
May the Lord please add his blessing to the reading of these words Well, let's worship our
King the Heavenly King and let's sing a worship the King and We are
God's people, please stand Oh Oh Thank you, please be seated children are now dismissed children's church as pastor
Please turn with me to the book of Exodus chapter 19
In the third month after the children of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt on the same day
They came to the wilderness of Sinai For they had departed from Rephidim and come to the wilderness of Sinai and camped in the wilderness
So Israel camped there before the mountain and Moses went up to God and the
Lord called to him from the mountain saying Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel You have seen what
I did to the Egyptians and how I bore you on eagles wings and brought you to myself
Now therefore if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant then you shall be a special treasure to me above all people for all the earth is mine and You shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation
These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel So Moses came and called for the elders of the people and laid before them all these words
Which the Lord commanded him then all the people answered together and said all that the
Lord has spoken we will do So Moses brought back the words of the law of the people to the
Lord and the Lord said to Moses Behold I come to you in the thick cloud and the people may hear when
I speak with you and believe you forever So Moses told the words of the people of the
Lord Then the Lord said to Moses go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow and let them wash their clothes and Let them be ready for the third day for on the third day
The Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people You shall set bounds for the people all around saying take heed to yourselves
That you do not go up to the mountain or touch its base Whoever touches a mountain shall surely be put to death not a hand shall touch it
Touch him, but he shall surely be stoned or shot with an arrow whether man or beast
He shall not live when the trumpet sounds long. They shall come near the mountain so Moses went down from the mountain to the people and Sanctified the people and they washed their clothes and he said to the people be ready for the third day
Do not come near your wives Then it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunderings and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet was very loud and that all the people who were in the camp trembled and Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God and they stood at the foot of the mountain now
Mount Sinai was Completely in smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire it's smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quaked greatly and When the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder
Moses spoke and God answered him by voice Then the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai on the top of the mountain and the
Lord called Mount Moses to the top of the mountain and Moses went up And the
Lord said to Moses go down and warn people lest they break through to gaze at the
Lord and many of them perish Also, let the priests who come near the
Lord consecrate themselves lest the Lord break out against them But Moses said to the
Lord the people cannot come up the Mount Sinai for you warned us saying set bounds
Around the mountain and consecrated then the Lord said to him away Get down and then come up you and Aaron with you
But do not let the priests and the people break through to come up to the Lord lest he break out against them
So Moses went down to the people and spoke to them. This is the word of the
Lord Let us pray Father we are thankful that you are
God who comes down to meet his people We're thankful that you are a
God who desires to meet his people you are a God who makes a way for his people to meet you and We're grateful to be living on this side of the cross where God did come down in in a form of a man and he died for us so that we could be his and Father we pray that as we remember
This great Presence of God that Moses and Israel got to see that we would also remember the fulfillment of that in Christ Jesus in his name we pray
Amen as Israel is headed toward the promised land
God makes them stop by Mount Sinai for a special purpose
This is none other than to start a covenant relationship with his people this text shows an appearance of God that is more vivid and more terrifying than ever before in Israel's history and The purpose of it is to form a covenant relationship
Now that the Lord has graciously saved his people How are they going to relate to their
God Remember the Lord did not demand obedience from Israel Before saving them
God graciously and mercifully saved Israel just as they were and now
We see on Mount Sinai God Officially starting a covenant relationship with his people and what is required of his people
To be in a relationship with him Now to briefly speak about covenants in the ancient
Near East a covenant was a treaty made between a powerful king and a lower vassal or lower
Lord The powerful king would promise protection and provision to the lower
Lord and The lower king or the lower magistrate might promise allegiance
Loyalty to this power for powerful king no other king But this specific powerful king that they're making a covenant together
It was legally binding treaty of loyalty In which a betrayal would mean death for the traitor a
Covenant was a very serious matter. It wasn't just a promise it included that But it was a treaty
That was binding Now for the Lord God of Israel the relationship he offers his people was that of a covenant?
Relationship a loyal committed relationship in which Israel would have no other
God and God would provide and protect Israel and This is a crucial point in God's redemptive history because God graciously saved
Israel out of bondage Despite their sinfulness and inadequacies
Now this compassionate God this powerful God Desired to start a relationship with them
He wanted to be their one and only God and Today's text will show us what it looked like for the
Lord to show up so that Israel could enter a covenant relationship with him and This is important for us today
Because the covenant making Lord of the Old Testament is the same
Covenant making Lord in the New Testament Although we're in a different covenant
We're making a covenant with the same being and of course
Because we're in a different covenant how we live would look different from how
Israel lived But it is important to know what kind of God makes the covenant with his people
God's relationship with us is not consumeristic Where he's in it as long as you provide or you're in it until he stops providing it is not a superficial consumeristic
Relationship, but it's the covenant that legally binds ourselves to him
It's a deep relationship That you can't find anywhere else the closest thing to a covenant relationship with Jesus is
When we find it in the covenant of marriage it's the giving of whole self to the other person and it's buying and they're bound together and Each party looks out for the best
God's best for the other That's the importance of covenant relationship and Every marriage even the best of the best is a shadowy glimpse of Our relationship with God So the main point of this text is that God God's people
Enter into a covenant relationship with the Lord as he provides the way
God's people enter into a covenant relationship with the Lord as he provides the way first The first 15 verses cover when
God's people enter into a cup into covenant with the Lord They must consecrate themselves
When God's people enter into covenant With the Lord they must consecrate themselves
Now after leaving the camp of Rephidim Israel finally arrived in Sinai This passage is the climax of The Exodus narrative because the
Lord reveals himself and his law to his people This is where God's people enter into their covenant relationship with their
Redeemer with their God This is how they will know how to relate to their
God How to live with their God how to live for their God?
The first two verses established the context of this important event They arrived at Sinai after three months of journeying in the wilderness
After Moses goes up to the mountain Now God speaks to Moses Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel You have seen what
I did to the Egyptians how I bore you on eagles wings and brought you to myself
This part is the preamble of the covenant It identifies the parties that are involved in the covenant
Israel and the Lord The Lord reminds Israel of his redemptive act to free
Israel from their slavery their bondage and He uses the metaphor of eagles wings that bore them up an
Eagle is the chief of all the birds majestic he's the king and This metaphor would illustrate
How God saved his people from the enslavement of Egypt?
It's the outstretched wings that protected his people the wings that swiftly rescued
Israel from Egypt It's the wings that show the powerful protection that the
Lord provided for his people Not only that it's those wings
That brought Israel to himself It's not just freedom from enslavement
But a deliverance to himself This was not just a political move on the
Lord's part But it was relational the goal was to bring his people to himself
It's like the bridegroom bringing his bride to himself This covenant is not just political alliance
But a relational deep covenant
Now after introducing the parties involved in the covenant the Lord lays out the requirements for the covenant
Now therefore if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant the first part is
That there is a requirement of obedience in order for Israel to belong to God They must obey the
Lord They must be faithfully committed to him They must not seek other gods they must not disobey
God and What will result from the covenant faithfulness?
Then you shall be a special treasure to me above all people for all the earth is mine if Israel walked with the
Lord and remained loyal to the Lord They will be the recipient of God's delight and blessing they will be reserved and preserved for the creator of the world
Out of all the people groups whom God created Israel would be the crown jewel
Now, what does that mean for Israel to be the special treasure of the
Lord? Verse 6 unpacks the implication of this special status and you shall be
To me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel The special status of Israel was not to be preserved quietly in a secret vault
But to bless the surrounding nations First as a kingdom of priests
They would play an intermediary role between the Lord and the other nations
Israel's holiness and Faithfulness would show the surrounding pagan nations
What kind of God they worship the hopeless pagan nations would encounter the compassionate and loving?
God through Israel Israel would be a nation that reflected
God's holy characters which means they needed to be a holy nation a nation that is set apart for the
Lord a nation that is different from other nations
Israel would obey laws that are more just than any other laws of the pagan nations
When you study the law of the Bible It's striking
How impartial it is? The same law applies not just to the elders, but also to the poor
The same law applies to the foreigners but also to the king that was not the case in the surrounding regions and In this country even that's not the case often
When the elites get away with the crime that would not be possible to get away for the rest of us
Israel was Different and not only that they would be morally pure Israel's law
Showed the moral holiness and purity that would be unheard of in the surrounding regions the surrounding regions in The temple there would be cult prostitution
That would not be okay in Israel the priests would have to consecrate themselves
Before entering the temple in the surrounding nations
They had no regard for human life. They would sacrifice children for good harvest in Israel That would curse the nation of Israel if that were found in Israel God set apart
Israel To be a kingdom of priests to show what kind of just morally pure holy and merciful
God that Israel served and the surrounding nations would experience and Encounter him through Israel now upon receiving such a great deal
Moses relays it to the elders and the elders to the rest of the people and the people excited
Excitedly exclaimed all that the Lord has spoken we will do Then Moses goes back to the
Lord to share the people's response Now it is important to point out that God did not need
Moses to tell him how the people responded Right God is omniscient
He is all -knowing however, the formality in verse 8 in which
Moses goes back to tell the Lord that the people accepted the deal is to show that The Israel's response was not to Moses but to God This would serve as a reminder
That Israel is now accountable to God God has formally heard their reply.
It's kind of like signing the marriage certificate After you get married
The signing doesn't make it official You are married when the pastor pronounces you man and husband in the witness of his people and God But that formality is included here so that the agreement is
Not between Moses and Israel Nor even the elders and Israel but between the
Lord himself and Israel in verse 9 the
Lord promises to be present before his people to seal the deal Behold I come to you in the thick cloud that the people may hear when
I speak with you and believe you forever The Lord will be seen by Israel To show that this was not some made -up religion that Moses Came up with when he spent too long in the mountains but rather a real
Visitation from the sovereign Lord who rescued them from the bondage of Egypt This visit would show that Israel is truly dealing with the
Lord not Moses Right. This is very unlike From various religions that depends on only the testimony of a single man like Islam Mormonism now, how must
Israel prepare for the Lord's visit? Verses 10 through 13 detail what
Israel must do to prepare for the Lord's visitation go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow and let them wash their clothes and Let them be ready for the third day for on the third day
The Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people the consecration or Making oneself set apart
Would require physical cleansing To be set apart for the
Lord remember in the Old Testament the physical phenomena
Illustrated the spiritual reality God used the physical phenomena to teach the spiritual truths
When Israel cleansed themselves physically their body and their garments They would learn the importance of purity and holiness
Remember they were purifying themselves for two days two days.
That's a long time This would get them thinking during this whole two days two days of purification process
Wow, what kind of God is the Lord that we have to be squeaky clean?
before he arrives What is the Lord like that we have to be spotless and pure from head to toe
It would be a teaching opportunity to show them the holiness
The purity of the Lord their God now not only do these people have to be physically cleansed
Verses 12 to 13 Actually restrict the people when the
Lord comes down. They can't just be anywhere You shall set bounds for the people all around saying take heed to yourselves that you do not go up to the mountain or touch its
Base whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death Not a hand shall touch him
But he shall surely be stoned or shot with an arrow whether man or beast he shall not live
When the trumpet sounds long they shall come near the mountain The Lord is so holy.
He is so utterly other That Israel could not approach even the mountain in which the
Lord was coming down on Now this is not to say the mountain was special but It's how the how holy the
Lord is His holiness Spreads even to the mountain that he comes down on and what is the consequence of disobeying the
Lord? death no trial immediate execution
Not only that the method of death would prevent the justice keepers from touching the violator
The criminal has to be shot with an arrow or stone to death. No one shall touch him
Now why is the Lord so serious? Well, this is the reality of relating to the
Holy God The Holy God cannot be reached on our own terms but his terms
This was vastly different from the gods of the ancient world People made idols out of whatever material that suited them wood rock
Metals whatever is available and they offer up food to these idols in Return they would expect some sort of blessing fertility good harvest good marriage and These idols or statues of fake gods could be kissed
Could be robbed Could be hugged and you could bow down to them any time anywhere
Whatever suits your desires It would be like a vending machine
I'll put some money in and expect the goods in return not so for this
Holy God The Lord will not be controlled nor manipulated by the created
He will meet his people according to his way unlike the idols where the idolaters can choose whatever and whenever to offer and Whenever to approach however to come a come closer
The Lord will choose who will approach when they will approach and how they will approach
Because he is the creator Not a mere idol and the command for preparation continues in verse 15
Be ready for the third day. Do not come near your wives The peculiarity of this last command is due to the
Hebrew idiom to come or to go into one's wife This was sexual intercourse
Now, why would Moses? Command Israel not to do that After all
Bible celebrates sexual union between husband and wife everywhere else
Well, this is because during the consecration The focus would be on the
Lord not anything else during these two days
Israel had to just consecrate every part of their bodies and Their lives every facet to the
Lord The focus was on the Lord Not their personal lives now the question is
How do the new covenant people consecrate themselves before the Lord a shower is not required
To approach the Lord Laundry is not required to approach the
Lord However consecration is required to approach the
Lord Titus 2 14 tells us How we are consecrated to approach the
Lord how we are consecrated to become the treasured possession of the Lord Jesus gave himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people zealous for good works
Ultimately it is not the physical filth that we need to worry about before approaching the
Lord Are there we need to be cleansed out of? the internal filth sin lawlessness wickedness rebellious heart
Gross desires it is this rebellious heart that actually
Wants to disobey the Lord that needs to be cleansed out and How does
Jesus purify his people to make his own treasured people? through his death on the cross
He took our sin from us and faced the consequence death for our sake
So that we would be made a new people in him Jesus is the one who consecrates us who purifies us and Presents us acceptable before the
Lord Cleansing away the filth that we could not get rid of with soap and laundry detergent
But cleansing away our sin and Dealing with that on the cross as he faced the wrath that we deserved
That's how God makes his people his treasured possession
Now the question is how does God meet his covenant people?
How does God? Encounter his covenant people his covenant people approach the
Lord according to his way His covenant people approach the
Lord according to his way Verses 16 to 18 show what occurred on the third day
The third day when the Lord would come down to his people first Verse 16 tells us it was not just a normal day
Then it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were Thunderings and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet was very loud
So that all the people who were in the camp trembled on the day of God's visitation
Anything that could possibly be perceived by human senses were experienced at a maximum level
The thundering and lightning the sight of the thick clouds that cover the mountain the trumpet that increasingly grew louder and louder
So powerful was this experience there the Israelites were shaking from fear
Israel who knew of God who compassionately and mercifully and delivered them were scared of God's arrival unlike the pagan gods
Who represented these frightening phenomena the God of thunder?
Would be the thundering The God of the cloud would be the thick cloud The Lord God of Israel Is separate from these natural phenomena
The Lord is not in the lightning The Lord is not the mountain
The Lord is not the cloud He is the creator who is sovereign over all things made in Verse 18 describes the sight of the
Lord's descent Now Mount Sinai was completely in smoke because the
Lord descended upon it in fire It's smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quaked greatly
The Lord came down upon Mount Sinai in fire and he's descent was so great that the whole mountain quaked
One of the fewest things in the ancient world that would not shake would be a mountain.
It's giant and It's heavy doesn't move
There's no natural phenomena that would normally move it There's no wind that's good enough to move the mountain.
But here when the Lord came down the mountain quaked verses 19 to 20 show the meeting of God and his people and when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and Became louder and louder
Moses spoke and God answered him by voice When Moses called out to God He answered back to Moses publicly
Again this is different from the false gods who can't answer back the false gods are mute the idols are mute and Even if some people claim that they're false gods answered back.
It's only to that private individual other witnesses are
Absent Conveniently not so for this
God. He answers back to his people He is present through his word
Then the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai Sinai on the top of the mountain and the
Lord called Moses to the top of the mountain and Moses went up This is the prototype of the temple it is the meeting place between God and man a location where the
Creator meets the created a location where the divine meets the mortal
The top of the Mount Sinai and the subsequent verses tell us that not everyone could meet the
Lord the same way the Lord first warns go down and warn the people lest they break through to gaze at the
Lord and many of them perish and Lest and let the priests who come near the
Lord consecrate themselves lest the Lord break out against them First the lay people could not come near the
Lord lest they perish The Holy God could not be just approached in a willy -nilly fashion verse 22 tells us the priests the descendants of Aaron even them they could not approach
God by themselves without consecrating themselves if The priest did not consecrate themselves.
They also would end up just like anyone before the Holy God crispy and burnt
No one was exempt from following the Lord when approaching him and verse 24 also further limits even the priests
Away get down and then come up you and Aaron with you But do not let the priests and the people break through to come up to the
Lord lest he break out against them The space closest to the
Lord was still reserved for only Moses and Aaron Not even the priests could approach the top of the mountain
Sarna a Jewish commentator Sarna is his name by the way points out that there are three divisions on the mountain in order to meet the
Lord and That's very similar to the tabernacle Which will be built in the subsequent chapters of Exodus First there is the summit the very top where Moses would meet the
Lord and receive the law priests normal priests could not enter only
Aaron the high priest could go up and this would represent the holy of the holies a
Cubic area inside the tabernacle and later the temple that can be only accessed by a select few
Namely the hall the high priests Second there's the pathway up to the mountain which the consecrated priests could access
This would be the holy place inside the tabernacle inside the tent Where the consecrated priests would be ministering inside the tent, but before the holy of the holies
Lastly the foot of the mountain where the rest of the people had access to to see Was like would be like the outer court where people would gather around to see the sacrifice
There would be the altar for the burnt offerings outside Now this is a fascinating fascinating similarity and it is hard to confirm definitely
Right to see that three parts and three parts in both the Sinai and also the tabernacle
But there is one absolute common theme between the Sinai presence of the
Lord and the tabernacle God's people encounter the
Lord according to his way They do not get to make up the paths themselves
Any attempt to do so would get them stoned or shot with an arrow Right if someone was stubborn and said how come
Moses gets to go up to the summit I'm gonna go up to Well, God set a boundary for that He'll be shot and if Israel sought to go beyond what they were limited
They would have been killed on the spot And this is really important for the church
Because the principle of approaching God has not changed
God's people need to follow God's way when approaching him.
You may have heard this idea Anywhere you really go there are many ways to God Or God has revealed many different ways to himself to different civilizations
Coexist whether it's Buddha or a different monk
One of the millions of Hindu gods Joseph Smith Islam how they all point to the same
God That's what they claim However, this is a sure way to disobey
God and Die along the path before encountering him and that's the prevalent lie of pluralism
There is not one way but many acceptable ways That's a lie from the pit of hell
Directly goes against what God has been saying all throughout this passage shows us that any other way or any other method of Approaching the
Lord up the Mount Sinai would have led to death immediately
It doesn't matter who you are What family you come from? You stray from God's designated way.
You will not only miss him, but you will die trying This is a serious matter just because we're living in the
New Testament era It does not mean we get to make up how we approach the
Lord now, how do God's people encounter him?
What path has God prepared for God's people to take in order to meet him?
Well after Jesus announced his departure to his disciples The Apostle Thomas asked how we must know the way.
How do we know the way? To this Jesus replies in John 14 6 to 7.
I Am the way the truth and the life No one comes to the
Father except through me. If you had known me you would have known my father also and From now on you know him and have seen him the once unapproachable
God became flesh and Not only spoke of the way to him
But became the way to him the once cloud -veiled deity on Mount Sinai Clearly revealed himself
Before his people yet most rejected him once it would have been death sentence to get near this
God for God's people and And when this deity became flesh and he dwelt among us he
Tabernacled among us. He was the very presence of God among us We decided to kill him but by God's sovereign grace
It was Despite our sinful response to this
God It was precisely the method in which he provided a way for the sinful people to Meet the
Holy God It was the cross and the resurrection After all all throughout history the biggest obstacle for humans to meeting the
Lord Was their sinfulness? the Holy God could not stand a sin of The people the
Holy God By his just presence alone Would have killed any sinner in the way however when
God Became flesh and dwelt among us He took on our sin and Died the death that we deserved so that we could be made holy
Complete to approach him to have a covenant relationship with him and It's his way or the highway
There's no other way to God than Jesus Christ Through his cross through his death and resurrection
No, good will no good works no other teachers
Do you believe but Jesus alone and what he's done for you on the cross?
Let us pray Father we are thankful That all throughout history you make clear how your people can approach you and that you graciously provide the way and Of course we celebrate and remember
The most costly way To bring the most amount of people the history has ever seen
To worship the one true God and that's through the death and resurrection of Jesus your son
We pray that we would treasure him and we would never back down or compromise on any claims
That go against Jesus being the only way in Jesus name And let's stand for our closing song.
Take my life and let it be Take my life
Be Consecrated Lord to thee take my moments
In ceaseless praise In ceaseless praise