Update on Dobbs and a Historic Day in Louisiana


We are grateful to have our dear Brother, Pastor Brian Gunter on today to discuss an update on the Dobbs case and the historic day we had yesterday in Louisiana. Please take a minute to visit our sponsor AR500 at: armoredrepublic.com. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


Come on Non rockabootis must stop. I don't want to rock the boat.
I want to sink it Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?
Delusional yeah delusional is okay in your worldview. I'm an animal you don't chastise chickens for being delusional You don't chastise pigs for being delusional.
So you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly okay. It doesn't really hurt What Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men
The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men lauding them for their courage
Going to all the world and make disciples not going to the world make buddies not to make brosives, right?
Don't go in the world make homies right disciples. I got a bit of a jiggle Nick That's a joke pasta when we have the real message of truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not
And now Oh sons listen to me blessed are those
Keep my ways here instruction and be wise and do not neglect it Blessed is the one who listens to me watching daily at my gates waiting beside my doors
Whoever find Excuse me for whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the
Lord The he who fails to find me enters himself all who hate me love death.
Oh, I almost nailed it There's Jeff. Sorry Sorry doing too many things at once.
I so close on that one. I just came to use these glasses I know I think maybe are those like that is creating a problem.
It is creating a problem for me. So today I am Wearing my ar500 shooting glasses and They have that what
I can't think of that what it's called they have that special coating on them You know, we're like you can use it for fishing and stuff
You guys know I'm talking about all I can think of when I look at you is Cyclops. So you can use them here
Cyclops, you can use them for fishing meaning They have like an extra protective for like the glare off the wall
Yeah, but I can't think of what it's called I'm my brains not working or no Anyways, they have that but it makes it really hard to look at screens because it like does this weird
Like mirror thing with it and that's what's happening right now with my computer screen now, I get it though. It's a sponsor
Yeah, these are my ar500 shooting glasses You know studio lights are bright
Polarized that's the word I was looking for Polarized Yeah, they're polarized and they're really great for shooting.
I love them, but they're making it really hard to see what's happening inside right now Yeah, so for shooting and fishing not great for sitting at a desk
Exactly, right. So You can get them at an armored Republic comm
And you know what? These are these are tools of Liberty right here Tools of Liberty because that's what
I'm Republic makes and they do it to the glory of God See what your life looks like through the lens of Liberty I'm gonna take them off because like oh look it
I was gonna say they have this sweet little carry case, too with a zipper and Everything I'm gonna put them in there right now so I can see
The issue is that they're they're Liberty focused, but you're looking at Facebook on your on your iPad
Yeah, and so it gets blurry not very liberating Speaking of trying to read notes and things in this tablet specifically when it's bright out
That rally though Yeah, it was hot. Yeah and bright. Yeah, I had my sunglasses on could not see my notes yeah, and it was so bright and There was a couple times where I was like And I think
I even accidentally clicked like a box opened up, but I couldn't tell what it was Yeah, and I was just like well, hopefully this goes away my iPad ended up dying on my last sentence.
Are you serious? Yeah, praise the Lord God's timing right there speaking of God's timing
It's been a lot of that going on this week. Yeah for sure super providential. Yeah, we're gonna get into that in a second
So it's been a very exciting week. We've had a bunch of special broadcasts We had a very historic day yesterday.
They were very excited about that. I almost crashed While I was driving because I was so excited true story and We're talking about that in a minute, but first I'd like to welcome
A pastor Jeff by the way is took a couple days off because he's been In Louisiana, I feel like for three straight months.
Yeah We got the old Valley wind Half of them because Well, when you said my iPad died on my last sentence,
I'm like we all know How long did you go you did you did pretty 20 minutes
Yeah, I don't know what you're hitting a Little bit longer.
I literally like you probably saw me the moment. I was done. I beelined it off the steps mm -hmm and went directly to the shade and started to Strip off some layers because my shirt was literally wet.
Oh, were you guys in like full indirect? I had long season to tie on. I had a jacket that I brought
I was like, it's not happening. Yeah, not happening So my shirt was literally just wet and yeah, but Brian or I guess we'll be on the second
He's like probably laughing at us because he had him like a polo and was like, yeah Yeah suckers have to get some some humidity tips.
I mean you're from them. Yeah, but I don't like it I don't like it. That's for sure Pastor Brian was like just because I mean business doesn't mean my attire is business
It was uh It was it was moist, but we were like directly into the
Sun the whole time yeah, and there was like no cloud cover and The breeze would hit every once in a while, which was kind of nice But but almost just kind of like in a teasing way.
Yeah, like wouldn't this be nice if there was a breeze? Yeah, well, I will say the the talks match the atmosphere.
That's for sure They were fire. There you go from all the speakers. So I also have enjoyed the
Lady mama on my left. I know at some point somebody was like, I don't like what you call her the girl
But I am a girl you are so proud of it So I'll go ahead and bring in.
I'm just I'm excited man. This is this has been just a cool week I'm just I'm over the moon right now. So I'll go ahead and bring in my good friend
Brian gunner No tea Gunter come on get it right.
But yeah, but they were saying gunner and let's they're like, oh, we got Brian Gunner I was like what happened to the tea? You say with a tea?
Yeah, I say it correctly. Okay, that's good. No one else was calling you Brian Gunter Gunner Louisiana, I noticed that go ahead.
It's because I was bringing the heat, you know They know I was fully armed and ready to go. So they just called me
Brian Gunner. Oh, that's good. I Noticed that In Louisiana, Louisiana, you say
Louie, so we had a whole discussion about this you say, Louisiana Louisiana, but half the people there say,
Louisiana So there's even a debate in that your own state how you say the name not here No one's like calls it something else in Arizona here
Look, there's 64 parishes in Louisiana, and I think each one has its own distinct dialect
I Noticed you guys you leave out a lot of letters though in words like gunner or Like we got an oil spill
I was like what happened to the I and I also feel like sometimes people from the south leave out spaces That's what my husband does.
Like he just takes like five words and makes it all one word. Oh, really? I don't experts of abbreviation
It's efficient as long as you are from there and you know, I'm saying economy of words for those familiar
With the message we're spending all this time on fully enunciating. Yeah, everything So Darren stood is talking trash about your face
Hi, Darren, love you, bro So let's be serious here. We had this. I I'm just I can't
I can't say enough how excited I am right now As you can tell I can't even talk so we had the rally in Baton Rouge on Saturday Which I learned that they call it
Baton Rouge and that's all rules which you would think that's what they call it but they don't so Went really well had a decent turnout other than being really hot and we're it's very excited.
So we had the bill Dana McCormick's bill just got put put into committee.
And so that was Saturday and then Monday right or Tuesday was the
SCOTUS leak that will be Tuesday. I believe or Monday night. It was late
Monday night it came down the pipe. So If you guys happen to be living under a rock and miss that there was a
Leak from the Dobbs case in Mississippi Which literally has never happened before in the history of the
Supreme Court unprecedented. So it clearly was intentional You know, they're saying that Sotomayor's assistant leaked it and basically was the point was it showing that it looks like they're that the
SCOTUS is actually going to overturn Roe v. Wade Which would be phenomenal put us back to the states where it should be
Which we didn't really think they might actually do Um, so if it goes that way because it's not final it's probably gonna be another month or two before we know for sure
June I believe yeah, so they obviously were trying to create a firestorm We already saw today just now before we went live
Chuck Schumer saying that they're gonna try to codify Roe into law before then And so it's kind of it's kind of a big deal
It was a big leak. But at the same time we're like, oh my goodness praise the
Lord because the timing of this is perfect and I'm gonna let you seriously get into that Brian, but like Because yesterday we had our hearing in the committee for HB 13 in,
Louisiana which Got passed on a committee. That's that's historic
If you're watching that has not happened in any other state of all the work We've been doing and those before us have been doing like that's not happened except for Texas But they did that because of a loophole not because it was legitimately voted on and Not only did
I get voted out of committee, but like it wasn't even close right seven to seven to two And what did
I did I see that there was like two people that didn't even vote maybe or Pastor Brian would know better Okay, so I'll let him speak to that So anyways,
I literally was like driving like listening to it the vote in The past seven to two and I was so excited.
I was like screaming and yelling and almost crashed my truck So that's what's happened this week, it's amazing.
This is what we've been asking God for. This is like one of the Biggest things ever for apology in our ministry and action for life and in abortion now
And yeah, so all that to say abolitionist movement and yeah general exactly, right all the work
That's been all the foundations that have been laid by others before us. I mean, yeah, this is something we're trying to build on I'm sure rusty was cried a lot
Yesterday, yeah, I think we all share a tear at the it's it's historic in the sense of It's humbling to see the fruit of faithful consistent
Christian witness in this area and the proclamation of the gospel in the area of protecting pre -born children,
I remember We started out just going to the mills then we took it to City Council and now we're getting to take this message to the state level and to see the progression of you know, what the
Arenas of the Lord has allowed us to speak the gospel into it's super humbling to be a part of and thankful that we get to do it at the state level with men like we have on today and the show who are just Bulldogs, honestly when it comes to getting it done.
So that's that's what we needed and it's it's truly great to be a part of Yes. Yes.
Somebody said that representative Marcel walked out before the Hearing it didn't return. So they're worse. I think
I heard two names where they called their name and it was like silence. Yeah But whatever, that's fine so You before we get into Louisiana specifically.
I know you had a you did the show with Bradley I think it was Tuesday, right? It was like an emergency or is it when
I don't doesn't matter Flying out to Louisiana, that's right.
So You want to talk about that for a minute and just the importance of that if anything and I missed and then we'll
I'm gonna Bring Brian in to talk about how that ties into what's going on Yeah, yeah, not to wax too long on it.
If you want to see the interview, it's up right now on our YouTube channel, but Bradley Pierce constitutional attorney we've had him on before he was just discussing really the implications of this for Christians in particular at the state level and what this means
What the possibility of Roe versus Wade means and we of course came to a place where we're always calling us back to the reality that Overturning Roe is never something that we needed to wait for at the state level in order to abolish abortion
The states have had the duty and the moral obligation to do it since the beginning Every state is the one that is charged with protecting its own citizens whether born or pre -born
Now with equal protection gaining a wider public audience and hearing I think people are really starting to understand this now
Really? We're just demanding consistency when it comes to the protection of innocent human life.
We want the same protections Applied to the pre -born that everybody else enjoys if you want to know what the position is
Legislatively what we're advocating for that's it and Bradley Of course does a great job of explaining and not talking about what is the basis for this?
It's scripture Of course, it's based in the Constitution the 14th Amendment says that no state shall deprive any of its persons the right to life
Central to the founding of our nation central to the rights inherent to every human being that are inalienable, right?
This is not something that government can grant. It's something that we're supposed to recognize and protect and then of course the biblical basis
What does Christ say love your neighbor as you love yourself? This is the greatest
Commandment. We're not to show partiality. We're not to demonstrate unjust weights and measures
We're not to acquit the guilty and punish the innocent all of these things fulfilling the royal law of Scripture fulfilling the golden rule do unto others as you would have done unto you
That's what we're saying needs to happen for the pre -born in the womb We need to treat them with the same protections that we want to be treated with and so that's the basis of HB 813
House bill 813 that's in Louisiana right now But all of the hoopla is going on over apart from the
Dobbs leak really where it landed with Brad though is that we need to be as Focused if not more focused and motivated than ever because of these circumstances we have an advantage at the state level to call on our legislators to end and criminalize and abolish abortion as never before because this
If you don't know this was really the excuse that a lot of pro -life legislators and pro -life lobbyists used to say
We can't do it because we got a way to see what the Supreme Court's gonna say and we're pointing to it say look Look at what they're saying right now
You never needed to wait to begin with but look they are likely going to overturn it
And so we're not waiting for that even it's great that you know Samuel Alito the the justice that that rendered the draft and the opinion is
Coming out and saying things like Roe is not the law of the land. Yeah, we've been saying that Forever and praise
God, right? It went before the courts in the amicus brief that Bradley helped file But to hear things like that now to hear it disseminated from such a large entity that people look to as the higher voice the higher power that the
Entity that we need to wait on the institution that we need to wait on before we can do anything To hear that be consistent with our message yeah all we need to do is just keep our feet to the gas pedal and Say keep pushing keep putting the righteous kind of political pressure on these state
Legislatures that we need to end abortion and that's what we're trying to do in Louisiana. Amen. Amen I was the speaking of the amicus brief.
So if you guys don't know what that is, it's a fancy legal term Bradley we're supposed to have our friend brother
Pierce. I know Zach mentioned. I think he got caught in the emergency, but He wrote the amicus brief we were part of that with him with an abortion out in action for life and there's like 20 different groups behind that but Basically what it was saying was it was calling on the
Supreme Court justice to do what's right before God to overturn row and you know all that right do their duty
Basically, so I was thinking about that I was like man when this all comes out if like they mentioned the amicus brief as part of Their decision to be just yeah, who knows but the way that they're talking is the way that we've been talking
That's what I'm just saying urging. Yeah, very encouraging saying so before I get to Brian here, excuse me.
Got a frog with her Ribbit ribbit ribbit That I can't
I don't know I know people love frog legs, but I like frogs, I don't know but I don't know anyways
I did have gator. Okay. I did that we talked about that gators good if it's cooked, right? If it's not it's really greasy and it's gross.
I Would imagine it's a little like swampy. No, actually, it's pretty no.
Um, I mean it does taste a lot like chicken. It's pretty You know minimal in flavor But yeah,
I've had it where it's just really greasy and like it was just not good But if it's like cooked nice like a piece of chicken like a chicken nugget or whatever
I don't know. It's a it's a mind -over -mind thing for me. All right. Anyways, let's rope. How'd I Brian in here?
I want to hear from well, so yeah, sorry before I get that so like I Want to go hard for a second.
We go hard in the paint As soon as this the leak for the
SCOTUS the Dobbs thing went out it was like you start seeing all these Republican governors all over like oh
If this goes through we can finally, you know do the right thing and it's like Then at that point
I'm wanting to like punch a hole in the wall and I'm gonna mention Kathy Herriter Used to president
Yeah, I mean she immediately put out a video and I know we've had some people of ours going hard out there, but she was like now it's enforceable and it was like no it was enforceable before you just chose not to do it and Here's and here's what people need to understand
This is what we've been saying for a long time that I think people think we're crazy when we say it if this goes the way we wanted to go with the
Dobbs case and Right now in Arizona it is against the law to have an abortion, but they're not enforcing it.
It is enforceable They're just not because they're afraid of the federal beast But that is and it was illegal for the abortionist and the mother
But thanks to Kathy Herod and cap this year Or was last year this past year.
Yeah, they went and Decriminalize it for the mother. So they rejected our bill house bill 2650, which was the
Equal Protection Bill in Arizona that would have protected all preborn children
From death by abortion. They rejected that they actually went to legislators that were co -sponsors and convinced them to not sign on to The bill and then in exchange they removed the statute from the books that criminalized the mother and so Kathy Herod decriminalized abortion in Arizona's and instead instituted a piecemeal half measure
Related to genetic abnormalities and then of course, they just passed the 15 -week ban in exchange when they could have
Ended an abolished abortion altogether, right? So If this goes away, we hope it goes the
Dobbs case. They strike down Roe v. Wade Then now in Arizona, it will be illegal for the doctor for the murderer, but the mother is not
She can now Abort her child with no consequences because of the laws that they put into place
Which is just infuriating and like listen, we've been saying it would happen and it's gonna happen not just in Arizona There's gonna be states all over the place that have similar laws
I mean, I would say all conservative states probably have similar laws of where that's gonna be the case stuff like that So it will be legal to some degree because of the laws that the pro -life industry has put into place
Now Louisiana is a little bit different and because there is a trigger law there which
Brian is very familiar with so Brian, I'm going to turn over to here turn it here over to you
First tell everyone why this Dobbs leak was so critical for what?
What happened yesterday in Louisiana? Yeah, that's great. You know when we heard on Monday night that The US Supreme Court majority opinion draft had been leaked that The justices were going to overturn
Roe and fully Send the decision of whether to regulate or totally prohibit abortion back to the states
I mean this was the best news we had have had in half a century Concerning the
US Supreme Court on abortion now, of course states should have never complied with Roe The reality is is that the
US Supreme Court is not above the Constitution, right? Mm -hmm and Certainly is not above the
Lord. Jesus Christ Amen, and as I said in my speech at the rally The US Supreme Court is not the highest court.
The highest court is in heaven And there is one judge there and he's not up for re -election
He doesn't need our He doesn't care what the opinion polls say he doesn't need our agreement
King Jesus rules from on high and he says that children are created in the image of God and We have to rescue those who are being taken away to death and hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter
So the reason that the US Supreme Court draft being leaked which said
We've been wrong for half a century and we're preparing to make that right The reason that was so important was because the pro -life movement in Louisiana had largely been trying to ignore
Hb8 13 our bill says that we are going to criminalize abortion
Totally ban it no exceptions. No compromises No waiting
Children in the womb will have the exact same legal protections as all other persons in the state of Louisiana There is no difference in the personhood of the child inside the womb or outside the womb life begins at conception
And we are going to protect their lives by law from conception And so when this decision leaked
Suddenly it comes out that oh my goodness. The US Supreme Court agrees with us
The US Supreme Court agrees with us that states have the right to totally prohibit and abolish abortion and so Luke what basically happened was is
This through gas on the fire of the abolition movement in Louisiana We had our rally on Saturday and then on Monday night news came out and I'm telling you
I have had friends Who were on the fence on whether or not to join on to the abolitionist movement who when they saw this leak
They realized the historic moment and now they're getting on board and supporting abolition
This could have never happened in the Louisiana legislature before this year I I know many of the legislators and this really would not have passed in previous years
This is a providential moment that God has ordained for us to finally put it in You know to the murder of children in this state.
Amen. And so I think what's important to mention is We had the rally on Saturday. So between Saturday and Monday night you had a number of Legislators or pro -life lobbyists who were telling you like what we're gonna wait till after the
Dobbs case to vote on this, right? Well, not just over the weekend. I mean for the past few months.
Yeah I I Worked in the pro -life industry for five years in a staff position for the past five years in Louisiana, I tried to reform our state's largest pro -life organization toward abolition from the inside and They just didn't want to do that.
And so I let them know I have a difference of conviction here. I Believe that we need to move to totally ban abortion and criminalize it just as all other murder and I'm convinced that I can no longer be a part of an effort.
That doesn't do just that because I believe it is Compromised before God and I'm gonna stand before Jesus one day and I'm not willing to be guilty of that sin.
And so I Told them my conviction and finished up the responsibilities.
I had in that capacity and left that position earlier this year and we filed
Danny's bill in the state legislature and The rest has been the providence of God ever since I was told there's absolutely no chance
This bill will pass it. It wouldn't pass the legislature. It wouldn't even pass a committee.
There's no chance There's probably not a single legislator that would vote for it. Well yesterday we found out that wasn't true.
Yeah, so several reality is God God has intervened supernaturally.
I mean, it's all of Providence, you know, the reality is That might have been right a year ago, but that's not the truth today
You know, I have been one of the key leaders in the pro -life movement in Louisiana over the past eight years by God's grace he's given me the opportunity to do a lot of work in this area and I'd say about four or five years ago.
God began to just change my heart that we need to move toward total abolition and the more that I dwelled upon these things the more that I Considered these things and searched the scriptures and prayed the more convicted
I became to the point where I had to make a break Yeah Well one thing that I appreciate but appreciate about Brian is
You pretty you're like right now you're pretty chill, you know, like we've got to spend some time together You're pretty easygoing
But this man like steps behind the pulpit and he's like straight like the Apostle like he's like straight
Hardcore like old -school Baptist like and I love it And if you guys didn't see we had the in abortion now day there at your church in Pollock in December Put up your sermon and I'll be honest with you.
I didn't I don't think I've told you Those are one of the best stinking I've ever heard in my life.
It was fire. It's so Saturday at the rally you were you're up right before me I mean and you were just you were going to town like it was just fire like you're just like burning the place down and I you might see me when we put it up like lean over to loud and Chagrin, I'm like I gotta follow this guy.
I Don't know how I'm gonna follow this guy. So thank you Whoever I think it was probably you whoever put me behind Brian, thank you for that But I appreciate it cuz you got everybody fired up.
So maybe by the time they got to me They were already fired up. So But I think the energy in the crowd kind of hit a lull right after I finished speaking
I don't know what happened Probably Probably they're probably like who's a big dude melting on stage right now
I had to go up after you and the microphone was like, yeah Well that might kept like it kept like falling down cuz
I had to put it up and to tape that bad boy You know, I had to put it up and it was like I kept like it was also melting.
It was awesome Yeah, and if I could point out something about that guys One of the things we have to do in this fight is we have to be willing to call out the politicians
Yep, who tell their voters that they're pro -life and then are inconsistent, right?
Yeah, right and In that speech I called out a so -called pro -life state representative
Gregory Miller because he said he was pro -life that he was going to work to end abortion in the state and we had a different bill the five row and He would not schedule it for hearing.
I called him out in the speech The minute or so where I was calling out state representative
Gregory Miller I said that if He doesn't immediately vote for if he doesn't immediately schedule our bill for a hearing because he's the chairman of the committee
That has the bill and he has the power to schedule it or not schedule it I said if you don't immediately schedule it then you need to tell your
Constituents that you lied to them that you're not pro -life and you're protecting abortion in this state.
Yep, and Wouldn't you know it? He just scheduled the bill for a hearing yeah, well, it's how it works
I'm sorry that that's what it said, but praise the Lord. Yeah, that's how it works, man Okay, so so Going to yesterday then
We had a ridiculous turnout Which was awesome. Unfortunately, we weren't able to be there because we had just got back but you know
What'd you you said? We had about a hundred people. I think they're from I Don't know if it was just from Louisiana from all over.
I know like loud and stronger and Bradley were there They flew in for it, but it was we had so many supporters there for this bill that there was standing room only they had to open up the overflow it was like a
Sunday service for apology and It was amazing it was just so encouraging to see
Yeah, so do you anything you want to say to that? bro, I got to the Capitol that morning and So I'm walking in and I'm talking to some different legislators and I know and different things and I go down We're in the very bottom floor of the
Capitol where committee room six is where the hearings taking place. And so I Get to the hall where the committee room is and you know
Those halls are usually pretty empty and I get in there and there's people just stacked in this hallway
I mean, it's like shoulder to shoulder and I'm like what in the world is going on and I'm starting noticing people who had been at the rally and pastor friends of mine and I start walking down the hall and Somebody's like, oh, there's pastor
Brian and everybody starts like cheering and I'm like, whoa What is going on here? And I said are all you guys here for HB 813 and they're like, yes, and We had
I think about a hundred and fifty people total Well that came that were packed in that hallway outside of the the committee room
And so when we got in there, you can see the pictures in the video in the media We filled all the seats
We had people standing at the back and people still in the hallway who couldn't get into the room so the speaker of the house
He had a overflow room opened up and I went introduced myself to House speaker
Clay Shake Snyder and I said, hey speaker. I'm pastor Brian Gunner. I'm here for Danny McCormick's bill
And he goes oh, so you're the guy who got all these people here today. I was like, yeah, that's me I hope you can hope we can count on your support for HB 813
You know, the reality is those Legislators need to know that we're watching them.
The church is watching you. You got to realize something In the the
House of Representatives. Our bill is going to get a floor vote. Hopefully next week. Yes there are 105 state representatives 68 of them are
Republicans and every one of those 68 Republicans ran as pro -life. Mm -hmm
We need 53 votes to pass the bill. Well so if No more than 15 pro -life
Republicans don't back out. It's gonna pass in the house Yeah, but here's the thing.
We can't assume. Oh, they're Republicans. They're gonna vote for this guys I'm here to tell you we had legislators try to leave the room before taking the vote
Yeah the other day in committee. Okay, and they had to come back and vote. They were trying to deny us a quorum
You've got to understand something guys. We we are in a moment here where we
Should have the votes to pass this bill in the house and the Senate But we have to hold their feet to the fire do not just assume that this is gonna happen
Because I'm telling you right now. I know these legislators. They would rather not vote on this But the reality is and this is what
I told them in my testimony before the committee 7444 babies were murdered by abortion in 2021 last year in the state of Louisiana and those legislators have the power to stop it 20 babies on average every day
Brutally dismembered ripped limb from limb and the bloodshed just keeps just keeps
Accumulating in this state and those legislators have the power to stop it So if you ran as pro -life
Then you ought to vote for our bill and if every pro -life, here's the thing Here's the thing if every pro -life legislator votes to end abortion by voting for HB 813
Abortion will be banned in the state of Louisiana Every pro -life legislator votes. Yes, it's done.
It'll be in law. Amen so talk just I want to talk about another aspect of God's sovereignty yesterday because I mean this 813 was the number four bill listed and the bills that they were gonna look at yesterday, but I Know you were there the waiting the whole time and I'm kind of watching from home and that you know they were slowly making their way through all the bills and Launchloggers saying and they have to have a hard stop between noon and one and You know, it's 1215.
It's 1230. It's 1245 You know and the bills before them were like I'm like get these people out of here like this is
You know just like this is a waste of time, right? Like and it was like I think it got down, you know,
I'm like, they're not gonna see this They're not gonna hear the bill today after all this. They're not gonna hear it cuz they're gonna push it you know, so there's no time or whatever and One o 'clock rolls around and I'm like, man
That stinks and they kept going And so I don't know whose call that was to keep going but they did and they heard it.
It was the Lord's call It was well after one and I think there was only like two or three other bills after hours that I don't even know if they heard the other bill or not, but But yeah, like talking about God's harmony.
I thought for sure it was done They weren't even gonna hear it and We were told our deadline was two o 'clock after all of that we originally told earlier as you said and and two o 'clock the house is gonna convene and all these members have to go up to the house and Vote on bills on the floor and so we have to finish by two o 'clock and we get up there and I think it was about 145 and So I said look
I've got four people that have to testify Some others would like to as time allows we'll do that.
There were a few pro -aborts that testified and so We had other people that wanted to testify.
I mean we had 87 people put in a green card To speak yeah, and I looked at our people and I was like listen if 87 of you speak for three minutes each
We're not gonna get a vote Okay Yeah So I had to ask the people and some of them traveled from across the state several hours and I hated to do this
But they tried to run out the clock on us. Yeah, and really we should have gone first Yeah, I mean with that big of a crowd there
Yeah, our bill should have been first, but they made us last and they almost ran out the clock and it like 159
I'm like, okay. Nobody else on our side is gonna testify. Let's let them vote And they literally voted at like 201 and so we all most we all most
You know had that had the hearing in and we wouldn't have had a vote yesterday And and that would have been time for them to add more pressure schedule it later
You know hope that we don't get that kind of a crowd to show up again, but guys I'm here to tell you when the house votes
We're gonna be there in mass We're gonna put out the call and when we know on what day and time the entire
House of Representative votes on on HB 813 you all need to be there.
Yeah, and we need to put in floor notes that go to the legislators. You need to be contacting every member of the
Louisiana House of Representatives Especially those 68 Republicans. Yep Every Republican in the
Louisiana legislature ran its pro -life Everyone and if we had their votes alone, this bill will make it into law and there's pro -life
Democrats too, right? Yeah Yeah, I mean there's a number of Democrats who are pro -life and they should vote for this bill as well
As I said, we have more than enough votes not only to pass this bill But where the governor to veto it we could override the governor's veto if every pro -life legislator votes
Yes, that's that's huge baby. We need to talk about it before I get that scenario Yeah, cuz you're gonna be putting all that out right for an abortion and we'll be letting everyone know.
Oh, yeah Yeah, we're already on it. Yep, so So that's a super important point, by the way
I love it when Brian says I'm here to tell you because you know when he says that he's about to preach It's kind of like when you say
I'll be honest. Yeah, I'll be honest So that that's huge though because I know
I had people hit me up yesterday like well, hey, that isn't the governor He's a pro -life Democrat, which whatever
Oxymoron, yep, but so a lot of people are saying well, even if it passes the House and Senate the governor will strike it down Please explain how it is that that can be overruled because that is huge.
Yeah, so, okay. So here's the thing guys Number one,
I Don't know what John Bel Edwards the governor of Louisiana is gonna do will he sign the bill will he not
I don't know He ran for governor telling the people of Louisiana that if he had a chance to end abortion in this state
He's gonna do it. So let's give the man an opportunity to keep his word Yeah, I say
I say John Bel Edwards when you hear this and you will hear us We want to be able to say you're a hero
We want to be able to say this man had the guts to do the right thing and with his signature
Completely ban abortion in the state of Louisiana You will go down in American history as one of the most courageous
Governors in this nation's history. So if you want that legacy if you want to protect 7 ,000 plus babies every year from being murdered in this state
Then when we deliver this bill to your desk in a few weeks sign it, but if you don't
There's enough pro -life Legislators in the house and the
Senate to override your veto it wouldn't it be embarrassing if the pro -life governor of Louisiana struck down a bill to end abortion and the pro -life legislators had to override the governor
I mean don't put yourself in that position governor. Just sign it. You'll be held as a hero by the pro -life community
Yeah You know that 70 % of the voters in Louisiana have said in polling that they want an end to abortion in this state
You have Overwhelming support Louisiana pro polls as the most pro -life state in America So if it's gonna happen anywhere, it should happen here
So sign the bill and let's get this done And I want to say to all those legislators in the house and those in the
Senate who are watching to see what happens Listen, if you vote for this, you're gonna make
American history That's right. You will be a hero for standing up for the unborn. So don't be afraid of this legislation
Be afraid of Jesus Christ. You're gonna stand before him one day soon You're going to take a vote on whether or not to stop the murder of children in this state
And if you vote no Woe to you for what you will face on the day of judgment when you stand before the creator of those little children
I do not want to be in your shoes on Judgment Day when King Jesus announces his
Sentence against those who had the power to end it and voted. No, don't do that Vote yes in the murder of children in Louisiana Let's abolish it here and then we'll move on to every other state in America.
Amen, and Brian's here to say, yeah, that's right It's the Sun unless you pitch. No, it's so true, man
I mean just think about what what James says in his epistle whoever Knows the right thing to do and yet fails to do it for him.
It is sin It's sin. It is a sin It is an egregious sin of omission on the part of any legislator who would profess not only to be pro -life but to be a
Christian to know and love the Lord Jesus and not Come on board when it's time for that virtue to be tested
Right. This is the profession. This is the What you committed to do with your mouth
Now when it comes time to actually do business and to go on record for the glory of God and for his kingdom
Guys, you better be careful You know kiss the Sun lest he be angry and you perish nevertheless
If you don't do the right thing, you might be princes, but you'll die like men Psalm 82 says so Whether or not you profess to be
Christian That's and remember what Proverbs says it says the king's heart is like water in the hand of the
Lord he turns it whichever way he wills and the reality is is God is able to move the hearts of these legislators and Our governor, you know, he is able to make this happen and God's providence
That less than 48 hours before our bill is heard. There's a historic leak from the
US Supreme Court Listen when that news came out Friday was throwing chairs through windows, man.
I Was like I'm preaching I'm preaching through the book of Joshua right now and you mentioned earlier
I was at First Baptist Church in Pollock, Louisiana but God sovereignly Supernaturally moved me to First Baptist Church in Livingston, Louisiana, which not coincidentally is just 20 minutes away from the state capital
Exactly, right and so now I don't have to drive two and a half hours to go visit all those legislators in the state capital and twist their
Arms to vote for this bill, but now I just got to drive 20 minutes down the road. So that was helpful that the
Lord did that and and and when the news came out, I'm preaching through the book of Joshua at my church and When the news came out
I Heard and I read the opening lines of the leaked majority opinion
Which talked about how Roe was flawed from the start and how we must we find that we must overturn
Roe and send this back to the states When I read that I said to myself the walls of Jericho are falling
I mean The wind is at our backs Let's let's run in and take the city and it was it was an absolute
Incredible moment where I realized man. Our God really is on his throne.
Amen, and he is he has Providentially provided us this opportunity guys.
I You know early on I really doubted if we could get it done this year, but We just might end murder of children in this state in a few weeks from now
Yeah, and and we need every pro -life or every abolitionist from across America To be calling in to the
Louisiana House of Representatives Every one of those pro -life legislators and saying you ran his pro -life now put an end to it
Stop abortion end it once and for all in your state and we need to be there.
It's a it's a public building It's the people's house. Let's go and let's watch them as they vote next week
Let's see how they vote and then when they go to the Senate I'm gonna be there to testify again in the
Senate and I'm gonna once again call those legislators to account You have an opportunity to end it.
Yes or no Do you want to end abortion now in the state of Louisiana take your vote go on record and just Remember, not only will the people hold you to account but the
Lord Jesus Christ will Amen, that's what's powerful about this pastor Brian, too and we talked about it yesterday after you guys were standing outside the legislature just the distinction between movements we have
Christians pastors people that love Jesus people that are under his lordship going before Legislatures going before civil authorities governments and bringing not generic argumentation not
Scientific biological facts as if this issue was about that but bringing scripture bringing the
Word of God Into the halls of those legislatures because you mentioned something so important The King's heart is like a river in the hand of the
Lord and he turns it where he wills But how does he do that? He does it through the means of sending his people into those legislative halls to speak the word of the
Living God That's how he does it We like to quote, you know Romans chapter 10
How then will they call on him and whom they have not believed and how are they to believe in him of whom they've never?
Heard we like to use that for Evangelistic outreach, but for some reason we fail to make full application to an arena like this the civil sphere
How are those legislators gonna have their feet held to the fire? How are they gonna be reminded that they are not only created by God?
But installed by him in this position that they currently occupy to serve and rule in the fear of the
Lord Where are they gonna be reminded of that? How's that gonna be brought back to their mind?
It won't be unless Christians are there showing up and reminding them that there is a
Lord To which they will give an account and they will stand before and give an account for every single one of these lives like you
Said but if we're not there bringing the Word of God and you mentioned yesterday when he interviewed you you just quoted
Proverbs chapter 24 right to the legislators and you Could hear a pin drop because the mood of the room shifted as the
Word of God goes forth and power I'll figure things happen right as the gospel goes forward and things change
Hearts change minds change and that's something that the pro -life movement Just cannot seem to figure out is that it doesn't take more information to change a heart or to change someone's mind
It takes the Word of the Living God to actually raise people from death to life Nothing else is gonna do it
Nothing else is gonna make the difference in this fight But that and we just got to get it through our heads and go do it
Do we really think we're gonna win this battle by backing down? Nope. Do we really think?
That that Satan is gonna be him be impressed by our patience, you know by saying, oh, well, let's wait and see
No, no, no No, we run in and we take the city for the Lord Jesus Christ.
The walls of Jericho are falling now We need to run in and take the city.
I mean that the crown jewel of Satan and in his followers is being taken from them.
I mean, yes They want a blood sacrifice, yes, and and we are seeing it in for the first time in a state since 1973 and this is our chance
So I'm just calling out to everyone who hears these words You got to show up American history is being made right before your eyes
So why don't you come and get a front -row seat and watch how we will finally put it into it in,
Louisiana Amen so, excuse me, um Bradley actually his flight was delayed. That's why
We couldn't get a hold of it. He's he just jumped on so there he is. So hopefully the signal
Hopefully this his single. He's in an uber right now. So hopefully his signal will Wow. That's a first. Yeah We've never had anyone broadcast in from uber.
So hopefully hopefully it'll work because I have one question for me I know I don't know how much time he has left from this ride, but this is important So I wanted to get
Bradley on specifically to talk about the fallacious and laughable arguments against the bill that those few pro -choice ladies got on after you guys in and Brought up and I mean
I was just I literally was like this is the best thing I mean, it was clearly they're just trying to you know, create this.
Yeah false narrative against this bill, which was a bunch of nonsense Yeah, so And it's awful and I want to get
I want to get Joyce take at some point to I know I've been asking Brian a lot of questions So Bradley, can you quickly?
Explain what was said by those women and why it's just a complete farce and why that's what they said was absolutely false
Yeah, well So many things that they were saying that that would just out of left field
I mean, you know what? I mean as far as just total falses. They were telling you they're saying that the bill
You know could subject mothers to prosecution even for miscarriage, which is absolutely not true, right?
I mean, we already have homicide laws That apply to people who are born and there are people who die every day and people die at home and people are not
Prosecuted just because you know an accident happens or people die of natural death and that's gonna be the same thing under this bill
Right. I mean natural death accidents. None of that is outlawed by this bill whatsoever. So that was one of the most glaring.
Yeah Yeah Yeah, there was a few things man, but I mean in all honesty these are things we have to be prepared to deal with Oh, yeah, because this is the mounting narrative that's gonna be built up against what all that we're trying to do
Yeah, things like, you know prosecution for miscarriage You know the separation of church and state
You know the supremacy clause of the Constitution the fact that you know a federal law Trump's state law
So you can't do what you're doing at the state level all of these fallacious things that we hear all the time
We just have to be prepared to deal with them because they're coming the opposition Knows or seemingly knows where this is headed
Yeah And that it has momentum and traction and so the narrative is gonna come and these objections are coming
We gotta be prepared to deal with it Yeah, especially even next week as we're waiting to hear when the bills gonna be on the on the floor there
Expect more of those arguments. I think the other big thing was that I forgot about that one actually Bradley I'm glad you brought that up The other big one was the
IVF and I think if I remember correctly the lady they even brought it up Then I was like at first I was like is she pro -life like when she first thought she was talking about how blessed she was
I thought that at first to have a child through IVF, you know, and she mentioned her partner So she probably was a lesbian but I first I was like what is happening right now and then she she uses that to like then say that this bill is going to not allow for for in for IVF and stuff and And so anyways, yeah, if you if you can speak to that brother because I think that was an important point as well
Yeah, absolutely. The bill would not outlaw or prohibit IVF. It would just require for IVF doctors to change their procedures, right so only create as many embryos as they're going to implant and So IVF can continue it just means that they have to change their procedures, you know
They don't get to just you know Pick the best lives and then just discard the rest or donate them to science or stick them in a freezer
No, they they have to implant them and they have to you know, you know They can't just treat them like their property or like their garbage anymore.
Yeah, they have to they have to Treat them ethically so IVF can still continue and people can still do that They just have to change the way the procedure and it has to be more more protective of these lives
Yeah, that's really important now Bradley another thing that people are saying is that This bill prescribes the death penalty for the mother
So are you saying that you just want to execute women with this bill that get abortions? Is that what you're saying?
Absolutely, not. I mean the bill I mean the bill doesn't even mention death penalty, right? The bill is simply about Making the same laws that apply to born people like you and me also apply to people before they're born
And you know, whatever what are the penalties in the state right now for homicide?
Well, then yeah Those would be the available penalties for homicide of a person before they're born But as far as what those penalties end up being, you know, that's not really up to the bill
It's not really up to the legislature. That's for juries to decide cases on a case -by -case basis we already have a justice system that we trust to handle that and to be fair and to consider all you know be sympathetic and Consider all those different factors and and that that would the same justice system that we trust to protect born people would be the same
One that we trust these people before they're born so big It's so big because this this is the main thing just to sum it up here just to kind of hammer at home
This bill doesn't establish penalties. That's not the purpose of it The purpose of it is to remove the discriminatory exceptions.
Yes that allow for the murder Homicide of a preborn child and in particular at the hands of their mother because right now we have this protected class of people
And all of these states there is legal immunity for a mother to murder her child because she has complete protection to do so Yes, because of these exceptions that discriminate against babies in the womb
And so what this does is say no exceptions No partiality the child in the womb receives the same protections as everybody else just like a mother that would kill her born child.
Yes. Amen Yeah, go I mean more specifically
I mean what it could look what it would look like would be you know prosecutors can prosecute there They can charge, you know, everything, you know the maximum where they can pick some lesser charge
They can pick anything from you know capital felony down to a class B misdemeanor You know
It could be even a fine or one day in jail or no jail or community service Or they can give the mother's immunity to testify against the abortionist right to where she has no, you know
Criminal consequences whatsoever and and that's the bill allows for all of that because those are the things that are available
You know when it comes to born people, so that's same justice system that we want with pre -born people as well equal protection across the board
Yes, absolutely. So while I have you on excuse me and I don't know if Brian or Bradley if you both want to grab this question, but talk about the the trigger law that's already in place in Louisiana and why 813 is so superior to the trigger law
I think that's important because I know a lot of the legislators there were kind of like well We have the we already have the trigger law in case
Rose overturned Yeah, so the trigger law in the state of Louisiana.
It's the 2006 Human Life Protection Act It states that if you kill a child in the womb by abortion, you will be fined $1 ,000
Law in Louisiana also states that if you kill an animal by animal cruelty say you kill a puppy dog
You'll be fined $25 ,000. So right now Louisiana law says that the life of animals is 25 times more valuable
Than the life of children in the womb. I mean, is that what we want to call a just law?
Do we think that's the standard not even close? We should have the exact same laws protecting children outside the womb
Protecting children inside the womb. Yeah, there should be no Discrimination against preborn children
They should have equal protection to all other children and all other innocent persons in the state of Louisiana And that's the beauty of this bill.
I mean, this is exactly what the pro -life movement has been telling us forever And it's right that life begins at conception
That their lives should be protected too. And we're saying yeah, we're gonna we're gonna put it into law life begins at conception
Therefore we're gonna protect their life from the moment of conception It's exactly what the pro -life movement has been saying for for generations that we believe
So we just put it into law and now suddenly some in the pro -life movement want to ask us to take the bill out
No This is exactly what we've always said we were going to do and now that the wind is at our back
And it looks like we have a real shot here of passing them this into law some in the pro -life movement are saying
Pull the bill. No, no No, God is finally giving us the victory
What kind of cowards would we be to back down in the moment when
God is giving us the victory? I mean that No way would
I betray Christ in this moment? Yeah, I mean he he has been so patient with the
United States of America Man, his wrath is not already destroyed this nation for the 60 million plus babies that have been murdered in this land
And you want to tell me now that we can finally put an end to it in the first state in America that we're somehow
Supposed to stop and back down Grow a spine. I mean
Seriously, let's stand up and act like men and women of God here and let's protect children in the womb
They are ripping babies apart limb by limb and we have a chance to stop it and you want to ask me
Oh wait till next year and maybe we'll do it next session But but let's first see what the final draft of the
Dobbs decision is Let's let's see the final decision and then we'll come back a year later after 7444 more babies have been murdered and then maybe then we'll put it into it.
No, here's an idea. How about we end it now? Yeah, there you go, there's a little taste of that fire better talking about he's we're just getting going here
But okay, so real quickly, you know talking about the the animal cruelty law and everything
There's our frog again ribbit. Um, so There's some gator maybe So some kind of amphibian
You guys can speak to this. How crazy was it? So we went to LSU Friday that was fun.
It was it was a blast like I had I had a good time You know we had all of our signs up and we're trying to hand out stuff for the rally and everything and like literally we're setting up and PETA is setting up right across from us and we're like, this is amazing, which actually they were pretty pretty tame
They were but the looks on their faces. Yeah, they saw the pictures but just like wide -eyed. Yeah, sorry.
That's my timer But what was amazing is that? Okay. Hold on. I Closed one window and there was another one
How Crazy, was it that we had how many different it was mainly pro -choice girls and like one pro -choice dude that Kept like wanting the girls will speak for him
Speaking of spineless But how crazy was it that they either like went from us?
Saying that they can murder their kid or and then went directly to like PETA to like high -five them or they came from PETA High -fiving over to us like it's exactly what you're talking about.
But that like they're like, I'm murdering my child I don't care and then they're like save the animals, you know It was like but that's it just the when you were saying that it reminded me of that But I mean it was like a perfect picture of what we're talking about here standard
Romans one the bear the best moment of that day when when was when this this young college student is arguing with Jeff and she said
You you can't tell me that I don't have the right to abort a child and he's like a what a what?
A child. Yeah, and you know, it's funny. It's like they had that Freudian slip, you know, yeah, and When they started losing the argument, they just tried to start shouting over us and then one of them said, you know
I I can't emotionally handle this debate right now and and she stormed off, you know, it was funny
She was able to handle the debate until she realized that she was losing And that her worldview was void
And had been exposed as such and then they all ran away and we're standing there like, okay
Well all the pro -choicers on this college campus They can't stand for just a few minutes and a discussion with us because Guys, it's obvious abortion is murder.
We all know it. Why don't we just end it? Yeah amen, well, I don't know if Bradley store or not, but either one of you
I was just curious what the maybe you can both speak to this what the Atmosphere was like yesterday in in this in the
Capitol building like one that was all going down What was it? Like not just the people there in attendance, but with the all the legislators
Brian well with me You know, it was
I mean it really I think you've just been listening to Brian so you can imagine what it was
Because he you know representative McCormick went first and then Brian just preached so boldly and brought brought the word just so clearly and After he got done
I was after him, but you could hear a pin drop People were just and it wasn't pin drop like they were all in their phones they were just locked in to what he was saying and it was very very powerful and Very very powerful moment.
So what do you guys think about as far as from the legislators? I mean, obviously they voted overwhelmingly to pass this into the under the floor, but Did you get the sense that I mean just listening to him like I heard when they would like call the name
I hope you guys like yeah, absolutely. Like it seemed like they were really fired up and excited Because usually, you know
Bradley of all the all the hearings you've been to it's usually the opposite like they're usually like, you know even the pro
Life conservatives are like fuming against these bills. So like was it was it what
I heard While they're reading the things was it like that or was it something different? I'm gonna let
Brian speak to that yeah, so I got to just give a shout out to state representative
Alan Seaball. He's my brother and He was I think it was the last one to vote and when they said
Seaball he said absolutely heard that you know and Alan Seaball Has been lobbying legislators for us for this bill
He is just about as conservative Abolitionist as they come and Alan is so excited to see this and I just have to say man
We need more legislators like that who not only are they gonna vote the right way?
But they're gonna go and tell all the other legislators like you better vote the right way or we're gonna expose you Okay, so get on board.
We're ending abortion in this state. So vote with us So I I really appreciate that because you know guys
I know in the abolitionist movement We've often been frustrated and we've often been disappointed
But I'm telling you there's a different spirit right now in Louisiana. I honestly believe
That the legislators by a majority Very well may vote this bill into law.
I really believe that That doesn't mean you need to just say oh, we're gonna win it.
No. No, no They need to hear from you We need to be there because I can tell you if they sense the energy died down If we're not present if we're not calling if we're not emailing if we don't have a crowd there every time they vote
Watching them calling them to account then they might say oh well we can get away with this But if the church shows up in mass,
I mean these legislators They ran as pro -life and they're voting. Do you want to end abortion in the state?
Yes or no? How in the world could they vote? No How are they going to justify that not only do their voters but once again to Jesus on the
Day of Judgment And I'm gonna remind them of that every time I see them because it is true
They will soon stand before Jesus and if they don't vote yes for HB 813
Literally the blood of those babies will be on their hands on Judgment Day You don't want that vote.
Yes, and let's put it into it I mean, it's that simple and and and we have to I mean if you if you're part of the abolitionist movement
And you've been wanting to see abortion abolished guys We are standing on the precipice of the first state to actually do it
If you're not involved in this fight, don't call yourself an abolitionist if you're not supporting this bill
Don't call yourself pro -life. Look I'm telling you we actually have a real shot at doing it here
I'd say the odds are in our favor if we'll get up be the church Proclaim the Word of God to our magistrates and do it.
Amen Amen, and I read at the beginning. I actually changed the verse right the last second, but I read Proverbs 8 36 it says all who hate me love death and You know, that's what we're up against is those who love death.
We mentioned PETA and all that stuff And the reason I was picked that verse specifically though because right before we went on air
Some pro -choice er Tweeted out Danny McCormick's address with a veiled threat
Right. So like these people wrap that put the bill. Yeah, so we haven't even heard I talked about Danny Yeah, I mean no knowing
Danny that just fires him up even more, you know, he's like bring it on And so but that's courageous.
Oh, he's crazy courageous that guy and Yeah, so like but that's what we're up against is, you know, they're not
The pro pro -choice movement the liberals that they're willing to go to any and all costs to maintain a
Supposed right to murder their own children because it's worship exactly. You just can't understand. That's what the pro -life movement
Can I get through their heads? It's not about You know that they make the claim that this is banning abortion has nothing to do with religion
It's not a religious idea and it's like it has Everything to do with religion because their worship is being threatened right now and when your worship is threatened you fight because it requires sacrifice and so they are willing to give glory to their
God and Sacrifice the question is are we willing to do the same thing for our God exactly, right?
You know, we do need to say that state representative Danny McCormick is incredibly courageous
We need to be praying for him and his family If you haven't seen all the national news stories that are coming out attacking him right now
Just search his name on Google. Okay. Yeah, this man is coming under the attack of Satan and all his demons
Ever since this vote 24 hours ago. Yeah, and so We all need to be praying for Danny McCormick And his family and we need to be thanking
God that we finally got a legislator with enough of a backbone to stand up To the enemy and one other thing
I really touched my heart When I left the
Capitol yesterday after Bradley and I had lunch afterward and and and when
I was driving home, I said man, I gotta call rusty you know rusty
Thomas and I We spent about five years together most Saturdays outside the
Planned Parenthood in Waco, Texas, and I Was trained on the streets by rusty he taught me how to preach the gospel at the gates of hell and That man is a lion of the faith and I called rusty and he answered the phone and he is sobbing and he said he said
Brian I I Didn't know if I'd ever lived to see this day.
Yeah, it's really happening it's really gonna happen and he just sobbed and He just broke down and that is a man who feels the weight of the lives of Millions of children.
Yeah, I mean he he realizes what this is You know, we really don't understand what abortion is we really don't conceive of the gravity of millions upon millions of babies being murdered and and rusty he he was just weeping tears of joy and Jeff called me after that and and I told him
I said man, I talked to rusty and he was just sobbing tears of joy and We just talked about how both
Jeff Durbin and I we're both in this fight because of rusty Thomas. Oh, we all are that man
That man has been so effective for the kingdom and I know he doesn't want us bragging about him, but Maybe it should just be a lesson for the rest of us that you need to leave a legacy
Yeah, I mean you get so many years to live for King Jesus on this earth.
You better make him count amen, and that is a man who has Spent his life and has been spent for the gospel of Jesus Christ I mean he has left it all on the field and and when that man's days on this earth are over Jesus is going to say well
John, I mean that brother has been faithful and I just have to say we we need to learn from men like him who have gone before us and have been faithful that that Only the
Lord Jesus Christ can give us the victory and when we begin to see that victory There should be the deepest gratitude and thankfulness for God's mercy because that's what this is
It's God's mercy upon this nation that he hasn't wiped us out yet and may
God give us the victory may we pass HB 813 and Finally end abortion in Louisiana once and for all.
Amen, brother well joy The what do they what do they call you a reproduction supporter?
What was it? Oh, no, I just heard someone I heard someone Like hurl the insult
Anti -abortion pro -reproduction. Yeah, that's it Yeah, so someone that's someone that's pro -reproduction you have any thing you want to but as a woman
I've given All these men permission to speak on such issues. Thank you. Just kidding.
Thank you. No, that's garbage Yeah, oh I'm sure it's garbage but yeah, this is
Wow, I'm blessed by this episode I hope a lot of people hear it Awesome.
Well Brian, thank you brother For being on and Bradley both you man. I'm glad we got to throw you on there at the end
Brad you guys I mean people listening watching like Bradley wrote the bill there.
He's been in the background a lot of this Brian you've been this fight man This is I'd mentioned at the rally, but this is fruit of your work there as well
So we're grateful for both of you and praying for you and I know this next few weeks gonna be exciting a lot going on and so we're gonna be praying for you for safety and just strength and energy and And yeah, just keep marching forward.
So thanks for being able to be on today Amen, let's get in the fight and let's show up when it's time for our magistrates to vote and decide
Whether or not we're gonna finally end abortion in Louisiana, man. All right. Well, go ahead.
Yeah. Thanks brother. Thanks It worked out. Well, man that worked out. Perfect. So I'm glad we
Glad that happened that way go figure first ever Broadcast from uber. Yeah, that's awesome.
You know, so everyone else Watching. Thank you again I mean, I I know we mentioned this all the time and I feel like at some point it just kind of gets old maybe but like all the stuff we're talking about today like Thank you to everyone that supports an abortion now and action for life and apology of studios
Like none of this happens without your support. So you Donating to us you being a part of everything we're doing you're partnering with us
You're partnering in this fight. And so we praise God and thank you for that So I also need to mention reform con again, you can go to reform con org
Ticket sales are all up. We actually have just this last week. We put up all the sponsorship opportunities.
There's a ton of them Opportunities for people to sponsor with us. I don't be getting a lot of questions about that Podcasts you can there's a podcast row.
It's gonna be really really awesome So you can go check that out as well if you want to come and bring your podcast.
So Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everyone and Anything else
Keep the gospel front and center and hold on to your butts For what's next right?
What do you say? What do you say? Buckle up buttercup a lot butter buckle up buttercup. It's about to get real joy
Thank you, thank you Yes, I know I really didn't say a lot but I just it was this was a great episode you old supporter of reproduction that pro pro reproduction reproduction
That's the biblical way, right? Yeah. Yeah, not to be grim, but it's way more natural for Mom to have a baby than to kill a baby
Yes, I'll tell you who's pro reproduction that Bradley Pierce guy is let me tell you the guy's got about 25 kids