Some Additional Pressure for Dr. Andrew T. Walker

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All right, I am planning to drop two videos today, and I'm gonna try to connect them.
So this is the first one, and I'm gonna try to connect it to the second one. So I'm gonna do kind of one of those professional transitions.
We'll see how it goes. But I did want to add my two cents and a little bit of extra pressure for Dr.
Andrew T. Walker, who I've said on the channel recently and even a little bit before,
I gotta say, I respect a lot of what he's doing. You know, he's definitely Big Eva, you know, there's no question about that.
So I have to throw a little bit of shade because of that. But lately I've been saying that he's been saying things that are, like I said,
I hate this word, but they're pretty based. So you gotta respect that. Anybody who's willing to step out of line in Big Eva and say things that Big Eva is really not supposed to say, you gotta give them some credit for that.
Every time I mentioned Andrew T. Walker in a positive light though, I get a tremendous amount of pushback from my own friends, people that like what
I have to say, people that like me, and they consistently remind me about a few things.
And one of the things that they consistently remind me of is his inexcusable promotion of the
COVID vaccine. And you notice on this channel, I don't use stupid words like jab jab or poke or things like that because I don't care.
You know, we gotta talk about the vaccine, right? And so Andrew T. Walker put his name on an article that I guess was co -written by him and at least one other person about how
Christians ought to get the vaccine. And it was a matter of love your neighbor as yourself and that kind of thing.
Inexcusable, absolutely inexcusable. And lately it's been coming, the data that's been coming out about this vaccine, it's just, it's worse than I could have possibly imagined at the time.
And the thing is at the time, I wasn't gonna get the vaccine anyway. I wasn't scared of COVID.
It didn't make sense to me to sign up to be a guinea pig on a new vaccine, a new kind of technology that when the disease, the risk reward just wasn't really there.
Like I think I said at the time, look, if there's a real disease out there that it's killing 90 % of people that get it and it's very common and stuff like that.
And somebody throws you a Hail Mary vaccine and says, hey, you could take this vaccine. We're not really sure if it's gonna work or not, but if you get it, you're gonna die,
Ebola or whatever it is, right? If that's the situation, yeah, of course it makes sense to potentially consider an experimental gene therapy or something like that, right?
Of course it makes sense to do that given the risk reward. But in this case, the risk reward was never there.
It's like, here's this experimental thing, it definitely works, trust us. And everybody and their mother was lying through their teeth saying, it definitely works, it definitely works, it definitely works.
And the risk reward was never there because if you caught COVID, most people, it's just like catching a cold.
Yeah, some people, of course, they had more intense reactions and things like that. But for most people, it's like a bad cold.
I had COVID. And for me, it was like when I had the flu, except a little bit easier. I mean,
I remember when I had swine flu when I lived in New York City, that was worse. That was worse.
And even that wasn't bad. So anyway, bottom line is, when
Christians started pushing this as a matter of Christian faithfulness, right? Because when you say, listen,
Andrew T. Walker is no lightweight. He's an ethics professor. And so he knows exactly what he's saying when he says it's a matter of loving your neighbor as yourself.
What he's saying is it's commanded by God. It's a matter of the law of God. Because as we know, as Christians, any layman should know this, that loving
God with all your heart, mind, soul, strength, all that, that's the first table of the law. And then loving your neighbor as yourself, that's the second table of the law.
And those are matters of law, like morality. You have to do those things or not do the things as the case may be.
So anyway, now the data's coming out about how ineffective and in some ways harmful these vaccines can be.
And so the pressure is starting to build on people to recant their public promotion of these vaccines.
And here's an example of that pressure. This is Rhett Koppel. By the way, Rhett Koppel, a very good follow on Twitter if that's the kind of thing that you do.
I don't follow anybody on Twitter, so I don't even follow Rhett, but I would if I followed a lot of people on Twitter because he's a good guy.
Anyway, here's what Rhett Koppel says. He says, given the discussion between two pastors on whether leaders should apologize if they push the jab, it would be such a boss move if you would lead the way in that,
Andrew T. Walker. Do you wish to recant any of this, brother? And he links to the article about loving your neighbor as yourself.
Okay, he continues. He says, I think Dr. Walker has the moral fortitude to take a look at what he signed his name to with a new perspective and perhaps reexamine what he is willing to stand by.
Here is a discussion as well as a moral analogy I propose to Andrew T. Walker now, which
I will elaborate further. He says, it may be responded with those who told us there was unsafe.
It may be responded with that those who had told us that the unsafe car were in fact mechanics, thus licensed professionals, and the lone individual that warned us against it was not a mechanic.
So the idea is like, look, I used the best information I could. All the mechanics said that the car was unsafe, but the one person who said it was safe, it wasn't even a mechanic.
So I just, I did the best I could. I mean, I don't have anything to apologize for. Look, I'm not a doctor. We heard that a lot during COVID, right?
We heard that a lot. Here's what Rhett Koppel has to say about it. He says, a better analogy would be that the 99 mechanics that told us the unsafe car was actually safe for the
Chevy dealership work for the Chevy dealership, while the one mechanic that warned us it was unsafe ran a family business down the road that the
Chevy dealership was lobbying the city to shut down. He says, so basically, so let me kind of like fill in the gaps here because there's a few screenshots that I didn't read or whatever.
But what he's saying is like, look, it's like, isn't that all the mechanics or all the doctors said that this was a safe vaccine or whatever.
And then, and that's not how it was. It was like, a lot of them did, at least the ones that were on TV and the public ones.
But there were a lot of doctors saying, absolutely not, this is not safe. And those doctors were being silenced on Twitter.
They were being banned on Twitter, even though they were doctors and qualified. They were being shut down. Their licenses were being revoked.
They were being fired. They were being suppressed in every possible way. I mean, it was extremely shady from Jump Street.
Like you couldn't even, like you couldn't even talk about vaccines on YouTube without getting censored. In fact, this video might get censored.
And that's, at the end of the day, that's, this is what we're talking about, right? All this was happening, Andrew, and you saw all this.
But actually, you know, all due respect to Rhett, and I think this approach is fine. I'm not gonna say it's wrong.
But actually, in my opinion, falling for propaganda, it might make you a fool, and you need to own that foolishness, because,
Andrew, you should have known when you saw all of the censorship that was going on, when you saw the tactics that these guys were using, you should have known not to believe them.
And quite frankly, Andrew, the risk -reward calculus there, sometimes the risk -reward calculus is difficult.
And so I understand that. But in this case, that's not one of those times where the risk -reward, you know, what do
I risk, what do I benefit? That wasn't difficult to calculate, right? But okay, that's all separate. You fall for that stuff, that's on you.
I mean, obviously, I don't think you should fall for that, but that's on you. But Andrew, that's actually really not what you need to apologize for either.
What you need to apologize for, in my opinion, is falling for that stuff, and then bringing it into the church, and pretending it's a matter of obeying the law of God, Andrew, that's what you need to apologize for.
That is unacceptable. It is unacceptable to take bad information, or even if it was good information, and then create a fake law, and put
Christians under the yoke of this fake law that you created out of whole cloth, and say, you must get this vaccine, even if it was a good vaccine.
There's no such law in the scripture that says you must get, you must inject your body with chemicals, even if it was a good vaccine.
That's the thing. And so, you need to examine your own heart,
Andrew, and figure out, and I'm not mad at you, maybe a little bit, maybe a little bit.
I like you, Andrew, I'm trying to help you. You need to examine your own heart, and figure out what was it about that time that made me fall so spectacularly to put propaganda into biblical language, and pretend it's a law from the
Lord of glory. I fell for propaganda, and then somehow put it into biblical language, and made it a biblical imperative for Christians under my influence, that they now had to abide by the propaganda.
Something happened there. Was it fear, Andrew? I don't know what it was. I'm asking you, you need to decide this for yourself.
What was it about that time that made you do this, that made you fall for this, right? Because I don't think,
Andrew, that you're a bad actor. There are definitely some bad actors out there. There's no question about it.
Some of your friends, Andrew, I believe are bad actors. I don't think you're one of them. I could be wrong.
But you need to figure out what that was. What was it that made me turn propaganda from the state, from the wicked beast of our state, and pretend that it's actually words from God?
You looked at Fauci. He promised you it was safe. And then you looked at Francis Collins. He promised you it was safe.
And as far as you're concerned, that was the voice of a God, not the voice of a man. And you put it, you packaged it into Christian language, and you made the people that are under your influence think that if they didn't get this vaccine, then they're disobeying the law of God.
That's what you did. And you gotta figure out why. You gotta figure out why.
It's too late to not say what you said, Andrew. But of course you can repent. And the thing is, the people on our side, as serious as we can be, and as much as we like a nice zinger here and there, we're actually
Christians on this side. And of course, we'll forgive you. We'll forgive you.
Of course. Look, so many of us had family members that were influenced by your garbage, and now are at risk because of what they did, because of people like you's advice.
At the critical moment, you failed, but we can forgive that. I'm telling you.
You've been based, man. And this would mean so much to so many people if you just said, look, I was wrong, man.
99 % of the doctors were saying it was true, so that's kind of why I fell for it. But I was wrong to make this a matter of Christian obedience.
That was unacceptable, no matter how many doctors say it's okay. So that's what you need to do,
Andrew. And I pray, I hope to God that you do it. You could be such a force right now,
Andrew, if you were to do that. This is something that Big Eva typically does not do. This is something that, this is why
I thought Costi Hinn would not repent of his insanity a few weeks ago, because I thought he was along those lines of Big Eva.
He repented. He repented. He figured out, you know what? I probably did something I shouldn't have done, and he owned it.
And man, that was such a moment. Andrew, you can have a moment just like that, because you've done wrong, and now you need to make good on that, man.
You need to make good on that. I'm pulling for you. I'm pulling for you. Now, here's the transition, right?
Because the next video is gonna be about Christian nationalism. You have an opportunity, Andrew, to get out in front.
You can't go back in time and change what you said about the vaccine. That's done, over and done with.
You can repent, and we'll forgive you, and all of that is good. But there's something you can get out in front of right now, because right now,
Andrew, I've seen you. You know this play. You know this play. Christian nationalism in the media means
Christian anything. Any Christian involvement in politics is Christian nationalism, according to Anderson Cooper, right?
And yet, still, so many Christians, I'm not a Christian nationalist! And they don't see the play for what it is.
You see the play for what it is. Get out in front of this, because when the switch is flicked, and all of a sudden, it becomes very obvious that all they mean is
Christians, they're against Christians, it might be too late. You're gonna be in the same situation you are now with the vaccine.
You gotta get out in front of this one, man. And you gotta lead, and you gotta take the charge. And look, just because you identify as a
Christian nationalist doesn't mean you have to agree with every single thing I've ever said about it, or every single thing Andrew Torba's ever said about it, or every single thing
Rhett Coppell's ever said about it. It doesn't mean that. That's not what we're talking about here. We're not talking about total agreement.
But what we are talking about is acknowledging that the government, they're not isolated. They're under Christ, and they must bow the knee to Christ, and they must carry out their duties of suppressing evil and punishing the evildoer, and promoting what is good according to God's standard.
That's it, that's all we mean as a Christian nationalist. God's standard revealed in his moral law.
That's what a Christian nationalist is. Get out in front of that one, because I don't want you to be in the same position now with the vaccines as you will be if you don't get out in front of this on the
Christian nationalist side. You get the play, I know you get the play. It's time to get out in front of this, and encourage your friends, too, to get out in front of this, because this is gonna be a disaster if you're found joining these people against Christian nationalism when the trap is sprung, and really all it means is
Christian involvement in any kind of public life, that's gonna be you with egg on your face, again, promoting the
COVID vaccine. Anyway, I'm here to help, Andrew, I'm here to help.
I got your back. When the mob comes, I got your back, man, I got your back. It would be amazing.
I might cry, I might cry. I won't post it, because that's not the kind of guy I am. I might cry if I see you repent from this vaccine stuff.
I really might. That'll be a beautiful moment. I can't wait to signal boost that, Andrew. In any case, next video is going to be about Christian nationalism, because Bart Barber did the stupid thing that I said,
Andrew, please don't do, where he's talking to a pagan who believes Christian nationalism is any
Christian involvement in government, and he said, I'm not a Christian nationalist because God's good Christ's kingdom is not of this world, and we're going to dissect and destroy that brain -dead argument that we've responded to literally thousands of times at this point, and it's very obviously true according to the text, and yet the president of the
SBC is still making this brain -dead argument. We're going to destroy it. We're going to destroy it next. God bless you.