Back in the Old Haunts


Back to the main studio in Phoenix today as we discussed a bit more theology, then discussed the climate cult, the 1946 Movie, Nikolas Cruz and the death penalty, and the Virginia legislator that wants to make it a felony for parents NOT to affirm a child's "transgender identity."

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Well, greetings welcome to the dividing line we're back in the real studio and my
Grand Canyon thing is Hanging at an angle again. I can't tell you how many times I've done an entire program
Staring at that wall and then we've does one thing right next to the light switch And I think it gets hit when you hit the light switch and so it gets bounced off So it's it's at an angle and it's really annoying
It's the things you don't see behind the camera and of course Having been doing the driving line the past few days
You don't have to worry about things like that. You do have to worry about construction zones and deer
That that always freaks me out when I'm driving in the dark, especially in Pennsylvania. I saw a number once of how many tens of thousands of deer
Get killed and that means man body shops must be doing a bang -up job in in Pennsylvania But anyway, you've got other things to worry about when you're doing the driving line,
I hope you have been catching them I Think we covered some really important ground in the last two that we did in addressing key issues in the current debates
Well, they should be key issues as I as I wrote this morning.
I actually wrote something this morning Because I don't know if it's just simply the spoken word that some people just don't get
Maybe they have to read something to be able to see what someone's saying. I I Don't know but I I took the time this morning to pop up an article on the theology matters blog
To attempt to again bring some level of clarity to the
One Sided conversations that are taking place. Let's put that way and So make sure to catch the the programs we did while driving back from Louisiana, I should
I guess say Tremendous. Thanks to everyone that was involved over in some cases a matter of hours in Making it possible for us to make a major change in The safety
Longevity and comfort of The traveling that I'm doing by the roads in the
United States We made a quick mention actually on my way home right before we we got home
About the fact that basically we had we had had our truck looked at carefully by an expert expert expert and It was doing great.
I was in great shape Describe the transmission oil as pristine transmission fluid as pristine
No signs of wear But then he said however he said
You need a bigger truck Just what you're asking it to do and I told you what had happened when
Google tried to kill me It wasn't you know This is sort of an illustration of what
Google did to me would not be first -degree murder more like Third degree something like that because Google didn't know and there's a way of telling
Google believe me. I've looked That I'm 44 feet long and 13 feet high and now be like 45 and a half feet long and and we really need to measure
This time very accurately Exactly how tall I'll be given our new pull vehicle
But like I said Google tried to kill me by routing me through I Think they've
I think they filmed deliverance. Okay, I I Think this is where they filmed deliverance.
I really do it was it was high up in the Appalachians and That poor that poor truck was pulling my unit up eight eight percent grades and it was it was working hard Anyway, after all that, you know, you know the guys say just you just need a bigger truck.
And so I Won't tell you the whole story but it was it was
Providence Providence just kept providencing all over the place and I had been given a business card.
I found out I didn't tell you this I found out I had been given a business card on a dare
When I was speaking in Louisiana last year and let me tell you something, you know
Cajuns get a bad rap, but I folks in Louisiana are just they're just Servants and Just as nice as the day is long and they'll give you the shirt off their back and That those are those are really really special people down there and we will be back.
By the way, we did schedule While I was there that We're going to combine
The Jeffrey rice thing in Tennessee in mid -february With a trip there to the church the people that were involved in helping us do this
The church there in Lafayette area in Louisiana, so mid -february There'll be two spots down there,
Tennessee and Louisiana where we're gonna be two weekends in a row and so anyway
Need to thank all the folks that were involved in doing that. I had been given that card and We just decided let's reach out because you know,
I Get given people give me a lot of cards and Not all of them get kept
Partly because you know, they get put inside something and you you know I'll my my grandchildren will find some of the cards
I've been given in in books That I happen to be carrying that night. Oh, look at us and So I didn't even know if this fellow would still even be working where he was working before, you know
I mean it been About a year and people move on and But something had
I had felt compelled to keep that card and to keep it where I knew where it was in the
RV and So I grabbed it when I got home and that night
I fired off a email and said, you know I don't even know if you're still working here.
I but we're looking at Upgrading our truck and if you know anything about trucks we had a 1500 that's a half -ton right and half -ton and we decide we need a 2500 which is the 3 quarter ton and We need to go from a gas engine to a diesel engine because diesels are just if you know anything about torque and Stuff like that Diesels are meant to pull things.
That's why That's why diesel tractor trailers are diesel tractor trailers and Next morning,
I mean I get out of bed first day back from a 5 ,500 mile trip and Here's an email with links to vehicles and I sent it to rich and it didn't take us very long
To look at one of them and go ooh Wow And I'll just be honest with you this this vehicle whoever designed it
Pulled fifth wheels. It's just It's specifically designed if the things got a camera in the bed
Focused on where the hitch would go and it's got a hitch system in it already So you can do the lineup you know,
I with the other truck I would I Was looking through there was a little loop on the center part of the back seat
That was that's what I used. That's just Look through the rear -view mirror. Look find the loop try to line it up that way
And then then you'd have to jump out and then you'd get between the unit and the truck and look up along the thing that to see you know where it is in the hitch and anyway whoever designed this
Went through all those things and decided there's an easier way than there is and then, you know, you have to get the funding and Everybody who gives to the travel fund is helping with all this stuff because I Once I got the truck
I did have to fly. Oh What's that I won't waste your time, but it is
I will tell you this I Flew once to go see my dad Before he died in 2020 and That was right as masks were just starting and So basically the last time
I really flew was in 2019 before all the start that gave me an opportunity I'm I flew a hundred and sixty -five thousand miles in 2019
So I was a frequent flyer executive platinum the whole nine yards now. I'm flying is just Joe Joe Schmo And I can
I can look at the airports. I don't did I tell you Sky Harbor Airport. It's a pig sty It's like they lost all of their janitors it's
I couldn't believe it reminded me of Detroit back in the late 90s early 2000s and Sky Harbor used to be a really pretty
Airport and The look on everyone's faces Everyone is on standby because their flights have been canceled.
It's just Everybody just looks at each other like can you believe we're going to it was really weird now
God was very kind to me and I got where I was going without any canceled flights
That was extremely helpful I was very very very very concerned about that But I flew out to Louisiana a
Dear dear brother Is Has made this possible for us to do this
And so we we got this truck and They pulled it up.
I walked outside I'm just like because you can read that it's six inches taller
Than your full -size pickup truck you already have and almost two feet longer. You can read that but until Until you stand there and you you you can barely see over the hood sideways, you know and until you just See the size of this beast it's just like What and and rich set rich says?
Cuz see on the old one we we had to install lights on it Because I had that really close call remember in Florida where the little guy in the chevette almost became a pancake
Because he couldn't see me or wasn't looking who knows it was on Facebook. I don't know this thing
Lights up the night it it has one two, three, four five yellow running lights just on the roof facing forward and two on each side and fog lights and Yeah, it lights up the night.
And of course the the rearview mirror is those big towing mirrors to go in and out and stuff like that So, yeah
First time I saw it. I'm like, oh My goodness, I've never driven a diesel.
I didn't know what death was. Okay. I know what death well, I had heard of it I had heard rich talking about it a couple months ago when there was like a shortage going on and stuff like that But now
I get to do deaf and if you drive a diesel, you know what
I'm talking about It's a it's a different world and Coming back
Let's just put this way doing the driving line in that thing is pretty easy to do
Because I can use the cruise control you might go. Why couldn't you use the cruise control before? while pulling you couldn't and If I if I hadn't been pulling could have in the other truck as well, but she just doesn't slow down for hills
You know, I don't have to be Pushing it to try to keep the speed up or keep up with a semi -trailer or something like that when
I'm going up a hill and So it worked out really well. So anyway, I'm I'm home for What is what is today?
I mean today's the 14th. We're halfway through October. So about six weeks
Approximately maybe a little less than that. I'm probably have to leave right after Thanksgiving to head for st.
Charles and We're gonna be doing Some Texas stops on the way back there well on the way back from there,
I mean and So in Lubbock and The name in East Texas, it's not it's it's
North West of Lindale. Okay, one of my students at GBTS.
We're gonna be going there well, we'll put stuff up to let people know about these things and So that's that's gonna be the next trip and so I will be home for a while we'll be here in the studio
Lord willin and I Do want to do what I said on the driving line and do some stuff on the
Council of calisthenics like that Let me let me just start there. Just just a couple of brief comments. I Just want to point out to people you did was there something you wish to add because you did get to see
Doggy today. Oh Yes, you have to put your earpiece in to hear me so a couple of things first of all
I've always had to do that and I normally don't so yes. Well, there's that too a couple of things
I From twitch one gentleman says that I need to let you know that I 10 is not
South, Texas It's more the south side of Central, Texas So that there there is that excuse me, excuse me
But When when I tip when I can see
Mexico from I 10 you can't get any more south than that Well, but that's an area when you're getting into El Paso, right?
That's still Central, Texas Cuz no, it's not there's that whole bottom part of the state, you know
And I'm thinking you know, maybe Goliath may be the other nickname for that truck because that's that's really got a
Goliath thing going on in there I saw it. I'm like, wow, that is So yes, and somebody said it's a highway exegesis is what we're doing now.
Yes So I'll let you get to the council at Cal Sedan. I just thought I'd mentioned that Right.
Okay before we let it go, you know Look, I get it if Sal if you're just looking at Texas as a box, then
I get it All right. Okay, but where I was in Texas, you couldn't get any more south and still be in,
Texas. So The fact the matter is Texas is not a state. It is a nation and trying to Siri Siri Siri was transcribing everything
I was saying so it's talking about Texas and everything else and it's like, yeah, never mind
Thanks, Siri when you've been gone for five weeks, I Said Siri so it started doing it in when you've been gone for five weeks
It takes you've got so much stuff to catch up on. It's it's not even funny And that's what
I was doing there. All right Sorry interrupted there Really quickly
For everybody who's sick and tired of being sick and tired of current controversies
Can I tell you something? No one's more sick and tired than I am nobody Um when you're being canceled when you're being slandered when you're being misrepresented every day when you're actually getting close to Experiencing the same level of derangement syndrome that Doug Wilson experiences
It gets tiring. There's there. Nobody. Nobody loves that kind of stuff at all and they're lying if they say they do and I know
Doug says you're supposed to go around the corner and go yes, and you can do that a few times About the 47th time it starts getting a little old and so I hear you
And I hope that what you hear is this This isn't about At its base
Esoteric complex Fine points of Trinitarian theology
That many people who are now promoting them will admit no one had heard of Except a very few people in the past and No one for the past number of decades had had any idea that these were the very things that define
Trinitarian theology Also, please keep in mind that a
Few of my friends have taken the time to be kind enough to go back and when you've when your ministries as of next year is 40 years old you have a track record and So if people want to invest the time they can go back and they can discover
What has actually been said in the past and the reality is for example this morning?
Issue came up about the nature of the incarnation being not a subtraction but an addition
That is the taking on of a perfect human nature and and I'm like Yeah ever listen to my favorite debate with a
Muslim my debate with Abdullah Kunda at University of New South Wales down in Australia from 2011
Ever ever listened to my my teaching on these issues in the past that's been a key element of what
I've said all along and And so so people been going back and they've been demonstrating that When I keep saying yeah,
I've been saying this for a long long time and now Now people are either questioning that or they're saying no, you know, we we need to express it this way or Veiling is the wrong term and as if there is this, you know, it's funny
Sorry, but I was I'll never I'll never ever Remember this if I don't if I don't say it now people are
Complaining about the use of the term veiling in regards to the incarnation and The thought crossed my mind either yesterday or today.
I think this is morning. What term would you like to use?
I mean you can talk about Appropriation and you can you can make up terms
That make it look like you're actually answering a question when all you're doing is just moving moving the question back and then
You know erasing the line in the sand with your foot as if no one's gonna notice But what term you're gonna use and veiling is actually has a biblical connection a directly biblical connection and I was thinking about the language that John uses when he talks about the incarnation and He says kahala gas arcs gonna ta
Kai a skaino sin and hameen a Skaino sin,
I remember Decades and decades and decades ago Sometime around Christmas Right when
I first started learning Greek I Had the pleasure of sitting around talking with my dad
About what he had learned from Kenneth Wiest at Moody Bible Institute back in the 1950s and one of the things
I think there was a We said a least word studies and there was a thing where he did gems and something
I forget what the name was but insights into the Greek New Testament and One of them that my dad and I talked about was this term
Skaino in John 1 14 Because it literally means to pitch a tent to dwell in a tent it's to tabernacle and so You know when we say the word became flesh and dwelt among us dwelt is sort of a
I Don't know Not a not an overly descriptive term for the actual original
Well, what is a tent? It's a veil and In fact, the tabernacle was a big tent and the tabernacle had what in it a veil and so there is a there is a
Biblical connection. I mean John 1 14 is one of the key Incarnational texts.
In fact in some ways it is the key incarnational text And It uses that terminology of veiling tabernacling
Dwelling within a tent so It's just it's just amazing to me that terminology that was considered perfectly accurate in the past is now
Got to pass the muster of a very narrow Primarily Roman Catholic defined a
Series of terms and and perspectives. So anyway what
I was trying to say and have been sidetracked a number of times because I keep thinking about these things is I hope you recognize the fundamental issue here is not these particular doctrines like the extended implications of divine simplicity that does extended assertion of divine simplicity and ISO ISO inseparable operations and And we've already gotten to the point where if you disagree with any of this stuff
It's just because you're you're just too stupid. You don't understand You know Standard kind of stuff you get once you get scholastics who get stuck in a rut and they really can't get any farther than what?
they're Great heroes have given to them in the first place, but they're willing to attack anyways happens all the time to me right now
That's not what the real issue is Oh, we can talk about them it's important that not saying
Christology isn't important I mean listen to the last two programs I did where it's main thing we're talking about But the fundamental issue is
Source of truth and authority and I don't
I Know that I I don't think these are in the archives. Maybe they are
How far back the archives go 98? Yeah archives of the program.
Well, we don't have Yeah, we've got certain ones. But as far as actually having the dividing lines specifically,
I thought it was late 90s That we sort of pick up with the radio station and stuff.
Oh, I know we did. I just didn't think they're available When the
Forgotten Trinity came out one of The things that I emphasized was the fact that I wanted people to be passionate
About how God has revealed himself to his people because He wants us to worship him as he is and therefore if he in his divine revelation
Has deigned it appropriate to reveal these things then Then we need to know these things
We we need to be diligent in searching the scriptures So that we can have a firm grounding and a passionate belief in the
Trinity One of the things that I remember saying is this I've never understood why most books on the Trinity are just stultifying
Lee boring They're just stultifying Lee boring. Most of them are
You go back and and read the books There there just doesn't seem to be any passion about it and To be a passionate
Trinitarian, I believe means you need to be a biblical Trinitarian Because I believe
Christ's sheep hear Christ's voice and they hear Christ's voice in his speaking and that's in his word and over and over again when we
Get when we start engaging What I would call the neo scholastic side on this subject.
This is what it comes back to it comes back to Where are you going to drive your beliefs from and If you derive your beliefs from a
Solid commitment to the scriptures as the inspired Word of God. I believe
That's how we pray this way Do we have you never heard anyone pray at the end of a service
Lord? Write your truth, which we have heard on our hearts by your spirit.
There needs to be a Spiritual application Not just an intellectual apprehension.
That's why when I see as I saw yesterday someone's saying that Key elements of the
Christian theology of God are not derived from scripture to drive from natural theology. I I actually literally get angry
I get upset at the implicit denial of scriptural sufficiency that is found in that kind of assertion and So what we've done for years and years and years is to try to encourage people to worship
God or right because they're worshiping of him as he has revealed himself in his inspired word and that's really what's continues to motivate me as I speak to people who are caught up in this as I speak to pastors and educators and professors and students a
Lot of people have already seen what the issues really are the issues really are source issues scriptural sufficiency hermeneutical issues sola scriptura not solo sola scriptura and So I can get tired of Going back over the same things going back having to deal with misrepresentation just daily
I Mean the number of professing Christian believers who are willing to believe anything they're told without checking things out.
It's just Disappointing really really is so I keep doing it because the issue is scriptural sufficiency and What was the very first debate
I did? August of 1990 it's on solo scriptura with Jerry Matatix over in California.
So It's not like we're doing anything we haven't been doing for a long long time and So I think it's a yes, sir important.
So I just did a quick look and there's at least 50 recordings between 1985 and 1993
That we have on sermon audio Wow That's news to me That's news to me.
I did not know that Our most some debates and stuff You got the one here the teaching on the attributes of God Then you've got the one where you went back and forth with Anne McKinney Oh, yeah, teaching on Galatians 1 6 through 10.
I mean justification by faith seminar is up there. Remember that Where what how many people we have show up for that?
Oh Those would have you know, five ten people probably I was in there recording everything
I could. Yep. Oh, I know I know I know I Know those the olden days, but the point is we've been at this for a long time and we've been we've been consistent by the way before I forget grieving
Your path back to peace is now in audio format and is therefore available on audible
It can't be very long It doesn't say here
Unabridged well unabridged. Well, yeah, I'd expect it's not the short book Larry Wayne did the reading and And So look at audible and that You know a lot of pastors just buy a dozen keep them in their office
But there are Audible learners that are more, you know, they'll listen, but they won't read so that might be a
Another way to do it grab some of the CDs or you know something along those lines For folks to get hold of grieving book, but it's it's now in audible format.
So grab that if you Have if you're involved in pastoral ministry
Let's talk about a few things. We have an entire cult that is taking over our lives called the climate cult a
Minuscule tiny percent of Earth's atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide the biggest
Heat absorbing element of our atmosphere is called water vapor Okay water vapor
Anybody starts going after water vapor and we need to vape them fairly quickly because water is sort of important and The fact is and this has been known for a long long time there is a
Chart, it's been demonstrated over and over again starts up here and goes like this and then just flattens out and what it is is this is the impact of the increase of the percentage of co2 parts per million and After a certain bit and we're well past this we're it goes like this and we're here and it just flattens out
You could double the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere right now Wouldn't have any impact and the plants would love it.
It's plant food. The plants the thing is great But this entire hoax and it is a massive hoax
And this may mean that this is a video not to put on YouTube Be honest with you because when you when you call these things what they are
The the people that are profiting the most will censor you because they are totalitarians as you watch
The destruction of our nation United States of America the West in general The methodology is being used now.
I think God's doing it. He's punishing us and and and appropriately so But that doesn't mean that we do not stop speaking the truth even when we recognize only
God can give ears to hear The the absurdities that are being done
The the amount of damage done to the environment by the produce right by the production of electric vehicles is so far beyond The use of clean fossil fuels of Of which the
United States has more than any other stinking nation in the world Which is why the
Saudis look at us and go Excuse me. You have far larger oil reserves than we do, but you want us to drain ours out and of course
We discovered yesterday Biden actually just asked them to hold off until after midterms because he was using foreign influence to to influence elections
I mean the corruption of the regime the corruption of the FBI in in Raiding pro -lifers homes the the
Department of Injustice starting an entire pro -abortion program it's just the the brakes are off the hand of restraint has been lifted and The culture of death the climate cult is part of the culture of death
It's part of the worship of nature, but it's it's a worship of nature that is destroying nature and Now seems like the the elites are doing everything they can to get us a nice hot nuclear war going
I Think they really you we need to when it's called the culture of death we need to take seriously the fact that these people want to have less than about one -third of The number of people on earth that are currently on earth and there's only one way to do that quickly
It is amazing To to recognize the interconnectedness of all this of all this stuff
When you look at it from a Christian perspective And so to see just just the term climate is just it's just used as a over climate and Racism no longer have any meaning because they're used for everything you might as well say put put a little climate on that burger and Hold the racism.
It doesn't make any difference because all the All these words are just so overused and applied to So many things that has have no meaning
That it's astonishing But the climate cult talk about a religion it is it is absolutely astonishing
Was informed yesterday day for yesterday wanted to well, I had been yesterday because I was home
The 1946 movie which we have been warning you about for I Don't know up to a year now, maybe
Because I know It was one of the the first time we tackled it was
One of the early programs in the big studio. So whenever we got that ready to go now forget when that was
But the 1946 movie which is the revisionist movie trying to say the
Bible never talks about homosexuality and it's gonna be the Redefining of arson a coitus and the just that just a linguistic nightmare that any person who actually understands
Translation of texts and languages things like that will should be able to see through in an instant. But a lot of people won't for various reasons will be premiering in New York City on the 12th of November and So I sent that email to Michael Brown and He and I both had at the exact same time the exact same thought which was
I'm going to Go on line of fire to talk about it. He's gonna come on the dividing line to talk about it and we will
We've what did I say from the beginning? We're being handed an opportunity
To Use this film as a open door to speak the truth about what
God's Word says on the subject of homosexuality and one of the things that's especially helpful here is
The the focus is in first Corinthians chapter 6 Yes, first Timothy chapter 1 verse 10 is very very important more important than I've ever thought that it was before once I came to understand that first Timothy 1 10 is a repetition of the
Decalogue and Therefore Paul is identifying within the context of sexual sin the concept of homosexuality
But the point is first Corinthians 6 such were some of you Those who practice these things will not inherit the kingdom of heaven
Such were some of you but you were changed you were washed you were justified so there's a message of hope but it's a message of hope for the repentant person and It's right there in the text.
You need to be addressing Where are some quite tight are some quite it's plural there are some quite high and Malakoi is used.
And So we've already done a couple of programs. It means we're gonna be doing a couple more I just If you're in churches where you've got people to do outreach you're gonna be going out, you know
Apology, it has tremendous amount of outreach and we've got people go out to strip clubs and and abortion centers and LDS word chapels and everything else and Over to the university all that kind of stuff
Anybody who's gonna be going out and dealing with the public with the culture. This is something you're really gonna need to know and Not only to be able to respond to people who will see it and repeat the errors in it
But to then be able to turn it around and use it use it to Be a positive witness so that comes out on November 12th, and I'm sure you'll be
I'm sure the the Media will be fawning over it and and you'll be seeing it on All the news outlets and stuff like that.
So that is coming You may have heard that yesterday
I believe Nicholas Cruz who murdered 17 people in the Parkland shootings was that 2018
I think Was given a life sentence that possibility of parole was not given the death sentence and I I think we're in a little better position today
Then we've I think 2020 Gave a shot in the arm for people to recognize that a biblical faith a firm biblical faith has a moral element to it because God has spoken as to what is appropriate and inappropriate in his law and So I think a lot more people have recognized that What has happened and I think
I think it was in Florida what has happened in this trial is you have an individual who took in a premeditated fashion 17 lives and That he's already gotten to live more than four years
Past taking 17 lives and he will live the rest of his natural life, which could be another 70 years or more as a slave
Because that's that's what imprisonment is it's slavery You are put in a cage and all your freedoms taken away
But you're fed and you're clothed and you're housed and Your medical needs are taken care of and Who knows?
Hopefully not in Florida, but if it's a federal situation if he decides he's a woman We could end up paying for surgery and Reassignment to a women's prison and all the other insanity that is a part of these situations
The reality is this is an interesting Factoid About where Rome has gone off the rails because Francis especially, you know
If I'm recalling correctly changed the universal Catholic catechism to list
Capital punishment as as sinful in God's sight despite the fact that it's in Scripture and Despite the fact that it's fundamental and foundational to any society
That would value and honor life There are 17 people who were cut off 14 of them were students by this man, but he'll get to live his entire natural life now what if if He's gonna live that period of time.
What should he be doing? He should be putting in long days of hard labor Working and paying reparations
To everyone to every family that was impacted and to those who were injured as well.
That's what he should be doing He should have no comfort He should have no vacations he should be working 10 -hour days and Producing wealth
That none of that goes to him every bit of it goes those families that that would be justice if he's going to be kept
But the real justice Would have been his appropriate Execution we are sadly.
I certainly wouldn't play it even if I could find it We were sadly in a situation where I saw a video horrible video
Of an execution. I think it was Chicago. Who knows? I mean probably Chicago, Philadelphia.
They're all the same their war zones They are What happens when secularism takes full root and flowers and they become war zones?
Where life doesn't matter? but these two black young men,
I Think their victim was a black man. Most most of the violence is that way They shot him down and then
They kept shooting him and finally one guy Ran up To him.
He's already dead. I would assume But he emptied the magazine. It was at least six rounds of about four inches away from his head
Just unbelievable and In a society where justice would matter at all if this young man is caught and Specifically identified
Video everywhere You could have DNA you could have fingerprints you got everything clearly this is the individual who
Got to within a few inches of this person's head and pumped six rounds into him He should not be sitting in prison four years later there should be a public execution in a very brief period of time after and The trial shouldn't take months and years
When you have that level of clarity Any society that wants to remain a society that cares about life
Because if he'll do it to that person, he'll do it to somebody else and that person Maybe it was another gang member.
That's what a lot of it is if I don't know why the News won't talk about it. But a lot of it is a
Lot of it has to do with drugs Drugs are
Destroying lives right left and center far more far more than Kovat ever did or anything like that and yet we
Because we have abandoned a Christian worldview and an understanding of man creating image of God We don't care
We just look the other way Until it affects us I Got bum -rushed by a drug addled homeless guy in my own front yard last night
Came running straight at me out of the dark In a Relatively safe neighborhood unfortunately, we're close to a
Canal that is no longer safe. It's become thanks to our W EF associated mayor in the city of Phoenix has become a center of drug activity and homelessness and violence and everything else
Purposefully that's what the WF does but I'm mind my own business
My own driveway and here comes this guy out of the dark coming straight at me last night I'm still here
Evidently yelling and adopting a defensive position was enough to make him go a little bit out of his path and I was able to Keep away from him and he kept on a moving
Drug addled people don't think things through quite as well as people weren't anyways, it's all around us
So it's it's it's everywhere and we wonder why Because we don't we don't have shame anymore.
We don't have any grounds for honoring life When you fry a human brain
That is a that is not a an amoral act it's an immoral act
It once brought shame Now it's just well You're just a bunch of fizzing chemicals, you're just changing the chemicals who cares, right?
There is only one solution for all of this. There is only one thing to direct people to and Secular humanism has no answers last thing for today,
I'm gonna tell you I I Used to sit here and when
I would see these stories I would go well Couldn't ever pass
It would get struck down by somebody's Supreme Court Whatever, right?
Well, I'm losing any of that kind of confidence these days
But did you see the story today? About Delegate Elizabeth Guzman Democratic, of course,
Virginia state lawmaker Wants to pass legislation that would make parents face criminal charges if they refused to affirm their child's sexual orientation and gender identity let me let me repeat that because sometimes when you read insane statements it takes a little while to to sink in a
Democratic Virginia state lawmaker Elizabeth Guzman Wants to pass legislation that would make parents face criminal charges if they refused to affirm their child's sexual orientation and gender identity
This is supposed to be pushed back against governor Glenn Yunkin's issuance of new rules on transgender students in schools, which is nothing more than You know being sane about these types of things the day the governor
Yunkin Wanted to implement this policy I immediately texted the policy lead of that committee and said this is how we're gonna push back
Guzman's bill would include refusal to accept gender and sexual identity in the definition of child abuse child abuse
So so CPS child protective services would be called in if you refused to affirm
You know your three -year -old decides I mean
Your three -year -old decides they're an elephant if you do not provide them a diet of peanuts and a place of straw to sleep in I suppose that's child abuse, too
If the child shares with those mandated report reporters what they are going through We were talking about not only physical abuse or mental abuse
What the job of the mandated reporter is to infer is to inform child protective services. So there you go
Um, the worst part was let me see here. Yeah here I'm a little surprised that there wasn't lightning and Fire, maybe the earth opening up.
They'd all be appropriate responses to be honest with you but When challenged that the proposed law might infringe on parents religious freedom
Guzman claimed the Bible says everyone should be accepted The Bible says to accept everyone for who they are
So that's what I tell them when they ask me that question and that's what I will continue to tell people she responded
Yeah, I would I'd like to know where the Bible actually
Says to accept everyone for who they are look she's a
Democrat and So the the chances that she's actually at all familiar with what's in the
Bible are very very very small But she probably believes that Because she's heard it it's been repeated to her in the echo chambers the tiny little echo chambers of woke insanity out of which these people come and Immediately head for places of political power the the bent
Toward totalitarianism within secularism needs to be understood
Secularism is a religious worldview. It has creeds and dogmas and sacraments and It's it's primarily apophatic that is it's primarily negative
We don't believe in God we don't believe man's made in the image of God, but there are positive things because When they say that we don't believe man's made in the image of God there is a positive as In positive assertion not positive as in good
Assertion that man Cannot have transcendent meaning because man is not specially created man is a cosmic accident
Man has no soul or spirit A man will not face judgment after death and so There may not be a positive creedal statement that lays those things out but any religious belief
That says those things that affirms those things that there will be judgment that man has made in the image of God man's responsible and culpable before God can't be believed and If you insist in the face of us wise educators and social workers
To continue to believe these things We will take your children from you. That's When the
Civil War starts That's that's when violence starts. I'll and How else could it be?
How it's gonna be what? What can any? Parent do when the priests of Moloch come
To take your children to offer them on the altar there.
There's only one thing to do and the bent the the the drive the necessity of Crushing all opposition you see
Every System that says that it promotes a universal truth
Eventually must crush all opposition and that includes Christianity Every knee will bow every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord the glory of God the Father that's there But it's the how it's how you get there.
It's how you get to that point. That is so completely different Because in Christianity, it's it's not by Taking children's parents or Injections and Everything else it is by a change of the heart
That's how you come to embrace what God is doing and embrace what is true and right and honest secularism is the polar opposite of that and so you have the specter of all those all those novels from the 1940s
Through 80s That warn about totalitarianism and warn about the mindset behind it and many of them contain much truth but for the
Christian, it's just simply take Romans 1 and Remove all the restraints. And what are you gonna have?
You're gonna have a twisted creature of God that is suppressing the knowledge of God and Encouraging everybody else to join them in the suppression of God's knowledge
That's secularism that's that's why we are seeing Pretty much the entire vice list of Romans chapter 1 turned into the virtue list of the modern
Western culture We're to honor father and mother Anymore fact you can destroy the very categories of father and mother themselves.
Look at Romans 1 negate it and You will find the progressive Democratic Party That's who they are.
It's what's about that's what's going on and look vast majority hate a
Republican who hates God is just in slower motion than the Democrat who hates
God That that's all there is to that We Will at some point have to have a conversation about the upcoming 2024 election we're already in the cycle whether you want to believe or not and We will have to have a discussion
I think At least I'll share with you what I'm thinking and you can hate me for it or anything else, but that's fine
But Applying a biblical worldview here. You can see why If the central aspect of what secularism is is the suppression of the truth of God you can see exactly how it's working out in our world today and in the gathering of power and authority in the hands of just a few the result is going to be
Something that we need to be praying about and Working as hard as we can against if we love our children our grandchildren and I certainly do and in fact
Sunday evening close up with this. I have the opportunity of I'm doing the baptismal service at Apologia.
We're gonna have at least 14, maybe 15 baptisms Sunday evening and one of them will be my
Darling granddaughter Jani, so I'm looking forward very much. That's one of the reasons we
Did we did this week as fast as we did because I needed to be back Sunday Grandpa needed to be
At church. I'm preaching on Romans 11 and the olive tree and all of my paid of Baptist friends just went
And this may be The last in the baptism series It may be
I'll I'll I'll have to see if there's any holes that need to be Looked at as you know, there may be some key texts.
We didn't get to that. I Thought we did and didn't or something like that But I'm looking forward to that tomorrow
Greatly, so Lord willing Fairly regular schedule next week.
Maybe sort of who knows I've been gone for five weeks and my wife says
I have much to be doing to to catch up and I get that I understand that but Things develop and we need to address them.