God's Leadership Exodus 13:17-14:31

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February 27, 2022 - Morning Service Faith Bible Church - Sacramento, CA Message - God's Leadership - Exodus 13:17-14:31


Good morning and welcome to Faith Bible Church. It's good to have each of you here today.
We look forward to a blessing from the Lord. We want to remind you of the activities of the week and we always encourage you to come back this evening for a time of prayer at our prayer meeting.
And if you've seen the news, all of you, you get troubled as you watch the news. You have to turn it off when you see like wars and rumors of wars as we're seeing so vividly right now.
The thing that always comes to my mind is we say the
Lord's Prayer. Do you ever think about what you're saying? And this comes to my mind when I'm seeing this how terrible the world is coming.
It says your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We say that and don't think about it. What's it saying? I look forward Lord to the time when you're ruling on the earth, which is in the future.
I want the time to come when we see peace on the earth. Peace on the earth just like you rule in heaven.
So when you say the Lord's Prayer that always comes to my mind. Lord bring peace now, but it when bring peace now means the
Lord has to return because there will be no peace on this earth until the Lord returns.
But the on top of that coming through the Cold War and now that my mom's gone
I can say a word. She always worried about us because we were always under the impression.
It could be dropping a bomb anytime, right? And you're always under this and my mom worried, worried, worried, worried.
And so me growing up when I got to thinking about it, I always had to say in John 16 33 says these things
I have spoken to you that in me if you're in Christ you might have peace.
In the world you'll have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I've overcome the world and that's what we need to think about.
You know in this life you're going to have tribulation, but the Lord says if you're in me, I'll give you peace.
The world around you is in chaos, but I'll give you peace. We need to pray for all of the people that are suffering through this time of war, especially those many many
Christians and churches over there that love the Lord. And one of the first things that the communist government does is try to do away with churches and the things of the
Lord. So let's think of them even as we pray today and think of our service. Let's remember these people.
Our Heavenly Father and our God we come before you this morning thanking you for the blessings that you do give to us.
We thank you for the peace that you can give to us. Help us Lord to rest in you even in these times of trouble.
We pray Heavenly Father even for the Ukraine and for especially the believers in the Ukraine at this time that you would guide and protect them.
Give them your wisdom and give them your peace even at this time and we would thank you. We would pray for the service today.
Pray for all that have come out. We pray that you would speak to each one of our hearts and we would thank you for it.
Be with pastor as he brings your word. Give him liberty to deliver the things that you've laid on his heart.
We pray that your Holy Spirit might drive these things home to our hearts to remember through the week. And we'll thank you for it and we pray in Jesus name.
Amen. Good morning. Oh Please turn with me to Exodus chapter 13 verse 17 through Exodus 14 verse 31
Exodus chapter 13 verse 17 to the end of chapter 14
Then it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go that God Did not lead them by the way of the land of the
Philistines Although that was near for God said lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt so God let the people around by way of the wilderness of the
Red Sea and the children of Israel went up in orderly ranks out of the land of Egypt and Moses took the bones of Joseph with him for he had placed the children of Israel under solemn oath saying
God will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones from here with you so they took their journey from Sukkoth and camped in Etham at the edge of the wilderness and The Lord went before them by day a pillar of cloud to lead the way and by night in a pillar of fire
To give them light so as to go by day and night He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day or the pillar of fire by night from before the people
Now the Lord spoke to Moses saying speak to the children of Israel that they turn and camp before pie
Hi Roth between Migdol and the sea up opposite Baal Zephon You shall camp before it by the sea
For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel. They are bewildered by the land
The wilderness has closed them in then. I will harden Pharaoh's heart so that he will pursue them and I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army that the
Egyptians may know that I am the Lord and they did so Now it was told the king of Egypt that the people had fled and the heart of Pharaoh and his servants was turned against the people
And they said what why has we done this that we have let
Israel go from serving us? So he made ready his chariot and took his people with him also he took 600 choice chariots and all the chariots of Egypt with the captains over every one of them and The Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt and he pursued the children of Israel and the children of Israel went out with boldness
So the Egyptians pursued them all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh his horsemen and his army and overtook them camping by the sea beside pie
Hi Roth and before Baal Zephon and When Pharaoh drew near the children of Israel lifted their eyes and behold the
Egyptians marched after them So they were very afraid and the children of Israel cried out to the
Lord Then they said to Moses because there were no graves in Egypt Have you taken us away to die in the wilderness?
Why have you so dealt with us to bring us up out of Egypt? Is this not the word that we told you in Egypt saying let us alone that we may serve the
Egyptians For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than that We should die in the wilderness and Moses said to the people do not be afraid
Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today
For the Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again no more forever
The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace and the Lord said to Moses Why do you cry to me tell the children of Israel to go forward?
but lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divided and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea and I indeed will harden the hearts of the
Egyptians and they shall follow them So I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army his chariots and his horsemen
Then the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord when I have gained honor for myself over Pharaoh his chariots and his horsemen and the angel of God who went before the camp of Israel Moved and went behind them and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them so it came between the camp of the
Egyptians and the camp of Israel thus it was a cloud and Darkness to the one and it gave light by night to the other so that the one did not come near the other all that night
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all
That night and made the sea into dry land and the waters were divided
So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground and the waters were a wall to them to their right hand and to Their left and the
Egyptians pursued and went after them into the midst of the sea all Pharaoh's horses his chariots and his horsemen now it came to pass in the morning watch that the
Lord looked down upon the army of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud and he troubled the army of the
Egyptians and He took off their chariot wheels so that they drove them with difficulty and the
Egyptians said let us flee from the face of Israel For the Lord fights for them against the
Egyptians Then the Lord said to Moses stretch out your hand over the sea that the waters may come back upon the
Egyptians on their chariots and on their horsemen and Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and when the morning appeared the sea returned to its full depth
While the Egyptians were fleeing into it So the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea
Then the waters returned and covered the chariots the horsemen and all the army of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them
Not so much as one of them remained but the children of Israel had walked on dry land in the midst of the sea and the waters were all wall to them in Their right hand and on their left
So the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hands of the Egyptians and Israel saw the
Egyptian dead on the seashore Thus Israel saw the great work which the
Lord had done in Egypt so that people feared The Lord and believed the
Lord and his servant Moses. This is the word of the Lord Let us pray
Father we thank you that you deliver your people and It is not a myth but a historical event and Father I pray that as we live as Christians today that we would remember
How you deliver your people and how you lead your people? We specifically pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who?
May not be able to meet in person this morning because of the violence that's happening in their land father,
I pray that you would be the comfort to them and Despite what's happening there? despite all the bullets and bombs that are firing we pray that they would trust in you and gaze at your presence and seek your word and Not focus on the circumstances.
They're going through father I pray that you would be you would give them hope in the gospel of Jesus And we pray that all the people who do not have trust in you that they would see
The trust and hope that the Christians of Ukraine have that they may believe in the gospel as well
We pray that you would bring Salvation in that land in Jesus name
Amen today's text is probably the most famous portion of the book of Exodus this is the most memorable scene for the movie and also the cartoon
This is what people remember the most of Exodus The thing that we do not remember is how
God leads His people we remember the big miracle we remember the great work
But oftentimes we forget how it's done by God We often get so distracted by the visuals
That we forget what God has done and how he did it and why he did it
Now it is important to remember this great miracle is a historical event it does not make sense in Israel's redemptive history to believe that it's a myth and that Israel throughout history would look back to this
Quote -unquote myth and find hope in it People don't find hope in myth things that didn't happen
In fact this event is so great in the history of Israel whenever they faced
Hardship whether it's they got conquered by one empire to the next or the
Babylonian exile. They would look back Towards how God has led them out of such a distressful and seemingly impossible
Circumstance that they would find hope that God would do it again that's
God would save us again and And Of course, we find the ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ himself in the gospel of Matthew the angel tells
Mary and Joseph to name Jesus Yehoshua which means salvation
To give people hope that God will this time save his people from sin the greatest
Slave masters of all whom no human being after Adam and Eve were freed until Christ came
So today we look at how the Lord leads his people and it's going to be
Starkly different from how earthly leaders lead their people Unlike the earthly leaders.
The Lord is with his people the Lord's Presence is among his people
Unlike the earthly leaders the Lord's Strategy is for the good of his people
It is not a cost benefit analysis of what is the best for the leader?
but the Lord Places his people as the priority and that's what we will see today
So the main point of our text is despite our weakness the Lord faithfully delivers us
Despite our weakness the Lord faithfully delivers us the first point the
Lord's presence Strategically leads his people the Lord's presence strategically leads us this portion of Scripture Starts Israel's journey into the wilderness
It is important to note that the one who is taking His people the one who is leading his people.
It's not Moses But the Lord himself verse 17 starts out with God's strategic path of choice and verse 11
Ends the section with God's very presence among his people leading the way
It's impossible to escape the Lord's presence for his people
First the Lord specifically chooses not to lead Israel through the shortest and the more established path through the land of the
Philistines Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt The choice is not because God is incapable of defeating the
Philistines But rather God's gracious accommodation for his newly freed people
After all Israel was not a trained group of fighters It just became a nation a freed nation
They were slaves That's what they all they knew they didn't learn to fight they weren't professional soldiers
They just knew how to lift heavy stuff and make bricks Therefore verse 18 tells us the
Lord chose to lead Israel through the wilderness so God led the people around by the way of the wilderness of the
Red Sea and The children of Israel went up in orderly ranks out of the land of Egypt The reason for Israel going through the wilderness was not because God wanted his people to suffer in the wilderness
But he knew what was best for his people and how prepared they were in their minds and in the spirit
They were not ready to see the Philistine army right after Leaving Egypt They would have been discouraged
They would have given up too easily and this is important to know because God does not always choose the shortest path or the most logical path and If you look back into your own lives, you might look back and say wow during that time
I didn't know what God was doing in my life But now it makes sense
I was not ready to go the way I wanted and For me personally back in college,
I Did not think I was called to be a pastor. I didn't really have professional ministry in mind
But if God had revealed to me that I would be serving as a pastor in Sacramento I Would have been extremely overwhelmed and petrified
Because I wasn't mentally nor spiritually ready It was
God's gracious Accommodation that he took me by paths that weren't logical and that weren't the shortest path
That I didn't go to seminary right after college It would have made sense.
It would have saved time, but that is not God's path He was being gracious to me for my sake that I I wasn't ready and He knew that verse 19 tells us that this journey is centered on God's faithful promise to his people and Moses took the bones of Joseph with him for he had placed the children of Israel under solemn oath saying
God will surely Visit you and you shall carry up my bones from here with you
Remember from the first sermon how Exodus picks up where Genesis left off Again we return back to the promise of Genesis as Joseph was dying as the prime minister of Egypt nothing to worry about He tells his family that his true home is not
Egypt But the land of Canaan That's where he belongs
He wanted to be buried with his father in the land of Canaan Where God promised that his people would end up at the core of Israel's identity
It's God's faithful promise to his people his faithful promise of deliverance and Joseph just like Abraham Isaac and Jacob knew that the
Lord will deliver his people to the land that he promised he knew and He believed and he made his children swear an oath to take his bones back to the land
So that he could be buried with his family perhaps hoping for the resurrection of the body with his family verses 20 through 22 tell us
God's manner of leading his people Verse 20 starts with their early encampment sites
Sukkoth and Etham Now these two locations are hard to pinpoint
In our modern map because we do not know precisely where they are
Names of locations change over time and this has been thousands of years now for There are two main
Viewpoints of where these two cities could be found for those who believe that the Red Sea is the western arm of the
Red Sea Those two sites would be found in the northern parts of Egypt However, if you believe that the
Israelites journeyed through the Saudi Peninsula 150 miles then those two cities would be found near the
Gulf of Gulf of Aqaba, which is the right arm of the
Red Sea and And all we know is that they're at the edge of the wilderness and both of these regions whether it's in Egypt or by Gulf of Aqaba do consist of deserts, so they do have edges of the desert, so It's either or I tend to lean toward the latter, but again, it's it's not a matter of a
Huge debate here. It's not something we were gonna take too many hours arguing about Hopefully God will give us more archaeological data so we can pinpoint more precisely
Verses 21 through 22 tell us the manner of the Lord's presence in leading his people and The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud
To lead the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light So as to go by day and night
He did not take away the pillar of clouds by day or the pillar of fire by night from before the people the invisible
God Appears before his people in a visible form to lead his people
This means at no point Was Israel ever in doubt of God's presence or guidance?
they could always look outside their tent at night and See the presence of God at night in the cloud of fire
This is important because God did not just send an instruction manual He did not send one of his angels
God did not appoint another human being When the
Lord was leading his people to the promised land. He visibly and strategically led them himself
Day and night and at no point was he gone from their sight
That provided a lot of hope for these Israelites They weren't just relying on what whatever
Moses told them They could see God's presence in the form of the clouds now some of us
May desire that Man I wish I had a cloud in front of me the
Lord's cloud and that would and he would tell me where to go Whom to marry?
What choice to make what to buy what not to buy that would be nice however
We have to remember Under the new covenant We have a guide
Who will lead us through the wilderness and that's the
Holy Spirit When Jesus During his farewell discourse in John 14.
He told his disciples this in verse 25 All this
I have spoken while still with you but the Advocate the
Holy Spirit Whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all
Things and will remain Remind you of everything
I have said to you Peace I leave with you my peace.
I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid
The fact that Jesus is saying this means that for Christians We need not be afraid because we have the
Holy Spirit the very presence of God in us Paul says we're the temple of the
Holy Spirit That's really special Because God did not dwell just anywhere in the ancient days
He dwelt in the most impeccable and precisely built architectural buildings
But with us in Christ God chooses to dwell in us and He's the one who guides us he doesn't teach us some things that Jesus taught
But he teaches us all things as Jesus taught the presence of God Who dwells in you in You is better than the presence of God that Israel experienced from a distance
The Holy Spirit will guide you through Scripture on how you ought to live
How to best follow Christ How you commune with Christ?
He's the reason why we have peace Peace that's unlike that of the world
He gives us Peace that is otherworldly So that we may not be troubled or be afraid
The Israelites we will read were afraid when Pharaoh started gaining ground
But for us who have the Holy Spirit in us We do not have to be afraid
Because God is intimately dwelling in us He's more personal Than ever
This is the Israelites would have longed for this kind of relationship Next How do
God's people respond to his leadership? How do God's people respond to his leadership?
God's people either focus on the circumstance or focus on God God's people either focus on the circumstances or Focus on God Verses 1 through 4 of chapter 14 show us the next step of God's plan
Because he is omniscient which means all -knowing he knows everything He knows how
Pharaoh and Egyptians will react to Israel wandering around the wilderness
God instructs Israel to make a detour in the wilderness to precisely to lure
Egypt speak to the children of Israel that they turn and camp before Pi Hi Roth between Migdol and the sea opposite Baal Zephon You shall camp before the sea
These locations are again hard to pinpoint Because there are ancient cities
But for those who believe that the Red Sea crossing happened at the Gulf of Aqaba It would be around Timna Park region a slightly northern part of the
Gulf They were circling around They weren't crossing.
They weren't going further toward the promised land, but they were camping there verses 3 to 4 tell us the reason for these detours
For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel They are bewildered by the land.
The wilderness has closed them in then I will harden Pharaoh's heart So that he will pursue them and I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army
That the Egyptians may know that I am the Lord and they did so God orders
Israel to wander around the wilderness by the sea to lure the Egyptians in Order that God would deal with Egypt once and for all
When God successfully delivers his people even the Egyptians will know
Whom the Lord is? Egypt will know what kind of deity they foolishly challenged
Now after days or weeks of leaving Egypt or walking Being led by the cloud of fire or the cloud in the morning
The Pharaoh Probably heard by now of his former slaves departure and they're wandering in the desert
He would assume that Israel is disoriented after all their slaves not navigators
And they would he would jump at the opportunity to recapture his former slaves to bring them back to work for him again
However, this is God's sovereign way of completely dealing with the Egyptians Egyptian slave masters and Unsurprisingly verses 5 through 9 tell us exactly that Pharaoh responded that way
So Pharaoh comes to his sense when he exclaims Why have we done this that we have let
Israel go from serving us? the free labor gone a huge amount of his
GDP destroyed verse 6 shows us how urgent Pharaoh became
So he made ready his chariot and took his people with him The verb to make ready his chariot is actually to harness
So verse 6 tells us Pharaoh was so desperate to get the Israelites back
That he himself harnessed his own chariot You can almost visualize
This urgent King jumping out of his throne angrily pushing aside his officers as he
Hastily harnesses his own chariot move aside. I'll do it He can't be quick enough and verse 7 tells us who will be involved in this mission 600 choice chariots and captains over each of them
It is important to know that the chariots were the most advanced military technology back then it was fast and it was threatening it could run over people and it was fast because it was driven by horses and These 600 choice chariots and captains would have been comparable to the special forces of the
United States So Imagine how desperate
Pharaoh was to get the Israelites back I'm gonna get all my special forces to come after you
Meanwhile, the latter half of the verse 8 tells us that the children of Israel were marching on boldly
Not knowing what was coming to them They were self -assured as they were only looking forward to the promised land
They were self -confident as they were only looking forward to the promised land and that Egypt was only in their past However, verse 9 shifts the focus to the special forces chasing after them
This is almost like a movie scene with cameras zooming to one One group to the next
Egypt preparing to capture the Israelites and then the Israelites unknowingly marching onward
Maybe they're singing. Maybe they're just boldly confidently walking onward
But the movie comes back to the Egyptian forces and at the site as At the as the army of Pharaoh draws near Israel finally understands the gravity of the situation in verse 10 and When Pharaoh drew near the children of Israel lifted their eyes and behold
The Egyptians marched after them. So they were very afraid and the children of Israel cried out to the
Lord at the side of Pharaoh and his army fear overtakes
Israel's heart and Just as they did before they cry out to the
Lord the following two verses Show Israel's fearful response as they focus on their dire circumstance
Because there were no graves in Egypt. Have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you so dealt with us to bring us up out of Egypt Is this not the word that we told you in Egypt saying let us alone that we may serve the
Egyptians For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians then that we should die in the wilderness
The irony of the first question is almost palpable because there were no graves in Egypt Have you taken us away to die in the wilderness
The irony is that the that Egypt was and still is known for their graves their art of mummifying the dead
Preserving the dead building up huge structures to store the dead
Egypt was the land of the dead and at the side of Pharaoh's army the boldness of Israel in verse 8
Dissipates into the thin air and their mouths are filled with complaints and regrets
They have forgotten about the ten plagues that wreaked havoc in Egypt and they were protected all throughout
They have forgotten about the Lord's presence among them. The cloud was still leading them
They could just see that the Lord was still there with them And They have forgotten about the words of the
Lord that predicted that this would happen After all they were wandering on. Oh in the wilderness for a reason
They have forgotten all of those Instead of gazing at God's past faithfulness and current presence
They focused on their seemingly dangerous situation their personal circumstance
Instead of remembering who God is they fixated on who
Pharaoh is and verse 13 and 14 show a totally different response
Moses is faithful response Do not be afraid Stand still and see the salvation of the
Lord Which he will accomplish for you today For the Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again no more forever
The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace Moses who has seen
God faithfully keep every single word and promise
Shows the opposite response He does not focus on the circumstance but rather looks forward to God's fulfillment of his words
He trusts in what God has promised in verses 1 through 4 The last verse when
Moses says you shall hold your peace. I Think it can be better translated as you shall be quiet Be quiet and just watch
Sometimes often that's what we need to do as Israel focused on what they could see right in front of their eyes
Rather than what they have seen God do over and over again in delivering them How God has fulfilled his promise over and over again yet in their mind
It's as Pharaoh's army in their minds Pharaoh's army was bigger than God's ability to save them and Oftentimes to art in our days
We respond in a similar fashion as the Israelites did Some may say we did not get the pillar of clouds or the or we didn't get to witness the effects of the ten plagues
I Would say yes, but God has revealed to us far more of his capabilities
Than what these ancient Israelites knew Christians we know that the
Lord came down to save his people Not just as a pillar of cloud
But as Jesus on the cross Christians we know that that the
Lord delivered us From the greatest slave master of all not just a global superpower
But sin that enslave all Humankind and Christians we know that Jesus did not stay dead but rose on the third day and is reigning from his throne and Christians we know what it took
Jesus to deliver us from the slave master of sin his own blood and When we focus on how
God has delivered us in Christ We can't possibly be looking at our circumstances when we know
Who God is how utterly faithful and protective and caring and compassionate?
He is We can't focus on the circumstances
When we are driven by the circumstances that we're in the trials that we're facing the furnace we've been thrown into We're implicitly forgetting who
God is and what he's done for us We're making ourselves
Into little gods who need to save ourselves if we believe that it's all up to us to go through this ourselves
We must look at the true Savior Who can deliver us out? Not from trials, but through trials
Now, how will the Lord respond to his people's fearfulness How will the people how the how will the
Lord respond to his people's fearfulness? Despite his people's fearfulness the
Lord's Faithfully delivers his people Despite his people's faithfulness despite our fearfulness the
Lord faithfully delivers us The Lord is not shaken by his people's fearful response to Pharaoh He's not worried.
Oh my goodness. They're not gonna they're not gonna be saved because they're they're focused on their circumstances
No, instead he immediately commands Moses in order to stop Egypt once and for all
The Lord is the Lord of action Why do you cry to me tell the children of Israel to go forward but lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it and The children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea here
Similar to the previous place the miracle of dividing the sea also involves the rod of Moses As he stretches his arm out
Verse 17 depicts how God will harden Pharaoh's heart so that his army follows after Israel on to the ground in the midst of the sea
After all no sensible military leader would send chariots with wooden wheels onto the wet muddy ground
The chariots did not have a four -wheel drive like our modern -day Jeep They had hard wooden wheel that would run great on flat hard surfaces
But would get stuck on the seabed Verse 18 tells us in the end
Egypt will know the glory of the true God the glory of the true
God not found in Pharaoh or any of their false gods, but only in the
Lord as The Egyptian force is gaining ground on the
Israelites verses 19 to 20 describes God's response and the angel of God Who went before the camp of Israel moved and went behind them and the pillar of cloud went from them
Before them and stood behind them. So it came between the camp of the
Egyptians and the camp of Israel Thus it was a cloud and darkness to the one and it gave light by night to the other
So that the one did not come near the other all that night Here the pillar of cloud is described as the angel of the
Lord or angel of God The angel the word angel means a representation or messenger so hence
God's presence as the pillar of cloud is The angel of God the representation of God The same pillar of cloud who guided his people in the front will now protect his people from the back
The Lord is not just the guide but also the protector and This is drastically different from that of the world while earthly leaders
Lead by giving orders from the safety of their bunkers
The Lord leads among his people and will reposition to protect his people
To provide separation from the Egyptian army and his very fragile scared people
The Lord's faithful leadership does not depend on the circumstances It is based upon who he is
The Lord's faithful leadership Does not even depend on Our fearfulness or lack lack of fear.
It's not that God will stop delivering you Because you're fearful He will protect and deliver you because he is faithful That's who he is
He does not leave his people when it becomes dangerous
But rather draws near to his people even more for protection His presence is even more palpable in danger
Now while the Lord prevented the Egyptian forces from approaching Israel Moses obeys the
Lord's command Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all
That night and made the sea into dry land and the waters were divided
Again this is the most well -known miracle in the whole book of Exodus if not the the whole
Old Testament Note that it is not Moses who made the sea divide
But the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind the one who divides the sea is the
Lord Moses is an instrument, but the performant performer is the
Lord and This allows Israel to walk safely on the ground in between the two walls of sea and the
Egyptian forces followed in verse 23 Verses 24 to 25 show the further damage that the
Lord did to the Egyptian army Now it came to pass in the morning watch That the
Lord looked down upon the army of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud And he troubled the army of the
Egyptians and he took off their chariot wheels so that they drove them with difficulty
And the Egyptian said let us flee from the face of Israel for the Lord fights for them against the
Egyptians In The midst of the seabed the Egyptian army is trapped because the
Lord confounded them Took off their chariot wheels Imagine being flat -tired, but so much worse because the wheels are falling off and verse 25 quotation is the fulfillment of Egypt knowing who the
Lord is The Lord is the God who fights for them against the
Egyptians The Lord who protects his people and punishes any who come after his own people that's who the
Lord is and At their last moment Before they were covered by the seawater they've they got to find out who the
Lord is and Verses 26 to 31 showed the result of the
Lord's intervention Versus 26 through 29 show the physical results after Moses stretches out his hand again
The waters come back to the normal course. They're no longer the walls on the left and the right anymore
Imagine some aquariums. They do have walls, but with the glass blocking the water
I like to think of that as a whenever I pass by aquariums with walls of Water seawater in between maybe that's what the
Israelites saw and When that happens the waters go back to their normal course
The Egyptian army is completely covered by the sea however,
Israel walked safely across the sea and Verses 30 to 31 show the change in Israel's posture before the
Lord So the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hand of Egyptians and Israel saw the
Egyptians dead on the seashore They actually got to see the demise of their enemies
It wouldn't have been enough for Egypt to let Israel go and not chase after all
You can see how the Israelites were plagued by the fear of Egypt even at the sight of them again
The Lord graciously allowed them to see They're no longer any more chariots to chase after you
They're no longer Pharaoh's army to chase after you go in peace to the promised land and And verse 31
Shows us thus Israel saw the great work which the Lord had done in Egypt So the people fear the
Lord and believe the Lord and his servant Moses when God's people saw the
Lord delivering them the fear of Egypt turned into the fear of the Lord and trust in the
Lord and Moses and Here we see
God who remains faithful despite our fearfulness and This is so important today because in our lives
That we have a lot of troubles and trials sickness and evil and as weak people
We naturally fear when we face trials We wish we could be like Moses and say be quiet and just watch
But oftentimes we're more like the Israelites. What's happening? Why did we do this?
Why did I choose to do this and follow the Lord? But here this text tells us despite our weakness despite our fear
God is fully committed to his deliverance We have a lot of enemies
Christianity is not popular in this country. It's even less popular in this city and You'll be made fun of By your peers family and the media
There's no institution that is really actually on our side whether it's media
Hollywood political government governing system Even The corporations
Or even schools They're not on the Christianity side
However one thing we have and that is the Lord or as the hymn by Martin Luther We have the right man on our side and that is
Jesus Christ Just as Israel needed only God's presence in the wilderness to be fully delivered
We only need Jesus Christ in our lives We don't need political influence.
We don't need academic merit. We don't need economic prowess When we're tempted to focus on our hard lives troubles and trials
You got to remind your heart of how Christ on the cross has delivered you already
The the war has been won And when we feel abandoned when we feel alone
We have to remind our minds how Christ stayed on the cross To have a relationship with you
He could have left at any moment. He could have called his legions of angels to deliver him from the hands of Pilate and Herod Yet he stayed
If he stayed as he suffered the wrath of God that we deserved to take away your sin once and for all
Would he leave you during your trial now? And the answer of course is no
If he stayed for the hardest part Why would he leave? during an easier trial just as for the
Israelites For Christians the presence of the
Lord in Christ Will deliver you through the trial today
Let us pray Father we're thankful That your presence never leaves us because of Christ That we're sealed in you by the
Holy Spirit and there will always be your sons and daughters and that you'll never abandon us and you're always compassionate toward us and Your protection hasn't stopped
Your watchful eye That has provided for and protected the
Israelites That same eye watches over us and we're forever grateful
We pray that as we face hardship and troubles today That we would not look toward our circumstances
But look to you what you have done and who you are your mercy your steadfast love that endures forever
May we remember who you are and what you've done for us in Jesus name.