The Law Amendment and Black Churches - #SBC

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Werry's law:


All right, everybody. Let's do this. Let's do this. This episode, hopefully, will be cohesive, but it's going to draw on a few different things and a few different thoughts that I've had over the last few weeks.
And the first one is this one from Private Aureliano Buendia. He used to be Colonel Aureliano Buendia.
I don't know what happened. He became a private instead of a colonel. In any case, this is a tweet that I saw a few weeks ago, and I wanted to just sort of admit something to you guys because this is something
I think will help a lot of you. It'll help you understand yourself a little bit more. I talk about this all the time, but we've had a number done on us.
You know, there has been decades of complex propaganda that we've endured, especially if you went to public school.
But even if you didn't, you've dealt with this, and your brain has been wired to be triggered into certain thoughts without really thinking about them.
And these are not always good. And no matter how much you think you're not affected by the propaganda, you are much more than you think you are.
And when I read this tweet, I actually didn't read the tweet. I just read the first sentence, and I felt that trigger.
And in fact, I actually closed the tweet and said, oh, I'm not going to read this tweet. Not you. Not you too, Aureliano.
Not you. Then I got my head together, and I read the rest of the tweet.
And it was a really good tweet. Here's how it starts. And I think you'll see why I closed it down and kind of responded with my programming initially.
He says, dear Christian, life would be easier without black people. So you probably understand.
I was like, no, not you, Aureliano. I thought I could trust you. You were the chosen one.
Anyway, so that's how it starts. And that feeling that you feel, if you do feel it, I don't know if you do. I'm just assuming that you probably do.
That's something that's been programmed into you. I urge you every time you feel yourself acting without thinking, please consider that it could be the propaganda getting to you.
I eventually put it back on, and then I read the rest of the tweet. He says, dear Christian, life would be easier without black people.
That might be uncomfortable to read, but we all know it's true. Violent crime would virtually disappear.
The streets would be way cleaner. We'd have far less social strife. Taxes would be much lower. Walgreens would be open.
Target wouldn't lock everything behind plexiglass. Finding some way to simply ditch America's black population just makes sense.
In business terms, we'd be fools to not close the failing branch, fire the problem employees, improve the bottom line.
That's why this temptation is so insidious, because it really is that simple. He says, flee this temptation.
It is as wicked as it is alluring. For reasons about which we may but speculate,
God has placed us in a multi -ethnic nation state, a placement which makes black Americans our countrymen and demands a limited set of duties from us.
Unless this is the first tweet of mine you've seen, you know I have zero soft spot for the welfare state. But the ethnic cleansing, intermittent genocide
I see casually suggested on this app are well off the table. Black America needs far more black executions, floggings just to stem the urban tide of blood flow.
But at the end of the day, these are tools given to the magistrate to correct the ways of citizens, not foreigners.
Postulate all you want about how you would have done reconstruction better, but in 2024, they're as American as anyone.
And you do not get to wish that away. Guard yourself and the brethren against this temptation.
It's never going to happen, but flirting with it opens the body to slander and defames the name of Christ. Casting away the black population, black
America claims there's an ill too grave for the long gospel of Jesus to cure.
I don't believe that. I don't believe you believe that. The answer, sorry,
I thought I heard something. The answer is not to abandon the orphan, but to give him a father. His real dad abandoned him already.
That's why he acts like this. That's a really good tweet.
It's really good. I could find some things that I'd probably want to quibble with in that tweet, but overall, this is a very good tweet.
Regardless of the reason why we're a multi -ethnic nation right now, the fact is we are one.
And there are citizens that are full citizens that have to be treated like citizens.
And the thing is, this doesn't mean like you should treat black people with kid gloves. In fact, that's quite the opposite, because that would be treating them like less than a citizen.
This is, this means that you should treat black America the way you would treat any other citizen. And he says that that's going to probably require more executions, more floggings, more, you know, more, you know, criminal prosecution essentially is what he's saying.
I know we don't have floggings anymore, but what he's saying is criminal persecutions, prosecutions. And that's exactly right.
That's exactly right. It doesn't do the black community any good to be soft on crime in their communities.
That only breeds more crime. What would do them good is to actually execute justice in their communities, the exact same way you would execute justice in other communities, because it'll have the same effect.
It'll treat them like actual human beings, like actual citizens, instead of treating them with kid gloves, and then their neighborhoods become hell holes because there's really no punishment for crime.
In fact, this is what he's saying. He's saying, look, you know, we understand that fatherlessness is a problem in black communities.
A big problem. And when you treat the black community with kid gloves because of the effects of fatherlessness, you're just abandoning them again.
You're just being, you're just subjecting them to fatherlessness again. Look, the state isn't your father, but it is a stand -in when it comes to civil matters, to criminal matters.
They should be disciplining the black community, just like they discipline other communities.
The law should do that. And that's going to require you actually taking crime in these areas seriously. Now, does this mean that it's good to be a multi -ethnic nation?
No, it does not. No, it does not. It doesn't mean that multiculturalism is good.
But the facts remain that this is the situation we've been dealt, and as Colonel Buendia says, we don't just get to wish that away.
You know what I mean? Like, you can't deport people that are citizens. It doesn't work that way.
That doesn't make any sense. They're citizens. You can deport non -citizens, but you can't deport citizens, because they're at your port, that's where they belong.
And so we can cry about how we got to this state, and we can be upset about it, but that doesn't do any good.
We have to deal with the hand that we've been dealt. And the way that we deal with it, at least in the civil realm, is with the sword.
The civil governing authority must execute vengeance in all of its lands, including the inner cities, and that's going to look very bad.
The optics are going to look very bad, but the civil governing authority has to not care about the optics.
That is the whole point of God's insistence on not showing partiality.
It doesn't matter what it looks like if it's just, it's just. That's the point.
And so you can feel sorry for the Black community, you can feel sorry for the Latino community, there's a lot of fatherlessness, whatever, you can feel sorry for them, but the tools at the disposal for the civil governing authority are the sword.
And you have to execute justice without regard for their poverty or their wealth.
You have to execute justice without regard with the fact they have a father or they don't have a father. Justice is the saint.
That's what partiality is all about. And so that is what
Colonel Buendia here is saying. Yes, the Black community is responsible for a lot of crime.
That doesn't mean that they're not citizens, and it doesn't mean that you should not punish them because it'll look bad, it'll look racist, it'll look whatever.
That's not what it means. Yeah, sure, you're going to need to punish crime more in the inner cities and some
Black communities than others. And it's going to look bad, and people are going to call you racist. And you as a civil governing authority have to have an iron spine, and you have to not care because their first father abandoned them already.
You can't abandon them too. This is a really good tweet. And it made a lot of people mad, by the way, and it made a lot of people mad on both sides.
And that's not why it's a good tweet, but it does show, in my opinion, at least in this case, that there's a lot of nuance here that's important for people to understand.
And that some people don't understand. So this is a very good tweet. Again, I don't agree with the whole thing, but it's a very good tweet.
Now, this is the thing. This is talking about the civil governing authority, but this actually plays out in so many ways.
You've got Black communities that are not doing the right thing, and then you've got white liberals that want to treat them with kid gloves, and they think that will help, and all it does is hurt them more.
This is actually happening in the SBC right now. You know, obviously, the
SBC is not involved with civil governing. You know, they're not in civil government, right?
It's a church organization, right? It's a church, a parachurch organization is what people call it.
And at the next convention, they're going to be voting on an amendment that the amendment is trying to define, you know, who's in cooperation with the
SBC, who's like legitimately in friendly cooperation with the SBC, and it wants to strengthen some of the language to say, look, you can only be in cooperation with the
SBC if you affirm, appoint, or employ only men as any kind of pastor or elder, because that's what the
Bible says. So if you are employing or appointing or affirming women in any kind of pastor or elder role, you are not in friendly cooperation with the
SBC. You are out of the SBC. This is one of the most basic, you know, it's easy to read the
Bible and understand what it means here. We don't have to decide what a pastor is, what an elder is.
We know what these things are, and so this should be very easy for the allegedly conservative
SBC to affirm and to vote in. And I think it probably will pass.
But there are a lot of allegedly conservative pastors that are against this amendment, and Josh Dawes here talks about it, right?
So Josh is quote tweeting David Shruck, and David Shruck says, which way, SBC, the law amendment equals the
Bible says it, so let's do it, period. Or the cooperation bros say, well, the Bible may say it, but hold on, it's actually quite complicated.
Let's be careful. Let's form a committee. Let's, you know, let's study it and things like that. And you might wonder, well, why is that happening, right?
Why do allegedly smart people say, oh, we gotta study what a pastor is? What is a pastor anyway?
It sounds stupid. It sounds brain dead, but it's a trick. It's a ploy.
It's a tactic. Josh Dawes puts his finger on the pulse here. This is exactly what's going on.
It's the same thing with Colonel Buendia's tweet. Josh Dawes says this. He says, can we talk about the
SBC elephant in the room? The conservatives, I would put that in scare quotes if I were you,
Josh, the conservatives desperately trying to nuance their way out of supporting the law amendment are the same ones obsessed with quote kingdom diversity, and they know that taking a hard -line stance will disproportionately affect black churches.
He's exactly right. In fact, some people have made this explicit, but they know there's a lot of black churches that are in cooperation with the
SBC that employ or affirm or appoint women as pastors, as elders.
This is part of the culture of many black churches. They are matriarchies.
That's the facts. This is true of Latinos too. This is true of Latinos too. Many Latino and black churches just completely don't care that the scripture is obviously against this, and they have female pastors and elders in all kinds of different roles.
And so if the SBC decides to do what the Bible says they must do, this is so easy.
Everyone understands that the Bible says this. Not everyone, but these conservatives, they all understand.
They all understand what it says, but what they're doing is what
Private Brent Buendia is talking about here, and they're saying, oh, the poor dears, if we were to do this, you know how bad that would look?
You know how bad? They would say the SBC is racist. They already say it's racist, but imagine if we kick out these black churches because of what the
Bible says. Listen, listen. This is the driving motivation for the allegedly conservative people that are against the law amendment.
This is it. They do not want to appear racist. They are worried about optics.
They know what the Bible says, but they say, sorry, God, that'll make us look really bad. That's what they're saying.
So they're not saying no, but let's slow down. Let's study it. Let's actually slow down, and they studied it.
This is all a freaking tactic. Nothing could be more obvious than you should only have male pastors and elders.
If you're conservative, if you're liberal, nothing's obvious. So I totally get it. But if you're conservative, nothing should be more obvious.
This is the thing, guys. Being a civil magistrate is hard work. It's risky.
It's risky work. You know, you think of judges, right? And they have to put people away that are like connected.
They're in gangs, and they know they're gonna sign a death warrant for someone who's got 1 ,000 friends in the streets, and they all could come after you, and you've gotta not care about that.
You've gotta put your family at risk, yourself at risk, and sign that death warrant anyway. You need to have some kind of constitution to be an effective judge.
It's as simple as that. It's a hard job. It's a job that probably most people don't want. I wouldn't want that job, but it's a hard job that must be done.
You need to have men in those positions with an iron constitution and a spine of steel.
And likewise, pastoring is a hard job, and you need to have a spine of steel to be able to look people in the face that literally tithe so that your salary can be paid and to tell them what you must tell them.
And there are so many opportunities whether you're a judge or whether you're a pastor.
There are so many opportunities to weasel out of what you must do, and pastors and judges take these opportunities all the time.
It's so easy, and nobody really questions you. Sometimes people do, but really, there's not that much blowback if you weasel out of your responsibilities, and people will understand, and people will say,
I totally get it. I understand. And the thing is, this is not a job for women.
This is not a job for effeminate men. That's the truth. That's the truth, because it's risky.
It's a risky job. By the way, this is exactly why we should not have women as pastors.
Obviously, the Bible says it, so that's the end of the discussion. But it's also because it's a dangerous job.
It's a messy job. It's a risky job. I remember talking to my brother once, and he was kind of talking about this issue, and he was saying, look, he doesn't even want women reading the announcements on Sunday.
And I was like, tell me about that. Why do you say that? He goes, because here's the thing.
You're gonna end up, it's not gonna happen every Sunday, but one of these Sundays, this woman's gonna make these announcements.
She didn't create them, but she's just reading them. And it's gonna be something that someone really doesn't like.
And she's now the lightning rod for that debate. Someone's gonna go up to her and say, when was this decided?
And get all upset, and she's the lightning rod, and you ought not put women in that position. It doesn't matter how mundane you think it is.
Someone's gonna take issue with something at some point, and you do not want the woman in that battle. You don't.
And the truth is that because of the way women are created, they're very nurturing.
They're very caring. You look, my sons fall down and scrape their knees, and my wife is there to make them feel better.
Oh, are you okay? Things like that. And that's wonderful for a woman. When my sons fall down and I'm around,
I tell them, get up. You're okay. Are you okay? Yeah, you're okay. Get up. It's fine. It's just a skinned knee.
And they need that too, but that's because I'm their father. They don't need that from their mother. They need that from their father. I would argue that the men that are acting in this way, they know what the
Bible says. They know what God requires of them, but they won't do it because they're afraid to look a certain way.
They're afraid to look racist. They're unqualified for the positions that they're in.
They're effeminate. They're acting like a woman. And when it's good for a woman to act that way, it is not good for a man to act that way.
These men have the opposite of steel spines. They have jelly spines.
Because what should happen here is you should say, I don't like it. This is gonna be bad. This is gonna make my life harder.
People are gonna call me and my church racist and all kinds of names and black people are gonna be mad at me.
And this is gonna make my life freaking very hard. But what choice do I have?
God has told me what to do. That's how it should work. But instead it's
God has told me what to do. I'm freaking terrified of people and I'm terrified of losing my position.
And so I'm not gonna say no, but we should wait. We should study it.
After all, what is a pastor? Delayed obedience is disobedience.
We teach our kids that. It's also true when you're an adult. It's also true when you're an adult.
I cannot recommend you watching Bendel Wary's video on Twitter about his law, about females in leadership positions and in political battles and things like that.
I cannot recommend it enough. I think you'll see exactly how it ties in to what Josh is talking about here and to what
Colonel Buendia is talking about. This does no favors for the black churches in the
SBC because the black churches in the SBC need discipleship.
They need discipline. And it's not that the white people are coming to the rescue.
It's that the word of God is coming to the rescue. This is so important, black churches, that we are willing to take all the scorn you can throw at us and what the world will throw at us.
They will drag the SBC's name through the mud. We're willing to do that because this is that important.
Your churches are at risk when you have female pastors and elders. So come what may, this is where come what may actually matters,
Owen. Come what may, you cannot be in friendly cooperation with the SBC as long as you're hell bent on destroying yourselves by disobeying
God. You know what would happen? Many churches would leave the SBC and they would heap all kinds of scorn on the
SBC and they will be dealt with. The Lord will deal with those churches.
But some would repent. Some would say, man, sounds like they're not kidding.
Sounds like God's not kidding. We need to change our ways. And it's for those churches that you do this.
It's for, and quite frankly, even if none repented, let's say they all left. You still did the right thing and God will bless that effort.
And I think, I think many churches would be taught that it actually matters to obey the
Lord of God. It actually matters. Black churches need that. They need to understand that.
It actually does make a freaking difference whether you take God at his word or not. The more you pretend like it doesn't, the more those churches destroy themselves and the more you destroy yourself.
You're not doing the black community any favors by going soft on their crime. And you're likewise not doing the black community any favors by going soft on their complete and flagrant disregard for the word of God.
Pastors should have spines of steel and not spines of jello. So the
SBC has a decision to make. What's more important to you? Your freaking reputation with a pagan dying and lost world or what