DUMPSTER FIRE MINI: Underwater Spiritual Warfare


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Welcome to Dumpster Fire Mini. I couldn't help it. Back -to -back dumpster fires regarding Jennifer LeClaire.
Well, if you're familiar with our history with Jennifer LeClaire, back a couple of years ago she wrote an article for Charisma magazine claiming that a sneaky squid spirit was on the loose and that it's a mind -control spirit.
Michael Brown, Dr. Michael Brown of all people, defended her not once but twice regarding the sneaky squid spirit, and she's written an entire book on waging warfare against water spirits and water demons and things like that.
And what we're going to do on this Dumpster Fire Mini is note that Jennifer LeClaire, really
I'm beginning to question her credentials as far as a practitioner of underwater spiritual warfare.
The reason being, I have found another woman who is part of the New Apostolic Reformation who is taking marine demon warfare to a whole nother level.
But let me, I'm getting ahead of myself. By the way, don't forget to like the video, hit the subscribe button, and ring the bell down below so you can be updated when we update our channel.
Heading over to Jennifer LeClaire's YouTube channel, we're just gonna listen to a part of this and then do a little comparative work with another, well, prophetess regarding marine demon warfare.
But let's let Jennifer LeClaire spin this out just a little bit. Go there. But today
I really want to talk about the concept of water spirits and the whole concept of waging underwater warfare.
Yeah, waging underwater warfare. That's our topic today. Waging underwater warfare with Jennifer LeClaire.
And I'm beginning to think she's not serious about this. I'll explain why. Because we're used to fighting in the heavenlies.
Yeah. And I'm not saying that these water spirits have to, they only stay in the water. Don't get me wrong. Somebody said, well, you're saying...
No, I'm not saying that. Catch me right. Listen closely to what I say. Don't put words in my mouth and I won't put words in yours.
But we have to understand that their domain, their primary domain is in the water.
They're comfortable in the water. So the primary domain of water spirits is in the water.
Got it? Originating or teeming, multiplying in the water. Amen. So you see this here, waging underwater warfare.
I'm teaching from chapter 1 of this book. My very... I didn't even remember this.
No. Until I began to write this book. When I was little,
I guess I was about five years old. No, I was less than five, maybe three.
Was not yet going to school. And my parents took me to vacation to Daytona Beach, where it's a popular vacation resort, especially.
So apparently her first run in with a marine demon was as a child. Times I was growing up and still is.
And I remember running toward toward the kiddie pool and I'm getting in the kiddie pool and something absolutely bringing me under.
Now, this is two feet of water. What is it? Three feet of water. So like the trash monster in Star Wars.
Got it. Something. This was not me drowning. This was a force that pulled me under the water.
And this was a spirit that had targeted me for destruction. Now, for those of you who are not spiritually minded, you'll think
I sound like a lunatic. Correct. I am spiritually minded. I'm a very, very serious and committed
Christian. And I believe in the supernatural, the miracles that Jesus Christ rose bodily from the grave, walked on the water, that God created the universe.
Literally, I spoke it into existence in six days. So yeah,
I'm into all of that. And I still think you're totally crazy. But if you've ever encountered high -level spiritual warfare, if you have a call of God in your life, where you've been dealing with demons since you were a kid.
Listen, not every child has demonic encounters or experiences. Some see angels. Some don't see anything.
They just, they don't discern anything. But many people, especially those who are called to war, have been dealing with demons since they were a child.
They've been dealing with the spirit of fear since I was a child. I've been dealing with water spirits since I was a child.
But listen. And yet she is putting herself as a spiritual warfare expert, writing books on the subject.
It doesn't seem that she has any real impact on these things. I didn't understand it. I didn't know what was going on.
That was my first exposure. And when I was writing this book, defeating water spirits, is when
I remembered this encounter where it brought it back to my attention. I almost drowned from this thing. I don't even remember other than another force pulled me back up out of the water.
So I believe it was an angel that pulled me back up out of the water.
And I did not, like I said, I never remembered it. But waging water under, waging warfare underwater is a reality.
So waging warfare underwater, say that ten times fast. That's a reality according to her.
Remember, these water spirits, they prefer the water. It's a reality.
That doesn't mean that we put on scuba suits and masks and bubbles and go down and spear, you know, fish.
That's not... Now, funny that you would say that. Yeah, and this takes us to our next video. This is over at the
YouTube channel for Anna Mendez Farrell. And she has taken underwater demonic warfare against water spirits to a whole nother level.
I am not making this up. She took a dive crew from her congregation to the
Bermuda Triangle somewhere off the coast of Miami. And this is footage, and I mean this for real, footage of them waging warfare with underwater demonic spirits.
Yeah, I'll just kind of let this spin this out. Water spirits, underwater spiritual warfare.
Find out who is Poseidon. Leviathan.
Do mermaids truly exist? Here we go.
Those look like marine demons to me. Have you entered the springs of the sea or have you walked in search of the depths?
Where is the way to the dwelling of light and darkness? Where it is, is its place that you may take it to the territory, that you may know the paths to its home.
Job 38. And there it is, folks. This is the spiritual warfare underwater dive team.
You are the lord of the waters. You are the lord of heavens. You are the one that made heaven and earth, lord. And they are putting their kit on.
They are charging their spiritual weapons. They are getting ready to go to the actual domain where the water spirits are.
No joke. As your spirit was hovering over the waters, your spirit is hovering over the waters.
This is like SEAL Team 666. Yeah, I'm just saying. Off the coast of Miami, lord, in the name of Jesus.
There they are, folks. They are now underwater. Well, that's some amazing technique there, as far as Scuba goes.
You know, standing up and walking on the floor of the sea there.
They've identified some demonic spirits here. They're getting ready to do some warfare.
Not sure what that is. There it is. Look at that. Oh yeah, those water spirits are fleeing, man.
There's her red flag, Yahweh flag. Oh yeah, look at this. Oh man.
Oh, a prayer circle around a demonic water spirit.
She's got a scepter, folks. That is a scepter in her hand. She's crushing the head of this water spirit.
And now the scepter is going to be strategically placed near the domain of these water spirits.
Oh wow, this is, oh, they conquered. They conquered. Never seen anything like this.
Look, victory, victory. And they're praising the lord for their successful sortie into the aquatic domain.
I mean, Aquaman doesn't have anybody, anything on these people. Oh, there you go.
Folks, folks, I mean, I got to say this, and that is that until Jennifer LeClair puts some scuba gear on and goes out there and tops this, you know, from Anna Menendez Farrell, the lady who's part of the
NAR, I am 100 % positive she is just playing at this water spirit warfare thing.
She really needs to put her money where her mouth is. And until she is willing to scuba up and join
SEAL Team 666 and go down there and wage battle on the turf of the water spirits,
I'm sorry, but Jennifer LeClair is just a hack. That's all
I got to say about this. So, if you found this helpful, all the information is down below on how to share the video and how to support the ongoing work of Fighting for the
Faith and Pirate Christian Media. Until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.