Tape 2 - Eastern Mysticism & Cults


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


If at all possible, the Hare Krishna group, and then the
Divine Light Mission, which is Maharaj -ji, and then there are probably two of the most prevalent, and then just a quick look if we have time at Transcendental Meditation.
And we're not going to these things in depth so much, just to find out who they are and what they're saying and what they're teaching, just to whet your appetite and challenge you and also give you some information that you can use.
I want to spend tomorrow morning, the whole time that we would have, on reincarnation.
Probably within these groups and without these groups, reincarnation is quickly spreading across the country.
It's a very subtle thing, and it is a concept that it is possible that you were here before as another person, somehow or other.
It's being propagated on television, there are all kinds of programs out, even in some of the cartoons they deal with reincarnation, infiltrating young minds, old minds, it's in newspapers, and you hear people on some of the talk shows that believe they were here before.
Even many Hollywood celebrities will sit and say, you know, well, I personally think that I was here at some other time.
I've heard that on some of your late evening talk shows and some of your early afternoon talk shows. And so it's a very prevalent thing that is creeping back across the scene.
And so we want to, or at least I would like for us to do just a little more in -depth study on reincarnation and look at what the
Bible, what the Bible says, and we'll clarify that. This morning, let's look at the Hare Krishna group, and I only have their information on the blackboard with a couple of other little thoughts there, and you may not see them, but it lets me mention something to you, and then
I can point to it. I wish that, of course, the board was a little larger so we could, you know, we're taping this thing and so I can't move around too much.
But just to look at it, Hare Krishna is also called ISKCON, ISKCON is another name for Hare Krishna.
It is a Vedantist Hindu movement employing Bhakti Yoga. Now we talked yesterday, let me see what you remember, what is
Bhakti Yoga? That's just what I thought. That's just what
I thought. You're going to grab ahold of one of these little college kids out here one day, I know some of you grandmothers, you're not going to grab hold of anybody, you're retired on the
Lord, and you're not going out and witnessing to anybody, but one day they're going to grab hold of you anyway around a grocery store.
Remember this, you're not going to remember them all, but Bhakti Yoga means that you have a guru, you have a spiritual master, you have someone.
And so that's what Bhakti Yoga means. It's this word right here on the first part of his name. This is a name, you think that one's bad, this is a name down here too, and these guys they got them all.
And so anyway, this is Bhakti Yoga, and it's centered around the spirit master, and I've written his name up here, the spirit master, his grace, initial
AC, it's his first two initials, and his name Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, or Prabhupada, and it depends on which area.
So here we have his name right here, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and he is the one who propagates it in the western world.
Now, Hare Krishna has been promoted and has progressed under his leadership.
It did not find itself under him. Now, the word ISKCON stands for International Society for Krishna Consciousness, International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
It is one of the fastest growing groups in the world. It is permeating our colleges and our universities.
It's amazing the multiplied millions, not to my thousands, but to my millions of people who are getting caught up in this particular movement.
The name Krishna is usually written without the vowels. It is usually written, just take the vowels out,
I and A, just take those out, and it's Krishna, and so that's the way they use it. Now, the history of it, according to Indian tradition,
Indian by that I mean, oh, in India, not American Indian type Indian, Indian tradition,
Krishna appeared in India around 3000 B .C., was his first appearance, and he taught his disciple
Arjuna, this man's name here, Arjuna, Arjuna, and he taught him.
He was his first disciple, so he taught him, and that is recorded in that piece of literature that I mentioned to you also yesterday,
Bhagavad Gita, B -A -G -A -V -A -D G -I -T -A, and it's recorded in that, and that's part of their literature.
Now, the last incarnation of Krishna, according to ISKCON, this movement, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, was in 1486
A .D., 1486 A .D. in India, when Lord Caitanya, Lord Caitanya, this man right here, he is extremely important in Hare Krishna movement.
This man right here, he is one that they really go after, and his teachings have been strongly adhered to.
He appeared in 1486, he began an unbroken chain of disciplic succession, which came down to his
Divine Grace, Sri Srimad, this name right here, it's weird, but Sri Srimad and not this one here, and that is his name, and all this information came down to him.
Now, Prabhupada, this guy here, is the one who started Krishna Consciousness in the
Western world. In 1965, he came to the United States to do it. The movement first reached
London, England in 1968, and England's a little stronger than we are right now, but it reached them three years after he came here.
Prabhupada, who is a very old man, he is very, very old, no one knows exactly how old he is, but he is extremely old, he spends his time translating
Hindu books and writing letters to his disciples. There are three temples in England, and about 35 in the
United States, although in England it seems to be a little more stable, financially and so forth.
There are 35 temples in the United States, and that tells us something, 35 of these temples.
Now some of the features of this is the quoting of a mantra, M -A -N -T -R -A, a mantra, they all have to have a mantra to quote, the chant.
The chanting of the mantras is extremely important as a means to attaining enlightenment. Now enlightenment just means
Krishna Consciousness to them when you say enlightenment, Krishna Consciousness. Lord Caitanya revealed that in the
Kali Yaga, the Kali Yaga right here, written it there for you for all that means, that in the
Kali Yaga the best way to spiritual realization was through chanting the name of God, the holy name of quote
God, and they chanted thusly. They will say in different forms or different vocalizations,
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare, Hare, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare, and that's the way they go on and on and on.
You know what it sounds like, speaking in tongues, there's not a nickel's worth of difference. Just say it long enough and you get it.
Just say it long enough, Abba, Abba, Abba, and soon you'll start doing it, drop your jaw and down you go, and it's basically the same concept, it is a learned experience, it is learned, it has to be taught.
Lord Caitanya revealed this, and Krishna and Rama are names for God.
Now I'm using God, I'm using it in little g, and with quotes around it when I say that.
Now among the chanters you will usually find a state of ecstasy, just like other people, they get all excited, and they're just a great state of ecstasy, and then there'll be a trance -like appearance in most of them, they just kind of begin to lock out and trance out.
You've got to remember this is very old, this is very old. Part of their culture is this, this group adheres to a traditional ascetic
Hindu cultural pattern, very ascetic, kind of hermiting in attitude.
The true follower dresses in a special Indian Hindu fashion, and is subject to tremendous food regulations.
They have no eggs, no meat, strict vegetarians, no fish, no stimulants, or intoxicants, and a very strict sexual discipline.
Intercourse is permitted only between married couples, and only once a month. Some of y 'all don't have any problem with that, but nevertheless, some of you old ones, you can forget it, but nevertheless, that's what they do, and they're very strict, these people are very, very strict about this.
Now the male followers wear a Sikha, a Sikha right here, you see some of them as you walk about the cities, sometimes you can see them, it's a shaved head with a little hair tuft, and they carry a row of 108 beads, 108 beads, usually in a little shoulder bag, you see them carrying a little bag around, well they got beads in there, they just not carrying it full, you say, oh look at that guy carrying a purse, he's got goodies in there.
Now these beads are a rosary, they are a rosary. Now here's their discipline, the
Krishna Mantra is chanted 16 times for every bead every day, 16 times for 108 beads, 108 times, 16 times for each one every day, he quotes the
Krishna Mantra, he just chants it. Now you talk about discipline, we can say what we want to about them, but they're disciplined, we could use some of that discipline,
I don't want to chant a mantra, but I wish Christians had that kind of discipline in studying the Bible or in praying or doing something else.
Now these disciples frequently they paint their bodies and their faces, you'll see them look like they're about to go on a war path or something, but they paint it up.
Now the promotion, the group promotes itself by what they call Sankirtana, that is by chanting on city streets, they walk around, they'll chant, and they sell their magazine which is called
Back to Godhead, Back to Godhead. Now they use the Vedic scripture, the
Vedic scripture, V -E -D -I -C that we put on the board yesterday, the Krishna group, they give much more importance to Vedic scripture than does the
D -L -E -M, which is the Divine Light Mission that we'll look at in just a moment, and the intellectual study of Hindu books is tremendously encouraged, study they say.
After seven years as a student and teacher with ISKCON, a disciple may, not all but may, but not before seven years, may attain the distinction of being called
Swami, but only by searching in Vedic teachings or scriptures, he's got to say seven years, and he's got to share, he's got to teach some.
Wouldn't it be something if you had to become a member of the church that you had to study for seven years, and then you also had to teach a little bit for seven years before you could, you know how missionaries do something like that?
You've got to prove yourself on the mission field for six months before they'll baptize you into the local church in a lot of places. I think that would help us some if we do it, just let anybody come in who wants to with no qualifications and no, they'll say, yeah,
I'm going to serve the Lord, I promise I'm going to serve God. Yes, I believe the Lord put me right here in this church and then don't hit a lick for God for another five years, some of them 15 and 20.
I believe we could use some of the ideas at least that some of these people have, as wrong as it is. Now the
Bible, they believe in the Bible, the Bible and the Koran, the Bible and the Koran, K -O -R -A -N, are considered genuine scripture, but they believe that they have become distorted in translation and interpretation over the centuries.
So they're very careful with it. Now as I said, their diet, all food is offered to Krishna before they ever touch it.
It is offered to Krishna and thereby it becomes spiritual by doing that, which is prasadam, which is this right here, it becomes spiritual, prasadam or prasadam, it becomes spiritual when they offer that food up to him.
When eating this food, then they eat it not because they are hungry, they eat it as a devotion and as an aid to God consciousness.
Everything they do has a purpose, has a purpose. Now their relation to other beliefs, they claim to have no desire whatsoever to change anybody's religion.
They want you to be just whatever you are. They do not want to change you, they are not evangelistic in that sense, but only to make you better at what you are.
Since Krishna consciousness is really the foundational truth in all religions anyway.
So they don't want you to change, they just want to make you better at what you are, they say. Now, they say that the first principle, this is extremely important in understanding the
Hare Krishna group, the first principle of all religions is that I am not this body.
That's the first principle. There's the oneness concept with the universe. I am not this body. I am not, have you ever heard people say, this is not me, have you ever heard that?
This is not me, but it is. You are going to have the same body you got all through eternity. You can bank on it. It will have some changes, thank
God, but you are going to have the same body. Because that is what resurrection is, it is taking that which goes into the grave and restores it to that which is better.
And if it's anything else, it is not resurrection. The word resurrection demands that it be the same body.
Was it not Jesus' same body when he came out? Sure. And you are going to be just like his. Now they know, but they say,
I am not this body, a lot of Christians are going to say, this is not really me. Oh yes, it is. Yes, it is. It is you.
It is as much you as it is anything else. Now Prabhupada's philosophy maintains a dichotomy concerning spirit matter, a dichotomy concerning spirit matter.
Let me give you some quotations that they use. First of all, they say that transcendental vibration, you ever heard young people say,
I get strange vibes from you. You ever said that? It's strange vibes from you. We don't live by vibes and you don't feel any vibes.
If you feel some vibes, you better start praying because you're not getting them from God. God doesn't deal in vibes. Well, I want to be like young people.
You ever seen a 60 -year -old woman running around with hip boots or knee boots on and a mini skirt and here she goes dancing, trying to be a teenager.
But try and talk like them. You're not one of them. And they go and talk about a lot of stuff and that's all right. But transcendental vibes, established by the chanting of the
Hare Krishna, is a sublime method of reviving our transcendental consciousness.
Another one that they say, just to give you an idea of the way they think, due to our association with matter from time immoral, our consciousness is now adulterated by our material atmosphere.
The material atmosphere to which we are living, or in which we are living, is called what we called yesterday a maya or an illusion, a maya or an illusion.
And in the beginning, there may not be, when you get into this thing, there may not be the presence of all the transcendental ecstasies.
Now there are eight ecstasies in number and I'll give them to you. One, there's being stopped as if they're dumb, just can't speak, can't move.
I've heard people who call themselves Christians tell me that. God just made them dumb, just made them numb, and just got them where they were paralyzed as this warmth came down upon them and all that stuff.
And then there's a great perspiration. That's one of the ecstasies that you go through when you're in Hare Krishna.
There's a great perspiration that just flows all the time. Third one is standing up with the hairs on the body.
The hair on their head will stand straight up. We say, you mean it'll, yes, it'll stand straight up.
You ever heard somebody say, boy, my hair scared me so bad, the hair stood straight up on my back. No it didn't, you know it didn't.
You thought it did, but then, oh, you may hear a little ruffling back in there somewhere. He may get scared that bad, but their hair will stand straight up, women, just straight out.
That is a part of the ecstasy that they have. And then there's a dislocation of the voice, a dislocation of the voice occurs.
Another one is trembling, tremendous trembling of themselves. And then there'll be the fading of the body, the body begins to fade.
It's almost like astral projection in occultism, where you begin leaving your body. The body begins to fade out of existence in their thinking and in their mind.
And then there is the trance itself. There's the trance itself. And these are eight ecstasies, they may not all be active at one time, they may not all be present.
And then, transcendental ecstasies, being stopped is done, perspiration, standing up the hairs on the body, even on the arms and the legs, the hair just stand up, just stick out, straight.
Dislocation of the voice, trembling and fading of the body, crying, I gave you eight,
I missed one, I'm sorry, I heard you grumbling. Crying in ecstasy, we
Jews can't do a lot of things, but we can count, we just may overlook something every now and then, but we'll get back to it, we'll get back to it.
Crying in ecstasy, just a delightful crying, just crying through tears of joy, so to speak, and then the trance.
And all these mingle around. Now, there is no doubt, they say, there is no doubt that chanting for a while takes one immediately to the spiritual platform.
And one shows the first symptom of this in the urge to dance, along with the chanting of the mantra.
There is a young Jewish evangelist who's often one of the cultic groups that I believe, often one of these tangent groups that dances in the pulpit.
Yeah, he's been to Shreveport, he's been all around. He's a young Jewish evangelist, and he's out in one of these tangent groups that I do not believe is of God, and I believe he's doctrinally unsound, and he dances in the pulpit, because the
Bible says David danced unto the Lord. But David danced when the Ark of the Covenant came back, and he doesn't have an
Ark of the Covenant, because the Ark of the Covenant doesn't have anything to do with us. And these people, they go along with this, and they like it, and so that's a part of it too.
Can't you just see the intermingling of Satan? He never has changed. You can spot him if you just look for him.
He dupes people, he dupes these, just like he dupes other people. Now we get this information from a piece of literature called
On Channing Hare Krishna by Prabhupada. Now he says, quote, there are two kinds of activities, good and bad.
Boy, isn't that profound? There are two kinds of activities, good and bad. If you act nicely and perform pious activities, then you get good fortune.
And if you act sinfully, then you've got to suffer. You have to suffer. Now, when you ask them some questions, questions and answers, they put this stuff out.
What is the duty of a person? This is the question. What is the duty of a person who does not believe in the scripture?
The scriptures, the Bible, and the Koran, and anything else they tell you is scripture. Answer, his duty is to go to hell.
Question, how can it be changed for him? Answer, by coming here and chanting
Hare Krishna. That is one of their papers, Back to Godhead, one of the little papers they sell on the street, Back to Godhead number 35.
Just come and chant Hare Krishna long enough, and you won't have to go. Doesn't that sound strange? If you pray long enough and light enough candles, you can get out of it.
Isn't that strange? It all mingles around if you just think about it long enough. People are strange. Alright, now, just conclude about Hare Krishna and get off of it.
In this age there is no religion, they say, quoting, other than glorifying the
Lord, sounds good, by the utterance of his holy name, and that this is the injunction of all the revealed scripture, so in the order of my spiritual master,
I chant the holy name of Krishna, and I am now mad after his holy name.
End quote. And that's a saying of Lord Caitanya, and that's quoted in On Chanting Hare Krishna, that's put out by him.
So we'll just get a little insight into who the Hare Krishna group is, and you can immediately see the footprints of Satan, sweet people, precious lives, good minds and intellects being destroyed by the enemy, simply because they do not know the truth.
You and I can get the truth and do nothing with it, as Brother Don said, but if you get the truth and share it, God will bless it,
God will use it. Alright? Now let's look briefly at the Divine Light Mission. The Divine Light Mission, this is this young boy that came into the
United States, Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji, and they've come on strong,
I mean really come on strong, and they had this Millennium 76, I think it was, or Millennium 75 at the
Astrodome in Houston, Texas, and all of this stuff, and it's amazing what they believe. Now this is a
Vedantist Hindu movement, it's a Vedantist Hindu movement of a westernized type.
It's kind of westernized, and it's centered on devotion to this young boy, the guru Maharaj Ji, who it is claimed is an incarnation of God, quote,
God, and he's able to give enlightenment to his disciples. Now, when I first heard of him, he was 14 years of age.
He came to the United States when I was aware of it. Now this young boy spoke in Philadelphia, at the same time that the
Southern Baptist Convention met, and he had more people listening to him than the
Southern Baptist Convention had meeting there, so you can tell how powerful he is. This boy has multiplied millions of followers.
He looks to me like he's 50 years of age, but he's just a young boy. He's just a young boy, just a young man right now.
All right, what is the history of it? The present guru's father, Sri Sons Maharaj Ji, began spreading, his father began spreading the basic ideas of DLM, Divine Light Mission, in the 1920s in North India and West Pakistan.
He got his enlightenment from another guru, Sri Sarupanan Ji, they all have that last name,
Ji, J -I, J -I. So when he died in 1966, his disciples were numbered in the multiplied millions.
Nobody knows, they just know there were millions of followers. And the organization now known as the
Divine Light Mission, which was founded in 1960, was coordinating a very large staff of Mahatmas, whose task was to spread the knowledge, spread the knowledge.
Now, Sri Maharaj was married and his wife, Mata Ji, is alive today.
He has four sons who are very active in the mission work. The oldest brother is
Bala Bhagwan Ji, who is probably the most capable teacher and one of the more intellectual concepts of Vedantist Hinduism.
He's an extremely intelligent young man. The fourth son is Sri Sant Ji, called
Guru Maharaj Ji. He is the fourth son. Now that is a title, it is not his name.
Maharaj Ji is just a title that they get. Now it is claimed that all the members of a family are fully realized avatars.
In normal times, each one would be a Satguru, Satguru, S -A -T -G -U -R -U, which means perfect master.
Now what do you pick up immediately, if you've been listening carefully, what do you pick up immediately about that, that's wrong, when all of them are considered to be avatars or saviors or gods?
You say, but because, right, exactly right, there can only be one at one time, they say. There can only be one.
But you see, we're in a special time, they say. They get around it. You can get around about anything you want. They say it's a special time.
This is a specially favored time at the end of the Kali Yuga, the Kali Yuga, which means that's
K -A -L -I -Y -U -G -A, which means the age of darkness, the age of darkness.
So there has to be a few more of them to come on the scene. Now there's a very strong manifestation of God, they say.
The true guru, though, the most important one, is Maharaj Ji. He was born in 1958.
He first came west in 1971 when he came to England. The Chicago Tribune, July 15, 1974, claims that at that moment, at least 8 million followers think he is
God. That's from 1974. They estimated that at least 8 million people think he is
God, and that's the Chicago Tribune. And yet he didn't come, he was born in 1958, and he didn't come west until 1971, so in three years in the western world, he got 8 million followers, 8 million followers.
Now at present, there are 31 headquarters in the United Kingdom, 31 headquarters.
Each temple is called an ashram, we gave that to you yesterday, ashram. It is a functional, it functions, it's organized, it's a commune -type dwelling for the devotees.
Now they have what they call a divine sides, S -I -D -E -S, divine sides. These are second -hand stores that they've opened up to make money, little second -hand stores.
They sell anything in there. And then there's what they call their world peace corps. They got what they call a world peace corps.
And it's sort of a maintenance department. They take care of all the little headquarters and little stores and things like this.
They keep the premises and they keep their vehicles in order. The beliefs are propagated by satsangs,
S -A -T, S -A -N -G -S, or discourse, the teaching, or the sharing of it. They have a film that they use that is called
Lord of the Universe, Lord of the Universe. It is filmed by a Swiss company at the
DLM, the Divine Light Mission Temple in London, England. They have a song with the same title as the film.
There's a song they use called the Lord of the Universe. And it's popular among women. They hum it and sing it all the time.
There's a long play album that is available of DLM, Divine Light Music, Divine Light Mission Music, and it's played at some of the meetings.
Other films that they have is called Satguru Has Come, The Perfect Man Has Come, Satguru Has Come. They have two newspapers that are sold.
In England it's called The Divine Times. In the United States it's called The Divine Light.
Their organization is extremely wealthy. They are quite wealthy, up in the multiplied billions of dollars of wealth.
What are some of the main features of it? Their terms are they take popular Christian words and they are used, but they make them apply to the
Hindu concept of enlightenment. So that's why we say to people all the time it is important that you define your words when you start talking to somebody.
I don't care who they are. Make sure that you get a foundation, a common denominator. You say resurrection, make sure that they know what you're talking about and that you're talking about the same thing because you may not be.
The guru feels perfectly justified in doing this because they consider Jesus just another avatar. He's just another enlightenment by recognition of his own existence.
He's a much -loved Christ. He's a much -loved Christ. He's a much -loved Christ. He's a much -loved Christ. He's a much -loved
Christ. one. It doesn't mean anything else. Christ is the Greek word from the English, from the Greek word
Christos, which means anointed one, which is the Greek word for Messiah or Mashiach, which means anointed one, and that's all it means.
That's why you got to call him the Lord Jesus Christ, so we know exactly what we're saying. We're saying the Lord Jesus, the anointed one, who is
Christ, that the Christ of God. That's why a lot of preachers use that word, they call him the Christ of God, God's anointed one, the
Lord Jesus Christ. So they use it, we wouldn't use it that way, but they're not too far off in calling him an anointed one in the sense that they think that he is.
All right, now in Scripture, most Hindu and the Hindus and the Guru accept the
Bible as an authentic Scripture. The goal or aim of Scripture is to help one to experience
God, therefore scientific exegesis is not necessary at all. You don't really have to study the Bible too much.
You don't have to get scientific and deal with the words and the Greek and the Hebrew and all this stuff. You really don't have to play with that, because after all, what you're wanting is the experience.
Doesn't that sound familiar? What you really want is the experience. That's what you're really looking for in all of this.
Now the prophecies of Christ's second coming are applied to the Guru. For example, when he talks about the phrase of Christ coming in the clouds, they say, well, that's when the
Guru flies into London to the main temple. He comes in the clouds, he flies in there. You say, well, that's foolish, but you take somebody who doesn't know.
You take somebody whose mind's been played with, and you use some of the brainwashing techniques these people use.
Well, they would accept that. They accept that. If somebody told you that a camel was a dog from the time you were born, you'd never know any difference.
Somebody said, that camel's not a dog, that's a camel. You'd say, no, it isn't. It's a dog. You would never know.
You only know what you've been told, most of the time. That's just the way we are, and some of these people just really don't know any difference.
Now, when a careful explanation of a Bible passage begins to threaten their
Hindu ideas, and you present it to one of these followers, they will take refuge in the belief that the ideas and the words are useless because it is the experience that counts.
They'll say, well, the words don't really mean anything. That's what you say they mean. They don't mean anything to me because I want God -consciousness.
I want oneness with God anyway, so words are unimportant to us. And so they run back into that.
Now, they have a way to gain knowledge. The guru advocates meditating on a secret, unpronounceable mantra.
Mantra. It is secret. It is known only to the devotee, rather than chanting of the mantras of the conventional
Hindu type, such as Hare Krishna does. It is secret. It is whispered to them by the guru, and only they know what it is, and they meditate on it and meditate on it and meditate on it.
You've seen on nationwide television, they showed some people on a bus one time when they were propagating transcendental meditation, how they just sit there and after their work and their job, they just kind of casually sit there and take a deep breath and begin meditating on the name of that mantra, really not realizing that what they're doing is giving allegiance to a false god, because that's exactly what it means.
Now, taking knowledge is an inner experience, and it is described in terms of hearing music.
It gives allegiance to a false god, because that's exactly what it means. Now, taking knowledge is an inner experience, and it is described in terms of hearing music.
They hear music playing in their minds. They see light and tasting nectar, tasting nectar.
It is claimed that in this experience, a man is directly perceiving the oneness of the universe, and that is called primordial vibration, primordial vibration,
P -R -I -M -O -R -D -I -A -L, primordial vibration.
That's what you get. Now, once the devotee has experienced this word or light, he has been instructed to meditate on it and also do devotion to the guru by service at the local ashram or the local commune.
Now, by this means, he will progress to permanent and total god consciousness. He will just sink out into it.
There are no dietary or moral requirements, though the ashrams are usually vegetarian, but in the divine light mission, they're not necessarily, they don't have those restrictions.
There are not any moral requirements, really. You can just do your thing. There are really not any dietary, although, as I say, they usually are vegetarian.
The guru explicitly rejects any need for repentance. There is no need for repentance whatsoever.
It is not a reality to them. The student or the guru, well, you know, I was in Fort Worth.
From my office to my home, we have a bunch of parks in our city and very beautiful parks, and there's one over near what we call the botanical gardens, and every once in a while in the afternoon,
I'll get me a book or something, and I'll just go over and sit under a tree, and I just read, and I just study in the afternoon there to get out of the office and get away from the telephone where the answering service can't catch me.
So I just sit out there and read, and I was there, and a young girl came by me one time, and she began to to talk to me about going to a meeting, and I began to see very quickly that she was in the divine light, and one of their offers that they offer you is love, love, and the girls become sexual objects many times, and that's one of the things they do.
That's the way they attain enlightenment. They have no repentant attitude, no concern, no conviction about it whatsoever, and these, they get these young girls to wander around, and they are the calling card.
They are the drawing power. That's why most of the time on the street corner selling things and wandering around, you'll see mostly girls.
You'll see mostly teenage girls. Occasionally, you'll see a teenage boy doing it, but you'll usually see teenage girls doing it.
There are more of them, and they just flock to it. It's utterly fantastic how they flock to it. Now, the student or the guru as I said yesterday will eventually have a glaze of the eyes as their will begins to leave.
They begin to lose control of their will, and then the loss of all their personality just goes. When they talk to you, it's like talking to a robot.
It's just like talking to somebody that has no expression or feeling in what they're saying. They are just reciting to you.
They just become a dispenser of answers and words to you. Such a glazed look is a sign that a person is being taken up into God consciousness.
Now, about the future, the guru will often make mysterious prophecies about the future.
He's always saying something about the future, and this part of the cycle of time is nearing its end. They also, as other groups believe, this is the
Piscean Age, the age of the fish. This is the Salyuga, and it is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.
Soon the age of peace, love, and harmony will be upon us. It is just around the corner. When the moon is in the seventh power, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planet, and love will steer the stars.
The dawning of the age of Aquarius. It is a all -time, always a bestseller for a long time, all right?
Some answers by the guru Maharaj Ji. Let me give you some things that he says. Question.
Can I reach God through prayer, or is it just through meditation? His answer.
Meditation is the direct process, because speaking words is indirect, but the knowledge is the perfect technique.
It is the direct technique. Question. But I've got so many things I want to say to God. I must express my feelings to Him.
Can I not do this in meditation, or can I do it in meditation? No, because in meditation you have the opportunity to go to God directly.
If you want to speak something to Him, speak it to me, and I'll give you the answer.
I'll get the answer back direct from God and speak it to you. I won't ask questions about your validity, about your genuineness.
Are you really real? You cannot ask that question. You only ask it because you have not received knowledge.
When you receive knowledge, then there'll be no question. That's in the Divine Light, May 1972. Now that's what they teach, these kids, that's what they teach people.
And as I say, they leave a question. Are God and Satan the same thing?
Answer. God is in Satan also. God is everywhere. You know what is
God? God is this holy Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God. That is the
Word. That is God. And this Word exists everywhere in you and in every being.
Boy, it sounds almost good, doesn't it? It sounds almost good, but there are just a few problems with it, aren't there?
Yeah, just a few. Question. How does suffering exist then? Do you know? Evil is nothing.
It's not there. Evil is the ignorance of the mind. It's just the ignorance of the mind.
Question. The Bible, the New Testament, tells us that Jesus is living now. He's alive. Sure.
Certainly Jesus is living right now. He is living. Ram is living. Krishna is living.
Buddha is living. But they have all been united into one very powerful power. And when this power spreads its hand, all the things that are going on wrong in this world are going to be abolished.
Will it be very long? Very shortly. Very shortly. He is starting to move his hand now, you know.
I want to say this to the whole world. They read the Bible and try to understand it through their minds, right?
They can't understand it. Spirituality cannot be described and it cannot be understood by the mind.
Mind is imperfect. Mind always projects what is false. Mind is black light.
Are people going to respect you? Yes. I'm going to be strict about it. If they all respect me,
I'm going to be strict about it. Now that's the group called Divine Light Mission, Maharaj Ji's group.
It is pitiful how many kids that I have talked to. And I know a lot of people, you know, these parents trying to get the
Moonies. I wish we had two or three days to go into some more of these. There's the Moonies, Sun Yung Moon.
It's amazing what's going on in these groups. There's another called Bubba John. Bubba John's come on the scene now.
That's his name. Bubba, B -U -B -B -A. Bubba John right now has probably three and a half million followers and he's growing quickly.
You say, well we might follow somebody named Bubba John. It's amazing what they'll follow. They'll follow anything but truth. Follow anything but truth.
All right, quickly let's just close by looking briefly at Transcendental Meditation. We're not going to bore you with a lot of it, but Transcendental Meditation is a yoga therapy.
It is a yoga therapy and is based on the Hindu philosophy of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is based upon his philosophy of Hinduism.
The Maharishi was a disciple of a Hindu scholar, Brahmanda Sarasurati, who began a movement in Northwest India.
It is religious. It is a religion. No matter what they say. There is a lawsuit against Transcendental Meditation right now in New Jersey by the
Spiritual Counterfeits Project. A bunch of young people in California that have banded together to attack these false groups.
And they have a lawsuit. You might pray for them. Pray for just the lawsuit against Transcendental Meditation in New Jersey where another group where they voted that it could be taught to the high school and the colleges just as Illinois has voted and encouraging that they do teach this.
And they also voted that you teach the science of creative intelligence, that these things be taught in the high schools and the colleges and universities.
So they have won part of the phase and they are really giving them fits because they are getting men who are not even
Christians, but who are authorities on Eastern religions and Hindu philosophy who are testifying in favor of these
Christian kids and they're saying Transcendental Meditation is religious. And they're not even Christians, but boy they're nailing it to wall.
So we need to really pray for these kids as they go up and take on your case and mine. And they're going to the highest courts in the land to keep
Transcendental Meditation out of the schools. And they're saying if you teach it, then you must let us teach Christianity.
If you teach that, then you got to let us teach Christianity. And they're really going at it. And I'm grateful to God for them.
Now, the Maharishi himself studied physics at Allah Bahad University, which is reflected in his scientific approach to meditation.
The Maharishi has sort of a scientific mental approach to it. It was the interest of the Beatles in the 1960s that brought
Transcendental Meditation to the attention of the West. They were the ones, they were the culprits that opened the
Western part, the United States especially. They opened it to a lot of things. They opened to a lot of things, but they were the ones who brought
Transcendental Meditation and began to infiltrate. It now has, as best as I can determine, in the limited research which
I'm capable, and this is probably not a true figure, but at least 100 ,000 meditators and 4 ,500 teachers right now.
At least that, that's a minimum. There are centers opening in the United States for the Science of Creative Intelligence, the
Science of Creative Intelligence, SCI. The United States Army has expressed great interest in using
Transcendental Meditation as a technique. The United Nations is considering advocating to the world
Transcendental Meditation. As I said already, Illinois and New Jersey and other states are playing with this idea and voting it in.
In London, Transcendental Meditation is represented by what they call the Spiritual Regeneration Movement, SRM, the
Spiritual Regeneration Movement, which has about 20 other branches throughout the British Isles.
Now, the metabolic rate and breath rate fall noticeably during meditation.
As they begin to meditate, the metabolic rate does become affected, and the breath rate does, sorry, it does relieve tension.
It does relieve anxiety, but Satan will relieve anything to get you off the track.
He'll relieve anything. Let me just point out quickly some of the distinctive features of Transcendental Meditation.
Psychiatric therapy. Psychiatric therapy. Unlike Divine Light Mission, DLM and ISKCON, Hare Krishna, Transcendental Meditation is presented to the new disciple at the very beginning as just a technique for improving psychological performance.
It is being used in industries, and if you've been watching your television very carefully, you have noticed there have been some people who have come out of it, who have shown the falsity of it.
And this one girl came on here not too long ago, and she was on one of the news programs, they were interviewing her, and she was showing just how she had people, and she could get them under her control.
She could say, walk to the wall, and just like zombies, they'd walk right to the wall. After a while, they'd get control of your mind.
Now, many people pay the fee. It usually runs about $35 to $75 as an investment in psychological health.
The Maharishi emphasizes that Transcendental Meditation eliminates stress, and this therapy approach conceals the fact that it is a very clear
Hindu monistic philosophy. It is philosophical in its interpretation, and is placed on all meditative experiences obtained the
Hindu concept, just hammers down on it. Now, the technique of it. It involves the silent rehearsing again of a mantra under the guidance of a personal tutor.
You get a personal teacher, and you begin to recite the mantra. Mental activity is transcended until one reaches a state of restful alertness.
During meditation, everything goes by itself, automatically and effortless.
It just begins to go. The Maharishi's name for the underlying oneness of the universe is called creative intelligence.
It is not the oneness like the other groups call, he calls it creative intelligence. Creative, and you hear scientists talk about that all the time.
There's the creative intelligence out there. There's the super intelligence out there. Well, you call him
God, we call him the great mind, or something of this nature, or something like that. All right, it has great scientific implications.
The Maharishi favors arguments from physical science to substantiate his philosophy.
He'll deal with psychic phenomena. He'll deal with parapsychology. They'll deal with anything that is scientific to prove that what they have is true.
They don't go off into really the subjective part of it like the other groups do. He has many high scholars, men of high degrees, academically contributing to the transcendental magazine called creative intelligence.
But the Hindu roots are not far below the surface, and in the transcendental initiation ceremony, a disciple must pay homage to the
Maharishi's own spiritual master. It is required. Now, there is a great danger that one who learns the transcendental meditation technique will get subtly and almost unconsciously sucked into a commitment to a
Hindu monistic philosophy. You can start with it very innocently, but sooner or later it just draws you in like a great vacuum.
That's the tool of Satan. He dangles bait out. I've used the illustration. It illustrates it so much for me.
Do you know how they catch octopi, octopuses? Octopi, that's plural.
The way they catch octopi out in the little islands is, they get this little boat, a little boat with a little kicker motor on it.
And these dailies get them a big plank. Now, they know the rocks where they find these. They can go down, the water's very clear, and they'll go along and they'll find where they are.
Now, get out of your mind the giant squid that sucks up the Titanic and ships in New York and Tokyo and all that that you see in the movies.
But they'll go and they'll find an octopus place where they think he is. They have a long plank and they take them a piece of metal, shiny metal, and they nail it to the end of that plank.
And they slip that thing down towards that hole and they sit there and they've got this thing whittled down where they can hold on to it, and a couple of them will hold on to it.
And that shininess will just sit there and glitter in the sun as the sun comes through the water. All of a sudden, a tentacle comes out and wraps around it.
And all of a sudden, nothing wraps around it. And they just kind of drop that little kicker motor, this little bitty motor, in gear a little bit and just put a little power on it, just easy, just to put a little tension on that board.
And they begin to pull. Here comes another tentacle out. It's going to keep him getting away. And sooner or later, all the tentacles except one are wrapped around that board.
Because the one he has, he holds on to the rock. That's what he keeps his stability with. And they just keep adding a little more power until it puts the pressure on it.
And then that octopus somehow or other reasons in its instinct that if I put this last one on it,
I'll get it. Because I've got all the others on it. And the moment he turns away, they shoot the juice to that motor and they jerk him right up out of his little abode.
And they got him. And he's hanging on to that and he says, I got it! I got it! And all of a sudden, that boat's heading for land because they got him.
And that's exactly the way satanic philosophy is. You reach out and just play with it innocently.
And we think, well, I can handle it. I can control it. I'm smart enough. I can deal with it. And before you know it, Satan's got you and he's running with you.
And you think you got hold of it. And it's just the way he does. Just the way. And that to me is a good illustration, personally, for what
I see in all these things. All right. There is no dogma in transcendental meditation. There is no dogma to be believed, nor any question of changing a man's religion.
You can be anything you want to be. And I know multiplied hundreds of preachers of different denominations that are getting caught up in transcendental meditation.
I know deacons and I know church members of every group who are getting caught up in transcendental meditation.
We get some of them now for counseling. A disciple spends only about 20 minutes a day in meditation. That's not much.
20 minutes a day. There seems to be no ascetic practices. I mean, they don't have to go off and become a hermit.
You don't have to do that. They're tied to the teachings of the Maharishi. All right. Quotations that he gives is, quote, transcendental meditation,
TM, is obeying the injunction, know thyself. It fulfills the biblical command to seek the kingdom of heaven within.
Well, that in itself shows it's religious. Just take that. In practical terms, it means peace of mind and relief from stress and strain.
All right. Another one is, the science of creative intelligence arose from the major discovery that there exists in every human being this constant source of intelligence, energy, and happiness.
This source can be easily and systematically drawn upon by everyone for spontaneous use in everyday life.
And then they just say, knowledge gained by objective means will always be specific, but it'll never be total.
It'll never be total. So you got to meditate to get it. Now, that's not very much, but that's just enough to whet your appetite and let you know that it is extremely in danger, the life of the
Christian, and it'll wrap up a lost person. And if you play with fire long enough, you will get scorched.
You will get burned if you play with it. Now, what does this mean to you and me? Just quickly, dear friends, it means this.
There are multiplied thousands of precious people for whom Christ died that are getting caught up in this, and Christians, because of our laziness, because of sometimes maybe our indifference, because of our apathy, sometimes because of our lack of concern, sometimes because we get to enjoy our own fellowship in our church.
Suppose we enjoy our own fellowship in our family. We get so wrapped up in ourselves that we cannot see the people floundering in the sea of life with no one to help them.
We have the information. We have the knowledge. You can get it very easily. You can get it just like I got it.
You can study and get it. I'm no more intelligent than you. You can learn anything you want to learn if you want to learn it.
And we can get the information to share with these people that God might use it. You're not going to get them all.
You're not going to win most of them, but you can win some. And if you just get one out of it, that's worth it all.
And these kids are running around, and people and adults alike, business people are running around looking for anything that'll relieve the stress and the anxiety.
When my Bible says perfect love casts out fear. In perfect peace,
God will keep him whose mind is stayed upon Jesus Christ. We have those answers. We just don't share them.
We are greedy and selfish with what God has done for us. We just don't share it.
And I challenge you, share what you know. Share what you believe to be the truth. Share the word of God.
Share Jesus Christ. Don't become selfish in your Christianity. And I know that many of you aren't. I know many of you sacrifice great bits to serve
God, and I'm grateful for you. But I just pray the whole church will get caught up in it and start reaching out and touching these people before Christ comes.
They have a right to know. Let's pray. Father, take the information that we have. Use it,
Lord, in our lives that we might reach out and touch some life that is searching for that which they know not.
But Lord, we believe that they're searching for Jesus Christ. We believe that you would have them know the Lord.
We believe that you'd have them have opportunity to be saved. We believe, Lord, at least they ought to be presented once.
The information about the Lord Jesus Christ and his salvation and the death of Christ on the cross and his coming again.
The judgment that's out in the future. The place called hell, but the place called heaven. Father, I pray that you'll use these dear people to touch lives in this community in which they live.
And as they go about their way, I pray that they'll just witness as they go. As they go about finding opportunity just to share a word for Christ, just to share a word of scripture, just to share a word of testimony, just to show some love, some compassion, some care, some concern about someone who's floundering around and struggling in this old world.
Following every wind of doctrine, every concept, precept, or belief, every tenet that's thrown out by some shrewd false teacher or some wise false prophet in the name of a guise of relieving tension or bringing about psychological achievement or bringing about some emotional release.
Father, I pray that we'll be fervent witnesses in these last days before our Lord returns.
God, when we stand before you, oh Lord, may we have fruit for our labor. Lord, don't let us come empty -handed.
Lord, help us never to have the contentment where we would just sit around and be contented with what we've already done.
But Lord, motivate us, energize us, direct us and guide us that we might win someone to Jesus and that we might see some
Christian strengthened. God, just let us burn out for thee and then we'll praise you for all that you do through us and all that you do for us.
And yes, even for those things you do in spite of us, we are grateful to you and thank you for every blessing you give us.