Spiritual Transitions with Emeal EZ Zwayne


One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. This is from the Jersey Fire 2014


The way we play this game is usually you're in a group you'll call someone out. So I'm calling out easy and You have if you want to be nice to them.
You can let them just do a spiritual Anything spiritual you have a feeling you're not gonna be nice to me
Andrew. Oh, no, I'm always nice to guests I usually don't get it true. I usually get the harder one. The harder one is it has to be specifically evangelistic
So it's kind of if you want to make someone really be a little bit more narrow But you you basically in the choice of a spiritual conversation or an evangelistic conversation and then you name something
So I'm gonna name for you is a picture that we didn't put up yet on on the Facebook group that we're probably going to which is so picture this a large elephant is going for some water and There in the water is a baby alligator that is grabbing
The the trunk of the elephants you're gonna need to transition that to a spiritual conversation Now I've done this with things like someone's goatee, you know, there's little plastic things on the end of a shoelace
I've actually had to transition that to a gospel presentation and I had 15 seconds to do it
If you teach like kids in so we do this in like the youth group I also would do this is how
I'd open the when I taught junior church. I'd let the kids start a message I didn't know what they were gonna say
Someone's actually asking for our Academy that we do the striving fraternity Academy to start every week with someone in the chat room to do a
To do that. So Michael, what do you for me? You're gonna you're gonna give me one
Actually, no So It's on a drink of just pure sugar parents favorite a
Gospel presentation. Okay, so they so that let me make sure I get it So it's a container that you get with a big straw and they just go and put different is it it's liquid sugar or It's just granule sugar
Okay, okay So they just go get these pixie sticks and then the kids just drink it Okay, so so now
I'm walking up and seeing that or I'm or I'm talking to someone about that and to transition
Okay, that would be easier, okay good So I walk up to this situation. I see I see
I'm with my buddy easy Who's not a believer? yo, he's
Back in the day. Yeah, by the way, you do realize there's a side note, but you do realize that the Middle East Crisis is solved right here.
Hey Jew and Arab a Jew in an Arab All right So I'm talking to my
Arab friend. I forgot my turban. Where's your yarmulke, huh? So what
I'm talking to my crypt friend here the the Arab crypt Goes around walking eating falafels
And I'm not I'm actually not worried because actually the Jewish Mafia is the one that funded the Italian Mafia and that was actually my family background, but but but so uh
But so what we're walking up and we're watching this and I walk up to you and I'm saying, you know Do you take a look at that?
Do you see what that child that's demanding of his parents? Tell you something about how society is, you know, we we have as children.
We don't Respect our families our parents those who are in charge, you know
But it also tells us something we you and I look at that child. You know, we see we see someone who is rebellious and The child doesn't think he's rebellious
Child thinks he actually has a right to make those demands But the reality is is you and I are just as rebellious with that child to God We rebel against God and we don't see it often because we think we have a right to demand these things of God But we've broken his law we violated his law in many ways and having pride and lustful thoughts lying and stealing and Just as we can notice that rebellion in someone else
We need to notice that rebellion in ourselves and we need to get right with God That's how I would answer that now
Some of you may have had something totally different. That's the fun of the game because then you can share What you've come up with and we do this actually started doing this regularly on Facebook So I've given you a lot of time with the elephant and the alligator, right?
Look at the picture of that elephant and alligator. Do you consider yourself to be a good person?
That's exactly what Ray would do I Know I may do something like this and you know, it all depends and sometimes
Interestingly, you don't necessarily have to use the exact Item before you, you know, you can use it as a springboard even to just start a conversation by just saying hey
How you doing? That's pretty interesting, you know, and then you can transition from there I'll tell you exactly what
I would normally do I mean I'm really tempted to as I was thinking through it go into a story about that I've heard about this alligator and this boy who jumps into a lake and the alligator attacks him and his father jumps in saves him
And then after he gets out he tells his father he wants to go do it again But that's not what I honestly would normally do normally.
I would just come up to someone and you know Engage them I may get into Talking about what
I do like even you know on the way here I'm talking to someone and I I'll get into Maybe what they're doing.
They're going to school and I'll say oh, yeah, man, you know School really wasn't for me at one time.
Oh, really? Yeah, I was kicked out of two schools I used to be a gang member in a hoodlum and out there and They'll be like what you know, because of course
I would have charmed him with my beautiful personality So they're trying to imagine me being a gang member and but you know,
I'll go from there I go. Yeah, I had a pretty crazy life and I'll go into my testimony I'll say, you know, but back in August of 1991 a friend of mine invited me to an event
I went with them and heard the gospel for the first time and you know God changed my life So, you know my problem was I used to compare myself to other people you walk up to a guy smoking weed
He says hey, I'm not bad. He looks at the guy slamming heroin. You go up to the guy slamming heroin What are you doing? He says look and I shouldn't be slamming heroin, but I'm a good person
At least I'm not hurting anyone. He's a rapist you go to the rapist He points to the murder you go to the murderer very carefully
Hello Hello, mr. Murder, how are you today, you know and you know in the murder will point to someone like Adolf Hitler Mussolini or you know and I say so and and what
I do is I I'll start sometimes even to share my My the gospel in the form of my testimony and I'll say but that day
I realized man I'm gonna stand before a holy god He's not gonna compare me to Adolf Hitler or Mussolini or to the grandma next door baking cookies
He's gonna compare me to his own standard of righteousness You know and then and often what I'll do is it like say the picture of the alligator the elephant
I'll come up maybe start a quick conversation. I'll say you know what man. Can I ask you a crazy question? I know
I'm a random stranger and this may seem weird But imagine I walked up to you right now with a briefcase in my hand packed full of cash
Let's say a million dollars and I was a scientist I said hey, I'm out here collecting human eyeballs and you happen to have the perfect sort
Okay, I'll take your right one your left one. You have one hidden somewhere. We'll take that one, too We'll replace it with a glass eye.
So you won't you know look funny. You won't feel any pain It'll take 15 minutes and you'll still have vision out of your other eye.
So no pain. You won't look funny You'll still have vision million dollars tax -free cold cash. Would you do it?
What if I offered you? 400 Quadrillion dollars for both your eyes Right, so and then
I'll transition over there say now think about it if these I and I said Why are your eyes so valuable to if you think about them if you consider their size and weight?
They're insignificant compared to the scope of your body. But why are they so valuable to you? You won't sell them for all the money in the world
It's because your eyes are the windows to your soul If these little windows are more important to you than all the money in the world
How much more valuable should be the soul that's looking out of them and most people I share that with go That's deep, you know and I say, you know
Most people say they sit wouldn't sell their eyes for all the money in the world But in essence they sell their soul for a dollar. I say what about that more most important party?
That's gonna live forever. You know, do you think you know when you die, you're gonna go to heaven and from there I just springboard into the law from the law the gospel