F4F | Ian Clayton How to Build A Galaxy & Have Kingdom Fun


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that because, you know,
Jesus is the son of God and, you know, he like did miracles, walked on water, created the universe, and because you now in Christ are a son of God too, that you can do all that same stuff,
I'm not making that up by the way. I'll prove that to you in a minute. Or, don't forget this one because we're going to tack on two things in here.
If you've ever been told because it says in the Psalms that God looks down from the heavens and laughs, that that means that you need to have a sense of humor and that having fun and stuff is a kingdom value, yeah, go ahead and hit that subscribe button and don't forget to ring the bell so you can be notified when we update our channel.
You've been taught really strange, goofy stuff. Case in point, we're going to be heading over to YouTube and listening to a fellow by the name of Ian Clayton and the name of the first video, we're going to sample two of his videos, is
How to Build a Galaxy. And in this particular video, we're going to be introduced to a really bizarre doctrine.
It's the New Apostolic Reformation's doctrine known as sonship. And this thing is making all the rounds in the charismatic and charismatic churches.
And so, you know, it doesn't actually work by telling you what the Bible says, no, it just makes extrapolations, kind of using bizarre logic.
Now, here's kind of a rule, and that is that in order for something to be a biblical doctrine, guess what?
It has to actually be taught in the Bible. Yeah, I know, you're going, no way, that sounds too narrow,
Rose, bro. Well, that's kind of the point, you know, scripture, all scripture is God breathed, profitable for teaching, correcting, rebuking, training in righteousness, stuff like that, so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.
So in order for a doctrine to be biblical, it has to appear in the
Bible. So the idea here is that the way, you know, theologians have talked about this and written about this is that you need a clear passage.
And the clearest passage in the Bible will be known as the Sedes Doctrinae, the seed of the doctrine.
And all the other passages that deal with the same topic or teach on the same doctrine, then, are collected up and in order, by order of clearest to the unclearest, unclear, you know, are governed, then, by what the clear passages say.
And the idea, then, is that biblical theology really requires something to be taught clearly in the
Bible. Yeah, I know, this isn't rocket surgery, right? So we're going to start with video number one, uno, by Ian Clayton on how to build a galaxy and here's the problem, is that what he's saying, it isn't said in the scripture.
This is an extrapolation from his twisted understanding of what it means to be a son of God.
And it sounds plausible, it sounds reasonable and stuff. And the reason why is because he's drawing on human experience, but he's not drawing on scripture.
Here we go. With the galaxy thing? Yep. Can you, I don't know if you've released the teaching as much or if it's a future thing?
It's actually on my website, how to build a galaxy. And one of the things that...
How do you build a galaxy? Well, it comes out of desire, see, your spirit man has a capacity to become who you are in the
Father. So my spirit man has the capacity to become who
I am in the Father. Yeah, um, this is not taught in the
Bible, there are no passages that say this. So we're, um, theologically off -roading here.
Yeah. This is, you don't want to do this. Yeah, this is how you end up in a lot of trouble. Then I'm going to be able to do the things my father does.
And to me, there's no greater... Okay, now I'm going to back this up so you can hear his whole thought in context, because again, this is the
NAR Sonship Doctrine, emphasizing the Father, you know. Things that... How do you build a galaxy?
Well, it comes out of desire, see, your spirit man has a capacity to become who you are in the
Father. If I'm in my father, then I'm going to be able to do the things my father does. What?
Really? Where does it say that in scripture? And to me, there's no greater pleasure than the
Father watching you build something that he's built himself and then supervising you while you do it. So you got the
Father has built, you know, galaxies and universes and stuff.
And so, you know, like earthly fathers like to do things with their sons, like, you know, build
Lego things, you know, think of Lord Business and, you know, and the Kragle and stuff.
And so, you know, because that's what we do, all the Father is sitting there going, you know, when
I was a wee little lad, you know, I built, you know, the universe and some galaxies and stuff.
And so, oh, it'd make me so proud if you and me, son, could build a galaxy.
In fact, I'm going to let you build your own galaxy, son. And I'm just going to supervise and watch.
And if it looks like your things are going squirrelly, you know, I'll keep you on the rails, me lad.
Yeah, this is nonsense. And I don't even know what kind of accent that was.
I just, we'll just call that the pirate dad accent.
So we continue. In that experience I had with the presence of God at that stage, it was the most exhilarating thing to watch the formation of something come out of your inner man, out of desire, out of the
RNA of God, being able to build. Out of the RNA, RNA is peace, peace. That's the Greek word for peace. So, Ian, I just have to ask how many galaxies have you and the father built together?
You know, you know, I'd like to see a few of them. Do you have pictures?
That in created in perfection, the image of God, you're going to find in the next number of years, the whole information about the stars, what they are, their function.
It's going to begin to come back in the body of Christ again because the church has rejected it because the occult world has taken it, polluted it, filled it with darkness and said, you can't, you can't do that.
Is he making the case for astrology? Sounds like he's making the case for astrology to me.
Well, actually, God put them in place and it says that the stars are there to shine in the darkness.
And why? But to decree the works of the law. And so we read the creation does, you know, have you read like Romans one?
In fact, let me pull this up here. Romans. Yeah, we'll do this. Romans one.
Yeah, the creation itself screams creator. Romans 1 18. Great passage on this topic, by the way.
The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who, by their unrighteousness, they suppress the truth.
By the way, God doesn't believe in atheists. Yeah, no. In fact, God's word says that everybody knows that God exists.
And so the atheist is just somebody who's overtly obsessed with trying to prove that God doesn't exist.
And so they're in their unrighteousness or they're suppressing the truth. But they already know that God exists.
You don't have to play the atheist game with them anyway. For what can be known about God is plain because God has shown it to them for his invisible attributes.
Namely, his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world and the things that have been made so that men are without excuse.
Yeah. So I don't know what he's talking about, but, you know, the stars declaring the wonders of God, the works of God.
It's talking about how the creation screams that there's a creator, you know, something like that.
At least that's what those passages mean. I object to all of that. But the whole versus the astrology, astronomy, horoscopes and all that kind of stuff, but you're not talking about that.
You're talking about something else. But what is it that you're what is it that you're saying?
Yeah. What exactly are you saying? And why should we be listening to you anyway?
I mean, when it comes to things regarding God, I dare not speak without a biblical text because it's just above my pay grade.
I know, like, I don't know any of these things about God unless God reveals them to me. And the only place I can go and know that I'm dealing with an actual revelation from God is the
Bible. That we'll have some connection with the stars.
We'll have some. I never quite got what the result of it is. You notice the interviewer, you know, his mind is like frazzled because what he had engaged in, he just basically vomited a word salad there.
You know, none of his sentences actually meant anything. I mean, this is such an in -depth subject that I've never really talked on it much so far.
Yeah. However, it's too deep. It's unfathomable. The truth about the demonic world knows all about the stars.
They know how to trade on them and in them to use them. The demonic world knows how to trade on the stars and in the stars.
Yep. Don't know what that means. So demons are star traders? To reprogram them, to set a course in the heavens through sorcery, through necromancy.
The demons can reprogram the stars? Can stars get computer viruses?
I'm a little perplexed here. Through fortune telling that can begin to move stuff out of what it should be originally aligned for.
Right. And that's what Horoscope is all about. Right. Yeah. He's not saying anything.
Now, we're going to take a look at the next video. Next video is titled Kingdom Travel. We'll just look at the front end of this particular one.
A little bit more word salad. But there's a very fascinating twist of scripture in this one.
If you want to have your Bible open to Psalm 2, you can be ready for it.
But don't worry, I'll have it on the screen if you don't have a Bible. But here again is Ian Clayton and the name of the video,
Kingdom Travel. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah, none of the fun things, but I think it is fun.
It is not boring. I don't think I've had a boring moment in five years.
What I what I really get from from your stuff is that you have fun in the supernatural.
Absolutely. It's not like a tour. And it's not. Absolutely. It's not like a holy. Oh, absolutely not.
I to me, if if everything was boring and really serious, then the scripture that says
God sits in heaven and laughs wouldn't exist. And my God is a God of fun. He's a.
You know, there is another person that I'm aware of historically, recent history, who's twisted that exact same passage of scripture.
In fact, his name is Rick Warren. And not that long ago, not that long ago,
I put something together on the Museum of Idolatry titled The Blazing Saddles Bible Study.
Yeah, because and here's the reason why is that. Let's see here.
Yes, it's in honor of this particular. Article written by guest contributor to The Christian Post, Rick Warren, and the name of the article is
Learn to Laugh. You put this in reader mode, learn to laugh by Rick Warren. We'll read part of this together, shall we?
Did you know that people who laugh live longer? Oh, it's true.
Proverbs 1430 says a relaxed attitude lengthens a man's life.
That's from the TLB. I'm assuming that's the living Bible. I don't know.
So Rick Warren continues. Humor is an amazing thing. It's a tension dissolver.
It's an antidote to anxiety. It's it's just like a tranquilizer. How many tranquilizers have you taken,
Rick? Anyway, but without any troublesome side effects and it's free. You don't even need a prescription.
Laughter is life's shock absorber. If you want to have less stress in your life, learn to laugh at your circumstances.
Somehow you must find the fun in the frustrating. Someone once asked
President Lincoln how he handled all the stresses of the Civil War. He said, if I hadn't been for laughter,
I could not have made it. Now, many famous comedians grew up in poor neighborhoods with lots of problems, and they coped with their troubles by learning to laugh and making others laugh.
Learn. So learn to laugh. If you can laugh at it, you can live with it. And besides, if you learn to laugh at your troubles, you'll never run out of anything to laugh at.
Life is full of funny situations. Will Rogers once said, I don't know any jokes.
I just watch the government and report the facts. Proverbs 17, 22 says being cheerful keeps you healthy from the
GNB, a good news Bible. I don't know. And we all need to develop a sense of humor. One of my favorite verses in the
Bible, and this is the part I'd like you to pay attention to. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is
Psalm two, four. The one enthroned in heaven laughs. Yeah. Isn't that a great verse?
God has a sense of humor. God laughs. Have you ever seen the face of an orangutan?
God thought that one up and that proves he has a sense of humor. Yeah. Do you want to be more like God?
You need to learn how to laugh. A sense of humor can preserve your sanity.
So this was the article that inspired me to create the
Blazing Saddles Bible study because Rick Warren twisted Psalm two, four in exactly the same way we just saw
Ian Clayton twisting that. And we'll get to the punchline in a moment. Now, so here's how the
Blazing Saddle Bible study reads in honor of Rick Warren's latest column entitled Learn to Laugh.
This was a few years ago, where he claims that Psalm two, four teaches us that God has a sense of humor and that we can be more like God if we develop a sense of humor we've created.
That's right. We're very good here at creating things. We've created the Blazing Saddles Bible study.
Consider this to be our small contribution to the world of purpose driven slash seeker sensitive small group study material.
Please note that since Rick Warren likes to take liberties with how he interprets and applies the
Bible, well, we thought it would only be appropriate for us to do the same. So there's the artwork, the
Blazing Saddles Bible study. Yeah, that's right. All right. So step one, have small group participants read
Rick Warren's article titled Learn to Laugh. We just took a look at that.
All right. Now read this excerpt from Rick Warren's article aloud. One of my favorite verses in all the
Bible is Psalm two, four, the one enthroned in the heavens laughs. Isn't that great?
Yeah. So read that part of the article out loud to the whole group and then ask each member of the group what
Psalm two, four means to them. By the way, this is no technique to figure out what scripture really teaches, but this is something a lot of people do is, by the way, you don't want to do this.
The Bible isn't about what it means to you. The question is, what did God mean when he wrote it? And you'll see why that's important in just a minute.
So no, read the passage for them during this part of the exercise. Do not allow them to read the passage for themselves.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don't want them to do that, especially in their own Bibles. Otherwise, they might get confused by the negative language in the surrounding verses in the immediate context.
Only focus on the words, the one enthroned in the heavens laughs.
That's it. Just focus on that. Now, be sure to reinforce and affirm any participants who feel like this verse is telling them to loosen up, not to take life so seriously.
Now, step two, have small group participants watch the campfire being seen from blazing saddles and then discuss the questions below.
So we'll do a quick sample of the campfire being seen from blazing saddles just to kind of set the mood properly here.
I think you get the point. Okay, coming back now. So here's here's questions really.
The Bible says to make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob, Psalm 81 one from the
King James version. Do you feel joy while laughing at the campfire being seen? Do you feel that Psalm 81 one could be referring to the noises that you heard in the video clip we watched on YouTube?
Why or why not? Now, note a little bit of a note. If any participants are uncomfortable laughing at this type of humor, then remind them that Psalm two four says it teaches us that God has a sense of humor.
So their resistance to humor may be a sign that they are resisting the work of the
Holy Spirit in their lives. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Number two. Watch this stretch of logic here.
Since God made sex, doesn't it logically follow that he also made flatulence? See? And then three.
Can you think of any other ways that you can make joyful noises to the Lord with your body and then have each member of the group demonstrate a joyful noise with their body and make sure that everyone enjoys a good belly laugh with each demonstration of a joyful noise, and then reiterate the fact that God has a sense of humor and that by participating in this
Bible study, each person has learned to be more like God. Isn't it great? I mean, this is my contribution to a seeker -driven, purpose -driven, small group
Bible study material, except for this one major problem. And that is, have you read
Psalm 2 in context? Psalm 2, 4 in context? Yeah, because let's do that real quick here.
Here's my Hebrew Old Testament. Hope you're sitting down. Psalm 2, verse 1.
We're applying our three rules for sound biblical exegesis, which are context, context, and yeah, yeah, context.
You got it. Okay. Why do the nations rage and the people's plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.
Here's the verse in question. He who sits in the heavens laughs. The Lord holds them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his wrath and terrify them in his fury, saying, as for me,
I have set my king on Zion and my holy hill. Yeah.
I don't know if you noticed, but Psalm 2, 4, he who sits in the heavens laughs. That's not a good belly laugh.
That's not a God sitting there going, I've got a really good sense of humor. That's God laughing in derision right before he's about to just unleash his wrath on people who have rebelled against him.
Yeah, that's a little uncomfortable. Yeah. So you'll note here that, um, the, um, the, the claim that God has a sense of humor thingy that Ian Clayton just taught.
Whoa. That's not at all what the Bible says. Let me back that up just a little bit because Ian Clayton is a lot like Rick Warren in that sense.
Absolutely not. Like a holy. Oh, no, absolutely not. I, to, to me, if, if, if everything was boring and really serious, then the scripture that says
God sits in heaven and laughs wouldn't exist. And my, my God is a God of fun. He's a uninhibited, unconstrained person and with no inhibitions about having fun.
And, um, apparently his God's idea of fun is pouring out his wrath on his enemies.
Yeah. You know, one of my first encounters with a fiery chariot ride and I, and I've shared about some of that stuff, you know, in my room,
I mean, it's, it's just, I mean, that afterwards, hilarious, absolute, fiery chariot ride.
He's yeah. Elijah got to do that. So is Ian Clayton. He got to ride on a fiery chariot too.
And it was just hilarious. Yes. But in the middle of like, wow.
But to me that that's fun. Like I, I really, really enjoy the, um, the friendship relationship that I have with the father and the things that I'm allowed to do because I'm a son and because I have a part in his kingdom and, and things like moving, moving outside of the atmosphere of the earth.
I mean, I, there's nothing like sitting on a dais of governmental authority as a king and moving.
So not only does he have fun, he, did you say he sits outside the atmosphere of the earth?
That might explain the Dame Bramage. So anyway, I think you kind of get the point there.
This is just a whole lot of nonsense. And if this were really biblical teaching that we're listening to, then, well, we would expect that the doctrines would be found in clear passages of scripture.
And that when we, you know, applied simple hermeneutical rules, like, you know, context, that the text would say the things that they're saying, and they're not, the biblical texts don't teach any of this nonsense.
This is just straight up, roll your own theology deception here. And it's frightening if you think about it.
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