This Video Should End Steven Furtick’s Career!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another video.
And if you send me a topic, quote, or clip to respond to, I'll be sure to give you a shout out if I make a video on it.
Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. First, let me tell you why I'm making this video.
I am not trying to harm the body of Christ. I'm trying to protect it from false teachers, wolves in sheep's clothing, as Jesus describes them in Matthew 7 .15.
In this verse, Jesus tells us to beware of false prophets. I'm simply helping my brothers and sisters identify who those false spiritual leaders are so that they can beware of them.
So even if you don't like it, this video is biblical. With that said, if I had it my way, this would be my most popular video ever.
Because by God's grace, I believe that I have discovered a pretty groundbreaking method of exposing false teachers in a way that is both biblical and irrefutable.
Specifically today, I want to absolutely dismantle, using facts and scripture, the false teaching of Stephen Furtick.
Furtick is the pastor of Elevation Church, which is a megachurch in North Carolina. He is probably the most popular pastor in America today, and certainly is one of the most influential.
So I wanted to do a simple experiment to prove whether or not Stephen Furtick preaches biblical ideas or simply motivational, feel -good words that have no basis in scripture.
What I found is that the type of preaching that Stephen Furtick does is completely foreign to the word he claims to preach from.
And I believe that I have proven, in my research, without any hope of refutation, that this is the case.
In Acts 20 .27, Paul tells the Ephesians that he, quote, did not shrink back from declaring to them the whole counsel of God.
You see, the man of God should proclaim God's whole counsel. All of the concepts given and listed in His holy word, not just the ones that he likes or that he prefers.
Stephen Furtick does not do this. In order to prove that this is the case, I surveyed Stephen Furtick's last ten sermons.
It was almost ten hours of audio, spanning over two months of sermons at Elevation Church. Just to put that time frame in perspective, that's like if you went to work, didn't do your job.
Instead, you listened to Stephen Furtick's sermons all day without taking any breaks to eat or use the restroom.
By the end of the work day, you'd still have over an hour of sermon time to go. That's how much footage is in here.
I put these sermons through a system of software that could detect and extract all the usages of certain words and phrases from his teaching.
In other words, I could see exactly how many times Stephen Furtick used a certain word or phrase and the context that he set it in.
What I found was shocking. In his last ten sermons, spanning over 81 ,000 words long,
Stephen Furtick called people to repent zero times. He called people out of their sin zero times.
He warned people about hell zero times. Let that sink in. I actually have a
PDF document in the description that details all of my findings. Feel free to check that out. Now all
I want to do at this point is see if this reflects the Bible's teaching accurately. Number one, he used the word sin only six times.
I actually quote each time he uses it in the PDF document so that you can see the context he uses it in.
What you'll see if you read each of those examples is that in none of them did he actually call people out of their sin.
Instead, he often made it seem like sin was something that happens to you rather than something you actually participate in.
He never really saw it as a verb. He only uses it as a noun. So it can be rightly said that Stephen Furtick, in ten sermons, did not call people out of their sin even one time.
Is that biblical? Well, let's see what the Bible says in comparison. Let's run the numbers, shall we? The word sin appears in the
ESV New Testament 120 times, and the New Testament has a total of 184 ,000 words compared to Stephen Furtick's 80 ,000.
What does all this math mean? I'll tell you what it means. For every 80 ,000 words of the New Testament, the word sin appears 52 times compared to Stephen Furtick's six times.
Keep in mind that the way the New Testament uses sin is completely different than the way Furtick does, but just for the sake of argument, let's grant that he uses the word sin properly and biblically all six times, which is not true.
That would mean that for every time Stephen Furtick talks about sin, the Bible talks about sin eight times more often.
This is complete and absolute mathematical proof that Stephen Furtick is watering down the
Gospel. He is rejecting the Bible. He is distorting God's Word. By definition, he is a false teacher.
Number two, Stephen Furtick calls people to repentance zero times in ten hours of sermon giving.
In fact, the one time he mentions repentance, he's actually critical of it. Again, see the
PDF document for details on that. Why is this relevant? Because the New Testament talks about repentance over 50 times, and the concept of leaving your sin appears even more on top of that.
So what does this tell you about Stephen Furtick, that he never talks about it even once? This becomes even worse when you realize that Stephen Furtick has said many times that his church is designed for unbelievers to come and get saved rather than for believers to be instructed in the faith.
Don't believe me? Here's a clip where he says just that. We preach so that people can come to faith in Christ. If you know
Jesus, I'm sorry to break it to you. This church is not for you.
Yeah, but I just gave my life to Christ last week at Elevation. Last week was the last week that Elevation Church existed for you.
So in essence, Stephen Furtick claims that he is evangelizing in church every week.
That's what it means to be focusing on unbelievers every week. He claims to be giving people the gospel in every sermon then, right?
But how is that the case if he does not mention repentance? Jesus himself says that his messages for people to quote, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand in Matthew 4, 17.
So Stephen Furtick's goal is to give people the message of Jesus, but Jesus told people to repent and believe.
And Stephen Furtick never tells anyone to repent. So what does that tell you about Stephen Furtick? Is he a servant of Christ?
Because I'm pretty sure a servant of Christ would be preaching the gospel of Christ. And a gospel that does not call anyone to repent nor lead anyone to repent is not the biblical gospel.
Acts 3, 19 says, quote, repent therefore and turn back that your sins may be blotted out.
Without repentance, your sins will not be blotted out. In other words, Stephen Furtick's preaching cannot help anyone get free from sin, at least not in the biblical sense, because he does not preach repentance.
What does all this mean? It means that he's leading many people to be stuck in their sin on their way to hell.
And that's why this stuff is so important, because Steve Furtick is not a good Christian pastor who is simply confused about the
Bible, you see. He is not a biblical pastor at all. And his gospel is not the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I've just proven that to you. Number three, Stephen Furtick never warned people about hell in any of his last 10 sermons.
Again, isn't this strange if his sermons are supposed to be instructing unbelievers in the basic biblical message?
If his goal is to tell people how to be saved, shouldn't he mention at least one time in 10 hours of teaching what exactly they're being saved from?
The warning of hell appears 14 times in the New Testament explicitly, and the general concept of hell or damnation or being separated from God appears many, many more times.
But it never comes up in Stephen Furtick's teaching. Again, I take no pleasure in saying this, but this man's message is completely foreign to Scripture.
So what is the common thread here? What do all three of these concepts have in common? Hell, repentance, sin.
Each of these concepts are entirely biblical, but they are not popular in our modern culture.
In other words, they're very off -putting to unbelievers. The fact that Stephen Furtick does not use them shows you where his true loyalty lies.
He is not holding firmly to the Word of God or its major precepts. He is holding firmly to the culture and its opinion.
You can tell by the words he uses and the words he purposely refuses to use. In Luke 6 .25,
Jesus says, quote, "...for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." And look at what Furtick's mouth speaks.
He calls people out of their sin zero times, but he uses the word love 71 times.
He warns about hell zero times, but he uses the word heaven almost 20 times. He calls people to repent zero times, but he uses the word faith 88 times.
The truth is, he wants to be popular, and he's willing to violate the Bible in order to do it.
Stephen Furtick is catering to unbelievers, and he wants to be their friend. But James 4 .4
says that, quote, "...he who wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God."
So I beg of you, if you're watching this video, be a friend of God, even if it means being an enemy of the world.
Stay far away from this deceitful man, Stephen Furtick, who rejects God's Word for his own popularity.
Send this video to anyone you know who enjoys Elevation Church or who listens to Stephen Furtick. I cannot stress this enough.
We must spread the Word to save these people from this unbiblical movement. Pray for Furtick and the members of Elevation Church that they would repent of these things and turn to the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much for watching that video. If you want to see more, please like, comment, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another video.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.