Voting for Christians - Two Principles

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So we all know the story about Jonah and the whale ever since we were in in Sunday school.
We know this story Because it's interesting You know we all heard about the fish swallowing him and everyone thought about that scene in Pinocchio where it's like a cave and Pinocchio Is just sitting in the cave in a little bit of water.
It wasn't like that in real life I'll tell you that right now. I'm pretty sure a whale stomach is not like a cave anyway
Actually as an adult that's not the most interesting part of the story the most interesting and amazing part of the story it's a miracle is that Jonah eventually goes to Nineveh the way
God commanded him and Preaches the message of that God gave him and the message that God gave him was look
Nineveh You need to repent of your sins because in 40 days God's gonna destroy your nation
Your city because this nation is city -states back then right so Nineveh is gonna be overthrown
Because of your violence your wickedness your crimes against God's your sin against God and so Nineveh This is the most amazing part like the people hear the message of Jonah And they believe it and they're like oh my goodness like what are we gonna do and they put on sackcloth and ashes and even
The king puts on sackcloth and ashes and he puts a decree out And he says everybody don't everybody's gonna fast because we've sinned against God.
We're gonna be destroyed They were fearing the Lord, and they're like oh my goodness What are we gonna do and they and they they stop they turn from their ways they turn from their wicked ways
They don't eat and drink they put on sackcloth and ashes and all of that and God sees what they do He sees what they do that they turn from their evil way
And it says that God relented from the disaster that he had said he would bring upon them
And he didn't do it and so God sees their repentance, and he doesn't destroy them now It was temporary because we if we read the rest of the
Bible You know that eventually God does destroy Nineveh But he didn't do it in 40 days because they stopped what they were doing they stopped in their tracks
And this is the moment that I think the United States is in right now I'm not saying I have a word from the Lord on this
But what I am saying though is if you look at the scriptures and you look at what God judges nations for The United States of America is doing the things that God judges nations for we're killing our babies
There's violence in the streets Where there's rampant sexual immorality and all kinds of stuff and the reality is that this upcoming election is a pivotal moment for our country
Yeah, seriously, so I'm not one of these guys That's like every elections the most important election of our lifetime
I laugh at that kind of stuff right now And I'm not saying that this election is the most important election of our lifetime either
But what I am saying is it's a very important election like we've got a decision to make as a country of which direction
We're gonna go we're gonna go headlong into insanity Or are we gonna pump the brakes a little bit and the reality is like if your choice is headlong into insanity
Or pump the brakes a little bit Obviously the best choice would be to reverse course and stop doing the evil stuff and start doing the good stuff
That would be the best choice But given the two options, I'm gonna pump those brakes a little bit right that's that's that's the reality
Anyone who has a good head on their shoulders would understand that and so I want to talk a little bit about voting
Because voting I heard Gary DeMar say that you know voting is not a love letter, right? You're not telling people like you love everything about the candidate and just your eyes are beautiful and your hair
Like nobody's saying that nobody's saying a vote is not like that a vote is a tool the vote is a strategic tool
For the future that you can use in our country. We get to choose our leaders. That's an important thing and so I'm gonna give you two things to think about when you're considering who to vote for and who not to vote for that I Think are pretty basic and pretty important.
And the first one has to do with the role of government. What is the government for? Now God does not give us the right to decide what the government is for God created the world and God created everything in the world and in his book in his words to us
He gave us a definition for what the civil government is For and so we don't get to change that right?
We don't get to tinker with that God has spoken on what the government is for and here is what
God has said. This is Romans chapter 13 He's talking to us about about being subject to the civil governing authorities, right?
So here's what it says Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities for there is no authority
Except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
So this is God claiming I've decided what authorities are legitimate. I've appointed those authorities
He continues he says therefore Whoever resists the authority Resists the ordinance of God and those who resist will bring judgment upon themselves
So again, he's grounding the authorities that exist in our in our world in himself
I've given the authority God says and so if you resist the authority that I've appointed you resist me
Here he continues. He says this he's giving us the this is what the government is for according to the creator of the universe
He says for rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil Do you want to be unafraid of the authority do what is good and you will have praise from the same?
For he is God's minister to you for good but if you do evil be afraid for he does not bear the sword in vain for he is
God's minister an Avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil
Therefore you must be subject not only because of wrath but also for conscience sake
For if you for because of this you also pay taxes for they are God's ministers
Attending continually to this very thing Render therefore to all their due
Taxes to whom taxes are due customs to whose customs are due fear to whom fear honor to whom honor
That's the Word of God. He gives us so much information there about what government is for he calls government a
Servant of God a deacon is the literal word a deacon of God. That's what the civil government is
The authority that they have comes from God they're God's servant, why are they
God's servant? What are they supposed to be serving? They're supposed to be serving justice vengeance upon evildoers
Vengeance upon evildoers. They have the sword. That's the image. They have the sword.
It's an instrument of violence Vengeance against evildoers serving God in that way
That's what the civil government is for and the also says This is why you pay taxes for that purpose your taxes are for that purpose for the government to execute vengeance upon evildoers
And so there's a lot of information there That's what taxes are for are supposed to be for and that's what the government is supposed to be for.
This is prescriptive This is God telling you how how his creation works. He's giving us insight into how his creation works
Vengeance for evildoers and if you notice that's very narrow That's a very narrow area of authority.
They do not have authority over teaching your kids Their authority is vengeance upon evildoers.
They do not have authority over You know how you worship
God They have a very narrow authority vengeance upon evildoers They don't have authority over giving to the poor
They've got a very narrow authority. This is what taxes are for a very narrow authority vengeance upon evildoers
And so this is God telling us what government is for it So when you're considering a candidate about what is government for if they don't understand what government is for and they think it's for other things or if they don't even understand the basics about good and evil and they start punishing and executing vengeance upon good people and Promoting evildoers if they have it upside down in other words
These are non starters for a Christian if they don't know what the government is for or if they don't know how to discern good and evil
Those are non starters for Christians You can't and I'm not saying you have to get every single question, right?
But like basic understanding of this kind of stuff for example killing babies simple question
This is not a hard question, right? This is not a difficult one. This is a very easy one Is it good to kill babies?
No, it is not. And so the government ought to be about the business of executing vengeance upon those who kill babies
So so so if you don't know what the government is for Non -starter off the bat and this is the reality like people often talk about well the
Democratic Party They're so good. Yeah, they get abortion wrong, but they're so good about the poor. No, they are not
No, they are not because they don't even understand that the government is not for that It's not for taking care of the poor rather the church is for taking care of the poor
The individual families are for taking care of the poor God commands his church and God commands his people to give to the poor
See everything has to stay in its lane, right and Republicans At least on on some level understand that basic difference right now.
They're not perfect And we're gonna talk about that in a second because Republicans have bought into a lot of faulty assumptions about what the government is for but At least on some basic level conservatives understand that that charity is really more for the church and for individuals
That's how you do charity Well, in fact when the government does charity when they expand their purview when they say, oh, yeah
Well, we're a servant for God for vengeance, but we're also a servant for God for charity as well
We're also a servant for God for education as well when they start to expand their purview disaster ensues
Disaster ensues and even a lot of woke people understand this like like welfare and the welfare system in the
United States It actually keeps people poor It actually keeps people poor and there's a very good Bible story to see about about why this happens and how why this is so evil
You ever hear the story of Judas? My pastor just preached on Judas on Sunday Remember the story of Mary Mary anoints the feet of Christ and you know with this expensive perfume
Expensive oil and she uses it all she uses all that because she wants to clean
Christ's feet and anoint his feet and the whole House starts smelling like this perfume and Judas gets his righteous robes on like a like a democratic politician
It's like he's all he's all uppity and he convinces some of the the other disciples to be uppity about this as well
And he says we should that was so expensive we should have get we should have sold it and given the money to the poor
And so he's pretending to care about the poor, but the Bible gives us a lot of information here It says actually
Judas didn't care about the poor at all He gave some of the money to the poor But what he would do is that he would give to the poor and then he would skim off the top
He'd take some for himself He was a thief and then we look at our democratic Politicians who supposedly care about the poor so much and we look at what kind of money they give to the poor and typically it's
Very little Obama was embarrassingly low how much money he gave to the poor and then we also look at their track record
A lot of these guys have been career politicians like Bernie Sanders done No other job, but be a politician right
Obama was the same way almost no other jobs almost for it with Obama Except for a politician and they're filthy stinking rich.
How did they get that way? How did it happen all these democratic socialists that have done nothing but work for the government?
They're filthy stinking rich. How did it happen? Because they're like Judas Because they're thieves sure they give to the poor
But they also take for themselves as well And they also donate a little to Planned Parenthood and they also give the pinch of incense to all these other wicked
Programs and stuff like that. Yeah, that's what they do They're like Judas, right and so when the government takes control of charity when the government takes control of education
It's a disaster. It keeps people poor. It keeps people Subservient it keeps people needing them always looking for that handout
But that's not how it works with Christ Church and with individual charity You see conservatives often give a lot of money to the poor
And I'm not gonna tell you about my own personal giving to the poor because then I lose my reward I'm not gonna do that. But but you guys should know
I mean Conservatives often talk to each other about how to donate their time and money how to serve the poor and things like that It's much easier to give to the poor in a godly way because when somebody comes to me that I know
In my personal life and says man, I don't have money for rent this month I can give him money for rent that month But then
I could also work with him and say hey man, you know Like what do we got to do in order to be not in this situation ever again?
Because I'm sure you don't want to be in this situation ever again asking for rent. So like what let's talk about your budget
Let's talk about your life Let's talk about what's going on and and let's do this man because I understand like the
Bible commands upon me if they don't work They don't eat so I can't give to someone who's not working, right? The government doesn't understand such things
The government is not working as a servant for God in that way because if they were they would stay in their lane and not
Even be involved in charity. So non -starter if you don't know what the government is for non -starter But but let's just be honest here for a second.
The Republicans aren't perfect. They're just not They're not ideal you know what
I mean because the Republicans have bought into a lot of liberal nonsense over the years the Republican Party is
Kind of people always talk about this. They're like the slower liberal party They're just a little bit behind the liberals on almost everything one way to really
Drive this point home is this this screenshot that I've seen make in the rounds about Biden's tax policy versus Trump's tax policy and this is about tax rates and stuff like that So this guy kind of heard everything and looked at everything.
Here's here's what he says about the different differences in the tax rate So we got corporate taxes first Trump wants them to be about 21 %
Biden 28 % Income and payroll taxes Trump wants them to be about 37 %
Biden at 52 % my goodness gracious unreal Small business taxes
Trump wants them to be about 30 % Biden at about 40 % Capital gains and dividend taxes
Trump wants them to be about 24 % Biden about 44 % So in every area
Trump wants them to be lower than Biden sometimes far lower than Biden But the reality is that all of these taxes are way too high
They're way too high and we know this because well, so here's the thing I believe that pretty much taxes should be very very low like less than a percent probably
But even if you don't agree with me on that You have to understand that anything at 10 % or higher is
Tyranny the Bible gives us a clear word on this Samuel talks about talks to the people about they're asking for a king and he says that one of the curses of the king is
They're gonna take 10 % of your stuff right 10 % and he didn't just invent that number out of the blue That was the that was the tithe, right?
So what what what what the Prophet of God is saying is that if a government takes what God takes as the tithe?
That's tyrannical. That's evil because no government is worth what God is worth, right?
so if God only takes 10 % the person that has the audacity to take 10 % or more is
Essentially setting themselves up as God, right? You'd have to at least agree that the line has to be 10 % at this point
You'd have to agree the government does not need 10 % in order to execute vengeance upon evildoers
You see the only the government needs that more money the same way Judas needed more money for the poor You see what
I'm saying? But the same way Judas needed more money for the poor not really because he cares about the poor but because he's stealing from you
That's why he's a thief the government is a thief And so I can look at all these tax rates and say these are all way too high, right?
But here's the second principle when it looks when are you looking at voting like what are the differences between the candidates, right?
We can all agree that if if if the tax rates should be much lower than they are right now Even though we don't want to end up at Trump's tax rates.
These are way better It's way better to be stolen from less than more. So if Biden wants to steal 50 % of your income
It's better if somebody only takes 40 % of your income. It's not good. It's not ideal
It's not what I would want. But if you're looking at the differences because let's just be honest It's gonna be Trump or Biden.
That's our next president Donald Trump or Joe Biden, or I guess Kamala Harris as well It's gonna be one of the other and so if you're looking at who's better Clearly getting less of your money stolen is better than having more of your money stolen
Having more money to give to the poor and to invest in your own businesses and to take care of your family with is better Than having less money to do that with and so we can understand that voting for Trump is not the end result
It's not pure justice. It's not the best thing ever But it's way better than voting for Biden who's gonna take more of your money who's gonna be more tyrannical
Who's gonna be more upside down who's gonna expand the government into lanes that it has nothing to do with even more
It's gonna be more unjust of a system with Biden than with Donald Trump. It's the same thing with abortion, by the way
I don't have any Delusions that Donald Trump is gonna end abortion in the next four years It would be great if he did but I just don't think it's gonna happen
But I'll tell you what The things that he's done when it comes to abortion and judges and stuff like that the last four years
Have been way better than what it would have been Had we had Hillary Clinton elected and I'll tell you another thing someone who wants to limit abortions
I might not agree with him on the goal of limiting abortions. I think he should be ending Legal abortion with with one stroke of a pen.
He should be doing it, you know that kind of thing But it's far better than people who want to expand abortion and maybe even are kicking around the idea of killing
Babies that have exited the womb. They're not wanted. So just let them die like like that's so insane guys
We have to understand that's psychotic Joe Biden is psychotic on abortion He doesn't respect babies lives at all abortion being shouted
Promoted proud. It's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, if you don't want your baby and they're born alive. Well, you know
Whatever you don't want them right my body my body my choice, right baby doesn't have a choice
Unbelievable. It's psychotic guys. It's psychotic. It's so psychotic that I've there's a there's a there's a youtuber who's a satanist who's a
Recognizes that this whole idea of babies being born alive and then just letting them die or killing them later like that's infanticide
That's evil Even Satanists can see that that's evil And so here's the question that I've got for a lot of Christians if a satanist can see how insane that is
Why is your conscience so seared that you're somehow thinking that you can vote for Joe Biden who's going to expand infanticide?
because of other reasons What are those reasons what what other reasons are there?
Guys guys, we have to really consider this like like how seared as a conscience have to be to be like well in pro -life
But you know abortion I'm gonna vote for the guy who not only thinks it should be legal But it should be expanded and celebrated and promoted and paid for by you
That's that like what like how seared does your conscience have to be? It's it's a serious question.
I Sincerely worry for Professing Christians who are planning on voting for Joe Biden.
They're doing nothing to slow abortion down nothing and they would say well Yeah, but you know, well, you know economics there's economic conditions and comprehensive human flourishing
And so I think Joe Biden's better on charity and welfare and stuff. And so that's gonna limit abort
No it's not because James says that people don't kill for that reason people kill because they are covetous and The reality is when you give people money that the government is not supposed to be giving they're not going to be taking from anybody
That does nothing to limit covetousness. It simply doesn't and furthermore the government's not even for that the government's not even for that the
Democrats don't do better on poverty and charity and stuff like that They'd get Democrats don't do better because if you're if you're gonna tell me that that that the
Democrats do better on charity and poverty than what you're saying is Romans 13 is actually wrong about this. Now.
The government is actually for more than vengeance. It's for more In fact, it's for charity as well. That's what the government's for.
No, that's it. That's a non -starter. That's evil. That's wicked That's that's vile. That's not how a
Christian should think about this at all So here's here's the rub guys. So if your candidate doesn't understand even at the basic level what government is for That's a big problem
That's a non -starter and then when you compare the candidates when you compare what the candidates are going to do
When you look at the differences, right you look at the differences between the two There's there's a lot of very good reasons to vote for the better of the two even though both of them are wrong in situations like taxes in Situations like charity and welfare and stuff like that in situations like abortion
Look, it can't be our goal to just limit abortions, right? That can't be our goal.
We need to criminalize abortion That's what justice is we need to criminalize abortion and it needs to be a death penalty offense
That has to be the goal but along the spectrum of getting to that goal We have to also make the plays that that take us there step by step, right?
Yeah Take us there step by step and one of those plays can't be Steal from the rich and give to the poor one of those plays can't be vote for someone who is so seared in his conscience
That he thinks a baby born alive should be left to die if the parents so wills
Christians I have to ask you Jonathan Lehman Tim Keller all these guys that are trying to soothe your conscience to vote for Joe Biden.
I have to ask you What has happened to your conscience? How is it how have we come to this place?
Because the thing is you guys know the argument, right? Like you would not put up with someone in your church voting for the
Ku Klux Klan party You would not promote someone who's voting for David Duke for president.
You would not put up with it You wouldn't put up with someone who's voting for the Nazi Party in the upcoming election
You wouldn't put up with it And you know why you wouldn't put up with it because some sins and some crimes are so vile
That you can't even put up with it at all in the church. The church cannot syncretize with it You cannot have a
Christian witness and also be promoting that kind of an evil. And so I ask you How is your conscience become so seared that killing babies is not one of those issues?
The Democratic Party is centrally about killing babies Centrally all you have to do to know this is look at the pushback and the blowback about the
Amy Coney Barrett nomination, right? This is what they talk about. They're always talking about the woman's right to choose
This is what the Democratic Party is all about and it's connected to all of their other stuff because their tax rates and all that Stuff it's all they get you to pay for their human sacrifice
How has your conscience become so seared that you seek to placate liberals You seek to to comfort liberals in doing their wickedness
How we come to this place where you're talking big and bad about yesterday's battles
But today's battles you cower in fear over What has happened to your conscience?
It's not a good sign And I urge you to find your balls man Find your balls because the amount of murders that happen through abortion through the
Democratic Party Far surpasses the amount of murders that the Ku Klux Klan accomplished far surpasses it
This is party is wicked. There's no redeeming qualities to it There's no reason that anyone who votes for the
Democratic Party should have comfort in their status in the church None So, where are the watchmen
Where the people where are the shepherds that are protecting us from the wolves? Where are they? What has happened to your conscience?
Take a good look in the mirror get in your prayer closet and ask God to to fix that because something is broken there
If you claim the name of Christ and are planning on voting for Joe Biden in this upcoming election You need to ask yourself.
Why have you been so given over That you're attempting to synchrotize the worship of Yahweh with this worship of Baal and Moloch Why?
I'm not saying you have to vote for Donald Trump I'm not saying you have to agree with me that It's you know
The best option is to pump the brakes a little bit because you could also just go the other way, too I'm not saying you you can't do that.
You can also go the other way. We got to go all the way the other way Pumping the brakes isn't legitimate.
Okay, fine fine But what's definitely not legitimate is hitting the gas pedal as you're heading to disaster, that's definitely not legitimate
That's not what Nineveh did. That's not what we should do Brothers I beg you
Find your conscience Start this process now. It is illegitimate illegitimate
To vote for Joe Biden this upcoming election. There is no excuse none There are no redeeming qualities to the
Democratic Party But even if there were economic even if their economic policy was good, which it definitely isn't it does not
Counterbalance the vile wickedness of infanticide legalized and promoted and paid for infanticide
Christians find your conscience find your balls and do the right thing. I hope you found this video helpful