113: Celebrating Abominating (Pride Month And How We Need The Gospel Now More Than Ever!)



Description: Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the show. In today’s episode, we take a break from our eschatology series to address the current cultural climate, especially as we enter the month widely known for its celebration of Pride. Much like the overlooked yet perilous threat of gum disease, if left unchecked, our society has become toxified by moral decay, beginning with smaller infractions that have escalated into full-blown spiritual and cultural rot. Using the analogy of gum disease, we explore how early symptoms of moral deviancy, if left untreated, can lead to catastrophic outcomes. From the inception of the LGBTQ movement to the present-day celebration of what the Bible calls abominations, we draw parallels between untreated gingivitis and the unchecked spread of sin. In this episode, we explore: The initial stages of moral decay and its progressive nature. The Biblical definition and gravity of abominations. The cultural shift over the decades and the church’s role. The urgent need for radical repentance and a return to Biblical fidelity. We conclude by offering the most potent remedy available: the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only through repentance and turning back to God can our society hope to find healing and renewal. Join us as we confront the uncomfortable truths and seek divine wisdom to navigate these challenging times. Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more content grounded in Biblical truth. πŸ”” Subscribe for more insights and teachings πŸ‘ Like this video if you found it helpful. πŸ”— Share this message to spread the message and and to encourage Biblical fidelity. πŸ“– Scripture References: Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 18:23-26, Deuteronomy 22:5, Deuteronomy 23:17-18, Proverbs 11:20, Proverbs 15:9, Proverbs 28:9, Jeremiah 6:14-15, Ezekiel 7:4, Proverbs 16:12, Romans 1:26-27, Hebrews 13:4, Jude 1:7, Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Isaiah 55:7, Romans 6:23, 1 John 1:9, Romans 5:8, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 3:15, James 4:8-10, Ezekiel 18:30-32, Acts 3:19, Galatians 2:20, John 14:15, 2 Timothy 4:2, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Mark 1:15, Luke 9:26 πŸ™ Support our ministry: www.theshepherds.church/give πŸ“§ Contact us: [email protected] 🌐 Visit our website: www.theshepherds.church Thank you for watching, and may God bless you abundantly. #PrideMonth #BiblicalTruth #Repentance #Gospel #Christianity #CulturalDecay #Abominations #JesusSaves --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/datprodcast/support [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/datprodcast/support]


They spit in the face of the divine and they shake the foundations of our society Signaling a culture that has lost their mind
And lost their reverence for god's design Hello everyone, and welcome back to the podcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf.
This is episode 113 celebrating abominating There are many diseases that can kill you
From things like cancer heart disease or kidney disease that are truly terrifying
But few people consider the perilous bacteria laden threat that gum disease
Presents and that's of course for obvious reasons gum disease seems pretty benign Gingivitis as it's commonly called begins in its early stages with very mild symptoms such as redness in the gums and Irritation and swelling and things like that.
It doesn't seem like a big deal It might even show itself for the first time with a little blood in the sink when flossing or at the darker
Hue of pink on the gum line But with a little bit of a commitment to brushing regularly and perhaps a routine visit to the dentist
It is almost entirely Reversible and it will not become a long -term issue for you
Yet if it is ignored for long enough and left untreated gingivitis will turn into periodontitis, which is as much which a much more significant and more pesky version of gum disease after years of gingivital neglect the gums will begin pulling away from the teeth and They will create pockets and in those pockets bacteria will begin to settle and it will form
Infections that will that will begin to infect the gums and if it's left long enough it will actually
Erode the bone structures of your mouth and it could even lead to death
What could have been a routine fix ends up polluting the entire mouth and eventually toxifying the entire body?
Which should be instructive as we enter into this season of June where there's a thousand rainbows on every corner or more accurately
I like to call them stain bows or shame bows. That's just me every year
We are thrust into the center of this smorgasbord of depravity
We have an entire month filled with ever -changing flags devoted to the sickest forms of moral degeneracy we have advocacy groups who are
Slamming the worst kind of content down our throats from woke companies who are virtue signaling their way all the way through June Such as target when last year in their bathing suit selection.
They had bathing suits for women with penis pockets or Budweiser which is already a piss poor excuse for beer
Putting Dylan Mulvaney a piss poor excuse for a man on the front of his can This is the month that we are in when the
White House invites biological men with breast implants to go stand on the
South Lawn and flash their Manufactured saline flesh sacks at children to the applause of adults
This is the month when people lose their jobs on social media for actually posting biblically faithful Content where you're if you're not an ally of the alphabet mafia, then you are going to be canceled
Like gum disease in its most advanced stages. Our culture has become thoroughly
Toxified by what was a once fairly routine infection in the years before a couple of rogue
LGBTQ germs implanted themselves in the base of the American culture about 60 years ago
And now the stink of death has settled on to our unbeknownst face
How do we get here? Well one too many rainbow Twizzlers without a commitment to biblical fidelity
That's how and what you have in that is the making of a full -blown face rotting disorder
You see in the early 20th century as culture as our culture was cresting the hilltop of Christendom We were at the height sort of of our society this first little rogue atom of the
LGBTQ disorder moved in With organizations like the Society for Human Rights in 1924 and the matter
China. I think I'm pronouncing that right Society of 1950 being founded being founded to advance the rights of gays and lesbians the earliest signs of gum chafing
We're beginning to flare up in the mouth in the 20th century a generation later in the sexually debauched and sort of psychedelic drug era of the 1960s this mild irritant multiplied into a full -blown condition and it evidenced itself in the
Stonewall riots of New York, which brought the LGBTQ movement into the national conversation.
It brought it into Hollywood. It brought it into TV shows It brought it into news broadcast and suddenly what was once a minor inflammation of the culture now
Should have been dealt with by the church and the broader culture But it morphed into a sort of technicolored bloodbath in the sink every single time a little bit of brushing occurred
Sadly the movement gained even more momentum in the 1970s and 80s because the
Dispensational church was too busy waiting for their rapture Vader to take them up to heaven
Instead of it and while ignoring the odious smell of swamp breath in our culture
And as we transition into the 90s the cultural gums were already pulling away from the teeth
The AIDS crisis was ravaging the sodomite community Demonstrating the damning effects that anyone is going to receive in their body for violating the law of God and since then
The pesky infection has just kept growing Which would have been curable at every step along the way
But now has burgeoned into a full -blown septic tank in the soul of the nation's mouth polluting everything it touches from the legalization of sodomite marriages to the widespread acceptance of Pedophiles who twerk and dance and and dresses and dance in front of cheering mothers and libraries all the way to the
Mr. Potato head like trans movement that swaps out their genitals faster than a mechanic can upgrade your transmission evidence of all of this putridity and Aggressive rot is everywhere now what could have been cured quickly and easily in the former generations now requires the most potent
Medicine that we have or our society has no hope To that end while many will consider this episode
Hateful while many will consider this episode vile in its own right I would like to offer the most vital medicine of them all which is found in the
Word of God Instead of celebrating the abominating and becoming allies with the very cancer that is killing us
I want to do something that very few squishy pastors and men in this society will do I simply want to say what the
Bible says and pray that the Lord would use it as the antiseptic for our land
Our only hope as a society is radical repentance and a return to the gospel of Jesus Christ without that our rampant sexual disorder our child sex slavery and human trafficking the killing of babies in our womb our
Furbies and our two -spirit pangolins our tranny sodomites and Gomorrah whorings are all going to collectively
Put down this once proud nation into an early grave the same grave that every other society that has gone
That refused to honor God So in what follows instead of standing idly by while the culture and fake
Christians go on Celebrating these abominations and virtue signaling on social media.
I want to offer the biblical cure That will hopefully reverse the rot and bring healing to our land
To do that I want to talk about What an abomination is because these sins are categorized as abominations in the
Bible So we need to understand what an abomination is number two. I want us to see What kinds of sins qualify as abominations?
I want to see how those sins are paralyzingly Awful for that for a populace of people and then
I want to see how repenting and turning to Jesus is our culture's only hope part one
What is an abomination When we speak about abominations, we are talking about the very worst classification of sins in the
Hormatia logical corpus that just means sin and sins book. These are the worst
These are sins that are so vile and so detestable that they provoke God's furious wrath like nothing else
These are minor slip -ups or trivial mistakes These are full -blown rebellions against the
Almighty's very good design and the order that he placed upon the world in Genesis chapter 1 making these sins creation bending and creation breaking sins
Now needless to say the Bible itself does not mince words about this and neither should we
According to the best Hebrew linguistic data available and the best lexicons that money can buy an
Abomination is something that causes loathsome hate or violent repulsive disgust in The mind of the viewer when it comes to God an abomination is something that inflames our creators
Disgust to such epic proportions that the only response he can give is
Unbridled fury because it offends him so profoundly it overturns his perfect creation so thoroughly and it violates his holy
Character so flagrantly the Hebrew word for abomination is toe eva which translates to something morally disgusting and detestable
I'm using the strongest language I can because that's what it means. I Want you to think about an example here think about your reaction
If you can't went to a really nice restaurant you sat down to eat and you were expecting something Really good was going to be given to you and then on your plate was a rancid steak
That was infested with weak old maggots that were being served to you on a dirty defiled plate
If you can imagine sticking your fork in that and putting that to your lips Then you're getting very close to what an abomination would make a person feel like when they're experiencing it
Understanding this That an abomination is not just about our subjective feeling or our cultural preferences, but these are actions that are foundationally repugnant and noxious to God Lets us know that they ought to be repulsive to us as well
They utterly pollute cultures they defy God's Holy Commandments. They defile his image -bearing people
Warrant from God the harshest judgment imaginable and with that Abominations are not just run -of -the -mill sins
They're not just the natural sins that we wandered into in a fallen world because we have a penchant for rebellion
We know from the Bible that every single sin
Separates us from God and it pays unto us the wages of hellfire and brimstone so in that sense all sins are the same but abominations are also different in Scripture they are set apart as land destroying ground polluting and divine anger inducing sins in Jewish literature such as the book of Enoch abominations are described as otherworldly and even alien
Disasters that have come upon the world so sinister and so unnatural in fact that they must have come from Outside of the world because they're so polluted and in the book of Enoch It describes these types of sins coming from fallen angels who came down from their heavenly abode where they fell and they rebelled
Against God and out of jealousy and out of fury against humans. They taught people these
Abominable sexual sins that produced the cursed race of Nephilim that infected towns like Sodom and Gomorrah And it's the very reason that God showed no mercy to the
Egyptians to the Canaanites and to the people of Bashan nonetheless the
Hebrew words translated as abomination are often used in association with things like idolatry and false gods
Deuteronomy 17 2 through 5 Deuteronomy 27 15 29 17
Isaiah 66 3 I can keep going Which lets us know that abominations?
especially the sexual ones are Also religious in their very nature since as Paul tells us that underneath every single mute and idle statue is the power of a demonic being
We can understand that abominations are sins offered in the service of the demonic
They are what they're lewd and disgusting offerings to Satan and his minions which is why that they're so detestable to God for instance in first Kings 11 15 the
God of the Amorites is called the Abomination of the Amorites that's in the
ESV. Why because Molech was the God who ate the people's children
He required this is what Molech required in the ancient world. He required you and your wife to get pregnant
And then to have the baby and then to roast the screaming writhing child alive in the fires of his belly in a dank oven that sat in the very center of the idol and the
Genuinely vile part of all of this if there were if the former part were not vile enough is that you could not simply
Watch with a tear in your eye you had to cheer and you had to go on and you had to participate in detestable
Orgies while the smell of your infant's charred carcass chart choked out the breathable air around you
This is what being given over to demons looks like it is the total wanton participation in and the celebration of human desecration
Occult practices in the Bible are also called abominations in Scripture further linking the demonic and the satanic
With this most unholy class of sins, that's why that's why Christians should ought should be against homosexuality
So fiercely against transgenderism against all these things because there's demonic Sins such as child sacrifice
Deuteronomy 18 9 through 12 ungodly sexual relationships cross -dressing bestiality pedophilia all of that fall under this unholy category
These sins are never described in mild terms. They are always referred to with adjectives like abhorrent loathsome unclean rejected
The root even of the word the toe of ah the Hebrew word the root of that word probably derives from a root that that is the combination of both holiness and abomination meaning that it is so Unholy so set apart for abominations that God can't even look at it
It presents a profound violation of God's holiness in summary
Abominations in the Bible represent the very highest degree of moral insanity and Spiritual corruption their actions and attitudes that not only transgress
God's and law But they also challenge his sovereignty and disrupt the harmony of creation
They they ruin cultures they they spoil the land the severity of God's response to abominations reflects the depth of their
Offensiveness, they're not just sins they're existential threats to the divine order and to the nation that they exist within and as such they they
Incur and deserve the most severe judgments that God can pour out on them
Understanding that that they are a scourge that they are a plague that they are a Target on the back of any culture that participates in them the bow
Knowing that the bow of God's wrath is pulled and ready to let go upon any nation that participates in this
Understanding that helps us grasp the seriousness That we must approach these sins within our own day and the response that we must have in our own societies who?
perpetrate these abominations To say it simply It is not righteous
To love what God hates it is not virtuous to permit what makes
God vomit when we think that Being Christian is somehow akin to not offending anyone and to allowing
Filth to go on in our streets under the banner of winsomeness or kindness or or niceness or whatever you want to call it we offend
God and We become an ally with the enemy the devil the abominable and the damned
It is better to be viewed by the world as hateful but clean in the eyes of God than to participate in these kinds of sins or to even accept them or overlook them and with that I Want us to detail the specific sins that are called abominations in the
Bible I'm only gonna be talking about the sexual ones today the rainbow colored ones today But I want you to see how these sins are not only participated in in our society they're celebrating because of that We deserve judgment as a country section 2
Taxonomizing abominables number one gay and lesbian sex
Leviticus 18 22 says you shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female it is an abomination
According to God homosexual acts and desires are a direct assault on his design for human sexuality these actions they pervert the natural order that was established by God at creation and By him because of that they're called abominations by the scriptures this these aren't just matters of interpretation
The word abomination is there for a reason these are not just some cultural phenomenon that now that we live in the enlightened
Modern world we know that these things aren't that bad. No, it's obvious from the text that these are repugnant to God Ignoring it requires a heart of stone and Participating in it is to is to joyfully invite judgment on your head both in this life and in life to come furthermore the normalization of gay and lesbian relationships in our culture
Represents the most flagrant rebellion against God's created order that is humanly conceivable
It undermines the sanctity of marriage, which is invented by God it's it's giving a middle finger to God as a nation and And as such it's celebrating.
What is abominable to him? it's pridefully as an American culture looking down the barrel of God's 44
Magnum and Mocking him because he is patiently waiting to pull the trigger Next in is bestiality
Leviticus 18 23 through 26 says you shall not have intercourse with any animal to be defiled with it
It is a perversion other translations say abomination Bestiality is not just moral failure.
It is a grotesque soul -staining perversion that defiles both the man and the beast the
Bible says that you're to kill both of them kill the man and kill the Animal because it's so tainted their own humanity that they deserve death
It represents some of the lowest depths of human depravity a debasement of our own dignity as people
And a violation of the natural bodily boundaries that God set forth in creation. These acts are
Shameful they're abhorrent. They're despicable. They're revolting beyond words
It's a sin that gratifies a complete and total lapse of morality and character it showcases the depth of the degradation that a society has embraced in order to permit and perpetuate such horrific moral filth and the fact
That this not only exists in our culture, but now deranged humans believe that they're animals
Represents a new low in psychotic imagination and musings of a people
Third sin is transgender identity It's called an abomination as well
Deuteronomy 22 5 a woman shall not wear man's clothing Nor shall a man put on woman's clothing for whoever does this is an abomination to the
Lord your God Now this passage doesn't talk about swapping out genitals like the transgender movement is propagating it it's even more subtle than that It's don't even wear a man's clothing
If you're a woman don't look like a man how much more so don't lop off your breasts to try to become one
This is not hey, you know if you're a man don't don't have a very tender personality saying men don't wear dresses
Like Harry Styles Abominated on the front of whatever magazine it was don't wear dresses
Don't chop off your your private parts in order to become a woman because those things are abominating to God The transgender movement is nothing less than a direct attack on God's creation of male and female
It's a rebellion against the very essence of God's Created order against the sexual identity that he made all of it this confusion and this perversion are not only
Catastrophic stains upon any society where they are practiced, but we as a people the
American people have reached a point Where it is celebrated in our streets all throughout the month of June and beyond it's celebrated in schools
Our young children are now being coached by adults to become gender fluid taking hormone blockers
Cross -dressing having their genitals mutilated by pedophiles and medical scrubs in biblical times parents and teachers and leaders who foisted such kind of filth upon their own children would be executed and for good reason because their very existence was inviting the fury of God and Now our very sickest and our most depraved people within society have now been elevated as our heroes now they're now they're the ones that are in charge like Rachel Levine that that disgusting male who is in the
Health Department of Biden's administration who's masquerading around like he's the picture of health
It's what a fitting caricature for stupidity and for repugnance and for deservedness of the holy wrath of God These abominable practices are not acts of bravery
Caitlyn Jenner is not brave They spit in the face of the divine and they shake the foundations of our society
Signaling a culture that has lost their mind and lost their reverence for God's design set number four harlotry and pornography
Deuteronomy 23 17 through 18 says none of the daughters of Israel shall be a cult prostitute
These are an abomination to the Lord your God Prostitution and pornography are not just personal sins and they're not any better just because they're batting for the right team
Just because it's male and female sin doesn't make it any better They are societal cancers that degrade human dignity that defile the sanctity of the human body
Which to which put down the value and the beauty of women and exploit them as pieces of meat when they're made in the image of God these acts of Tumorous heart harlotry are not just permitted in our culture, but they're celebrated.
They're even glorified with every naked woman on every movie There our culture our media our entertainment complex is spreading moral filth across the nation like a dog
Dragging its rear end across the carpet This co -modification of sex turns what
God intended as holy and monogamous into something profane and perverted we are
Inviting God's judgment upon our own heads and our communities by indulging and supporting these industries number five general category other sexual perversions
Proverbs 11 20 says the perverse and heart are an Abomination to God that means that perversion of any kind is a deviation of the constructs that God has set as biblical norms
What what I mean by that is in the Bible sexual ethics Is anything outside of a monogamous?
Heterosexual covenant love making marriage is a perversion to God That means that with the you with the animal you with the child you with the same person sex you with the spirit fairy you with Whatever that's an abomination to God That's you and your screen or that's you in real life
Abomination to God sexual perversions are an insult to God's design for intimacy in the purity and the purity that he has designed
Between man and woman in marriage He says that marriage is a picture of the gospel of Christ And when you pollute that picture you are gonna be culpable to the
God who loves that picture Those who engage in perversion and promote it display a heart that's maliciously twisted and malignantly corrupted
Revealing and the things that God despises and we think God's gonna hold us innocent We are all living in the epicenter of societal hell in this culture and Every June we enter into the gayest and most perverted month in our calendar
Where any and every perversion under heaven is celebrated with some sort of psychotic whimsical glee
Through our entertainment through our pride parades through our City Councilman through our
White House lawns through our education apparatus which long ago abandoned reason within our public policy and our kowtowing politicians who are just placating people to get votes and and for the ones who rejoice and make children in this culture twice the son of hell as They are corrupting minds corrupting hearts and producing a nation that is addicted to this crap
The widespread acceptance and encouragement of all kinds of perverse sexual behavior
Tells me that our society has long ago Turned its back on God and welcomed with open arms the wrath that is to come
This is another sin Supporting the LGBTQ movement, let's say that you're not participating in it.
You're not having sex with animals. Oh good for you Are you supporting the movement? Well Proverbs 15 9 says the way of the wicked is an abomination to the
Lord You see God not only calls the participation of this evil and abomination
He also says that their very way is a cancer that needs to be avoided at all costs rather than Walking in the council of the wicked or standing in the pathway of the sinner or or Wading through the sewage with the scoffers as Psalm 1 tells us your delight should be in the law of the
Lord Our delight should be in standing against these behaviors that are killing our nation instead of supporting them
How dare you Christian put your pride flag on the back of your car? how dare you hang that pride flag from the from the from your from your
Flagpole outside of your yard. How dare you identify yourself with such sin? In the same way that a toothbrush is the sworn enemy of period on Titus We should be grabbing our
Bibles Grabbing our children and discipling them and making sure that this world doesn't pervert them into into disgusting pedophiles like them
We should grab this nation by the horn and let her know what you are doing is gonna lead you to disaster
It's not loving to watch someone drowned and cheer for them It is not loving to watch someone stand on the side of a building and jump while you get out your pom -poms
If we don't stop this if we don't say something if we don't stand up against it.
The rot is only gonna get worse and according to this very Proverbs supporting the
LGBTQ I a LMNOP Mafia is tantamount to endorsing rebellion against God It's saying nothing and in your cowardice rejecting his good commands and his character
It is a declaration that we value man's approval Over God's precepts and laws.
We value our job. We don't get fired by our woke company So we're not gonna say anything you value that over God and if you're ashamed of him he's gonna be ashamed of by promoting and celebrating these lifestyles or even just remaining aloof and Watching it from a distance we align ourselves with pure evil and We allow the rot to continue in our society and to kill the ones that we love and send them straight into the belly of Hell our support goes far beyond tolerance to culpability
Perhaps we shrink back from using the kind of words that I'm using in this post. I Think I think it's not because we are tender -hearted.
I think it's because we forget the heart of God Do you remember Phineas? he was the he was the grandson of Aaron the priest and he was the one who didn't stand idly by when sexual sins were happening when the when the godless woman for Moab crept into the camp of Israel and the man of Israel brought her right past Moses right past Aaron and Started sleeping with her right in the middle of the camp.
Do you know what he did? He grabbed a spear and He shoved it right through the back of the man through the womb of the woman and he speared them because they dared defile the land of God and Do you remember what
God said God was not angry at him? God did not say Oh Phineas. You shouldn't have been so so zealous.
He actually praised his zeal and It says that he restrained to the wrath of God against the sin -loving people
Where are the men of zeal today Where are the men whose all -consuming passion for the holiness of God is gonna drive back
God's anger from this land Why are we a nation filled with such weak and pathetic men?
Who say nothing and who allow the disease to continue ravaging our companies our counties and our country?
Do we really think that saying nothing about this is and placating the abominations is somehow tantamount to being
Christian Is that gonna be effective? That's not what Phineas did. It's not what David did.
It's not what Paul did We're either for Christ or we're against him. We have to choose this day whom we are going to serve.
Here's another sin That's called an abomination in this movement the nation who supports
Abominations is itself abominable Ezekiel 7 for your abominations will be among you and then you will know that I am the
Lord also Proverbs 1612 it is an abomination for Kings to commit wicked acts a
Nation that supports the LGBTQ lifestyle and movement is a nation that has chosen to defy the
Living God When we see our decrepit daughtering president
Bumbling through the halls of the White House declaring Trans Visibility Day on Resurrection Sunday I don't care if Trans Visibility Day was before that and that they he was just I don't care
Trans Visibility Day will die and go to hell Because Resurrection Sunday is the resurrection of our
Lord who's going to save the world from their sins When we witness that kind of satanic support for darkness
That's going to cripple and devastate America the end of the American Empire as we know it. We ought to stand against it this kind of support this kind of quiet passivity ensures
That abominations are going to continue to flourish that our land is going to be further Divide and its people are going to be plunged into further ruin and devastation
History is littered with the corpses of civilizations that have turned their back on God and his
Commandments And we're on the same path The more the rigor mortar is setting in and the corpse is almost done.
It's almost dead Today we have the Demonocratic party and the hapless cowards and the rhinos that that are slithering into the
Republican ranks We have a helpless and a pathetic political class that can't be trusted and As the church we have to we have to stand up and preach the gospel
We have to have children so we can out populate these moral monsters
We need to take back society because if we don't It's gonna come under the wrath of God.
Our children are gonna inherit a disaster if it doesn't show up in our lifetime The toleration and the promotion of these sins of the national level is shameful and It's going to be consequential when the fury of God is poured out
When governments endorse these nightmares They commit grave wickedness and they betray their
God -given duty to uphold righteousness in a society That's their that's the reason they exist to uphold righteousness
So when they turn on their role that flagrantly God has no choice but to destroy them
These governments our government is legislating sin instead of legislating morality We're turning what should be a bulwark of justice this great
Constitution that we've written We've turned that into a document that allows for every abomination under heaven
The corruption that we're seeing at the highest levels ensures Moral decay and it's gonna lead to a nation that goes in deeper rebellion against God.
Our government is forsaken God It's brought ruin upon our land a land that they're supposed to be protecting another sin the prayers of those who support the
LGBTQ Abomination, maybe you're sitting here say I don't really support it.
Really I mean, I'm just not saying anything or maybe you've got the pride flag outside of your house I don't know maybe somewhere in between you're you call yourself a
Christian, but you're supporting this movement Proverbs 28 9 says he who turns away his ear from listening to the law of God Even his prayer is an abomination.
Did you catch that? That you but do you really believe that you can sit back idly by while the and and believe that the fat rat of Homosexuality is not gonna climb into your cupboards
That if you support the LGBTQ movement or even if in your cowardice you virtue signal on social media
So that no one says anything about you or you or you play along in your woke company So you don't get fired like do you really believe that your your prayers are not gonna become a stench to God?
Your communication with God the father is gonna smell like an unemptied port -a -john in the middle of Manhattan Which means that you and all of your communication to God is gonna become detestable to him
When you support this movement in any way your prayers are not heard. That's what
Proverbs is saying Those fake Christians who hang their pride flags outside of their churches and their homes
Can cry out all they want for divine blessings and peace, but it will not come Their prayers are empty hollow voided and nothing to God Such hypocrisy mocks the holiness of his purity and invites his wrath a
Nation that is filled with such false piety stands condemned Because it's turned away from him without repentance these prayers if you're listening and you support the
LGBTQ movement Your prayers are nothing to God you need to repent So you don't bring further judgment on the church and on the nation and on yourself
Another sin. I think this is the worst. I think it's the I think it's the top of the hierarchy the pastors
Who are supporting the LGBTQ? Abomination Jeremiah 6 14 through 15 says this
Were they ashamed because of the abomination that they've done they were not even ashamed at all says the
Lord pastors who support the LGBTQ lifestyle are like the shepherds in Jeremiah and their movement the movement that they hang their flags upon or Plaster their open and affirming sign on the front of their building.
They say we believe in Jesus But we're open and affirming they spit in the face of Christ And they abandon their sacred duty to shepherd
God's flock with moral integrity and truth They condone what God condemns leading their congregations into sin and apostasy
Which should terrify them because the only thing that makes God more furious than these abominations that we've listed is the false
Shepherd that leads weaker and unsuspecting people down the road into these abominable storms to lead someone else into these atrocities
Is to hang a thousand -pound millstone around your neck and to try to doggy paddle in the middle of the
Mariana Trench leaders like that are not only misguided but with their Sparkle creed in tow their blood lusting wolves that plunge their fang and unsuspecting sheep that feast upon the goats and that bring corruption to the church from within their lack of shame and their bold endorsement for these abominations mark them out as the most
Egregious sinners in the entire biblical canon They're far worse than evil politicians because we expect that they're gonna be morally ignorant
The pastor or the shepherd who's been to seminary who studied the Bible who leads
God people into such calamities? It's marked out for a very special kind of destruction
That's why Judas Was called the son of perdition That's why Jesus said it'd be better if Judas was not even born because the closer that you are to Jesus The more furious the punishment is going to be if you depart from the words of life
Instead of gloating about all of your licentious liberties and the by these so -called pastors and pastors that pastrix's who aren't even pastors
They need to repent now if you're a woman pastor repent and leave your post You're not a pastor if you're a male pastor and you believe in the
LGBT to crap then repent and turn to God You need to repent
Section 3 the coming doom brothers and sisters if America continues to celebrate these kind of abominations
Then the wrath of God is inevitable and it's gonna manifest itself in severe ways And I'd like to talk about a few of those ways now
I don't want to just talk about the wrath of God in general ways. I want to talk about in specific ways We go on and on and I encourage you to read
Deuteronomy 28. I encourage you to read Leviticus 26 you'll get a picture of what the what's coming upon this country if you read those chapters, but I'm just gonna summarize a little bit
The Bible explicitly warns that those who engage and promote these kinds of sins are gonna face dire consequences
Romans 1 26 through 27 says this For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions
For their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural and in the same way Also the men abandoned their natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another men with men
Committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error
This passage reveals that one of the consequences of those who rebel against God's design is that they suffer natural consequences diseases
AIDS STDs, these are natural consequences that income that are gonna come on the physical emotional and spiritual decay of people who participate in them furthermore
It goes it gets worse Hebrews 13 for says that marriage is to be held in honor among all that means society
Marriage is to be held in honor among all and the marriage bed is to be undefiled for the fornicators and the adulterers
God will judge this judgment is not just personal but it's corporate It affects entire communities and nations the judgment of God is a fearful thing bringing
Calamities that we can't even imagine that range from national natural disasters to societal collapse
I am talking about the utter downfall of America. I am talking about its financial collapse
I'm talking about its societal collapse. I'm talking about invading armies I'm talking about all of it natural disasters and physical disasters and military disasters galore
That's what I'm talking about Just like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah God did not remain silent in the face of such brazen sin
Jude 1 7 reminds us that these cities indulged in gross immorality and they went after strange flesh and Ex out and they are exhibited as an example and undergoing the punishment of eternal fire
So there I've just talked about three levels your body is gonna be punished Your society is gonna be punished and you are gonna be punished for eternal life
The punishment of such sins is eternal conscious torment and hell that's the ultimate consequence is exclusion from the kingdom of God Galatians 5 19 through 21 and 1st
Corinthians 6 9 through 10 make this unequivocally clear it says now Are the deeds of the flesh are evident which are immorality impurity sensuality and those who practice such things will
Not inherit the kingdom of God Those who continue in these sins will face eternal conscious torment
Separated from God consigned to the fires of hell for ever This is the most terrifying punishment of them all whatever
God could pour out on this culture in this society pales in comparison to the state of suffering and regret that exists in hell the
Urgency for your repentance cannot be overstated The path that America on is leading to destruction not just nationally eternally
But there's hope There's hope 1st
Corinthians 6 11 right after the 6 10 passage offers a way out Paul says this he says such were some of you
But you were washed But you were sanctified But you were justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ and in the spirit of our God Even the worst sinners can be redeemed through repentance and faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ However bleak our future is if you turn back to God he will save you
The time for complacency is over The time for repentance is now our nation has got to get off of the path that it's going and abandon its wicked ways and Seek the mercy of God before it's too late
And it's here I'd like to remind us as we close of the gospel of Jesus Christ, he's the only escape part for the only escape the gospel of Jesus Christ Brothers sisters the scriptures implore us to recognize the depth of our sin in the urgency of repentance
God is infinite mercy. He offers forgiveness through Jesus Christ But we have to turn from our wicked ways
Isaiah 55 7 says let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return to the
Lord and he will have compassion on him and To our God for he will abundantly pardon
This isn't a suggestion. It's a divine command for us to abandon our sinful paths and to seek
God's mercy The urgency of this call cannot be overstayed Romans 6 23 says for the wages of sin is death eternal death
But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord The consequences of Continuing in sin are infinitely severe and they're maximally eternal
Jesus himself warned us in Luke 13 3. He said I tell you no, but unless you repent you will all likewise perish
The message the Bible is clear without repentance. There is no hope doesn't matter what your sin is We're talking about this sin now because of Pride Month, but doesn't matter what your sin is
If you don't repent you have no hope If you don't turn to Christ Then you have no hope
Despite the gravity of our sin though Despite the weightiness of our sin
God has offered us a way through Jesus Christ first John 1 9 promises the utterly glorious hope if We confess our sins then he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and This assurance brothers and sisters is grounded in the gospel and the sacrificial work of Christ Romans 5 8 tells us but God demonstrates his own love for us and that while we were yet sinners
Christ died for us his death And his resurrection provide for us the means by which we can be cleansed and made new
We don't have to stay in our sins. You see this is the part of the message is so good and so glorious and no one
No one in the LGBTQ movement right now is hearing it that God can save you That's why
Paul says that you know liars and fornicators and and homosexuals and effeminates and all that don't get into the kingdom of heaven
But such were some of you such were some of you because the Holy Spirit can take you and change you and make you leave
Your sin and cleanse you of all unrighteousness That's why 2nd Corinthians 5 to 17 can tell us that if anyone is in Christ He's a new creature the old things have passed away and the new things have come
This transformation that I'm talking about. It's not superficial and it's not about just what you say with your lips. It's a life change
It's a change in your identity. It's a change in your direction and your purpose. It's a total overhaul of who you are through Christ We don't have to be defined by our sins anymore
But we can be defined by his righteousness if you love your sin more than you love the Savior You're gonna die in your sin but if you turn from that and you turn to him if you love him and Turn from your wicked ways
Then you can be known by your father who is in heaven Hebrews 3 15 warns today if you hear his voice do not harden your heart as When they provoked me in the past what he's saying is as the time is now
Don't harden your hearts Don't get angry at me because I'm giving you a hard word.
I'm giving you a good word I'm telling you to repent and to turn from your sins And maybe you're listening to this and you're saying
I already agree with all of this and and praise the Lord for that I'm glad that you agree with what the Bible says but we have to at some point as Christians acknowledge that the reason that this society is as bad and as Awful as it is is because we were asleep at the wheel
And we have to recognize that we have sin in the camp too We've sinned by being passive.
We've sinned by being quiet. We've sinned by overlooking abominations
And this generation will be held to account by God as well this generation of the church Will be held accountable to God on how badly we wrecked
This society that we had we had it 100 years ago.
The society was Christian. We took the father's car out on a joyride and we crashed it.
That's what we did We've got to repent soon Repentance is not far from us repentance is here.
We need to repent just as well as the homosexuals Our sin should make us miserable our sin should make us mourn our sin should make us weep our sin should turn our laughter into mourning and our joy to gloom and Our sin should humble us in the presence of the
Lord because he will exalt us Bible says Now that misery doesn't last forever, but godly sorrow does lead to repentance
Paul says Godly sorrow leads us to repentance. We should feel the weight of this and repent
That call is present for you and I who've allowed this society to decay under our watch and this call is also present for those
Who are participating in the abominations those who are celebrating during pride month and they're violating
God's Word explicitly there They're affirming these abominations You need to repent
God's mercy is available to everyone who repents Ezekiel 1830 through 32 says therefore
I will judge you all house of Israel each according to his conduct declares the Lord repent and turn away from all of your
Transgressions so that the iniquity may not become a stumbling block to you cast away all of your transgressions
Which you have committed and make yourself a new heart and a new spirit for why will you die?
Oh house of Israel for I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies declares the Lord therefore repent and live
To those who are listening to this and you've strayed far from God's design the invitation is clear repent
Turn from your sin and embrace the forgiveness that's offered through Christ and Christ alone acts 319 calls out therefore repent and return so that your sins may be wiped away in Order that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the
Lord God has refreshment to give you if you'll leave your sin If you leave the fleeting pleasures of this world and you'll go to him.
He has pleasures forever to give you The pathway to renewal is through repentance and faith in Christ, so turn to Jesus Abandon your identity in your sin abandon your identity in your
Iniquity and find a new identity in him Galatians 2 20 says I have been crucified with Christ It is no longer
I who live but it's Christ who lives in me in the life that I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and who gave himself up for me embrace that new identity
Give yourself to your creator not to the false identity that is constructed by demons
Live for him follow him obey his commands and his teachings. They will bring life to your bones
John 14 15 says if you love me, you'll obey my commandments love Jesus turn to Jesus and obey his commands
Because in obedience to his word you will find life because he has the words of life pastors
Christians Everyone who's listening the call here is to preach the gospel more urgently than ever now.
It's not the time to shut up Now it's not the time for silence We've got to declare the only hope
Paul says that I'm not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God Unto salvation for the
Jew first also to the Gentile we have the power of God. We have the weapon We have we have the sword that chopped off Sauron's finger we need to use it second
Timothy 4 2 says preach the word Be ready in season and out of season to reprove and to rebuke and to exhort with great patience and instruction
We must we got to boldly proclaim the truth from our pulpits We had a calling out sin and error in society and point to the only hope that's in Christ.
It's a two -part work We've got a point. No, that's wrong. That's an abomination. That's evil, but don't just do that point to Christ and Christ alone
Uphold the scripture and all of its truth and its power 2nd Timothy 3 16 through 17 It tells us all scripture is inspired by God and breathed out by him.
It's profitable for teaching and for reproof and for correction for training and righteousness
Why so that the man of God may be adequate and equipped for every good work
The Word of God is our foundation and we have to stand firm upon it The call for repentance that we give every
Lord's Day With the passion and urgency that is marked by Jesus's ministry is so essential brothers
But put away your passivity put away your timidity and herald
Christ Mark 1 15 records his words. The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe the gospel
That's what we preach every week brothers Luke 9 26 warns for whoever is ashamed of me and my words the
Son of Man is gonna be ashamed of him when he comes In his glory and the glory of the father of the Father and of the
Holy Angels. That's our mission It's to call the wayward world back to the Savior Revival is not gonna happen if it doesn't first get in the pulpits
If we don't declare a mighty gospel, why would anybody believe it in? This month which starts in less than 12 hours
Where sin is gonna be celebrated and reveled in let us pastors be
Relentless and proclaiming the need for repentance and the hope that can only be found in Christ The fires of sin are consuming the nation but through Christ We can be forgiven and we can be set free
Let us not delay Let us not be silent Now is the time to turn to him if you need to repent repent right now
If you're a pastor reach it Declare it love it and herald it because Jesus Christ is mighty to save and his grace is sufficient for all who call upon the name of the
Lord Thank you so much for watching another episode of the broadcast this sin that we were talking about today is
Heinous and it is killing our society So pray if you're a Christian pray that the Lord would end this sin pray and precatory
Prayers from the Psalms pray that God would put away this heathen movement that there'd be no more drag
Queens Shaking their tail feathers in front of children in libraries that there be that all of these
Manifestations that we talked about in this episode would die a thousand deaths and that this society would repent and turn to Christ that it
Would repent before it's too late pray hit your knees pray and fast read the scriptures
Go to church participate in the kingdom have children and raise them up in the gospel of Christ let's take over the world who doesn't know how to run it and Doesn't know how to honor
God with their life Thank you again for watching today's episode Keep your wits about you.