Are Women Saved Through Childbearing?

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And so being the leader is like the cool thing, right? The desirable thing. That's why so many women are, they're extremely concerned with how many women
CEOs there are out there. They're not extremely concerned with how many women janitors there are.
Morning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone. Salvation to any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
Father where he sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your host Harrison Kerrigan, Pastor Tim Mullett, and today we'll answer the age old question, what does the
Bible mean when it says women will be saved through childbearing? Now, this episode is the fruit of a post that we made probably about a month and a half ago on all our social media accounts, just asking you guys, what are some typical problem passages, quote unquote problem passages that you've dealt with in your life that you, or maybe you still don't understand and you wanted to hear someone lay out what it means specifically and dedicate time to that specific verse.
And we got a lot of helpful responses. Like always, we got a few unhelpful responses from people who are just bent on trying to cause division or stir up people for whatever reason.
But a lot of people, they presented passages that they've either heard other people have issues with, or maybe they've even had issues with that passage themselves.
And so we wanted to take some time to make some episodes along the way, just to try and directly confront the confusion around some of these verses, because we believe the
Bible is clear. We believe that God didn't misspeak when he gave us his word.
And we believe that all of scripture is profitable, that it won't return void.
And so it's good for us to deal with these passages and figure out what do they actually mean so that we can apply them to our lives.
So this is sort of the first episode, trying to accomplish that.
And the first verse that we're going to be addressing is 1 Timothy 2 .15.
So Tim, why don't you go ahead and read that verse for us, and maybe start by explaining why so many people seem to get confused over this verse.
Sure, I do think trying to read the context would help a little bit too. So maybe I'll start out with 1 Timothy 2 .11,
and I'll read from 1 Timothy 2 .11 to 2 .15 here, and then we'll talk about some of the reasons why people are getting confused.
But then, yeah, 1 Timothy 2 .11. Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness.
I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man. Rather, she is to remain quiet, for Adam was formed first, then
Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with self -control.
So, yeah, I mean, I think when you think about a verse like this, I mean, there's very little in there that is not deeply controversial.
I mean, yeah, no, you're not lying. And even if you were to go further back,
I mean, there's even more stuff, just a few verses before. Adorn themself in respectable apparel.
Yeah, you know, respectable apparel. You know, we're talking about hairstyles here, and gold pearls, and essentially don't flaunt things right.
And so, you know, submission's a huge hot button topic. So, I mean, Paul here, he's stepping on a lot of toes.
I don't know if he knows this, but he's stepping on a lot of toes. I hope he's ready to - I think he knew it. I think he knew it. Yeah, he probably did know.
If we're being honest, he probably knew it. I think he knew it, yeah. But yeah, so I think everything mentioned in this brief little section, at the very least,
I mean, you know, we're not even talking about the what women should wear conversation. I mean, if you got into that on Twitter or whatever, got into that in public, got into that in most of your churches, you'd have a lot of angry people who are sending you hate mail.
But then, yeah, so I mean, I think, you know, you think about verse 11, let a woman learn quietly and all submissiveness.
That's, you know, you got the submission word there that most people hate. And then, you know, I don't permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man.
That, that, that something, right? So currently with the push to female pastors, that isn't good.
And then rather, she is to remain quiet. So, you know, how many sermons have you, or how many, you know, times have you heard a man basically declare the worst thing in the world would be to tell a woman to be quiet or something like that?
So like, and then you have, you know, Adam was first formed and Eve, and then
Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. And then, so you have all that, like are women more easily deceived than men kind of discussion added to this.
So it's like, I mean, it's just a shotgun of offense, man. So everything related to ladies currently in the current climate, it's just a shotgun of offense.
And then you get this, yet she will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love, holiness with self -control.
And then there's, you know, with that, there's two kind of thorny issues there. So with the, she will be saved through childbearing, you have a discussion about like, what does the word saved mean, right?
Like, what does that mean? And then you have the whole childbearing thing as if you've reduced a woman to simply a baby maker.
So then you're just, I mean, it's just a dumpster fire of offense, man. So this is just one of those passages that people are predisposed to get mad about.
I mean, and I think honestly, like about everything that you can see in this passage are just things that everyone basically just ignores.
I mean, there's nothing in here that is currently popular in this section at all.
And I mean, most, all of it is just like put in this category of how, you know, who knows what that means. It's just Baldwin, whatever else.
And, you know, I don't think a lot of churches are paying very much attention to any of it, period. So it's just -
Petey Yeah, I think a lot of people probably read this entire passage and they just think like, well, some bigot must've put this in there.
Paul didn't write this. Or they'll just think, well, Paul's not Jesus. Well, yeah, and then they're even getting more impetus to say that because, you know,
Paul says, I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority of a man. So then they say, well, see, there you go. You know, that's just Paul.
That's just Paul, you know, bound by his first century, you know, bigot glasses or whatever.
He was a Jew of his time and didn't know what he was talking about. So then let's just ignore all of it. Who knows what any of this has to say.
Tavish Right. So what are, in looking at this passage specifically, um, verse 15, but she will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with good sense.
So what are, I guess, layout for us, what are the typical misunderstandings around this passage?
And then what are, you know, what are typically considered like the, um, or what's considered like the, the primary reading of this passage, if that makes any sense?
Yeah, I don't know that I've surveyed all the literature and could tell you what is, I done a study on, um, what is the most common or whatever.
I mean, I think, I think when you get to these kinds of passages, you're going to have a variety of views and most of them are going to be, you know, unpopular in different ways.
So, you know, I think in general, the main views that people are going to take or are largely, they're going to read, um, they're going to read verse 13 for Adam was formed first, then
Eve, and then Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived. So they're going to read the woman there as Eve in which,
I mean, that is Eve, but then they don't necessarily have a wonderful explanation for why
Paul is transitioning from Eve to the woman, right? So, so they're going to say, uh,
Adam was first formed, then Eve and Adam was not deceived, but Eve was deceived. So they're going to read that as Eve was deceived.
And became a transgressor. So we don't know, like, so in, in the standard kind of egalitarian view of these kinds of things, that phrase really is not going to have much meaning other than just to say, like, now
Eve is going to be personally redeemed from the stigma of her own personal sin that doesn't affect women in any way, right?
So she's going to be like redeemed from like this mistake she made, right?
The shame of this mistake she made. If her children, like if her children, which are
Christians, because, you know, she's the Christ bearer, she bears this, you know, Christ.
And now if they're, if her children continue in faith and love and self -control, right?
So she's going to be Eve herself. She will be saved through childbearing, like meaning by bearing Christ.
If now the problem is like, now you have an if statement, if her children continue and love, holiness and self -control, which they obviously are going to because they're
Christians anyways, right? So then you end up having a, like a very narrow application solely to Eve.
Like Eve is going to be saved from the shame of leading the human race into sin, you know? And in the middle of a passage that's talking generally about men and women and giving them specific commands right before this, right?
Yeah, so the major problem with this kind of thing is if you're following the context, which is why
I wanted to read the context, like you think about, well, what is the context? The context is verse 11, let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness, okay?
So that's the subject matter that we're talking about, letting a woman learn quietly in all submissiveness. Now, why?
So follow the logic of it. Why are we to let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness? Well, Paul says, because I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, rather she's to be quiet, right?
Remain quiet. So like a woman, like here's the instruction, women need to learn quietly in all submissiveness.
Why? Because they're not permitted. God doesn't permit them. You know, Paul's delivering this, but yeah, he's speaking the very word to God.
Because they're not permitted to teach or exercise authority over a man, rather they should be quiet, right? So, but then you have to ask yourself, well, why, right?
Why are they to be quiet? Well, the text tells you why, right? So read it.
So you read it. Why should women, why are women not permitted to teach or exercise authority over men?
That's the whole discussion you're having. So verse 13, for Adam was formed first, then
Eve. So reason number one is the created order. God made man first, right?
He made woman to be helpmate for man. So God made man to be the head. And you know, you have a whole theology of headship that is applied to this.
I mean, this is the reason why the whole human race is consigned to sin is because Adam was our federal head. He fell into sin, right?
And because as a result of one man's sin, death entered into the world and death passed all men because all have sin. So Adam represented the human race.
He was the leader. He was the head. He was created first, right? And then he exercises authority over Eve by naming her.
That's what he did within the narrative. So she's taken from him and created for him to be a helper for him.
And then, so like the issue is, why does Paul not allow or permit a woman to teach her exercise authority over a man and why she didn't remain quiet?
Well, first reason that the texts give is because Adam was formed first and Eve. Second reason, and, right?
So look, and, right? What does the word and mean? Reason number two, right?
So we're still answering the question why? Well, for tells you the answer, right? So for Adam was formed first and Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor, okay?
So then the issue is like, why? Like you have to ask, well, why are they transitioning from saying
Eve to the woman at this point? Well, because just as Adam represents all men Eve represents all women, right?
Mm -hmm. Yeah. So like Eve is representing women. So like the woman was deceived.
So what's happening here is Paul is giving you, he's saying, here's why I don't permit a woman to teach her exercises authority over a man but be quiet.
First of all, God designed man to be a leader. Second of all, women as a group are more easily deceived than men as a group.
That's why he transitions is talking about women instead of men. Follow so far? Yeah, I get it.
Paul thinks all women are stupid. Obviously, that's the only way to understand the passage for sure.
That's the only, that must be it, you know? You know, and it's funny that people go that direction with it because, you know, obviously like men have like enormous, massive weaknesses and insufficiencies of their own, you know, just as women do, right?
So think about men, like just, if you wanna, just a prime example of the insufficiency of men, the weakness of men, just look no further than to your average college dorm room.
And as I'm talking about that, I mean, you can imagine like the stench, like wafting up into your nostrils, getting clinging to your nose hairs right now, as I'm describing this.
And you understand like, just like men are, you know, they naturally are bad at certain things too, right?
Right, yeah. So women, like obviously, like you think about the nature of a woman, women are made to be compassionate and they're made to be caring and they're made to be sensitive.
This is why they're uniquely designed to care for children, which is why we're gonna talk about in the passage in general. But women are obviously more nurturing and they're obviously more caring and they're obviously more sensitive and they're obviously more compassionate.
These things are just overwhelming and true. And then you can think about that and you think, yeah, all those kinds of traits do mean that they have a temptation to be more gullible than men.
And I mean, every man who's ever been married for more than five minutes knows that their wife is more prone to think the best about, you know, scoundrels and other people than they are.
It's just the overwhelming reality of the difference between men and women. Men, much easier, like are much better at generalizing, they're much better at like being suspicious.
They're much better at, you know, reading between the lines. And so like these things are obviously true.
But so look, I do not permit a woman to teach her exercise authority over a man. Rather she is to remain quiet for Adam was formed first than Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman was deceived and became a child bearer.
It became a transgressor. And then it says, yet she would save through childbearing if they continue in faith, love and holiness with self -control.
And so when you get to that part, what do you like? What is the whole thrust of the passage? The whole thrust of the passage is that a woman's role is not to be the teacher of a church.
That's not her role. Like she has a submissive role to be played to play within the body, right?
So think about it that way. She's not permitted to teach her exercise authority. Why? Because Adam was designed to be the leader and he's uniquely equipped to be the leader.
Adam's designed to be a leader. Adam's uniquely equipped to be a leader. But what is woman designed to do, right?
Like what is she designed to do? It says, yet she will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love, holiness and self -control.
She's designed for other purposes. That's the overwhelming thrust of what we're talking about here. She is designed for other purposes.
She is designed to raise children. That's how she's going to impact the world, right?
And so when you say that, like what's happening is like you have like this very obvious biological truth, scriptural truth that it's just like, it's like one of those hit you and hit yourself in the head with a board kind of truths about how obvious it actually is, you know?
And I feel like I just need to explain like some basic biology to people at this point.
It's like, you know, women have a uterus and they have ovaries, you know? Well, no, no.
I don't know if you've, I don't know if you've seen the recent science on this stuff, Tim. But apparently now men can get pregnant too.
Maybe, maybe you missed that, but it, you know, that's, that's the new discovery now. That's the new scientific stance.
So, well, I guess I'm wrong. You need to do the work and you need to be a better person to do the reading, right?
And you need to do the research, do better. But yeah, just, just do better, Tim. Yeah, I mean, obviously, obviously women just from a physical standpoint, like men were designed to be the strong ones, right?
That's why, that's why the NBA is awesome. And the WNBA is lame. It doesn't make, doesn't make any money.
It's not even basketball. It's hardly even basketball. I think like maybe one of them can dunk every now and then.
Like, like if the stars align, low glide, you know, if like, I don't know, do they,
I think they're in stadiums, but maybe like if they turn the AC on hard enough and the wind, you know, the wind gets blowing.
She, she's able to dunk with her 12 inch vertical. Yeah, but, but, you know, like men are obviously men are obviously designed to be stronger.
They're just physically. I mean, like, it's not even a debate. I'm, I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you.
If you think that women can be as strong as men, they just can't like generally speaking.
I mean, I'm sure you can find some outlier scenario where you have the woman who's trained her entire life.
Who's stronger than the guy that just sits in the basement and plays video games all day long.
You know, maybe then, but generally speaking, men are going to be stronger than women, you know, and, and not even generally speaking, but 100 % of the time, you know, women are, are designed physically to better take care of children than men are.
Yeah, but it's, I mean, it's overwhelming. Obviously the case, it's just, I mean, it's
Zero, zero men can give birth to babies. I, I get, I get some, you know, some women can be barren.
Sure. But then like zero men can get, it's the basic biological difference is that women can make babies.
It feels like, it feels weird to even have to even have to spell this to say the sentence. Zero men can have babies.
This is what they're made. And I mean, you just think about it like that. That's what women love to do.
Like when they're not brainwashed by feminism and what they love to do is they love children. They love babies. Like they, oh, for sure.
For sure. There's a reason women, there's a reason women love cats. Right. Because the ones who don't have babies is, yeah.
It's because they're trying to baby the cat. They want to baby everything. They want to baby men. They want to baby cats.
They want to turn their pets into children. Right. They turn their toys into children. I mean, yeah. And the people, and the people who are getting mad about hearing that right now,
I guarantee you their cats probably sitting in the room with them. Yeah. Right now. That they treat as their baby, their fur baby.
Exactly. Because that's what they're made to do. I mean, I remember at our church when a lot of the younger folks didn't have babies yet.
Maybe you kicked this off because we rebuked you but we rebuked you about not having kids or whatever. And then you had kids.
And then all of a sudden like baby fever spread throughout the church. Oh yeah. Yeah, for sure.
And now, I mean, basically all of them have multiple kids. So, you know, it's just like women are designed to care for children, to crave them, to want them to want someone to mother, to take care of them.
It's just overwhelming. Yeah, to be devastated when they can't have children. I mean, that's a legit thing.
Right. I mean, that's the Bible says the barren womb is never satisfied because you know that you're a creation by God who's uniquely designed for a particular purpose.
Like it's very obvious. And so, you know, that's obviously what you're meant to do. And then we've turned this into a feminist source of outrage or rage or whatever to where, you know, if you say, hey, a woman was designed to make babies.
It's like, is that all I am to you? It's just like, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. Well, I can't do it.
So someone's got to do it. Well, is this all I am to you? Just a dumb provider, you know?
Well, you know, I don't know. I guess. Is that all I am, just a leader? Like you just want me to make all the decisions, you know?
Well, you know, and ultimately it just comes down to our society is like upset, has this weird obsession with power and who holds the power and who doesn't hold the power.
And so being the leader is like the cool thing, right? The desirable thing. That's why so many women are, they're extremely concerned with how many women
CEOs there are out there. They're not extremely concerned with how many, you know, women janitors there are out there or construction workers there are out there.
And so that's why so many people get, you know, all up in arms about, oh, you're just relegating women to the home.
Well, I mean, no, number one, God's the one who is relegating them primarily to the home.
But then number two, that's like a big deal. It's not just a small thing, right?
If you think about the good things in life, so think about the good things in life, what are the good things in life? Like, is it a college dorm room with a bunch of smelly guys?
Like, is that the thing that you think about with life? Like a smelly dorm room full of -
That's the American dream, man. Full of like stinky, sweaty men living in their prison.
Musty dorm room. I mean, when I went to college,
I was so broke. I slept on a blow up mattress. If that's not the life, Tim, I don't know what is.
Yeah, but think about the things that make, like, think about the good things in life, the good things in life. They normally send her around home and holidays and that kind of stuff, you know, so -
Yeah, family. Family, like the good memories that you're going to have are related to hospitality and things like that.
And so, I mean, you think about like this role of women raising the next generation.
You think about how profound. You think, hey, yeah, you take one woman, you put her out there and turn her into an independent boss babe and who can, you know, make her impact in the world.
But think about how much more impact she would make if she raised five or six sons and, you know, sent them out into the world from a stable home, right?
Not operating under some sort of deficit or whatever. Think about how much impact that woman would have in the world over against the one woman who's just trying to make an impact on their own.
And, but then, you know, not even that. Think about all the people that are going to come from those sons and daughters that she has, right?
I think like you want to change the world. You're talking about trying to change the world as one person, whether, but then you compare that to another woman who has multiple kids, who all have multiple kids and, you know, there's exponential math there that's at work in this project, right?
To where you're going to have, you know, pretty soon, you know, in a couple of generations, a couple of hundred people, right?
Who are sent out into the world to try to influence it instead of just like you by yourself with your cat, right? So think about that, you know?
So, but yeah, I think the very, the obvious thing is you have a redirection here. So you have let a woman learn quietly and all submissiveness.
I don't permit her to do this yet. She's going to be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love, holiness with self -control, meaning she's been designed for something else.
And like this other thing that she's designed for doesn't have to compete with the former thing. There's no competition that's needed there.
There are two needed things. So God's uniquely designed and equipped men to lead. And he's uniquely designed and equipped women to, you know, impact the world through being a homemaker to being domestic, to raising children.
Like that's the fundamental, like gendered task that they've been called to, which it needs to be done.
You know, who's going to raise your kid if not for your wife? Are you going to send them to a daycare to be raised by a bunch of pagans who are going to teach them to get in touch with their feelings and everything else, right?
So it's all a bunch of nonsense. So like, when you think about that, then like that all makes sense.
And I think we've walked through the passage and the logic all makes sense. But then the thorny word is the word saved, right?
CBT Yeah, that's what I was going to ask you about. All right, so that's kind of the thorny word that most people really get caught up on.
And, you know, part of what's happening here is the Bible, like there's in the Bible, there's categories. So you can see the
English word saved. And sometimes it's talking about justification, like the theological category of justification. Sometimes it's talking about theological category of sanctification.
And then sometimes it seems to be talking about theological category of glorification. So justification is like that imputed righteousness of Christ attributed to us as a free gift.
Justification is like God declaring us not guilty on the basis of inheriting Christ's righteousness as a free gift.
So that's a legal declaration of an alien righteousness to put it in theological category. Like that's a righteousness outside of ourself.
So that's to be justified is to be declared like in the language of courtroom, not guilty. So often when you're seeing the word saved, most people are trained to think about it solely and exclusively in terms of justification, meaning being legally declared, not guilty, adopted into God's family and all the things that are entailed with that.
So then, you know, you read it that way, she will be justified through childbearing. That's how they're reading it.
Like she's going to be justified through childbearing meaning. So you're saying the barren woman can't be saved then, right?
So if you don't have children, you're going to go to hell. And then you have some smart out, come along and basically say, Hey, you know, so how many children do
I have to have in order to be saved? Right? There's one count, you know, two count, you know, it's all subjective.
And, you know, you should ignore those kinds of people anyways, because they, just a pro tip, they're just trying to make the thing unclear.
They're just trying to throw out their smart out comments in order to ignore everything it's saying. But then, you know, what happens is the
Bible also has like this same, like this same word is, is, is going to be translated from the
Greek word hageosmos or general, in general, it's like the hageos word group, which basically in this context, this hageos word group basically means personal dedication to the interest of a deity, holiness, consecration, or sanctification.
So basically what you have is you have in the Bible, you have when a person is legally to saved, like declare, they're going to be declared not guilty.
And then they're going to be progressively over the course of her life being conformed to the image of the sun. And that's what that language of sanctification means.
But then the issue is that those things are so tied together in the Bible that the biblical writers can talk about them under the same kind of rubric, if that makes sense.
Because, because, I mean, there's, there's, there's not like a situation where you have like an individual who is going to be justified and then just live like the world and the flesh and the devil for in perpetuity forever, the end until the end of time.
So like the idea is that whoever God justifies declares not guilty, he's also going to sanctify, right?
And then, you know, like, if you look at a person's life, that's totally uncommitted to anything that God has to say, you can look at a person that's showing no evidence that they have a transformed life.
Then you conclude from that, well, I don't care what you said, you probably weren't ever justified, right? Because if you were really justified, then
God would be making you more like him because to be saved is to declare Jesus as Lord, right? And that's what it means.
Right, yeah, it's like, it's like baptism, for example, where, you know, obviously the baptism doesn't save you, but then anyone who gets saved, anyone who gets justified is going to get baptized, right?
Yeah, I mean, unless you're the thief on the cross and you're literally are nailed there, but I mean - Yeah, there's no, there's no way to, right?
Yeah, but then in that kind of situation, like that guy would have, if he were to say, hey, you want to get baptized? He wouldn't have said, well, no, it's not really necessary.
You know what I'm saying? Oh, you, oh, you mean like, right.
Oh, I got this thing I got to go do. I'm busy right now, you know, like I'm kind of occupied at the moment, you know?
So no, but the thing is, yeah, I mean, the idea is she will be saved through childbearing. That is the language of sanctification in that way.
Like, meaning like she needs to devote herself to the purpose that God has called her to. And all true Christians, right?
All true Christians are going to be wanting to not fight like God's purpose and God's design for them. They're going to be wanting to devote themselves to God's purposes.
So she'll be saved through childbearing, sanctified through childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, holiness with self -control.
Meaning like, this is the evidence. Like, if you want to see the evidence of a woman who submitted to the Lordship of Christ, you're not going to find it in the woman who is trying to teach or exercise authority over man.
Right? We're trying to play the role of man, act like a man. What you're going to find if you want to look to evidence of a transformed life, what you're going to see is the woman who's learning quietly and all submissiveness, like devoting herself to the things
God's called her to, like childbearing, you know, continuing in faith, love, holiness with self -control. Those are going to be the real evidence that you see.
Of a woman of transformed heart. Not the one who like, thinks she's a better man, right? Or thinks she can do anything, a man can do it better.
And I mean, you can just look at that. I mean, you can look at that in the broader evangelical world. Like when you see a woman who's just totally hostile to children, totally hostile to marriage, the immediate thing in your mind is you don't conclude, oh, that's a godly woman.
You conclude. Yeah. Yeah. She's probably not saved. She's probably lost. She's probably lost to sin.
There's probably some pretty big issues over there. Because if she can so fundamentally fight her nature, like what she's made to do and designed to do, like you look at that and you say, how can
God be abiding in that person who wants nothing to do with their unique created purpose for being here, right?
So like, if the Bible says a barren womb is never satisfied and you look at a woman who is intentionally barren and happy about it, what you see is like, she doesn't have
God's priorities at all. Like she has so seared her conscience to the point now where she literally thinks that that stupid cat is a replacement for a human being, right?
She doesn't want anything to do with God. And like, and these errors come in groups. So when you see like women who are just totally hostile to their creative makeup in that way, it's not meant to give you like confidence that they're, like when you see no sanctification there, you're not, you're going to conclude,
I don't even know if they're justified there. Right. So that's, I mean, so I don't really think it's meant to be an overly complicated passage.
It's just that everything that's there is deeply in opposition to, you know, feminism and egalitarianism and everything else.
So it's just all like, it's just a big dumpster fire of poking feminist in the eye at this point.
Okay. All right. Well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on. And, you know,
I think it's good to sort of try and lay out some of these passages that, you know, the other others might label as problem passages, just because I do think the
Bible is clear on all of this stuff. And, you know, if you just sit down and try to read it and you, especially if you can get past whatever is like the spirit of the age and in this moment, that's certainly very helpful, right?
Like if you can just let go of all the baggage around, you know, the feminist movement right now and the way that it's twisted a lot of people's minds and change their expectations and their understanding of men and women and their specific roles.
And it's certainly helpful, you know, when you're trying to read passages like this. So Tim, you know,
I appreciate you laying that out for us. And thanks, you know, thanks to the person who suggested this passage to us.
And the hope is that, you know, we'll do more of these along the way, maybe not every single week, but, you know, try to address some of these passages along the way just to help people and show people too that the
Bible is clear. If you sit down and you read it and you think about and you pray about what you're reading and what the context of what you're reading is, then it really is clear and you can figure out what
God is saying. It just, you know, you've got to be able to abandon some of those things that are holding you back, especially the current cultural climate for sure is probably a big one for a lot of these passages.
But thanks again, Tim, for doing that. We appreciate all you guys for supporting us week in and week out, supporting us on social media, on Patreon.
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