Stop Lying - An Accessible Way to Love Your Neighbor and Beat #BigEva

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Maybe you'd like to think with me for a little bit, you know, I think it's, it's always a, it's always a kind of a risky sign when you, when you're like, reading through social media or like news reports or drudge report or, you know, whatever, and you just see this stuff and you're just like,
I mean, is everybody stupid except for, except for me and my friends? Like, that's not a good place to be because it's, it doesn't seem likely that everyone is stupid except for you and your friends, but I don't know.
I don't know. Like, like, I'll give you an example of the kind of things that, that make me feel like this.
Like, like we've been, we were told for, for a couple years, like, you know, like the most dangerous threat to our democracy, um, maybe in history was like the, like a bunch of Russian bots that would tweet out stuff and they would, they were responsible for some, some memes or something.
And like, I don't know, like they were just a bunch of social media bots that were just kind of like affecting our, our free elections.
And that was like, you know, supposed to be the most, most important threat to democracy or whatever.
And then, you know, they never had any evidence for it. Like they just made up this whole idea that, that this was the thing.
And I, I can't tell you how many professed Christians that I've seen share stuff like that. Oh, this is it.
He's going to, Trump's going to be elected. It's treason, you know? And it was just like, the only reason they were saying that is because they heard it on CNN or whatever.
And they hate Trump. Like, that's the thing. Like, if you hate Trump and you heard it on CNN, you believed it.
And if you didn't hate Trump, you were like, well, let's just wait and see. You know what I mean? But you were told, you know, you were a hater and a racist if you said that.
Anyways, let me get back to the point. So like, we were told that was the biggest threat to democracy. And then like today, you know,
Trump get, his tweets get like, like, like hidden. So like, you can't really see it until they tell you that it's false.
And like now, like there's videos that Trump retweets that, that your social media overlords say is wrong.
So you can't even see them. You can't even see that. They won't even allow you to see the video. They're like limiting like Trump's family members,
Twitter accounts and stuff. And taking down websites from Google, like de -ranking it on searches.
Like, but that's like totally fine though, because that's not a threat to democracy because like that's, that's different somehow.
It's not Russians. I guess that's different in that way. It's not Russians doing it, but I'm supposed to think, well, this election is going to be totally free and fair, even though there's like definitively suppression happening on social media and all kinds of stuff like that.
Like, to me, it seems pretty clear that if you believe both of those, those things, like it's okay to, to limit
Trump's social media access, but it's not okay that Russia might have potentially, even though we have no evidence of it, you know, posted some memes or something.
Like, you're just stupid. You're not very smart. You don't think like a normal human being should.
And I think like you're stupid, not in the sense of like, because like if you have low IQ, you know, that's one thing. Like, we can't really blame you for having low
IQ. You know what I mean? But like, if you're stupid and you ought not to be like, like that's like if you're stupid in like the morally, you're like morally culpable for how stupid you are.
That's the kind of stupid I'm talking about. Like, you know, nobody gets mad at somebody with a low IQ for, for not being as intelligent.
Like, that's fine. You know, we understand that, you know, some people have a high mental capacity. Other people don't, you know, you wouldn't blame somebody for that.
That'd be like blaming someone for not being as fast as somebody else. Like some people are just faster. That's just how it is.
And genetics are a weird thing. You know, that'd be like blaming me for like not being taller. I can only be as tall as God made me.
Right. But like, some people are so stupid that they're morally culpable for how stupid they are. It's not a matter of their
IQ. It's a matter of their, their, their willingness to actually think about things. It's almost like a lazy version of stupid.
Like, and I would say that the Jonathan Lehman situation where on the one hand, he encourages you to go to a protest.
On the other hand, he tells you not to go to church because it's too dangerous in the midst of the same pandemic with the same risk factors and all that kind of stuff.
Like at that point, that is so stupid. You're morally culpable for that inconsistency. Like, it's not a matter of your
IQ is low because if John Lehman, if Jonathan Lehman's IQ was low, nobody could really blame him. But his IQ is not low.
He's a smart man. You know what I mean? That's just one of those things, man. I just, I just don't really understand. But yeah, like this social media stuff is, it's something.
I mean, I don't want to say it's scary because we kind of already knew this was happening, but it's just now it's happening without any pretense.
Like before, they'd be like, oh, we don't have a bias, but now it's obvious. Like if you say something about the hydroxy cut thing, well, then you're likely to get suppressed and just disappear like in the memory.
What was it called? The memory hole, right? In 1984, like it's just memory hole. It's like you didn't even say anything. You might even get suspended from Twitter.
You know what I mean? That kind of thing. I just don't understand that. And then there's these people that are like, well, yeah, but conspiracy theories, you're not even a question if you believe in a conspiracy theory.
What are people like that? Like Joe Carter, paging Joe Carter, point of order. What do you do with this
Pentagon stuff? The Pentagon saying that they've recovered, allegedly, a spaceship that was made from another planet, right?
And so what I find amazing about this stuff, Matt Walsh was tweeting about this the other day, and he was saying how like, why is nobody making a big deal of it?
Well, I'll tell you why, Matt, because this is how this goes. Like anyone that's reasonable has believed that UFOs were real and like alien encounters were really encounters.
Everyone who has a head on their shoulders that doesn't just automatically swallow the propaganda knew that people were seeing things, right?
People were actually seeing entities. Most Christians believe that they're demons. That's kind of where I believe.
I believe that alien encounters are actually encounters with demons. But most people already believe that for years, for decades, right?
But now that the Pentagon is saying they have a spaceship, well, now all of a sudden we're suspicious because we don't believe the Pentagon, right?
Like everyone with a head on their shoulders has believed that the government has studied
UFOs and alien encounters and stuff like that. If you didn't believe that, you were extremely naive back then.
But now that the Pentagon is admitting it, I think there's some good grounds for doubting the actual story.
I think they're probably just trying to distract you most likely. I mean what do I know? Maybe I'm just one of those stupid people.
I just don't know it. That's kind of the whole point of this. Sometimes I feel like me and my buddies are smarter than everybody, and that's a dangerous place to be because that means
I'm probably wrong about a few things. That's probably what I'm saying. But yeah, but Joe Carter, what do we do with this now?
Because if we believe the Pentagon now, Joe, then we'd have to admit that they were lying before when they were denying this stuff.
But the problem is you told me I was a sinner if I believed in that stuff before because that was a conspiracy theory before.
But now the government is admitting that they have a spaceship, but I don't believe that.
I don't believe that they have a spaceship from another planet, Joe. So am I sinning now for not believing them?
You see, this whole conspiracy thing, this is exactly what I'm talking about. When Joe Carter made that article about conspiracy theorists,
I'm just looking at it and I'm like, does he really think anyone's going to fall for this? Because this is the stupidest thing
I've ever read, and it's not like he has a low IQ. Joe Carter has a high IQ, I'm assuming.
But this is really dumb, and it's very easy for me and my buddies to see it.
So maybe it's just like – I don't know. I just don't like being in that position where I'm just like, is everyone just stupid? But I don't think it is.
I don't think that's the case. I think that the amount of people that believe what Joe Carter says and what
CNN says and stuff like that, I don't think it's as big as they make it seem to be. Because I think that's another one of their tricks, right?
They make it seem like everyone believes this stuff. And so I want to encourage you, if you don't believe this stuff that gets put forward about the
Russia collusion and about how hydroxy cuts the worst medicines and sliced bread and aliens and spaceships and stuff like that, if you don't believe that stuff, say something, man.
Say something. All of us out here are feeling like we're alone. We're feeling like we're going crazy a little bit.
And I would suggest that it would be helpful that if you are with us and you think that this stuff is really stupid, that you just say so.
I think it would help our country a lot just to say so. It's like that emperor has no clothes thing.
It really does help people. It helps people that are sane but quiet about it to see people that are sane but not quiet about it.
Call these people out. I think it would be very helpful to the body of Christ if you just refused to believe that the gospel coalition could be so tone deaf that they're putting out articles about how eating a rare steak might be a sin.
I refuse to believe that they're that obtuse. I think they know exactly what they're doing. They're trying to distract. But if you see that and you're like, you know, gospel coalition, maybe you should stop being so stupid.
Just say it, man. It's actually very liberating to just be able to call a spade a spade, right? It's very liberating and I think it'll help the body of Christ to not go along with the lies anymore.
And this applies to so many things. It applies to so many things. The coronavirus, all kinds of things. I think you'd be doing the body of Christ and the kingdom of God a great service just to be like that boy who said the emperor has no clothes on.
Could you help us out? Do me a solid. I mean, if you like this content, share it, comment on it, like it, and do me a solid and join me in being able to just point out the truth.
We can laugh about it. It'll be fun. We can laugh about it. We can chat about it. And I think, honestly, this is one of those things that's really fun and it'll drive all the libs crazy, which is also fun.
But at the same time, I think it is doing a service to the kingdom of God just to speak the truth.
You don't have to do it aggressively or sarcastically or anything like that. You don't have to do it through means.
Just do it. You know what I mean? Help us out. I think it would help your neighbor. I think it's a way to love your neighbor, to be the boy that says, hey, dude, let's not all lose our heads here.
The emperor's clothes don't exist. I think that's a really good way to love your neighbor, telling the truth.
And I'm not just saying that in like a Big Eva way. That is actually a way to love your neighbor.
Don't bear false witness. Anyway, that's the kind of things I think about on a warm, balmy