"A Legal Contract with DEMONS?" | "Come Out in Jesus Name" Part 4

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope


The demon slayers invent the doctrine that suits them.


Welcome back to the HolyNope podcast. I am the HolyNope and with me is David Levy and today we are continuing in part four of our review of the documentary,
Come Out in Jesus' Name, about the most important spiritual awakening in church history. We are trucking through this thing at a pretty slow pace because there's just so much to talk about.
They say a lot of things in this documentary that I think we are compelled to respond to from the scriptures.
That's our aim, to the glory of God and to make much of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which we think is impacted by the doctrine that's being taught by these demon slayers in a negative way.
Something that has been happening in the documentary, if you watch it, is that they will, which we don't necessarily recommend, but they will throw up scriptures on the screen.
They'll put them on the screen momentarily and then they'll continue on with the documentary as if that scripture they just put up on the screen is teaching what comes next in the documentary.
I mean, that's kind of the sense that you get from it and the latest example of that in the film is
Revelation 12 11. Revelation 12 11 says, and they overcame him because of the blood of the lamb and because of the word of their testimony.
And so that's thrown up on the screen and then we hear more testimonies about how people were delivered from their demons of anger or demons of lust or addiction or whatever.
And it's just another example of what they're seeking to do to say, see, we're biblical.
Here's a Bible verse. Now let's continue on with the teaching that has nothing to do with the Bible verse that we just showed you.
And so Revelation 12 11 is about the church's victory over Satan because Christ is victorious over Satan by virtue of his crucifixion and resurrection.
That's what Revelation 12 11 is teaching about the conflict between the church and the enemy of our souls.
In other words, the blood of the lamb that is the sacrificial death of Christ is the means by which we have also conquered
Satan. So it's being described in Revelation 12 there is not something that happens in a deliverance service, nor is it something that happens repeatedly nor individually.
That's not the point of the text. This is a once for all accomplished victory over the devil that all saints presently enjoy.
If you are in Christ, you share in this victory right now. Now, how does
Satan respond to his failed attempts to destroy the church there in Revelation 12 verse 17 of chapter 12?
He makes war on the church. And then what is described in the following the way in which he wages war is not what you might think.
If you are a demon slayer or someone who engages in deliverance ministry because their idea of spiritual warfare is this hand to hand combat with the devil that we are face to face and we're throwing punches.
And I'm yelling at the devil and the devil inside that person is yelling back at me. And I use, you know, the phrase in Jesus name enough and then and then the devil comes out.
It's not what's being described. It's not the inhabitation, nor is it even in this context, the oppression, the spiritual oppression of believers by demonic entities.
What's being described in the following verses through verse 10 of chapter 13 is warfare that is characterized by deception and persecution, not inhabitation, nor oppression.
So once again, this text has nothing to do, as we've shown with other texts like Ephesians 6 and the armor of God, nothing to do with the modern so -called deliverance ministry.
Rather, it points to a secured victory based on the finished work of Christ, even in the midst of the onslaught of Satan.
And so another Bible verse they throw up there, if we just if we understand it in context, it does nothing to support their claims or to support their doctrine.
But I think actually serves to refute their doctrine. And this is what we've been talking about,
David, that spiritual warfare is primarily a truth war. There in Revelation 13,
Satan seeks to deceive the church. It is deception that is his modus operandi, if you will.
And I mean, for people to talk so much about Christians having power over the enemy, why do so many
Christians have demons? I think it's a legitimate question. Why is it so easy to accumulate demonic oppression?
They are denying the blessed effects of the finished work of Christ that are applied to the people of God.
Yeah, when I was in seminary at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, one of my professors was
Don Carson. And one of the things that he would always say in class is a text without a context is a pretext for a proof text.
And what that means is that you can take any text and rip it out of the context in which it was given and then make it say whatever you want it to say.
Which is what these people are, I mean, really ironically doing.
They're saying that they're fighting the devil while they're using eisegesis in the way that the devil uses it.
The devil knows scripture and he twists scripture. These people are also twisting the scriptures.
And they're taking verses out of context, putting them on the screen to make someone who doesn't, you know, ostensibly to make people who don't really know the
Bible that well, who are biblically illiterate or baby Christians and deceiving them into thinking, well, these practices that the demon slayers are doing must be biblical because look at what it says.
They put a Bible verse on the screen. But like you just said, brother, it's not like they're exegeting the text in the film.
They're not exegeting anything. All they're doing is putting a text on the screen, quoting the text, and then talking about things that have absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with the text.
And that's really the theme of this movie. It's so deceptive that these people are the ones who are doing the very thing that Satan does.
These demon slayers. I mean, I go so far. Based on what I have seen, you shall know a tree by its fruit.
Based on what I have seen, it seems to me like Greg Locke, Pagani, Saldivar, Signorelli, Catherine Crick definitely.
Actually are tools of the devil because they are deceiving people.
Deceiving even young ignorant Christians into believing that they have to go to them in order to win their war against the devil.
What's really interesting is even that verse in Revelation 12.
You said Revelation 12 verse 11. And they overcame him by... How did they overcome him?
By Pagani's book and Crick's counting to three. Like, no, that's not how they overcome him.
How they overcome the devil. They overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony.
What's the word of their testimony? It is the testimony that Jesus is the Christ. It is the testimony of the scriptures.
That how is Satan overcome? He is overcome through what
Jesus has done for us. The lamb of God shed his blood on the cross to free us from the reign and rule and dominion of sin over us.
And he has given us his true words with which we may combat the wiles of the devil.
We may fight against Satan's lies because we have the truth of the
Bible. That is what those verses are referring to. That's the point. That's really the point.
And so, it's actually... Like you just said, man, it's like counterintuitive for these people to put a verse like that up onto the screen and then do the exact opposite of that verse.
They're not relying on the blood of Jesus and on the word of the
Christian testimony, the truth of the faith once handed down to the apostles.
Like, they're not relying on that. They're relying on made -up, man -made, unbiblical doctrines that have no place whatsoever in the
Bible. And that's exactly what these people are doing. Yeah, yeah. The point is sorely missed repeatedly through their twisting of the scripture.
And it's going to happen over and over again. We won't have time to talk about all of them. But, you know, when they post, you know, resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Well, that text means something. It doesn't mean what they're implying it means in the documentary.
So, let's continue chugging through this thing with this next clip. I crucify my flesh every single day.
But I just can't get victory. Something is keeping you from victory. And it's in your flesh.
Because you've given place, you've given occupancy to the devil. That does not take away the occupancy of the
Holy Spirit. The Bible is very clear that when we get saved, when we're washed in the blood, and we repent and believe the gospel, that we are indwelt in our spirit by the
Holy Spirit. But we still have a flesh. It's like the temple. Everybody says, well, if the Holy Spirit lives in your temple, how then can you have demonic activity?
But the temple had a courtyard. And it's where the average, ordinary individuals could come. Even an animal could walk in there.
And so Paul said, in my flesh dwells no good thing. Well, something dwells there. Certainly my sin, past, present, and future, was forgiven the moment
I came to Christ and I got saved. But my flesh didn't go anywhere. The curses on the world didn't go anywhere.
The generational curses and that bondage was not broken. We still can be in a legal contract with the enemy.
And so although we're saved from our sin, we're not yet saved from ourself. I mean,
I find it strange that folks can believe that the works of the flesh can be adultery, fornication, pornography, murder, lust, envy, bitterness, unforgiveness, all of these horrid things.
And yet a demon cannot dwell in my flesh. So a lot was said there.
Greg Locke is making the argument that we alluded to last time that the
Holy Spirit resides in the spirit. And demons can take up residence or occupancy in the flesh.
Now, he's saying flesh here, but to be clear, they teach demons can hide in your body, like in your physical flesh, and not just your flesh as we might understand how
Paul uses it there in the New Testament, that demons can actually indwell the tips of your fingers and the tips of your nose and your tongue and stuff like that.
And not only your body parts, your physical flesh, but your soul as well.
Man, it's almost hard to pick one of those things as a line of attack because he said so much in that small clip that you just played.
That's just so wrong. So what he's inferring is that when a person has these sinful desires, that they're not coming out of themselves, but they're coming out of the demon who dwells inside of themselves.
That's the point really that he's making. And here's what I'll say to that.
How is that any different from the excuse that Eve gave to God when
Eve said, Satan is the one who deceived me and I ate.
It's the devil's fault. It's not my fault. This is a pushing off, a transferring of one's own accountability and using the devil made me do it as an argument.
This is an argument that people in legal, like courts of law, have tried to—
I murdered somebody, but I think it was in some measure the argument that David Berkowitz was trying to use when he was in court for being the son of Sam.
And what did he say? That his neighbor's dog was possessed by the devil and told him to go and shoot all these people with a .44
caliber revolver. And that's some kind of a defense or excuse.
It's like this goes back all the way to the garden. This is the excuse that the natural man makes.
It's the excuse that Eve made. Instead of Eve saying, it's me, oh
Lord. I'm the one who has done these things. I'm the one who is at fault.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. Eve instead says, I was deceived by the devil.
It's the devil's fault. You should look to him instead of to me. Yeah, yeah.
So at this point, we're kind of picking up where we left off in part three, the blame shifting that goes back to the garden.
And we recognize that they don't—they're not teaching that there's no accountability for the Christian. You can just put it all off on demons.
They recognize that there is a place for repentance and there is a place for responsibility, but it will invariably get overshadowed and mixed up with the blame shifting that we're talking about, the sinful tendency of fallen human nature, common demand.
So what Greg Locke does here is he refers to Romans 6, which we've talked about some as well.
And this is another instance of them reading their position into the text. And it's a—I think it's a wild take,
David. When Paul says that no good thing dwells in my flesh, you don't have to be a master scholar of the
Bible to recognize that the context here is about indwelling sin.
The law of sin, about which he says just a few verses later in verse 23 of Romans 7, that's what the context is.
It's not talking about demons in my flesh. Like, it's really hard for me to believe that Greg Locke doesn't know that he's twisting
Scripture at this point. When they read that entire theology into one verse in Romans 7, when the context is so crystal clear and there's not a single mention of demons or demonic activity, it's hard for me to believe that he doesn't know that he's twisting
Scripture. It's so plain that it has to be deliberate, or it's just a wild deception, or it's simply an unregenerate mind seeking to understand the
Scripture. Well, that's exactly what it is. I do actually believe that that's what it is.
The Honest Youth Pastor, you know that guy's channel? He has a YouTube channel.
I think he's the one that recently put a post out on social media that said
Greg Locke is now claiming to be an apostle. He's not qualified to be a pastor.
He's not even qualified to be a church member, which I think is true.
I think it's true that his is an unregenerate mind. And that the
Scripture says that the natural man cannot understand these things because they're spiritually discerned.
So what is he doing then? He's inventing things that are not in the Bible. It's shocking that the dude is going to use something like Hebrews 6, which is talking about sin dwelling within my flesh.
Paul says that. He says nothing about demons dwelling in the flesh. And then
Greg Locke takes that and says that what's really dwelling in your flesh is demons. The Bible does not say that.
It never says that about a believer in Jesus. That their problem is that Satan is living inside of their flesh.
I said this the last time. You would think that if the issue was demonic oppression, possession, if that was the issue, especially in that place in the
Scripture where Paul is talking about this very thing about nothing good dwelling within me, that he would say that it's a demon dwelling within him.
Or that it's a demon dwelling within the church corporate. Or that what they need is delivered from their demons.
At any place that they would say something like that. But he never does.
And the reason why he never does is because that's not what the problem is. These people are actually inventing a problem and then inventing the solution to the problem.
So the problem they're inventing is Christians have demons. And the solution to the problem that they invented was you need deliverance from the demons that you have.
Except the premise is totally off. Christians don't have demons. Now, can we be attacked?
Yes, absolutely. Do we face spiritual warfare all the time?
Yes, absolutely. But is there some indwelling presence of a demon that needs to be cast out of the regenerate believer?
Absolutely not. And you will not find that anywhere in the Bible. And I challenge anyone who's watching this to show me the verse.
Any verse. I mean, these are the same guys. Listen, I just have to say this. These are the same guys who will like so boastfully claim, show me the verse that says that cessationism is the truth.
And, you know, if you can't show me the verse about being a cessationist,
I will not be a cessationist. You have to become a continuationist. Okay.
All right. I mean, I could show you 2 Corinthians 12. These are the signs of an apostle.
There are no apostles today. Therefore, there are no signs of an apostle today. But let me throw that challenge right back to these people and say this.
Show me the verse where it says, from Paul or James or John or whoever, where it says the
Christian needs to have his demons cast out. Show me that verse. If you can show me that verse,
I will recant all these videos that I've done with Austin. Okay. Absolutely.
Just show it to me. I hope that this challenge is put out far and wide. Because I want to see from these people who claim to, you know, we're all about the
Bible. I want to see where is the verse that says to do what you people are doing. I think we'll have to clip that.
I think that you are absolutely correct that they are inventing problems and giving the solution to the problem that they've invented.
And it sounds really similar to what, you know, a corrupted government might do, which is kind of hilarious because of Greg Locke's hard public stances against government tyranny.
I think there's a very real sense in which he's become the very thing he swore to destroy. Yeah. No doubt about it.
They have to add extra biblical things. There's something interesting that Greg Locke said in that clip about a legal contract, that believers who have demons have some sort of legal contract in the spiritual realm that kind of secures the oppression that they're under.
I personally still have no idea what that means or where that comes from.
And I was wondering if you have any knowledge as to where this legal contract theology kind of comes from.
Because, I mean, you know, I don't know a lot of things, but when
I search the scriptures in my mind, I'm not coming up with any place or even, you know, physically,
I'm not coming up with any place that speaks of demons having a legal contract by which they are free to oppress us.
Do you know anything about that? I hear it all the time. Yeah, the legal contract.
Again, inventing a problem that doesn't actually exist.
Do you know what this is? This is what Paul says in Romans 1 that the unbeliever does.
They are inventors of evil, okay? This idea that as a believer in Jesus even, or I guess even not, even those who are not believers in Jesus, some legal contract with the devil, it's not in the scripture, okay?
But this idea that, like, a Christian can have a legal, legal contract.
Legal in whose court? What on earth? Like, in God's court?
I don't know. That's what Pagani says. He says that the courtroom of heaven sanctions, curses upon Christians who have, you know, brought demons upon themselves in whatever way.
And demons are the enforcers of the curse that's sanctioned in the courtroom of heaven.
Surely there's a verse somewhere. Demons are the enforcers of the curse.
Dude, it's so gross. It's laughable. It's laughable at so many points. But people are getting swept up in this nonsense.
So when I think legal contract, there is a verse that comes to mind. You ready? Colossians chapter 2.
When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, he made you alive together with him, having forgiven us all our transgressions.
Here it is. Having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us, he has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.
Our certificate of debt, this legal document that has all of our sins on it, which damn us, he's taken it out of the way.
It's been nailed to the cross. The work of the cross is what secures our full, free, and final deliverance from the power of the enemy.
The gospel of our Lord is where the power is.
And to teach that, no, there's actually a legal contract that you can sign somehow with demons, and then they're oppressing you, and now you need deliverance.
This is a different religion. This is a different gospel. It really is a different religion and a different gospel.
What Paul is referring to there is our debt of sin that Christ takes from us.
Our debt of sin, which comes from breaking the law, that he says in Romans 3, every mouth may be stopped because all are alike under sin.
We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Every single one of us.
And our righteousness cannot be obtained through our obedience to the law.
Through obedience to the law, no one will be justified. Therefore, ours must be an alien righteousness.
When I say alien, I don't mean an alien from another planet. I mean a righteousness which is foreign to our nature, which comes from the
Lord Jesus Christ who came down from heaven and lived the perfect life that we could not live. No deceit was found in his mouth.
He never told a lie. He only spoke the truth, and he lived the life that we could not and would not live.
He died the death of the cross in order to reconcile us to God, that all of our offenses, all the huge massive list of offenses that we've done, every time we've ever broken
God's law, that those things are all nailed to the cross, and I bear them no more.
Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. That is what Jesus has done for us.
And that actually has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with some contract with demons or something so asinine, foolish, ridiculous.
It's garbage. It's a made -up thing. And it's shocking to me that, again,
I have to say, the only people who are really being sucked into this,
I'll say I think that there are three people, three kinds of people who are sucked into this. Unbelievers are sucked into it, okay?
And they're given a fake bill of goods, and they're being told things about Christianity and the
Christian life, and even the power of the gospel, a gospel which is not able to save.
It's not able to save even from the power of indwelling demons, right? The gospel isn't. You need these other people.
So unbelievers are being sucked into this, okay? Baby believers are being deceived by this.
People who maybe really are Christians, but they have not done much
Bible study. They're still quite ignorant. And then they hear some sermon where there's Jesus talk from Greg Locke, and they get sucked into this idea.
And third, I think sometimes
Christians who are really desperate, Christians who are really desperate, who, again, I would even say baby
Christians, because just because you're in a desperate position doesn't mean that you have the right to, like, throw away all the doctrine.
Like, throw away the doctrine of God's sovereignty or the sufficiency of the death of Jesus or the sufficiency of his ability to save us.
Like, just throw that away. I'm not giving them excuse, but I am saying that I actually know a person who,
I wouldn't say he's a baby Christian, but he started to, like, follow some of these guys because he's in a really desperate place in his life, and he's thinking, like, maybe
I'll give this a shot. And my advice to my friend was, like, dude, don't do that, man.
You will not find any hope from these people. It is not a living hope that they are giving.
What they're giving is a dead hope. What they're more like is like the Levitical priesthood of the
Old Testament, having to go back again and again and again and again, not to offer sacrifices, but to offer deliverances again and again and again, right, instead of the deliverance that Jesus provides once for all to those who belong to him.
This is like going back to some system which was never actually in place in the first place because it's invented, and then making the solution to their invention being that you have to, like, keep coming back to these people.
And so these are the three types of people. I don't know. Would you agree with that? Would you change or add any categories of people who are kind of the ones who are attracted to this stuff?
No, I think I'd agree with that, and I think that makes their judgment all the more severe. They're preying on weak and desperate believers and leading unbelievers into even more deception and sin.
I think it makes their judgment all the greater. Scary place to be. I would not want to be in that position.
Lord, help us to teach the word correctly so that we may not be ashamed of his appearing.
Let's move on now because we've only looked at one clip. Let's move on now to this next clip by Alexander Pagani.
According to Ephesians chapter 3 where it says, be angry, sin not, neither let the sun go down on your wrath.
And then the next verse says, neither give place to the devil. It doesn't say neither be possessed by the devil.
It says give place, which means that that particular area, there could be a malevolent entity there that's controlling it, that is pushing the believer, though they're fasting, though they're praying, towards a particular sin that they feel that they've lost control of.
All right. So Pagani says that in Ephesians 3, Paul is teaching there that we can give place to the devil if you go to bed angry.
It's actually not Ephesians 3. It's Ephesians 4 .26. Any thoughts on that? Yeah. So he says in verse 22, that in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new self, which is in the likeness of God and has been created in righteousness and holiness and truth.
Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth, each one of you, with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.
Be angry and yet do not sin. Do not let the sun go down in your anger and do not give the devil an opportunity.
He who steals must steal no longer, but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with the one who has need.
And then he says, let no one wholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.
Even there, okay, the apostle says nothing about the indwelling presence of the devil or demons in the life of a believer.
All he says there is, do not give the devil an opportunity.
An opportunity for what? He's saying, keep your eyes on Christ.
Satan is going to try to throw all kinds of things at you through other people.
Yeah, and I think in the context here, Ephesians 4, Satan's scheme would be to disrupt the unity of the church.
That's what Paul has been hitting on in Ephesians 4. So this is talking about how the devil would delight in the disruption of the unity of the church because of the church's sin.
If you sin against one another, that your unity is going to be disrupted, and the devil is going to delight in that.
It is not talking about how if you go to bed angry, you'll wake up with a demon. I think period.
This is not what it means. Yeah, I don't know. I don't get from that text that Pagani is quoting that do not to give an opportunity to the devil.
He's not saying an opportunity for the devil to indwell within you. That's not what he's referring to, and there's nothing within the context of Ephesians 4 that indicates that that's what he's referring to.
Agreed. Let's move on and see what Pastor Vlad has to say.
The demon controls an area of your life. It doesn't mean he controls it 24 -7. He controls it at your weak moments.
And so salvation is a progression. It's a three -stage progression. My spirit is saved. My soul is being saved, and my body will be saved.
And as part of this second progression of being saved, deliverance, sanctification, renewing of the mind, healing of the soul wounds is happening there.
So, David, I think you and I would agree that we believe that we are saved, and we are being saved, and we will be saved.
Right? You agree with that? Absolutely. Right. I think what we don't believe is that these stages of salvation are broken up to the different components of our being, body, soul, and spirit.
My spirit is saved. My soul is being saved. My body will be saved.
We would deny that, and this is just another instance of them using trichotomy to teach something false.
We would say, and I'd like to hear your thoughts as well, that it's the whole man.
The whole man is saved and is being saved and will be saved. Of course, glorification and the resurrection of the body is incorporated in that we'll be saved, but it is the whole man that is involved in the whole process of salvation.
What would you say to that? The author of Hebrews talks about the fact that we have not come to Mount Sinai, this mountain that can be touched, but you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living
God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the myriads of angels, to the general assembly in the church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.
I think it's really interesting how it says the spirits of the righteous made perfect.
What exactly was it that he said there? Which one is being saved? It says my spirit is saved because we have the
Holy Spirit indwelling us, but demons reside in the soul and the body. So right now my soul is being saved and my body will be saved.
All right, so isn't that interesting then? Because the author of Hebrews says that when you come to the heavenly kingdom, you come to what are called the spirits of the righteous who are made perfect.
The spirits of the righteous are made perfect in heaven. In other words, that what
I have right now, I am righteous, not by my own righteousness, but by a foreign righteousness which is supplied to me through faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ, and I am declared righteous, forensic justification.
God declares through faith in Jesus, God has declared me as righteous.
It's a righteousness which is by faith. All right, but I'm not perfect.
I am righteous, but as Luther says, I am simul justus et peccator, simultaneously in this world, just and sinner.
And because that is the case, my spirit will not be made righteous until I see the
Lord face to face, until my spirit ascends. Then, when that happens,
I will be the spirit of the righteous, made perfect. That's when
I will not have any more sin, when we slough the mortal coil, when we die and our souls ascend to be with the
Lord. We will be perfected. And then someday the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will rise and our mortal bodies will put on immortality and they also will be made perfect.
That this perfection is not found here at this time in this world.
It is only in that which is to come. And to say that, like, my spirit was saved, my soul is being saved, and my body is going to be saved, that's, again, a kind of a differentiation.
This is a wrong dividing of the word of truth. The Bible doesn't divide us in those terms.
The Bible doesn't say, my spirit was saved, my soul is being saved, and my body will be saved.
Like you say, it is the whole man. I was saved in the moment that the
Lord took out my heart of stone, gave me a heart of flesh, and I trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ. Which, for those of you who are watching,
I think it's important for us to understand something. That when, and I know Austin is also a
Calvinist like I am, that when we say, and this is maybe a little bit off topic, but I do think it's important, that when we say that regeneration precedes faith, we're not talking about chronologically.
We're talking about logically. Chronologically, regeneration and faith happen at the exact same moment, instantaneously.
When you are born again, you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. It happens instantaneously in a chronological sense.
It's the same time. But logically, regeneration must first happen, and then faith.
Why? Because the natural man, the mind of the natural man is death. The mindset on the flesh is death.
It is at enmity with God. So, I cannot, of my own volition, trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ. I will not do so by myself. My heart is hard toward God. I need to have my heart taken out, and then the
Lord replaces it with a heart of flesh. And at the moment where he does so, it is a heart which exhibits faith toward God.
But logically, the regeneration precedes the faith, not chronologically.
I hope that that makes sense. So, what we're saying, though, is this.
That at that moment, when we are regenerated and believe in the moment that we believe, we are justified, declared just by God.
And God's wrath is removed for us because Christ is our propitiation.
He takes our wrath. This foreign righteousness is applied to our account, and we are a justified person.
And what Romans 8 says is that those whom he justifies, he also glorifies in the golden chain of salvation.
So then, he doesn't say, the spirit that he justifies, then the body he will glorify.
He doesn't chop up man like that. You can't chop up the man. I am one man, body and soul.
Or, if you want to say, body and spirit. I am one man. And this one man was saved at faith in Jesus Christ.
I am being saved progressively, which is called sanctification. There is a process of being sanctified.
This is why Paul says, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work.
It's God is the one who both causes me to will, to want to follow him, and to do the good works that God has prepared in advance for me to do.
And that goes on throughout the entirety, however long or short, of my Christian life.
I am progressively walking with the Lord. At times, stumbling. At times, giving into the flesh.
And sinning, and repenting, and moving forward. And someday,
I will breathe my last, or the Lord Jesus Christ will return. One of those two things will happen.
And if he returns while I am alive. Look, I am pre -mill, man. I know you are mill.
I can still be your friend, Austin. When the Lord returns, those who are alive shall be changed in a flash, in a twinkling of an eye.
Even that is something akin to death. It is a changing of the body from a natural body into what
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15, a spiritual body. Something so strange.
It almost sounds like a contradiction. Spirit and body, but not spiritual body.
But whatever that is, we don't know what that is. Whatever that is, that's what we are going to become.
We will have a spiritual body. A body that has put on immortality, which is like Christ's body.
And at that time, we will be saved. That is glorification. So there is justification, where we are made right with God.
There is the sanctification, which is the Christians growing in the image of Christ, being molded more and more to look like Christ in our lives, which hopefully that's happening in all of us and bearing out the fruit of the
Spirit. And there is glorification, which will not happen until we meet
Jesus face -to -face. And when we see him face -to -face, we shall be like him. This is what Paul is talking about.
And this process happens through the life of every true Christian.
And it's the whole man. To say that one part of me is saved and the other is being saved, that doesn't make any sense at all.
So his argument is that my spirit is saved, but because they have this trichotomy, my soul hasn't been saved yet.
It's being saved now. Is that how you understand what he's saying? Yeah, I guess.
I mean, it's hard to make sense of. Like when you stop and consider it and start breaking it down, no matter what those good fatigues, it's really hard to make sense of that.
My soul is being sanctified, but my spirit isn't.
My spirit is good to go, but my soul is being sanctified. And as it's being sanctified, at the same time, it's just picking up demons, you know, that need to be cast out.
So I don't know. I think you said that great. I think you said that wonderfully. The whole man is justified. The whole man is being sanctified.
The whole man will be glorified. Hallelujah. Amen. Vlad is wrong.
This is invention of doctrine. They're inventing things that are not in the
Bible and then causing solutions to the inventions so that they can enrich themselves and get more followers.
That's what it really all comes down to. God has not given us. Now, wait a minute.
Who's the us? Lost people? Drunkards? Crack addicts? No, no, no. He's talking to the church.
He's talking to the church. It's a pastor talking to his sheep, his congregation. And he says, let me tell you what
God's not giving you. God's not giving you the spirit. Notice he didn't call it an atmosphere. He didn't call it an attitude. He said it's a spirit. It's a person without a body.
Fear is a spirit. Fear is demonic. So Pastor Apostle Greg Locke assumes or he's teaching outright.
He's teaching plainly that 2 Timothy 1 verse 7 means that the spirit of fear is an actual entity, person without a body, named fear, who
God has not given us, but will come upon us and even inhabit us if we give place to him, it, the spirit, the person without a body, the demon.
So these people are personifying the words of the apostle there and trying to hyper -literalize those words that they're saying
Paul is talking about a demonic person, an entity called fear.
Right. So let's just look at the context of 2 Timothy 1 verse 7 very briefly and just see if maybe we can make out what it means when
Paul writes spirit of fear. Verse 6, for this reason I remind you to kindle.
Well, let's go to verse 5. I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother,
Lois, and your mother, Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well. That sincere faith.
For this reason, I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity or fear or cowardice, but of power and love and discipline.
Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord or of me, his prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel, according to the power of God.
So what is the spirit of timidity, the spirit of fear, or the spirit of cowardice in reference to, based upon the context surrounding verse 7?
I think it's pretty clear. It is the temptation to be ashamed of the testimony of our
Lord and of Paul, his prisoner, and to be afraid to suffer for the gospel as Paul is suffering for the gospel.
That's exactly what Paul is saying. Paul is exhorting Timothy not to shrink back from his calling, not to shrink back from declaring the whole counsel of God and suffering, if necessary, for the sake of the gospel.
They're personifying fear as if fear is a person. This is what Greg Locke is doing.
He's personifying fear, whereas instead of calling it what it actually is, which is there is such a thing as a slavish, sinful kind of fear, instead of that and saying, look, if you feel that way, if you feel afraid, you need to repent of that fear and trust in Christ and keep your eyes upon Jesus who already walked to the cross for us.
Therefore, we will not go through anything which Christ himself has not also gone through.
Isn't that such a comfort to know that there's nothing in our life that we can ever go through, no suffering that we can ever go through where Christ has not already walked there, that he is a man of sorrows and familiar with sufferings, and because of that, we never have to be afraid of following him, that he calls us to follow him no matter what, even if it means to follow him to the death, and we should not be afraid of that because he's called us to it.
He's called us to it, and that's what Paul's referring to there, not some personified demon that's called fear.
Amen. Thank you for watching. I'm the Holy Gnope, and with me has been David Loving. Lord bless you.