Karen Swallow Prior: Analysis of Mid-tier Wizarding

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KSP is a mid-tier wizard. (let the reader understand) In this video we analyze one of her recent attempts to distract you with nonsense. Credit where it's due: I first heard of this idea of wizards and wizard spells from Big Bear himself, Owen Benjamin. (Now banned on YouTube)


All right. Well, happy Monday. Happy Monday everybody. I hope that you're having a good Monday I I sure am so far.
This has been a weird kind of start to the year for me I don't know about you, but last week was the first full week of the year
But it still seemed like people were on vacation and a lot of business wasn't getting done I don't know.
Hopefully this week is more productive for me and hopefully you're having a productive year so far anyway Before we get into this this video.
I wanted to say one thing. I've I've got a really good wife I really do and she is the kind of wife that does not have a problem
Calling me out if I need to be called out in a respectful way, of course She's not she's not quarrelsome or anything like that Anyway, we're looking for houses as I as I said in the last few videos and we've struck out three times in a row three offers three different houses
Three losses and it's been pretty weird circumstances, too. It's been pretty bad
Anyway, so yesterday I was just frustrated very frustrated And it was the
Lord's Day It was very inappropriate for me to be frustrating very inappropriate for me even be thinking about these things
But I was and she said to me she said isn't your thing for 2020 to be to reject despair?
To say you're right You're absolutely, right Man despair is one of those things that just it just catches you man
It just catches you you got to be you got to be on your guard all the time And anyway, let's jump into the video today.
I want to announce I want to do a few of these I don't know if there's gonna be a series, but I this is going to be something that I will do again
There's just no question about it because there's a lot of wizardry going on out there. That's right
There are a lot of wizards out there. Did you know this? Wizards, I've been talking about wizards every now and then and I'm not talking about sorcery, you know
Like people that are you know, controlling the dark realms and things like that doing incantations and things like that I'm not talking about that kind of wizard.
Although there are some sorcerers out there as well as let's just be honest But I'm talking about the like the
Wizard of Oz kind of wizards If you remember the Wizard of Oz, let me let me let you in on a little secret everybody Wizards don't typically do real magic
Wizards don't typically do real magic Most wizards are like the Wizard of Oz where their their wizardry is the art of distraction
Their wizardry is to have powerful sounding rhetoric which without actually saying much
And and they distract you from what the reality of the situation is So if you remember the Wizard of Oz in the movie, he had a hologram image of this like Imposing looking figure he had flames and pyrotechnics
He had a booming voice and big thunderclaps and things like that But in reality, that was a distraction you were supposed to focus on that But in reality, he was just a frail old man kind of a weirdo
Sitting behind a curtain pressing some buttons and speaking into a microphone That's what that's what a wizard really is.
And so you got to break down the wizardry You got to be able to spot a wizard at work and a wizard practices the art of distraction
That's what a wizard does a wizard practices the art of distraction that wizard It has wizard spells that doesn't really
I mean, it's it sounds pretty good But it's not really actually saying much of any value whatsoever
And let me introduce you to the first person. I will be analyzing for their wizardry
Karen Swallow Pryor the illustrious the conservative stalwart
Karen Swallow Pryor This is who Karen Swallow Pryor is in case you don't know her
That's there. She is There's years with her dog. Her dog looks terrified to be there
It's always something about someone who who likes animals a little too much if you know what I mean this dog looks like get me out of here
You remember from you ever tiny toons, what was that? What was that character from tiny toons? Oh, what's her name like Elvira or Elmira or something like that and she would just squeeze around but I love you
Anyway, she's obviously conservative.
Can't you tell I mean look at her conservative uniform. It means clearly a conservative person here anyway
So she tweeted something out yesterday Is miserable
Anyway, let me get to the point here. This is the wizardry. The dog is not part of the wizardry Then every wizard has an animal pet, you know,
I mean that that's that's true I mean a lot of wizards will have like a magical animal such as like a like a liger or You know like a unicorn or something like that, but Karen she's got a dog
She's got a dog a miserable looking dog. Anyway, so here's what her tweet says. I suppose there are less than obvious reasons why someone would attack the people speaking out against racism and abuse in the church and Then there's the obvious one now this is a
Prototypical wizard spell that's what it is. This is a wizard spell I don't know if you've ever heard a wizard spell before but this is a wizard spell
I suppose There are less than obvious reasons why someone would attack people speaking out against racism and abuse in the church
And then there's the obvious one now the whole point of this wizard spell is to trigger things in you
Because what this is going to do this wizard spell is going everyone that that agrees with her side of this issue
Which is the liberal progressive side. I know you've been told I've been told to she's a stalwart conservative
I know that's what you've been told but her side of this is the liberal side. I mean just just look at her
This is the progressive side Maybe the dog is actually conservative.
Maybe that's why he's so miserable. I don't know Anyway, so what this is supposed to do this tweet is supposed to say, okay
Well, she's not actually saying anything first of all because there's some less than obvious reasons and then there's some obvious reasons
Well, that's obviously true of anything of anything There's obvious reasons why people do things and then there's less obvious reasons why people do things
So there is no there is no wisdom here But this tweet does have the air of wisdom does it not and this is the point of a wizard spell when you when you see the wizard
Speaking or doing something you're supposed to think Wow How does he do it?
How does he do it? Wow, where does he get this wisdom? But really there's nothing here. This is this this tweet could be said of Anything but what is this supposed to do as opposed to trigger people that agree with her to be like, yeah
That's it the racist you see that's the obvious That's the obvious reason people speaking out against racism and abuse if you attack those people
Then you must be for racism and abuse or if you're not for it. You are a racist and an abuser
That's the obvious reason then there's less than obvious reasons to like, you know And in her mind the less than obvious reasons are are probably not the reasons although she's not saying that So this is the point of the wizard spell because you could come at this tweet and be like, well, what are you saying?
You're saying that Tom Askew is a racist because that's what she wants She wants to trigger you into saying something like that. Are you saying that Tom Askew is a racist and And she's gonna say
I didn't say that Guilty conscious that that's the point of the wizard spell supposed to get you to bite go too far with it
So she could be the victim because Karen Swalwell Pryor is a professional. Woe is me kind of victim
Oh the liberals hate me the conservatives hate me all that kind of stuff She's practicing the art of being a victim and everybody can see it.
I mean, I mean Smart women can see this and they don't like it I mean, you know if you have if you have a good woman, right if you have a good woman
Who's got a good head on her shoulders? She sees this kind of thing see see see women are very good at seeing through this kind of a wizard spell
It's just that simple. It's just that simple. And so anyway, so that's the point of this So so you have to understand like like she's not saying anything
So she wants you to bite and and maybe over commit so she can say well I'm not saying that but she does want to plant that seed.
That's what a wizard spell does it plants a seed in you? And so now any time anyone
Criticizes anyone who's speaking out against racism and abuse in the church about anything
In your mind what she's planting is. Well, there's the I mean Usually it's the easier, you know explanation
So it's there could be a good reason or a less than obvious reason that he's doing this But what's more likely is that the obvious reason is why they're doing this and so they must be a racist
They must be an abuser and that's obviously not correct.
That's not logically correct There's nothing logical about that at all. And it's unbiblical.
It's immoral to think this way. It's immoral to think this way because If somebody says hey,
I'm against racism, too But when when I see this person speaking out against racism, I see these biblical problems
X Y & Z and I also see Some reasons to believe that this person actually has some undergirding racial lenses to how they're seeing the world
So they're actually acting in a racist way and you can you can you can put all those Explanations out there and all that kind of stuff, but this tweet seeks to undermine that for more stupid people
Reasonable people don't don't don't don't don't fall for this wizard spell wizard spells are usually best for like the rank -and -file the dopes out there because because someone could say
Tom Askew can lay out his whole case in a very ordered and logical way and The people that fall for the wizard spell says yeah
But if you are speaking out against someone who's speaking out against racism, then you must be a racist
This is the wizard spell Because and let me show you how this works because I could say the same thing to Karen Swallow prior
I can say this Karen. You've attacked Tom Askew, right? Yeah. Yeah, you've attacked Tom Askew And I suppose there are less than obvious reasons why someone would attack someone that is such a strong proponent of the gospel of Jesus Christ And then there's the obvious one and what would that do?
What value does that tweet have? It has no value it has no value it's the same exact statement
She wouldn't use that of course against progressives Obviously, but she uses it against conservatives because she knows that her progressive allies the people that she
Is it's really for let's just be honest. This is the people she's for the progressives They don't think very deeply and they love this.
This is red meat for them Wizard spell man, this is a wizard spell the wizard can can can trick dopes
The wizard can trick of the fearful the wizard can trick people that have an axe to grind The wizard cannot trick someone who's got a good head on their shoulders.
They could see this stupidity for what it is This is stupid. This is stupid But Karen's not stupid.
See that's the other thing about this whole deal The fact that this is such an idiotic tweet
I mean, this is one of the stupidest things I've heard in 2020. There's only 13 days in a 2020
There's lots of room for someone else to take that crown. But right now Karen Swallow Prior has that crown the illustrious
Conservative Karen Swallow Prior has that crown This is the stupidest tweet I've read this year, but she's not stupid.
She's a wizard and You know how you know how you you know how you you know how you stop this kind of wizardry
You do it the way these guys have done it Jacob Brunton you just start telling the truth to a wizard
You see that's how you defeat the wizard the Wizard of Oz can be defeated All you have to do is have someone who has enough sense to go behind the curtain like Toto Pull the curtain and the wizards like That's what happened last week, by the way.
Oh, man Did you see all that stuff that was that was happening the SPC the great video?
With John Harris and the enemies within the church group great video and everyone's on the attack because they've just been exposed
The curtain has been pulled. Everyone can see behind it. They're like They're really not that powerful
They don't they ain't got no clothes on you know what I mean? That's how you that's how you defeat this kind of wizardry and that the reality is that the
ERLC the gospel coalition Big Eva in general is full of wizardry and Karis Karen Swallow Prior is is a mid mid tier wizard.
Let's just be honest. She's a mid tier wizard She's not a mover and shaker. She's a minion She's a minion and so she will she will do her her low -level spells here.
This is a low -level spell not very good But it's effective on a certain group of people.
It's effective on a certain group of people I feel like I have a little bit of Teflon on to be honest because I'm I'm sure she would still call me racist
But if she does it'd be the stupidest thing ever because obviously I'm not a racist I have not said anything racist and it would be stupid for me to be racist against blacks and Puerto Ricans because I am a black and a
Puerto Rican so Shouldn't have said that I'm not black, but I am African and native
That's that's probably what I should say to be a little bit more but yeah, man, this is the thing like like Big Eva is full of this kind of a statement and this kind of a statement is
Wizardry, it's intended to distract. It's intended to have an air of wisdom even though it is one of the dumbest things you could possibly
Think or read and the fact that this got a thousand likes and a hundred and twenty -two retweets means
That there are a lot of dopes out there but there are not as many dopes out there as they think there are
I Think there are a lot more people that have a good head on their shoulders a lot of women out there that can see through this ridiculously ridiculous statement ridiculously ridiculous
How's that for a statement from Karen Swallowpire the illustrious the conservative the stalwart of the biblical conservative faith
Karen Swallowpire they can see it for what it is and That's just that that's just the reality of the situation
We're gonna do a lot more of these because wizardry is very common in the gospel coalition and ERLC.
I hope this is helpful God bless But but seriously though like this dog man this dog he's like help
Send help. It's a good -looking dog though. I'll tell you that that's a cool -looking dog
And I'll say something else If this is not the face of a conservative