12 Days of Christmas Charity - Revisited!

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So what I thought I would do was to go through my My video series from last
Christmas the 12 days of Christmas charity now If you remember the 12 days of Christmas charity
It was about you know people that I liked and I had respect for at least a certain level of respect
That you might find surprising or that I felt like didn't like me very much
So people that I like that didn't like me imagine that there's people out there that I like that don't like me
Anyway, so I thought I'd go through and and see if I still like these people or if my opinion of them has changed and I have to say
I I Think I've officially been radicalized by YouTube and social media because I'm not bad and very good anymore.
Oh Man oh man. Oh, man. Yeah, so let's just start at the beginning and talk about the first video
We'll go through each of them. There were six videos each video had two people and Let's see.
Let's see how I'm doing here So the first video had Brad Mason and a mean Hudson now in all honesty
I have not kept up with the mean Hudson. I believe we've interacted a little bit this this year not too much though I just find a mean to be just very
You know in the beginning I thought he was a little bit better than most social justice warriors
But to be honest, you could just replace a mean with almost any social justice warrior and their opinions would be identical.
So I didn't watch this video about why I felt like he was so good I I feel like the big probably the big reason was the fact that he was willing to actually have a video
Conversation with me, which is pretty unusual but besides that Interchangeable with almost any social justice warrior
I mean you couldn't tell the difference between a means words and someone else's you know Like Eric Mason's words or something like that But I don't really know
I mean I still I guess I still like him because I really haven't followed up with him What I will say though is
I think I mean is still you know from from the little I do remember about that video
I think what I liked about him was that he's a little more honest than a lot of social justice warriors and I have no Reason to believe that that's not true.
So I Haven't kept up with them. And so I'm gonna give myself credit for still being right about a mean
Hudson So that's one for one. That's pretty good. That's pretty good Unfortunately, though Brad Mason Brad Mason is gross man.
You read his tweets and it's like You feel like you feel dirty after reading his tweets like you feel like you have to take a shower.
It's just so gross he's like I Often will retweet
Brad Mason and I'll say oh who's a good boy, you know Like something like that like he's like a little puppy because he really seems to work very very hard For the approval of like the
BD on yab. Well, he's like his little pet and some of these other like leaders of the black
Social justice movement and stuff like that. His tweets are just so ridiculous
I have Zero respect for Brad Mason at this point. I used though I used to respect him because he was very honest now
I will say though that I what I appreciate about Brad Is that lots of social justice wars?
Why how dare you? We're not critical race. There is a critical race there, but he owns it Give him credit give him credit where credit is due
Brad Mason is a critical race theorist He knows that what he's pushing is critical race theory. He highly respects critical race theorists
He recommends you read critical race there. I give him credit for that. But but the amount of the amount of just like he's
I imagine him like like on Twitter this is how I imagine him just like Just waiting for that pat on the head from the
BD, you know what I mean? He can't respect that at all. So one for two, so I'm 50 % on the first video.
That's pretty good 50 % on the first charity video. Let's go to the next one. We've got oh, this is it
This is a good one. Dwight McKissick and Christine pack. I Think I'm 0 for 2 on these because Christine.
Oh my goodness gracious. She is just so deranged She's one of the most deranged people that I've ever seen online and it's
Doug Wilson derangement for sure I I don't really get it. I Still don't understand what her big deal is
But I don't really care to even unpack that anymore get it unpack. I don't want to unpack
Christine pack So I don't I don't like her anymore I used to but a year of YouTube and 2020 has radicalized me so I don't like Christine anymore
So that's not gonna work and then Dwight McKissick as well Like Dwight McKissick is such a weasel
Like he I give him credit for being a little more honest than most social justice warriors
So I was I was right about that, but he's so manipulative He's one of the most manipulative people of all time
The SPC will be better when he eventually leaves by the way guys Dwight is gonna Dwight is going to leave the
SPC like that's going to happen So stop trying to please him. You will never please Dwight McKissick.
He is Unappeasable. He is he is he is the Definition of someone who's divisive and factious.
He will never ever ever be pleased Don't even attempt to try to please Dwight McKissick.
It is a fool's Errand, he is committed to divide it dividing people.
He is committed to hating on white people. He is committed It's the it's his core identity
You'd be an idiot to try to appease Dwight McKissick. Don't be an idiot So I don't
I mean he blocked me a while ago, so I don't really follow him that close Of course, I see screenshots and stuff like that and he's causing trouble like he's he's gonna do is just that simple so I retract this entire video 12 days of Christmas charity from Dwight and Christine pack, so I'm one for four.
That's not so good anymore Let's go to the next video the next video was two for as well and It was charity towards the
ERLC and the gospel coalition Twitter admins. Excuse me, and I I thought that they were bots.
That's why I put this robot here But but yeah I'm gonna end up being one for six here because I'm gonna have to retract this entire video right now because my
Mission and this is a mission that I think I will not be able to accomplish alone.
We have to do it together my mission for the next year or a couple years is to To have it be so that when somebody sees that you're sharing an
ERLC article or a gospel coalition article that they instantly know It's fake news.
It's just I want it to be treated like MSNBC would be treated I want I want people to read the next the next
Joe Carter article the way they read the next Paul Krugman Article it's like oh you're a shill obviously, you know, you know what
I mean? Like that's what I want I want this to be I want to defeat gospel coalition and ERLC.
I want it to be relegated to the tabloids That's what I'd like. That's what I'd really like for Christmas.
So if anyone has any last -minute Gifts that they want to get me The complete destruction of the
ERLC and the gospel coalition. So I have to retract this entire video as well one for eight
I'm not doing very well here and I have to say I've been significantly radicalized by YouTube You can blame social media all you want and gospel coalition will blame social media all you want
But I just call it a year of growing up and growing mature and coming to my senses.
So that's what we have here This is an ABC News special report
Breaking news Today is December 23rd 2020 and I needed to interrupt this program to let you know that AD Robles Still has not received the corona virus vaccine either the one by Pfizer or Moderna or bio and buy on buy on tech
Buy on tech neither of them. He has not received it Although he did rub an alcohol pad in his arm earlier today back to you
All right now the next video was about Todd Pruitt and our
Scott Clark our Scott Clark Has I missed on that one as well? He the last interaction
I had with our Scott Clark, and I don't I don't follow him. I don't read screenshots I don't care what our
Scott Clark is up to at all But the last interaction I had with him was he asked me if I had a degree if I had an
MDiv or something like that and And I said no and then he blocked me
That degree is very ultra important to our Scott Clark if you don't have a degree
How could he even communicate the massive intellect that he has in his brain? He can't even communicate with a commoner
That's so ridiculous, I I love that I love the people that really think that their degree puts them in a certain category where it's like you're special and if you don't have that degree then you're not in that category like I I love that kind of stuff that kind of Attitude because those people are so easy to own.
They're so easy to own like Do you even have an MDiv do you even do you have you ever even do you even know the
Greek language like? Unbelievable so our Scott Clark is definitely off the list
Todd Pruitt's on the list though I did a video where I was pretty hard on Todd Pruitt, and I don't regret it because I think
Todd Pruitt It's called Todd Pruitt's nice guy routine And I don't regret it at all because because because Todd Pruitt Though I like him and I like his content, and I think
I've actually learned a lot from Todd Pruitt I like I like a lot of what he says, but his nice guy routine is going to be what kills
The evangelical movement in the United States. We can't play footsie with enemies We just can't do it
III and I know that there's a case to be made for being For being for not being intemperate.
You know what I mean? I know that but the thing is like there has to be hard lines drawn We have to be able to clearly identify the enemy and treat them as such doesn't mean you don't love them
But it does mean that you don't put up with them You don't play footsie with them that kind of thing and Todd Pruitt and his style is just too willing to do that I still like Todd Pruitt, so that's two that's two out of ten.
I think that's pretty good Or rather two out of eight rather, so that's good All right, so then see did it it did then
I had I did a funny episode where I talked about my two trolls Nelson's Rudolph and oh brother. I haven't really followed them too much
I don't know if they comment on my stuff anymore, so I still like them I guess but they're off the list and they don't count because I don't really comment anymore and then
Joel McDermott and John Reasoner I Respected I haven't followed these guys either
I just I've lost the taste for reading Joel McDermott and John Reasoner stuff John reasoner kind of strikes me as the
The the meme you know actually like you know that guy that always interrupts your conversation actually it's like this
It's like that's how John Reaser strikes me Joel McDermott. I just I've lost the taste for reading his stuff.
I did a video That was a little bit covert, and I have to be honest like I I apologize for this because I wasn't as straightforward as I could
But I did a video about Gary North and about a fantastic book that Gary North wrote about Liberation theology and tying it to Marxism well
Gary North actually wrote an article for for for Lamb's Reign about how it's stupid if anyone's talking about Marxism these days and It's why
I did the the video was like well That's not what Gary North said a couple decades ago about liberation theology, which is very clearly
Being taught these days So we you know if you if you you either believe Gary North then or you believe him now like there's something going on here
And so I just I don't know I just I can't I I I don't have the taste for it I just can't read it anymore, so I don't find it interesting
I don't find it helpful or worth responding to in any way a lot of people have lamented to me
You know you know what happened to Joel McDermott, and I I I don't know what happened And I don't really care to find out he's obviously changed his perspective on certain things
I think he's I think he's open about that so if you want to ask Joel McDermott What happened to him just ask him you know what
I mean? I don't know what happened to him, but he knows And he realizes he's changed his perspective on certain things
I don't think he's hiding it, and I respect that I respect somebody that that when they change they don't
Pretend like they've never changed you know what I mean like that's one of the most annoying things when somebody Obviously has changed their perspective, and then they're like well.
I believe the same thing for decades. You know what I mean Joel I don't think Joel's doing that. I don't think Joel's doing that.
I think he's open about How he's in areas. He's changed. You know why he's changed and stuff like that I totally respect that so that would be three three out of the twelve that I was right about that's not a very well in Baseball that's a good batting average
Actually, no, it's not in baseball. That's not a good plans average Oh, man
So I think I'm just too charitable. That's my problem. I think I think that's my big problem. I'm just too charitable
What do you guys think? Honestly do you think that's a problem of mine? I know that's gonna sound crazy to some because I know a lot of people will criticize me for being hyper critical
Well, I found this hilarious somebody somebody shared one of my videos and somebody in the comments
Said I like a D what he says, but I don't like how he says he's hypercritical and I just find that so hilarious because It's like well,
I find that hyper critical I mean, don't you think like hyper criticals in the eye of the beholder kind of thing?
Like I find that criticism of me hyper critical So but no, but seriously some people think
I'm hyper critical and some people think I'm too charitable and I my own my own Analysis of myself.
It's hard to analyze yourself. You know what I mean? Sometimes But I've thought a lot about myself and my my deficiencies and my weaknesses and what
I'm strong at I've thought a lot about about that the last couple years and I think that not that I'm too willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but I think that in many ways
I'm I'm too willing to to overlook
Serious deficiencies. I do think that about myself. I don't know. I don't know. I mean it's hard. It's again
It's very hard to analyze myself and of course if I really If I think that I've done that I try to change right like I obviously
I don't know what I don't know I'm blind to the stuff. I'm blind to you, of course But I do think that I think that on the side if you're gonna if you're gonna say well
Do I err on the side of being charitable? Do I err on the side of being? Being too critical.
I personally believe I'm too charitable. I'm More charitable than I ought to be that's my opinion.
I and I don't mean that as a humble brag I don't think that's a good thing. I think that's a bad thing And so I'm trying to think of ways to sort of alleviate that and to help with that Without turning into like the guy that thinks everyone's a heretic except for myself you see that's why
I haven't changed as much as I maybe ought to have because I don't want to be like that guy the Where it's like everyone's a heretic and no matter no matter how small the thing is
I have to blast him and things like that and I've got methods for kind of thinking about this and I've got certain areas where I'm more charitable in other areas
But anyway, I don't know man, this is just kind of like a stream of consciousness thing. What do you guys think? What do you guys think?
I know you guys most of you guys who watch the channel like me so you might be a little bit easy on me But I I this is my opinion.
I don't know. I think I'm I think I'm too charitable I mean even if you look at this like 12 days of charity only three of them
Do I feel the same way about Joel McDermott? Todd Pruitt and what was the other one?
I mean, I guess but but I don't really follow a mean So it's almost like two out of twelve. That's pretty bad
That is pretty bad. So Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.