The Solitariness of God is Witnessed in His Sovereignty (Isaiah 46)



But I I think we're good today. So today we are going to be in Isaiah chapter 46 for today
And you might be asking yourself, but that's not the book of Philippians. That's where my bookmark is, right?
That's where we have been we have been in the book of Philippians. However today This week while trying to study for the book of Philippians I I found it that my mind kept on taking me to other places
And so I I thought what would be a great text? What's been a text? It's been upon my mind here recently in Isaiah 46 is it it's actually been on my mind ever since the month of February So I'm really excited to go through this a couple of quick concerns that I want to make sure that everybody in here knows about Typically last week
I preached on two verses and it was a longer message. I won't lie I did go over what the time
I would desire to go over and so You might be alarmed to look at the whole chapter of Isaiah 46
Just know that we're gonna be maybe going through verses a little bit more rapid than what we typically do So I hope that doesn't cause too much alarm another thing to be alarmed about is that this is actually one of the very first texts
I was able to ever preach on and It was an hour and a half So So the wife the wife says to buckle up so Isaiah 46
I do I do hope to go through these things more rapidly and still being able to take the truths of this text and glorify
God with them, so This is the Word of God. We are today just to prepare our minds.
We are doing communion today We are doing communion a little bit different today So at the end of the message we're gonna go through those things what the thought processes of the elders are on this and the reason why we're
Looking at things a little bit differently when it comes to the Lord's table Okay, so Isaiah 46, let's go ahead and pray over this text before we read it.
Let's pray Lord God as We have talked about already Lord We would ask that the truths of your word in this text would
Be utilized in our minds to glorify you that these truths of who you are would be instilled in our walk for that tomorrow
When you when we go about in our lives Lord that we would not forget what you have here for us
Lord so God Speak to us through your word Lord.
Let us not add a single word front to it Let us not have to take a single word away, but let it speak the truth that it is inspired
Lord So God we ask these things in your name Jesus Christ. Amen Amen Another little change
I'm gonna ask you please stand with me. This is a wonderful text Let's stand in reverence to this text here in Isaiah 46, and I'm sorry
I do not know why the mic is doing that. It's been doing some strange things these last couple of weeks If it does that again,
I'll try to switch to a different mic here, but Isaiah chapter 46. Let's read this whole chapter right now as a church
Bell Has bowed down Nebo Stoops over their images are on the beasts and the cattle
The things that you carry are burdensome a load for the weary beasts they stooped over They have bowed down together
They could not rescue the load but have themselves gone into captivity
Hear me Oh House of Jacob and all the remnant of the house of Israel You who have been burdening me from birth and have been carried from the womb
Even to your old age I will be the same and even to your graying years
I will bear you I have done it and I will carry you and I will bear you and I Will rescue you to whom would you liken me and Make me equal and compare me that we would be alike
Those who lavish gold from the purse and weigh silver on the scale They hire a goldsmith and he makes it into a god they fall down indeed.
They worship it They carry it upon the shoulders and bear it.
They set it in its place and it stands There it does not move from its place
Though one may cry to it. It cannot answer it cannot save him from his distress
Remember this and be assured cause it to return to your hearts you transgressors
Remember the former things long past for I am God and there is no other
I Am God and there is no one like me Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done saying my counsel
Will be established and I will accomplish my good pleasure Calling a bird of prey from the east the man of my counsel from a far country
Truly I have spoken Truly, I will bring it to pass. I have formed it.
Surely I will do it Hear me you stubborn of heart who are far from righteousness.
I Bring near my Righteousness, it is not far off in my salvation
Will not delay and I will grant salvation in Zion and My glory for Israel.
This is the Word of God. Let's go ahead and be seated as we pray Lord God, I would ask today that our minds our hands our
Daily things that we do Lord that we would not ever try to make you into something that you have created
Let us not try to make you or compare you to anything other than who you are as revealed in Scripture Lord Lord God, though we do not have
Goldsmith's like we did in this day Lord. We have false gods in our lives
Around us in this world So Lord, let us be assured
Cause it to return to even our own hearts as it did to the hearts of these individuals that this message was given to that we might remember the former things long past and know that you are
God and that there is no other and that there's no one like Lord let us be assured of this today.
We ask this in your holiest name Jesus the Christ. Amen So as we made mention of earlier we've been in the book of Philippians And every single time we open that text up.
It's a running context. We understand what's going on in this chapter in this book We're jumping right into the middle of it.
We we don't know what's come before We don't know what's coming after it because this is a topical message for today
So I want to be somewhat short and reminding us of what's going on here in the book of Isaiah, but Isaiah chapter 46
We actually quoted from earlier in the book of Philippians We quoted from this earlier in the book of Philippians where it says at the name of Jesus Christ Every knee will bow every tongue will confess and that's very words just prior to this chapter in Isaiah 45 verse 23 that to me every knee will bow and every tongue will swear allegiance
And so the book of Philippians is already attributed to whom is
Jesus Christ The God the one and only God that spoke this text here in Isaiah That's the testimony of all scripture that even in Isaiah chapter 6 when
Isaiah sees God sitting upon his throne John 12 says he saw him and spoke of his glory speaking of Jesus So when we see this text, we cannot divorce
Isaiah from the New Testament and think that oh, this is a different way This is a different individual a different being that God was not the same then and the same today that he's different No, we can't say that why because the text explicitly says so that he is the same
We talked about this in the book of Hebrews this last week for Bible study that God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow that Christ Jesus himself is the same yesterday today and tomorrow and So when we read this text though, it was written in a day.
That was not our own There's truths in here that are very important for the day like our own
So Isaiah chapter 46, this is written by Isaiah He's writing it to a obstinate sinful nation of Israel a
People who actually have deserted away from God's promises as we had the kids read today about these covenant of works that this required
Obedience did the nation of Israel were they obedient to God? No, they weren't
And so Isaiah is prophesying about a day When so Isaiah he's writing this around this the time of 70 40
BC all the way to set the year 700 BC in that time frame It's gonna be years before they go into captivity.
So he's prophesying. He's prophesying about a day Israel You have been sinful. Guess what's coming to you?
The hand of Babylon is gonna take you captive Babylon is going to put you underneath the yoke of slavery
You're gonna become to them and you're gonna be held You're gonna be taken from this promised land and it's gonna be terrible
However, God is also prophesying through this prophet Isaiah here by saying some remarkable things in this text
We are gonna see direct fulfillment From the King Cyrus who was a type and shadow of Jesus Christ himself
This is known as dual fulfillment that even though King Cyrus was a type of Christ It wasn't fully it wasn't fully fulfilled until Christ himself came
Right, so this is known as dual fulfillment. It's important to understand these things So here in verse 1 of Isaiah chapter 46, it says
Bell has bowed down Nebo skips over. What is this painting for us?
What kind of position are these statues in when it talks in this text for us? Bell sits all down Nebo has bowed down.
What is it picturing for us? Is it a false God that is standing in a wreck or a false God that has been?
Broken and taken down to its knees falling before the people It's talking about a false
God that has suffered destruction. It's what it's talking about in this text Their images
Are on the backs of the beasts of the cattle What's remarkable about this is that this literally took place.
This was a historical event That when King Cyrus the with the the Medo and Persians they come in they conquer
Babylon They take the statues of all the different gods that they had created
Is there a single one today that still stands erect like it did that day Bell has bowed down Nebo has stooped over and what did what happened to them?
They were dragged out of the city on the backs of cattle a load for the weary beast
If we had more time today, we would go in today to talk about how our idols. What do they do? Do they weigh us down or they give us relief?
They weigh us down. They take us away from God where we have ultimate freedom in the yoke of Christ They weigh us down just like the weight of these false gods
Burdened the cattle of that day. So to our idols do our own backs But What do they do they stooped over they had bowed down together meaning that they were conquered at the same time
And when were they conquered? This is a great question ask when were these idols conquered were they conquered when
Daniel was first taken into captivity to Babylon? No, they were being erected at that time
King Nebuchadnezzar erected an idol of himself right there When do these things happen?
When the king comes in and conquers them That is when the false gods fall down Listen to what kind of these false gods what they're able to do
What were they able to accomplish in the end of their lifetime these false gods Nebo and Bell? They could not rescue the load meaning that that they couldn't even bear their own weight
That these things weren't just small things these things were large things and guess what they didn't actually give any relief for anybody
That they only caused a burden for individuals That's all that they ever did they were a load
They could not rescue the load that the gods himself cannot rescue it but have themselves gone into captivity now
This is remarkable to consider because Isaiah again is prophesying about Israel being taken into captivity
What is the ultimate result of Babylon and their false gods
Captivity You could ask nation of Israel who has gone into a foreign nation in a foreign land
Who is the victory who isn't who's won in that day of Daniel you go and ask that to a common?
Israel light and one that was actually bowing the knee to King Nebuchadnezzar and guess what there is their response would most likely be
Babylon won They won we lost we're here we're
Babylonians now we we've lost this we they won but Isaiah is saying
You're gonna lose for a moment, but guess what? God's going to win
That this king this foreign king is gonna come from the east and he will conquer them.
He will conquer them So who has ultimately won? King Cyrus Or the
Babylonians Well in the event of this battle that has talked about this conquering of King bout of King Cyrus He absolutely won but it
King Cyrus died Does he have a grave that he's still even with us to today
Right even he didn't even ultimately win who is the only king that has ever won Up from the grave he rose we just we're singing this right our
King has won Hear me Oh house of Jacob So here is
Isaiah saying here God here God wants them to hear all the nation of Israel.
Hear me Oh house of Jacob and All the remnant of the house of Israel.
So the remnant speaking about the faithful ones those that are still having faith in Yahweh They still have faith in the promises.
They still have faith in God himself Who You Who have been burdening me from birth?
So so the nation when they were first even formed when they first were born each individual. What have they been doing to God?
Burdening him meaning that they're sinning against him. They're continually evil towards him
Again We asked the children this today. What what is this covenant of life? It was a covenant of obedience that man was required to obey
God and man broke that God kept on making covenants with these individuals over and over and over and over again.
And what kept on did what did they keep on doing? Breaking those covenants.
They were continually disobedient They were burdening Him in this way now
We have to pause here because in this text we see something that's very remarkable that when when
God communicates to us There there's to a certain extent. Is there anything in this world that can really?
Besides Jesus Christ because he is the direct image of the invisible God. He is the exact representation
Is there anything in this world that we can compare God to and make an equal with? No, so when it talks about burdening in this text, it's not saying that God himself was was getting physically exhausted, right?
Because what does that mean that he has a stamina level right and that he's changing right that yesterday?
He was a little bit more refreshed. He had more coffee. And then today he's now more burden That's can't be the way that we understand this text
The burdening that it is talking about in this text is that God has sent prophet after prophet after prophet unto his own people
Revealing things to them telling them about things calling them to repentance and what have they continually done?
Sinned disobeyed and rejected That's what they continually do. They they're burdening
God in this way even Let me pause and let's go back to verse three here and have been carried from the womb
Who is continually carrying this nation these individuals from the womb? God is
We the reason I point this out is when we look at the entirety of the Old Testament as a whole and we look at each one of the books each one's the
Stories each one of the figures even in this women's Bible study as we looked at Sarah That is not great
So even just as Can you guys hear me if I just talk loud enough? Okay, so even in the days of these individuals
Was God not sovereignly showing what the end result was going to be was that the Christ was going to come?
That's what he promised back in the garden That through the woman the seed will come and will he will crush the head of the serpent and you will bruise him on the hill
He promises it back. Then he promises it to Abraham through your seed
All the nations will be blessed Galatians 3 says that seed was Christ We see over and over and over again that there's a sovereign plan and purpose
Even through the sinful actions of man that is taking place even in this text.
We'll see this here in a moment So who is carrying this nation of Israel from the womb? God is because he's sovereign.
He has a plan and a purpose for them He says then even to your old age
I will be the same So when you change physically when you change from day to day your opinions your thoughts your your appearance your hair length when you change
I Will stay the same Even to your graying years.
I will bear you. I Have done it and I will carry you.
This is God notice the pronouns in here. Does he say anyone else? Does he say you will be carried by this person or this being and he says
I will do this Yahweh himself the all -powerful
God that we worship says I am the same When you change I do not
What is this known as this is a theological term known as immutability Listen brothers and sisters, this is this is remarkable to consider look
The God who has saved us is the same God before creation ever happened in Genesis 1 when it says in the beginning
God it means that there was a time where God was just alone as being God that he was the same
God today as he was then He hasn't changed at all To whom
Would you liken me let me pause here first and let's look at here at Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 through 3
God Having spoken long ago to the fathers and the prophets in many portions and in many ways in these last days has spoken to us
His son whom he appointed heirs of all things through whom he also made the worlds who's the radiance of his glory and the exact representation of his nature and Upholds All -things by the power of his word by the word of his power
Who having accomplished? Cleansing for sins sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high
When you read this text and you see I will carry you I will bury you you must know that that is speaking of the
Exact same theological truth that is spoken of in Hebrews chapter 1 that he upholds all
Things Jesus Christ himself will uphold all things.
He's still doing so today to whom would you liken me and Make me equal and compare me that we would be alike to whom would we do this church to to what?
What false God would we ever elevate to being that like our one and only triune God? What about Nebo does
Nebo compare to our one and only God What about bail? What about the riches of this life what about any form of self -righteousness that we have
What about your other silly small false gods? Do they compare to the one and only powerful all -powerful
God? They do not and We cannot
I I can't be clear in saying this we cannot as Christians Try to lower
God to any other false God of this world To do so would be not to admire him in the proper place of who
God is This Theological principle of immutability that has been spoken of on this text is also
Paired with the solitarious. I can't even say that word that God alone is in a class himself
That we cannot take him and try to make him like us To do so would be guess to what we'd be making a
Nebo. We'd be making a bail We'd be making a false God to do such
Who are we gonna compare our God to When we do such we are no better than these
Babylonians who made false gods out of metal Those who lavish gold from the purse and weighed silver on the scale
They hire goldsmiths and he makes it into a God they fall down indeed. They worship it
If you want I would encourage you to please turn with me to Romans chapter 1 verse 18 through 25
Romans chapter 1 verse 18 through 25 Romans 1 verse 18 through 25 says this for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of Men who suppress the truth and unrighteousness
So men what do men do they suppress the truth and they do this in unrighteousness? Because that which is known about God is evident within them
For God made it evident to them all man in all places at all times have always known that there is one
God For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes both his eternal powers and divine nature
Have been clearly seen being understood through what has been
Made so they are without excuse creation shouts that there is a creator
Yet we have people that deny such For even though they knew God they did not glorify him as God or give thanks
But they became futile in their thoughts and their foolish heart was darkened
Professing to be wise they became fools and exchanged the listen to this brothers and sisters and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible
God for an image in the likeness of a corruptible man and of a bird and a four -footed animals and crawling creatures
Therefore God gave them over Gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity so that their bodies would be dishonored among them for they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and Worshipped and served the creature rather than the creator who is blessed forever.
Amen what happens when we create a false God or what happens if we take the one and only
God and we try to Exchange the glory of the truths of who he is and we exchange that for what we can understand a man
Four -footed beast and we lower him from whom he really is. What happens we exchange the truth of God for a lie
Can you and I worship a lie and be saved Faith is only as good as the object that we put it in and if we have faith in a lie and a
God that is not the one and only God and we bow down and we worship it. Does that God take the burden from our backs?
No, it has only created a burden. It's no better than the days of Babylonia about Babylon Turn back with me to Isaiah 46 if you would
I want you to hear
What verse 7 says? They carry it upon the shoulders and bear it.
It does not move from its place meaning It's a God that doesn't really do anything. It's a false God. It just stands there
Who's the one that's moved this false God man is the one that has moved this false
God Man is better than this false
God Man has the authority over this false God to do with this false
God. Whatever man would like to do Who is the sovereign in this text when we consider this?
Man is When there's a false God and we can move it around who's the one that has the authority to shape the hand to whatever image we want
Who has the right to shape the nose of this false God to whatever image they want?
What about putting them in an action pose we can think about all these Greek Statues and all these different poses that they were in who have the authority to make them into those statues
We have to run away from any sort of man -centered theology that we possibly could ever have with inside of us
Because what will it create a False God that is shaped to our own image to what we want to have
God be rather than who God is Remember this
Remember this brothers and sisters remember this. This is what the text says. I want you to be the one that has the authority to shape the hand I want you to to remember this
Remember this and be assured God says that this is going to assure us in our thoughts of who God is remember this be assured
We can't even read the next sentence without saying that we are we we need to preach this to ourselves
And this principle is to do what this text even says it is to cause it to remember your heart
You transgressor so cause it so so take this truth of God make your heart know this preach it to yourself
Why am I pausing on this and making it clear that we have to preach this to ourselves? because Mankind will exchange the truth of God for a proverb of ash
Or a thought of a tear ickling a tear ear tickling saying or any of those wonderful Bad theological home decor models that we might see in somebody's house
This is a hard saying brothers and sisters, this is the word of God though remember this and be assured
Remember the former things long past For I am
God And there is no other I am God And there is no one like me
Declaring the end from the beginning And from ancient times things which have not been done saying my counsel
I Will I I will be established my counsel will be established
And I will accomplish all my good pleasure Brothers and sisters remember this
Preach it to your hearts. Do not forget this the thing that separates the one and only
God From all other false gods is actually the sovereignty of God Why did the false gods ever move from their places
Do the false gods ever pre pre dict declare predestine the future
Did they ever bring about the wonderful story of the christ did they ever do that?
No They stood there They stayed there and man went about What separates our one and only
God from the idols of this world It's because our
God has declared the end from the beginning And all things that take place
Are according to this plan and he says I will accomplish all my good pleasure
The same God That has always been this one and only God has never changed
He has created all of creation Why do we think for a moment that this one and only
God that upholds all things would ever change that? He doesn't he won't he can't
Because he is the same yesterday today and tomorrow though. Our hairs will change. He stays the same
You might sound say that this sounds strange brayden and doesn't make sense to me consider this
Consider this. I want to read to you a quote from a brother in christ named james white. He says this christians believe
That a virgin gave birth to the son of god Is this not just as foolish as believing
God is sovereign? Not the author of evil And that we are responsible
Christians believe that this baby was fully god and fully man infinite and finite at the same time
Is this not just as foolish as believing God is sovereign? Not the author of evil and that we are responsible
Christians believe god almighty spent his infancy being taken care of by a woman nurse and diapered
Is this not just as foolish as believing god is sovereign not the author of evil and that we are responsible
Christians believe that god almighty had a job. He was a carpenter Is this not just as foolish as believing god is sovereign not the author of evil and that we are responsible?
Christians believe that a man deemed to be a criminal by his own people And by the governing powers was god and flesh
God almighty the most powerful force that is was nailed to a cross and died in weakness
Is this not just as foolish as believing god is sovereign Not the author of evil and that we are responsible
Christians believe that god has communicated to us via a book The book is perfect, even though written by sinful human hands
The book is authored by god the holy spirit Is this not just as foolish as believing god is sovereign not the author of evil and that we are responsible
This of course, this is what james says this of course is only a partial list
We could go on exploring more facets of christian theology theology
Christians often forget the deep mysteries of the faith There are simply facets of christianity that can't be dissected philosophically or understood completely but god's sovereignty
And human responsibility is just as mysterious as all of those things listed above We have to when we take god brothers and sisters
We can't just pick and choose and and believe on what we want to make sense of We can't just we can't just pick and choose the parts of god that we want to Want to make our own false god out of we have to take all of the truths of god listed in his word
And that's who he is We have to make a class that is totally unique to whom god is and recognize that and know that Because is there anything else like god?
No We just read that from the inspired word. Nothing else is like him I would echo
Another quote from a wonderful brother in christ named ch spurgeon charles spurgeon on this topic as well
And you might even be thinking this to yourself. So let's let's let's address it You will say this morning it's now 12 10, so it's this evening this afternoon now you will now say this morning
Our minister is a fatalist Your minister is no such thing Some will say ah, he believes in fate.
He does not believe in fate at all. What is fate fate is this? Whatever is must be
But there is a difference between that and providence providence says Whatever god ordains must be
But the wisdom of god never ordains anything without a purpose Everything in this world is working for some one great end
Fate does not say that fate simply says that the things must be providence says god moves the wheel along And there they are if anything would go wrong god puts it right
And if there is anything that the world that would move awry He puts his hand and alters it he comes to the same thing
But there is a difference as to the object. There is all the difference between fate and providence
That there is between a man with good eyes and a blind man fate is a blind thing
It is an avalanche crushing the village down below and destroying thousands Providence is not an avalanche
It is a rolling river Rippling At the first like a rail down the side of the mountain
Followed by minor streams till it rolls in the broad ocean of everlasting love work
Working for the good of the human race The doctrine of providence is not that what is must be but that what is works together for the good of our race
And especially for the good of the chosen people of god The wills are full of eyes
Not blind wills Romans 8 28 for we know that god causes all things to work together for the good of those who love god to those
Who are called according to his purpose? Consider this truth when it comes to the time of israel in the day of isaiah
They have not been defeated yet as a nation. It's the year 700 bc Yet god says to them
Remember in the days the past the days before that I have declared predestined your captivity
The worship of false idols the erection of the false gods The pagan people in the nation whom will enact judgment against the holy nation of israel
And god has also predestined the release of the captives through the actions of a king
This teaches us that in all these actions there was always purpose That was what separates god from the false gods was the sovereignty of god who predestined their creation and their defeat
It's according to his good pleasure This is a remarkable theological truth a mystery to us that must be handled with care and precision
But it is a theological truth nonetheless Look here now
And just think through this why is this so important because he's declared the ends from the beginning And from ancient time things which have not been done saying my council will be established and I will
Accomplish all my good pleasure Calling a bird of prey from the east now. This is a very very strange thing to hear right calling a bird of prey from east king cyrus
Was known as this bird of prey And if you look at a map during these years
Israel Is israel, right? Where is babylon located at? To the east of them, where was israel taken into captivity at to the east of them?
Where is medo -persia Where did king cyrus himself come from? to the east of babylon
To the east of babylon, so this is a true prophecy about king cyrus, but listen to this this also has theological implications for us, too genesis 3 24
So he drove the man So after they broke this promise this covenant of life as we read with the little ones today
And at the he so he drove man out and at the east of the garden of eden
He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way To the tree of life, where was adam and eve cast into to the east?
They were cast eastward Which way does the king have to come to conquer the people if he's from the east which way does he have to go?
to the west brothers and sisters
Jesus is this king that it prophesies about as well That jesus has taken his captives
The people of his own choosing he has taken them back westward to where the garden is
Back To promised land back to these things. That's what we see in all the book of hebrews that there's a better country
That is awaiting us a heavenly one christ himself has done this
Calling a bird of prey from east the man of my counsel from a far country Truly I have spoken truly.
I will bring it to pass. I have formed it. Surely I will do it Hear me
You stubborn of heart Who are far from righteousness? I bring near My righteousness it is not far off and my salvation will not delay
And I will grant salvation in zion and my glory for israel
Hear this stubborn hearts That reject the sovereignty of god The righteousness that was brought near in the work of christ exists only
In the blood -pierced hands of a sovereign god It can't exist anywhere else
Because that's a false god. That's one that we've shaped in our own mind. We've set it upon a pedestal and it is wrong
So Acts 4 27 28 says this for truly in this city There were gathered together against your holy servant.
Jesus whom you anointed both herod Pontius pilate along with the gentiles and the people of israel to do whatever your hand and your purpose predestined to occur
When you read isaiah 46 to god Sovereignly predestined according to his own counsel the captivity of israel itself
Yeah, he prophesies about it he promises it he says remember this day so that you can remember that i'm sovereign
Even in the being of christ it says All that evil sin all those people that were gathered against me.
Why did they gather against me? To do whatever god had predestined to do
There was purpose in it and what is this purpose? I will grant salvation zion in my glory for israel
Behold days are coming says the lord when I will complete a new covenant with the house of israel with the house of judah
Not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of The land of egypt for they did not continue in my covenant and I did not care for them says the lord
For this is the covenant that I will make with them with the house of israel after those days says the lord
I will put my laws into their minds and upon their hearts I will write them and I will be their god and they shall be my people
And they shall not teach everyone his fellow citizen and everyone his brother saying no the lord For all will know me from the least to the greatest of them for I will be merciful to their iniquities and I will remember their sins no more
What is this covenant in the book of hebrews? What have we been referring to this covenant as? covenant of grace
The covenant that christ completed for us as our mediator He was obedient to all the covenants that we broke and he made a covenant where All those that have died with him all those that have been buried with him all those that live with him have their sins forgiven
Iniquities have been shown mercy Is it a covenant of works?
Is it a covenant that you had to do something in order to be a part of? No It's a covenant that was made by the conquering king
It's the covenant that was made by this humble servant jesus christ this perfect lamb of god
This is who made this covenant that actually saves let us pray
Lord god, I thank you for isaiah 46. I thank you for the truths that are found in it lord
God I would ask today As we come prepared for communion today for the lord's table lord that we you would be preparing our hearts
Our minds our thoughts our actions even in this upcoming week to participate in these things
In a way that glorifies you a way that acknowledges your gospel a way that proclaims your truths to a fallen world
So god, I lift these things up Lord asking that your will would be done in each one of our lives today
For a purpose not just random causes but with purpose lord That you would be glorified that salvation would be granted
And your glory would be revealed lord we ask these things in your name jesus the christ. Amen Brothers and sisters what we are going to do