Intro to James

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Pastor Mike and Steve prepare the way to the Epistle of James. Play at 1.5 speed! 


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
I almost said, welcome to Bethlehem Bible Church, but it was maybe the Noah Cain, Steve. Welcome to Bethlehem Bible Church.
It's Sunday morning, boys and girls. That's what I was thinking. Because I don't do announcements typically, but now on Sundays, since there are no announcements, the announcement we have this morning is there are no announcements.
Yeah. I mean, it's kind of hard to have announcements when you have no activities. Almost no activities.
I mean, there's an item or two here or there. How about no right hand of fellowship for the rest of eternity?
I'm not a big fan of that, but you know, I did meet somebody for breakfast. Don't tell the governor, but I did meet somebody for breakfast last week, somebody
I'd never met. And he offered me his hand and I took it and shook it. You know what? I have noticed,
Steve, that the culture and climate that's been created by our government has brought out some rebellion in people.
And so they like to shake hands now. The clandestine handshake. Well, even before this,
I remember I'd go to church on Lord's Day worship service and I'd always, after the right hands of fellowship, you know, cause
I shook several hands, I'd always go get the goop and goop up my hands before I preached.
I never give the left cross of fellowship though. That's usually down and you're out.
That's just one, down and outers. Down goes Frazier. Yeah. So anything happening with you?
Any updates we have for our cultural awareness moment? You know, you really,
I mean, how long have you been doing this show? This is going into the 11th year. We need some like, you know, music for these little segments.
I think a cultural awareness moment, you know, stuff like that would be, would be good. I mean, I've always thought like the message moment should definitely have like some fanfare.
And if we had somebody to actually rerecord some songs, you know, we could do, I don't know who it is, the Four Tops or Temptations or somebody, this message moment.
Yeah. That'd be good. Uh -huh. You know, in front of me, this is interesting. I have a little thing called a bookmark.
You get lots of bookmarks probably, right? I save some bookmarks. I mean, like I use a
Red Sox tickets or at least I used to before they went all woke on me, but you know, as bookmarks and just different things like that.
Yeah. I was in Boston twice on Tuesday. And so that means one, two, three, four, down and back, down and back.
I had to go past Fenway with Black Lives Matter and all that other stuff, all postured around.
Sad times. Anyway, um, here's a bookmark and, and the first three words on the bookmark are how to pray.
How to pray. That's pretty good, isn't it? Teach us how to pray. Lord, teach us to pray.
Um, it does give you an example and it says, let us pray. Hmm. Uh -huh.
Yeah. And, uh, this is reprinted from Reverend John Keating.
That should give you a little hint. Reverend John, that doesn't help me, but the Keating part does.
Shouldn't it say father? Oh God, who's only begotten son by his life, death and resurrection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life.
Grant, we beseech thee. So far so good. Yeah. It sounds okay to me. Yeah. Grant, we beseech thee that meditating upon these mysteries of the
Holy Rosary of the blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise through the same
Christ our Lord. Amen. So there we have it. That's a little bookmark.
And then on the side here, it gives you the whole deal here, what the Rosary looks like. And I don't know if you knew this before, but the end of the
Rosary, which is the crucifix, the cross, you're supposed to say the sign of the cross and then the
Apostles' Creed. Then you move up a bead is our father. Then there's a triple bead that's not for the
Trinity, but three Hail Marys. Then there's another space and that space is glory be to the father.
You say that. Then there's another bead and that's the first mystery and that is our father.
Then there's another space and you go over a little bit counterclockwise, six beads, those are 10 beads.
Those are the Hail Marys, glory to the father. And then the second mystery, our father. So that's what those things are for.
So she doesn't get honored, you know, as deity, but she's mixed right in there with them.
Well, you know, it's, it's the twin towers of idolatry of Dulia and Latria.
Man. Oh man. I mean, I, I've said this a million times, but I don't know how you fit that fourth person into the
Trinity. It seems a little crowded. Steve, Quadrinity. I think that would be.
Yeah, it would be. And it's heretical. Since we both believe that you begin to become like what you worship, right?
If you worship idols, so you begin to, you know, take on their attributes because of all the
Dulia and Latria, what, what do people who not esteem
Mary or are thankful for Mary, but if they worship Mary, what do they become like? I wonder.
Mary. But the thing is not the real Mary, no, but a false
Mary, right? This image of Mary that Roman Catholicism has invented. I mean, here's, here's one thing
I'm absolutely certain of. Mary is not listening to our prayers. Mary cannot answer our prayers.
I mean, ultimately, what are you doing when you say that you're attributing to Mary attributes of God, you're, you're, you're making her a
God, whether you, I don't care what you want to call it. You can call it Latria. You can call it Dulia. You can call it, you know, whatever, yeah.
You are saying that she's omniscient, that she's, you know, listening to everybody pray all around the world, that she's omnipotent because she's able to act on all these things.
And you're attributing to her the attributes of God. Steve, often when we look at the
Bible, we might go to the Old Testament, for instance, and watch a Bible character. And then we say to people, well, that Bible character did something well, and you should do that too.
And you know what? That's not always wrong. Sadly, a lot of preaching, it takes that to the wrong extent.
But many times there are things in the New Testament that would tell us about Israel as an example, and the first Corinthians would say, well, don't do that, right?
So this exemplary or non -exemplary kind of preaching. Well, what about Mary? If she's to be so venerated or so highly esteemed, what does
Mary do? And Mary said, Luke 1, my soul magnifies the
Lord and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior. Just that one sentence there in the
Song of Mary in Luke 1, she's worshiping the Lord. She wouldn't want worship for herself.
Pete No, she would not. And you know what? Well, they've taken, because where it says, hail favored one, if you read
Catholic sources, they basically blow that out of all proportion and say that she's to be honored forever, and they make her into a lot of things that she's not.
Pete Hmm. Pete It's, it is very peculiar, and it has all the marks of idolatry.
Pete Well, the message translation says, and Mary said, I'm bursting with God news.
Pete No, that's not true. Pete I'm dancing the song of my Savior God. God took one good look at me and look what happened.
I'm the most fortunate woman on earth. Pete But is this, is that the message or is that Saturday Night Live?
I mean, I'm dancing? What is that? Pete Well, so our show, so it's not called
No Content Radio, so we can have some kind of content. Let's talk a little bit about the book of James, because I'm going to start preaching that this
Sunday. Any thoughts pop through your mind right away as we try to help our listeners with the book of James?
Pete Yeah, one thought immediately springs to mind, and that's law. Pete I think for years
I said, because I misremembered, 52 imperatives out of 104 verses, but it's,
I was wrong, it's 54 imperatives, 108 verses. Pete Yeah, but it's 50%.
Pete I think that was the essential stat that you were trying to. Pete Right. And then some guy did some word study, research, comparison, tabular, taxonomy or something, and he said 2 .6
% of all the words in James were imperatives. Pete Well, that doesn't seem like very much.
Pete Doesn't seem like a lot, but I guess there's a lot of prepositions and particles. Yeah. Everybody says, well,
James, you know, is a right straw epistle according to Luther, but in the same preface, Luther writes a lot of good things about James.
Did you know that? Why do we only get the negative comments about Luther and not the positive comments? Pete Well, because people are trying to set
James against Paul, you know, generally speaking, that's usually why it comes up. Pete Well, I like what you said earlier when we were talking privately.
You're preaching through John. I believe it's like the feast of, I don't know, unleavened bread, or we've got the lights going on with the
John 7 thing. All of a sudden, you're, you know, you're Jesus's half brother and you're not buying what's going on.
And remember back in Genesis, of course, we have Joseph, the favored son, and how did the other brothers respond to that favoritism?
And now you have Jesus much more the favored son that is the one in whom the great father of lights is well pleased.
I'm sure that didn't go over well with the half brothers of Jesus. No, in fact, in John 7, you know, everybody's going down there to Jerusalem, the
Feast of Booths, and his brother said to him in verse 3, leave here and go to Judea, that your disciples also may see the works you are doing.
I mean, what they don't get is what's going on in verse 1, because the Jews, the leaders of the
Jews were seeking to kill Jesus. And if he just, you know, goes down there, you know, just traipses into Jerusalem, he's going to be arrested and killed.
But they don't care about that and they don't really believe that. I mean, they don't understand any of this. It's not, it doesn't interest them and they have no, they're not following Jesus.
I think, you know, it took, and what we were talking about before is it basically took
James, you know, even after he's not present at the crucifixion that we know of, certainly there's no gospel writer who mentions him, which they probably would have.
And I don't think Jesus would have given Mary into John's care if his own brother was there, right?
But it takes the crucifixion and the resurrection for his brothers to believe.
And then finally they start putting the pieces together, right? They're like, oh yeah, that life he lived, all the things that he said, all the things that we heard.
Oh, you know, now I get it. Well, and what you said earlier, from the human perspective, this is all wrong.
It's all backwards. This is, it shouldn't take the crucifixion account and the resurrection, maybe, maybe resurrection, but it just seemed like, you know what, if Christianity's not true, well, here we have
James and the brother, and I can't tell you what I'm trying to say, but what I guess in summary, this is only a supernatural event of God where now after the crucifixion, he believes.
I mean, you know, all the, because certainly they would have heard and even maybe seen some of the miracles.
They would have seen and heard some of his sermons. They would have seen and heard, you know, just from people being impacted by Jesus during his life.
And none of that mattered. None of that softened their hearts. None of it had any, you know, but after the resurrection, they hear the gospel and now they're like, wait a second, wait a second.
You know, everything falls into place and they go, oh, oh, and you know, how is it that James becomes a leader in the church?
It's not because he's Jesus' half -brother. I think it's because he just, everything he knows now, it's like it snaps into place and he takes off like a rocket ship and everybody's like, whoa, check this guy out.
Well, we're talking about James today with Pastor Steve here on No Compromise Radio. What about, what does this say about the deity of Christ and the humanity of Christ?
Let's think about humanity for a second. If anybody would buy into some kind of false view of Jesus, like, you know, he's not really human,
I think they probably, I think the brothers knew that Jesus was really human. Yeah, I'm sure they slept in the same, you know, quarters, they watched him eat, all that stuff.
Yep. And they would have, I'm sure, played, you know, with him, interacted with him, you know, in different ways.
And I don't think Jesus would have been above changing a diaper or what, you know, whatever was going on in the household, you know, all the typical things that older kids get stuck with doing, you know, whether it's taking out the trash.
I don't know what, you know, it was like living in an ancient Jewish household, but I just know that whatever Jesus was supposed to do, he did, right?
And they would have known that. I mean, it's not like James would have been, to your point, in any kind of quandary about whether Jesus was a real human being, right?
Uh huh. So. And interestingly, there early on, speaking about the deity of Christ, he didn't see that.
He couldn't see that. Right. He probably noticed Jesus didn't do anything wrong, right?
He, I don't know if he sat there and thought, this man is sinless, but, you know, he's around someone that never does something wrong, but he still can't see the deity of his own brother.
I mean, there are so many implications to even what we're talking about, though, you know, I mean, just think about this.
And I like this, generally speaking. If you think about how the Bible was written, even the
New Testament, it doesn't put people, even the believers, in the best light. For example, you would, if you were
James and you were some kind of big shot in the early church, and he was, you know, and most of the
New Testament was yet to be written, when it was written, you would want them to say, if it was a fake religion, you know, make sure you make me look good.
Right? I mean, I wouldn't want to, but that's not what happens at all. Right? I mean, the people are never the star of scripture.
It's always the Lord Jesus and, you know, the Father and the Holy Spirit. The people are actors.
You know, they're just people who get acted upon, essentially. But again, it goes to his brothers are complete, from a human perspective, losers during his life.
Jared Spooner Sinners. Yeah. Jared Spooner Unregenerate. During his ministry, they just don't get it. And it's only afterward that they get saved and then they really come to light.
It's interesting because the text says, for not even his brothers believed in him, period.
Jesus said to them, my time has not yet come, probably for the cross, but your time is always here regarding the
Feast of Booths. Right. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about it, that its works are evil.
You go up to the feast. I'm not going to the feast for my time has not yet fully come. And saying thus, saying this, he remained in Galilee.
The world didn't hate them because they were just like the world. They were perfectly acceptable. And, you know, when you see the book of James, he says at the very beginning,
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, there has to be something in you that wants to say
I'm the half brother. Yeah. Yeah. I got to brag a little bit, you know? Yeah.
How would you like to say, because you have a brother. Yes. I have a brother. How would you like to say, you know what,
I'm a servant of my brother? Well, I mean, just imagine, just imagine for a moment, your brother is president of the
United States or something like that. Or, you know, he's got the number one ministry in the country. 10 ,000 people every.
Doesn't Pat have that? Well, yeah, of course. 10 ,000 people every Sunday in Omaha, you know, 15 campuses.
Oh, Pat would love that. No, no, he wouldn't. But, you know, you'd want to say, yeah, my brother,
Pat Abendroth, you know, the massive, he's got the mega, mega, mega church or, you know, or he's president or whatever, you know.
Yeah. Because part of us wants to brag, but James isn't like that at all. Because he knows better.
I mean, you know, we were talking about it earlier off air, you know, what does faith say?
This was actually from your son, right? He was saying that faith says,
I haven't done anything, right? All the things that apparently, you know, were done by me were actually done through me by the
Lord Jesus Christ. And, you know, it's the people who say, Lord, didn't we do this?
And didn't we do that? Those are the people who'd never believed at all. They want to take credit. You know, it's kind of fun as Luke was telling that to us over FaceTime, I thought, you know, it's kind of fun now
I get to learn from Luke. Well, that's a good point. Right? All those years you try to teach your kid and then you go, oh, yeah, he has something to teach me now.
Yeah. The Luke discussion of Matthew 7 and Matthew 25. How about, what do we do since there's so much law in this book?
How do we think through it in a Christian fashion? Because it is in the New Testament. There's some discussion there about the
Lord Jesus Christ, the compassion of God, the Lord of glory, Jesus in chapter 2.
There's monergistic regeneration, but there's not, you know, death, burial, resurrection of Jesus.
So, how can we frame this so when we read it, it's just not moralism? Because Dr. Phil would probably say count it joy in trials.
Yeah. Why don't you want it to just be moralism? What's wrong with that? Yeah. To ask the question is to answer.
Peter How to live the Christian life, right? Pete But people hanker after that. We talked about that too off -air.
Just the desire for basically extra law via the holy, quote unquote, practical application.
Pete Give me some practical app. You know, that's all fine and good to talk about sin and death and resurrection and Jesus and all that.
Can I have something to do? You know, can you give me some ways that I should, some practical ways that I can not discriminate against somebody or that I can, you know, take these difficulties
I have in life and really count them as joy? Can you, like, give me a spreadsheet? Pete Well, when you think of a spreadsheet, when you think of gospel and law and, you know, gospel is done and law is due.
If you think about those categories that I think help, you look at the culture, the
Black Lives Matter, racial systemic injustices, white privilege, all this kind of nomenclature.
It's all law. It's social justice's law. It has nothing to do with gospel. They say it's a gospel truth.
That's an easy way to spot that is when people are spouting all law. Better be careful. Pete I can say this.
The woke is always repenting, never repentant because it's never done. Pete Never, never, never, never.
Jesus paid some of it, but you've got to pay and pay and pay and pay. Pete Have you been watching the
Eric Mason's little sermonettes that he's been putting out? Pete Blessedly, no. Pete Wow. I think that's
Paul Tripp's pastor now. Pete Yeah, I'm afraid it is. Pete They are eye -opening, to say the least.
Pete Really? I might have to look him up. Pete He's been on a lot of the woke preacher Twitter accounts and it's essentially whites are bad and you need to have a bunch of reparations and Zacchaeus got reparations.
Pete Let's say it's true that whites are bad. I mean, certainly, you know, let's say during Nazi Germany, we could say, well,
Germans are bad. Okay, well, I agree. That's not the gospel, right? I mean, that's,
I mean, and I can't repent of being German. I'm not German, by the way. But, you know, there are things, the color of your skin, the nationality that you are, those are
God ordained and they're not sinful. They're not inherently sinful. We were talking about it,
I think, even last week. You know, you don't get to decide whether you're black, you're white, you're whatever color you are.
Just like we don't know what color Adam was. We don't know. There are a lot of things we don't know and they're irrelevant, completely irrelevant to the gospel, which is
Jesus died for me. He lived a perfect life in my place. He was crucified for my sin.
He was raised on the third day. That's the gospel. I need to believe in that. Peter Well, and that's what happens with these people that don't distinguish between law and gospel.
They're out there talking about all this law. And that's what you said, Steve. They're telling people to always repent, but it's never enough.
Because if you're only going to give law, then there's never going to be enough because how much do you need to do?
Well, more. You didn't do enough. Steve 100%. But wait a second. I've done everything
I can. Well, it's not enough, bro. You got to keep going.
Peter So, our time is almost over, but I want our listeners to understand that when you open the book of James, I think you can easily remember that it's in the
New Testament. It's a Christian book, and it should be read. Steve It comes after? Peter Hebrews.
Steve I know. Peter And it should be read in light of who Jesus is demonstrated in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
And so, if you understand that, you won't buy into, well, it's moralistic or it's pietistic or something like that.
Steve First book written in the New Testament, do you think? Time -wise, chronologically? Peter Time -wise, there is some argument maybe for Galatians.
But you see Jesus on earth, it's essentially gospel. I mean, there's Sermon on the Mount. He gives some law.
But essentially, the good news incarnate, Jesus Christ, has happened. He dies at 33 for argument's sake.
And then 10, 12, 15 years later, the first written book says, this is how we live. This is who
He is. This is how we live. This is how Christians live. And they don't have to be perfect, but this is guidance.
This is law for the Christian. Pete Ooh, law for the Christian. I like that. Steve Yeah, yeah.
Pete So, anyway, Steve, anything? Pete Well, so, I'm tracking with you.
You just got through with Hebrews, like before the summer, and now you're in James. So, then what's next after that?
Steve I guess it's, I guess is it 1 Peter? Pete Yeah. Steve Yeah. Then 2 Peter? Pete Yeah. Steve Yeah.
Pete Working toward Revelation. Steve Oh, I have been asked to preach Revelation.
I know how to preach it from a particular vantage point. I don't know if I still agree with all that vantage point, but I know how to do it.
Pete Just trying to get you in trouble on no compromise radio. Steve I know. I think there are people, though, they're like, well, you need to talk about eschatology more, or this, that, and the other more.
And I'm thinking, well, we'll get around to it. Pete Yeah. Hopefully after we die. Steve I can say that I'm less dispensational now than I used to be.
Now that means either I'm not at all, or I'm just a little less. Pete Or we're looking forward to the return of the
Lord Jesus. You can check us out online at bbchurch .org