A Word in Season: Trusting Always (Psalm 62:8)

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Subscribe to A Word in Season on Apple Podcast (bit.ly/WISPod) or Spotify (spoti.fi/AWISPod) For this special season of uncertainty, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions


Psalm 62 is the expression of a soul that is looking to the Lord God to bless.
There is confidence, there is a calmness, there is a satisfaction in God.
Not that there is an absence of trouble outside, but there's a definite confidence that God himself is able to help even in the face of all these things.
And so you'll find the psalmist instructing his own soul to wait silently for God alone for my expectation is from him.
In verse 8, this beautiful expression, Our circumstances ought not to change our trust in God, our simple confidence, our belief that he is who he says he is, that he will do what he has said he will done, that all his promises are, as New Covenant believers, yes and amen in Christ Jesus, as they were indeed for those in the
Old Testament looking forward, trusting that God would simply accomplish all his purposes in accordance with his word.
We are to trust in him at all times. No shift in our outward circumstances, indeed no trouble in our inward circumstances, should suspend our trusting in God.
Despite all that happens around us, despite all that happens to us, God himself does not change and God himself can and should still be trusted.
It is God's people who are to trust him in this way. We would say that you should come if you're not one of his believers and trust in him in this way.
But it is distinctly believing trust. It is the confidence of those who have
God as their God and know that they belong to his people. And one of the beautiful ways in which we express this trust is to pour out our hearts before him.
If we have had loving parents, we perhaps know what it is to go to them.
Or if you have a child who is young and they know that they can trust you, you know what it is to have the child come to you and they just open their heart.
It's the language of taking a great water pot, if you like, and upending it so that every last drop dribbles out.
It's what you do when you drain your cup to make sure that the last drop of tea or coffee is not wasted.
There's nothing left in the heart after we have expressed all our soul to God.
It is truly one of the most complete and intimate expressions of trust to show all our heart to somebody.
Perhaps we feel that there are very few if any people to whom we can do that, humanly speaking.
Again, perhaps in an intimate marriage where there's warmth and affection and mutual confidence, there'll be much of this.
But every human heart coming to God finds one before whom they can pour out everything that is in their soul.
Why? Because God is a refuge for us. He is our hiding place. He is the one who covers us over in the time of a storm.
He is the one who is able to protect us and to defend us, whatever may be going on around us.
The psalmist knows that men are a vapour. He knows that in themselves they are weak and frail.
And yet that doesn't always change the trouble that we feel or the distress through which we go.
But here is the answer to that. Trust in him at all times, you people.
Perhaps we need to take our souls in hand and speak to them the way that the psalmist here did. My soul waits silently for God alone.
David often speaks to himself and exhorts himself to do what he should do.
So let us, speaking to ourselves, do what we ought to do and bring all our heart to God, pour out our souls before him, take him as our refuge and treat him as the refuge that he has declared himself to be.
Trust in all his word, trust in what he has told us about himself. And if you have no one else to trust, if you have no one to whom you can turn, if you have no refuge, if your sin overwhelms you, if your enemies overcome you, when you are hounded and distressed, when your adversary the devil is ready to overcome you, then you can and must come to this almighty and all -merciful
God. And the first thing you should do is to pour out all your heart of sinful need before him and cast yourself upon him as your saviour from your sins, that you may know him as your refuge also.