IS THIS MAN DANGEROUS? Daystar & Joni Lamb Defended by Marcus Rodgers - Hears Directly from God?


Marcus Rodgers is a YouTuber with a large following, even though he appears to deny the Trinity he is a fan favorite and gets invited on major Christian YouTube platforms. Rodgers claims a direct pipeline to God where he receives special revelations and visions on everything from Kim Kardashian to Joni Lamb and Daystar! He even interviewed Joni and affirmed God's Spirit was with her at Daystar! In this video I saw what few others want to say, this man has all the hallmarks of a false prophet, so why is he treated like a brother who just has a few things off? I call this the popularity gospel. Please pray for his repentance! #discernment #daystar #solascriptura


Hello and thank you for watching this video. Today we're going to be talking about Marcus Rogers. Marcus Rogers is a
YouTuber. He is also a so -called Christian rapper who claims that God is speaking directly to him like all the time.
Well, Marcus Rogers sat down with, you guessed it, Joni Lamb of Daystar and he defended
Joni Lamb, the Daystar founder, and he claims that the Spirit of God is there at Daystar.
Yeah, he really said that. We'll show the clips in a moment. So Marcus knows that Joni is sincere and the
Spirit of God is there because he just, you know, God told him so. God showed him in the
Spirit. So more on the Daystar connection in a moment. But from everything
I've read and seen regarding Marcus Rogers, he seems to deny the doctrine of the
Trinity, which, I mean, that's enough right there for me. He actually has a video titled,
God is debunking the Trinity. So from everything I've seen, yeah, this is not looking good.
One website describes him as a oneness Pentecostal, which would make a lot of sense, this idea that God is just talking to him all the time.
He's sort of like the young, hip version of Benny Hinn, you know, God just direct pipeline straight to God.
God's just always talking to him. But yeah, one video that I saw,
I tried to research this stuff on the Trinity and Marcus Rogers was saying that the
Trinity was, it's just a man -made doctrine that isn't worth fighting about.
Really? Okay. This is not Christianity. Okay. This is not, this is not true
Christianity. That's what I'm going to say about Marcus Rogers. This man is dangerous and the
Daystar connection just, you know, really highlights that. So there's, there's enough right there just with the
Trinity to tell people this is not someone you should be listening to, but he's wildly popular online.
He is, he's going to have a million subscribers on YouTube pretty soon. So he's right up there with Alan Parr and I saw a video of him and Alan Parr together and, you know,
Marcus Rogers, let's, let's talk about him, hyper Pentecostal. His theology is the problem where he thinks that the void, here's the problem with Marcus Rogers summed up in a nutshell.
He thinks that the voice in his head is the voice of God. So he thinks that his thoughts and his feelings, that's
God speaking to him. Here's what the Bible says, Isaiah 55, 8 and 9, the
Lord says, my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the
Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth. So are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So the voice in your head, your thoughts, that is not the voice of God. That's not God talking to you.
That's what you're concocting in your own mind. If you want the voice of God, where do you find that?
You don't find it from Marcus Rogers with his prophecies and revelations. And yes, he does use that word revelation, claims revelations.
If you want the word of God, where do you find it? The scripture. That's right. The Bible. So if he ever watches this,
Marcus, your thoughts and feelings are not the words of God.
Okay. God's word ceased. God's revelation ceased when the apostle
John finished the book of revelation. Okay. And if you claim that God is speaking to you, then we should tack your words on to the end of the
Bible, you know, Jude revelation, first and second Marcus. Do we want to do that?
No, because you're again, you're not hearing from God. These are your thoughts.
When Joni Lamb told you that she's really innocent and Oh, I, me, Joni Lamb.
I have nothing to hide. I'm totally innocent. And you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. Cause I just feel the spirit of God here.
And it's, we need to do better than this. Okay. We need to be biblical. Okay. So let's just give a few examples, a few clips,
Marcus Rogers. He claims what kind, what kind of prophecies is
God giving him? What kind of words, uh, is God, you know, downloading into his spirit?
Well, Marcus Rogers actually gives prophecies about Kim Kardashian and Oreo cookies watch.
You know, yesterday I posted the video. God spoke to me about Kim Kardashian. I was watching this video. And as I was looking at her, the
Lord spoke to me about her. And literally, I guess maybe like 10 hours after God spoke to me about her, she went and got baptized.
I love how God speaks to me, man. I walked into one of the hour where they got the snacks right now.
You got the chips, the whole cookies and the Oreos, right? You got the, the original, right? Like the, the name brand.
And then you have the knockoff brand. Now check this out there. What he whispered to me in my spirit. And I looked at the difference between the price and the spirit just spoke to me and God said, look, if you want the authentic thing, if you want the real thing, it's going to cost you something that God spoke to me.
Okay. So this of course is ridiculous. It's really just a sign of the times when a guy like this is one of the most popular
Christian teachers supposedly on YouTube. But what does that prove that clip that we just watched?
It shows you that this is really a sign of the times. This is what people want to hear.
They don't want to hear teaching about Bible prophecy. They want prophecies about Kim Kardashian and whatever's happening in the culture.
Marcus Rogers claims to be called by God to fight against the
Christian Illuminati. Yeah, the Christian Illuminati, right? So this is what he does.
He'll take popular things in the culture, things that people are interested in, the
Kardashians, the Illuminati, and he just blends that together with his Pentecostalism and whatever
Marcus says or does, well, it's all of God because God spoke to him and God told him so.
And Marcus sat down with Jonathan Lamb and Susie Lamb of Daystar and he did an interview with them and God was leading him in that.
And then he realized, oh, that was the wrong thing to do. And now I need to go to Joni Lamb and well, God's leading me here.
And it's like, well, which is it? Because he admitted that, well, I did the wrong thing. Well, I thought God told you to do that.
So the reason why I wanted to do this video, and by the way, I'm not going to get into all the stuff with the interviews with Joni Lamb and Jonathan Lamb, but Marcus Rogers, yeah, he, he kind of backstabbed
Susie Lamb. He went there to talk to Jonathan and Susie to get their side. And he acted like, you know,
God sent me, God told me to do this. God is talking to me, blah, blah, blah. And then he basically stabbed them in the back.
And he said this about Susie Lamb, which was very insulting.
Watch. Susie, I prayed about you and this is what the
Lord showed me. He showed me Jacob for your husband. And he showed me not that you're just whatever, but I saw
Potiphar's wife. When you got on that phone and recorded yourself crying to some, so it's like almost like a performance.
I get on the phone and I'm crying and I'm recording myself crying.
The Lord showed me Potiphar's wife and I have to be real. And I have to tell you this, Susie, every respectable man of God that I know that has more wisdom than me.
I don't know what your camp is telling you, but they saw certain red flags with you, not allowing your husband to be the man that he needs to be.
And I know you guys going to be upset. You're going to be mad. Nobody in your camp is going to be happy that I said that, but that is what the
Lord showed me. You need to step back. Okay. So that was pretty bad. Like I said, he went and did an interview with Jonathan and Susie Lamb.
And then, uh, God told him to do it. You know, God was there and God was telling them. And, and then he realized that was wrong.
Of course, wouldn't that make God wrong. But then yeah, he really kind of stabbed Susie Lamb in the back and said that about her, which was totally disrespectful.
But you see, you can't blame Marcus. I mean, God just showed him that. So he, he, he does this thing where you can't question him because it's, it's
God. It's not God is telling me, God is showing me. It's just the same old thing. So then he, uh, repented of that.
And then he went to Texas to kiss the ring of Joanie lamb. And then, you know, first he was on the, the kid side, then he was on Joanie lamb side.
And this is what he said when he sat down with Joanie watch. So as you guys can see,
I have a very special guest here today. And as you guys are coming onto the live, uh,
I just want you to know, we're going to start off with prayer. As we always do. What I would advise is make sure you listen.
Some people love to get in the comments and start arguing and, you know, get distracted, but let's listen and let's have righteous judgment and let the
Holy spirit, you know, have his way. So father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just thank you.
I invite you on to this interview right now, father, you've seen everything that is done in the dark and you'll bring everything to the light.
We ask that truth comes out father, let the truth come out undeniably. One thing that I know, father, this is a divine appointment.
So I just appreciate you being willing to talk to me and hear the other side of the story because I don't have anything to hide.
And that is one thing that I respect about you. And I, you know, people get real shifty. Can't look in the eyes since I've been talking to you, you know, saw you guys working here.
I'm, I gotta be honest guys. I felt the spirit of God when you were worshiping. So that was, that was the first sign
I was like, okay. Okay. So you saw that he sits down with Joanie lamb and he says that he knows for sure that this is of God.
This is a divine appointment. Joanie then tells him that she is innocent.
She has nothing to hide. And Marcus responds. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the one thing I respect about you,
Joanie. You, you have nothing to hide. Wait a minute. How does he know that? How does he know that?
Well, cause the spirit of God showed him that you see. Yeah. God is always talking to Marcus Rogers, but here's, here's the bottom line.
Who are you going to believe Marcus Rogers or the Bible? I mean, where are you going to get the word of God from Marcus Rogers or the
Bible? Because we've been testing the spirits concerning Daystar. And I have shown you in several videos that from the
Bible showing you from the Bible, Daystar is heretical. They promote the worst false teachers, false prophets, evil men, con artists who swindle the poor, the sick, and the elderly.
And they do the same thing. Men like Kenneth Copeland who claim to hear directly from God. And he uses that to manipulate people.
It's a form of spiritual abuse where he swindles again, the poor, sick, and elderly out of their money.
So these are the people that Joanie Lamb promotes and that Daystar promotes. But Marcus Rogers is like, no, no, no, no.
This is all of God. Joanie Lamb, Daystar, the spirit of God is here. I can just feel it.
God showed it to me. So who are you going to believe, the Bible or Marcus Rogers?
So in trying to wrap this up, I just wanted to do this short video to warn you about this guy.
And like I said, he's very popular, 848 ,000 subscribers.
He'll be right up there with a million subs pretty soon. And just in case Marcus Rogers ever watches this video,
I want him to know this is nothing personal. But actually
I do want the best, I am against false prophets, but I do want the best for you. I hope that Marcus Rogers would repent of this false theology.
And like everybody else, I want what's best for them, for them to be saved and to get into a good local
Bible believing church where they are taught the truth of God's actual word, the
Bible. So that's my hope for you, Marcus. If you ever do watch this, probably won't, but just in case.
But as long as he's out there giving false prophecies, this guy is very, very dangerous.
And the fact that he's defending Joanie Lamb, I think is just more, more proof. So in conclusion, you know, nobody else wants to say it.
You know, there's some other Christian YouTubers out there. Some of the more popular guys, you know, they seem to want to have
Marcus Rogers on the program and be buddy, buddy with him. And it's, it's the same problem that we talked about with like Ray Comfort going on Joyce Meyer's program.
He's lending her his credibility or Jack Hibbs going on Joanie Lamb and Daystar. He's lending them credibility.
When these other YouTubers, the more popular guys have Marcus Rogers on their show and they're associating with him, they're giving him credibility and they're tuning other people onto him.
And more and more people are watching Marcus Rogers and they're getting, you know, these prophecies and words, you know, from God, from Marcus Rogers.
And, you know, the Bible flat out tells us what to do. Don't associate with people like that.
We need to, as a pastor, I need to refute those who contradict. Titus 1 verse 9 tells me
I need to be doing this. He's out there contradicting the word of God, giving false prophecies.
I need to refute those who contradict Titus 1 verse 9. The Bible tells us to separate and avoid apostates and false teachers, not have them on my podcast to get more followers or to no, no, no.
Avoid them. Okay. Same thing. Same thing with Ray Comfort.
Don't go on Joyce Meyer's program. Same thing with Bible churches. Don't participate in interfaith services.
Same thing with Jack Hibbs. Don't go on Daystar and Joni Lamb and tell her you're honored to be a, don't lend people credibility.
Don't give the wrong impression that you're having fellowship with false teachers. It's very, very dangerous.
We are told in scripture, it's so clear, Romans 16, 17, and 18, Titus 3, 10, just verse after verse, we are to avoid and be separate from apostates and false teachers.
One last word. If you know of a Christian who is a loyal follower of Marcus Rogers, there is reason for concern.
So if you want the word of God, again, get into a good local Bible believing church.
We need to study to show ourselves approved. If you want the word of God, you need to open the
Bible. Okay. Get God's word from God's word, the scripture, and accept no substitutes.