A Few Thoughts on the Deinstitutionalization of the Church

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I saw a post on social media from Rend Collective about being a worship band for people who don’t go to church. That got me to thinking about how the the church has become less like a social institution helping people navigate life in preparation for the life to come and more like a temporal community centered organization. The church is losing its primary reason for existence and finding spirituality inside its four walls is discouraged. What significance does it have left if this is the case?


Hey everyone for those who follow me regularly, I am still in California as I'm recording this
And it's our afternoon the one afternoon we have here to go to the beach visiting family I haven't been able to see them since before kovat and originally
I'm actually from California and many of you don't know that but So that's where I am And just having a great time seeing family
Had a great time on our vacation, so I mean we just got it the visiting family and the vacation out of the way and First time since after kovat
So it's been nice to get out and looking forward to hitting the ground running when I get back to a more controlled environment next actually the end of this week and So you'll get some better quality podcasts
I think once that happens as far as the audio quality and I'll have some slideshows and the content will be a little different but For now,
I wanted to share a few thoughts with you that I've had about It was sparked from a tweet that I saw
Ren collective the band some of you know who that is. Some of you don't it's a Christian band
That they play a lot of it was kind of like folk ish. It's like folk rock kind I don't know how you'd categorize it folk rock.
I guess is the best I can come up with music That was their musical style.
I actually saw them in concert once years ago Back when they had an album called the campfire album and I liked a lot of the songs on the album
I really liked run collective. I remember at that time and They had a song called build your kingdom here.
And I remember thinking like this is a great song Like I just it's had a great beat and I just thought the message was great and I'm realizing now
I think that when they what they thought of by building God's kingdom here Was different than what
I thought of by build your kingdom here I think they were on the social justice train more and this was kind of pre social justice being big and evangelicalism
I was thinking more like people are gonna get saved and you know, the society is gonna change you know strip clubs are gonna shut down and bars aren't gonna you know not gonna be as many bars and these kinds of things
Cuz people are gonna be saved and you know, that's the kingdom of God is the church expands and it's you know
Build your kingdom here more people coming to know the Lord And I think they were saying a little a little bit more than that I think they were
I think they were the way they weren't actually saying the same thing. I'm pretty sure now, but anyway
One of the things that I saw them post on social media the other day was it was just graded me
So I'm gonna share it with you. You're getting my little rant about it They said we are a worship band for Christians who don't go to church
We are a worship band for Christians who don't go to church now Wren Collective again,
I said years ago I like their album I didn't know much about him other than I like their music. I know the Gettys have performed with them
I don't I'm guessing they must have been more solid at one time. I'm not I'm not sure I'm not sure where they're at. Maybe someone else knows but that statement is a very troublesome to me
Why would you want like they're saying like this is a good thing that you know they want to be the worship band for Christians who don't go to church and I'd like to suggest number one
There can there be Christians who for a time aren't going to church? Okay, I'll admit that there can be someone who is saved who is a
Christian but being a Christian means following Christ that's what it means is a little Christ and Going to church being part of a body using your gifts to edify the body is part of following Christ That's why the
Holy Spirit gives us spiritual gifts we're supposed to place ourselves under the authority of elders and in the accountability of the body
We're not supposed to forsake the assembling of the Saints we We were there's no
Lone Ranger Christians out there If you're a Christian, you should be going to church.
It's just a given I mean, it doesn't it really doesn't make any sense to say that We're you know, we're we're a band for all the vegetarians who eat meat
It's like well, could there be some vegetarians who for a time eat some meat and then go back to their veggie?
I mean, I guess but it's just weird, right? So anyway, this is
Ranked collective experiment and what they think of their fan base and who they're trying to cater to apparently and they think this is a good
Thing and what I've realized is there is something bigger going on here. This is just a symptom of it
There's something much bigger and that is the deinstitutionalization the deinstitutionalization of the church the church is not a respected institution anymore in In society,
I mean there's places in the south and in traditional areas where you might find that but in general Pastors that the clergy are not respected and and church isn't respected anymore
There's a lot of people who say they're spiritual even Christians now will say that sometimes I was very spiritual
But I'm not religious, you know, I don't follow a religion and I think you know A lot of times there's like little clever catchphrases that people will use live.
It's not a religion It's a relation and I get what people are trying to say. I understand but I think There's something larger going on That's motivating a lot of this trying to get away from religion
Like look at all the churches that are built now like the new churches. Do they even look like churches? Most of the time they don't they look like malls they look like something corporate and usually the the emblems that they have the
Their slogans and their their graphics they use for their emblems. It looks like a new fast -food chain
It's it's corporate. It's not It's not a traditional looking, you know, it's not institutional church kind of thing in fact,
I remember a few years ago my wife and I went to this new church and She knew the pastor was good friends with him kind of grew up knowing him
And we went in this church and the name I'll try to withhold some of the facts just because of connections like the family connections potentially but in the name of the church was the word cross and I remember being at this church and And you know some fine people there, but there's no cross
Anywhere. Oh, it's just kind of weird And then there were like pictures of the local area. I felt like I was in a bank
I was like, I'm walking into a bank and this was their new building and then and I'm like, you know
It's such a pretty building and people are like all the buildings and I'm like, I Mean, it's a nice building.
It's just not it doesn't look like a church and Most churches do not have graveyards anymore.
I mean that used to be the you would walk past the graveyard You'd be reminded of eternal things. You'd be reminded, you know, you're heading somewhere else and People don't like to be reminded of that anymore people live in the here and now and It's like their fitness club the restaurants they like to go to their their church their just their whole lives are becoming more streamlined and It's it's like it's like a drive -thru in some ways.
I mean just everything's becoming fast instantaneous and what seems to be happening is the church is
Trying I think what's happening is and this has been going on for decades Neo -evangelicals especially are doing this but it's it's not just new evangelicals other denominations are starting to do this
They are trying to survive They're trying to get they want their churches and their ministries to survive and the way they think that they can do it is by Being something other than what they are by being something more corporate by being something that's purpose is more related to helping the community and Less related to helping individual souls on their path to eternity and So it's very focused on the community the programs that they have all these kinds of just gimmicky things to get people to come and Participate and I'm not saying all that's wrong.
I'm not saying it's wrong to have all these community things I'm saying there's an emphasis shift. That's what the point I'm trying to make and the emphasis shift is that It's more focused on this world than next the only reason the church as an institution was significant in society was because it
Represented the world to come and that's why often the church even in the south a New England It was definitely this way, but even in the south
The church had a central location in the town often in southern places. It was like you had like a town.
I Building or whatever, but the church was right there and that generally the steeple, you know was the highest thing in that some work so there's some towns that have an ordinance where you can't build anything higher than not than the tallest steeple and There's a reason for that.
It's pointing up. It is important it is the place you go to answer those eternal questions for marriage and the institution of marriage for You know baby dedications or baptisms for Funerals, I mean it is the church that plays that significant role
For the beginning of life for the end of life for the significant eternal things that God has implemented within life and that's where you go to have your questions about those things answered and it's it's very identifiable building and Now Christians want to figure it out on their own they want to go to Google they want to go to search engines
I guess and figure it out people who profess to be Christians who are really more They profess to be spiritual now.
They're doing their cafeteria style Christianity and they don't need the institution. They don't need they don't need
People that have dedicated themselves to studying the word to explain to them what it means to help them understand it
They don't need The community of believers or the spiritual gifts that accompany that in their minds
All they need is themselves. It's very inward focused inward directed, right? It is not
Focused on eternity and eternal things and I think that's what Wren Collective is tapping into I think that they're they see a market base for this and they think it's a good thing
The people who are Christians who don't go to church are gonna listen to their music and this is such a good thing and What they don't realize is they're sawing off the very limb they're sitting on because if there is no
Institution of the church if it's not important if you know, people can just figure out all this stuff
They have all their needs being met within themselves personally Then there's no reason for a body of Christ.
There's no reason for elders or clergy or any of that stuff and those answers that the gnawing answers that we all have about why is there evil about The nature of reality itself the purpose of life all these things
That you're there's going to be a void created it already is and There's going to be other things that will end up filling that void because I don't care no matter how much you want to be distracted by your cell phone or entertainment
Eventually, there's going to be a moment where you're you're sitting there maybe at night laying in bed or something and you those gnawing questions come to you and Rather than kick the can down the road.
You're gonna want them answered and the logical place to go is church There they used to be very it was it wasn't a mystery where to go to try to find answers for that Now people are very confused.
They're very displaced and I see the Christian evangelical industrial complex
Falling into the same trap of disparaging the institution of the church making the church something that it's not downplaying its significance
Making it about the here and now and once you do that you lose all the significance There's no reason for a church if it's just about helping the community if that's the main focus
Well, we help the community that's that and so you'll listen to us more because that's something that you value
Yeah, you may value it, but there's other places that can help the community. You don't need a church for that uh, so anyway, that's a long kind of rant
I guess but that's That's what I attribute that that's the what red collective collective posted is a symptom of a much greater disease and um
Because it doesn't make any sense because it's an oxymoron to talk about christians who just don't go to church and that's somehow
That being a good thing, you know that it's like they have everything they need for spirituality in themselves
Um, it just means there's long -term going to be less sales for ren collective No one's going to want christian music if there's if you really don't think there's any significance to the church
But you will be left with those eternal questions and somewhere along the way. They're going to need to be answered And uh, where where is it going to be if it's not the church if it's not that institution
And the church also I should say this I mean, they also filled uh, they filled a role in society and for years with establishing hospitals and and things that are genuinely
Uh beneficial for society again, that's not the main purpose of the church That's that's a side benefit just like education
Is about learning not socialization but but today so many people make out like Education is about socialization
It's about this experience of college of going to school and being around others and stuff Like that's gonna be a side benefit.
That could be good That's not the purpose of education Just like the purpose of the church is not to build hospitals and to feed the hungry and all those
That's not the purpose of the church as a whole uh, that's um, that's related to I mean,
I I guess I could see because Feeding the poor and doing good works and these kinds of things. Those are things that christians are commanded to do
But they're not the thing that sets the church apart from other uh other institute or other
Organizations in society that can also just as easily feed the poor Um, the church does it for a different motivation and the church does it for eternal reasons?
And the church represents in the eternal realm and you take that away you downplay that And there's just no reason for the church anymore
But once you get rid of the church as an institution All those side benefits also go with it and something has to fill the gap and it's going to be the government
I think the government's already this is already happening. The government's going to take over those things either either corporate um
Corporate, uh interest or the government will take over those things and people will Will be there'll be less of a personal relationship and less
It you'll be treated more like a number there'll be more of a distance between the board controlling uh who who uh gives out the um uh medical supplies medical, uh benefits, uh
Charitable donations all these kinds of things. There'll be a board an impersonal board of some kind that controls that not loving pastors and a church where you can be part of it and Um, it's just it's a different world we're heading into and the red collective tweet just made me think of it
And it's kind of dumb in my opinion. But uh, all right. So there you go. There's a rant for you um
Maybe it'll make you think about uh Some of the ways that your church might be doing doing what
I mentioned Acting more like a corporation that benefits the society rather than its primary purpose being an institution that helps people
Navigate life so that they can be prepared for the next life Um, you know, so maybe you'll start thinking about some of the things that i'm mentioning and you'll start seeing them
And and I I hope that's beneficial to you. That's why I make these videos uh is for you and for your benefit, so God bless.
I hope uh, you're having a good time out there wherever you are enjoying the last days of summer And there'll be more videos coming soon.