Why did God prohibit eating meat with blood in it in Genesis 9:4? | GotQuestions.org


Can a Christian eat a rare steak today? Why does the Bible say not to eat meat with blood in it? In this video we answer your question: Why did God prohibit eating meat with blood in it in Genesis 9:4?


Hi there! Many others like you have asked, why did God prohibit eating meat with blood in it?
Let's find out, shall we? You can also discover this answer and more on GotQuestions .org
In Genesis 9, Noah receives a covenant from the Lord that removed the prior restrictions against eating meat, allowing
Noah and his family to kill animals for food. However, the allowance came with a stipulation, but you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it.
One reason God prohibited the consumption of animal blood in the Old Testament was to teach respect for the sacredness of life.
Blood is viewed as a symbol of life. The Bible first mentions it when God asks the murderer
Cain, What have you done? Listen, your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground.
The shedding of blood represents the loss of life. In the New Testament, the blood of Christ is a common figure of speech for the death of Christ.
Under the Law of Moses, certain foods were considered unclean for consumption, including any meat with blood still in it.
The early church urged Gentiles to abstain from eating bloody meat in order not to offend their
Jewish brothers and to distance themselves from pagan practices. Another reason for God's command not to eat bloody meat undoubtedly concerned the sacrifices.
Blood was the only atonement for sin. Therefore, blood was seen as a sacred thing. God wanted to ensure that sacrificial blood was always considered precious and not as common as food.
The humane treatment of animals may have been a reason why God told Noah to drain the prey before consumption.
God did not want mankind to act like the carnivorous animals who caught their and began eating it immediately.
Further, God may have given this command for health reasons. Blood present in meat means it was not fully cooked, and eating it can lead to disease or sickness.
Today, the USDA -mandated warnings recognize this in modern -day menus. In ancient cultures, the risk could have been even higher.
In Christ, these food laws are obsolete. Romans except the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters.
One person's faith allows them to eat anything, but another whose faith is weak eats only vegetables.
The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted him.
Who are you to judge someone else's servant? Scripture allows the Christian to have individual freedom regarding the consumption of food.
In conclusion, God forbade eating bloody meat in the Noahic Covenant and the Law of Moses.
Spiritual and physical reasons were behind this prohibition. Now, as with all Christian freedom, we are to use self -restraint to avoid hurting another believer, and everything should be done to the glory of God.
Alright, that answers your question, why did God prohibit eating meat with blood in it?
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