Christians Dont Need to Eat The Pagan's Crumbs

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Alright, let's get into it. We're going to talk more Ruslan and Marcus Pittman today. Hopefully I'll let them talk a lot more so we can get through a lot more of it.
I'm enjoying it and I think you guys are too, so just let me know in the comments if you're sick of this guy or whatever.
That's totally valid because we've been doing a lot of content about him. Before we begin, there's just two things
I wanted to mention. The first one was, I'm listening to, I've been watching some videos from Rebel Capitalist.
He's an interesting character. He started off his video the other day with this news report about how government officials are trying to instruct the banks to figure out how to get credit cards available for people that don't qualify for them.
People that don't have a credit history or people that have a bad credit history or whatever, they're trying to pressure banks into providing those for people.
The way that the article is written, it's almost like having a credit card is part of the American dream, is what he was saying.
It's just so upside down, guys. Think about that. It's almost like a right.
It's a privilege. It's a right of humanity, almost, to give poor people access to debt at ridiculous rates.
How upside down is this when you think about it? God's law specifically talks about banning usury.
Banning usury. That's not talking about business loans or capital investments, things like that.
It's talking about this exact thing. People who are too poor to buy stuff today, giving them loans at 30 % interest so they can buy stuff now, but somehow they don't have the money to buy it now, but they're going to have even more money to buy it later.
It's just such a scam. I was trying to think through this actually this past weekend.
Payday loans are clearly usury. They should be banned. But credit cards,
I'm starting to think, are usury as well. Now, obviously not all credit cards are done that way or targeted or marketed that way.
That's true. But for every person that's like me that has a credit card that I pay off every month and gets the benefits or rewards or whatever it is, there's a lot of people that are not like me and carry a balance and they can't afford it and they use the credit card to buy things they can't afford.
It's not a privilege, guys. It's not a human right to get a credit card. That is so twisted.
Our government is so twisted. Don't fall for the scam. Having a student loan is not a privilege or a right that every person should have.
It's not going to benefit people. That's definitely true. Anyway, so there's that.
The other thing is I had somebody today push back on my content about Paul Carter and his response was just so sad to me.
And I mean sad like it made me actually sad to read it. And he was defending
Paul Carter saying that he was a good guy, a good brother in the Lord. And his evidence for this, guys, it's just, guys,
Christians don't need to get the crumbs. We belong to the king of the universe, guys, like this is so sad.
This is what is evidence for this guy being a great faithful warrior for the Lord. Paul Carter is having 10 services a year to provide for the needs of those who want to meet.
He's having 10 services a year. So he's a solid warrior, epic lion for the for the cross because he's having a fifth of the amount of Lord's Day services that he should be having.
And he's but he's still lying for the crown. He's still pretending like Christians aren't being abused, even as more and more are being abused by the
Canadian crown every single day. Guys, we need to raise our standards here.
It's not too much to ask to have your pastor open church. It's his whole reason for existing for 52 days in a year.
It's not too much to ask. We don't need to get the crumbs. We are sitting at the table of the king.
We should be feasting on Sunday. But this guy's like, well, he's a solid brother because he has 10 services a year.
It's just so that made me I mean, I didn't I didn't cry, but it on the inside, it made me just like, man, like, how far have we fallen?
How far have we fallen? The Lord has done it, though, guys, we understand that. So let's jump into Ruslan Ruslan.
And yeah, I'm gonna see if I can keep my promise to not talk this much. Let's do it.
Correction of this. We've got a commercial. This entrepreneur brand logo was done by a top freelancer on Fiverr is simply decent freelancers on Fiverr.
But, you know, just keep in mind the old adage. You get what you pay for. You know what I mean? Yeah. But I reject that completely.
OK. Why do you reject? Well, because I went to school that was like 90 percent black and I was bullied all the time.
So I could say the same thing that those as as as did I. As did I. Right. But but but I just go, no, it has nothing to do with whiteness.
It has to do with they're totally depraved sinners. Sure. And can depravity impact someone's self view as being superior to other people?
Can depravity depravity in our in our wicked hearts? Yeah. Skew our self -perception and make us view ourselves on a conscious or subconscious level as better than.
Well, that's just pride, then that's not a system of that's not a system of. OK. So so what happens when you when you take that pride and then the people with that pride build out the system, build out the country, build out specific laws, build out laws that hurt people.
I don't believe it. I don't believe in this stuff. As he's explaining all the things that social justice advocates, critical race theorists, all this stuff, believe it's just so sad, dude.
It's so sad that that is what the idea of systemic racism. I don't think that's incompatible with depravity.
I don't know. It's not incompatible with depravity in a sense, but it's incompatible in the sense where these these racial it's it's making it a racial thing and not just a pure sin thing.
I think black and white people together can come and build institutions that subvert other people. Right. I mean, you see this.
Yeah. Sure. But we just call it whiteness because it's that white skin that's responsible. Like, it's just it's just so sad.
Like, let's stop playing games. It is about the white skin. The Barack Obama created all kinds of unjust systems.
He was an evil man. He created evil systems. He supports evil systems and all of that kind of thing.
He's wicked. But that's not whiteness. Obviously, Ruslan, that's obviously not whiteness.
Let's stop playing games here, buddy. The GOP, by the way, I heard that Ruslan, some people were trying to convince
Ruslan to have a conversation with me, and he's not receptive to it, obviously. I think I know why he's not receptive to it.
But to be honest, guys, like I have no interest in speaking with Ruslan like you guys probably have to convince me to do it as well, because I think
I said this. I made a video the other day, not the other day, but it was it was earlier this year. So it was recent enough where I said,
I'm not interested in these conversations anymore. I've asked for three years to have these conversations. I know where that goes.
It goes nowhere. And so, you know, I've got self -respect. I'm not going to grovel to speak to the great
Ruslan. I don't care. I don't care at all to speak to him. I mean, he strikes me as someone who's using tactics instead of having an open dialogue.
I'm just not interested. My time is too valuable for that. YouTube's not all I do, by the way. I mean, I think we all know this.
You know, I make very little of my income on YouTube. I've got other fish to fry. So the only way
I would do it is if it was on my channel and I was taking super chats. You know what I mean? Like that kind of thing.
I would do it for a certain amount of money. But just to have a chat with Ruslan, just not interested.
I still talk to you. You can ask you can ask people in the comments section how often I've done this. I do this all the time.
I speak to regular Joes and I'm willing to do that. Regular Joes that are social justice warriors or regular
Joes that are that are, you know, in struggles with their churches on social justice. I make a
I set aside a lot of time for that kind of thing. Private conversations and stuff like that. But with Ruslan, I just I'm really not interested.
So if you want to talk me to talk to Ruslan, you're going to have to convince him and me because that's just how it is these days.
Next time the Washington Post calls me for a quote, I'm going to say, no, thanks. Go pound sand as black and white people in there together.
And they they're putting up dinner. All right. That doesn't have anything to.
Yeah, it's hilarious. Let me let me let me let me let me get by the way. By the way, I just want to say you you have a newborn kid and you didn't have a lot of time for me.
But I got about I got about another 20, 30 minutes. But let me let me give you an example of this. OK, so these guys, how much do you know about guys are like on my time?
He's like, I got another 20, 30 minutes. But this goes on for like another hour. That's like how I roll. You know what I mean? I'm not going to talk a lot in this video.
And but probably by now, I've talked for more than half the time. I mean, you know, people. Are you talking are you talking about Armenian or Armenian?
Are ethnically that not OK? Yeah. Armenian, Armenian. I don't know that much about Armenia.
OK. Armenian people. I'm Armenian. My mother's adopted, but she was also
Armenian. I'm fairly lighter for an Armenian, but more or less. They're very much so.
Armenians are the best. We're the best. Right. There is a there is a I've known quite a few
Armenian a we're going to wave the banner and say we're the best. And the reasons for that is because they trace the
Armenian Orthodox Church back to the Apostle Bartholomew. That's what they view.
So as you know, the two earliest churches or nations that take a nationalistic position of Christianity is
Armenia and Ethiopia. There's always debate on who was first. And there's a lot of ethnic pride with those nations and them being
Christian nations and their rich history going back. Can you imagine? I've spent some time in Ethiopia, probably at this point for four to six weeks in Ethiopia.
It's a great country. And the people are so friendly. But he's right that Ethiopians think they're the best.
That's there's no question about that. Could you imagine going to Ethiopia and telling them to remove their systems of whiteness that oppressed me because I'm Puerto Rican and I'm a minority group in Ethiopia?
They laugh at you so hard, man. They laugh at you so hard. Thousands of years.
So Armenians view themselves as we're the best, right? As a lot of ethnicities do as Irish people do is whatever, right?
Ethiopian people do. A lot of folks have this nationalistic sense of, yeah, I love my culture.
I love these things. Now, when I was a kid, I grew up going to an Armenian Orthodox church.
It was it was it was fun. It was cool. It was it was all in Armenia. I had no idea any of the language. And one day, as someone that grew up predominantly around black people,
I decided to bring my black friend to an Armenian church. And it it wasn't that those every
Armenian there viewed him as inferior. It wasn't that they all viewed him as as less than maybe some did.
It was that the entire the entire church from the language the service was in, which, by the way,
I didn't understand the language to who it was for, why it was designed, what it existed for was for Armenians.
And in that. Environment, he didn't really feel welcomed. It wasn't really made for him to thrive and flourish.
So when someone has a I view us as the best and then that's compounded with controlling the entire environment or at least for this is the stupidest thing
I've ever heard. So so Armenians think they're the best. And they created this Armenian church where it was in the
Armenian language and it was an Armenian, you know, culturally and stuff like that. Well, I guess then
I guess, Ruslan, that Armenians aren't alone in that because I went to this Puerto Rican church once when I was a kid and it was in Spanish and they were doing
Puerto Rican styled music and all that kind of stuff. They must think they're the best, too.
Right. And then I guess I guess German churches, there was a German church down the street from where I from where I went to church.
Actually, no, this was actually the same building that I went to church in New York. It was a German church and it was a
Lutheran church. And the service was in German and everything was German. And so I guess Germans think they're the best, too.
Right. Oh, OK. And then and, you know, there's actually Ethiopian churches, too. In fact, there's an Ethiopian Orthodox church and all of that.
And it's in it's Amharic, the language and stuff like that. I guess they must think they're the best, too.
Right. And so I guess any ethnic church is just a system of oppression because they don't cater to every single person that comes into their door.
Right. That's what we're talking about by systemic oppression. The fact that not everyone's the same.
You know, I bet you I've never seen one. I bet you, Ruslan, that there's Japanese churches as well in the
Japanese language. Can you believe that churches exist these days that don't have don't provide individualized interpreters for every person who comes with a different language?
Can you even fathom such a thing? I can't. I can't believe that's that's oppression. Years, maybe today, it's not controlled 100 percent.
But for hundreds of years, this entire environment is controlled. It's not so much about you are bad.
I'm better. You are inferior. I'm superior. It's a subtlety of we are the best and this is how we are the best.
And this is why we are the best. And if you aren't us, then we're not going to tell you you're a piece of crap and we view you as less than.
But we're just not going to create a system where you have equal access and connection and you're welcome.
So you see, if I walk into a Korean church because I've seen Korean churches,
I've never seen a Japanese church now that I think about it, that's interesting. But I've definitely seen Korean churches. And you could always tell
Korean churches and they they do that thing where they bust people and I love that. So there's Korean churches. If I walk into a
Korean church and they don't immediately start catering to my tastes, you know, the fact that I speak
English, the fact that I like alternative rock, the fact that I that I, you know,
I like coffee instead of, you know, I'm sure they drink tea of some kind of Korea. Maybe they drink coffee. I don't know.
But if they don't start catering to me and making me feel welcome, like that's systemic oppression. And we really need to start turning the church upside down for that.
That's the best he's got. This is his big example. Well, maybe they don't hate me, but like, yeah, they don't over.
Koreans don't overtly hate me when I go into their church, but they just don't cater to me. That's the that's the big problem here. I think
I would argue that those systems in place now that's causing whether it's black communities or or minority communities in general, problems is a result of people, the government trying to fix it.
Right. Like sometimes, yeah, some segregation, Black Wall Street, Reconstruction, all those things really were caused a lot more problems than they solved.
I don't I don't want to get into desegregation, Black Wall Street. I think I'm happy that we don't have segregated schools.
Well, I mean, I wish we didn't have any at all, but that's what we already talked about. But but the point
I'm getting at is like a lot of these probably affirmative action desegregated schools cancel the schools like that's terrible.
The the idea that there has to be a certain amount of black people in every school that get elected or a minority colors, they get elected not based on their their academic ability, but just based on the color of their skin.
Yeah, that's a terrible system. That was implemented to fix it. And when when when you're describing it like that, it is a terrible system.
When you factor in that the number one when the number one recipient of affirmative action is white women, that's not exactly how it plays out.
And you can look that up. They're awful, too. For sure. So they cause problems, too. So to my understanding, whether whether or not how it played out, the idea and how a lot of times it's supposed to play out is if you have a white student and a black student and they're at the same percentile or equal that the black student goes through, it's not a white student scores a hundred on a test.
Black students score seventy five on a test. Now we're just going to push them up and put them in Yale because Yale wants to meet his black quota.
That's not how that's not fair to the white person. That guy just said score. Well, if if they're if they value a diverse experience and these two people scored the same and we're saying, hey, because of these things with systemic racism, oppression, slavery, what have you, we want to create a diverse environment.
We're going to take the equal in that situation and push through the person of color, the woman, the black person at the expense of someone else.
At the expense of someone else. So let me get this. Let me get this straight. Your genius plan for reversing judging someone based on skin color is to judge people based on skin color.
That's your genius plan. Now, you can't blame a pagan, right? Like like a pagan is so their mind is so broken that they look to the the sky and they don't see
God. You know, they don't see the glory of God. The heavens don't they don't read the heavens and it does not declare the glory of God.
Their minds are broken, right? So a pagan, you could you could excuse them for being this idiotic.
My brilliant plan for reversing discrimination based on skin color is to reverse or is to discriminate based on based on skin color.
So that's pretty stupid. I mean, like you can't get dumber than that. You know, that's like me saying,
I've got a great idea. I'm going to stop cheating on my wife with this girl over here by cheating on my wife with this girl over here.
Like, that's stupid. You would obviously know that that's ridiculous. You would if I was serious, obviously, and it wasn't just a scam.
You'd probably tell me to go seek some therapy or something like that. And so so you could excuse the pagan, right?
They don't understand anything. You know what I mean? They don't even understand that God is there and all that kind of thing. But Ruslan's not a pagan, at least as far as he professes.
So he thinks that like he made a point here. He's like, you see, you know, and he admits he admits that it doesn't work out this way.
But the original idea, he says, is not to give them bonus points, minorities, bonus points to get ahead of whites, but to give them if it's equal to judge based on skin color.
Right. If if if a white got an 80 percent on a test and a black got an 80 percent on a test, there's obviously no other factors except for how they do on a test, apparently.
But then you promote the black person because they've got black skin. That's his solution to judging people according to skin color.
Right. Right. So Ruslan has no excuse here. And and the reality is that it's not the way he said it is.
It actually does work the opposite way where you get bonus points. I've told many stories about myself being the beneficiary of of of of affirmative action policies.
I consider myself a pretty smart guy. And, you know, I've got, you know, I always did well in school and I got good scores and all that kind of stuff.
But I know that I was the recipient of benefits regarding affirmative action and stuff like that.
There's no question about it. And it's not a good feeling and all that kind of thing. But yeah, so it's just like I just don't understand how he thinks he made a point like it's not better that you're basically saying judge based on skill, skin color, all things being equal.
That's just as bad. Right. So I don't understand why he thinks he's made a point here. He has no excuse for it.
The Bible's very clear. You shall not show partiality. So there's no excuse for this.
Again, a pagan. Fine. You get it. He doesn't understand anything. Ruslan is professing
Christ. He should know better, but he doesn't. And it's a really sad thing. Marcus is over here just loving this because it's preposterous.
What he just said. OK, so that's I'm saying that's how it's intended to work. You presented it like these black students are just jumping, you know, grade level.
No, no, no, no, no. I didn't mean it that way. Yeah, but I don't know. That's not how it works. But that's how it's a lot of what I'm going to say is that Ruslan we both don't know that that's not how it works.
It does work that way. And I think, you know, it as well. Stop trying to scam people, bro. Liberals are just pushing through these dumb black kids who don't know how to guess.
That's not how that works. That's not what I that's not what I think. So here's the thing. Like, I think there are see how
Ruslan tries to put Marcus in the position of the bigot, right? You presented it like this middle liberal.
They're trying to push out a dumb black kids like, dude, Ruslan. You got to calm down with that stuff, man.
That's not what he said. And I see the scam that you're trying to run on him. That's not that's not right. That's not nice to put him in that position.
Now, Ruslan, at this point in the interview, he starts to get more aggressive. He starts to get more, you know, accusatory and stuff like that.
And because he's talking to Marcus, it's essentially towards Marcus. And it's a typical thing.
I mean, you talk to you talk to a woke church proponent long enough and eventually they're going to call you a bigot.
It's just that simple. Their brains are almost as broken as the pagans.
I'll never forget one of the first guys that I ever talked to about this stuff. Someone I knew in real life. He knew
I was Puerto Rican. He knew I was not white, called me white privileged. You know what
I mean? Like, eventually you will be called a bigot. You got to go into these conversations expecting that. And I think
Marcus let it roll right off his back, probably because he's been called that a lot in these kinds of conversations.
Don't get triggered by it. Expect it. Ruslan's got this squeaky clean, you know, image and stuff like that.
He's got this image for being an influencer, you know, middle of the road kind of guy. But he's just as radical as all these guys.
He is. So when you talk to someone like Ruslan, you're going to be called a bigot. Expect it. And don't react the way they want you to react.
There are things that take place with within cultures that make it easier for certain people to get ahead.
I don't think it has to do with race. For example, I mean, I could say I could look at like LeVar, LeVar Ball, right?
Like his kids, they work their butts off. But in a way, because of LeVar, LeVar Ball, like his kids were able to get in the pro spots on major teams.
Yep. Right. And Marcus is about to say this, I think. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm trying to advantage my kid.
Ruslan is trying to advantage his kid. Marcus, God willing, when he has kids one day, he will try to advantage his kids and so on.
You got to pass an inheritance onto your children's children. This is a good thing. This is how it's supposed to work. It's fatherhood, like Will Smith.
His kids are popular and successful. Jay -Z and Beyonce's kid, Blue Ivy, just got an Emmy Award.
She didn't have to at eight years old. She didn't have to jump through any hoops to get the Emmy Award that Jay -Z and Beyonce did.
So I think like just having strong families and having strong parents that build, you know, the
Bible defines it as, you know, inheritance. Right. So like, you know, like, you know, these these sort of like generational wealth, like that's biblical inheritance.
And a lot of people see that as this awful thing. And, you know, you claim to be free market capitalist, guys.
I don't think you would. But but but but a lot of that is just built on fatherhood.
And I think a lot of the problems we see, a lot of the results of these institutions that really are making it difficult for individuals is not really it doesn't have to do with like systems built on race.
So much as it has to do as a solutions harming the poor communities.
Right. So the fact of the matter is that here in the United States, the Native Americans were conquered.
There's no nice way to say it. They were conquered. No question about it. Europeans got here and they brought over African slaves.
Right. And so in that scenario, the Native Americans no longer had their land.
They no longer had their resources. That's just a fact. Not saying it's good or bad, but, you know, God wills as he wills.
White people had a lot of resources. Europeans had a lot of resources, a lot of power, a lot of influence.
And blacks had very little because they were brought over as slaves. So is it any surprise that if you look at who controls the majority of the of the of the wealth and of the majority of the institutions and stuff like that, it's going to look a certain way?
OK, fine. Let's just accept the facts as they are. Right. Let's just accept the facts as they are.
That doesn't mean that there's racist systems. What it means is that the past has an impact on the present.
We can accept that. We can we can we can shake our fists at God. Why did you make me this way? Or we could just get to work, man.
Mind your own business. See, this is the thing. This is why, you know, I credit I credit my father. I credit my grandfather so much because both of them were
Christians. My grandfather came over to the United States with when he was younger from Puerto Rico with nothing and nothing.
But he was a Christian. So he worked his butt off. He decided to leave an inheritance to his children's children.
He saved he didn't you know, he wasn't frivolous with his money. He loved the Lord and he tried to obey the
Lord. My father did the same thing. My father was in a better situation than my grandfather was. He did the same thing.
He's built a legacy. I don't you know, my father, thank God, is still with me. So, you know, he hasn't left me an inheritance yet, but I know that he's got resources and wealth that he,
God willing, will pass down to his children one day and stuff like that. And I'm going to do the same thing. And like so instead of shaking your fist and going, oh, the systems, they're out to get me.
My grandfather got to work. My father got to work. OK, and you know why
I'm in an advantaged position? It's because they didn't work. They weren't wringing their hands, doing nothing and saying, oh, the systems now they got to work.
My goodness gracious, it's not it's really not that hard. It's not this is not a big mystery of how to do this.
Sometimes I'm trying or when I see it's not that hard, I don't mean it doesn't take work. Of course it takes work. But what I'm saying is the strategies aren't that hard.
The strategies aren't that hard. The scripture tells us what to do, right? The scripture tells us what to do. Be faithful with what you have.
If you have a little bit, be faithful with a little bit. God's not unreasonable. He's not expecting you to all become millionaires if you don't have any money at all, like overnight.
He's not expecting that. He expects a return that's commensurate to what you've been given.
If you've been given a lot, like I've been given a lot. There's just no question about it. I got a great family and my my my family's.
I was born into a Christian home. I mean, that's like winning the lottery, guys. If you've been born into a Christian home, it's like winning the lottery.
But get to work. I mean, it's not complicated. It's it is hard. It's not complicated.
It is hard, though, the state trying to be the daddy sometimes.
And there definitely are policies that do that. And there's also stuff like how the war on drugs played out, which didn't really play out the way it should have.
And I'm sure you as someone who. Oh, yeah, man, I'm not. I mean, it's liberal drugs at all. Yeah. So the war on drugs, those folks that don't know.
There was a in the CIA basically came out and said they were complicit in this.
They didn't say it would conspire, conspire, but they were complicit in this. The the illegal war that they wanted to fight to end communism in South America, they couldn't get
Congress to pass it. And so they allowed the CIA allowed what they allowed or they were full on a part of the operation, cheap cocaine to flood black and brown neighborhoods, specifically in Los Angeles, and get extremely cheap cocaine in areas that were already struggling financially, already high unemployment numbers, already all of these other policies and to fund an illegal war.
And that ravaged the black community. And you're already coming off the back end of redlining.
You're already coming off the back end of not being able to pass down property and generational wealth, as you spoke. So there was already those policies in the 60s, 50s and 60s.
That's already preventing people. And then you get people who are already poor, struggling. And all of a sudden there's cheap cocaine everywhere.
That's facilitated by our government. And sounds like the government's a problem. Yes, it sure does,
Marcus. And Ruslan's about to agree here. Let's let's let Ruslan talk of a second systemic racism.
You know, I just think this is the stupidity of this whole perspective, right? There it is. Yeah, the government's the problem.
Systemic racism now. Now, but what we need to do is fund the government even more to get the schools to be like.
So so this is what this is what you're telling me, that the government purposely destroyed black communities.
And now we should trust the government to to to not do that right now. We should give them more money because they're benevolent now.
Now they're going to give us the UBI. Now they're going to give us minimum wage. Now they're going to give the schools the right money and they're going to teach the right things.
Now they're going to help the blacks, the blacks that they that they purposely destroyed before. This is the this is what
I'm saying by like, guys, you can excuse a pagan for being this dumb. And I'm serious.
This is dumb. You can excuse the pagan. All right. Because they don't understand anything.
They don't understand anything. So, of course, you could fool a pagan by saying, yeah, you know,
I know we destroyed you last time. But this time it'll be different. Why will it be different?
It just will be. See, now we're benevolent now. When did you become benevolent? Well, we just we just benevolent now.
Be trust us. Well, of course, I'm going to trust you. I mean, you know, I got the Federal Reserve. You got it. Of course, I'm going to trust you.
You can excuse the pagan, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. They taught white supremacy. But now they're going to teach the right stuff.
Now we can fund the government and we can trust them to take care of us. It's the same thing with the with the with the vaccine stuff.
It's like they're trying to get the black community to take the vaccine. Right. And so many people are just lining up to take it, because now
I guess the government is benevolent and they want it. They want to want the best for the for the black community.
And I'm saying, look, if you're going to take the vaccine, that's totally fine with me. I'm not going to take it.
But if you want to take it, that's fine. But don't let part of that decision be the fact that the that that the government is paying black people to tell you that it's totally safe, because if they didn't have your best interest in mind, then why would you believe that they have your best interest in mind now?
I'm not saying you shouldn't get the vaccine, but that shouldn't be part of your reasoning. Well, I guess they just love black people now.
That's insane. That's insane. You can excuse a pagan for being such a poor thinker that that would be.
He'd be like, see systemic racism and CIA. And it's like, yep, that's right. OK, fine.
Let's just go with that for a second. The CIA is horrible. So why do you believe them now?
I just don't get it. I just don't understand. Ruslan has no excuse, though.
He can't be thinking in this way. This is this this kind of this line of thinking is is is beneath a
Christian. We've got actual biblical solutions that talk about talk about all this stuff.
And so it's just. Yeah, I think I'll end there. I think I'll end there. So let's watch the.
Attempted to keep going. Let's find out. Just think it's government overreach. OK, any any any time you have any individual.
If we agree, the government can be incompetent. Why would we not think the government can do something that's not in the interest of all its people for the sake of the greater good?
Because the ends justify the means. That's what happened when the 80s were. No, I don't trust the government at all to do anything other than punish those who do evil.
OK, respect. But I don't. But but but but like this is why I said at the beginning, like assuming these these these.
Let's just stop right there. Oh, before I end, let me just say this amazing story. I was like so excited.
But then I was like I got I got sad right away. So we're up. We're we're we're regrading our backyard because we're on a bit of a hill.
And so we're doing that in the June. And so I allowed my kids to dig up dirt in the back and make like a little construction site and stuff like that.
So we're digging up a hole. And the first day that we're doing this, my wife finds what appears to be a coin and the markings on the coin
I'm unfamiliar with. And I'm like, this is amazing. Like we just dug once and we've already found a gold coin.
So I picked it up and I knew it wasn't gold right away because it's too light. And I couldn't make out the markings, and I was just so excited.
Like what kind of coin could we have possibly found? It was like two inches under the ground. So I was like, man, this could be anything.
This could be this could be the lost treasure of Pizarro. I don't even know if there's a treasure of Pizarro.
But anyway, so I washed it off, washed it off and trying to read the markings. And it is a,
I believe, a publisher's clearinghouse scratch off thing. So this is what you use to scratch off to see if you won.
Why was it two inches under the dirt in my backyard? I have no idea, but there it is.
I found a coin my very first day treasure hunting. So there it is.
I hope you found this video helpful. And I'll see you in the next one.