Matt Slick exposes Roman Catholicism



Matt has a discussion in the Matt Slick Live after how with a Roman Catholic. The main focus is Marian dogma, but it does included other issues and false doctrine from the Roman Catholic Church.


I could tell you something about Mary that the Catholic Church teaches, it's like... No, tell me something about Mary, seriously.
Have you ever heard of Sam Harris? Yeah. Yeah, he's a smart guy.
I'd say he might be smarter than you, Matt, but he's like... A lot of guys are. He's like really strong atheist.
Like, I love listening to opposing opinions. So, like, if you want to try and like tell me what the heck is wrong with the
Catholic Church, I don't care. Sure, I can tell you. It teaches a false gospel and it promotes idolatry.
Okay. Okay. So, what Catholicism says in paragraph 268 of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, it says that you obtain salvation through faith, baptism, and the observance of the commandments.
And that's a heresy. And all of the cults and all of the false religious systems that are out there, that's what they teach.
They teach the same thing. And so, let me read you something. And, come on, get in here.
Oh, you slimeball. Did I do that? It's Wachtower, 1983,
February 15th, no, April 1st, page 12. All right. Where it says the second requirement for salvation, the second requirement is more difficult.
That is to obey God's commands. That's right. That is true. To obey God's commands, to conform yourself to his word, et cetera.
So, you obey commands in order to be saved. In Mormonism, in the
Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 25, 23, you're saved by grace through faith after all you can do. In Moroni 10, 34, if you deny yourself of all ungodliness, that is
God's grace sufficient to you. In Islam, in Surah 23, 101 to 102, that if you do enough good works, you're going to make it to heaven.
So, let me just tell you something. If Jesus Christ is God in flesh, and he is God in flesh, and he became one of us under the law,
Galatians 4, 4, and, of course, he never sinned, and he bore our sin in his body, he did two things.
It's called active and passive obedience. Active and passive. Active obedience is he did everything that the law required perfectly because he's
God in flesh. Perfectly in his intention, his hearts, his words, perfectly every second.
You and I could probably last two, three milliseconds. Okay? And so, he did perfectly for his entire life.
All right? That means he did everything right. That's his active obedience. His passive obedience is he let them take him to the cross.
They put him on the cross. They put nails into his wrist. It wasn't here in his hand. That's not it. It was his wrist.
They considered it part of the hand. And they nailed him. Okay? And he went to the cross, and then our sin was imputed or reckoned to him on the cross.
He died with a sin. Now, is there anything we can add to that? No. We've got nothing to add to that.
Because to say, well, I've got to do something else. I've got to add something to that. Is to insult
God, who became one of us, never sinned, did everything perfectly, then bore all of our sin that is body on the cross, 1
Peter 2 .24. To say, oh, we're saved by grace through faith after all we can do.
Or we obtain salvation through faith, baptism, and the observance of the commandments. Let me give you an illustration.
Have you heard me talk about the cross, Christ is there, the hill, and crawling up to it? Have you heard me talk about that?
No, I have not. Imagine this. The cross is up there, and the
Lord is there. And his blood is dripping out of his back. Out of his wrists.
Out of his mouth, probably from when he was beaten. Beard ripped from his face. Feet pierced.
And he's still alive. And that crucifixion is a horrendous way to die. I could give more details about it.
The blood is dripping down onto the ground. Mixed with the filth on the ground. And a
Christian, a true Christian, is crawling up to that cross. But he won't look up.
He won't look. He's not worthy to look at that cross. And he approaches so far, and his face is to the ground.
Tears dropping. This is the place of redemption. But he hears from one side, he hears noise.
There's another man crawling on his hands and his knees. And he's crawling with his face down.
He's also weeping. And he crawls and he passes up this first man. And he crawls up to the cross.
And he takes out of his pocket a list of his deeds. His baptism. His communion.
Helping the lady cross the street. Keeping the commandments. Not lying. All the stuff he's done.
And he takes the little thing and he tacks it onto the cross. And he humbly backs away. And what he's hoping is that God himself will accept him into the kingdom.
Based on what Christ did. And what he did. That's the height of arrogance.
It's the height of foolishness. Because all the false religions. And I've been studying this since 1980.
All the false religions in the world. Add works to salvation. It's Jesus and something.
They don't realize that he's God in flesh. He is the truth. He is the one who did it all.
He did everything. Are you going to say I've got to add to that? Well, we can't go out and sin, can we?
Well, no. We're not supposed to. We're to show him we love him. Absolutely. But those things don't judge us for salvation.
They judge us for rewards or loss of rewards. What does Catholicism say? You obtain salvation through faith, baptism, and the observance of the commandments.
So you observe the commandments to be saved. That's what Catholicism teaches. That's a damnable heresy.
It'll get you to hell. And the reason is because it's crawling up to the cross and listing what you have done.
And saying God will forgive me based on what Christ did and what
I've done. This is our cat. Is that Kittler? No, this is not Kittler. We put him down.
This is Flopper. He's a Russian Maine Coon. He's 20 pounds.
He's only two and a half years old. He's still growing. He's massive.
And he likes this. He likes to be held upside down. And you see how big he is. I'll tell you some more here in a second.
Look at this. Look at that. Look how big he is. And I'm six feet tall when
I stand up. So, yeah, we're going to put a saddle on him and see if we can pull the car out of the mud with him.
So we'll see. So this is why Catholicism is false among many things.
And here's how it works in Catholicism. People don't know. At your baptism, all of your original sin is washed away.
Okay? Then you have all almost hurt him. You have, okay, this is
Catholic theology. I have an article written on this fully documented from Catholic sources. So at baptism, all of your original sin is removed.
If you died right there, you go to heaven. But if you look across the aisle and you go, man, she is fine.
Okay, you just lost a little bit of the grace that's infused into your soul, which is paragraph 1999. Grace is like a substance infused into your soul.
Okay, well, that's a heresy itself. So it's infused into you. Well, you just lost a little bit of your grace.
Then you die. Now you've got to go to purgatory. You've got to do some suffering and be made worthy to be with God.
Okay, so you look at her and you go, I shouldn't have looked at her. I thought what I thought. I shouldn't have done that. And so you go to the priest, right?
Okay, do the five Hail Marys, do the jumping jacks, do whatever you've got to do. And the grace of God will be re -infused into your soul.
So you've got to get that grace because the grace is like a substance. It comes from God through the authority of the Catholic Church by the priest who has that authority.
And then by that, that's how you get grace re -infused. Take the Eucharist. You've got to do the mass. You've got to do penance.
You've got to do this. You've got to do that. Ding, ding, ding, ding. So grace is something that's like a commodity that you then obtain through the sacramental sacramental systems called sacerdotalism through the sacramental system of the
Roman Catholic Church. So you can what happens is you want your grace 100%.
But if it's down a little bit because you sinned and you die, you go to purgatory. And if you go down far enough, you can lose your salvation.
So you've got to go back to the church and it keeps you in the graces of God by its authority.
So that's how salvation is wrought in Roman Catholicism through works.
So many times I've said to the Catholics so many times after we're talking about this and I'll say, so do you believe that we're saved by grace after everything you can do?
Yeah. I just quoted the Book of Mormon to you. And Mormonism teaches God came from another planet.
He has a goddess wife. They have sex in heaven, make spirit babies. Seriously. That's no joke. Okay. So they teach.
All right. And that's that. Now, I'm going to set you up for a fall. Can I set you up?
Yeah, go ahead. Okay. Ready? All right. So paragraph 972.
All right. 972. I've got this in my notes on Catholicism, which is 177 pages.
All right. When speaking of the church, her origin, mission and destiny, we conclude that there's no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary.
There's no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary regarding the church's origin, destiny and mission.
Okay. No better way to conclude. I will get to that. Here it is.
After speaking of the church, her origin, mission and destiny, we can find no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary.
Now, the Catholic Catechism has called the Neolobestat and the Imprimatur stands of approval that it's official doctrine and it can be taught to all
Catholics. So I ask Catholics, I say, do you agree with that statement? You can find no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary.
They go, that's true. I said, what about Jesus? Well, you see, you know, you can look in the text there.
On the right, it says private chat. Oh, but wait, there's more.
Okay. I'll read this. I'll give you a bunch of stuff here. All right.
So what I'll do is I'll put this quote in there and hopefully it'll all go in there.
See the quote? See it in there? Yeah. Okay. Christ alone truly offered the sacrifice of atonement on the cross.
Now, there's about four or five sentences between this. There's just not really necessary stuff.
I just put this in for the shortness. You can see where it is. You can go look. In the power of the grace of redemption merited by Christ, Mary, by her spiritual entering into the sacrifice of her divine son for men, made atonement for the sins of man.
What do you think of that? And Charlie put the link into the page and you can go see the whole context.
You can check it out on the CARM website. I mean, on the surface, clearly it would, you know, like everybody talks about the whole like Mariology thing and that, yeah, that would point that out.
What is, I'm just curious, what is the fundamentals of Catholic dogma? Like who is Ludwig Bott?
He is, it's a book that is sold in Catholic bookstores and it has the
Neolobostat and the Imprimatur, which means it's been approved by I think a bishop and nothing in it contradicts
Catholic theology and it can be taught in Catholic churches. Yeah, it's approved by the teaching magisterium as authoritative.
Okay. Want some more? Sure. Okay. All right.
So I like to do these. I mean, I could do so many things, so many things. It depends on how much you want. Okay. So.
I just want your most compelling argument. Oh, there's more. I'll tell you what I'll do. Let me do this.
Before I get to that, I'll do this. Okay. Oh, look at that.
Mary is full of grace. We'll get into that one. Let's go into Mary not being subject to corruption.
I asked Catholics, can you show me that in scripture? And they can't. That's a big discussion.
So, how about this one? You can look in the text. Okay.
By asking Mary to pray for us, we acknowledge ourselves to be poor sinners and address ourselves to the mother of mercy, the all holy one.
Now Mary's the mother of mercy, the all holy one? Really?
How about this? It was she, the second Eve, who freed from sin, original or personal, and always more intimately united with her son, offered him on gold
Gotha to the eternal father for the children of Adam. So she offered him as if she's offering a sacrifice so he can look to Mary now.
That's a lie. It was a sacrifice offered by God. Okay.
Here's another one. The liturgical feasts dedicated to the mother of God and Mary in prayer such as a rosary, an epitome of the whole gospel, express a devotion to Mary.
It's not an epitome of the whole gospel. Check this out.
Another one. Holy Mary, mother of God, we can entrust all our cares and petitions to her.
She prays for us as she prayed for herself. Let it be to me according to your word.
By entrusting ourselves to her prayer, we abandon ourselves to the will of God together with her thy will be done.
Okay. There's more. Okay. Here's another one.
Mary is the perfect prayer, a figure of the church. When we pray to her, we are adhering with her in the plan or to the plan of the father.
You're praying to Mary, right? Okay. Now, there's some questions to ask.
So Mary, I ask this of Catholics all the time in chat rooms. I say, can she hear the prayers of people?
Yes. Can she hear millions of prayers? Yes. Can she hear millions of prayers simultaneously?
Yes. Spoken and thought? Yes. In different languages? Yes. Does she know the intentions of their hearts so she knows how to answer the prayer properly?
Yes. It's idolatry. Catholics all over.
Oh, yeah. She can hear millions of prayers simultaneously, spoken, thought, different languages all over the world, know the intentions of their hearts.
They're attributing to her qualities of God. Okay. Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Okay. I have a question for you. I got more. I can show you. Yep. Just like in your framework of Christianity, specifically with that last one, what do you think would be feasible?
In your opinion, do you think Mary could hear prayers from heaven or anything at all?
Let me explain something. Okay. Coffee cup.
It has a nature as an ontos. Ontology is a study of the nature of something.
This cannot be my cell phone. The natures are different.
Right? They're different natures. All right. You and I are human and we have certain abilities.
We can run. We can tumble. We can swim. We breathe. We can think.
We can speak. We are in one place at a time. It's our nature. We can't be everywhere all at once because that's not our nature.
The properties that we have exist because of the consistent property.
The properties are relative to the nature. They emanate from the nature. So what the nature is declares what the properties are.
So the properties of this cup has density. Mass has circularity.
Dried coffee in it. It has volume. Things like this and color.
This particular cup. So the properties are related to the ontos. All right.
A human being has an ontological nature. A nature in essence. And we know that what a human cannot be is everywhere all the time.
We know a human being cannot hear millions of prayers simultaneously. Those are the thoughts of other people all at once.
It doesn't happen to us. We don't have that ability. But suddenly Mary's in heaven and now she can.
But if she was the same sinless individual on earth as in heaven, why the change?
What changed in her nature that now the properties are now exorbitant and amplified?
Well, the Catholics will tell me God gave her the ability. So if he said to me,
I'm going to give you the ability to be the moon. I can't be the moon.
Because the moon and my nature are not the same. And one nature cannot become the nature of something else without the nature ceasing.
There is no continuity. It does not work. But suddenly Mary has this ability to be able to hear millions of prayers simultaneously.
Spoken thought, different languages all over the world and know the intentions of people's hearts. What human being can do that besides the
Lord Jesus Christ and the reason he can do that? Because he's both God and man. And the attributes of his divinity are attributed to the one person of Christ.
And that's called the communicatio idiomatum. The communication of the properties of both natures ascribed to the single person.
That belongs to Christ alone. Now what's happening is Mary has this attribution as well. But she's not divine.
Well, then why does she have divine attributes? Because the properties of being able to access prayers of millions of people simultaneously is a divine quality.
Well, it's like the Eucharist. The sacrifice is the presence of God. So it's a non -bloody sacrifice.
How do you have a non -bloody sacrifice? How do you have the blood of Christ be there without it being bloody? How do you have water being there without something being wet?
That's the nature of it. They hide behind mysticism and irrationality.
And so with Mary, she is the supreme minister of the distribution of graces.
Jesus sitteth at the right hand of the majesty on high. Mary sitteth at the right hand of her son.
This is idolatry. It just is. It's idolatry. Here's another one.
There's that. Okay. She's the supreme minister to distribution of graces. What?
She's the one who distributes grace? Are you kidding? Now she has to be the one who tells, who administers
God's grace to each individual accordingly. And how about this one?
Okay. How about this? Mary has by grace been exalted above all angels and men to a place second only to her son.
This mother is waiting and preparing your home for you. Handbook for Today's Catholic, page 31, says that.
Jesus is the one who's making a home for us, not Mary. Okay. Here's some more.
Oh, I hit that, but it didn't go in. Sorry about that. My bad. Okay. You can read that one. I thought
I hit the key, but I didn't. All right.
Here's another one. The Blessed Virgin is invoked in the church under the titles of advocate, helper, benefactrix, mediatrix.
Wow. And how about this? Mary is the mother of the members of Christ.
She's the queen over all things. Oh, I love this one.
This one's good. Mary, by her manifold intercession, continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation.
Okay. I mean, it's false. Okay. Who crushed the head of the serpent?
If you know the Bible, it's Jesus, right? Sure. All our hope do we repose in the most blessed virgin.
In the all fair and immaculate one. Hello? Gonna make sure my wife's okay and there's somebody else in the house.
You can see the text there. Give me a minute. That's what we're doing.
Okay. In the all fair and immaculate one who has crushed the poisonous head of the most cruel serpent and brought salvation to the world.
Is that what you believe? Is that what I believe? Yeah. I have to repose in the most blessed virgin.
This is the
Pope. This is the Pope speaking on a matter of faith and salvation. Yeah.
The Catholic Church I was brought up in at least said that Jesus was the one that brought salvation to the world.
I had some rather well -grounded priests and nuns in catechism class.
And you just said it was Jesus as well, Jeff. Yeah. So who is it?
Now Matt's back. We held the fort while you were gone. I was listening. Okay.
How about this one? I'll just throw another one out. You, Mary, conceived the living
God and by your prayers will deliver our souls from death. Wow. Okay.
So let me go into apparitions. I'll paste them in. I do six of these.
Three from Guadalupe in 1531 and three from Portugal in 1917.
These apparitions are stated to be officially really Mary. The Roman Catholic Church has said these are really
Mary. Officially really Mary. They've officially said we know we have authority.
That's really Mary. Okay. Three statements
I'm going to read from or I'll paste them in here. And here's the documentation so you can see this.
This is where I got it. I should check these to make sure the links are still there.
But this is where it's from originally. Okay. And the apparition said, know for sure my dearest littlest and youngest son that I am the perfect and ever virgin
Holy Mary. Okay. Then it goes on. A little bit later the apparition said this.
I am truly your merciful mother, yours and all the people who live united in this land and of all other people of different ancestries.
My lovers who love me, those who seek me, those who trust in me.
Here I will hear their weeping, their complaints, and heal all their sorrows, hardships, and sufferings.
Here's another one from the apparition in 1534. Am I not here,
I who am your mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy?
Are you not in the hollow of my mantle and the crossing of my arms? Do you need anything more?
Do you need anything more than Mary? That's what it said. The implication is no.
I'm all you need. What about Jesus, the Savior, God in flesh? This cannot be anything from God.
Because the apparition is speaking about itself. I'm going to paste something in here from scripture.
I don't know if it's going to format. It probably won't do a very good job. And it does nine of them.
I'll do nine and ten again. It did nine. This is what the scripture says.
That's the whole list I put in my notes. Jesus bears witness of himself. Jesus works bear witness of himself.
The father bears witness of Jesus. The Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus. The multitudes bear witness of Jesus.
The prophets bear witness of Jesus. The scriptures bear witness of Jesus. The father will honor us if we serve
Jesus. The father wants us to fellowship with Jesus. The father tells us to listen to Jesus. And what does the apparition say?
Sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say often to Jesus, especially when you make a sacrifice. Oh, Jesus, it is for the love of thee, for the conversion.
Oh, that's Fatima. Hold on. I'll get to that one later. Sorry. I messed up because I had to scroll down.
And so this is from Guadalupe. Am I not here? I am who your mother. Are you not under my shadow and protection?
Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle and the crossing of my arms?
Do you need anything more? There's no way that's from God. No way.
But wait, there's more. 1917, May 13th. Mary, supposedly, appeared and said, are you willing to offer yourselves to God to bear all the sufferings he wants to send you as an act of reparation for the sins by which he's offended and for the conversion of sinners?
Wait a minute. So now the apparition is telling these three children that they need to make a sacrifice for sins, the sins by which
God is offended. Jesus did that. Why is the apparition saying that they need to now do it?
Isn't the cross efficient? Nail the list. Nail that list of the cross. See what I can do?
All right. How about this one? So I wanted to talk to St.
Janice about this. Didn't want to talk about it. I don't know why. I will take
Jacinta and Francisco shortly, but you will stay here for some time to come. Jesus wants to use you to make me known and loved.
He wishes to establish a devotion to my immaculate heart throughout the world. I promise salvation to whoever embraces it.
These souls will be dear to God like flowers put by me to adorn his throne.
This should concern you. Jesus wants to make
Mary known? No. Jesus says, come to me, all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
That's what he says in Matthew 11, 28. Jesus says, I'm the way, the truth, and the life. Nobody comes to the
Father but by me, John 14, 6. John 14, 26. John 15, 26. The Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus.
Who's this apparition bearing witness of? Not Jesus. Therefore, it's not of God.
Here's the last one. And this one, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye.
Okay. Sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say often to Jesus, especially when you make a sacrifice.
Oh, Jesus, it is for the love of thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the immaculate heart of Mary.
Now you have to make sacrifices to atone for sins committed against Mary. Demons want sacrifices, adoration, and worship to them.
This is why I am so against Catholicism. We haven't even gotten into the salvation thing in depth.
Roman Catholicism teaches a false gospel and promotes idolatry. And it can't even tell the difference between a demonic manifestation.
You want to know why those demonic manifestations occur? Because the Roman Catholic Church is not
Christian. And because it promotes sorcery, it promotes occult practices.
Now I know because I was involved in the occult before I became a Christian. When you are praying to spirits, when you're doing rosary beads, when you're chanting repeatedly, when you're bowing before images and statues, these are all occult practices.
They open up the doors for the spiritual realm. And in the places where these happen, these happen because it was heavy
Catholicism at the time. Heavy. The doors were open. Demonic manifestations were able to get through and imitate things.
So you see, Catholicism teaches all that. But it can't get it right.
It doesn't know. Here, I'll show you this. This is from the article
I wrote. First, for salvation, God grants actual grace.
In fact, you can find the article for that and you can put it in there. But I have all the references. I have all the references.
God grants actual grace to a person which enables him to believe in Christ. Paragraph 2000. And also believe in the truth of the
Catholic Church. Paragraph 1814. Now you got to believe in the church. After belief, the person must be baptized, which is necessary for salvation.
Paragraph 1257. So I'm going to stop reading the references and just read you everything.
But I've got them in here. I've got like 20 references. After belief, the person must be baptized, which is necessary for salvation.
This baptism erases original sin, unites person with Christ, infuses grace into the person, and grants justification.
After baptism, he is saved. But to maintain his salvation, it is necessary for him to perform good works and participate in the sacraments which provide the grace that is quote, proper to each sacrament, close quote.
This is necessary in order to maintain infused grace. However, grace can be lessened by venial sins or completely lost by mortal sins.
Venial sins remove part of the infused grace, but not the saving grace known as sanctifying grace.
To remedy the problem of venial sins, the Catholic has to take the Eucharist, which the church teaches forgives venial sins.
He must also perform various penance, which must be done in concert with perfect contrition. But there's a problem.
Sins require punishment. Even though sins are absolved by a priest, the punishment due to a person because of his sin can remain.
To deal with that remaining punishment, indulgences are administered to deal with the punishment due to the guilt of the sins already forgiven.
These indulgences draw upon the good works of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of Christ and the saints so as to obtain the remission of the temporal punishment due for their sins.
Furthermore, indulgences can be applied to themselves or the dead who are in purgatory.
Now, in case the Catholic has committed a mortal sin, then all his infused grace is lost.
To regain this grace, he must partake in special penance since it helps to restore grace that was lost.
To conclude, the Roman Catholic must have faith, participate in the sacraments, take the Eucharist, keep the commandments, perform penance, and do indulgences in order to attain, maintain, and regain his salvation as well as reduce the punishment due to him for the sins by which he's all been forgiven.
Now I'm going to show you something in Scripture. Okay? I'll show you something in the
Word of God. Let's see if it'll all fit in here. Romans 4, 1 -5.
What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, has found?
For if Abraham was justified, look at that word, if he was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God.
But what does the Scripture say? Abraham believed God and it was credited him as righteousness.
Wait a minute. What was credited as righteousness? His belief. Paul says his belief is what was credited as righteousness, his belief.
Verse 4, not to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but what is due. Verse 5, but to the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness.
Now, logic. You have two things. Okay? You have my phone, you have my cup.
Let's take one of them away. The cup is by itself. It's alone, isn't it? Verse 5, the one who does not work, but believes.
You have works and faith. Does not work, but believes. That's faith alone.
But believes in him who justifies the ungodly. His faith is credited as righteousness.
Now, go back to verse 3. What does the scripture say? Abraham believed, past tense.
And it was credited, past tense, as him, to him as righteousness. That's before the law.
Now we're after the law. I'll show you something else in a minute. We're not under the law. I'll tell you why in a sec.
But to the one who does not work, but believes, present tense. In him who justifies, present tense, the ungodly.
His faith is, present tense, credited as righteousness. That's the truth.
That's the truth right there. Roman Catholic Church contradicts the scriptures, the word of God, teaches idolatry.
And anyone who believes in official Roman Catholic theology when they die are going to go to hell. That's what it is.
I can show you more if you want. In fact, I'll show you a little bit of something else. Well, I think
I'm going to go at maybe 730 soon. I've taken like screenshots of all this. Okay.
Take a screenshot of this as well. Okay. See if this will fit.
Or do you not know, brethren, I'm speaking to those who know the law, that the law has jurisdiction over a person as long as he lives.
But a married woman is bound by law to her husband while he's living. But if her husband dies, she's released from the law concerning her husband.
So then if while her husband is living, she is joined to another man, she shall be called an adulteress.
But if her husband dies, she's free from the law. When you die, you're not under the law anymore. Right? So it says, verse 4,
Therefore, my brethren, you are also made to die to the law through the body of Christ, so that you might be joined to another, to him who is raised from the dead, in order that you might bear fruit for God.
So you die to the law through the body of Christ. Right? Well, check this out.
This is Romans 6, 8. Oh, I should have gone with the other one. Even quicker.
Now, if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall always live with him. Romans 6, 6, Knowing this, that our old self was crucified with him.
Right? So people say, that's baptism. No, it's not.
Well, Romans 6 talks about baptism early on. That's right. When was Jesus crucified? 2 ,000 years ago. Notice what it says.
Romans 6, 6. Our old self was crucified with him. Is that baptism?
Nope. We died with him. When did he die? 2 ,000 years ago. This only works because of what's called election and predestination.
I can go on and teach and teach on this. And I do. That's what I'll do. I go into these rooms and I start talking like this.
And I start going in for an hour and I start presenting this. I go a little bit slower. And I present this stuff.
And the young men in there hear it. They take notes. 50, 60, 70 people in rooms at a time.
I know this stuff. The Roman Catholic Church is not a Christian church. Dead serious.
It is not a Christian church. If you die believing its doctrines, you're going to go to hell. Because you're not good enough.
But I'm not good enough. We're not good enough to earn any merit with God. We can't crawl up to the cross and tack on our list of good deeds that we've done.
Yeah, James 2. We'll go to James 2. Then it's justified by faith and not by works. Or by works and not by faith at all.
Alone, right? That's what the Bible says. James 2, 24. Right?
And they'll always do that. Because they want to do works. They want to say, look.
A man is justified by works and not by faith alone. Well, wait a minute. Why did Paul speak to the contrary? And what they'll do, they don't realize what they're doing.
I'll give them Romans 4. They give me this. They say, see? I go, wait a minute. Are you setting scripture against scripture?
They don't realize what they're doing. They reject what Paul says over in one place. They go with James because their church tells them to.
I'll show you something here. I'll put it in a couple of sections.
James 2, 14. The context. What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works, can that faith save him?
It's a dead faith. Right? If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, go in peace, be warmed, and be filled, and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?
Even so, faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself. We Christians who believe in faith alone in Christ don't teach a dead faith.
It's a faith that is true. And dare I progress or digress just a little bit, the faith that we have, check this out.
For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake. We believe because God granted that we believe.
And then there's this verse too. This is what Jesus said. Jesus answered and said to them, this is the work of God that you believe in him whom he has sent.
I ask Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox, is the faith that God grants to us that's in Jesus, is that enough to save us, to justify us?
Well, you've got to do good works. I didn't ask that. Is what God grants to us sufficient? Now let's go back to James.
Okay? Okay. Check this out.
Starting in verse 18. Remember, verse 17, so if faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.
But someone may well say, you have faith and I have works. Show me your faith without the works.
I will show you my faith by my works. That's the horizontal. That's between people.
You show me, I'll show you. That's called horizontal justification. It's not vertical justification, which is between God and man.
Vertical justification is spoken of in Romans 4, 1 through 5 and more. And it's vertical, between God and man.
That's why if you go scroll back up, it says, or do you not know, brethren? Excuse me.
What then shall we say that our father Abraham, according to the flesh, is found? For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about.
But not before God. That's saying it's a vertical. Justification that way isn't before God.
This is justification before people. That's the context. You believe, verse 19, you believe that God is one, you do well, that demons also believe and shudder.
James is talking about what true faith is. This is what we're talking about here is a difference between what's called ascension and fiducia.
Ascension is just mental ascent. Catholics like to say that we Protestants just have ascension. Oh, believe
God exists, it's God's sin. That's a misrepresentation because regeneration and faith are granted to us by God.
He causes us to be born again, 1 Peter 1, 3. We're born again, not of our own will,
John 1, 13. We're made new creatures, 2 Corinthians 5, 21. We're indwelt by the
Lord Jesus, John 14, 23. And God grants that we have faith, Philippians 1, 29, that faith is in Christ, John 6, 29.
God does it all. God does this. And so we believe in doing what's right.
I believe we're justified by faith alone and Christ alone. I don't go out lying and cheating and stealing because it's a sin against God and I'm not going to do it.
But the unbelievers will say, yeah, God exists, whatever, and they go out and sin. The devil believes that God exists and he still rebels.
It's called mental ascent, ascensia. Christians have fiducia, heartfelt trust in truth.
You believe that God is one, you do well, you know, in verse James 2, 19. The demons also believe and shudder.
But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless? Who's he talking to? God? No.
The people. It's horizontal. Was not Abraham, our father, justified by works when he offered up Isaac, his son, on the altar?
Before who? Before God? God knows. Did God not know what faith Abraham had since God granted him that faith?
Of course he did. You see, his faith was working with his works as a result of the work. Faith was perfected.
And we know about that. I can preach on that. I mean, you go through life and, man, you're having faith in God and you've got to go through struggles and it's perfected through what happens.
You can believe in him more. And the scripture is fulfilled, which says Abraham believed God and it was reckoned him as righteousness and he was called a friend of God.
You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. You see? The context is not about justification before God but before people.
The Roman Catholic Church has lied to you. And I haven't even gotten into the issue of the Eucharist and how it violates scripture.
It violates it flat out. And I show this to Catholics all the time. It's up to you.
I'll stay if you want. You can go. I'm not trying to, you know, hammer on you and all that kind of stuff because I can tell you're obviously highly intelligent because you're listening to me for this long.
I don't know about highly intelligent, but I don't know. I just like entertaining other ideas.
I don't know. You missed it. You could have done a double insult. No, I'm really stupid, which is why
I'm listening to you. That would have been to yourself and me. Teach you guys how to insult people.
Maybe I should listen to your show more, man. I don't know. I think you brought up some good points.
And I don't know. Whenever I hear, I guess, one expert or authority figure bring up good points,
I immediately try to find the counter examples or people who are more knowledgeable than me in the
Catholic Church. Maybe they can't argue against it. Over the summer, I had an internship in Minnesota.
And I was going to this Catholic Church. It was like this young adult thing. And I started asking the priest who was at this young adult thing every week.
I just asked him all these questions that I had after I debated with these two old guys who stood in front of the library in front of my university.
And I walked up to them. And I just started talking to them. And they were all about the
Bible and blah, blah, blah. I honestly don't remember what denomination they were in. They could have been Baptist. They could have been freaking anything.
I don't remember. But I walked up to these two guys, two old guys in front of the library.
And I asked them, why are you guys here? And we started talking. And after a few sentences, they proclaimed
I was spiritually dead. And they had all these reasons for it and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
So I was like, okay, cool. You think that. And then so fast forward to when I'm in my internship in Minnesota.
I freaking asked the priest all these questions. I just rattled them off. So I don't know. I think
I will take what I got here and try to see, okay, can
Catholics argue against it? And if it makes sense in my mind, would Catholics say against it?
And I'll be like, okay. Well, Catholicism makes less sense. What is that? Whoa.
They'll have answers. And then I answer those answers. Right. It's a never -ending battle.
Actually, there is a way to end it. And I'll show you how. I'll tell you what I tell a lot of Catholics. And I ask them very quickly.
I say this. Is Jesus God in flesh? Yes. Does he have all authority in heaven and earth?
Yes. Matthew 28, 18. Is it okay to pray to Jesus? Yes. Did Jesus require that?
Yes, he did. John 14, 14. Okay. Does Jesus forgive sins?
Yeah. Luke 5, 20, 7, 48. Okay. If you were to pray to Jesus and ask
Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins, will he? You're sincere.
You mean it. Will he forgive you? Mm -hmm. What would you say?
I mean, I think, according to the Roman Catholic Church, it would be like, well, if you just prayed on your own to Jesus and you're just like, oh, please forgive me, then it might not necessarily work like that because you have to go to confession to properly get rid of all your sins.
So Jesus isn't enough? You just ask Jesus? You're sincere. You mean it. You talk to the Lord Jesus, God in flesh.
Please forgive me. I'm guilty. You appeal to him. Right. Is that enough?
Well, whenever a Catholic goes into confession, right, isn't it?
I think I saw somewhere. He's confessing to Christ.
My gaps in knowledge. That's right. He's confessing to Christ through the authority and the office of the priest.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I was trying to say. And then the priest absolves him. And the priest absolves him.
Matthew 22, I mean, John 20, 23, Matthew 16, 18 and 19. Yeah, they referenced that.
And I can go, let's go look at those verses. We'll look at them. I mean, I'm not saying we do it right now, but I'm saying, yeah.
But I go back to this. I say, but Jesus is God in flesh. He forgives sins. Jesus has come to me.
So why would you need all the Catholic Church if Jesus is saying, come to me? Maybe it's because some people through history and through time invented something that is so corrupt that they can't tell when demons manifest because they don't know the truth of who
God is. And salvation is found in ritual, church membership, baptism, and commandments.
When Jesus said, come to me, all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11, 28.
Jesus forgives sins. You go to Jesus, you ask him to forgive you of your sins. He's enough. You can't walk up to the cross, crawl up to the cross, and nail your works to the cross.
It will not be accepted by God. In fact, if you were to go to Galatians chapter 5, Paul says, if you receive circumcision,
Christ will be of no benefit to you. You who are seeking to be justified by the law, by the works.
Because just one thing of what they would do under the law, just one. Paul says, you're seeking to be justified by the law.
He didn't say, I see what you're trying to do. You're trying to work it out together. You've got to work together and blend. He didn't say that. I'll read it to you really quickly.
You can hear what Paul the Apostle says. I want you to get this in your head. I don't want you to go to hell. Verse 3,
Galatians 5, 3 or 2. I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision,
Christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, he's under obligation to keep the whole law.
He said, you've been severed from Christ. Notice the pun, circumcision, severed from Christ.
You who are seeking to be justified by law. You just do one thing to make it right with God.
You're seeking to be justified by the law. He says, you've fallen from grace. Now, that's not the grace of salvation.
We can talk about that. But that's what's going on. If you believed the Bible, you wouldn't believe
Roman Catholicism. I listen to Roman Catholic radio a lot when I'm driving. And I yell politely.
I yell at the radio, you know, that's not right. And they'll say, they have radio days.
And they'll say, call up and tell us what's stopping you from joining the Roman Catholic Church or coming home to the
Roman Catholic Church. And I yell, I believe the Bible. Respectfully.
Yeah. I did call up once about five, six years ago. I called up. They put me on hold and told me,
I asked them, they said, what's your question? I said, this question. They said, when you ask your question, we're going to stop you from talking.
We're going to put you on hold. You can't respond. What? And then we'll let you respond a little bit later.
And so I did. Am I on? Okay. And they cut me off.
And they said, well, and the speaker, that's a difficult question. Well, blah, blah, blah. He doesn't know this.
He doesn't know that. Next caller. I know what questions to ask. Look. Jesus is
God in flesh. He did everything. It's man who adds works. It's man who does it.
Let me show you one more thing. I know you got to go. I'm not going to, you know, kill you here. I'm probably going home, man.
I thought Matt was nice. But, uh. No, Matt, I've always thought you're a jerk.
Good. That's good. That's good. That's good. See, God uses broken vessels and crack pots. So that's good.
So check this out. Notice what God says. He says, you shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven and earth above.
Let me put it both in. Let me put the context in. I'm going to show you something in here. You shall not have.
You shall not. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol or a likeness of what's in heaven above or on the earth beneath or the water under the earth.
You shall not worship them or serve them. For I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God. Okay. It goes on. Now, don't make any objects of heaven and earth that you would serve them and worship before them and things like that.
There's other places that talk about this, that you bow down before them. But notice what it says in verse four.
I'm going to show you something here. Catholics will say, but Matt, you don't understand. You understand.
People bow down before the Ark of the Covenant. They bow down before the serpent.
They looked upon the serpent in the wilderness. I said, God said, I said, yeah, I've learned this recently.
Praise God. That's what God commanded. Verse four says, you shall not make for yourself.
This is the work of man. They make for themselves idols, statues of Mary, of Jesus.
They bow down before them. That's never what God said to do. They use
God's proclamation. You do this. You make the Ark and my presence will be there.
And Joshua bowed down and, okay, got it. The presence of God is right there. See, Matt, we can do that with statues of Mary.
You shall not make for yourself an idol. Here's the thing about cults and false religions.
You're young. You have a chance of escaping it. But it's going to cost you. No, seriously.
To escape it. But it will cost you. Your friends, your family. It will cost you stuff. You got to know what you're getting into.
But there's a phenomenon called snapping in cult mentality. Happens in Protestantism, too, where you believe something.
You go, snap. And it's hard to get you out. I don't watch sports. That sports team is the greatest sports team that's ever lived.
You snap someplace back there. No, they suck. No, they're the best. Okay, people do that.
And so me, it was Black Sabbath was the best band in the world.
Black Sabbath, yeah. Back in the 70s. Okay. Love Black Sabbath. All right. You ever heard of them?
Oh, man, they were awesome. And then Zeppelin came along. Man, there was a few. Okay, anyway. So you see, the thing is we snap.
Don't do that. Look at God's word. And what the
Catholic Church will tell you is they'll say, well, God's word doesn't say.
It's the only infallible thing. We have sacred tradition. So I go to Genesis chapter three with them.
The serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field, which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, indeed, has
God said, you shall not eat from any tree of the garden. That was without being written.
That was scripture. It's the word of God. What's the first thing the devil does?
Doubts the word of God, the sufficiency of the word of God, the finality of God's word. First thing, attack the word of God.
What's the Catholic Church do? Well, you see, the Bible's good, but we have extra books.
And the magisterium tells you what to believe about it. We're the ones who gave you the Bible. We have the authority.
We'll tell you what it means. And then they contradict what it says. And all of a sudden now they're praying to Mary and apparitions are appearing.
Come to me. Do you need anything else? Because they took the rise off of God. Just like Eve did.
And let the fall through Adam. Okay. When I see you next,
I'm going to say, have you repented yet? I'm just warning you ahead of time. All right. You know,
Matt, I used to. Yeah, apologies.
I should have been more clear. I grew up going to both the
Lutheran church and the Catholic church because my mom is Lutheran. My dad's Catholic. So yeah, you're probably like very disappointed, but that was my life.
When I got to college, I was like, okay, well,
I don't really know which one I want to go into because obviously I don't,
I don't want to do both. It's just weird because I grew up doing that and like, it's not super fulfilling.
Honestly, I'd rather just stick to one and maybe get involved with the community there.
It's hard to do both. So I started off going to Lutheran church when
I first got into college and I was a, I was very pretty
Lutheran. And then, so the, I don't know the exact word for it, but do you know the, so like Lutheranism is a denomination, right?
But there's like the different like synods within it. Like there's Wisconsin synod and there's ELCA. I went to a
Lutheran college. Oh, great. Okay. Where at, by the way, was it, have you ever heard of Martin Luther college?
I probably have in the past. I went to Concordia university, which was Christ college, Irvine, Irvine, California.
And I went there. I took all the theology classes there. And so I know Lutheranism and some
Lutheran churches are pretty good. Some are, they suck canal water, just like some Presbyterians like that.
What do you think about the ELCA? They are as bad as good as a pound of animal crap.
Okay. So I went to church.
I grew up in ELCA and over the summer, actually,
I went to, I'd never been to a Wisconsin synod church in my life. Oh, they're narrow.
They are so narrow. How could you be saved?
It's like that. Go ahead. I'm sorry. I went in, I went into this Wisconsin synod church in the middle of nowhere,
Minnesota. And I went in after hours and I found the, I found the pastor there.
And he sat me down at his desk. He's like, Oh, Hey, you're new to this church. I don't recognize you.
Okay. Okay. Come to my office. And he starts pulling out all these books and all these papers and stuff.
And then I sit down at his desk and he pulls out this like pamphlet, hands it to me. He's like, okay. Turn to page three.
And he was like trying to go and convert me. And anyways, he started talking about the ELCA and he was like, yeah.
Have you heard about how the ELCA, I won't speak in like super theologically accurate terms.
It's promoting homosexuality, et cetera. That's what it does. Yeah. And they had this conference where they pretty much said, yeah, well, we don't know if Jesus is the one way to actually attain salvation.
You could be Jewish. You could be Muslim. And they invited all these Jewish and Muslim people to this conference.
So, yeah, I, I don't. It says ELCA really stands for evangelical Lutheran crap church of America.
Except he, that guy was calling it
ELCA for some reason. Anyways, I just don't want anything to do with fricking
ELCA. So for you, that's good. I started going a lot more to Catholic church because that's the other thing
I knew growing up. Well, I want to start a religion called slickism. You could be a convert.
Okay. I'll be the first. You have to have, there's a, there's a requirement.
You have to wear a white headband and you have to learn how to moonwalk backwards so that your head doesn't move up and down.
You got to go backwards. Oh, that's tough. That's spirituality. It's all about the good works.
Why not? More good works. Everybody loves good works. Everybody thinks that they can get themselves to heaven by their sincerity and God.
Yeah. The moonwalking is an important part of that. I can't get that going. I'm in trouble. I'm exempt.
Look. Yeah, but you know, I'd join your religion. I'd be a slick. You'd be a slick -ite.
I'm still trying to get my wife to join. She looks, she does this a lot around me. I don't know what, she's got these medical issues and that's another one.
She rubs her head? Yeah, she goes, but it was a frown. Like she has a bad headache. I'm like, what? She's around me a lot.
I just back away until it goes away. She gets better when I'm out of the room for some reason. She's got issues.
Well, I'll see if I can convert Luke. If Luke's an agnostic,
I can do this with him as far as logic goes and other issues. Universals, particulars, we can do all that.
Oh, yeah, sure. Sure, sure, sure. Yeah, when I first met Luke, I don't know.
Yeah, I didn't think he was religious at all. And he started talking about you. I was like, this guy listens to religious radio talk shows.
Okay. But, I mean, I don't mean to sound mean, but I think he'd be an easier convert than me to slickism.
Oh, he's smarter than you? No, he's dumber.
Because there's an open door. I had to step through that one. Okay. Well, look,
I gave you a lot of information. Go check it out. Just ask yourself, is the Catholic Church saving you or is it putting you in bondage?
Ask that question. And does Jesus do that? Does Jesus free you or does he put you under bondage?
Just think in those terms. I think the best point you made was like, I don't know, it was one of the last things you asked me.
It was like, if you just went and personally asked
Jesus for forgiveness, that was probably the point that spoke to me the most.
Because I think all the stuff with Mary, no offense,
I mean, some of it is like, oh, this is from the Pope. And with all the stuff with papal infallibility, it's a lot to unpack and pick apart and be like, okay, well, what do they mean by this and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
But a lot of it seems sort of like cherry picking documents and specific sections of paragraphs.
Go check it out. Yeah, but if I went into a Catholic Church and I was like, well, in this specific sentence, it says that Mary is the way to attain salvation.
Do you agree with that? And nobody would say yes. How do you know? Go try it.
I've been to a lot of masses in my life. Yeah. I can tell you why it's blasphemy.
Okay. Well, but point is, I don't know how many
Catholic masses services you've been to, but Mary isn't mentioned a lot.
I started hearing about the whole Maryology thing actually in college when I was like, looking into like, what should
I believe? And what's wrong with the Catholic Church? And most of the stuff I'd hear about Mary was from objectors to the
Catholic Church, not actually people within the Catholic Church. They didn't drink the Kool -Aid, that's why.
Yeah, I was raised Catholic and Mary is invoked nearly everywhere in the
Catholic Church. What Matt was showing you in some of the articles and documentation was what I had to reject as so much baggage had been put on my faith as a
Catholic that I couldn't tow that around. It's like towing an anchor, knowing that the teaching magisterium required you to recognize this as authoritative and free of error, free of doctrinal error.
I said, well, no, there's just too much error there. And it was taking my focus off of Christ precisely.
And when I dropped the baggage and could focus on Christ for everything,
I felt a great deal of relief in that sense while I was a
Catholic. Of course, after having done that and turned to Jesus for every one of my needs and looking at his word that where he invites me to come and ask him anything in his name, okay, ask of me, he says.
And when I started doing that, I said, you know what? I'm no longer going to be a faithful Catholic. I'm going to be a faithful Christian and precisely focus my attention on him and his work.
And so these things that draw your attention away from that are, in a spiritual sense, very unhealthy, in my view.
And you have to unsnap. You have to think through things. And the basics are this.
God's word's true. Right. This word's true. Here, let me put something in for you to think about.
You can look at this too. This is a verse that's very important.
It says, these things, brethren, I figuratively applied to myself and Apollos for your sakes, so that in us you may learn not to exceed what's written, so that no one of you become arrogant on behalf of one against the other.
Don't exceed what's written in the word of God. Hearing millions of prayers simultaneously, that's exceeding the word of God.
Adding words to salvation, it's exceeding the word of God. The Eucharist is the actual sacrifice of Christ represented.
And you're eating his actual body and blood. When Leviticus 1714 says, don't drink the blood of any flesh, don't.
They were under the law when that was given. But Jesus said it. What was he saying? There's all kinds of stuff.
Think about this too. This is not something you're going to hear from Protestants or Catholics.
Look at the if you go back now in modern culture because of roads, communications, economics, there's been a more of a blending of cultures and economics across countries.
So go back 100 years. If you don't live with a history, the Protestant countries versus the
Catholic countries. Overall, the Catholic countries were backward, full of superstition.
The Protestant ones were flourishing. And there's reasons for this. Because the
Protestant ethic puts you under the bondage of the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. You can't do anything unless the
Catholic Church tells you in Protestantism, which is just based on Scripture. You have what you own for the glory of God.
Go use it for his glory. Go. But Catholicism says we're the replacement of Christ.
They'll say they'd never replace Christ, but the church does, because there's no salvation outside the Catholic Church. There's no salvation outside the
Catholic Church, Trent said. Oh, I could tell you more and more and more.
Like I said, my notes are 177 pages. I've written about 150 articles on Catholicism.
Yeah. Well, you know, I have autism, right? Yeah, I actually learned that the other day.
I can't remember what I was listening to, but it was something with you.
I think me and Luke were just listening to it for fun. And you like just casually mentioned autism and ADHD or something.
Asperger's. Asperger's. I have Asperger's. So I told a friend of mine in seminary, I knew after I graduated,
I got diagnosed about 15 years ago. I said, dude, man, I got diagnosed with Asperger's.
And he said, dude, because his beef burgers are better. Awesome response.
Hey, this is starting to beep now, so I got to change my settings to the speakers. I don't know if you want to go or not, man.
I can still talk. I can tell you more stuff. Yeah, I think I do need to go. I'm going to go to Walmart.
I'm going to go Taco Bell. Got some errands. Ooh, Taco Bell. I like Taco Bell.
Taco Bell's good. I know a song about Taco Bell, but you wouldn't appreciate it, Matt. I saw you smile when he mentioned the
Eucharist being a blasphemy. I don't know if you were nervous when you did that or anything, but just so you know,
Matt meant it. He meant that he can defend that from the Bible, showing that the
Catholic Eucharist is completely against the Bible. I've got articles on it.
He wasn't making a joke. Can you hear me okay? This is the first time I'm using this new microphone.
Yeah, you're bolder. Yeah, you're bolder. We can definitely hear you. Yeah, you almost sound like you're trying to start a fight when you said, can you hear me?
It almost sounded like you were coming to a scrap or something. Well, how does it sound?
Does it sound good? Like you're in an empty room. Okay. Yeah, but it does sound bold.
Okay, good. But you can hear me, all right. Yeah. Now, Jeff is going, saying to himself, how do
I get out of here? You know, we don't want to gang up on you or anything like that, but we do care, and we do know people that were
Catholics that left it and are having very peaceful, very happy lives.
I had a friend who taught the catechism for 37 years in the Catholic Church, and she did leave it over this works thing, over paragraph 2068, in fact, which says we're saved by faith, baptism, and the keeping of the commandments.
I showed her consistently in the Bible that it says if you believe in being saved by your good works, you have severed yourself from Christ.
So that's one place where the church is teaching the opposite of what the Bible is teaching. Well, I'm glad you came in and visited us.
I hope you come back frequently, and even more than that, that you check out the documentation that we provide because it's all well researched, and we document things from primary source publications, publications from the church, not opinions that people have made up.
That's right. Go check it out because you cannot trust a guy named Slick. And CARM .org
is better than the radio show. It really is because you've got it all there, and they did give footnotes and all of that stuff so that you can do your homework.
So CARM .org is the real ministry, and this call -in show and everything is great, but we want people to go to CARM .org.
So if you haven't been there, please go there. Luke, you're next, buddy.
You're on the prayer list now. You're next, buddy. I'll tell him.
I'll let him know. I think Luke already left if I was watching the background.
I did hear some whimpering and crying as the door closed, so I don't know if that was Luke or not. Matt, your
Friday afternoons have been so great lately. Wow. Oh, yeah. Praise God.
Praise God. Well, hey, Jeff, look, you've been pretty cool. Seriously, I know you've got to go, and I'm keeping you later than you said you wanted to go, but contact us if you want and research stuff.
But the final authority is the Word of God, not the Catholic Church, not me. Just check out the Word of God and think about it.
Go to Jesus. It's all about Him. Go to Jesus. False religions put something between you and Jesus.
You have to go through them to get to Him. Jesus says, just come to me. It just comes down to that.
And if somebody or something puts something in front of that, just walk away.
It's just that simple. It's that simple. Okay? Go to Jesus.
You can pray to Him. You can ask Jesus to reveal the truth to you. You can ask Jesus to open the mind to understand
Scripture, which is what He does, Luke 24, 44, 45. Did you know He said that? He said, if you ask me anything in my name,
I will do it. That's John 14, 14. That's right. Ask me anything in my name. So you could go directly to Him and ask
Him in His name. So like when Matt brought up that question about whether He'll forgive you if you ask
Him, that's a real big question to ask yourself. Will Jesus keep His Word? Because He said, you ask me anything in my name,
I'll do it. I'm sorry,
Matt. I stole your thunder, Matt. I'm sorry. Perfect. Will Jesus keep
His Word? I love that. Is He going to do that? The Catholic Church says what? Well, yes, but there's more.
We'll tell you what it is. I've never had a Catholic tell me, if I go to Jesus directly and ask
Him to forgive me, He'll forgive me. Once they start saying yes to that, they never go to Mass again.
So there you go. Let Jesus do what He said. I ask
Him, if you pray, will He forgive you? All authority, everything. He says it.
Is He going to do what He says? The Catholic Church would imply and say, not really.
That's why you got to come to us. I like this guy because when the heat was turned up on me a little bit at his age,
I'd flee. You've been a good sport hanging in there. I appreciate that very much.
You're way ahead of where I was at your age. I just, I don't know. I like to admit that I know nothing.
So there's always two sides to everything. And if I listened to the first person
I heard, I would be an atheist right now. So... Oh, yeah. I don't know where you are of the book of Acts.
And there's a verse in chapter 17, verse 11, that talks about some people that Paul came across.
He just left a place called Thessalonica, Acts 17, 11.
And he came to these guys in Berea. And he said, these guys in Berea are more noble than the ones in Thessalonica.
Because when I came to them preaching, they checked the Scriptures daily to see whether or not what
I was saying was so. And so this is the kind of attitude that we encourage people to have is, there it is.
Yeah, it's posted in there. They were more noble minded than the Thessalonicans because they received the word with great eagerness and examine the
Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. So, yeah, that's one of the things we encourage everybody to do because we're not promoting these things or exposing these things to be mean or to make fun of or to degrade
Catholics. We're just seeing that there's definitely some terrible issues that just simply can't be reconciled when you act like a
Berean and see the word of God, whether or not those things are so. So it's none of our attempted correction or persuasion is met in any spirit, but that of love and graciousness.