The WORST “Christian” Response To Roe v Wade!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a biblical critique. In today's video, we're going to be talking about yet another horrendous response to the overturning of Roe v.
Wade from a Christian pastor. It will probably not surprise you to know that this particular pastor,
Mike Thomas, is the leader of Radiant Covenant Church, which is somehow labeled evangelical on their website.
This is one of the most shocking clips I've seen to date, especially with regards to the recent Supreme Court decision.
Watch this. I submit to you that my Bible teaches me, Isaiah, that God is pro -life.
He says, I'll come that you may have life and have it more abundantly. But if I could rock your theological noodle,
I submit to you that my Bible teaches me that God is pro -choice also. How could you say that?
He said, choose ye this day whom you will serve. The Old Testament says,
I have set before you life and death. Therefore, I'm not going to legislate the answer for you.
Therefore, choose life that both you, oh, I wish
I had some Bible readers in the building, you and your descendants may live.
What's ironic to me here is that this pastor, towards the end of the clip, says, quote, I wish
I had some Bible readers in the building today. The problem with this is that if there were any people comparing their
Bible reading to what he just said, they would be leaving the building. This is one of the most unbiblical statements
I've ever heard from the pulpit, and that's saying something on this channel. Let's compare it to Scripture.
First, he says that God is pro -life, and that is very true. John 10 .10 does indeed say the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
I, Jesus, come that you may have life and have it abundantly, end quote. This part is well -spoken and biblically accurate.
But the following statement is where the wheels fall off and the car goes off the cliff. He then says that God is also pro -choice.
And even more bizarre than this is that he uses a passage ripped out of its context horribly to defend this idea of God being pro -choice.
Deuteronomy 30 .19. It says this, quote, I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse.
Therefore choose life that you and your offspring may live, end quote. Remember to catch that last part of the passage.
This choice being spoken of leads to you and your offspring living. So I'm sure you're all seeing how ridiculous this actually is.
The pro -choice movement this man is referencing will find no support in the passage he uses.
The choice being championed by the modern political left will literally lead to your offspring being dead.
By contrast, the choice being referred to in the passage here in Deuteronomy will lead to your offspring living.
The passage says that. Last time I checked, killing babies is the opposite of having your offspring live.
For this so -called pastor to say that God is pro -choice with reference to the recent Dobbs decision by the
Supreme Court, this is blasphemy and absolutely horrifying. If you are a genuine
Bible -believing Christian and you attend this man's church or a church like it, you need to leave immediately.
If this is the kind of teaching you're going to receive on a weekly basis, you will be at best spiritually emaciated, or at worst, you will be led into rank heresy.
And neither of those is a very good option. So you need to get out. Romans 16, 17 commands us to mark and avoid those who teach falsely.
And passages like Titus 1 -9 command pastors to, quote, hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he might be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also rebuke those who contradict it, end quote.
And I truly wish I could say the false teaching ends here, but unfortunately it does not. The issue in this so -called sermon is political idolatry and the distinct lack of a comprehensive biblical worldview.
In fact, that's almost always the issue these days. Watch the second part of the clip again and you'll see exactly what
I mean. Check it out. The Old Testament says, I have set before you life and death.
Therefore, I'm not going to legislate the answer for you. Therefore, choose. So here
Mike says this, quote, I have set before you life and death. Therefore, I'm not going to legislate the answer for you, end quote.
Now this latter part of the statement, as you might expect, is not in the passage at all. The passage in Deuteronomy 30 -19, which we just read, again, says absolutely nothing of the sort.
He is adding his own words to Scripture in order to hypothetically prove his unbiblical point.
And you know it's unbiblical because he doesn't find any biblical support for it to the point that he has to use his own opinion instead of Scripture.
And more than this, he is inserting his own opinion alongside Scripture. This will make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for most of his congregation to sort out which parts of his words are in the
Bible and which parts of his words are not. Meanwhile, in 2 Timothy 4 -2, Paul tells
Pastor Timothy to, quote, preach the word. He wasn't worried about Timothy preaching his own political opinions and shoehorning secular culture into his teaching to make it more relatable or relevant.
No, he simply says to preach the word. After all, there's nothing that could be more relevant than the word of God.
If that was followed here in the clip and in this church, it would have saved everyone a lot of trouble. Again, the passage did not say that God would not legislate the answer for you.
It never said that. In fact, the irony here is that Deuteronomy is a book of the law. So this pastor is saying that God doesn't legislate the answer as he is in the midst of reading and quoting from a book of the
Bible that was literally written for the express purpose of legislating answers. Deuteronomy 4 -1 says this, quote,
And now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and rules that I am teaching you, and do them that you may live, end quote.
So Deuteronomy, the book which apparently says we won't get answers legislated for us, says that it is full of statutes and rules.
Another word for this would be legislation. And by the way, let's take a look at what this book of legislation, or book of the law, if you prefer that, says with regards to the issue at hand, shall we?
Deuteronomy 5 -17. It says, quote, So while this pastor says that God does not legislate the answer for you, there
God is anyway, legislating the answer for you. Mike says that God is pro -choice.
God tells us in His Word that He is most definitely not. Mike also tells us that God does not legislate morality for us.
Yet there is God's law written in large part to accomplish that very purpose. Choose this day who you will believe,
Pastor Mike Thomas or the Word of the Living God. It should be an easy answer. In short, here's the summary.
Pastor Mike of Radiant Church is not preaching the truth of God's Word here. He's distorting God's Word actively and intentionally because he's conforming his perspective to the whims of the secular culture.
The Word of God is unashamedly pro -life, but the world hates that. And therefore, pastors in churches like the one you just saw have to change and manipulate
God's Word in order to appease the world. James 4 -4 deals with this issue simply when it says, quote,
Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. End quote.
We must not let the fear of man dictate to us the commands of God. That is for God's Word to decide.
This is false teaching. And this pastor, as well as any teacher who agrees with him, should be marked and avoided.
We must do this out of love for God, love for the church, and even love for these false teachers themselves.
And stay tuned, because we're going to have a part two coming out tomorrow where we'll talk about some of Mike's lesser -known statements in that video.
These statements flew under the radar for the most part on Christian YouTube, but they are just as damaging as the rest of the clip.
So you're not going to want to miss this next video where we compare the rest of his perspective to Scripture. And I pray this has been a blessing to you.
Please know this. I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for Mike Thomas, that he would stop this dangerous false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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